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Table of Contents
Mission and Vision of Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya…….
Foundational Principles of Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya…..1.3.
Academic handbook
2.1. Introduction…….
2 2. Programmes offered…..
Academic Calendar……
Contact Hours…
Modes of Delivery….
University Commission Units (ECUA-CU)...
Units Required for Graduation……
University Academic Writing Policy….
Language Inclusivity on Gender….
Class Times and Timetable…..
Other Learning Resources and Textbooks……


Admission to the University…..
Types of Admission……
University registration……


Guidelines for Assessment….
Marking Symbols and Values…..
University Examinations……


Academic Honours…
Academic Integrity…..
Academic period of trial/Probation….
Academic Discontinuity…..


Directed Study….
Distance Learning……
Cross Registration…..
Repeated Units…..
Auditing United……
Withdrawal from the University……


Requirements for Completion of Programmes…..
Programme Duration…..
Declaration of Intent of Graduate….
Classification of the Award…..
Completion of the Programme…..

Code of Conduct Agreement…..
Key Beliefs of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God (Manual).......
Standards for Conduct…….

Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya (ECUA-K), originates from Evangel Christian University of
America in Louisiana USA and is a Bible based training university. It is our desire that a student receives a
solid strong academic foundation and background. Our purpose, goal and objective, is to raise productive
persons through education, who are able to impart the society with positive contributions for enlightenment.
The academic handbook outlines Christian principles together with University guidelines and regulations
based on those principles. The guidelines outlined in the Pentecostal Assemblies of God are compatible with
the principles and guidelines in this handbook. The students expectations, well outlined in this handbook, are
inline with the obligation of the students during the effect of this handbook edition.
The University regulations are reviewed continuously by the university administrative authorities. The
university is able to change, to amend, to add or vary the regulations at any time without notice because the
university reserves the rights to. Such alteration shall be made through official online version of the handbook
and may also be posted on the bulletin boards, announced in official meetings, or during chapel sessions
within an academic calendar year. Once upon publication in the website and or notification given on the
university campus, the changes become effective.
The academic handbook explains procedures and policies that guide students and university human resource
personnel to be thorough and competed in academic activities of the Evangel Christian University of America
- Kenya.
Every student is required to read the academic handbook, the code of conduct,and to understand the protocols
of ECUA-K without ignorance. Abuse of the aforementioned will lead to facing the Academic boards, the
disciplinary committees, or even the vice chancellor.
The authority of the university rules and policies is final and no student has the right to be against the rules and
policies. Not even agitation of the same.
The admission of a student at ECUA-K is a choice of the student, and it isn't a path to disobey rules,
regulations and policies. After signing the code of conduct of Evangel Christian University of America-
Kenya, it is binding for every student.
Every student at the time of admission to ECUA-K, is supposed to be given a copy of student handbook and a
copy of an academic handbook; which contain policies and guidelines, which are binding.


1. Mission and Vision and Vision of Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya.
To be a generational university, for individuals desiring Christ-focused academic competence,
excellence and transformational leadership.
Through use of modern technology; to provide a holistic education that equips individuals with
excellent skills, competences and Christian values.
Lead the way for competence and excellence to impact humanity.

To develop academicians with a religious dynamic growth mindset.

Core Values
Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya, is founded on the same principles, that is to say the
development of students in a strong spiritual environment. ECUA-K offers a well-rounded, holistic
education to help members establish themselves in the University’s core values.
● Consistency and Competence.
● Professionalism.
● Transparency.
● Ethical and Empathy.
● Teamwork.
● Accountability
● Integrity and Honesty
These core values guide the behavior and form the basis of the Evangel Christian University of
America - Kenya.

Foundational Principles of Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya

The basis for the lifestyle principles and spiritual convictions that govern the University community is
contained in the beliefs, core values, Covenant of Christian Character and Covenant of Christian
Conduct of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God Church. These four statements are available in the
Manual of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God Church, and also available in the University Library,
where Students have access at all times for information and benefit.

Pentecostal Assemblies of God Church belief


Members of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God shall subscribe to the following fundamental beliefs:

1. God is the author of all truths; Bible speaks truth when it touches on matters pertaining to nature,
history, or anything else.
2. As Christ is God and man in one person, so Scripture is, indivisibly, God’s Word in human language

3. The Bible is inspired by God and is' the only infallible and authoritative word of God, the only
rule for Christian faith arid conduct:

4. The normative authority of Holy Scripture is the authority of God himself, and is attested by Jesus
Christ, the Lord of the Church

5. There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the
Holy Spirit.

6. The deity and humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His bodily
resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His personal future return to earth in
power and glory to rule over the nations;

7. The universal sinfulness and guilt of human nature since the fall,
rendering man powerless and subject to God's wrath and condemnation.

8. The Bible’s own interpretation of itself is always correct, never deviating from, but rather
elucidating, the single meaning of the inspired text.

9. The only means of salvation is by grace; a turning to God in

repentance, and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; and that this results in
regeneration by the Holy Spirit.

10. The redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross provides healing in the human body in
answer to the prayer of faith.

11. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the outward evidence of speaking in tongues according to Acts
2 is given to believers who meet God's condition for receiving.

12. The sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling

theChristian is enabled to live a holy life.

13. The resurrection of the saved and the lost, the one to everlasting life and the other to everlasting
Pentecostal Assemblies of God Church Core Values
Christian people
As members of the Church and body of Christ, we join with all true believers in proclaiming the
Lordship of Jesus Christ and in embracing the historic Trinitarian creedal statements of Christian faith.
We value.

Holiness people
God is holy, calls us to holy and live a life of holiness. Holiness, in the life of Christians, is most
clearly understood as Christ like.

Mission Oriented
Christ said in Mathew 28:18-20; "Go ye". Responding to this call of Christ and empowered by the
Holy Spirit to go into all the world, to share the gospel of Christ and participating with God in the
building of His Church and the expansion of His kingdom (Matthew 28:19-20; 2 Corinthians 6:1). Our
main mission is in: -
● Worship,
● Ministering to the world in evangelism and good works,
● Encouraging believers to grow to Christian maturity by way of discipleship, and
● Prepares women and men for Christian service by Christian education.

Human sexuality
The Pentecostal Assemblies of God (PAG) Church, views human sexuality as one expression of
holiness and beauty that God the Created. Sexuality misses its purpose when cheapened by using
another person to satisfy pornographic or distorted evil ways of sexual interests. Outside the covenant
of heterosexual marriage, sex is viewed as sinful distortions of the holiness and beauty that God
intended for it. Homosexuality, (Sodomy, gay, lesbianism) are some of the means by which human
sexuality is perverted among others.
University Position on Public Worship and Individual Belief
The Pentecostal Assemblies of God - Kiligoris (PAG - Kiligoris) is a Protestant Church. In addition to
respect for the Covenant of Christian Character and of Christian Conduct of the PAG Church, students
are expected not to speak against the theology or teachings of the PAG Church. Any student's spiritual
convictions will be treated with respect; no denomination or spiritual communion shall be treated with
disrespect or dishonor. The theology of the PAG Church, however, is the spiritual standard for public
worship at Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya.

Approval of Religious Groups Meeting on ECUA-K Campus

Approval for any religious groups meeting on ECUA-K campuses is to be done through the Office of


In the University's handbook, when ‘student’ is mentioned, it carries the meaning of any person,
formally admitted to any of our courses of study, in any mode of study within ECUA-K.
Chapel Service Policy, Chapel times
and service attendance
For different modes of study, chapel service is held as follows;
1. Traditional students – two days in a week.
2. Evening students – two days in a week.
3. Online students - as shall be scheduled.

The chapel schedule shall be communicated at each ECUA-K campus, when every trimester is

Policy on Attendance
Attending chapel services, shall always be discussed in the Office of the Chaplain and attendance is
mandatory for all students. Prior permission for any absences, shall be sought from the Office of the
Monitoring Chapel service and Attendance
Punctuality is mandatory in attendance for all students, at all times and they shall be marked by a
student’s physical presence either at the beginning or at the end of every chapel service. Absence from
chapel will be accepted only with a good and reasonable, valid and signed excuse from the Office of
the Chaplain. No students will be allowed to leave campus or to be in their rooms during chapel
service, without a written permission or a signed excuse from the Office of the Chaplain. Failure to
comply, a student will be subjected to disciplinary action by a respective committee. Chapel services
are provided at all the University campuses, both physically and online. From time to time the service
can be streamlined to the virtual centers. Students should consult with the University student council
about the programs at all times.
Holiness Season
There will be a holiness time/season at the beginning of every trimester: a time of renewal and
challenge, for the entire ECUA-K family with special emphasis on the holiness message of the Church
and the impact that Christ can have on one’s individual life. The services shall be held each day of the
week and attendance is just like any other chapel service for the students.

Sunday Observance (The sacred day)

Sunday is a day of rest, physically, spiritually and emotionally, given by God to humanity as a real
blessed day; Students are exhorted to observe Sunday church attendance wherever they are, on campus
and outside. This day should be kept with sanctity, it is a sacred day; it is the Lord’s Day.
Auxiliary Activities
There are other separate student-led spiritual activities available for interested members of the ECUA-K
family which include, but not limited to:
1. Christian Union,
2. Sisters fellowships,
3. Brothers fellowships,
4. Choir and gospel singers
5. Bible study and groups.
These will lead to personal interaction, encouragement and answering of common questions, which
can be answered through different personal experiences, skills , abilities and attributes as they share.

A Places of Worship

ECUA-K is purely a Christian university and therefore only provides places of worship for Christian
Religious sector. In case of students of any other religion, the expectation is to make for their own
private arrangements, not inside, but outside of the university premises.

The Office of the Chaplain is in charge of all student’s spiritual affairs,

Spiritual guidance, Counseling and Prayer
The Office of The Chaplain is a place for spiritual guidance, counsel and prayer. Trained
ministers/counselors are available and on call. These ministers can also advise and make referrals with
other professional counselors within the ECUA-K community and counseling psychologists fraternity.
Students are urged to make use of these free resources, regardless of the need. All matters between
students and counselors will be kept strictly confidential and ethical, as observed in code of conduct.

Professionalism in counseling is available at ECUA-K. Students are encouraged to make use of this
free service at all times. All new students should meet with counselors for adjustment, guidance and
goal focussing purposes. Another reason that should compel a student to visit the counseling office, is
in case of poor performance - especially if a student is on the probation list or has been unable to
maintain a preferred GPA. Other factors for seeking professional counseling services include, but are
not limited to, personal development, mentorship, life coaching and other life challenges.
Spiritual counsel for our students is available at all times. The Office of the Chaplain has trained
ministers continually on call as well as contacts with other professional counselors, within the ECUA-
K community. Students are urged to make use of this free resource regardless of the need.
Confidentiality is part of service.
Social Life
ECUA-K is an educational institution where wholesome association is of importance and is
encouraged. A rapport between men and women as equal members of a Christian based intellectual
community is most desirable. Such relationships, however, must be consistent with the spirit and letter
of the University policies, rules and regulations.

Rules and Regulations Governing Organization, Conduct and Discipline of Students

Every large organization needs rules and regulations in order to ensure its running. The ECUA-K
Council has formulated these rules and regulations, which have been kept and governed to the
minimum, necessary for harmonious and peaceful coexistence life at the University.
In summary, our regulations are planted strongly on three foundational principles and legal frameworks:

1. 'God's moral law'. For example, cheating in an exam is a form of stealing and extramarital
sex is fornication and adultery. The Scripture profoundly forbids immoral acts such as murder,
extramarital sex, and stealing.
● Constitution. (Law of the land).
● There are criminal and civil law as presented in the constitution, laws, by-laws and regulations.
For example, possession and use of illegal drugs are civil offenses.
● Judgments and prudence about certain practices, beliefs or behaviors.
For example, we have policies governing the residence hall, physical wellbeing, general
campus behavior among others. These rules and regulations shall be applied to all students
indiscriminately at all times and shall be effective as long as a student is validly enrolled,
during vacation, holiday periods, and on or off campus.
TAKE NOTE THAT: Nothing in these regulations and policies, shall preclude the University from
requiring any student to execute any bond, assurance or undertaking to be of good conduct, throughout
his/her stay at the ECUA-K University.
Clubs and Other Student Organizations
Each club must officially register with the Dean of Students’ Office. This requires approval of the
club’s constitution by the appropriate university authority. Permission for any student gathering other
than the meetings of the regular clubs must be obtained from the Dean of Students well in advance of
its announcement to the student body. Club meetings may not take place without the knowledge and
permission of the patron. Every club organization must have a member of staff as advisor/patron. At
the beginning of every trimester or session, every club should file with the Dean of Students’ Office a
schedule of their intended activities and programs. At the end of every trimester or session clubs must
file a report of their activities including any funds raised and how such funds may have been utilized.
All student organizations, including the Student Council, will operate according to the principles
contained in the Code of Conduct and the Student Handbook. No activity or meeting that contravenes
the general rules of the PAG Church Manual, the Code of Conduct, or the Student Handbook is
permitted. The activities and programs of all campus clubs and organizations, including those of the
Student Council, require the approval of a duly constituted meeting of the organization, with a quorum
of voting members present. All decisions must be submitted for approval by the Dean of Students.

