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Retention Period for Documents

To maintain an accurate history of all the documents and data associated with a
project, it is necessary to have a system for recording when documents are
created, modified, and destroyed. This information can generate reports on the
project's progress and help track any errors or inconsistencies.  

Management review minutes 2 Years

Internal and external audit reports 5 Years

Environmental monitoring and inspection records 5 Years

Legal and compliance records and registers 10 Years

Environmental aspects and impact registers 10 Years

Emergency preparedness plans and records of drills 10 Years

Environmental incident records 10 Years

Risk and opportunity assessments and/or registers 10 Years

Business plans 5 Years

Swot analysis records 5 Years

Pestle analysis records 5 Years

Corrective action reports 5 Years

Complaint records 2 Years

Nonconformance reports 5 Years

Design review records 5 Years

Training and competence records 10 Years

Calibration results and certificates 5 Years

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