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Arguments from opposition

First quote
“I submitted a draft bill for creating a sort of registered partnership [like the pacs before the pacs] (…)
I wanted to grant the homosexuals a certain number of rights…”
“We are now moving to a different line of thought (…) this draft bill is blurring the right of filiation (…)
and due to surrogacy and to the assisted reproductive technology, the filiation is going to be split”.
(…) “We are going to separate the human reproduction from the act which unifies a man and a
woman. We enter an unknown world, it is an uncertain anthropologic option that I refuse to take
because I think a child has the right to a father and to a mother, or at least to the idea of a father or a
mother (…) I think [referring to opposite sex marriage] it is a key principle that we have to maintain in
order to face the liberal hyper-individualism”.

In this excerpt, the arguments are 1) homosexual have to have only some rights but not all the rigths
like the rest of the people. 2) The biological filiation is the genuine filiation. 3) The biological filiation
will disappear 4) the opposite-sex couple ensures reproduction; a sexual union is mainly for

Second quote

“There won’t be any population renewal. What is the purpose? Do we want a country of homos? And
then in 10 years there will be no-one left. It's stupid,"
“Think about what happened in ancient Greece, is one of the reasons of its decadence. It's the end of
the family, it's the end of the children's development, it's the end of education. It's a danger for the
entire nation"
Here the argument are: 1) same-sex marriage and parenting will lead to the decrease of population
2) This measure is the end of french nation.

Third quote

“When our party returns to power, we will need to make changes in the law in order to protect
filiation and the rights of children”

The argument is: 1) same-sex marriage and parenting are against the right of children.

Fourth quote
“The problem of same-sex parenting is that we are going to have lot of couples who will aspire to
have children (…) so, you’ll see a significant development of a sort of business that is going to boom
in the future” (…) Wealthy people will ask women to carry children and deliver in exchange of
The argument here is: 1)Surrogacy and ART for same-sex marriage and parenting leads to the
development of the children’s commoditization.

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