Student Office Qualifications ( To be elected)

Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya is an institution sponsored by the Pentecostal
Assemblies of God Church. The standards set for leadership in this University are not the standards of
a secular culture. They are standards held in common with other PAG universities.
1. Students holding club or committee offices must maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 2.5
and above which must be maintained while in office.
2. Students on either academic or non-academic disciplinary probation cannot hold any student
3. Students holding leadership positions must adhere to the principles and policies of Pentecostal
Assemblies of God Church, as guided by the Manual of the Church of PAG, the Student
Handbook and the Code of Conduct.
In addition to provisions of the Constitution of Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya
Students’ Organization (ECUA-KSO), students seeking to serve in the Student Council should have
the following qualifications:
● A cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.8 and above which must
be maintained through the term of service;
● Peer counselor training, student mentoring training, or foundational
leadership training;
● High moral rectitude and integrity with no record of violation of
University rules and regulations; and
● Demonstration of the core values of the University, on and off the campus.

IMPORTANT: Due to the dynamic nature of the students and student leadership whenever
necessary the Vice Chancellor will appoint a committee to review these qualifications.
Lost and Found
All items found, and all inquiries regarding lost items (including money), should be directed to the
Office of the Security Officer. The University will not be responsible for items (including money)
misplaced on campus. Items not claimed within a trimester will be disposed at the discretion of the

Posting of Placards and Signs

Students are permitted to post for general display only those signs bearing the signatures of the
appropriate faculty, patron, and/or the Dean of Students. Any posters/signs without the appropriate
stamp or signatures are not allowed on the notice boards. Signs are to be posted only on the bulletin
boards provided for that purpose. No signs are allowed on walls. Any signs found on walls or without
the appropriate signature will be pulled down and the concerned person or club will face disciplinary
Campus Facilities
While on campus, students are reminded that all campus facilities that are for common use are to be
shared. University facilities use must be consistent with the laid down policy and procedure and must
reflect a culture of responsibility and stewardship. Ideally, the University would like all the students to
benefit from the organized University activities during the daytime and in the evening. When
accommodation is available, the University may require that certain students, or all students, be
resident on campus. The University will use its own discretion regarding the provision of transport,
including a transport fee schedule.
Photography, Videographer and Publications
Occasionally, the university will use a student’s voice, name, image and or likeness in films, photos
and tapes for use in all media including advertisements. By registering as a student at Evangel
Christian University of America - Kenya, you consent to your voice, name, and/or likeness being used,
without compensation, in films, photos and tapes for use in any and all media, including commercial
purposes whether now known or hereafter devised, for eternity, and you release ECUA-K from any
liability whatsoever of any nature. ECUA-K, owns all the rights for works created within the
institution and or at its events and will not transfer or sell your content to any third party except by
permission. ECUA-K will only use this content for its related activities and communication.

Campus Life Affirmations Evangel

Christian University of America -
a. We will support and cooperate with all local, county and national governance
establishments, the appertaining laws and ordinances and enforcement
mechanisms and authorities.
b. We will uphold and observe high standards of good public manners.
c. Our relationship with the Church of the Nazarene and fully supports the principles
and standards set forth by the Church concerning human conduct and the
principle of holy living.

Organization of Students
● Students’ organization shall be established in each campus of ECUA-K in accordance with the
University statutes and approved Students’ Organization constitution. The objective and
purpose of the organization shall be to:
1. Promote the social and academic welfare of the students in the Campus;
2. Develop and promote unity and cooperation amongst students;
3. Oversee and plan, in consultation with the Senate, students’ activities for
the promotion of academic, spiritual, moral and harmonious communal
life and social wellbeing of all the students;
4. Draw to the attention of the appropriate authority where necessary, special
needs from particular students;
5. Offer suggestions to the Senate, or its equivalent, on matters affecting the
well- being of the students; and,
6. Undertake such other functions as provided in its governing instrument as
approved by the Council.
● All students’ clubs, societies and organizations operating within the University shall be
approved and registered by the Dean of Students’ Office as per the provisions of ECUA-K
Clubs and Societies Policy.
● Any organizations of student shall reflect the vision, mission, core values and the Christian
standards of the University

The Code of Conduct

All students shall conduct themselves in a manner, that is according to the highest standards of
integrity, personal discipline, honesty and morality, accountability , transparency and in particular
A. Respect and agree to the administration and academic procedures, policies, regulations and
structures established by ECUA-K for the control, governance and operations of the
B. Refrain from any misconduct, character or behavior that might bring the University or any
section of it to disrepute or public odium,
C. Conduct themselves in all public places with such decorum, humility, integrity and dignity that
befits their status as mature and responsible scholars.
General Conduct
Personal and Group Conduct

Disciplinary measures for any violation of the following prohibitions and restrictions, may result
in conduct probation, suspension, and dismissal from the ECUA-K and/or other action that the
University may deem appropriate in its discretion.
1. Deception to a University official, or staff, disrespect for those in authority, or failure to
cooperate with them or comply with any request from any University official is considered
a violation of school policy and regulation. Such behavior may result in suspension or
withdrawal from the study and University.
2. Students must abstain from drug abuse and controlled substances, alcoholic beverages, and
all forms of tobacco or hallucinogenic drugs; gambling; and immoral conduct. This policy
also pertains to locations outside campus and in private homes or rooms where these types
of activities take place. Students are not to attend bars, brothels, taverns, lounges, dance
clubs, local brewing places or nightclubs . Each student found in those scenes, will be held
responsible whether or not he or she has actually participated.
3. Theft, battle, assault, bribery, unlawful restraint, and any other activity that is defined as a
criminal act in the Kenyan Law are violations of University policy and are subject to penal
4. The University doesn't entertain any form of harassment and/or conduct that are
destructive or disruptive of campus activities or the functioning of the University. The
University is supporivethe of the rights of students to be free from harassment and/or
hazing in all forms. Harassing behavior includes, but is not limited to, physical, emotional,
phone, email or social media harassment; striking, laying hands upon, treating with
violence, or offering to do bodily harm to another person with intent to punish or injure
them; and other treatment of a tyrannical, anarchical, abusive, shameful, insulting or
humiliating nature.
5. Administration of unauthorized oaths,covenant initiations, illegal groups, by individual
students or any students’ clubs, societies, organizations is prohibited.
6. The University affirms the biblical teaching that sexual intimacy is to be shared as God’s
gift in the context of a committed marriage relationship between a man and a woman. As
members of a Christian community, we are admonished to totally avoid certain practices,
including, but not limited to, fornication, sexual promiscuity, adultery, pornography,
lesbianism gay, Sodomy, any form of sexual misconduct (including behaviors such as
voyeurism, indecent exposure, etc.) and other homosexual acts. Attitude of disdain or
disrespect toward University threshold standards will be subjected to disciplinary action.
a) Visitation in the residence hall rooms or outside campus residences of the opposite
sex is strongly prohibited. At no given time, is a member of the opposite sex
allowed to enter the hall ways or visit in the student rooms of a residence hall or
apartment designated as student housing.
b) The possession and storage of firearms of any kind, including, but not limited to,
any type of guns (Not licensed by government), pellet guns, airsoft guns, or any toy
gun which strongly resembles a real gun, or the possession or use of slingshots,
explosives of any kind, including fireworks, is forbidden. Additionally, large knives
and swords are not permitted on campus compound.
c) Tampering or mishandling fire fighting equipment, alarms, smoke detectors, or the
inappropriate use of the emergency services is a criminal offense and will be treated
as a serious disciplinary violation of the law. Refusal to evacuate a building or
comply with persons of authority during an emergency or when a fire alarm sounds
will also result in disciplinary action.
d) Unauthorized entry/access to buildings, departments or offices, the unauthorized
possession or use of a University key/s, the willful destruction of University
property, tampering with locks in student rooms and other areas, or altering
University keys are prohibited and will be treated as trespass.
e) In Hallways and stairwells are considered public areas, students are expected to
refrain from all forms of lewdness and misconduct.
f) Students will be held responsible for doing online postings (blogs, personal
websites, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube videos, live video streaming or recording,
hacking and any other social networking avenue) that indicate a violation of
University policy and regulations. Students are expected to represent themselves
with decorum, character, decency and integrity through all online postings.
g) Abuse of dining hall privileges is prohibited. This include; throwing food (indoors
and outdoors) or leaving dishes and cups on a table or counter.
h) All digital media programming shown and playback music in public areas must be
in compliance with the current University film policy and noise rules. The
University reserves the right to censor all uncensored programs.
i) In the use of social media, students must refrain from publishing information that is
in any way violative to any person or the University rules and regulations including
misrepresentation, misinterpretation and tilting of facts.
j) Dancing and music should be done within moral standards. Any, that detract from
spiritual growth and break down proper moral inhibitions and reserve should be
fully avoided. .
k) Sexual harassment of any manner or magnitude is highly prohibited.
l) Any other act that is criminal in nature or violates human rights.
a. The following are not permitted:
1. Removal of windows or window screens, glasses or dropping of objects from windows,
entrance or exit from the residence halls and apartments through windows, balconies or
unauthorized exits;
2. The wearing of any type of mask or facial covering, except for approved activities or during
3. Childcare to done only in residence halls;
4. Overnight visits by young children or by old aged, without permission;
5. Possession or display of obscene or suggestive posters, pictures, literature, videos, music,
computer software, fantasy or images not in harmony with the philosophy and goals of the
6. The use of profane, vulgar, cruel, abusive or insulting language;
7. Vandalism, selling, marketing or willful destruction of University property;
8. Unauthorized visit and entrance of University buildings or spaces.

b. The following are permitted with permission from the Dean of

Students’ Office and must be hosted by a club, group organization or
1. Activities including fundraising, parties, yard sales, solicitation or advertising;
2. Any form of rally, extravaganza or the distribution of materials;
3. Petitions or structured surveys;
4. Picnics and sporting on University property.

a. A married female student who becomes pregnant may choose to defer her studies, in case she
is unable to participate in or continue with academic activities effectively. Such a student is
advised to seek accommodation outside the campus if a border.
b. A student who breaches sexual conduct and becomes pregnant (or impregnates-in case of
male) will be subjected to disciplinary action according to regulations.

Social Gatherings, Events and Celebrations

Students who wish to hold special social gatherings, events or celebrations in the open space, within
the University compound must comply with the following regulations.
1. Must apply for permission which includes a list of the proposed guest(s), and their details,
which should receive the approval of the relevant Head of Department (H.O.D.) hosting the
event seven days before.
2. The activities must conform to acceptable Christian norms, values and practices and must
never adversely affect the privacy of people living in the neighborhood negatively.
3. During those gatherings or otherwise, music played must meet the university’s noise and other
Christian Standards not to affect neighborhood.
4. All forms of dancing and music that detract from spiritual growth, or tends to be more secular
and break down proper moral inhibitions and reserve should be avoided.
Dressing and Grooming Standards

Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya’s dress code is aimed at ensuring that the
community does not only reflect persons aspiring to be professionals, but also serves as a reflection of
modesty and decency as mirrored within a Christlike value system. Generally, ECUA-K dress code is
characterized by neatness, professionalism, appropriateness, modesty, decency and should at all times
reflect the dignity of the occasion regardless of cultural and traditional influence. In light of this, all
students are obligated to observe the following.

