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1. Sultan hasanuddin was a hero from…..

South sulawesi

South sumatra

South java

South kalimantan

2. The inventor of radio was…………

Ibnu sina

Nadiem makarimwest java

Guglielmo marconi

The wright brothers

3. Who is the heroine that was bron in jepara

M. Hatta

Bung tomo

R.A. Kartini

Cut nyak dien

4. The national hero from kalimantan is…


Prince diponegoro

Prince antasari

Tuanku imam bonjol

5. Tuanku imam bonjol is from…………

West java

West sumatra

West kalimantan

West sulawesi

6. Who is she………..

She is Megawati

She is R.A. Kartini

She is. Rd. Dewi sartika

She is fatmawati

7. Ibnu sina is the inventor of………

Theory crack

Medical science

Formula of E=MC2

A transportatition network company

8. The inventor of a transportations network in indonesia is………….

Nadiem makarim

Jack ma

Mark zukerberg

Alexander graham bell

9. The parts of speech are opening, content and…….





10. The inventor of telephone is…………

Alexander graham bell

Albert einstein

Nadiem makarim

Guglielmo marconi

11. The indonesia’s first president was………


B.J Habibie

Moh. Hatta

Ir. Soekarno

12. Bung tomo was a hero from……………




13. The founder of facebook is…………

Jack ma

Mark zuckerberg

Neil armstrong

Charles babbage

The founder of Go-jek is………..

Nadiem makarim


B.J Habibie

Ir. Soekarno

14. Susilo bambang yudhoyono is the indonesia’s …………..president





15. The inventor of airplane is……….

The wright brothers


Nadiem makarim

Guglielmo marconi

Greatest - ? – is – hero – who – your

The correct arrangement is…………

Who is your greatest hero?

Who is your hero greatest?

Who is greatest hero your?

Who is greatest your hero?

My favorite inventor is…………

Thomas alva edison

Nadeim makrim

B.J habibie

M. hatta

16. Who is he?

He is M. hatta

He is Ir. Soekarno

He is Tuanku imam bonjol

He is Ir. juanda

17. Who is she?

raden dewi sartika

Cut nyak dien

R.A kartini

Cut mutia

Who is he?

He is M. hatta

He is Ir. Soekarno

He is Kkapiten patimura

He is Ir. juanda

18. Who is she?

She is raden dewi sartika

Cut nyak dien

R.A kartini

Cut mutia

19. Wo is he?

He is M. hatta

He is Ir. Soekarno

He is Kkapiten patimura

He is K.H Hasyim Asy’ari

20. Who is he?

He is M. hatta

He is Bung tomo

He is Kkapiten patimura

He is K.H Hasyim Asy’ari

Who is he?

He is charles babbage

He is afafndi

He is james watt

He is albert einstein

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