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Paint me a Picture

Taking photographs has never been more convenient today than how it used to be-
that sometimes we do not take enough moment to appreciate its entirety. We take
and save photos so we can be reminded of the things and experiences that has
molded us. It is a tangible proof of our pains and victories. It serves as inspiration
to strive further in the future.

Good stories come from memorable life experiences. They are written,
photographed and are collected into albums. Good stories become great ones when
they are told and when they inspire.

It has not been my skill to draw. When I was at school, I struggle when we are
asked to. I thought I draw the worst picture in class no matter how hard I try. I
ponder, I overthink. It is in those times that I create situations, I create pictures for
myself. Pictures I envision my future to be. Together, let us document our
sunshines into pictures. I may have not been the best at sketching I always wanted
to be but sure I create the best picture there is. And the picture has never been
clearer since you came!

doy, 5-18-22

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