- Students will dress and groom in a manner appropriate to persons aspiring to be professionals
and of good example to others. Dress should be characterized by neatness, cleanliness, and
modesty, decency regardless of cultural and traditional influence or style. Clothing should
reflect the dignity of the occasion and theme for which it is worn.
- Attire and grooming which are not permitted include the following.


✔ Immodest attire,

✔ Personal appearance that draws undue, unwarranted attention to oneself,

✔ Low-cut garments, spaghetti straps, strapless tops, off the shoulder tops
and tank tops, tumbo cuts,
✔ Clothing that exposes any or some portion of the midriff area

✔ Skirts/dress which are short and short shorts,

✔ Attire with holes above the knees, or thighs

✔ Garments with lettering, phrases or pictures that are considered in poor

taste in mirror of Christianity,
✔ Swimming costume outside designated swimming areas

✔ All piercing jewelry with the exception of earrings and acceptable

✔ Form fitting apparels (such as tights, leggings, yoga pants, spandex, etc.)
worn as outerwear, simply tight wear..

✔ Clothing giving the appearance of being an undergarment, oversize or

even funny wear and worn as outer wear (i.e. camisoles)
✔ The wearing of hats/hoods during chapel service, classroom or offices.

✔ Night dresses in the public


✔ Immodest attire

✔ Personal appearance that draws undue, unwarranted, unworthy attention to

✔ Unkempt, shaggy hair

✔ Attire with holes above the knees or thighs

✔ Garments with lettering, phrases or pictures that are considered in poortaste and
not depicting Christian norms.
✔ All kinds of piercings

✔ Clothing giving the appearance of being an undergarment and worn as

outer wear, or undergarment only.
✔ The wearing of hats/hoods in chapel service, class or offices

✔ Any clothing exposing the side of the Torso

✔ Any sagging or dropping trousers

Special notes

✔ Shirts must be worn at all times, in a neat way, including in the

university playing fields
✔ Shoes or footwear must be worn at all times where appropriate. Athletes
have their exception because of training.
✔ Shorts and boxers may not be worn in chapel or in any classroom.

✔ Interpretation of the policies is the responsibility of university staff,

governance and faculty
✔ A student must display his/her student identity card at all times while on campus

All students are required to abide by all policies and regulations established by ECUA-K, throughout
their time of valid enrollment, including vacations and all break periods, both on and off campus.
Students who exhibit an inability to adjust to campus life expectations, may be subjected to
discontinuation from the University at the discretion of the Office of Student Development.
University Students Disciplinary Procedure
Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya is a Christian community and thus all are expected
to stand up and speak out against violations of University policies, procedures and Regulations. Any
infraction of the University rules should be brought to the knowledge and attention of the Dean of
Students, to the University administration or relevant members of the University staff. Subject to the
letter of interim Authority and the Statutes of the University, there shall be a Student’s disciplinary
Committee of the Senate to deal with students’ disciplinary matters. The following provisions shall
apply to all disciplinary actions taken against students in respect of disciplinary offense specified
Herein, whether such offenses are committed within or outside the University compound.
a. Disciplinary Authority

1. For the purposes of these regulations, the Vice Chancellor, acting on

behalf of the Council, has the disciplinary authority of the University
and may alter or add to the list of disciplinary offenses until such
ceases to have effect.
2. He/she or his/her designate may suspend any student suspected and
convicted of committing any disciplinary offense pending disciplinary
3. He/she may take any other measures necessary for the proper
operation of disciplinary procedures set out herein in the policies and

b. Disciplinary Offense
i. Any infringement, infraction, disregard or contempt of the provisions
herein shall constitute a disciplinary offense for which a disciplinary
action will be taken in accordance with laid down provisions,
procedures and regulations.
ii. With no preconception to the generality of the first beginning point
above, any act considered by the Vice Chancellor or the designated
University officers as an offense may be subjected to disciplinary
action, by the committee.
c. Hearing Procedures
i. The committee shall conduct its business as per the provisions of
ECUA - K, rules and statutes.
ii. The Committee is not a court and will not operate as a court in the
discharge of its duties and in case of a criminal nature offense..
iii. In execution of its duties, the committee will be at liberty to produce
evidence, as well as call in witnesses or a witness to substantiate the
iv. The accused student(s) or organization official(s) will be provided
with written notification of time, place and date of the hearing.
Sufficient notice is supposed to be defined at least five (5) working
days. The notice will include the charges that will be reviewed and
other pertinent issues or information about the hearing. An extension
may be requested within two (2) days of the receipt of the notice.
v. Upon request, the committee may allow the student to be accompanied
by a fellow ECUA-K student, not acting in legal capacity, including a
witness to appear before the panel.
vi. Since the university judicial system is quasi legal, people acting in the
capacity of mediators or lawyers will not be allowed to participate or
represent students in the hearing.
vii. The university reserves the right to review or not to, individuals
participating in the hearing procedures based upon their involvement
with the incident.
viii. Written testimony by the accused student(s) or witness(es) may be
presented to the Dean of Students not later than 48 hours (2 days)
before the hearing.
ix. Student witnesses may be subject to charges of dishonesty within the
university disciplinary system, if their testimony is deemed to be
intentionally inaccurate or false, knowingly.
x. Prospective witnesses, other than the accuser(s) and accused may, at
the discretion of the Disciplinary Committee, be excluded from the
hearing during the testimony of other witness for fair hearing.
xi. Any person, including the accused student(s), who disrupt(s) a
hearing, may be excluded from the proceedings, for disruptive
xii. The hearing will be conducted in a fair and impartial manner, though
strict rules of evidence do not apply in this.
xiii. The University judicial system is quasi-legal therefore no lawyers sit on its
panel, but mediators and negotiators can be allowed.
d. Disciplinary Action

Students or a group of students who violate the University Code of Conduct or the
regulations and principles are liable to disciplinary action that may result in one or
more of the following decisions or penalties:

□ Acquittal;

□ Verbal warning/reprimand;

□ A letter of Warning or reprimand;

□ Call for restitution/replacement/repayment, etc;

□ Suspension for a specified period of time;

□ Discontinuation;

□ Suspension and or revocation of group recognition.

Schedule of disciplinary actions on various violations will act as a guideline of a process, to ensure
consistency but not by itself determine the action taken for an offense. In arriving at the appropriate
disciplinary action, the Disciplinary Committee shall be at liberty to consider total conduct (past and
present) of the student within and outside the ECUA-K campus and not merely the immediate
circumstances or situation furnishing the reason for disciplinary action against him or her
The decision of the Disciplinary Committee shall not derogate the right of police, enforcement
agencies or any members of the public so entitled, to bring any action or to institute criminal or civil
proceedings in respect of the same state of facts against any student in a court of law, nor shall
anything herein preclude the state from taking any action which it may deem necessary against any
student in the interest of security and public order. The schedule here provided to guide the
disciplinary committee in its discretion in decision making is at its minimal and shall only serve as a
guideline for the purposes of ensuring consistency in handling cases of all types. It is however the role
of the committee to make a decision deemed appropriate, that is finally reached at.

Repeated offense - 1 Trimester Suspension
Failing to cooperate
Impersonation Suspension for one (1) Trimester
Forgery/document alteration Repeat - Suspension for two (2) years
Suspension for one (1) trimester
Alcoholic beverages use
Repeat - suspension for two (2) years
Repeat-Suspension for one (1) trimester
Conceiving/design/effect or participating
Suspension - 2 trimesters
in any activity aimed at disruption of
Repeat - Expulsion
peace in the university programs
Possession and use of illegal drugs, drug
Suspension - 2 trimesters
abuse and controlled substances use,
Repeat-suspension for two
including marijuana,
(2) years
cocaine, Shisha and all forms of tobacco
Possession of illegal weapons
Suspension or expulsion
Unauthorized absence at chapel service
- Suspension
Restitution and or suspension for
Theft, battery, assault, bribery and any one (1) trimester
criminal act under Kenyan Law or act Suspension for two (2)
or legal framework. trimesters
Repeat-Suspension for 3 years
Terrorism activities and association Expulsion.
Suspension for two (2) trimesters
Any harassing/bullying/maltreatment
Repeat suspension for two (2) years
Violation of University code of sexual
misconduct □ Warning.
□ Immodesty
□ Suspension for 2 trimesters.
□ Sexual immorality and
□ Expulsion.
□ Rape □ Suspension for 2 years.

□ Abortion

Malicious and willful damage of Replacement and or suspension for one (1)
University property or smuggling trimester
Breach of University code on use of Warning
public and social media including hacking Repeat-Suspension for two (2) trimesters
Breaching residential rules and regulations
Repeat-Suspension for one (1) trimester
Breach of University code on grooming Warning
and dressing threshold standards Repeat-Suspension for one (1) trimester
Breach of University code on social Warning
gatherings events and celebrations Repeat-Suspension for one (1) trimester


1. There shall be only two (2) warnings before next level action is considered.
2. All disciplinary cases shall be accompanied with counseling sessions before and after.
3. Criminal actions may be subjected to the criminal justice system, through the proper channels.
Any further repeat of the same or similar, shall lead to expulsion.

e. Appeal Procedure

A formal appeal of a decision reached by the student's disciplinary committee, must be made to the
Vice Chancellor or his/her designee in writing within five (5) working days of receipt of the outcome
of the hearing. Failure to submit the appeal in writing within the allotted time of five days, it will
render the original decision final and conclusive.
This procedure, like the university hearing procedures, provides for the internal resolutions of
disciplinary related incidents and is not a legal forum at all. Consequently, representation of parties by
legal counsel/s will not be allowed or permitted.
An appeal must be based upon one or more of the following conditions:
i. Errors in understanding and interpretation of provisions of the Code of Conduct;
ii. Evidence of the fact that, the student was denied fair hearing as enshrined
in the student handbook;
iii. New minimal and significant evidence, which could not have been
discovered by diligent preparation for presentation at the initial hearing, is
now made available; or
iv. Lack of substantial evidence in the records to support or show the outcome.

The Vice Chancellor will consider the appeal and based on its merit or demerit, make necessary
reviews or constitute an appeal committee to consider the case, whose decision shall be considered
final. Should a hearing be granted, then the student will receive notification of the time, venue and
date. The hearing may be informal, but a record or minutes of the proceedings will be taken.
The appeal body will respond in writing within seven (7) calendar days.

The appeal committee, may reject, amend or modify the action taken by the Disciplinary Committee.

f. Legal Proceedings
The provisions of these regulations and any decisions made by the disciplinary committee shall not
derogate the right of police, or any other individual or law enforcement agency, so entitled from taking
action, which they may deem necessary against any student in the interest of security and public order.

Student's Communication Protocol

Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya is committed to creating an open system where
students can relay information and receive feedback within the shortest reasonable time possible. As
much as the ECUA-K has adopted an open ended policy, students are encouraged not to report a
matter to a higher authority without exhausting all the options available at the most immediate contact
office or officer. The Dean of Students' Office will serve to consider all urgent as well as sensitive,
private or public matters affecting students. In order to ensure easiness in accessibility, some of the
staff in the office are resident within the University premises.

Interpretation and Responsibility

The Dean of Students is responsible for interpretation of the provisions of the Student’s guidelines, policies,
procedures and the code of conduct.
The Dean of Students is responsible for all matters pertaining
student welfare.
Holiday Periods
Only students who have permission to stay on campus during holiday periods between the trimesters
must pay for room and board for that period of time. Permission to stay over the holiday must be given
by the Office of the Dean of Students fourteen days (14) prior to the end of the trimester.

