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2, MARCH 2012

Link Budget Analysis for Terahertz

Fixed Wireless Links
Thomas Schneider, Andrzej Wiatrek, Stefan Preußler, Michael Grigat, and Ralf-Peter Braun, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Due to the broad bandwidths, terahertz (THz)-waves

offer the possibility for wireless transmission of high data rates.
Especially, broadband wireless access over short ranges and fixed
wireless links based on THz-waves are very promising. They can
be incorporated as a bridge for optical networks or an alternative
for the connection of wireless stations in difficult environments,
to transmit next generation HDTV signals or for the broadband Fig. 1. Network scenario with high capacity THz link extension. Instead of the
connection of servers in a data center, for instance. The frequency mobile user a fixed wireless link to another fixed station is possible as well.
range between 300 and 900 GHz is very promising for these ap-
plications since the possible bandwidth is very high and first elec-
tronic circuits will become available on the market soon. However,
contrary to wireless links in the lower GHz-bands, the free-space sight [2] and it is assumed that the traffic from wireless devices
path-loss is quite high and the attenuation due to molecules in the may exceed that from wired devices in 2015 [1].
air or water droplets can significantly decrease the transmittable Since an end of the data increase and capacity demand is not
data rates in this frequency range. Here the basic properties of insight, new approaches are needed to offer capacity and energy
THz-waves will be investigated and the maximum achievable data requirements in the networks of tomorrow.
rates for fixed wireless THz-links will be derived. In order to keep
the considerations as general as possible, the derivations are based One possibility is the exploitation of new frequencies for data
on simple assumptions and equations. Additionally, conclusions for transmission. In the THz range of the electromagnetic spectrum
the applicability of THz-waves for fixed wireless links with dis- (from 300 GHz to 30 THz) a large frequency band is available.
tances up to 1 km will be given and the special requirements for This offers the possibility to transmit very high data rates with
these systems will be discussed. As we will show, high data rates just one source, increasing both; the energy efficiency and the
can only be transmitted via these links if transmitter and receiver
antennas with very high gains are used. This requires an adaptive capacity of the network.
control of mechanical fluctuations. Fig. 1 depicts a network scenario including a high capacity
Index Terms—Atmospheric modeling, submillimeter-wave
optical link between a central office and a base station, e.g. using
communication, submillimeter-wave propagation, terahertz(THz) a dense wavelength-division multiplex (DWDM) system. Those
communications, wireless communication. links can be extended by high speed Terawave links between
the base station and a fixed station or a mobile user. Reviews of
THz-waves in communications can be found in [3]–[5].
I. INTRODUCTION Due to their physical properties, THz-waves can be used in
two fields; broadband wireless access over short ranges and
HE capacity of existing communication channels (e.g., the
T maximum bitrate which can be transmitted), is no limit
for today’s applications. Thus, up to now new technologies for
fixed wireless links with very high data rates. For the first appli-
cation several theoretical and experimental investigations have
already been shown [6]–[14]. Recently, the transmission of a
spectral efficient modulations and the reduction of noise or dis- data rate of 25 Gbps at a carrier frequency of 220 GHz has been
tortions were sufficient to cover the growth of data rates of about shown [15] over a distance of 60 cm and all active millimeter-
32% per year [1]. wave integrated circuits were produced for wireless communi-
However, those technologies require additional efforts in cations at 220 GHz [16]. Very interesting is especially the pos-
technology, cost, and energy consumption. Furthermore, in sible application of THz-waves for very short range commu-
optical fibers the limits of capacity are already coming within nications, a few tens of millimeters, for the communication in
Nano-networks [17], [18]. Due to its electromagnetic proper-
Manuscript received October 19, 2011; revised December 02, 2011; accepted ties, Graphene may be a good candidate for those applications
December 14, 2011. Date of publication February 20, 2012; date of current ver- [18].
sion March 02, 2012.
T. Schneider, A. Wiatrek, and S. Preussler are with the Institut für Hochfre-
THz-waves offer several advantages compared to microwave
quenztechnik, Deutsche Telekom Hochschule für Telekommunikation Leipzig, or optical signals. Contrary to microwave signals, much
04277 Leipzig, Germany (e-mail:; andrzej.wia- higher bandwidths are available and compared to optical links,;
M. Grigat is with Deutsche Telekom AG, Telekom Innovation Laboratories,
THz-waves show rather small attenuation by atmospheric
64295 Darmstadt, Germany (e-mail: disturbances, rain, or fog.
R.-P. Braun is with Deutsche Telekom AG, Telekom Innovation Laboratories, For the transmission of data over fixed wireless links espe-
10781 Berlin, Germany (email: cially the frequency range between 300 and 900 GHz is very
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at promising since the attenuation in the atmosphere is low and
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TTHZ.2011.2182118 first electronic circuits are available for this range. Recently,
2156-342X/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE

