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submitted to

in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the
degree or
June 1953
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rrfutrut S;ofr*rur l'f lrrlrut*l h6lnrslrs
E ODugr cf lrJou
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@le.rr Of Eohoot 6rrdu*r

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Erta Sr;1r lr Dror.aid

!tp.C E {rllr f. .hm

,, :

Sincere appreciation is expressed to

H. D. Christensen, Assistant Professor of Mechani­
cal Engineering, who sug eated the thesis subject,
and under. whose direction this thesis was com­
I. I NTRODUCTION • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • l


IV. PHOTOELASTIC MATERIAI,S • • • • • • • • • • • •
1. Gl ass • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 15
2. Cellu1oid • • • • • • • • • •. • • • • • • • 16
3. Cata1in 61-893 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 18
4. Fosterite • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 21
5. Homa1ite CR-39 _ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 22
6. Y...ris ton • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 24
7. Pl ex1g1nss and Lucite • • • • • • • • • • • 25
6. l!arb1ette • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 26
9. Viny11 te • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 27
10. Summary of the Properties of Photoelastie
Materials • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ 26


1 • . Selection of Resins • • • • • • • • • • •. • 34
2. Mixing the Res infl • • • • • • , • • • • • • 35
3. Mol d Prepars. tion • • • • · • • • • • • • • • 38
4. Cas ting and Curing the Resins • • • • • • ~ 39
5. Machinability of the Resins • • • • • • • • 46
6. Tension Tests • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 47
7. Strain Creep Tests • • • • • • • • • • • • 55
8. Optical Creep Tests • • • • • • • • • • • • 59
9. Stress Fringe Relationships • • • • • • • • 71
10. Determination of Fringe Constants • • • • • 72
VI. SUMJ~RY OF RESULTS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 77
VIII. COlWLUSIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 85
IX. BIBIIoGTIA.diY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 87

APPENDIX •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 90
Figure Page
1. Polariscope Arrangement • • • • • • • • • • • • 5
2. :Mold Assembly • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 40
3. Lindberg Furnace and Control Panel • • • • • • 42

4. ethod of Removing Gaskets • • • • • • • • • • 43
5. Method of Machining Test Specimens • • • • •• 49
6. Test Specimen Templates • • • • • • • • • • • • 49
7. Arrangement for Tension Tests • • • • • • • • • 51
B. Tension Test of Laminae 4116-4134 (Stress-
Strain Curve) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 53
9. Tension Test of Marco MR-2BC (Stress-strain
Curve) • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. • • • • • • 54
10. Arrangement for Strain Creep Tests • • • • • • 56
11. Strain Creep Test of Laminae 4116-4134 and
Marco MR•2BC (Strain•Creep Curves} • • • • • • 57
12. Loading Jig for Beam-in-Pure-Bending • • • • • 60
13. Arrangement for Optical Creep Test • • • • •• 61
14. Isochromatic Fringe Patterns for Laminae
4116M4134 CUred for 4 and 6 Hours at 150 F • • 53
15. Isochromatic Fringe Patterns for Laminae
4116-4134 Cured for B Hours at 150 F, and
:Marco NR-2BC • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 64
16. Fluorolite Analyzer • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 65
17, Optical Creep Test of Laminae 4116-4134 Cured
for 4 Hours at 150 F • • • • • • • • • • • • • 66
18. Optical Creep Test for Laminae 4116-4134 Cured
tor 6 Hours at 150 F • • • • • • • • • • • • • 67
19. Optical Creep Teat for Laminae 4116-4134 Cured
for 8 Houra at 150 F • • • • • • • • • • • • • 68
Figure Page
20. Optical Creep Test of Marco iffi-280 • • • • • • 69
21. Optical Creep Characteristics of Laminae
4116-4134 and Marco MR-28C • • • • • • • • • • 70
22. Stress Fringe Relationships for Laminae
4116-4134 and Marco MR-280 • • • .
• • • • •
- 73

Table Page
I. Properties of Photoelastic Materials • • • • • 29
II. Cr1tical Temperature Properties of Materials
used for Three-Dimensional Photoelasticity • • 30
III. Properties of Liquid Resins • • • • • • • • • 35
IV. Mechanical Properties ot Laminae 4116-4134
and arco MR-280 Compared to Catalin 61-893 • 52
V. Total Strains for Laminae 4116-4134 and Marco
MR-280 over the Time Interval of 5 Minutes
. to 180 Minutes • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 58

VI. Optical Creep Characteristics of Laminae

4116-4134 and Marco !!R-280 • • • • • • • • • • 71
VII. Fringe Constants for Laminae 4116-4134 and
Marco MR-280 obtained from Bending and
Tension Teats • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 76


The discovez-y of the photoelastic effect resulting.

from stressing a transparent, optically isotropic material
is credited to Dav·id Brewster, who observed this phenome•,
non using glass 1n 1912, and published accounts · of his
eltperiment in 1818. Although this discovery marked the
birth of photoelasticity, which ha·s .become one of the
moat powerful tools in present-day stress analysis, the
possibility of applying this method to engineering appli­
cations was not recognized at that time. The basic concept
that optical retardations producing color effects were
proportional to the principal stresses existing in a
stressed ma.terial, the stress-optic law, was formulated
independently by F. E. le'Ulttan ttnd Clerk Maxwell in 1841
and 1853 respoet1vely. No practical appl1.cat1ons were made
with th1.s me·thod until 1891, when Olarus Wilson published
results concerning photoelastie investigations conducted
on a s1mply-suppol'"ted beam subjected to a point load.
Further applications of this method ere made by Mesnager·
in 1901 (ll~ p629; 18; p4).
Early workers in this field were seriously hand1•
capped by the lack of a sui table .m aterial with which the
required models eould be Glass, the only material

available, was relatively insensitive and was very diffi­

cult to machine. Progress in the development of photo­
elasticity was slow until 1920, when E. G. Coker introduced
Celluloid as a model material (10, p325). This plastic
was used extensively until the development of Bakelite in
the early twenties. Bakelite BT~61•893, which is now
manufactured by the Catalin Corporation under the trade
name of Oatalin 61-893, bas become the standard material
for use in two-dimensional photoelastic studies. In the
.. .
~· years since the development of Catal1n 61-893, an entirely
new world of synthetic resins has been born. Since all
transparent plastics are potential photoelastic materials,
it becomes of interest to investigate the suitability of
these materials for photoelastic use. A great number of

these resins have been used tor stress analysis work,

but there are still many which have yet to be investigated.
In the field of three-dimensional photoelastioity, a new
material, Fosterite, has been · eveloped by the Westinghouse
Research La..b oratory 1 and it appears that this resin will
soon replace Catalin 61•693 for use as a model material 1n
this particular type of study.
Although the mechanical and str sa-optical properties
data of photoelastic materials are available in texts
devoted to the subject of photoelasticity, it was believed
that any single text did not contain information on many
of the materials which have been used and can be used.
This paper attempts to summarite all such information,
obtained through a survey of available litera ture, so that
it will be available in one work.
Also included 1s a report of the preliminary studies
for an investigation hose ultimate goal is to find a low
cost, easily cast resin which could be substituted for the
more expensive Catalin 61-893 for use as a model material
in the photoelasticity courses offered at Oregon State
College. The prtmary objective of thi& study was to
determine the feas1b111.ty of casting several of the com•
mercially available polyester resins with the equipment
available in the engineering laboratory, and to test the
resulting cured resin in an effort to evaluate their worth
as photoelastio materials . Recommendations for future 1n•
vestigationa on materials which proved successful are also

So that a clearer understanding of the principles in­

volved in the photoelastic method of stress analysis may
be obtained, a short discussion on this subject is included
in this paper.
Som6 crystals such as mica and calcite exhibit the
phenomenon of double refraction, ie, a beam of light fall•
ing at normal incidence on the crystals is resolved into
two components and transmitted on planes at right angles.
Almost all other transparent materials such as glass and
the synthetic resins show this effect when the material
is subjected to a stress and examined under polarized
light. This effect is only temporary since, upon removal
of the load, the material once again becomes optically
isotropic (11, p8~7, 839). The primary objective of the
photoelastic method, therefore, is to measure the double
refraction induced throughout the structural model when
applied loads deform the material fram which the model is
made, and to translate this effect into terms of stress
by use of suitable mathematical relationships (18, pl60).
The equipment and lens arrangement necessary to produce
the required circularly polarized light is shown in
figure 1. This polariscope arrangement is available for
photoelastic investigations condu.c ted at Oregon State


Fig. 1. Polariscope Arrangemen~

The photoelastic method of stress analysis is a use...
ful tool for promoting better and economical designs of
structural and machine parts.. In many cases, especially
in parts utilizing ductile materials where the design is
based on the maximum shear stress theory of failure, all
that 1s required from a stress analysis is the distribution
of tbe maximum shearing stresseLh In such instances, the
photoelastic method offers a rapid and simple means of
obtaining the desired information which cannot be rivaled
by an'Y other type of analytical procedure (22, p70).
Briefly, the method consists of loading a scale
model in a manner similar to that e.x1st1r~g 1n the prototype
and observing the stressed model unaer circularly polarized
11ght. The r.esult1ng fringe patterns may have a light or
dark background depending upon the orientation of the
transmission axes of the lens system , Light background
patterns e.ra obtained eithe-r by having (l) parallel
polarizer and analyzer with crossed qua~ter wave plates , or
(2) crossed polarizer and analyzer with parallel quarter
wave plates. Dark background patterns are obtained by
eithel' having (l) crossed polarizer and analyzer with
crossed quarter wave plates., or ( 2) parallel polarizer and
analyzer with parallel quarter wave plates. i'i1th a light.
background, - the dark bands, or isochromatic fringes ap..
pear1ng on the model 1nd1ea.te. odd n'Un1bers ot one...half' wave
lengths of retardation, while with a dark background, these
fringes indicate an integer number of wave lengths of
retardation. The r e tardation produced at any point in
the model is given by the equation (10, pl$6) .

R • Ot(p-q) (1)

R • relative retardation in wave leng ths,
Angs tram. un1 ts
0 • stress•optieal coefficient, in./psi
t • thiekne.s s ot the material, in.
( p-q) • difference. in principal stresses, psi.

In practice, however, the material fringe value,

"f," is used instead of the stress•opt1ea.l ooeffie1ent
"C" where "f" is defined as the stress difference in psi
required to change the retardation at a point in a model
one inch thick by one fringe. Then, if nn" 1a the fringe
order at a point in the model of th1eknes,s '" t"

(p•q) : nf/t (2)

On the tree boundaries, one of the principal stresses

disappears so that the stress pattern yields the tangential
boundary stresses directly as

s ·• nf/t (3)

Since in many instances the ms.x1lnulu shearing stre s·e s

occur at the free boundaries, generally tto further
information is required. Thus, by simply counting the
number of fringes, multiplying by the material fringe
value, and dividing by the thickness of the model, the
stresses at these points can be easily determined .
If, however , the stress distribution and the stress
values are required for the interior points of the
structure , isoolinios must be obtained from the stressed
model and the stress trajectories· determined. Isoclinic
lines are obtained using \'1hi te light in place of the
monochromatic sourc·e used in the polariscope for obtain­
ing isochromatic fringes. With the information thus
obtained, principles of the theory of elasticity must b~

applied to complete the solution to the problem.