Accommodation and Hostel Services

ECUA-K has a variety of housing facilities ranging from single to a maximum of three people sharing
a room. The hostels are standardized, neat, modern, with art of the moment and well maintained to
offer a good living environment. Due to an increasing student numbers, the campus hostel facilities
may not be sufficient at all times, for all students. In such cases, we can agree with partners around the
campus to guarantee accommodation to students, within a negotiated price. We also endeavor to
ensure that during allocation of on campus priority is given to new students and especially those who
pay early.
Students’ rooms range from single occupancy to a maximum of three people sharing a room. All the
inside campus accommodations are modern and well maintained with hot showers with a modern
touch. Some of the rooms are "master ensuite" making the students’ stay on campus more comfortable.
During application, the students are issued with room booking forms, which must be fully filled. When
booking, the students choose their choice and preferred room. The bookings are processed and
feedback is given to students before the reporting day.
It is important to note: Allocation of rooms will be the prerogative and decision of the ECUA-K
through an officer. Once room allocations have been made, no changes or alterations are permitted
without the written permission of the appointed officer. Students who are not allocated on campus
accommodation are given available alternatives places and rooms from the private hostel providers
around the University.
Residential Rules and Regulations
a. Room Keys. Room keys are given out during check in of students at the
beginning of every trimester and remain the in custody of the individual
students concerned. Keys should be returned to the University officer in
charge at the end of every trimester. There is a fine for keys that are not
returned or lost. The amount of the fine will be at the discretion of ECUA-K,
which will be communicated from time to time.
b. Noise Level. The primary purpose of University life is progressive learning.
The student’s purpose, therefore, is to study and learn. For this purpose, a
conducive environment for study will be maintained within all buildings daily.
c. Radios, television sets, woofers, tape recorders, and all musical instruments
must be played at a low volume that does not disturb others in residence.
d. Insurance/Safety Concerns.
The safety of all students at ECUA-K is a University major priority.
Therefore, cooking and heating appliances, dangerous electric appliances and
weapons of all kinds are not permitted.
Dormitory Guests.
Day scholars or any other guest visiting the dormitories are to get permission from the office of the
Students’ Dean. A nightly fee will be applied as charges to guests staying overnight. Normal meal
charges must be paid by the student for any meals the guest eats in the dining hall.
a. Every guest must register at the gate as they enter the university for security
reasons and any one remaining must get a written permission from the Dean
of students.
b. For insurance and security reasons, these policies and regulations must be
strictly followed to the latter. Those offending Students, must be disciplined.
e. Dormitory Hours.
The dormitories close at 10:30 PM, at which time the doors are closed and
locked. Violation of dormitory closing time is a serious offense. Exceptions
must be addressed, accordingly through the office of the students' Dean.
f. Room and Furniture Care.

All students are responsible to keep their rooms clean, neat, attractive and
properly arranged. Sequential periodic room inspections shall be done. Nails
are not to be driven into the walls or furnishings, unless done by the campus
artisan; pictures are not to be posted on the room walls. Picture hooks with
adhesive backing are allowed to be used. Furniture should remain and be
maintained as it is in the room. No drawings or crafting should be done on the
walls; those who do so, will be charged the cost of repainting such walls.
No desks, chairs, boards, flip charts, tables, or any other campus furniture may be removed or moved
from campus buildings to be used inside or outside of dorms.
g. Room Courtesy.
No student should enter the room of other students without the permission of the occupants; it is a
violation of rules. Students should lock their rooms whenever they leave at all times.
It is the university expectations that at all times, students are to keep high levels and Standards of
cleanliness and tidiness
Campus Checkout.
The University needs to know the whereabouts of the students during an emergency and response
time. When students leave the campus, they must sign out at the Security at the gate at all times. When
they return, they must check in and sign again. Boarder students must be within the campus compound
at 10.00 PM. Check-in and check-out will not be allowed beyond 10:00 PM unless there is an
emergency. Students must always produce their Student Identification cards when requested.
NB: All other ECUA-K schedules remain as posted.
Students’ Campus Community Life and Activities
While on campus, a Christian lifestyle is expected of every person, associated with Evangel Christian
University of America - Kenya. Activities which are in conflict with the rules and spirit of the ECUA-
K will not be entertained. Where possible, students should work out problems amongst themselves in a
mature wise Christian manner. Conflicts between students may be mediated and resolved by the
Hostel Assistants, Student Council, Class Representatives, Team Captain, Peer Counselors,
Psychology Student or Student Mentors. Unresolved disagreements between students should be
discussed by the Chaplain or Dean of Students’ Office.
Students are urged to get involved and to participate in out-door sports and co curricular activities to
enhance their physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and psychosocial growth. The university is
endowed with several co curricular activities including sports, clubs, organizations and societies. There
are several active clubs in ECUA-K including Drama, Music/Choir, Gospel singers, Peer Counselors,
Skitters, Wildlife, Environmental, Peace and security, Christian Union, Red Cross, Marketing,
Compassionate Ministries, etc. (Have a look at the clubs and societies policy).
Furthermore, ECUA-K has several sporting disciplines that will play a big key role in keeping
students active, while at the same time creating an opportunity for students to further their sporting and
arts talents or career. These sports include soccer, basketball, netball, softball, skill drills, athletics,
badminton, volleyball, karate, rugby, taekwondo, etc. To support these facilities, the ECUA-K has a
variety of indoor and outdoor facilities. (See the Sports Policy).
Transport Service
Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya has a Transport Department. While using the
university transport, it is mandatory for all students to comply with the students transport policy, rules
and regulations, transport schedules and all other rules and regulations that are put in place.
Students Career Services
The university has a Students Career Services Office, whose responsibility and agenda is to support
students in their career growth. In doing this, the office helps students to develop employability skills/
internship/career pathways, attachment and entrepreneurial skills. Students are encouraged to make use
of this important and innovative service.
Security Services
ECUA-K is security cautious and has in place an elaborate security system including CCTV, system
monitoring, security protocols, guards, and armed police officers, among many other interventions. All
students are required and encouraged to comply with all security procedures while on campus.
ECUA-K International Students’ Services
All non-Kenyan students are required by law to obtain immigration documents from the respective
embassies, before enrolling for study in Kenya. This includes a valid passport with a current visa,
Kenya Pupils Pass, an Alien Certificate and a yellow fever Certificate. A multiple-entry pass is
required for those traveling home in the course of their study. Further information is available at the
Student Services Office and portal.
The University has designated staffs in the Dean of Students Office to follow up on the international
students' welfare. Furthermore, all international students are encouraged to participate in their
activities of interest and events of the Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya. International
Students Association (ECUA-KISA), which happens to be one of the avenues adopted to ensure that
the welfare of international students is well taken care of.
Health and Services Information
In case of sickness and health issues the university has a clinic and a pharmacy/chemist shop in the
The university also has a health and wellness office, where to report, equipped with first aid kits. This
facility is open to staff and students needing basic clinical and first aid services, at any time within the
specified time. It is always open from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. on all weekdays. It is closed during
weekends and public holidays, except on emergency.

Services Offered
At the ECUA-K main campus, the clinic offers the following services:

❖ Clinical diagnosis and treatment of common illnesses and sicknesses,

❖ Basic laboratory and kits tests,

❖ Minor surgical operation procedures,

❖ Preventive health care services; also health education,

❖ First aid and first aid kits to sports teams, and small injuries,

❖ HIV Testing and Counseling. (HTC),

❖ Counseling on other health and mental health related issues, and

❖ Ambulance services Providence.

Clinic Policies
1. In case of an emergency at night, weekends or public holiday, the student is to
alert the hostel assistant /security officer, who will arrange for medical staff to
attend to the sick student; emergency numbers are made available.
2. Students can also reach the residential clinician on the main campus at the
extension number given. If a student is ill and unable to visit the clinic, a visit by
the clinic staff can be requested or arranged through the hostel assistant/security
personnel. Student sick-off sheets from class, work or Chapel service, will only be
issued by the clinicians, when necessary to the registrar, lecturer, work supervisor
or Chaplain. This will be done only during the first day of treatment and not
thereafter. This will also include any exemptions from ECUA-K examinations and
3. All sick-off sheets and forms, from other clinics and hospitals must be first
confirmed to be authentic by the university clinic before they are forwarded to the
necessary authorities for not more than seventy two (72) hours of treatment.
4. In case of any hospital admissions, it is the responsibility of the student and/or
parent/guardian or caretaker to ensure the University clinic is notified within
seventy two (72) hours. A detailed medical report will then be required by the
university clinic on discharge for record, follow up and update.
5. Health services to students will be provided during holiday breaks or between
trimesters on a cash payment basis only, for those who remOn in the campus or
6. Chronic illness: like Diabetes, Hypertension, Epilepsy, Psychiatric cases, Chronic
Dermatological conditions, Gynecological problems, Chronic respiratory
problems (e.g Asthma, Bronchitis), etc, are not covered by the university clinic
services. Students who suffer from these chronic illnesses should arrange with
parents or guardians for prior medication and visits to their doctors or consultants
at their own expense.
7. The ECUA-K may ask for a mandatory medical checkup for all students or for
some specific students at any time as deemed necessary. The examination is for
the protection of both the students and the ECUA-K.
8. Distance learning and online students will be able to access services at the
university clinic on a cash basis payment basis only.

Payment of Health Services

a. Sick students from the university main campus whose illnesses cannot be
treated at the university clinic will be treated at an approved health facility on referral
by the ECUA-K clinic staff. The university will pay this bill up to only Ksh. 10,000
(Ten thousand) per student, per trimester. This applies to outpatient bills only.
b. The ECUA-K is not responsible for any medical costs incurred for inpatient
services with an exception of accident/s cases for which the policy below applies.
c. The university recommends that all Kenyan students privately purchase a
personal National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) cover that can be used when
hospital admission is required.
Group Accident Insurance
a. Regular day students who are fully registered and charged medical fees for the
trimester are already insured against accidents and injuries, which can lead to
temporary or permanent disability or death. This is a worldwide, 24-hour cover.
This policy has the following annual benefits:
Medical expenses arising from accident up to Kshs. 200,000
Artificial appliances Kshs.. 50,000
Accidental Dental Treatment Kshs. 10,000
Fatal accident Kshs. 200,000
Permanent Total Disablement Kshs. 200,000

Procedure for Reporting Accident Cases

b. A Student involved in an accident while on campus should report to the Main
Campus clinics within 24 hours for treatment and to complete the university provided,
Personal Accident Claim Form.
c. Those outside campus should seek medical treatment from a recognized hospital and
report the case to the University clinics within seventy two (72) hours. The Clinic
staff/s will advise the student/s on the claim procedures.
Important to note:

Injuries incurred from accidents involving motorcycles and ‘tuk-tuks’ are not part of the cover under
this policy, and therefore, students who decide to use these means of transport, do so at their own
choice and will bear the cost of any treatment for injuries incurred in the event of an accident.

Library and Information Services

Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya, provides library services on all campuses. All
ECUA-K registered students are entitled to library services as governed by policies, rules and
regulations contained in the library and information services guide issued during registration. More
information about the library is available from the ECUA-K Library Handbook which is accessible
from the library website-page.

The Library hours are posted at the respective ECUA-K campuses. Students are encouraged to use e-Learning
resources which are available round the clock every day.
Library Services
The library services offered include:

I. Lending of books, magazines and other information resources,

II. Reference or reader services,
III. Information literacy - which is taught as a unit within Communication
Skills Course,
IV. Selective information dissemination,
V. Current awareness and Sensitization services,
VI. Bibliographic and autobiography services
VII. Multimedia and digital Services

General Guidelines
a. To access the library services, every student should present his/her ECUA-K
identification card to the library security/service personnel at the entrance.
b. The same ECUA-K identity card is to be used for checking out on information
c. The University's Librarian may suspend from use, any person/student
breaking the library rules and regulations.
d. It is the responsibility of every student to make necessary plans concerning
their registration according to library rules and regulations contained in the
library handbook.
e. Students should keep their bags in the luggage space/shelf available at the
entrance of the library
Bookshop Services and Information
Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya provides bookshop services to the ECUA-K
community. The bookshop carries a wide variety of textbooks, magazines, journals, stationary and gift
items for sale.

