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Telephonic Survey Questionnaire

 What is Integrated Development according to you?
a. An approach to connect the design, delivery and evaluation of programs across
disciplines and sectors to produce an amplified, lasting impact on people's lives.
b. Development which focuses on the future generation without compromising the needs
of the present generation
c. Integrated development is a step wise process of upgrading the area for a better use by
the students

 In which sector do you think Integrated Development should be included in the urban
planning process in Rourkela?
a. Transport
b. Housing
c. Physical Infrastructure
d. Social Infrastructure
e. All of the above

 In which sector do you think is it most necessary to have development in Rourkela?

 Which sector is most neglected in the development of Rourkela Town?

Household Survey Questionnaire

Section A: Personal Information of the Respondent

 Name of the Respondent - ______________________

 Age of the Respondent - ______________________

 Gender

Male Female
Section B: Present status of Social Infrastructure

 What is the distance of the nearest health facility from your residence?

Less than 1km

1-2 kms
Above 2 kms

 What is the distance of the nearest recreational facility from your residence?

Less than 1km

1-2 kms
Above 2 kms

 What is the distance of the nearest educational facility from your residence?

Less than 1km

1-2 kms
Above 2 kms

 How would you rate the recreational facility in your area?

Very good




Very Bad

Section C: Present Status of Physical Infrastructure

 How many hours of water supply do you get in a day? _____________

 How many hours of power supply do you get? _____________

 Do you have open/closed drains? _____________

 Is there any blockage of drains in your area? _____________

 Do you practice segregation of wet and dry waste at home? _____________

 How do you dispose your daily waste
Door to door collection
Community bins

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