Although the ideal photoelast!e material has yet to

be developed,. many plastics, which have been produced for
general industrial p'L'lrpose.e , have been used as model
materials . Only two have been developed specifically as
photoelast1c materialat namelr Catalin E51•893, which ha&
long been the standard material tor two-dimensional
photoelastic studies, and the rec6'1tly developed Fosterite
resin,. which has proved s.uccesfltul for' use in studying
stresses in the three-dimensional syste.m. In many
instances, the type of material selected for the model is
dictated by the needs of the particular problem under in...
vestigation, which often leads to a compromise of securing
the largest nuniber of desirable propel-ties with the fewest
undesir~ble charaeter1st1cs. However, there are several
properties which should be sought for even if they cannct~

be obtained. These pr.operties, not necessarily in the

order of importance, are listed below:
Transparencz. The m.Odel must t"an$m1t light;
.unless tbe material is t~ansparent, 1t is un•
suited for photoelast1c models. Clear materials
are the moat preferable since theJ transm1t the
maximum amount of light; colored or opaque.
materials should be avoided if possible.
~achinabilit,:. The materials should be easily
machined by means of or dinarily available
machine tools to keep expenses of producing
models at a minimum. Fabrication of models
by other means such as casting and welding
should be considered.
High Optical Sensitivity. A loM fringe
constant is desirable in photoelastic
materials so that models under load will
show the maximum amount of fringes , thereby
increasing the accuracy of the resulting
stress values, but this requirement ill have
to be sacrificed for the mechanical strength
properties required. Fringe orders should be
high enough at moderate loads so that their
value ean be determined by a mere counting
process without resorting to the use of
special instruments auoh a.s compensators.
. ,
Linear Stress-Strain and Stress-Fringe
Relationships. This requirement is essential
since the material must conform to the elastic
theory on which the photoelastio method is
dependent for similarity in stress patterns
betl'leen the model and prototype . Linearity
of stress....fl'inge relationships allows the
use of one fringe eonstant for all fringe
orde·r s.
High Modulus£( Elasticity and Proportional
Ltmit. The modulus of elasticity should be
hi h enough so that the models suffer only
smal l deformations under load and sti ll
retain the same shape. A high proportional
limit is desirable so that reasonably h i gh
loads can be applied to the model .
~ Strain-Cree2 ~ Optical Creep. The
effects of creep must be negligible within
the limits of the stresses to be applied.
For the stress-optic law to hold) it is
absolutely necessary that fringe order bo
dependent only on the model and the loads
applied and not on changes in time.
Freedom from I ni tial Stress. Since the
stress patterns result from loads applied)
any initial stress in the mater 1al will
result in errors in determining fr.inge
values. If the initial stresses are un­
avoidable~ they should be capable of being
removed by annealing .
Isotropy. The material must be isotropic to
conform to the elastic theory.
Constancy Bf Properties with M·o derate Changes
~ Temperature. Properties must remain
essentially constant at normal variations
in room temperatures so that test results
will not be affected by changes in tempera­
~ I
tures at the time of testing.
Availability at Moder ate ~· The material
should be one tha t ia fairly inexpensive, and
also available in large sheets with polished
surfaces so that the time required to prepare
models may be kept at a minimum.
Freedom !.£..2!u Time-Edf;e Effects. All materials
suitable for photoelast1c1ty appear to be
susceptible to the formation of residual
stresses shortly afteP .being machined. This
effect is pronounced in some materials, while
in others , 1 t is not quite as noticeable
(10, p892-893; 29, p767•77l).

The last-named property, freedom from time•edge

effects, constitutes probably the greatest difficulty
encountered in the use of synthetic resins for photoelastic
studies. Ttme-edge stressesJ which can be observed in
mod.e ls examined under pola~ized light as the appearance or
fringes at the free edges, are a: tuncti,o n primarily of
t1me, temperature, and humidity. These resulting fringes
are highly undesirable since they interfere with the ae­
curae,. of the boundary fringe counts, which normally are
the most critical. Leaf (15, pl09; 16, p20), in his in•
vestigationa concerning this effect, has shown that
moisture, either absorbed or lost by the material, is the
pJ'inc1pal cause of this phenomenon.
For Catalin 61-893, the process best suited to pre­
vent the occurrence or time-edge stresses is to machine
the model jus~ prior to examination in the polariscope,
or it this is not possible, s·torage in light oils or a
desiccator will retard the tormation of these fringes.
In celluloid, coating the freshly-cut edges with Vaseline
has been found to be beneficial in retarding these stresses
(11, p894), while it has been reported that covering the
lubricated edges with thin aluminum foil has proved
successful 1n preventing these effects in Dekorit, a
German phenol-formaldehyde resin, possessing stmilar
properties to that of Trolon (11, p246).

With the development of the synthetic resins

industry, there became available to the photoelastie1an
literally hundreds of plastics ,nany of which were potential
photoelastic materials which could be used tor making the
models required 1n the determination of stresses by the
photoelastic method. Many of these materials have been
thoroughly investigated and found satisfactory for this
purpose, but the resins which have yet to be investigated
far outnumber those that are in actual use.
Before entering into the discussion on photoelastic
materials, it may be well to defin·e some of the chemical
terms used.1n connection with plastics. These terms are:
Polymerization. A chemical change resulting in
the formation of a new compound whose molecular
weight is a multiple of the original substance.
Condensation. The union of molecules accomplish­
ed by the elimination of water or stmple by­
product to form the large complex molecules.
This definition is usually restricted to include
those organic reactions in which a carbon atom
unites with another carbon atom,
Monomer. The simplest form of molecule capable
of conversion to larger molecules, as for
example, through additional pol~erizat1on .

Pold'!er. Multiples of monomers, or compounds

with the same proportionate composition of
elements, but with different molecular
weights (5, p35).

Brief commentaries on the more common photoelastic

materials which have been used are presented 1n the pages
following. These discussions are concluded with Table I;
which shows the mechanical and stress•opt1cal properties
of photoelastic materials, and Table II, which lists the
properties of materials which h ve been found successful
for use in three-dimensional studies.
1. Glass. Glass is the original model material
used in the determination of stresses by the photoelastio
method. Invest1ga.tors frequently mentioned in connection
with the use of this material are Coker, who used it in
many of his earlier experiments, and notably Kesnager, who
in 1913, studied the distribution of stresses in a bridge
photoelastically using a model made entirely of glass.
Glass has many of the requisite properties of the
ideal photoelast1c material. It may be obta1ned in a
great number of varietie• in either large plates or thick
blocks; it is a homogeneous ~tert ·al which is perfectly
transparent, rigid, and stress free. It has a high modulus
of elasticity, a large linear loading range, and unlike
the synthetic resins, its stress and optical properties
are not affectod to any great extent with time or ordinary
variations in tomperature or atmospheric conditions {13,.
pll9). Glass also has the advantage of showing clearly
defined isoclinic lines, and in addition, is one of the
few materials which is not affected by the formation of
time-edge effects ( 11, p895).
Even with all these attributes, glass is now used
only to a very limited extent, it at all, because of the
difficulty encountered in machining to even the s~plest

shapes, and because it ie relatively insensitive optically

in comparison to the synthetic resins now available. Due
to its extreme fragility, there is also the danger of
chipping occurring at the, load points.
Possibilities of casting glass models have been
suggested, but these would be neither homogeneous nor
isotropic and would also show large initial stresses.
Although these stresses could be annealed out, the high
temperatures and the time required for the annealing pro•
cess, in addition to the danger of fracture occurring,
would not make this feasible for practical use. In this

country, glass has very seldom been used as a photoelastic

material (10, p324).
2. Celluloid. Great advances were made in the
development of the photoelast1c method of stress analysis
following the introduction ot this material in 1906. This
material was used extensively in the early photoelastic
research work of Coker which led to the publication of the
first compr,ehens1ve treatment on the s,u bject, ! Treatise
,£a Photoelasticity, by Coker and Pilon 1n 19Sl.
Celluloid, also known by other names such as
viscoloid, pyralin, and xylonite~ is a nitrocellulose
compound that is e~s1ly machined, optically five times as
sens1 t1ve as glaes 1 and pos,sesaes good transparency. Al•
though this material was a decided improvement over glass ,
it still lacked the elastic properties desirable in a good
photoelastic material. Investigations by Edmonds and
McMinn indicated wide variations in the properties of this
matel'1al, but that age appeared to b.a ve a beneficial effect
on these properties (6, pl9) . They also reported that for
Celluloid there appeared to be evidence that a true
proportionality between stress and strain did not exist
under any condition of loading. Several factors must be
taken into consideration when using this material for ,
photoelastic studies. These are, namely. change in proper•
ties with age, its susceptibility to optical and strain...
creep under sustained loads, and the variations in proper­
ties which vary with the rate of loading and with the
t ,e mpe:rature at the time of the test (8, pl45).
Although Celluloid and the other types of cellulose•
nitrate type of resins hav~ been replaced t ,o a large
extent by Catalin 61-893, it must still be considered as a
photoelastic material. It is eheap ~ available 1n sheets
as large as 20 by 50 inches, and in thieknes'tuls varying
from 0.005 inches to 1.00 inch. It ean be easily cemented
to itself by means of such solvents as acetone, ethyl
acetate, and butyl acetate. This property is advantageous
in simplifying the construction of complicated models suoh
as bridges trusses and other types of two...d1mens1ona1
models (11# p325) .
3. Catalin 61•893. This material ia a glycerin
phthalic anhydride type of thermosetting resin . It was
formerly produced by the Bakelite Corporation under the
trade name or Bakelite BT•61-893, but now it is manu­
factured by the Catalin Corporation under the designation
Catalin 61•893. Since its introduction in the early
twenties, it has become the standard photoelastio material
for two-dimensional studies in the United States because
1 ts p:rop$rt1es approach closest to those o.f the idea'l
photoela.stic material.
Cata.lin is available in semi-finished standard plates
6 inches by 12 inches, in thicknesses of 1/4 inch to 1 l/4
inch inclusive, at a cost of $17 .60 per pound at the
present time, a pound ot the mat$r1al being equivalent to
the 1/4 inch plate in the standard size. Principal dis­
advantages of this material are ita relatively high cost,
size limitations of available plates , its susceptibility­

to t1me•edge effects, and the unpolished surface condition
which requires considerable work to obtain the glass­
smooth surfaces preferable for use in photoelastic
In general• the material is water clear, machinable
with standard tools, yet hard enough for practical
handling. It is an isotropic material having a linear
stress-strain relationship to 6,000 psi, a linear stress•
fringe relationship to 7,000 psi, a modulus of elasticity
of about 615,000 psi, a tensile strength of 1'7,000 psi for
a five minute loading, and a Poisson's ratio of 0.365,
Its optical sensitivity is high, approximately four times
that of celluloid, so that thin models can be safely
stressed to produce the rich fringe patterns required for
accurate stress determinations (3 , pl).
At normal variations in room. temperature, 60 F ­
85 F, the maximum change in stress-optical coefficient is
approximately 2.5 per cent, or a change of about 2 to 3 psi
per fringe per inch, while variations in the modulus ' or
elastic1ty amount to 3 per cent, a change from 630 , 000 psi
to 615 1 000 pal . Poisson's ratio ith1n these temperature
limits remains constant (19 1 pAll).
For increasing temperatures, both the fringe values
and the 1nodulus continue to decrease, but at 230 F, the
critical temperature , the effect of temperature on the
properties disappears, and the material once again becomes

p rfectly elastic, ie, there is com lete recovery of
deformations and optical ef octs when loads are removed
and stress-strain and stress-fringe relationships become
linear. At the critical temperature, the modulus of
elasticity of the material drops to 1,100 psi, and the
fringe value to approximately 3.33 psi per fringe per
The ability of certain resins to regain their
elastic properties at elevated temperatures is the phenome­
non that permits th use of th se materials for three­
dimensional photoelasticity. Briefly1 this method
consists of heating themodel to the critical temperature,
applying the desired loads, and allowing the material to
cool slowly to room temperature with the loads acting .
This permits the retardation, or fringes , resulting from
the loading to be "frozen" into the material. After tlle
material has cooled, slices are removed from the model and
analyzed in a manner somewhat similar to that employed tn
two-dimensional photoelastioity. Cutting the models into
which stress patterns have been frozen does not produce any
effects other than local effects of the cutting process
(10, p327-337). However, the theory of three-dimensional
photoelasticity is much more complicated and lengthier
than that of the two-dimensional type.
Catalin 61-893 has been used for three-d~ensional

photoelast1c1ty because ot the lack of a more suitable

material, but size limitations of available lates, its
relatively h igh deformat ion and resultin dist ortion at
t he critical temperature , and its susce tibility to time­
edge effects , which are more critical in this type of
photoelasticity, have proven to be seri:ous limitations for
use of this material in such studies (20, pl9}.
4. Fosterite. This is a newly-developed resin
espec1all1 compounded for use as a model material in three­
dimensional photoelasticity by the Westinghouse Research
Laboratories. Several types of Poster! te were pr·oduced
initially, but now, photoelastic Fosterite has been
standardized for manufacture as a styrene- alkyd resin in
which 50 per cent of styrene is copolymerized witp an
alkyd consisting of sebas i o and maleic acids and diethylene
glycol (20, pl9).
Fosterite is available in cylinders of 4, 6, and 8
inch dtameters and in bars ranging from 2 by 8 inches to
a by 8 inches. The 4-inch cylinder is available in 18·
and 36•1nch lengths, while the others maybe obtained in
15- and 30~inch lengths.
As waa mentioned previously, Catalin 61-893 has been
used for three-dimensional photoelasticity because of the
lack of a better mater1a1 even though it possessed un­
desirable characte.riat1cs for this purpose. The use of
Fosterite complet.ely eliminates the size limita tiona and
the time-edge effects and reduces the e:t'ormations and
resulting distortions to 65 per cent o:t' those experienced
lith Catalin 61-893. The availability of Fosterite in the
larger sizes results in two distinct advantages:
1. More accurate and intricate models can be made.
2. The slices removed from the models may be
made thinner in proportion to the overall
dimensions of the model. Using thick slices
results in errors , since the stresses, in
general . vary in the direction of the thick­
ness of the slices and the added effect or
these varying stresses are obtained photo­
elastically (22 , p90).
The use of Fo.s teri te for ordinary photoelastic tests
at room temperature is precluded by the excessive amount
of creep \Vhich the material exhibits under load ( 20, p22) •
Although the cost of this material is slightly higher than
Ca.talin ol-893, it appears that this resin will replace
it for tbree•d:lm.ensional photoelastiaity.
5. Homalite CR...39 . This resin, formerly produced
by the Columbia Chemical Division of the Pittsburgh Plate