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semiconductor devices and photodiodes for the frequency range

between 300 and 500 GHz have been shown [19], [20]. How-
ever, water droplets of rain or fog, or the atmospheric molecules,
can lead to a strong scattering or attenuation of the THz-waves.
This will reduce the maximum achievable data rates for the fixed
wireless links.
In this paper, we will investigate the influence of the atmos-
phere to fixed wireless links and we will show that high antenna
gains are required for the transmission of high data rates. This
reduces the half-width of the main lobe and makes these links
very sensitive to mechanical fluctuations of the receiver or trans-
mitter poles. Hence, wireless THz-links require an adaptive con-
trol of the transmission and receiving direction.
In Section II we will discuss the attenuation of THz-waves
in the atmosphere, whereas the consequences for fixed wireless
links are investigated in Chapter III. The transmittable data rates
Fig. 2. Specific attenuation of the earth’s atmosphere at sea level in the fre-
in the frequency range between 300 and 900 GHz over a distance quency range between 1 and 1000 GHz for an air pressure of 1013 hPa, a tem-
of 1 km are derived in Section IV, and the consequences and perature of 15 C and a water vapor density of 7.5 g/m .
possible solutions are discussed and concluded in Section V.

two resonances at 557 GHz and 752 GHz show very high atten-
II. ATTENUATION IN THE ATMOSPHERE uation of more than dB/km. However, outside of these reso-
Even in a clear atmosphere the electromagnetic waves will nances the diagram consists of windows with relatively low at-
be attenuated. This is a result of the oscillations of atmospheric tenuations and consequently higher available bandwidths which
gas or water molecules initiated by the electromagnetic waves. can be used for high speed data transmissions.
Since these molecules are a basic part of the atmosphere, this Nevertheless, due to the much higher frequencies, an optical
attenuation cannot be avoided. line-of-side link would offer much higher bandwidths. The
Some areas which are promising for higher data rate wireless special advantage of the THz-region is its possible availability
THz links include, e.g., mountains, rivers, and wet meadows. under bad weather conditions when an optical link would break
However, those environments often include fog, clouds and down.
other bad transmission conditions. Additionally, strong rain
B. Attenuation Due to Fog
can lead to a very high attenuation of the THz-waves. In this
section, these influences will be investigated in detail. Fog and clouds consist of small droplets with diameters
smaller than 0.01 cm. Due to the Scattering of the optical
waves at the water droplets, dense fog or clouds would lead to
A. Clear Atmosphere
a complete breakdown of the transmission in an optical link.
The amount of the attenuation in the clear atmosphere de- However, electromagnetic waves in the THz-range can as well
pends on the frequency difference between the electromagnetic be scattered at the small droplets. In accordance to the litera-
wave and the resonance of the molecules. If the frequency of ture, this scattering will be called attenuation. Up to 1000 GHz
the wave coincides with the resonance frequency, the attenua- a mathematical model for the calculation of this attenuation
tion becomes a relative maximum. However, higher harmonics, based on Rayleigh scattering which uses a double-Debye model
sum- or difference frequencies can as well lead to an increase for the calculation of the water permittivity can be found in
of the attenuation. Additionally, a molecule can swing or rotate [24]. The attenuation in dependence of the frequency for water
around several axes, and all of these motions can lead to dif- vapor densities of 0.05 g/m (vision range 300 m) and 0.5 g/m
ferent resonance frequencies. (vision range 50 m) is shown in Fig. 3. As can be seen, the
The specific attenuation of the atmosphere at frequencies up attenuation increases with frequency and the density of the fog.
to 1 THz due to dry air and water vapor can be evaluated at For frequencies above 400 GHz, the additional attenuation is
any value of pressure, temperature and humidity with the ITU-R higher than 10 dB/km for fog with a vision range of 50 m.
[21] and am [22] models. However, recently THz-time-domain
measurements have shown that especially in the windows be- C. Attenuation due to Rain
tween the water vapor absorption lines significantly higher at- For THz-waves the size of the rain droplets comes in the range
tenuation can occur [23]. This disagreement is considered to be of the wavelength, and this will lead to a Mie-scattering of the
due to the variability of the broad background continuum ab- electromagnetic waves.
sorption in the atmosphere. The result for frequencies between If it is assumed that the fixed wireless link has to be available
1 and 1000 GHz at sea level and for typical values of tempera- in 99.99% of the time, it can break down in just 52.6 min/year
ture and water vapor density are depicted in Fig. 2. or 9 s/day. This unavailability depends on the frequency of the
Several resonances in the THz-region occur which result in a wireless link and the rain probability. The wireless link has to be
very high attenuation for electromagnetic waves. Especially the designed in a way that only in 0.01% of the time the link breaks