Finance Services
Fee Payment Schedule
The balance after first payment will be as per the schedule given below:

2nd Installment 3rd Final

Regular, C/B student 6th week 10th week
Evening tutorial student 6th week 10th week
D/L- Holiday/Online Before final exam/s Not Applicable
Open & Distance
6th week 10th week
● Students paying by installments are not to be charged any interest on balance
if they pay in time.
● The University might require written commitment for the installment according to the
laid down policies.
Where a student fails to honor his/her installment as committed or fails to clear fees, the University
will take the following actions:
a. The student will be notified through a letter from the Registrar’s Office
withholding enrollment of him/her until proper payment or arrangement is
made with the Student Accounts Office.
b. The student will forfeit the rights and privileges of using tuition, meal cards,
classes, links, boarding and all other university facilities including sitting for
c. The student will not be allowed to get back into a unit after missing more
than 30% of class time within that trimester, semester, or session. Refund
schedule will always apply as indicated below;
d. Any student will not register for the current trimester unless the account for
the previous trimester is paid in full, settled and conditions for registration
for the current Trimester/session are met.
e. Any student will not be allowed to sit for end-of-trimester semester or
session exams with a fee balance.
f. Any results or transcript for the last trimester will not be issued until the
student's account has been paid in full.
g. Graduating students will not be allowed to participate in the graduation
exercise, ceremony and no certificate or official transcript/s will be released
to graduates unless fully cleared by the Finance Office.
Upon payment, an account clearance sheet will be issued from the Finance Office. The sheet will
enable the student to have access to university facilities and allow the Registrar’s Office to give
clearance for class attendance subject to University Academic Regulations: if payment is made within
specified period.

Refund of Fees
Refunds may arise out of credit notes passed in the account after withdrawal by a student or
overpayment of fees. All refunds of fees to the students will be made by cheque or appropriate fund
transfer means to the sponsor/guardian through a written request.
Refund policy on complete withdrawal from the University
All students withdrawing from ECUA-K must complete the Clearance Form.
The official withdrawal date is the date confirmed by the Registrar and Dean of
Students Office.
The following refund schedule will be followed.

Tuition, Fees, Room and Boarding fee

Students who withdraw from school within one week after the trimester begins
will receive a 100% refund of the paid tuition and fees. Room and Boarding
charges, shall be apportioned. The schedule below will be followed for all
withdrawals after the first week of the trimester.
A. Tuition & other fees:
First one week of the Trimester…………………………. 100%
End of Week 2…………………………………………… 75%
End of Week 3…………………………………………… 50%
End of Week 4…………………………………………… 25%
After the 4th week of the trimester, there will be no refund
B. Room and Board, Transport
The refund will be apportioned per week and decreased by Ksh. 2,000 (Two thousand) administrative
C. Caution Fees
The caution fee is the deposit, paid once in the first year during admission, which covers any damage
by the student. If damages occur during the year and the student does not pay immediately or
accordingly, the amount will be charged to the student’s account. When the cost of damage is more
than the caution fee paid, the student will be required to pay the difference. When a caution fee has
Been used to pay for damages, the students will be required to increase their caution fee to the
prescribed level (Replace).
A refund of the caution fee for final year students or students who are not returning, it will be
available upon final clearance from the University. Caution fees must be applied for, and a demand
notice submitted to the Finance Office. The process may take some time.
D. Use of credit balance for purchase of books
The University bookshop sells different books and stationery. The items must be paid for at the
bookshop. Any credit from a student's account may be transferred to the bookshop upon receipt of a
written request in the finance office.
Financial Assistance
ECUA-K students can benefit from the following available financial assistance:

a) Earnings from work study

A limited number of work study jobs are available each academic trimester. The program is primarily
created to help students who are financially needy. Earnings from Work Study are credited to the
student’s account at the students' dean office. Work study assignments are at the discretion of the
Students' Dean and students are not assured of obtaining or retaining a work study job, while on
campus. Most work study assignments are made at the beginning of the university's calendar year.
Details on the work study programs are obtained from the Finance Office in conjunction with Dean of
students' office.

b) Academic Excellence Award

This is an award given to the top performing three undergraduate students, in academic performance. The
awarded amount is as well credited to the student’s account.
Printing and Photocopying Policy
Each student is entitled to 50 free A4 size papers per trimester. The free papers will cater for all
printouts forms required to facilitate various academic processes, like; financial statements, invoices,
receipt copies, add/drop forms, Grade Sheets etc. For all personal printouts, students will be charged a
fee which will be agreed and posted on a University fee sheet and near copiers.
TAKE NOTE: All relevant forms are available from the student portal.


Section A: General Program Information

Section B: Admission, Registration and Attendance
Section C: Marks and Examinations
Section D: Academic Honors and Discipline
Section E: Alternative Arrangements
Section F: Graduation Requirements
Section G: Postgraduate Academic Requirements


One of the responsibilities of the staff of Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya is to help
students grow and persist in our core values of Professionalism, Honesty and integrity, Consistence
and Competence, Transparency, Accountability, Ethical and Empathy, and Teamwork. The “student
handbook” presents the academic policies designed to aid that growth and ensure the academic
integrity of ECUA-K’s programs.
All academic policies are under review constantly. Therefore, the following policies may be amended
as the need arises.
The academic policies in this handbook apply to all academic programs of the University. Schools and
departments may set additional policies as approved by the University Senate.

University Programs Offered

Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya, under authority from the Commission for
University Education (CUE) in Kenya offers certificate, diploma, undergraduate and graduate and post
graduate programs. For further information, please refer to the ECUA-K website (www.).

Academic Calendar
The ECUA-K academic year comprises two trimesters/semesters.

● A trimester runs for a period of 14 weeks.

● A semester runs for a period of 16 weeks.

● The part-time blended (PTB) mode sessions run for a period of 14 weeks.
PTB sessions consist of approximately 3-6 weeks of intensive class time,
10-12 weeks of online learning, research and writing.
The academic year calendars with specific dates are found at the end of this handbook.
Contact Hours
All course units in all delivery methods are either three or two credits unless otherwise noted. Three
credit units have a minimum of 45 contact hours, while the two credit units have a minimum of 30
contact hours. ‘Lecture hour’ means a period of time equivalent to one hour and represents one such
instructional hour in lecture form, two in a tutorial or open learning session, three in a laboratory
practical or practicum and five in farm or similar practice. It is expected that students will engage in at
least two hours of preparation for each hour of in-class learning.

Modes of Delivery
Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya offers many of its programs in various delivery
modes in order to accommodate the diverse life-styles and schedules of as many students as possible.
These currently are: Traditional or Regular (day time classes), Part Time Blended Mode (PTB) -
(during school holidays), Evening and Open & Distance Learning.

University Core Units (UCoU)

ECUA-K believes that an educated person needs a broad base of knowledge and skills in addition to
the specific content of individual programs of study. Because of this holistic perspective, the
University requires all undergraduate (Diplomas and Certificates) students to complete a set of
common core units. These units contain the essential knowledge that gives distinction to a graduate
from Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya. The units are designed to assist students to
develop attitudes, skills, and abilities for personal, professional and spiritual growth.

Units Required for Graduation

Students are required to take all units required for their program of study as spelt out on the course

University Academic Writing Policy

As part of developing a research culture, ECUA-K has articulated a Minimal Academic Writing
Standards (MAWS) which ensures that all faculty members, staff and students are on the same page in
terms of academic writing standards at ECUA-K. Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya,
Research Guide and innovation policy papers can be accessed at the ECUA-K campus libraries,
university website or student portal.
Gender Inclusive Language
Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya is committed to the equality of women and men.
Recognizing that people have often used the English language in ways that imply the exclusion or
inferiority of woman, the university urges students, faculty and staff to avoid sexist language in public
discourse, in classroom discussions, and in their writings. ‘In all written work presented to meet course
requirements we encourage students to use inclusive language.’

Class Timetables
The Class Timetables can be accessed from the student portal and the University Notice boards.

Textbooks and Other Learning Resources

Textbook availability is essential to quality academic programs. Students are, therefore, encouraged to acquire
personal copies of all required text books. These can be purchased from the University Bookshop. The
University libraries, will as far as possible, provide for loan a variety of recommended texts, references, and
bibliographic sources. E-learning resources are also available from the ECUA-K library e-resources databases.
These are posted on the library webpage and are accessible anywhere provided there is internet
connectivity. The databases have e-books and e-journals from all disciplines offered in the university.


Admission to the University

Table : Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya Minimum Entry Requirements

ECUA-K program Minimum Entry Requirements

Certificates Minimum KCSE aggregate D plain or equivalent

a. Minimum KCSE aggregate C minus or
b. One principal and a subsidiary in A ‘level or
equivalent or
c. Successful
completion of
relevant certificate
programme with a
minimumGPA of
2.3 or a credit pass
or its equivalent
Bachelor’s degree Must meet other
a. Minimum
aggregate of
(plus) or its
b. Two principal passes at A’
c. A relevant diploma with

GPA of 2.3 or a creditpass

Must meet other departmental
Post graduate diploma Successful completion of a bachelor’s degree
a. Bachelor’s degree with a GPA of 2.7
b. Second upper division or its equivalent
c. GPA of 2.5 with a minimum of two years of
Master’s relevant working experience.
d. Second lower
division with a
minimum of two
years of relevant
e. Relevant Post Graduate

Doctorate An accredited master’s degree in a related field

GPA scale out of 4.00
Additionally, applicants must agree to live in harmony with the University
standards and Code of Conduct. Meeting the minimum requirements merely
qualifies an applicant for consideration. The University reserves the right to final
admission. See the Admissions Policy.

Types of Admission
Applicants are admitted for studies at ECUA-K according to the following classifications.

Direct Admission
An applicant whose application documents are complete in their entirety and who fully meets
admission requirements may be accepted by the Admissions Board and register for a full load of units
according to his/her mode of learning.
Transferring student
Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya welcomes students transferring from accredited
universities. A degree from ECUA-K must reflect the University’s character, values and commitment
to quality education. The combined total of transfer, waiver and challenge units may not exceed fifty
percent (50%) of the total required units in the program. Only those subjects directly relating to
ECUA-K’s requirements will be considered.
Application for transfer credit must be made within the trimester in which the student is admitted or
To apply for transfer credit, check the credit transfer form from the student portal.

The application will be processed within the first term after joining the university and the student’s
transcript updated.
Progressing Student
An ECUA-K student may be considered for admission to another programme once they have been
issued with a letter of completion from the previous programme by the Registrar.
The minimum cumulative GPA required for progression from certificate to diploma or diploma to
undergraduate is 2.3.
The minimum Cumulative GPA required for progression from undergraduate to postgraduate is 2.7.

Visiting Student
ECUA-K may admit a student who is not intending to complete a program. This may be for other
purposes such as continuing education requirements, personal fulfillment, etc. Other visiting students
may include students visiting from another institution for one or two trimesters in order to transfer the
units back to their home institutions. Such applicants must meet basic ECUA-K entry requirements as
outlined in above and all applicable policies and requirements of the University.

University Registration
New Students
Students who have submitted all the required application forms and supporting documentation within
the required deadline will be advised in a timely manner as to the status of the application. A letter
from the Registrar’s office will notify the applicant of the decision and that decision is final. New students
are required to arrive early forplacement examinations, registration and orientation.
See the academic calendar for exact semester/trimester.
Student Identification Number
Upon registration each new student is issued a student identification number which is retained until
completion of the program. Students must use their identification number for all class assignments,
examinations, and all University correspondence.
Student Identification Card
Upon registration, new students are issued an ECUA-K student card. The card is valid for the duration
of the programme as long as the student remains in good standing with the University. In case of
withdrawal or dismissal the student card must be surrendered.
A student Identity Card expires after the normal programme duration after which the student must
surrender the expired Identity Card and apply for renewal on an annual basis.
Any student who loses their student Identity card should apply for a replacement and pay the set fee.
(Student's identity card should be displayed at all times).

Programme Planner
Upon registration a student is attached to a planner which tracks the student’s progression towards
fulfilling the graduation requirements. A student should always update the planner each time he /she
receives grades. Students are responsible for keeping track of their progress and should consult
regularly with their academic advisor, particularly at pre-registration and registration each
trimester/session of their academic program.
The courses of study prevailing in the programme planner in the first year of registration
govern the requirements for studies and for graduation. Academic regulations are updated
from time to time and will become binding upon approval and as specified by the University
Returning students must pre-register for the next trimester’s or session’s units. Pre- registration for the
following trimester for the regular, evening and distance learning students will normally take place
during the seventh week of classes.
PTB mode students are required to pre-register before the end of every session. Students should
consult with their academic advisors prior to pre-registration.