Glass Company under the trade name of Columbia Resin CR-39~

is now manufactured by the Bomal1te Company of Wilmingto.n ,

Delaware, under the designation of Homalite CR-39 .
CR- 39 is chemically termed an allyl diglycol
carbonate and belongs to the thermosetting class of
synthetic resins. This plastic is available in sheets
40 by 50 inches and in thicknesses of l/16 inch to 1/2
Investigations conducted on this resin by Coolidge
indicated that the material showed excessive optical and
strain-creep under loads. Tests conducted at elevated
temperatures to determine the suitability of this .m aterial
for three-dimensional photoelasticity proved unsuccessful
because ot the large drops in strength and the relatively
small deformations resulting from the high rigidity of
the material (4, p74•82).
The advantages of this material over Catalin 61•893
1. It is available in larger sheets and has
about the same optical sensitivity.
2. The material is manufactured with polished
surfaces and is less inclined to contain
residual stresses.
3. It is less susceptible to t !me-edge effects
than Catalin 61-893.
The disadvantages of this material are:
1. It possesses a lower limit of elasticity
than Catalin.
2. It is more sensitive to creep and oall?ot
be as easily or as satisfactorily annealed.

3. It is far more brittle than catalin

61-893 (17, plOO).

6. Kriston. This resin is an allyl-ester monomer,

available from the B. F. Goodrich Chemical Company, which
can be cast through the use of' suitable molds and techni­
ques into a thermosetting resin.
Kriston possesses many advantages for photoelastic
use, but suffers from one serious detect, namely, poor
machinability. It is excessively brittle and extreme
c~re must be exercised in machining it to prevent chipping
and cracking. Otherwise, this material has proved suc­
cessful for use in both two- and three-dimensional photo­
One of' the principal advantages of' this material is
that the catalyzed monomer may be used to weld other
pieces of' the cast material. The resulting joints are
relatively stress free, and the strengths of' these joints
are equal to or greater than the strength of' the standard
With regards to time-edge effects, Kriston has very
desirable properties, since re~lts have shown that little
or no time-edge effects were experienced in frozen stress
patterns or specimens tested at room temperature (31,
pl55-l'72 ) •
7. Plexiglass and Lucite. These two resins are
representative of the acrylic, or methyl methacrylate.
type of thermoplastic resins. Plexiglass is the product
of the Robm and Haas Company, while Lucite is produced by
the duPont Company.
These materials are easily machined and have the
requisite elastic properties, but their low optical
sensitivities, as in the case of Celluloid and Vinylite,
have prevented their wide acceptance as photoelastic
materials for general use. Ho~ever, because of their low
optical sensitivities, these materials have proved superior
to other resins in cases where a complete stress analysis
of structures was desired . In such instances, isoclinic
lines must be obtained, and the presence of fewer iso­
chromatic& permits clearer identification and accurate
tracing of the isoclinios.
The advantages of using less optically sensitive
materials for obtaining isoclinics are:
1. Ease of identifying the isoclinios when
photographic records are desired because
of fewer interfering isochromatics.
2. Models made from high optically sensitive
materials show time-edge effects to a
greater extent (in shorter times) than
those of lower sensitivities.
Both glass and Celluloid have been used for ob­
taining isoclinics, but the fragility of glass under loads
and the difficulties encountered in the machining process
eliminate the use of glass . Although Celluloid has been
the next choice of investigators in securing isoclinic
patterns, a comparison of its properties with those of
Plexiglass and Lucite shows that the latter possess certain
advantages over Celluloid. These advantages are:
1. Optical sensitivities of Plexiglass and Lucite
are 1.25 times as great as glass while
Celluloid is 3.9 times greater .
2. Plexiglass and Lucite, unlike Celluloid,
possess water-clear transparency equal to
that of glass.
3. Creep effects in Plexiglass and Lucite are
smaller than in Celluloid under the same
conditione of stress.
4. achinability of both materials is equal
to that of Celluloid.
5. Plexiglass and Lucite possess higher elastic
constants than Celluloid (30, p423-424).
8. Marblette. Marblette is a cast phenolic type of
thermosetting resin available from the Marblette Corpora­
tion of New York.
This material is easily machined, possesses an
elastic limit of 2,750 psi, an ultimate strength of

4,500 psi, and a .modulus of elasticity of 250,000 psi in

the as-received condition. Tnesc values can be increased
considerably through adequate annealing processes ( ll,
p897). arblette, in spite ot its several desirable
qualities, possesses high creep characteristics and
proportionally higher residual double retraction and
permanent set., if comparison is made under the basis ot
equal stress with other materials. However, for equal
fringe numbers in stress patterns, the stress intensities
being in inverse ratio to the opt ical sensitivities of the
two materials, relatively lower stresses are necessary
with Marblette and hence, use of the material for models
subjected to uniformly distributed loads is possible.
With respect to time- edge affects, Marblette shows lese
time-edge stresses than does 61-893 (29, p767-77l.).
A liquid cement is available from the manufacture~

for cold cementing Marblette; this cement has also been

found successful with Ba~~lite.
9. Vinylite. V1n~l1te 1s a polyvinyl butyral
compound manutaotured by 't he Bakelite Corporation.
This resin has been found susceptible to crazing
effects upon the application or loads producing stresses
fran 20 to 30 per cent of the normal ultimate strength.
This effect has also been observed in Plex1glass and
Lucite. Although this material has suitable strength
properties, its low optical sensitivity or 226 psi per
fringe per inch places it in a class with Celluloid,
wh ich precludes ita use as a satisfactory material for
general photoelaatic use (9, p65).
10~ Summ$-r'Y of the Properties of Photoelast1o
Materials. The mechanical and stress-optical propert1e&
or the materials mentioned in the preceding section,
to gether w1 th othera, · are shown 1n Tables I and II. It
will be noted that there are some discrepancies existing
between the values given for the same material. This is
to be expected since var·lous factors such as temperature,
humidity, rate of ·testing, and variations in the manu•
faoturing process itself, all have an effect on the
resulting values. The values shown in the tables should
be used _only- as a guide in selecting the desired material.
For best results, inves tigators should conduct their own
mechanical and stress-optical tests on sample pieces of
material to determine the required values.


(psi) (psi) (psi) (psi I fr I in.) (in) DATA

• .
. 14,000 -
620,000 0 . 36 6!1 -
- -
- (II, p894)

BAKELITE BT-46-001 -
16,000 -
61 !1, 000
0 . 36!1
0 . 365
6!1 . 2
B3 - - ( .
• - 16,000 - 620,000 0. 36 B3 - - ( ll,p B94)

BAKELITE BT- 48-004 - - - - - 40.2 VERY HIGH - ( 9-,p 63)

BAKELITE BT-48-005 - - - 300,000 - 55 - - (II ,p894)
- -
200,000 -
- I
( 9,p 63)
(II, p 894)
- !13, pi81-2J
CATALIN 800 (ENGL .) 2-3,000 - 187,000 - 47-50 - - 7 ,p232

. 14,500 5,500
630,000 0.36 87 LOW
( 9,p 63)

. . 17,000
15,000 -
620. 000
0 . 36
89 - -
( 13 1 P 181-2)
• 17,000 - 615, 000 0.365 86 - - (IO,p348)
4900­ 3900­ 2001 000­ 220­ -

3 90,000
0 . 33-0.38
295 - -
I (IO,p325)
.. .. . - - - -
. " . 7,000
7,000 -
280, 000 -
22 .. - -
(22,p 73)
CR- 39 (ENGL.) ALLYL STYRENE 7,000 - 280,000­
- 100 LOW - (13,pl81-2)
FOSTERITE STYRENE ALKYD (Ste Table ][) (22,p 73)
( 9, p63)
GELATIN 65% H2 0 - 14% GLYCER. - - 15 - 0 . 19 - - (II, p894)
• 13% H 0 - NO GLYCERIN - - 6 - 0.14 - - (IO,p350)
- -
4-12,000 -
- 9,000,000
0 . 2-0. 27
- - ( .
( 13. pl81•2)

- - - -
- ~
9,000, 000
0 . 40

- -


• •
( 4,p 81)
(II, p894)
KRISTON ALLYL ESTER MONOM. 8,200 - 540,000 - 80 - ·- (31,pl63)
LUCITE METHYL METHACRYL. 7-9,000 - 500,000 - HIGH - 0.375 ( 9,p 63)
• • • 8,000 - 300,000 - HIGH - - (ll,p894)
• • • 10,000 4,000 420,000 - 920 - - (30,p424)
L'ORCA (FRANCE) - - - - - 80 - - (29,p768)


4,500 2,750 274,000 - 51 HIGH I ( 9,p63)
• . -
- - - 75 - - (18 .P 172)

• • . • 4,500
(II, p894)
{22,p 73')
. " " - - 530,000 0.41 76 - - (IO,p350)
. (Unannld)
.. . - - - - 50 - - (18,pl72)
.. . .. .
. . . .
4,500 - 160,000
0 .40 42 -
- -
- (ll,p894)

. . . ..
23 - -
--MONSANTO CN 2050 CELLULOSE NITRATE 5-10,000 - 286,000 - 224 - 0. 25 ( 9 ,P 63)
NORTON RESIN METHYL METHACRYL. 8-10,000 - 475,000 - 6310 - 0.125 ( • )
PERSPEX (Pioaticized) (E)

" ( Unplasticized)
. .
" 7,000
500 UP
(13, pl81-2)
( • )
PHENOLITE (JAPAN) - 10,700 4,300 525,000 - 65.2 - - (IO,p350)
• - 8,500 7,000 - - - (29,p768)
- -
180 - - ( . )

. 8,800
500 UP
(13, pl81-2)
PYRALIN - 5-10,000 - 318,000 0. 30 226 - 0.50 ( 9, p63)
RUBBER - - - - 0.50 8.10 - - ( . )
TROLON (GERMANY) - - 1,420 355,000 - 63 - - (10, p350) :
VI NY LITE vs 1310 VINYL COPOLYMER 8-10,000 - 474,000 - THAN CELL. - 0.25 ( 9,p63) ~
XYLONITE CELL. NITR. CAMPHOR 5-8,000 - 300,000 0.3 ~ 300 MOD. - (13, p 181-2)

Critical Temperature Properties of trateriala Used
tor Three-Dimensional Photoelast1c1ty

61-893 Fosterite Kriston
Critical Temperature, F 248 194 275
Fringe Constant, t,
ps1/fr/in. 3.30 3.25 6.25
odulus of Elasticity, E,
psi 1200 1950 13,000
Ulttmate Tensile Strength,
psi 400 430 680
Figure of erit (E/f) 121 . 132 2080
Time-edge Effects Very Large Small Small

