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There has been an argument regarding the issue of whether children should learn to

manage money to become financially responsible adults. Some people insist that this is
unnecessary as managing money as an adult is completely different from this. From my
perspective, however, learning how to deal with money from a young age is crucial. In this essay, I
will present two reasons to substantiate my point of view.

To begin with, children can learn the basic principles of money. Generally speaking,
everyone living in the 21st century will all make monetary interactions within the society. As the
concept of money is the same no matter what the amount is, the experience will benefit children.
My personal experience can attest to this. When I was four years old, my mother first taught me
the concept of money by using model coins. Whenever I behaved well, I received a golden coin
that I could use to purchase candy, fruit, and time to play games around the house. Playing
computer games was the most expensive activity I could purchase so I learned the concept of
saving at this age. I realized that in order to purchase something that satisfies me the most, I
need resist the temptation of using money immediately. The lesson lived on throughout my years.
I was never involved in shoplifting in my entire life, and though I am only in my 20’s, I have
already accumulated a million dollars from proper investment and saving. This is why I highly
recommend other parents do the same.

On top of that, parents can spot potential spending problems their children may have.
We all know for a fact some people are especially spoiled in terms of making purchases.
Generally, those from rich families or those who gained an enormous fortune in a short period of
time suffer from this kind of issue. If they had learnt how to wisely manage their money, none of
this would happen. Take for example, Paris Hilton. The Hilton family is an extraordinary well-off
family, owning one of the biggest hotel brands across the globe. Due to their vast riches, they
gave unlimited allowance for some of their family members, and one of those was Paris Hilton.
She became an uncontrollable spoiled child because of her parents’ decision, and even today, her
legacy lives on. Once every few months, magazines and newspaper editorials discuss her
extravagant and promiscuous lifestyle full of shopping, drugs, and sex. The most infamous quote
from Paris Hilton was, “I never wear the same clothes again, no matter what.” If her parents had
taught her some manners and valuable life lessons when she was young, I am absolutely certain
she would have turned out to be a respectful, educated woman in charge of parts of her family

To sum up, my stance is that everyone must learn to handle money from an early age to
become financially responsible in the future. This is because they can learn the principles of
monetary interactions and fix improper spending habits.

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