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Kohsar Children’s Academy Junior School

Science Work Sheet #1 My Body Class – I

Name: ____________________________________ Section: _______________ Date: ____________


 Look at the picture of the boy below. Use word bank to label the different parts of the body.

Hair Eye Leg Hand Arm Nose

Mouth Shoulder Ear Knee Elbow Foot

 Complete the sentences with a part of the body.

1. I smell with my ______________________.

2. Baby crawl with ______________________.

3. Walk with ______________________.

4. I can ______________________ my hands.

Science Work Sheet #2 My Body Class – I

 Match the pictures with the parts of the body where you can wear them.


sun glasses














Science Work Sheet #3 My Body Class – I

 Circle the correct option.

1. We use _____________________ of our bodies to do things.

 names
 parts
 colours

2. We can pull our _____________________.

 head
 eyes
 ears

3. My body is made up of _____________________ parts.

 many
 one
 two

4. When we play we use _____________________ parts of body.

 two
 different
 one

5. Our body is divided into _____________________ parts.

 three
 four
 five

 Tick the correct statement and cross out the wrong one.

1. Head, neck, torso, limbs are four parts of our body. _____________

2. You cannot wink your eye. _____________

3. Our body changes as we grow. _____________

4. We use parts of body to do things. _____________

5. We use head to hold a ball. _____________

 Draw your pet animal. Write the names of its body parts.






Kohsar Children’s Academy Junior School

Science Work Sheet #1 Senses Class – I
Name: ____________________________________ Section: _______________ Date: ____________
Write the name of the correct organ used in the statements below.
 I use my __________________ to see.

 I use my __________________ to smell.

 __________________ are used to hear sounds.

 My __________________ can touch things.

 I use my __________________ to taste.

Fill in the blanks with suitable words given below.

smell touch see taste hear

1. I can _____________ silk with my hands.

2. I can ______________ children playing with the ball.

3. I can ______________ sweet chocolate.

4. I can ______________my mother’s voice from the kitchen.

5. I can ______________ smoke in the house.

Science Work Sheet #2 Senses Class – I

Tick the correct statements and cross out the wrong.

1. We taste food with our nose. ______________

2. We can touch with our hands. ______________

3. We see flowers with our eyes. ______________

4. We can smell with our tongue. ______________

5. All thing have odour. ______________

6. We can hear sounds with our ears. ______________

Match the use of sense organs.






Circle the correct answer.

i. Honey has _______________ taste.

(a) sweet (b) bitter (c) sour

ii. We hear sounds by using our _______________.

(a) eyes (b)ears (c) legs

iii. We use __________________ to touch and feel.

(a) skin (b)nose (c) hair

iv. We can smell with our ___________________.

(a) tongue (b) nose (c) skin

v. We can see clouds with our ________________.

(a) hands (b) lips (c) eyes


Science Work Sheet #3 Senses Class – I

Look at the pictures and rewrite the letters to make a word.

Yee __________________
Rae __________________

Enos _________________

Sink _________________

Uotgne _________________

Which sense is used? Match.


Science Work Sheet #4 Senses Class – I

Which sense do we use when we say the following? Tick the correct box:
The plane is flying

The bell rings

Ice cream is sweet

Garbage smells

Cat feels soft

Mark how each of these foods taste.

Sweet Salty Bitter Sour


Class I Science Copy work

Q. 1: For what do we use senses?

Ans: We use senses to find out about things around us.

Q. 2: How can we find out about thing around us?

Ans: Our senses help us to find out about things around us.

Q. 3: Do all things have odour?

Ans: No.

Q. 4: How do foods taste?

Ans: foods can taste sweet, sour, bitter and salty.

Q. 5: Which sense may not be useful in a dark room.

Ans: Sense of seeing.

Q. 6: What food do you like best?


Class I Science Copy work

Q. 1: For what do we use senses?

Ans: We use senses to find out about things around us.

Q. 2: How can we find out about thing around us?

Ans: Our senses help us to find out about things around us.

Q. 3: Do all things have odour?

Ans: No.

Q. 4: How do foods taste?

Ans: foods can taste sweet, sour, bitter and salty.

Q. 5: Which sense may not be useful in a dark room.

Ans: Sense of seeing.

Q. 6: What food do you like best?


Kohsar Children’s Academy Junior School

Science Work Sheet #1 Keeping Myself Clean Class – I
Hygiene Habits

take a shower cut my nails brush my teeth

comb my hair wash my face clean my shoes

wash my hands

Personal Care Plan

How often do I? Daily Regularly

wear clean underwear

wash my hair

wear clean socks


brush my teeth

Science Work Sheet #3 Keeping Myself Clean Class – I

Colour the pictures and match.

1. Her toothbrush is pink.

2. Her toothpaste is blue.

3. His towel is green.

4. His soap is yellow.

5. Her hairbrush is purple.

Read the questions. Then write Yes, I do. Or No, I don’t.

1. Do you wash your hands with water? 2. Do you brush your teeth with
a hairbrush?
______________________________ ______________________________

3. Do you dry your hands with a towel? 4. Do you brush your hair with a
______________________________ ______________________________

5. Do you wash your face with water?


Match the following.

to clean your teeth

use a comb

for untidy hair use a nail cutter

use a tooth brush

after washing your hands

to trim your nails use a towel


Science Work Sheet #4 Keeping Myself Clean Class – I

Name: ____________________________________ Section: _______________ Date: ____________
Circle the correct options.
I. We comb our hair with _______________________.

(a) shoe brush (b) hair brush (c) tooth brush

II. Dirty nails cause you to become _________________.

(a) sick (b) healthy (c) strong

III. We clean our teeth with _____________.

(a) shoe brush (b) tooth brush (c) hair brush

IV. We may get tooth decay by eating too much __________________.

(a) fruits (b) sweets (c) vegetables

V. Germs are _________________ for us.

(a) useful (b) harmful (c) healthy

VI. We wash our hands with _______________________.

(a) soap (b) tooth paste (c) nail cutter

Tick the correct statement and cross out the wrong one.

i. Germs are our friends. _______________

ii. Taking a bath everyday is not good for health. ______________

iii. We should brush our teeth once a week. ______________

iv. We should wear clean clothes daily. ______________

v. Cleanliness keeps us healthy. ______________

vi. We should wash our hands before eating food. ______________

State three ways to keep your body clean.

i. _________________________________

ii. _________________________________

iii. _________________________________

Fill in the blanks.

i. We must wash our eyes and face with cold __________________ many times a day.

ii. We must __________________ our nails regularly.

iii. We should take a bath __________________.

iv. We should brush our teeth __________________ a day.

v. We must __________________ our hair daily.


Healthy habits
Kohsar Children’s Academy Junior School
Science Revision Work Sheet #2 Keeping Myself Clean Class – I

Write Yes or No if you practice the activities below.

1. I brush my teeth after breakfast. _______________

2. I wash my hands before lunch. _______________

3. I wash my face after lunch. _______________

4. I brush my hair before dinner. _______________

5. I wash my hands before dinner. _______________

6. I brush my hair after breakfast. _______________

Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.


I brush my hair just like this. I __________ my __________ just like this.

I __________ my __________ just like this. I __________ my __________ just like this.

How do you keep clean and healthy?

1. I wash my hair with ___________________.

2. I use a ___________________ and ___________________ to clean my teeth.

3. I wash my hands and body with ___________________.

4. I keep my hair tidy with a ___________________.

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