With the development of nlow-pressure" or contact

thermosetting resins, it has become possible to cast
plastics in sheet form at a minimum cost without using
expensive, specialized equipment . These contact resins,
which are classified under the generic term of
· "polyesters," are a group of clear, liquid, thermosetting
resina of adjustable viscosities, which when catalyzed
and subjected to heat, cure to an extremely hard, stable
solid without the use of pressure and at moderate tempera­
tures. More recently, through the use of accelerators,
cure can be accomplished even at room temperatures (23,
These polyesters include unsaturated alkyd resins,
copolymerized with a monomer such as styrene, as well as
the polyallyl resins, suoh .aa d1allyl phthalate and allyl
diglycol carbonate. The unsaturated alkyds are not
specific chemical compounds but are condensation products
of varying composition and varying chain length, whereas
moat of the allyls are definite chemical compounds.
In general , the pure allyl resins polymerize much
more slowly than do the unsaturated alkyds. The
polymerization of polyesters takes place without the
formation of water , acids, ammonia or any other volatile
compound, unlike the polymerization of the phenolic,

urea, melamine, and saturated alkyd resins, which is a
condensation reaction (27, p353-354).
The various polyesters on tbe market today differ
from one another in several respects. Some are air in•
hibited; others are nGt. Some may be cured at room
temperatures, others mar not. They also differ in
electrical and physical properties.
The principal advantage ot this group of resins
lies in their ability to be east without the application
of pressure and extl'eme curing temperatures which permits
the use of low•eost molds and eliminates the need of e.x­
pensi~e baking ovens, autoolavee, and sim.i lar heating
units. Thus, it has become feasible to east and 1nvest1...
gate the mechanical and stress-optical properties of
these contact resins in the possib111t7 that a material
possessing equal or: superior prope:t>t1es than Catal1n
61•893 could be found.
The objectives ot the investigations presented
herein were to determine the posa1b111t1Cls of successf\1lly
casting several of the commercially available polyester
resins with the ex1st1ng
. rae111 t1ea at the Oregon State
College Engineering Laboratory, and to conduct mechanical
and stress•opt1oal test s for the purpose of evaluating
the worth of these resins as stti table photoelast1c
materials. Although the t ·e st results are compared to
published data on Oata.l1n 61•893, the primary purpose was
not to find a resin superior in all respects to this
specially compounded resin, but more generally, to find
a castable resin which possessed satisfactory properties ,
and, in addition, was more economical to use in the
elementary photoelasticity courses offered at the Colle ge.
As was mentioned previously, the present cost of
Catalin 61-893 is $17.50 per pound, whereas the prices
of the polyester resins used in this investigation ranged
from 0.53 to 1.05 per pound . It must be pointed out,
however, that the latter prices are for the liquid resin
only and do not take into account the cost of catalysts
and accelerators required. Considering the small
amounts used, the addition of these constituents would
not raise the total material cost by more than a tew
cents. Although labor and power costs have not been
considered, it is believed that these resins, if successful,
could be cast at a fraction of the cost ot Catalin 61..893 .
Aside from the principal advantage of o tabi lity
at lower cost, a secondary consideration involves the
availability of optically clear surfaces in the as-cast
condition of these materials, which would eliminate the
tedious and time-consuming grinding and polishing opera­
tions required iith the use of catalin 61-893. This
resin was formerly available only in rough sawed sheets
which required a amount of work before the
finished model was obtained, but now it is available in

a semi-finished condition which eliminates a few of the

intermediate grinding operations. It should be pointed
out that by immersing the model in a suitable fluid
having an index of refraction identical with that of the
model material, it is possible to use the models in an
unpolished condition, but optimum results are obtained
ueing models with highly polished, glass-like surfaces.
Mechanical difficulties encountered in designing a loading
arrangement in hich the immersion fluid can be used has
also prevented ~ide acceptance of this method.
1. Selection of Resins. The resins selected for
this investigation were all of the polyester type, with
the criteria of selection being based on optical clarity,
color, and strength property data as obta ined from manu­
facturers' bulletins. Sample quantities of the resin were
ordered, and upon receipt, were placed under refrigeration
since all thermosetting resina are subject to a slow cure
reaction even ithout the accelerator added . This is
especially true for small quant1tie~ of resin which can
change temperature rapidly . Trade names of the resins
selected and their manufacturers are listed below, while
Table III gives pertinent information on the properties
of the resins in their as-received forms (2, pl; 25, p5-6;
26, pl) .
Resin Manufacturer
Laminae 4116 American Cyanamid Company
Laminae 4134 Plastics and Resins Division
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York 20, N. Y.•
Marco MR-260 Marco Chemicals, Inc
Marco MR-280 Sewaren, New Jersey
Vibrin 100 Naugutuck Chemical
V1br1n 114 Division of the US Rubber Co
Baugu.tuck, Connect1out

Froperties o.f the Liquid Resins

Per cent
Viscosity Shrinkage
SE Gr ( c;es) durins cure
Laminae 4116 Clear Light 1.,ua 300-600 6-7
Laminae 4134 Clear Light 1.12 300-600 6-.7
Marco lffi-260 Light st:r·aw 1 ,. 24 l.O,OOO --~ -
to 12,000
Marco MB-2SC Light Straw 1.12 650 --­
V1br1n 108 Water Clear 1.12 600 10.2
Vibrin 114 Olear Straw 1.14 400 8 .'1

2. Mi.x1ns; the Resins. In mixing the resins in pre•

paration to casting, the following formulations recommended
by the respective manufacturers were used: (All parts by
Laminae 4116•413~ (Oven Cure)
80 parts Laminae 411 6 r ,as in
20 parts Laminae 4134 r esin
0.4 parts Laminae 347 Catalyst

Marco WR-26C (Oven Cure)

100 parts MR-26C r esin
20 par,t s Styrene
2.5 pa:rts MC•l Paste Catalyst

Marco MR-280 (Room Temperature Cure)

100 parts MR-280 resins
2 parts !0-1 Paste Catalyst
-· 5 parts· Accelerator E

Vibr1ns 108 and 114 (Oven Gure)

100 parts Vibrin lOS or 114
2 parts Luperco J DB Catalyst

In general, the mixing procedures followed for the

above rosins were relatively simple, and in most eases
were identical, the excepti ons being Marco MR•26C in
which Styrene is used, anCl ltarco MR- 280 in which an Ac­
celerator is used. The procedure followed, with dit'­
.ferences in methods for the Marco resins noted, 1s out•
lined below;

a. Remove the required amounts of resin from

refrigeration and allow to reach r .oom
b. Add the requ1red ' amount of catalyst which
will d1ssolve.readily 1n the resin under
stirring action . The catalyz ed mix should
be stirred thoroughly to assure uniform
distribution of the cata lys t 1n t he r esin.
In the case of Marco MR-260, the required
20 parts of Styrene monomer should be
added to the resin and mixed thoroughly
before the catalyst is added-
a. Allow the catalyzed resin to stand for an
h.o ur or two to p erm1t entrapped air bubble·s
resulting from stirring to escape. For'
Marco MR-28C, the Marco Accelerator E
should be added at this point and the mix­
ture again s tirred thor oughly . Some care
tm1st be exercised 1n stirring the mixture
now since the time available for the air
bubbles to escape 1s 11m1 te·d by the gelling
action wh ich begins approximately 45 minutes
after the introduction ot the acceleratol"
to the .resin mix.
d. The catalyzed and/or accelerated resina are
then ready to be poured into prepared molds.
e. Mixing beakers may be cleaned using acetone
to remove the bulk of the remaining resin
followed by cleaning with a detergent such
as Labtone Glass Cleaner.
3. Mold rel!aration. The mater al selected for
molds was common pl te glass sheets since this material is
readily available at relatively low cost, and bas the high
finish on the surfaces which is essential for imparting
the required surf ces on the resin. Although there was
some doubt as to whether ordinary plate glass would with­
stand the temperatures at which curing took place without
fracturing, subsequent experience showed that there were
no failures resulting from this cause:
Containing gaskets for the plate glass molds were
made from sponge rubber strips cut from sheet material
of the type available from athletic supply houses. These
strips were covered with sheet cellophane to prevent
contact of the liquid with the rubber gaskets; a condition
which inhibits the cure of the resin . Sponge rubber was
selected since the resiliency of the gaskets permitted
minor adjustments in the thickness of the space between
the mold faces.
Before assembling the mold, a lubricant was applied
to the inner surfaces of the mold . Initial castings were
made using Johnson's Glass 1ax as the lubricant, but
subsequent castings were made using Marco ML-2 Concentrated
Lubricant dissolved in acetone in the ratio of five parts
by weight of lubricant to 95 parts by weight ot acetone .
This solution was applied to the mold faces with a clean

cloth so that a film of lubricant ~as visible on the

surfaces. Generally, two to three coats were found to be
sufficient. Although partin qualitlos using Glas s Wax
were satisfactory, bett er results were obtained with the
Marco lubricant .
To assemble the mold, the cellophane covered gaskets.
were placed between the lubric ated faces of the mold at
three edges . Four one-inch "C" clamps were then placed
at the corners and adjusted to hold the mold at the
desired thickness . The assembled mold is shown in
figure 2.
4. Casting and Curing the Resins. In pouring the
catalyzed resins , the assembled mo ld was held at a 45­
degree angle and the rosin allo~od to flow down the side
of the mold. This minimized the possibility of entrapping
air bubbles in the resin . After pouring, all resins, with
the exception of Marco MR-28C, were allo ed to gel at
room temperature overnight. The arco MR-260 resin and
Laminae 4116-4134 gelled completely during this period,
but in the Vibrin resins , approximately one-half inch of
the resin at the exposed surface of the mold remained in
liquid form . The occurrence of these air-inhibited sur­
faces was reduced to some extent by lacing a cover of
cellophane bet oen the glass plates in contact with the
resin surfaces . All resins gelled crystal clear except
f or Vibr1n 114, which had a tendency to cloud upon gelling .



J'ig. 2.. a,ld Assembly

I '
All attempts to obtain a clear gel with ttis resin wer~

without success; therefore , V1brin 114 was eliminated from.

further investigation.
In the ease of Marco MR..280, which 1s a room­
temperature curing resin, the gelling action begins ap•
proximately 45 minutes after the accelerator is added to
the catalyzed resin. During the next two hours, an
exothermic heat r -e action takes place. After this h_e at of
reaction has been dissipated, the finished resin may be
removed-from the mold . The total time required between
pouring the resin and the removal of the finished plate
was approximately 4 to 5 hours • .
Curing for all other resins was conducted in .a
Lindberg circulating air annealing furnace, shown in
figure 3. Controls provided on this oven consisted of a
thermocouple actuated on-off - type controller and an
Electrol proportional controller, also thermocouple
actuated. Range of the proporti-o nal controller was from
150 F to 1500 F. Prior to placing the gel led resins in
the oven for curing, the "cu clamps holding the mold are
removed together with the rubber containing gaskets.
Here again, care must be exercised, since any hurried
attempts to remove the gaskets w111 result in separation
of the glass plates :from the resin. Once separation hs.a
occurred, it is practically impossible to place the glas s
mold surface in perfect contact with the gelled resin
li&. 3. Lindberg Furnace and Control Panel

ithout lr spaces being present at the resin-mold

boun ary . In one instance , after such an occurrence, the
resin wa pl ced in the curing oven with the top plate
removed an subjected to the regular curing cycle. This
resulted in a fin shed plate having very uneven surfaces
and showing some evidence of surface checking . T.he pro­
cedure ua·e d in removing the gaskets can be more easily
explaine by referring to the sketch and accompanying
text shown in figure 4 .

Fig. 4. Method of removing gasket

1. Cut and remove gasket at (a).
2. Grasp exposed end of rubber gasket
and remove in the directions shon1
by arrows (b). .
3. Remove "C" clamps from mold.