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Fig. 3. Attenuation of electromagnetic waves by fog for vision ranges of 300 Fig. 5. Attenuation as a function of frequency for a clear atmosphere at sea
m (0.05 g/m , black) and 50 m (0.5 g/m , red) and a temperature of 15 C. level (blue), fog with a range of vision of 50 m (red) and rain rate 50 mm/h
(black). The shaded regions describe the ranges above 300 GHz in which, even
for the worst case, the attenuation is below 100 dB/km.


50 mm/h here. Hence, the additional attenuation due to rain is

around 18 dB/km.
Fig. 4. Specific attenuation of electromagnetic waves due to rain as a function
of frequency for different rain rates and horizontally polarized waves. For a ver-
tical polarization the additional rain attenuation is almost the same. In this section we investigate the influence of the environ-
mental conditions for fixed wireless links of 1 km.

down. The rain probability for the different regions in the world A. Attenuation
can be found in [25]. Therefore, for 0.01% of the year the rain In the envisioned environments especially fog will appear fre-
rate is stronger than 23 mm/h and 35 mm/h in the northern and quently in the morning due to the water content in the air and
southern part of Germany, respectively. the change of temperature. In the worst case, a strong rain will
The attenuation vs. frequency due to rain can be found in [26], be present. In normal conditions there is either a strong rain or
[27]. These curves are a theoretical calculation based on the fog but, not both together. Fig. 5 shows the overall attenuation
Mie scattering theory. Measurements up to 103 GHz resemble for a clear atmosphere (blue), fog with a vision range of 50 m
these curves very well [28] and recently measurements at 120 (red) and the worst case, rain with a rate of 50 mm/h (black).
GHz have shown a very good agreement with the theory as well As can be seen, if we neglect some smaller attenuation peaks,
[29]. However to the best of our knowledge, there is a lack of the overall attenuation for the worst case (rain with 50 mm/h) is
experimental data above this value. almost the same in a broad range from 50 up to 360 GHz.
For the calculation we have used the ITU-T model which In the frequency range between 300 and 900 GHz five win-
shows the same results [30]. The corresponding attenuation as a dows can be allocated in which the worst-case-attenuation is
function of the carrier frequency for horizontal polarized waves below 100 dB/km. These different available bandwidths and
is shown in Fig. 4. Hence, below 10 GHz the attenuation due center frequencies are summarized in Table I. Hence, in this
to rain is negligible, up to a frequency of 120 GHz it increases frequency range of 600 GHz the whole available bandwidth is
and will decrease again up to 1 THz. In the region which is of more than 60% or 374 GHz. This bandwidth is separated in 5
interest here, (300–900 GHz) the additional rain attenuation de- different ranges with a smallest window of 58 GHz at around
creases with frequency, but has a rather high level. Since we 414 GHz and largest window of 94 GHz at a center frequency
want to consider the worst case, we will assume a rain rate of of 855 GHz.