Students must complete registration within the first week of the trimester. An additional one week is
given for late registration. A student will not be allowed to register thereafter. Specific dates for each
trimester are outlined in the academic calendar. Registration can be completed only upon clearance from the
Finance Office. Students who are not registered should not sit in lectures or use any of the University
facilities. Students may registerfor units that have prerequisites only if they have successfully completed
the relevant prerequisiteunits.

a. Changes in unit registration

Students may, after consultation with their academic advisor, change registration within the first
week of a trimester, as listed in the academic calendar. A student can drop a unit only up to week
four (4). Beyond this point, every unit registered for will attract a grade. Since dropping units may
affect completion of the study programmes and delayed graduation, students are strongly advised to
follow closely the units as scheduled for each trimester.
Students, when cumulative GPA has dropped below the threshold standard, may be required to drop
some units or repeat the dropped units in order to help them cope with their studies. In such cases the
course of study will take much longer time than normal to complete.
Students who leave without going through the proper procedures will receive a grade of ‘F’ for all
relevant units.
No changes in the University timetable will be made to accommodate individual student requirements.

b. Change of programme, mode of study and campus

A student who wishes to change from one programme to another, change from one mode of study
to another or change from one campus to another will be required to complete the appropriate
application form. Such a request must be made at least one month in advance.

● In case of change of programme, all relevant units will count towards the completion of the
new programme.
c. Addition of major/minor/concentration
A student wishing to apply for a double major, minor, or a double concentration should do so not later
than the end of second academic year. This should be done in consultation with the academic advisor.
The appropriate form should be submitted to the Registrar’s office. Specific guidelines are shown here
i. For a double main degrees, the student must complete all course
requirements for both degrees within a period of time consistent with the
total number of units taken. If units are shared between the programs, those do
not need to be repeated. Students wishing to do a double major should declare
they wish to do so prior to taking any units from a second major (programme
of study). Upon declaration of a second major, the student will be guided to an
academic advisor from the department offering the second major. Upon
graduation, there will be one transcript of all units taken and one certificate
issued which will bear the name of both programs.
An example;

‘Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministries and Bachelor of Arts in Administration’.

ii. For a double concentration, the student must complete all concentration
units for two concentrations in a single programme within a period of time
consistent with the total number of units taken. Those two concentrations
must both be officially part of the curriculum for that program. If the
concentrations are an approved part of the program, then there is no need for
any prior approval.
Unit Load
The normal load for regular and evening students is seven units for undergraduates and five for post
graduates per trimester/semester. For all Distance Learning students, the maximum load is five units.
The Normal load for Part Time varies depending on the time available. Any student wishing to add a
unit beyond those prescribed for their mode of learning must have the required minimum cumulative
GPA of 3.0 and must have approval of his/her academic advisor.

Cancellation of Units
The University Administration reserves the right to cancel any unit with an uneconomical number of
students enrolled in it.

Class Attendance Requirements

Students are required to attend all lectures of units in which they are registered. Being punctual and
consistent in attendance of lectures, tutorials, and other activities required by a unit is essential to
academic growth. Attendance is therefore required. In the event of absence, whatever its cause, the
student is responsible for all academic work missed during their absence.
Distance Learning students are required to meet all the unit requirements and submit their assignments
as required.
The following rules apply:
a. Lecturers are required to record and report every student absence
irrespective of the reason. Whether physical or online.
b. Each absence may be subjected to a penalty and absences beyond three
will be subject to a penalty of not more that 5% of the final trimester mark, as
detailed in the unit outline.
c. In addition, two lateness times count as one absence or tardies. A tardy is
defined as coming to a lecture late or leaving early.
d. Situations beyond a student’s control (such as death in the immediate
family hospitalization, serious illness) resulting in 3 or more days absence may be
considered for compassionate reasons. Written notification (with appropriate
substantiation) of such absences must be submitted to the Registrar’s office in a
timely manner. Excessive absences will be considered and appropriate action
taken by the Senate.
e. Continuous assessment tests (CATs) missed due to absence cannot be
made up, unless for reasons stated in (4) above.
f. Any student who misses more than 40% of the required trimester hours
per unit shall automatically get a failing grade in the unit.

Extended Absence from the University/ Deferment

A student who needs to leave the University for a time because of circumstances beyond his/her
control and wishes to return later to complete their programme must apply to the Registrar through the
Department Chair for a leave of absence/ deferment (up to twelve months).
A student must still complete the programme within the stipulated time as spelt out in Table

All students are required to pay a registration fee each trimester whether in session or not to keep their
student's status active. Students who wish to register after an approved absence of more than one year
must apply for readmission upon payment of registration fees for all trimesters missed.
Fresh Start
A student wishing to be considered for a fresh start may apply through to the Registrar through the
department. If the request is approved, the student should clear from the University before being
issued with a new student registration number. Such a student will forfeit all credits earned in the
previous program.

Guidelines for Assessment

Both Continuous Assessment Tools (CATs) and Final Examinations are essential for proper student
learning. Therefore, regardless of the total marks accumulated in any unit, a student shall be
considered to have failed if the student:
a. Does not accumulate at least 50% of the total CAT marks for that unit, or

b. Does not sit for the Final Examination for that unit
Final exams done without CATs will not be considered as adequate assessment to pass a unit.
Students’ work in a unit will be assessed according to the following guidelines:
Table: Methods and Guidelines for Assessment
Method of Level of study Guidelines for Assessment
Assessment Percentage of course
Certificates 40 %
May include assignments,
Continuous Diplomas 40 % practical work,
Assessment Tools Undergraduate 40 % quizzes, mid-
Post-graduate 40 % trimester exams,
term papers, and/or
Doctorate 50 % other elements as
detailed in the unit
Undergraduate- The pass mark for each individual unit (both program units and
University Common Units) will be D constant (D). However, a student must maintain a
minimum cumulative GPA 0f 2.00.
NOTE: The following are pass/ fail units (a) Mathematics for Liberal Arts, (b) Basic
Mathematics, (c) Study Skills, and (d) Basic English.
Post graduate -The pass mark for each unit is considered to be (C plain). However, a
student must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA 0f 2.7.
Doctoral - The G .
acceptable P
pass mark for A Marking Symbols and Values
an individual
o grades together with grade points are
unit is
f in the student's transcripts.
considered a
Percentages are onlyguidelines to be used in
(B-). Astudent
3 where appropriate. Marking symbols
must maintain
are. letter grades including a plus or a minuses
a minimum
0 the following numerical values and
Table: Marking Symbols Unit must be taken afresh
and Values Supplem
Appropriate irregularityDescripti
entary Value penalty applies.
Grade Percentage Grade
Y 0 0.0
RP 0 0.0 Repeated Earned after a unit has been

repeated DP 0 0.0 Pending Pending submission ofgrade

Each trimester grade points are averaged to determine a student’s GPA (grade point
average) for that trimester. The individual cumulative GPA reflects all ECUA-K level
units attempted for all semesters registered.

Table: Additional Marking Symbols on Transcripts

Mark Point Value
AU 0.0 Audit Participation in unit for enrichment but no credit
CR 0.00 Pass. Pass for pass 0 for failed units
1 0.00 Incomplete Extension granted according to ECUA-K policy and

University Examinations
Examination Guidelines
All University examinations are conducted under the authority of the University Senate. All online
exams are supervised through the Senate in their campuses. Every student is expected to complete all
final examinations and continuous assessments unless unusual circumstances dictate otherwise and are
approved by the DVC Academics.
Being Eligible to Sit for Examinations.
To be eligible to sit for end-of-trimester examinations a student must:
a. Be registered in the course;
b. Must have attended 70% of the unit teaching time in a trimester.
c. Must have valid student identification and examination cards.
d. Must have done the required unit CATs.

Examination Rules and Regulations

e. Students are required to consult the posted End-of Trimester Examination

Timetable to ensure that there are no conflicts in respect of their unit loads.
f. Any conflicts that may issue, must be reported to the Registrar’s office with
immediate effect.
g. Students must report to the examination room fifteen minutes before the
scheduled commencement of the examination.
h. Students shall only enter the examination room on the instructions of the
invigilator. The Main Invigilator, or their appointees, shall direct the admission,
seating and identification of students and the signing of the examination
attendance register.
i. Students will not be admitted to the examination room thirty minutes after
commencement of the examination except in extraordinary circumstances as
determined by the Chief Invigilator.
j. A student who arrives at the examination venue within 30 minutes of the
examination having started will be permitted to sit the examination. However,
there shall be no grant of extra time and shall be required to finish the
examination as originally scheduled.
k. A student shall display identification documentations (Id & Exam Cards)
openly on the examination desk for the duration of the examination.
l. Students must not carry to the examination venue any unauthorized
material including but not limited to, books, mobile phones (whether on or off) or
notes. All items left out, are at the owner’s risk, but failure to leave items as given
directives by the invigilator shall be taken as an act of attempted cheating.
m. If a student is taken ill during an examination, he/she shall inform the
invigilator immediately so that necessary action can be taken to help them and to
ensure that the details are recorded. However, it should be noted that when a
candidate decides to enter an examination venue, they have declared themselves
fit to sit the examination.
n. A student may not leave the examination venue within the first 1½ hours
for the 2-hour exam and two hours for the 3- hour exam at the commencement
time of the examination. A student who is wishing to leave the examination room
and to be readmitted must obtain prior approval from an examination invigilator,
and may be required to be accompanied by an invigilator during the full period of
o. Students shall check their personal details and sign the examination
attendance Register.
p. Answer booklets should never be moved from the examination room and
remain the property of the ECUA-K. All candidates shall fill in the information
required on the cover of the booklet, or the examination paper and/or answer
sheet, as appropriate. If more than one booklet or examination paper and/or
answer sheet is used, then the same information must be completed on each
booklet, on examination paper or answer sheet.
q. A student should record his / her student number (but not his / her name)
on the examination booklet in order to aid anonymity.
r. Any student who doesn't answer any of the questions shall remit the blank
booklet with personal details on the cover page.
s. A student who fails to attend an examination as scheduled, fails the
examination and will be required to redo the unit when next on offer. Exceptions
may be given to a student who presents an approved medical, legal or
bereavement document.
Request for Incomplete Grade ‘I’
An incomplete grade is awarded when extreme circumstances beyond the control of a student require
an extension of time to complete the required academic work including practical units. It is only
granted when a petition is initiated in writing by the student or in exceptional circumstances by the
lecturer responsible for the unit on behalf of the student. An incomplete grade form should be duly
completed with the relevant supporting document(s) and submitted to the Registrar’s office. The
missed exam should be completed within one calendar year failure to which, a student will receive
grade F.
Where the missed unit is unavailable within the timeframe, clause (Special examinations) may apply.
In circumstances where a student has accumulated incomplete grades for 2 trimesters, registration of
new units will not be allowed.

Special Examination
A special examination is given to a student who is prevented by unavoidable and acceptable
circumstances from taking the end-of-trimester final examination. Relevant forms must be filled and
completed, supported by approved and documented evidence for formality.
The request should be sent to the relevant Board and if granted the student will pay the fee and take
the examination within the first month of the next trimester or when next on offer. In special
documented circumstances, a waiver of the fee may be considered by the Board. These may include
sickness and bereavement.
The Chair of the department will facilitate the setting of the special examinations and will ensure that
the level and the standards of the University are maintained.
Supplementary Examination
A student who fails a unit can apply for a supplementary exam through the department. Only a student
who has met all the requirements to sit for an examination would be considered for a supplementary
exam. Supplementary exams schedules are normally offered once a year as published.
Formal application for supplementary examination should be made within two (2) weeks after results
have been released by the Senate. The maximum grade awarded for a supplementary examination will
be D– (minus) for undergraduate units and a C plain for post graduate units. There are no
supplementary exams for doctoral studies.
A student who fails the supplementary exam will be awarded grade F* (Supplementary Fail) and will
be required to repeat the unit (such a student is ineligible to take another supplementary exam in that
unit). A student involved in any academic irregularity does not qualify for a supplementary exam.
IMPORTANT: A student's GPA. Can't be improved by supplementary exam.

Missing Examination due to Financial Constraints

Registered students who miss examinations due to non-payment of fee can apply for completion once
the fee is cleared. Such a student should take the appropriate exam(s) the next time the unit is offered
or apply for special exams.
An incomplete form should be completed and submitted to the Registrar’s office and the missed exam
completed within one calendar year after which a grade ‘F’ will be awarded. Where the missed unit is
unavailable within the time frame CLAUSE may apply.
Student Examination Results
Students’ Examination results are available from the student’s portal and are updated at the beginning of every
trimester/semester. Any grade issues should be reported in writing to the School/Department within the first
two weeks of the trimester/semester.