Cracking of the resins on curing was the major dif­

ficulty encountered in the casting of Marco MR-260 and
Vibrin 108 resins. arco MR-260 was cured for three
hours at 210 F, while Vibrin lOB was given a two-step
cure, l/2 hour at. 190 F followed by 1 hour at 250 F.
Possibly at this point, it would be well to explain the
problem involved in the action which oceurs when the
gelled resin is cured at the elevated temperatures. The
curing of thermosetting polyester resins is basically an
exothermic heat reaction. lienee, if the casting is
large, or if the mold is of such a material which does
not absorb and oonduet the heat rapidly, the temperature
of the resin mass during the curing period rapidly in•
creases. This heat in turn speeds up the rate o.f
polym:er1zation s·o that the reaction may literally "run
away" and generate excessive heat. In most materials,
such a heat build-up or increase in temperature is

accompanied by e.xpe.nsion of the material. In the curing

resins, this expansion is o.p posed by the shrinkage
action or the resin as .i t is in the process of curing to
its final state. Thus, it ean b& seen that during curing
two forces are working in direct opposition, which, 1t
not controlled,. will result in fractured cast.ings or one
that is under strain. Therefore·,. temperature rise must
be controlled during the period. when exotb$~1c heat is
being produced moet rapidly ('?,7 1 pl} ,.
The failures experienced. with the two resins were
possibly due to the high heating rate characteristics of
the oven. In an attempt to minimise the rapid heat 1n­
ex-ease, the mold containing the gelled resins wel"e

sandwiched between two l/4-1nch steel plates during the

curing period. Tbis· did not alleviate the cracking
tendencies of Vibrin 100, and therefore, this resin was
eliminated from further study. Thus far, both Vibrin
resins 100 and 114 were found unsatisfactory for casting;
the former because of cracking during cl.lr1ng with the
facilities used, and the latter due to difficulties 1n
obtaining a clear gel . Investigations on Marco MR-·2 60
were also d1seontinued since most of the early castings
in which failures \¥ere encountered were with this resin,
which resulted in the depletion of the small quantities
of th:e resin available for study.
To minimize the risk of additional material
through fracture, the steel plates we·r e also used with
Laminae 4116-4134. Results of casting this particular
formulation proved very successful; therefore, three dif­
ferent curing pel'iods were used with this resin to
determine the effects ot different curing periods on the
properties of the material. Temperature of curing for
Laminae 4116-4134 resins was 150 F for periods of four,
six,. end. eight hours.
After holding the resins for the spee.ified times
at the · curing temperature, the resins were allowed to
o.v en cool until the following mo.r nlng. This was done to
avoid rapid temperature changes, which could lead to
fracture of' th$ finishEid plates. Upon removal trom the
oven, the resins were separated from the molds. Extreme
care must be exercised at this stage since fracture can
occur in either the finished resin or in the glass plates
comprising the mold.. Adhesion between the mold surfaces
is too great to allow removal of the plates b7 pr1ing
\Vithout danger of cracking or chipping one or both of the
glass plates. The procedure used was to scribe around one
surface of the resin at the junction of the edge of the
· resin and the plate glass with the point of a sharp knife .
Continued scribing will result in rainbow-colored areas
appearing at the surface of the resin where separation
begins. These multi-colored areas will spread aoross the
resin-mold surface until finall7, the mold and resin wil l
separate with a sharp cracking sound. Once the first
plate has been removed, it is a simple matter to remove
the remaining plate following the same procedure just out­
lined. Surfaces of the cured resin were optically clear,
and measurements with a micrometer showed that the surface
variation amounted to 0.005 inches or less,
5. Machinability ot the Resins. The machinab1litr
of the Laminae 4116-4134 resins was tound to be slightly
better than Marco MR-260, although both materials
appeared to be more bri.t .tle than Catalin 61·893. Standard
tools were used 1n machi ning the models , and by exercis1ng
the normal amount of care, chipping at the edges and
machining stresses can be avoided. For drilling, however,
it was found necessary to use a lubricant, either water
or light oils, to prevent the formation of machining
stres s es around the holes.
The test specimens were end-milled to shape using
metal templates as shovm in figure 5 . The plastic blanks ,
previously cut 1/16-ineh oversize on the band saw, were
sandwiChed between the templ ate and the baseboard•
clamped, and then milled to shape by runni ng the assembly
against the tnilling cutter . A case- hardened steel collar
attached to the cutter , whi ch bore against the edge of the
template during the final cuts , assured perfect edges on
the finished models.
The metal templates used were milled from mil d
steel stock and were case-hardened by carburizing for 8
hours a t 1750 F, followe by quenching 1n water. These
templates are shown in fi~re 6.
6. Tension Tests . For the purpose of determining
the stresa·strain relationships , tension tests were con­
ducted on specimens of Marc o MR- 280 and the three types
of Laminae resins.
The tensile models used in these tests were or the
pin- end type which were end- milled to shape using the
templ ate shown previously in figure 6 . Brass bushings
with a pre s s fit wer e als o used to minimize the pos s i ­
bil1t1 of fracture occurring a t the pins, thereby in­
creasing the load~carrying capacity of the models .

Fig . S. ethod. of Test Specimens

,. 49
Drill 2 Holes fD. 4 D.

-ICI) ,..,





_l - ~ - '"
(c) Strom- Creep

L~ _J
(b) BendinQ Specimen

Dr i ll 8 To JJ _/
0 . 0312"
. for 10-24

l -- It_ ___J ~IfJ~@f' sc,ew

(o) Tensile Specimen
(d) Bross Bushings for (e) E nd M i ll
Note : All Steel Parts Case Tensile Spec imen C o il or


A 3000-lb capacity T1nius·01sen lever-type testing
machine was used for these tests. Loads were increased
in increments of 50 pounds from zero load to fracture of
the specimen. The strain measurements ere made using
Type A-1, SR-4 electric resistance strain gages in con­
junction with a Young Testing Machine Company Type A
Strain Indicator. After completing the first few tests,
it was found desirable to use the entire 20,000 microinch
r~nge of tha indicator. This was accomplished by intro•
ducing a four-ohm resistance in series with the compensa·
ting gage circuit and utilizing the range extender provided
on the indicator. Even with this arrangement, strain
measurements in the vicinity of the ultimate strength
could not be measured, but adequate data were obtained to
determine the cardinal points of interest obtainable from
a tension test. The testin arrangement used is shown
in figure 7.
Two specimens each of Marco MR-280 and Laminae
4116- 4134 cured for four hours at 150 F, and one each of
Laminae 4116-4134 cured for six and eight hours at 150 F
ere tested. In all but one case, fracture occurred
within the critical section of the model. The values ot
the ultimate strength, proportional limit, and the modulus
of elasticity resulting from these tests, together with
those of catalin 61-893, are given in Table IV.

Fig. 7. Arrangement tor Teftsion Testa

Stress•str in ou,r'Yes for the tamin c and .,~c.rco r 1ns are
shown 1n fig'lltt'&e 8 end 9.

Mechanieal Properti, o.r L mint..~ 4ll -4134 and t oo mt-280
Compared to Catal1n 6l-S98

Ultimate Proportion l. ~o<iulus ot

Strength Umlt Eltust!cttr
1psl_l.­ I
(ps1J tPe1l .
4-hr - Laminae 910 4000 440.000
6-hr Lbl1nac 9000 4000 404,000

B-ht' La.m!:nac 9400 4000 40 ,ooo

aroo. M.ft•2SO 6400 3000 $04,000
catal1n el-a93 13500 5500 663,000

In genoral, the tam1nac r sins po seas higp r

strength propettt1os than Ul"CP MR•ESC, but both D.l'e 1nfet91­
o:r to c tal1n 6l•a93 in this re.e pcot. 1th1n the Lam1ttao
group. the high~st ntrength prop rt1ea of the three types
tested ,.,fU' exhibited by th Lam1n e 4116-4134 re 1n cured
~.or tour hour . at 150 F, w1 th th lo .eat &tren th being
.xh1o1t d bJ the resin .cured r r s1x hours at the sam The str ngth of tho rosin rox- e1gb.t
hours laJ pprox ately td.dwe.y b&tw on the otb r two.
Thus, 1t c b s en that no aet1n1t · trend of the e.ftflct
ot curing t on tr~ngth prop ~tte as estublish d by
these testa . It was not dote 1ned wbetbel- the slig,bt
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differences recorded were the result of c~ring time or
or the result of variations in the material itself.
7. Strain-GreeR Tests . Short-time strain-creep
tests ~ere conducted on all resins to determine their
respective creep characteristics . For these tests ,
tensile specimens ·ere subjected to a constant load,
hich produced z;ooo psi within the test section of the
specimen. Strain re adings were then taken at intervals
of 5, 10• 15, 20 1 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180
I t

inutes after the application of the load. These rondings

'ere obtained using Huggensberger tensometers measuring
over a one-inch gage length attached to both sid~s of the
specimen. An average value of the strain readings of both
gages was used to determine the value of strain. Because
of their limited capacity, the gages ere not attached to
the specimen until after full load had been applied.
Although it , was realized that this procedure would produc e
errors in the actual total strain recorded over the
specified period, it was believed that an indication or
the overall creep characteristics could still be obtained
in this manner. The testing arrangement is shown in
figure 10.
The resulting strain-creep curves, figure 11, show
th t all Laminae resina possess similar creep rates.
Rapid increases in strain are shown during the first 45
minutes , after which the creep rates become f irly

Pig. 10. A.J"rangement tor Strain C~ep testa


constant. ~1e creep curves for Marco MR- 28C , on the other
hand, show a much more uniform creep rate over the three-
hour period. It should be pointed out that the curves
plotted from the data show only the increase in strain
after apvlication of the lo&d) and do not t ke into
considerati on the initial strain due to loading. The total
increases in strain between the time interval of 5 minutes
and 18 0 minutes after the appl ication of the load is
shown in T ble V. So that the magnitude of the strains
involved may be more easily visualized, the strains have
been converted to equival ent stresses in ps i. The per­
centage increases in stress over the actual applied
stress are also shown .

Total Strains for Laminae 4116-4134 and Marco MR•28C
ovQr the !l'ime Interval of
5 Kinutes • 180 M1nutes

Total ModulU3 of Equiv Per cent

Strain Elasticit)' stress Increase
{in.) (psi ) (psi) in Stress
4-hr Laminae 0 . 00203 440,000 894 44 . 6
6-hr Laminae 0.00207 404 , 000 836 41.7
8 - hr Laminae 0 . 00189 404 ,000 764 38 .1
Marco .~; -280 0 . 00202 394 , 000 795 39 . 7

'l'he above results indicate that all resins tested

sh ow excessive amounts ot strain-creep to be used
satisfactorily as a photoelastic mat erial. Even for the
time interva l of 5 minutes to 60 minutes, the strain
resulting from creep expressed in terms of equivalent
stress ·amounts to 22.5 per cent, 23,6 per cent, 19.7 per
cent, and 17.5 per cent over the applied stress for the
resins in the order shown in the table.
a. Optical Creep Tests. A study was also made of
the optical creep obaracter1stics of the various resins
to determine whether there was any correlation between
optical creep and strain creep.
For these tests, the beams were end-milled to shape
as previously outlined, and loaded through holes located
on the neutral axis of the beams by a linkage system to
produce pure bending in the central portion of the beam.
This loading arrangement is advocated by Frocht (10, p38l)
as being preferable t'Q the more commonly used method of
applying the load through pins placed at su i table points
on the upper and lower edges of the beam. Figure 12
shows a modified form ot the loading jig used in this
test~ which is to be made for future use in the Oregon
State College Photoelasticity Laboratory.
•, ·.

All beams were subjected to a constan't 'bending

moment of 112.5 lb-1n. by applying a 300-lb load through
a lever .system. This arrangement is shown in figure 13.
Photographs of the · resulting fringe pat.terns were taken
~ed1ately after loading and at intervals of 5 1 10, 15,

Drt l l and Rtom
All Holts ~D.

8 Links Reqd .

No. 48 Dri II
2 Holes for
Cotter Pins

Pin Detail
Full Size
FtG . 12
Scale : One- Half Size Except A• Noted
All Dimensions In Inches

Pig. l3. Arrangement for Optical Creep !est


30, 60, 120, and 180 minutes after application of load.
The initial and final fringe pattern photographs for all
beams are shown 1n figures 14 and 15. Negatives of the
. sequence fringe patterns were analyzed using the GE
Fluorolite measuring device pictured in figure 16. The
measured distances between fringes, shown plotted against
fringe order in figUres 17 through 20, do not take into
consideration the magnification !'actor introduced by the
lena arrangement. The fringe orde~s at the tension edge
of the beam were determined by extrapolation, and the
changes in these fringe o:rdera • .i th re•pect to time were
used as the criterion or optical creep.
A ·c omparison of the overall optical creep character­
istics ot the various resins is shown in figure 21. It is
evident that the greates.t amount of creep is exhibited by
the Marco resin while the Laminae 4116-4134 resin cured
for eight hours at 150 F shows the least, being practically
negligible over the three-hour period. Within the Laminae
group, increased cure times appear to have a beneficial
effect in reducing the optical creep of the
Table VI lists the total change in fringe order in
terms of tr1nges and equivalent stress for the various






OF LAMINAC 4116- 4134 CURED FOR 4 HRS (a,b) AND I HRS (c,d)
300 LIS AND 112.~ LB-IN RESPECTIVELYi STRESS • 2730 pti (a,b) 1 ·
2710 psi (c,d) .




