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Project Data

Project title: Happy planet time

Tools used in development: Genially
Duration of development: 3 days
Client: Self-work
Collaborators: None


I used Genially to create an escape room game about “saving the planet.” This game is
developed for learners to engage in a mentally stimulating form of entertainment with an
educational purpose. The game’s main challenge is to answer the questions presented by each
mission and decipher the final code to receive a reward. For this game, I choose the topic of
saving the planet to emphasize the importance of taking care of the planet and keeping it
clean and green.

To develop my escape room, I selected a template from a wide sample variety on Genially.
Then, I developed multiple-choice questions that comply with the three missions of the game.
The first mission is related to recycling, the second to planting, and the third to saving water.
Finally, I designed a code for participants to decipher at the end of the game to win a reward.
I also added background music for engagement and paid close attention to every detail to
develop my escape room game perfectly.


The challenges that I encountered while creating this game are:

- Finding the best template in relation to the topic.

- Developing the questions for each mission.
- Selecting background music for the game.
I managed this difficulty and challenge by extensively searching for samples, watching
tutorial videos, and asking my colleague for help.


One of the things that I learned from Genially is the importance of having creativity and
imagination. It helped me think like a designer and create a game even if it is in fact
customized. I also learned about a range of features in Genially. Through playing this game, I
want learners to feel engaged and motivated as they learn about how to save the earth and
keep it clean.

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