Academic Honors
On a regular basis, undergraduates who have achieved academic excellence are honored for their
accomplishment. There are two classifications, as described below:
· Honors Roll: Those students achieving a GPA of 3.3 to 3.6
· Dean’s List: Those students achieving a GPA of 3.7 to 4.0

Academic Integrity
Academic Honesty
Students are expected to exhibit honesty and ethical behavior in all areas of life, including academics.
Academic honesty, essential in any institution of higher education, is fundamental to the character of
Academic Dishonesty
Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya is committed to the development of character and
integrity in the students. The policy regarding academic honesty and dishonesty is designed not only to
ensure the students do their academic work but also to provide students with regular opportunities to
demonstrate the kind of personal integrity and character needed by the new generation of leaders.
a. Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to:
i. Deliberate or attempted copying of the work of another student. Using or
attempting to use information or material or electronic devices (mobile
phones, smart watches, programmed calculators, mini computers etc.)
expressly prohibited from use in a particular form of assessment.
ii. Submitting the work of another student as one’s own.
iii. A behavior that is likely to disrupt or interrupt an academic exercise.
iv. Plagiarism- Using ideas, words, or a product without crediting the original
source. Passing off someone else's ideas, words, or product as your own or
presenting as new an idea or product created by someone else.
v. Submitting of false or forged documents.
vi. Destroying evidence or attempt to destroy evidence such as chewing and
swallowing paper evidence.
vii. Threatening/intimidating/obstructing, body harm/assaulting an invigilator
from carrying out his/her duties
viii. Impersonation -sitting for exams for another candidate
ix. Possession of a forged exam card
x. Presenting an invalid exam card to the invigilator during examination
xi. Availing one exam card for use by another candidate
xii. Presenting oneself for an exam in a unit one has not duly registered for.
xiii. Without any good cause and or clearance by ECUA-K repeatedly failing to
attend lectures or any other scheduled course/ mode of instruction.
xiv. Seeking or obtaining a deferment of exam on false pretense
xv. Failing to appear before Academic Disciplinary Committee on
examination misconduct when one is summoned to do so after an exam
misconduct encounter
xvi. Refusing to write a statement after being asked to do so by the invigilator

b. Penalty for academic dishonesty

Academic dishonesty is a serious matter and treated accordingly. The various academic
irregularities and penalties are delineated in Table.
Table: Irregularities and Penalties
Nature of Irregularity Penalty
Copying or attempting to copy the work ofrom
Failing grades (Y) for all
1 another student.
the units taken in that
trimester and suspension
Colluding with another student to cheat; including
from the ECUA-K for one
exposing your work openly, passing scripts or papers, academic year (two
question papers, etc. semesters).
Possession and or use of unauthorized information or Failing grades (Y) for all
2 material, likely written material, electronic devices the units taken in that
(e.g. mobile phones, smart watches, programmed trimester and suspension
calculators, tablet, mini computers etc.) It is against from the ECUA-K for one
rules and prohibited. Illegal. academic
year (two semesters).
3 i) Using another person's thoughts or writings as one’s i) A failing grade for the
own work) which occurs when paragraphs, sentences, assignment in which
a single sentence, or significant parts of a sentence are the offense has
copied directly and are not enclosed in quotation occurred.
marks and appropriate referencing. Text is paraphrased
or summarized and the source of the material is not
acknowledged by proper referencing or mentioning.
ii) Submitting the work of another student as one
though your own. Kindly refer to the policy on
plagiarism, lfound on the student portal).

ii) A failing grade (Y) for

the unit and suspension
from the ECUA-K for
One academic year.
i) Behavior that is likely to disrupt an academic i) Failing grades (Y) for
4 exercise/threatening/ all the units taken in that
intimidating/obstructing/harassing, an Semester and
invigilator from carrying out his/her duties. suspension from the
ECUA-K for one
ii) Assaulting, abusing or even shouting to an
academic year (two
invigilator or another student in the examination room.

ii) Immediate
Expulsion from
the University
Impersonation - Sitting for exams on behalf of another Immediate Expulsion
5 candidate from the
or having another person pretending to sit for exams on University.
your behalf.
The external impersonator
may be subject to
committing an offense and be

Destroying evidence or attempt to destroy evidenceFailing grades (Y) in all units

6 such as tearing, chewing, burning and swallowing taken during that semester
paper evidence. and suspension from the
ECUA-K for two academic
Fake and false documentation Failing grades (Y) in all units
Submitting of false or forged documentation to be taken during that semester
facilitated for any academic exercise at ECUA-K and suspension from the
(student Identity card, Exam card) ECUA-K the following
trimester/ Semester
8 Appearing for an examination having not met the A grade (Y) for the
required minimum class attendance requirement of unit.
seventy percent (70%.)
Failing grades (Y) in all units
9. To seek or obtain a deferment of examination on taken during that trimester
false information or documentation. and suspension from the
ECUA-K the following
trimester/ semester
Failure to appear before the Academic disciplinary An appropriate penalty for
10. committee on an examination malpractice and the irregularity shall be
misconduct when one is summoned to appear after an applied depending on the
exam irregularity has occurred. nature and severity of the
offense the student had
committed and
additional suspension of one
A penalty worthy for the
11. irregularity shall be
Refusing to write a statement after the invigilator applicable depending on the
orders so. nature and severity of the
offense, the student had
committed and additional
suspension of one
Manipulation of examination results, or
Expulsion from ECUA-K
12 hacking system, including assessments.
Failing grades (Y) for all
13. the units taken in that
Possession of any unauthorized examination material semester and suspension
from the ECUA-K for one
year (two semesters).

Academic Probation
Students who fall below the minimum academic threshold standards will be placed on academic
probation. Such a student must complete an Academic Remedial Contract (A.R.C.), with the faculty or
department. The ARC should advise accordingly the measures applied by the student, to improve the
GPA to the required standard. A copy of the Academic Remedial Contract will be
displayed on file with the Office of the Registrar by the Department Chair and a report from each
department to be tabled to the ECUA-K Board. Students are automatically admitted on Academic
warning, at every end of any semester in which their GPA falls below the threshold required
cumulative GPA.
Levels of warning

a. Undergraduates
A student is placed on academic caution, if in the first semester at the ECUA-K, their GPA is below 2.0.

First warning:
Any student whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 is given the first warning placement.
Second and Final warning:
If the student’s cumulative GPA remains 2.0 or below in the next semester, when the student is in session, they
get the second and final warning.
If the cumulative GPA still remains below 2.0 for the third consecutive semester, then the student is
discontinued from ECUA-K.
Special warning:
If a student who is on final warning improves the semester GPA to 2.0 and above, he/she shall be given special
probation, rather than being discontinued. This status shall remain as long as the semester GPA remains on an
upward trend of 2.0 upwards. The student shall be discontinued if the semester GPA falls below 2.0 and the
cumulative GPA remains below 2.0

b. Post Graduates
Students are automatically placed on Academic warning at the end of any semester in which their GPA
falls below the threshold required cumulative GPA.

A student is placed on academic warning, if in the first semester at the University, their GPA is below
First Warning:
Any student whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.7 is given the first warning.

Second and Final Warning:

If the student’s cumulative GPA remains below 2.7 or below in the next semester, when the student is in
session, they get the second and final warning.
If the cumulative GPA stills remains below 2.7 for the third consecutive semester, then the student is
discontinued from the University.
Special Warning:

If a student who is on final warning improves the term GPA to 2.7 upwards, the student shall be given a
special probation rather than being discontinued. This status shall remain as long as the semester GPA remains
on an upward trend of 2.7 and above. The student shall be discontinued if the semester GPA falls below 2.7
and the cumulative GPA remains below 2.7.
Return to Regular Academic Status
The student automatically reverts to a regular academic status when one's cumulative grade point
average reaches 2.0 at the undergraduate level or 2.7 in the case of Post Graduate Diplomas and
Masters and 3.0 for Doctoral studies.

Academic Discontinuation
A student may be discontinued on other academic grounds from the University if:
● After two successive semesters of probation, the cumulative GPA does not meet
threshold standards for satisfactory progress.
● At the end of any semester, the cumulative GPA falls below 1.0, with the
exception of the first year's first semester.
Every time, the student has a right and opportunity to appeal to the appropriate Academic
Boards for review of such a decision.
Readmission after discontinuation on academic grounds
A student may apply for readmission after one year from the date of discontinuation. Re-admission will be
considered by the relevant Board on receipt of a written appeal with evidence that the student has dealt with
the challenges that led to his/her discontinuation, including steps taken to fulfill the requirement of any
University remediation plan on file.
a. A student applying for readmission after discontinuation on academic grounds
must have stayed out of the University for a Minimum of one calendar year from
the date of discontinuation. A student can only apply for re-admission once.
b. The applicant will be required to show proof of activities they participated in
during the period of suspension that will help them in their academic pursuit such
as remedial or training course and counseling sessions and certifications.
c. The applicant will be required to apply for re-admission by filling a special re-
admission form.
d. The form must be completed and submitted to the Registrar for submission to the
appropriate Academic Board two months before the intended date of readmission.
e. The applicant will be scheduled for an interview before a committee to determine
his or her readiness for the studies.
f. The response to the applicant will be given at least a month before the intended
date of readmission.
g. The choice of trimester for resuming studies will be at the discretion of the
reviewing panel/committee
A student’s academic progress moves most quickly and smoothly when it is done within the
procedures and opportunities made available in the standard academic programme. There are some
alternative arrangements students may request to meet special academic or personal needs.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Recognition of Prior Learning, is the qualification awarded to a person that has acquired skills equivalent to
skills acquired in formal learning, through a process of informal and nonformal methods of learning.
Articulation is the term used to describe the process by which one institution ‘articulates’ or speaks clearly
about the value of prior learning that has been done in another institution, generally at a lower level. Most
commonly this takes the form of a university offering undergraduate level academic programmes recognizing
the learning students have done at diploma level. When such recognition is done, if the work is of sufficient
quality ‘waivers’ can be given for a certain portion of the relevant undergraduate programme.
Articulation and Waivers
ECUA-K considers the prior learning of its students for articulation purposes. The process for
this is as follows:
a. Immediately upon acceptance into the university, a student who has done prior
learning and wishes that learning to be considered for articulation should
report that desire to his/her relevant department.
b. The Department will investigate whether an articulation arrangement is in
effect with the diploma granting institution. If such an arrangement is in
effect, the advisor shall obtain a copy of the student’s transcript for that work
which should be in the student’s application file and request the student to
submit all course descriptions, unit outlines, and any other relevant
information for the prior learning under consideration.
c. The Department shall then review the evidence to determine, if any waivers
can be given. A recommendation report will be produced by the
d. If it is the recommendation of the department to extend waivers to the
student, the report shall be forwarded to and effected by the Registrar’s Office
within two weeks.
e. It is important to note that waivers are not given on a ‘one-to-one’ basis for
articulation in the same way as it is for transfer credit which is for
acknowledging credit from one undergraduate or post graduate programme to
another equivalent programme. This is because it is assumed that diploma
level work is not as advanced as Bachelor-level work. Waivers are given
based on the assumption that the cumulative knowledge gained in the prior
learning is sufficient to accomplish a certain number of learning outcomes in
the undergraduate programme which are accomplished in certain units of the
undergraduate programme. Hence the articulation arrangement is for the
entire prior learning experience, not for individual units. Consequently, a
student must have successfully completed with a (credit or above) the entire
prior learning program of study to qualify for any waivers.
f. Consideration is made for the entry qualifications into the diploma
before awarding of waivers.
g. However, even if the prior learning program of study was successfully
completed, students who performed poorly in individual units (below ‘B
plain’) shall not be given waivers for the closest equivalent unit in the
relevant undergraduate program.
h. Waivers will not be given in excess of forty nine percent (49%) for any
ECUA-K program of study.