(d) MARCO MR-28C AT 180 MIN


LAMINAC 4116- 4134 CURED FOR 8 HRS AT 1!50 F (a,~) AND MARCO
PECTIVELY; STRESS • 2690 psi (a,b), 2780 psi (c,d).
-------------- --

-- -- -- --- --·l

J'ig. 16. J'luorol1te Ana.l.yzer

~+- -r----t-+-t-J~a~l..l~u~ l(t · •1-1 ·16 ~1411314 ..
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Optical Creep Characteristics of Laminae

. 4116-4134 and Marco MR•28C
Fringe Values Equiv
At At Stress %
Loading 180 Min
Diff {psi) Change
4•hr 5 .60 4 . 85 0.75 394 15.5
6-hr Laminae 4 .65 4.30 0.35 189 8.15
8-hr Laminae 4.85 4.90 0.05 27.4 1.03
Marco MR-280 6 .15 5.25 0.90 351.9 17.1

There appears to be no correlation in the magnitudes

of the strains involved be tween strain creep and optic al
creep of the various resins. However, in both cases, in­
creased curing time appears to decrease the creeping
tendencies or the Laminae r esins.
9. Stress-Fringe Relationships. For this series of
test s , tensile specimens of the four types of plastics
ere viewed in the field of the polariscope while slowly
being loaded. Because of the lack of material, the speci•
mens use d were t hose which ha d b een previously used for
the strain creep tests. For this r eason, there is some
doubt as to the worth of the r eported r esults, but under
the circumstances, it was assumed that previous loa dings
would have little or no eff ect on the optical properties
of the material . This assumption may be justified since
the applied loads produced only 2,000 psi, a stress which
was within the straight-line portion of the stress-strain
curve , and because sufficient time was allowed to elapse
between the two tests for the material to regain its
original dimensions through elastic f l ow .
The test procedure consisted of observing the pass­
ing of al'"ernate light and dark fringes across the region
of pure t(~nsion , and recording the load increment required
to cause n complete cyclic change , ie , from dark fringe to
dark fringe . No effort was made to control the time factor
· or to study the effects of creep during this test . The
time taken to reach either the breaking point of the
material ()r the final load was approximately 15 minutes.
Fi~lre 22 sho s the r sults of this test , and taking
the foregc>ing qualifications into consideration, the
results indicated that all materials possessed linear
stress-fringe relationships to 7 , 500 psi plus . Lack of
capacity of testing facilities prevented the determination
or the stress at Which fringe relationships ceased to be
linear .
10 . Determination of the Fr1nge Constants . The
fringe constants of the photoelastic materials may be
obtained by utilizing the initial data obtained from the
optical creep tests , in which a bending specimen waa used,
or from the data of the stress-fringe relationship tests ,
in which a tensile specimen was used.
Considering the beam- in- pure-bending, elementary
beam theory shows that only axial stresses exist in the
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region of pure bending and that these stresses are defined

by the equation, S = Mo/I. Equating this to the photo•
elastic stress equation, S • nf/t, we have

S = Mc/I • nt/t
t • Mot/In
! • the fringe constant, ps1 per fringe
per inch
M • the bending moment, lb-in.
c • distance from the neutral axis, 1n.
t • the thickness of the material, in.
I • the moment of inertia of the section,
n • the fringe order

Since "t" is constant tor a given material, it

becomes evident that this constant is determined by the
proportionality of nc," the distance of the fringe from
the neutral axis, and "n," the fringe order. A plot ot
fringe distance versus fringe value will result in a line
whose slope is c/n, providing a simple means for computing
the fringe constant. The principal advantage or this
method is the speed with which the constant can be
determined, which eliminates the possibilities of creep
effects entering into the results. All that is required
is to load the beam and to photograph the resulting fringe

pattern for future analysis.

However, despite the tbepretieal simplicity of pure
bending; it is rather difficult technically to produce a
stress pattern of pure bending of known bending moment
(10, p360). Aside from the machining effects which cause
a slight shift in the position of the neutral axis, or
cause resulting increases and decreases of the boundary
stresses on the compression and tension sides of the beam,
there is also a decrease in the applied bending moment
resulting from the friction forces developed if the loads
are applied through pins at the ed es of the beam. These
friction forces may be reduced by using the loading
arrangement shown in the section on Optical Creep, but
here again, another factor, the accuracy with which the
loading jig is constructed, enters into consideration.
In the second method, using the tensile speciihen,
the increments of load required to cause fringe changes
must be recorded together with the corresponding fringe
value as the loading progresses . Although this method
. is more time consuming than the former, it has been found
that tension testa provide the moat consistent results
and the bending tests the least consistent results unless
special care is exercised. Correlation of the results
obtained from both methods is satisfactory where the
stresses involved are small, but for h1gh ntresses, the
agreement is not so good (10, pl62).

For the tensile specimen, the fringe constant

equation becomes
S a P/A a nf/t

f = Pt/An
The fringe constants for the Laminae 4116-4134 and
Marco UR-280 resins as calculated using both methods are
shown in Table VII.

Fringe Constants for Laminae 4116·4134 and Marco MR-280
Obtained from Bending and Tension Tests

Fringe Constants
{psi por inch per fringe)
Tension Test Bendins Test Diff
Laminae 4116-4134, 4hr 162 . 5 139 14.5
Laminae 4116-4134, 6hr 166.5 161.5 3.0
Laminae 4116-41341 Bhr 172.5 169.0 2 .03
Marco MR-280 121.1 128.5 6.1

The percentage difference ia baaed on the fringe

constants as obtained from the tension tests. Good cor­
relation exists between the constants as determined from
both methods for all resins except the 4-hour Laminae
where the discrepancy amounts to 14.5 per cent. Con ider•
ing the fair degree of agreement existing between the
constants of other resins, no reasons could be found for
the wide variation in values obtained.

An investigation was conducted into the possibilities

of casting several polyester r esins with the equipment

available at the Oregon State College Engineering
.L abora tory. Resins studied included Laminae 4116-4134,
Marco MR-280 and ~m-26C, and the Vibrin resins 108 and 114.
or the five resins with which this investigation was begun,
only two, namely, Laminae 4116-4134 and Marco MR-2BC,
were found to be castable with little or no difficulty.
Vibrin 114 was eliminated due to diff iculties encountered
in obtaining a clear gel, while V1brin 108 proved
susceptible to fracture during the curing proces s .
Studies on Marco MR-260 were discontinued because or lack
of sufficient raw materials to complete the studies. For
all resins except Marco KR·29C, a two-step curing opera­
tion was used, namely, gelation at room temperature fol­
lowed by curing at an elevated temperature, In t he case

of Marco MR-280, both gelation and cure were accomplished

at room t emperature. Mixing methods, mold preparation,
and casting techniques used are fully discussed. Mechani­
cal and stress optical tests were conducted on materials
successfully cast in an effort to evaluate their worth as
photoelastic materials. The results of these tests are
summarized below.
Tension tests conducted on the resins selected for
1 ~est1gati n ho that ultimat tronzths are consido~ blJ
lowe:r than tor (J.atEa.lin Gl•S93. Whil th ultimate strength
ot tL1 - resin 1a 1Z.,800 pa1 1 the Latd.nao 4116-413 r 1n
exhibited breaking stresses ranging trom ;.ooo pal to
9 1 910 p 1 depending upon: the lensth ot curing t11110 allowe4
for the ll1 tet-1$1, wh1lo ~arGo 14R-29C sbo '04 a atreneth ot
6 1 400 pa1 at fa!lure. ¥or tht Ltantino.e res1ns 1 no dof1n.1 ta
trends ot tho etrects of Qur1ne t1tn on stl"ongth, 1c,
higher atl'engths \11th lonc•X' cur1ng t1mee. ere
Uodul1 ot ~ ,aat1c1ty ot all Da tested were o.lso
' correspond1ncly lowet.. than fo~" Ce.tatin 01...09 • '1" et
results. !.ndtoatocl tbn t atxHt$G ... stl'a1n x-ele.tiorushipe t~ero

l1nenr to 4. 000 pe1 ftJr th r. . nac roe in and to 3 1 000

p 1 tor lt el> m-2SC, as c:ompn1'$d to 5, 600 ps! tor 61•893 •·
St:rain cl'e&p oxh1bit~d by the minae resins and
t•attco lt -me appear& to b$ rathex- exc ssive for theas
11ater!als to be t>One 1dered euitable tor photoelast1c tUUh

Re ults or three-hour atttaln ere p teet indio te that

incre se 1n et:raln, ,expreeaed in terms ot equivalent
streseo • r ns f'r~ sa per oent to 44 pe:- cent o~er the
applied etres tol' ·a ll :restnl'l te&-ted. ven at tho end ·o t
th tlr$t hour" th&tJ.o inaroase;e !rom 17.6 par cent
to 22.5 pel' cent. Ov r the tbree•hour p riod, LD.m1n o
4116·4134 cured for oleht boure at 150 F howe the mblbllUJ~

mount ot train or . ep, W1 thin th Laminae srou , in-

ere os 1n oux-ing ttm flppear to decrea!te the strain

creep tendencies of the material.

Laminae 411G~4134 cured for eight hours at 1 50 F
possessed the least optical creep characteristics, show i ng
only a gain of 0 . 05 fringes over the three-hour test
period . This increase, which occurs during the first 10
minutes after application of the load, amounts to 1 . 03 per
cent over the initial fringe conditions . This compares
favorably to the optical creep characteristics of Catal1n
61- 893 , which are considered negligible at stresses under
5, 000 psi over a two-hour teat period. For the other
materials tested, percentage changes in fringe order
amounted to 15.5 per cent , 8. 1 5 per cent , and 17 . 1 per
cent for the Laminae 4116-4134 cUl~ed for four and six
hours at 150 F and the Marco MR-280 resins respectively.
As in the case of strain creep, increased curing times
appe r to have a beneficial effect in reducing optical
creep in the Laminae resins.
Stress-fringe relationships can be considered
linear to 7 , 500 psi plus for all resins. catalin 61 - 893
exhibits linear stress - fringe relationships to 7, 000 psi .
The stress optical coefficients as determined from
tensile tests for the Laminae resins in the order of in­
creasing curing periods were 162 . 5, 166 . 5, and 172 . 5 psi
per fringe per inch of thickness while that of Marco
MR- 23C was 121 . 1 psi per frinse per inch of thickness . In

general , these val ues indicated that the resins tes t ed

were less sensitive optically than Catalin 61-893.

It is .fully l~oalized by the author that the investi­

gations conducted and reported in this paper, especially

the t .e st results, do not fully evaluate the materials
which were found to be castable with the available equip­
ment. This was·due to the small amount of
liquid resin available to investigate both the casting
techniques required and the 3Ubsequent testing of the
cured resins.
For the two resins which were found to be castable,
namely Laminae 4116·4134 and Marco MR-·2 80, the following
recommendations are made for any fut.ure investigation
that may be conducted on these two resins.
1. Finished plates should be la:rge:r than the
5 x 7 inch s1~e uaed in these investigations.
This is necessary s.o that all test specimens
l'equired for a given series of tests may be
cut from the srune sheet, thereb7 allowing
some measure of control 1n determining the
reprodueib:llity of test values resulting.
from one casting to the next. A plate 10 x
14 inches, or larger, is
2. Since there is a question as to whether or
not the tensile strength values reported in
this paper S.l"'~e typical of the values which

are to be expectc 1 a series of tensile

tests should be conducted on these resins.
At least five specimens (lt p591) should
be taken front each of several different
plates to determine the ultimate tensile
strength, the propoi•t1onal limit , and the
modulus of elasti,c ity for each material .
After these values have been established,
the effect of the rate of loading should
be investigated.
3. For strain creep tests, instead of the
Huggensberger tensometers used in this in­
vestigation, SR•4 electric resistance
strain gages should be used. In this

manner , the complete strain history from

applic ation of load,. strain during extended
loading, and the resulting permanent set
mar be obtained . Strain creep tests should
be conducted at different leve l s of stress
within the proportional limit to dete~ine

whether creep rates remain constant for all

degrees of stress .

