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Wk5 DQ1:

Upon coming to this week of sociology session, we understood sociology depicts the

disciplinary values in the society in both micro as well as macro level. Sociology examines on

diverse social perspectives and helps address social issues. Sociology allows people to learn and

appreciate society and to eliminate social biases. Different philosophers and scholars aim to

interlink the principles of society and research interaction culture.

Accordingly, sociological concepts that we learned from the subject build up and thereby

could be useful in CLA2 are illustrated and discussed below:

 The sociological perspective: This concept of the sociology is very first and broad

concept that enhances the social point of view on individual and society through its

perspectives. Defining the social context upon human behavior, this concept helps in

understanding thereby behavioral social structures. Different theories are thereby

important to include in CLA2 mentioned in this course curriculum, such as class conflict,

distinguish social behaviors, and so on.

 Theoretical perspectives in Sociology: These are general statements or claims presented

by different sociologists to define how different aspects of the world fit and work

collectively. Mainly, three of those theories define the collective social behaviors;

symbolic interactionism, functional analysis and conflict theory. Each theory explains

human behavior in different ways and the social operations as well.

 Socialization and social interaction: Theses aspects of sociology handles or expresses the

behaviors of group of people or individuals with common characteristics and their

definite behavior and social interactions. For instance, we have acknowledged the

socialization and social interaction of isolated children, institutionalized children and

feral children. Upon these acknowledgments, we understood that there are different ways

and behavior that individual tend to adapt to the society with their own point of views and


 Social groups and formal organization: This concept people, objects or events that

acquire similar characteristics. Basically, in sociological perspective, we can categorize

our groups into primary. Secondary, reference, social networks, and in and out groups.

With all those groups we could resonate with some, while those we do not fit ourselves to

are the out groups.

 Social control and stratification: This concept of sociology defines the hierarchical ability

of some group or part of the society upon the socially disabled groups. For instance, Max

weber characterized bureaucracies as one of the such social control over the society. In

accordance to the sociological perspective, social groups forms or have determined social

norms that the member of those group must follow those sanctions. Similarly,

stratification defines the category or layers of categories of people based on their relative

prestige, power and property. (Henslin, 2017).

Findings and conclusion of PA1 and CLA1:

For PA1, we acknowledged a movie’s plots and scenes to illustrate it with one of the

perspectives of sociology. Thereby, I related the movie ‘Apollo 13’ with interactionist or

symbolic interactionism. In simple words, As NASA attempted the moon expedition, three of its

crew communicate with each other, and back on earth in the Houston region, transmitting their

message and signals, with an emphasis on relationships that demonstratively represent and

represent symbolic interactionism.

Accordingly, CLA1 covered social identification of myself. I comprehensively identified

agents of socialization that have influenced me to structure my social behaviors and create my

social perspective accordingly. Quick debate and distinctions on various social classes and effect

on personal actions and recognition of groups inside and beyond groups are recognized. In the

end, I could list some social instances that associated me with stereotypes (over-simplified

judgment) and thereby social deviance occurred to me.

Placeholders for materials not yet covered

To conclude, above illustrated concepts of sociology are to be comprehensively discussed

in the CLA2. The subject build-up yet to be covered will be as well included such as race,

ethnicity, gender, culture and religious norms and values, through sociological point of view.

Moreover, family, education and marriage will be acknowledged in accordance to conduct the

comprehensive evaluation on social views and illustrations in the CLA2.


Henslin, J. (2017). Essentials of Sociology, A Down-to-Earth Approach (Twelfth ed.). Boston:

Pearson Education.

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