Directed Study
A directed study course is one administered by an instructor for the needs of a particular student or for
use when there are extreme complications regarding a unit. The student must complete the application
form for directed study by the close of pre-registration in the trimester preceding the directed study. A
student who has previously failed a unit or is suspended for academic/disciplinary reasons does not
qualify for study in that unit.
An approved directed study application signed by the Chair of the relevant Academic Board must
accompany the unit registration form. The directed study requirements are listed on the application
form and the process can only be initiated by the Chair of Department. Because of the added
responsibility of the student in directed studies, only students who are enrolled in a degree programme
and have completed their first year with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better may be considered.
Exceptions must be cleared through the appropriate Academic Board. There is a limit of one directed
study per trimester and a maximum of three total directed study units for undergraduate programmes
and one directed study unit for postgraduate programs. All normal unit documentation is required for
directed studies.

Cross Registration
A student wishing to be registered for units in a different mode of study may do so provided that the
total number of units registered for does not exceed the maximum number allowed in a trimester. The
fees for the mode in which the student was originally registered shall apply unless the fee for mode the
student is moving to is lower, in which case the higher fee shall apply.

Repeated Units
Undergraduate, diploma or certificate students who attain less than a D- for any unit must repeat the
identical unit. Post graduate students who attain less than a C plain in any unit must repeat the unit
while doctoral students should repeat any unit where a grade less than B- (minus) is attained.
Students must adhere to the policies of maximum load, and the timetable cannot be set to
accommodate the repeat. Students who attain less than the required grade in departmental electives
must repeat them or take an equivalent elective that meets the departmental requirement. It is the
student’s responsibility to notify his/her advisor that the repeated unit has been completed and the
advisor’s responsibility to notify the Registrar’s Office through the department chair. Once a failed
unit is repeated and passed, the failed grade (F) is no longer calculated in cumulative GPA.
A failed unit may be repeated twice. If a passing mark is not achieved by the second repeat, the
student is referred to the appropriate academic committee to be considered for academic
discontinuation. When a unit is repeated the latest grade received in the unit will be used in computing
the grade point average. Students may not register for units if they have failed any relevant
prerequisite unit and have not repeated.

A candidate must appeal within one month after results are released officially by the University
Senate. The appeal shall be addressed to the Registrar Academic, who shall compile and transmit the
appeals to the respective departments. Remarking shall be done by an Examiner (other than the
original one) as recommended by the Chair of the department and shall be moderated by the
department. Marking of the appealed cases will be done within seven (07) days after the student
submits the remark request form.

Auditing Units
Any qualified person can audit a unit. An audit unit is a unit taken not for credit but for knowledge in a
particular area of study. A student may audit up to the maximum of a normal semester’s load with the
approval of the academic advisor. If a student audits, then he/she shall not take the challenge exam for
the particular course. The normal unit fee applies.

Withdrawal from the University

A student wishing to withdraw from the University must complete the clearance form. Transcripts and
other official documents will only be issued upon completion of the clearance process.


Students are provided with departmental academic advisors to assist them in planning their academic
career. However, it is sole duty and responsibility of the individual student to ensure that they meet the
threshold for graduation by maintaining a comprehensive course planner, through the guidance of their
academic advisor and the Chair of the faculty.
● Programme Duration TableProgramme duration
Normal duration Maximum
Program level (calendar years) duration
NOTE: A student will be discontinued if he/she does not complete the program within the maximum
period stated.

Declaration of Intent to Graduate

Candidates for graduation must complete a ‘Declaration of Intent to Graduate’ form. The form must be
completed in the trimester preceding the last trimester of study, failure to which a student may fail to
be included in the graduation list. Once informed on the declaration of Intent to graduate, the process
of verification and completion of requirements for graduation will begin. A list of prospective
graduates will be published on the ECUA-K website and other notice boards. Upon verification and
approval by the Senate and clearance by the University, a student qualifies as a graduate.

Classification of the Award

Certificate, Diploma, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Classification

Students who have completed the diploma and certificate programs will have the following designation on
their certificates based on the GPA:
Diplomas and certificates
Table 9.2 Diplomas and certificates
Classification Cumulative


Distinction 3.7 —4.0

Credit 2.7 —3.6

Pass 2.0— 2.6

Table 9.3 Undergraduates

Classification Cumulative GPA Percentage
First Class Honors 3.70 - 4.00 70 – 100
Second Class Honors (Upper 3.00 - 3.69 62 – 69
Second Class Honors (Lower 2.30 - 2.99 56 – 61
Pass 2.00 - 2.29 50 – 56
Students who have completed postgraduate programes may have the honors classification ‘With
Distinction’ on their certificates. The honors designation ‘With Distinction’ shall be awarded based on
the student earning both a cumulative GPA between 3.7 and 4.0 for the graduate coursework and
earning a ‘Pass with Distinction’ on the thesis for those programs requiring a thesis. For those
programmes requiring a project (instead of a thesis), honors will be assessed on the cumulative GPA of
all master’s coursework between 3.7 and 4.0 and a grade of ‘A’ on the project. Such degree certificates
will also state ‘With Distinction.’

Completion of the Program

Upon successful completion of the program, a student is conferred with the relevant certificate,
diploma or degree and issued with a certificate. A certificate is issued only once, that is after
graduation and it is not replaceable. A letter of completion may be issued by the University Academic
Registrar to a student who has completed his/her program and has cleared from the University but is
waiting for the graduation ceremony.

Official transcripts bear the seal of Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya and the
signature of the Registrar Academic and are issued by the same office. They are issued upon a
student’s request to institutions and donors upon payment of stipulated fee. Transcripts are issued only
when a student is cleared by the Finance Office. One transcript is issued free of charge on completion
of the student’s program. Thereafter a fee is required for each transcript sent to either a local institution
or an institution outside the country.
Code of Conduct Agreement

1) I understand that Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya is a Christian university

affiliated with the PAG Church, Kilgoris. I acknowledge that the ECUA-K expects me to demonstrate the
right moral character. I agree to live in peace and harmony according to the goals and policies of the
ECUA-K. I adhere to conduct myself in harmony with the PAG Christian Conduct (see back).
2) My resolution is to communicate grievances in a mature and Christian way, using the virtue of love
and reconciliation as my guideline. I agree to settle differences if any, with students and ECUA-K
administration, faculty, and staff in a peaceful, amicable and considerate manner.

3) It is in my knowledge that rioting, boycotting, striking against ECUA-K programmes or policies,

rules, regulations and standards, is forbidden. Participation and action contrally will make me liable to
disciplinary and/or legal action.
4) I agree that I will never use alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs while a student at Evangel Christian
University of America - Kenya. I will avoid questionable character of people, illusive places of
entertainment, with no moral and spiritual development and which encourage a lifestyle contrary to the
Christian lifestyle desired of ECUA-K students. I agree not to be part of media which doesn't promote
Christian virtues.

5) It is in my knowledge that, gambling, bribery, corruption, occult, radicalism practices, teaching non-
Christian values in any form, reading or viewing pornographic material, or engaging in sexual activity
outside the bounds of heterosexual marriage is not permitted to ECUA-K students or staff. This includes the
public display of romantic and affections affecting soul and spirit. I have read and understood, that any
student found in the room of a member of the opposite sex will be liable to disciplinary action. Further, I
will not sexually harass, or make evil or immoral advances to others.
6) I understand that while I am a student at ECUA-K, I am expected to keep all rules, policies and
regulations of the University both in and outside the campus. I further understand that students who are
arrested by police or community policing, for disorderly conduct, public drunkenness, making a public
disturbance, or breaking the Laws of Kenya in any fashion or form will be liable after, to a disciplinary
action from the committee.
7) I agree to be inspected by university staff, administration, my packages, personal belongings, or
vehicles being brought onto the University campus, according to student handbook. I agree to give the
ECUA-K the authority to conduct unscheduled inspections of my room, to protect other students and the
University from the presence of items, things and substances that are not permitted on ECUA-K premises.

8) It is required of me, to be truthful in applying for admission to ECUA-K, including the frank
disclosure of previous attendance and subsequent suspension/s or dismissal/s at any other University,
college, school or any high school educational institution attended before. I further understand that if it is
discovered that I have been dishonest, in falsehood, in my application form, I am liable to disciplinary
measures that may include discontinuation or expulsion from the University.
9) I will not discriminate against fellow members of the ECUA-K fraternity on the basis of race,
gender, age, color, nationality, thought, ethnic origin, marital status, or physical challenges or handicaps. I
will not participate in persecuting, harassing or insulting a member of the University fraternity, based on
differing spiritual convictions or affiliation or religious belief. Counting also, I understand that ECUA-K
does not accommodate non ecclesia worship or practices on any of its premises/campuses and that I am required
to attend Chapel services as scheduled and announced. (Student Handbook clauses)

10) It is my responsibility as a student, for security in the university. It rests with all students, staff,
faculty and visitors at all times. All suspicious moves and activities should be reported immediately.
Having read cover to cover of this Code of Conduct, I understand my compliance is a condition of my
acceptance and continuation at ECUA-K. I also understand that, if in any way I violate the principles, rules,
policies , regulations found in the Student Handbook; I shall be subjected to disciplinary action by
authorities. I will abide by the decision of the University and use the appropriate procedures for any
discontentment, grievances, or communication.

Full Name (Student). ………………………………….,...................................................................

Sign ………………………………………………Date ……………………….

Parent/Guardian/Sponsor’s Contacts (for students under age 18)

Full Name ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Telephone/Mobile no……………………… Address…………………………………………

Sign……………………………………… Date: ……………………………………………

Key Beliefs of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God Church Kilgoris, Manual

Members of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God Kilgoris shall subscribe to the following fundamental

1. God is the author of all truths; Bible speaks truth when it touches on matters pertaining to nature,
history, or anything else.
2. As Christ is God and man in one person, so Scripture is, indivisibly, God’s Word in human language

3. The Bible is inspired by God and is' the only infallible and authoritative word of God, the only
rule for Christian faith arid conduct:

4. The normative authority of Holy Scripture is the authority of God himself, and is attested by Jesus
Christ, the Lord of the Church

5. There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the
Holy Spirit.

6. The deity and humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His bodily
resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His personal future return to earth in
power and glory to rule over the nations;

7. The universal sinfulness and guilt of human nature since the fall,
rendering man powerless and subject to God's wrath and condemnation.

8. The Bible’s own interpretation of itself is always correct, never deviating from, but rather
elucidating, the single meaning of the inspired text.

9. The only means of salvation is by grace; a turning to God in

repentance, and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; and that this results in
regeneration by the Holy Spirit.

10. The redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross provides healing in the human body in
answer to the prayer of faith.

11. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the outward evidence of speaking in tongues according to Acts
2 is given to believers who meet God's condition for receiving.
12. The sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling
theChristian is enabled to live a holy life.

13. The resurrection of the saved and the lost, the one to everlasting life and the other to everlasting

Standards for Conduct

Because Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya is an institution of higher learning
Sponsored by the PAG Church Kiligoris, ECUA-K students are expected to respect the church’s
Standards for conduct as outlined in the manual, (see also Student Handbook,). Here is a summary
ofthose that apply in the ECUA-K setting:
1. Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as you love yourself;
2. Be courteous, mindful and respectful to all people;
3. Participate in Humanitarian activities as much as possible and reach out to the needy;
4. Flee from all forms of evil, including:
a. Using God’s name in vain;
b. Youthful lusts, including fornication or adultery and same gender sexual
c. Sexual perversion in any form at all times;
d. habits and actions that are not healthy in any way;
e. Quarrel, goss, or slander, maliciousness;
f. Dishonesty in private, public or in business practice;
g. Telling and acting falsehood;
h. Music, literature, arts and entertainments that do not honor God or that are
subversive or unethical.
5. Abstain from drug abuse and consumption of alcoholic beverages, avoid any use of illegal
drugs and any form of tobacco, (including shisha, hookah, and e-cigarettes)
6. Abstain from games of chance, including the lottery or gambling in all
forms, as prohibited in Student Handbook, ‘Campus Life Prohibitions.’

University Position on Public Worship and Individual Belief

The PAG Church Kiligoris has respect of the Christian Conduct of the PAG Church, Kilgoris. Students
are not expected to speak against the theology of the PAG Church. The individual spiritual convictions
and affections of all students will be respected; no denomination or spiritual community, organization,
will be treated with disrespect or demeanor. The theology of the PAG Church, however, is the spiritual
standard for public worship at Evangel Christian University of America - Kenya.’
From the Student Handbook.

Places of Worship
"ECUA-K is purely a Christian University and therefore only provides places of worship for
Christian’s perse".

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