4 .. Optical creep tests should be carriea out at

the same time a.s ,the strain creep tests in
the manner reported previously in this
paper . However, instead of extrapolating to
determine the frinbe value at the extreme
edge of tl: o beam, a tension compensator
should be constructed so that an accurate
determination of the fringe order may be
5. For Laminae 4116·4134 , the optimum curing
time at the curing should be
determined. This .may be done by increasing
the curi ng periods and testing the result ­
ing material until strength properties be­
come oonst ant . The curing period for which
the strength properties first approach
constancy shoul be the optilnum curing time ..
6. Although Marco MR-28C exhibited excessive
optical and strain creep , because of the
cas~ with whiCh this resin can be cast ,
the cffe.o t of cl1.anges in oa talyst and

accelerator content, and also the effect of'

subsequent annealing on the strene;th and
optical properties should be inve sti gated .
7. To conduct the tests mentioned above , 10
pounds of Marco - 2BC and 20 pounds of' .
Laminae 4116..4134 should be sufficient to
make a complete and thorough investigation
on the resins .
8. With e a.rds to custin · facilities , it is
believed that a lo~-cost oven constructed
cs ecia.lly for curing purposes , or a cam­
I! oven, would gr atly aid in the
casting of these resins . Such an oven
should have a ranGe from room tc.mperaturc
to approximately :?50 F, \'lith a fairly close
temperature control, either manual or auto­
matic , so that the heating rates can be
regul tod . It should also bo insulated well
enough to cool at the desired rate . If the
oven is provided with transparent sides on
t least t;ro stU'f&.ces , frozen stress tests ,
in which observation of the loaded specimen
is deuirable, can be conducted. esistance
he&tin elements should consist of coils
having cifferent speeds and should be
covered by a thick steel pl&to to e u&llze
the heat distribution in the oven .
controllable circulating air fun is essential
to prevent s tra tifica tion of hee. t within the

From the results obtained during the preliminary

studies conducted on the casting and testing of the
selected polyester resins, the following conclusions
were reached.
1. Laminae 4116•4134, an oven-cured resin, and
Marco MR-28C, a resin cured at room tempera•
ture, were found to be easily cast resins.
These plastics may be cast at a fraction
of the cost of Cata.lin 61-893, and have
the added advantage of possessing glass ­
smooth surfaces thereby eliminating the
work required with the Catal1n resin in
obtaining a finished model.
2. Further investigations are warranted by
these two resins; the- former because of
acceptable strength and optical properties,
and the latter _because of the s1mpl1c1 ty
with which it may be cast. Optimum curing
times should be determined for the Laminae
resin while the effects of annealing on
th~ strength and optical properties should
be investigated for the Marco resin.
3. Laminae 4116-4134, cured for eight hours at
150 F, was found to be susceptible to strain
ereep, but the negligible amount of opti­
cal ereep exhibited will permit its use
for elementary photoelasticity problems
where the applications ot load are for
short periods only.
4. Stress-strain and stress•fringe relation­
ships are linear to 4 1 000 psi and 7,500 psi
respectively for Laminae 4116•4134, cured
for eight hours at 150 F; as compared to
6,000 psi and 7,000 psi respectively for
Catalin 61-893. The fringe constant for
the former is approx~tely twice that ot
catal1n 61-893.
5. preliminary investigations conducted
on Laminae 4116-4134 indicate that this
resin may have properties equal to those
of Catalin 61•893. Further investigations
may prove this resin to be a very satis­
factory photoelastie material for two•
dimensional studies.

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13. Jessop, R. T.. and F. c. Harris. Photoelasticity:
principles and methods.. London, Cleaver•Hume
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14. Leaf, alter. Additional data on time-edge effects.
Proceedings of the sixteenth semi-annual Eastern!eity conference, Illinois institute
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15. Lear, Walter. Edge-effects critical in photo­
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16. Leat, Walter . The time-edge effect: its cause and
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17. 't ee, Barron R., Roscoe Meadows, Sr, and Vla.l ter E.
Taylor. The photoelaat1 city labora tory a.t
Newport News shipbuilding and dry dock company.
Proceedings of the soo.i ety for experimental
stress analysis 6 1 1:83-106. 1948.
18. tee, George Hamor. An introduction to experitnenta.l
photoelastic1ty. New York, John Wiley and sona.­
ino, 19·50.- 3l9p. ·
19. Lee, George Hamor and Armstrong. Effect of tempera•
ture on the physical and. optical properties of
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American society of mechanical engineers 60t
All•l2 . 1938.
20. Leven, M. M. A new mAterial for thrtJe•cU.meneiona.l
photoelasticity. Proceedings for the societ1
ot experimental stress analysis 6, 1:19•28. 1948.
21. Leven, }4. M. Further properties of photoelastic
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in the design ot machine parts. Materials and
methods 33:89•92. April. 1951~
24. Marco chemicals 1n<:orporated. Casting bulletin
RC-250. Sewaren_, New Jersey, Marco chemicals
incorporated. 5p.•
25. Jlareo chemicals incorporated . Resin pamphlet 'l'P-550.
Sewaren* New Jersey, 1.tarco chemicals incorpora­
ted. 5:P •
26. Naugutuck ehemleal division of the United Sta.tea
rubber company. Weehnical bulle·t in; general
propertitiUil of standard v1brins • Naugutuek;
Oonneeticut, chemical division or
the United States Rubber company. 6p.
27. Naugutuck chemical d.i.v1s1on of the United States
rubber company.. Technical bulletin; v1br1n •.
Nausutuok, Connecticut, Naugutuck chemical
division of the United States rubber co. 4p.
28. Schack., W!lliSlll . A manual of plastics and resina.,
Brooklyn, New York, chemical publishing company,
inc,· 1950. 647p., ·
29. Solakian; Arshag G. A new photoelastic material ..
properties of ma.rblette compared to those of
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5C>* Solakia.n, Arshag G~ Optically less sensitive
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31. Taylor, C. E~ , E. o. Stitz, and R. e. Belsheim. A
casting material for tnree-dimensional photo•
elasticity. Proceedings ot the society of
experimental stress analysis 7, 2:155-172. 1950 •.


Specimen No. 1
Section Size 0.255 in. x 0.310 in.
Area 0.0790 in.2
·SR•4 Gage Factor 2.07

Load stress Strain Strain Corr Strain

(1b) (psi) (m1cro1n.) (microin. per in.)
0 0 .....
30 379 7180
50 633 7560 380 1580
100 1266 8740 1560 2760
150 1899 9950 2770 3970
200 2532 11450 4270 5470
250 3165 12080 4900 6100
300 3798 14640 7460 8660
350 4431 16200 9020 10220
400 5064 17950 10770 11970
450 5697 19930 12750 13950
500 6330 21910 14730 15930
550 6963 24040 16860 18060
600 7596 26500 19320 20520
650 8229 29160 21980 23180
-· ....... ......
9940* --
---- -­--


Specimen No. 2
Section Slzt 0~250 1n. x 0.310 1n.
Area 0.0775 1n.2
SH-4 Gage Faetor 2.07

toad Stress Strain Strain Corr Strain

.illl (psi~ ~m1oro1:n.} (m1cro1n • l?er in.)

0 0 .,,... ......
20 258 640
50 645 1270 61() 1830
l.OO .1290 2350 1710 2910
150 1935 3950 3310 4510
200 2580 5020 4380 5580
250 3225 6'700: 6060 7260
300 3870 7980 7340 8540
350 4515 9650 9010 10210
400 5160 11350 10710 11910
460 5805 13350 12710 13910
500 6450 15500 14860 15060
550 7095 17650 16990 18190
600 7740 20300 19660 20860
650 8385 23750 23110 24310
700 9030 27780
-- ....
27J,40 28340
--- _,_



Section Size 0.255 in. x 0.310 in.

Area 0~0'790 1n.2
SR•4 Gage Factor 2.07

Load Stress Strain Strain Corr Strain

illl (psi) (microin_.l (m1eJ'o1ni! per in.)
0 -- .... -­..
••560 1780
100 1266 3640 2090 2190
150 1899 4740 3190 4310
200 2532 6480 49:30 6150
250 3165 8070 6520 7720
300 3799 9740 8190 9390
350 . 4431
..... 10150
.., .. 11350

600 7596 24440 22890 24090
9000* --
28900 27350
..... 28550



Section Size 0.255 in. x 0.315 in.

Area 0.0804 in.
SB-4 Gage Factor 2.07

Load Stress Strain Strain Corr Strain

illl (psi) (micro1n.) (m1cro1n. per 1n.)

50 622
0 --
150 1866 5360 2980 4580
200 2488 6710 4330 5930
250 3110 8590 6210 7810
300 3732 10050 7670 9270
350 4354 11740 9360 10960
400 4976 13600 11220 12820
450 5598 15570 13190 14790
500 6220 1'7500 15120 16720
550 6842 19800 17420 19020
600 7464 22450 20070 21670
650 8006 26100 23720 25320
'700 8700 ....
.... -­ .
750 9330
'755 9400* -·


Specimen No. 1

Section Size 0.257 in. x 0.307 in.

Area 0.0790 in.2
SR-4 Gage Factor 2.07

Load Stress Strain Strain Corr Strain

il!U. (psi) ~m1croin.) (micro in. per in.)
52 202--
100 1266 303 163 313
150 1899 440 300 450
200 2532 603 463 613
250 3165 762 622 773
300 3798 923 783 933
350 4431 1091 951 1101
400 .5064 1273 1133 1283
450 5697«­

*Broke through pin

Specimen No. 2
Section Size 0.252 1n. x 0.310 1n.
Area 0.0780 1n.2
SR-4 Gage Factor 2.07
Load Stress Strain Strain Corr Strain
ill.l ~Esil ~microin.l (microin. ~er 1n.l
0 0 17 ....
50 640 152 169 149
100 1280 318 335 315
150 1920 467 484 464
200 2560 629 646 626
250 3200 918 835 815
300 3840 993 1010 990
350 4480 1176 1193 1173
400 5120 1385 1402 1382
450 5760 1616 1633 1613
500 6400 1872 1889 1869
705* 9030



(Cured 4 hours at 150 F)
Section Size 0.310 in. x 0.3351n.
Area 0.104 in.2
Load 203 lb
Stress 2,000 psi
Gage Faotore
No. 1 l/833
No. 2 1/837

Time . Gage Readings No. 1 No. 2 Ave Strain
~min~ No. 1 No. 2 ~in. Eer in.~ {in. 12er in. l
0 o.oo o.oo · o.oooooo o.oooooo 0.000000
5 0.59 0.45 0.000709 0.000537 0.000623
10 0.77 0.60 0.000931 o.ooo716 0.000823
15 0.90 . 0.70 0.00107 0.000036 0.000953
20 1.00 0.00120 0.000995 0,.00108
25 ' 1.09 0.86 0.00131 0.00105 0.00118
30 1.15 0.94 0.00138 0.00112 0.00125
45 1.35 1.11 0.00162 0.00133 0.00147
60 ' 1.50 1.25 0.00180 0.00149 0.00164
90 1.80 1.52 0.00216 0.00182 0.00199
120 2.02 1.71 o.oo242 0.00204 0.00223
150 2.22 1.90 0.00255 0.00227 0,.00241
180 2.40 2.05 o •.oo2aa 0.,00245 o:oo266


(Cured 6 hours at 150 F)
Section Size 0.305 in.• .x 0.335 in.
Al-e a 0.102 in.2
Load eos.s lb
Stress 2,000 psi
Gage Factors
No. 1 1/833
No. 2 l/837

'1'1me Gage Readings No. l No. 2 Ave Strain
(m1n} No,. 1
No. 2 ( 1n.• per . 1n.) ( 1n. per 1n.)
0 0,.00 o.oo 0.000000 o•.oooooo o.oooooo
5 Ol48 0.48 0 . 000576 0.000574 0.000575
10 0.70 0 . 000840 04>000789 0 .• 000814
15 0.89 0.74 0.00107 0 .. 000884 0.000977
20 0.96 0,90 0.00ll5 C.00108 0.00110
25 1 •.06 0.99 0.00127 o .OOllS o.oo122
30 1.14 1.05 0 •.00137 0.00126 0.00131
45 1.34 1.25 o.oOl6l 0 •.00149 0.00155
60 1.51 1.41 0.00181 0.00168 0.00174
90 1.81 . 1~67 0.00217 o.ool99 0.00208
120 2.01 1.86 0.00242 0.00211 0.00226
150 2.18 2.01 0.00259 0.00240 0.00249
180 2.30 2-ll o.o0276 0.00252 0.00264


(Cured 8 hoUl~s at 150 F)
Section Size 0 . 315 in . x 0 . 340 in.
Area 0.107 in . 2
Load 214 1b •
Stress 2, 000 pai
Gage Factors
No . 1 1/ 833
No . 2 1/ 837

Time Gage Readings No . 1 No . 2 Ave Strain
~min l No . 1 No . 2 ~in . Eer in . ~ ~ in . 12er in . ~
0 o.oo o.oo 0.000000 0 . 000000 0 . 000000
5 0,55 0 . 43 0 . 000660 0 . 000514 0 . 000587
10 0,71 0 .. 56 0 . 000052 0 . 000824 0 . 000761
15 0.85 0 . 69 0 . 00102 0 . 000824 0 . 000922
20 0 . 90 0 , 75 0 . 00108 0 . 000896 0 . 000988
25 0 . 99 0 . 83 0 . 00119 0 . 000990 0 . 00109
30 1.06 0 . 90 0 . 00127 0 . 00107 0 . 00117
45 1 . 25 1 . 07 0 , 00150 0 . 00128 0 . 00139
60 1 . 39 1 . 21 0 . 00168 0 . 00144 0 .. 00156
90 1 . 65 1 . 45 0 . 00198 0 . 00173 0 , 00185
120 1.85 1 . 63 0.00222 0 . 00195 0 . 00208
150 2 . 03 1 . 81 0 . 00244 0 . 00206 0 . 00225
180 2 . 19 1 . 96 0 . 00263 0 . 00234 0 . 00248


Section Size 0.308 in. x 0.335 in.

Area 0.103 1n.2
Load 206 1b
Stress ·s , 000 psi
Gage Factors
No . 1 1/833
No . 2 1/837

Time Gage Readings No . 1 No . 2 Ave Strain
(min) No. l No . 2 (in. per in.) (in. per in .)
0 o.oo o.oo 0 . 000000 0.000000 o.oooooo
5 0.59 0 . 29 0 . 000696 0 .000346 0.000521
10 0 . 70 0.39 0 . 000840 0 .• 000466 0.000653
15 0 . 80 0 . 46 0 . 000961 0 . 000550 o.ooo705
20 0.89 0.54 0.00107 o.oooe45 0.000805
25 0.95 o.6o 0 . 00114 0 . 000716 0 . 000928
30 1.01 0 . 66 0 . 00121 0 . 000789 0 . 000999
45 1.21 0 . 85 0 . 00146 o . oo102 0 . 00123
60 1 . 36 1 .oo 0.00163 0 . 00119 0 .00141
90 1.63 1 . 25 0 . 00196 0 . 00152 0 . 00174
120 1,.92 1 . 50 0 . 00230 0 . 00179 0 . 00204
150 2.13 1 .70 0 •.00256 0 . 00203 0 . 00229
18 0 2 . 34 1 . 91 0 . 00281 0 . 00228 0 . 00254
LAMINAC 4116-4134, CURED 4 RR AT 150 F
Time 0 min 5 min 10 min 15 min 30 min 60 min 120 min 180 min
Dist Dist Dist Dist Diat Dist / Dist Dist
Fringe (em) (em) (em) {em) (em) {em) (em) (em)

5.5 0.075 o.oao 0.0'70 0.070 0.090 0.085 0 .075 0.035

5.0 0.155 0.165 0.170 0 .165 0.165 0.170 0.150 0.160
4.5 0.260 0.275 0.270 0.265 0.285 0.280 0.270 0.240
4.0 0.350 0.360 0.360 0.360 0 ..365 0.365 0.350 0.350
3.5 0.470 0.475 0.470 0.465 0.480 0.470 0.470 0.440
3.0 0.550 0.560 0.555 0.555 0.560 0.560 0.545 0.555
2.5 0.670 0.670 0.660 0.660 0.685 0.660 0.670 0.635
~.o 0.750 0.765 0 .760 0.765 0.765 0.765 0.750 0.750
1.5 0 .865 0.870 o.a55 . 0.855 0.885 0.860 0.870 0.830
1.0 0.955 0.970 0.965 0.965 0.975 0.970 0.950 0.955
0.5 1.075 1.075 1.055 1.055 1.005 1.065 1.065 1.030
o.o 1~150 1.160 1.160 1.155 1.165 1.165 1.150 1.145
0.5 1~290 1.295 1 ..275 1.275 1.. 300 1.290 1.285 1.250
1~0 1.465 1.365 1~365 1.355 1.370 1.370 1.355 4.360
1~5 1.500 1.505 1.490 1.485 1.525 1.500 1.500 1 ..465
2~0 1.585 1~595 1.590 1.590 1.600 1.690 1.590 1.585
2~5 1.720 1.735 1.'715 1.715 1.755 1.735 1.730 1.705
3.0 1.810 1.820 1.820 1.815 1.830 1.830 1.820 1.835
3.5 1.945 1.965 1.945 1.940 1.985 1 •.970 1.975 1.955
4~0 2.040 2~050 2.060 2.060 2.075 2.000 2.090 2.100
4.5 2.175 2.200 2.180 2.190 2.230 2.220 2.250 2•240
5.0 2.265 2.315 ---
io'Ee: Frfnge distances measured on negatives .from top of beam
(compression edge). ,

LAMINAC 4116-4134, CURED 6 HR AT 150 F
Time 0 min 5 min 10 min 15 min 30 min 60 min 120 min 180 min
Diet · Dist Dist Dist Dist D1st­ Dist Dist
Fringe (em) (em) (em) (em) (em) {em) {em} (em)
5.0 0.060 0.060 0.050 0.040 0.;045 0.050 0.050
4.5 0.190 0.150 0.195 0.200 0.175 0.125 0.180 0.190
4.0 0.275 0.275 0.275 0.265 0.265 0.260 0.260 0 .265
3,.5 0.400 0.425 0.405 0.-420 0 .400 0.400 0.390 0.410
3.0 0.495 0.490 0.490 0.475 0.480 0.480 0.480 0.480
2.5 0.630 0.650 0.625 0.640 0.610 0.610 0.615 0.635
2.0 0.700 0.710 . 0.705 0.690 0.700 0.690 0.695 0.700
1.5 0.855 0.875 0.855 0.860 0.835 0.835 0.835 0.855
1.0 o •.930 0.925 0.950 0.900 0.900 0.910 0.900 0~920
0.5 1.000 1.105 1.075 1.075 1.060 1.050 1.055 1~075
o.o 1.175 1.180 1.175 1.155 1.150 1 .• 150 1.155 1.160
0.5 1.300 1 '~330 1.300 1.150 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.320
1.0 1.425 1.415 1.425 1.400 1.400 1.400 1.415 L.420
1.5 1~530 1~575 1~540 1~560 1.535 1.535 1.540 1~575
2.0 1.660 1~655 · 1~660 1.645 1~640 1~650 1~660 1.675
2.5 1~785 1~820 1~795 1~810 1~790 1~800 1.805 1.845
3.0 1.930 1.905 1.920 1~900 1~900 1.915 1.930 1.950
3.5 2.045 2.085 2.060 2.080 2~070 2.075 2.095 2~145
4.0 2.170 2.180 2.185 2.170 2.185 2.20 2.235 2.260
4.5 2.335 --­
Hote: Fringe distances measured on negatives from top of beam
(compression edge). .

LAltiNAC 4116-4134, CURED 8 HR AT 150 F
Time 0 min 5 min 10 min 15 min 30 min 60 min 120 min 180 min
Dist Dist Dist Dist Dist Dist Dist Dist
Fringe (em) (em} (em) (em) (em) (em) (em) (em)
5.0 0~040 . 0.050 0.030 0~035 0.075 0.075 0.065 0.055
4.5 0.200 0·. 210 0.205 0~210 0.210 0~220 0.210 o:190
4~0 0~260 0.265 0~265 0.260 0.270 0.280 0.280 0.255
3.5 0.415 0 .. 420 0 .420 0.430 0.435 0~440 0.425 0.415
3~0 0~480 0.480 0~490 0~480 0.500 0.495 0.495 0.480
2~5 0~.650 0~660 0•650 0~660 0~660 0.680 0.655 0.640
2.0 0.710 0~705 0~710 0~700 0.720 0 .720 0.715 0.695
1.5 0.895 0~900 0~790 0~900 0~900 0.900 0 ~900 0.885
1~0 0.955 0~940 0.950 0.945 0.955 0~955 0~950 0.930
1.. 200 1.185
1.455 1.440 1~455
1~445 1 ~455
1: 440
1.5 1.565 1.580 1.580 1.. 575 1.580 1:590 1:575 1:580
2.0 1.695 1 -~685 1~685 1~ 685 1~700 1~700 1.695 1~690
2.5 1.825 1.840 1.835 1~830 1~840 1.850 1.840 1.840
3.0 1.930 1.920 1.930 1.925 1.935 1.950 1.940 1~940
3.5 2.080 2.100 2.095 2.100 2.105 2.100 2.105 2.100
4.0 2.190 2.180 2.190 2.185 2.200 2~215 2.205 2.205
4.5 2.360 2.360 2.360 2.355 2.370 2.375
Bote: Fringe distances measured on negatives from top of beam
(compression edge).
Time 0 m1n 5 min 10 m1n 15 min 30 m1n 60 min 120 min 180 min
Dist Dist Dist Dist Dist Dist Dist Dist
Fringe (om) (om) (om) (om) (om) (om) (om) (em)
6.5 0.060 0.060 0~065 0.070 0.060 0.060 0.065
6.0 0.155 0.140 0.150 0~160 0~065 0~155 0.155 0.155
5~5 0.213 0~240 0~230 0~255 0 .235 0~245 0.235 0.240
5.0 0.325 0~310 0.315 0.320 0~330 0 ..325 0.325 0.325
4~5 0.390 0~400 0~395 0 .420 0 .395 0.410 0.400 0~400
4~0 0~490 0.480 0~480 0.645 0 .495 0 .485 0.490 0.490
3.5 0.560 0~565 0.555 0 .575 0~565 0.565 0.560 0.560
3~0 0.660 0~650 0~650 0 ~645 0.655 0 .650 0~655 0.655
2.5 0~730 0~730 0~725 0~. ?45 0~730 0~730 0~720 0.725
2.0 0~830 0 ~820 0 .815 0~8 15 0~830 0~820 0~810 0~815
1.5 0~900 0~900 0.885 0~905 0~895 0 .790 0.885 0.885
1.0 1.020 1.000 0~995 1.000 1.000 0~990 0.985 0.990
0.5 1.075 1~075 1.075 1~100 1~060 1~075 1~060 1~060
o.o 1.155 1;.145 1.145 1.150 1~150 1.135 1~135 1~140
0.5 1.260 1.240 1~235 1~265 1.240 1~245 1.230 1~225
1.0 1.295 1.300 1~300 1.300 1~310 1~310 1~305 1~310
1.5 1.420 1.415 1~415 1~430 1~415 1~415 1~410 1~405
2..0 1.500 1 .• 500 1.500 1.500 1~515 1~505 1.500 1.505
2.5 1.620 1.615 1.610 1.630 1.620 1 . 610 1~600 1~605
3.0 1.700 1.700 1.700 1.700 1.715 1.710 1~'710 1~715
3.5 1.820 1 .810 1~815 1.835 1.825 1 ~81.5 1.835 1~820
4.0 1.910 1.811 1.900 1~910 1.925 1.g:so 1.930 1.950
4.5 2.030 2.015 2.030 2.050 2.045 2.045 2.090 2.075
5.0 2.150 2.125 2.120 2.130 2.165 2.180 2.200 2.235
5.5 2.240 2 .24 2.260 2.290 2.290 2.310
Note: Fringe distances measured on negatives from top of beam .....,
(compression edge). 0


Sect.! on Size 0.203 1n • .x 0.308 in.

Area 0.,0631 in.2
Load Stress
Fringe lli1 {psi)
0 0 o- .
1 30 475
2 55 870
3 80 1268
4 105 1661
5 130 2060
6 155 2450
7 180 2850
a 205 3245
9 230 3640
10 255 4140
11 280 4430
12 305 4820
13 330 5220
14 355 5615
15 380 6010
16 405 6405
17 430 6800
18 4$5 7200
19 485 7680
20 525 8300


CU'RED 4 H'R AT 150 F

Section Size 0.202 1n. 1 0,30'7 in.

Area 0.0620 1n4J ·

Load St:rees
Fringe (-lb) (psi)
Q '0 0
l 32.5 524
2 60.0 967
3 95.0 1530
4 180.0 2095
5 160.0 2580
6 19th0 3140
7 225.0 3630
a 260.0 4195
9 290,0 4670
10 320~0 5160
11 355,0 5720
12 390,0 6290
13 425.0 6850
14 460.0 7410
15 495.0 7990
16 54Q~() 8700



Section Size 0.210 in. x 0.312 1n.

Area 0.0655 1n.2

Load Stress
Fringe illl (psi)
0 0 0
l 35 534
2 70 1069
3 105 1603
4 135 2060
5 170 2595
6 205 3130
7 235 3585
8 270 4120
9 305 4650
10 350 5340
11 365 5880
12 415 6340
13 450 6860
14 490 7480
15 540 8025



CU~~ S HR AT 150 F

Section Size 0.205 in. x 0.315 in.

Area 0.0645 1n.2

Load Stress
Fringe (lb} (psi)
0 0 0
1 35 542
2 70 1087
3 105 1630
4 140 2170
5 170 2635
6 205 3180
7 240 3720
8 270 4180
9 305 4730
10 335 5200
11 370 5740
12 405 6280
13 440 6820
14 495 7670

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