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where is the signal-to-noise ratio and the available

bandwidth in the channel. For a pure thermal noise the noise
power can be calculated from the thermal motion of the charges
in the receiver. The additional noise (due to the non ideal re-
ceiver) is defined by the noise figure . Hence, the signal-to-
noise ratio is

with as the Boltzmann constant W s K,

as the temperature and as the power at the receiver. Ac-
cording to the free-space path-loss model (1) and the additional
attenuation, the receiver power is


Fig. 6. Attenuation in clear atmosphere (blue), free space path loss (black) [an- where is the transmitted power and the attenuation due
tenna gain of 40 dBi for the transmitting and receiving antenna] and the super- to the motion of atmospheric molecules, fog, or rain. Hence,
position of both losses (red) for a distance between the antennas of 1 km. with (3) and (4) in (2) we can calculate the maximum achievable
data rate for fixed wireless THz links. Of course this maximum
bitrate is just an upper limit. However, with spectral efficient
B. Path-Loss modulation formats and an intelligent forward error correction
Even without any additional attenuation in the transmission it might be possible to come close to this limit.
path of the wave, the received power is much lower than the Since the result is just an upper limit and to keep the calcula-
transmitted power. The relation between the transmitted and re- tions as simple as possible, we assume the following:
ceived powers is called the path loss. This loss is simply a re- • bandwidth is 1 GHz;
sult of the fact that, contrary to a waveguide, in a wireless link • transmit power is 10 dBm;
the power is transmitted in an area which increases quadrati- • noise figure is 10 dB;
cally with the distance. Therefore, since the effective area of • ambient temperature is 300 K.
the receiver antenna remains the same, the received power de- The first assumption means that, independent of the whole avail-
creases quadratically with distance. This results in the so called able bandwidth in the window, we investigate several distinct
free-space path-loss or Friis formula [31]: channels each of which with a bandwidth of just 1 GHz.
A transmit power of 10 dBm may be a challenge for higher
frequencies. Schottky-diode based multiplier circuits pumped
with high-electron-mobility transistors can deliver 20 mW for
frequencies at 300 GHz, but just 1 mW at 800 GHz [8], [34],
with as the frequency in MHz, as the distance between trans- [35]. However, we assume that in the near future these power
mitter and receiver in kilometers (km), and and as the levels will be available for higher frequencies as well. Addition-
gains for transmitter and receiver antenna in dBi. ally, the first two points together mean that for a bandwidth of
Equation (1) shows that the received power is not only 10 GHz, a transmitter power of 10 10 dBm is required.
quadratically dependent on the distance but on the frequency The noise figure of 10 dB is an estimation corresponding to
as well. This can be seen in Fig. 6 (black trace) for an antenna the literature. For Schottky diodes noise figures between 5 and
gain of 40 dBi for the transmitting and receiving antenna. The 8.5 dB have been reported in the frequency range between 200
blue line shows the attenuation in a clear atmosphere and the and 700 GHz [36]–[38] and in [15] the estimated noise figure
red line is the attenuation together with the path-loss. for the 220 GHz receiver is less than 7.5 dB.
Hence, besides strong attenuation in the resonance regions, The maximum data rate under these assumptions for a dis-
the free-space path-loss becomes the dominant factor if the an- tance of 1 km and antenna gains at the transmitter and receiver
tenna gains are too low. of 40 dBi is shown in Fig. 7. Since the attenuation in the link
increases, the transmit data rate in the 1 GHz broad channels
decreases. For a clear atmosphere data rates with more than
IV. TRANSMITTABLE DATA RATE IN THZ 1 Gbps/GHz are possible just in the 1st and 2nd window. But,
FIXED WIRELESS LINKS for fog only frequencies up to 357 GHz can transmit data rates
The fixed wireless link is linear and can be seen as an addi- in the Gbps range and for the worst case (a rain of 50 mm/h) just
tive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. In such an AWGN- frequencies up to 270 GHz can be used.
channel the maximum of the error-free transmittable data rate However, this behavior is a result of the decreased effective
is defined by its capacity which can be calculated with the area of the antennas. If we neglect the antenna efficiencies, a
Shannon formula [32] 40 dBi parabolic antenna has a diameter of half a meter for a
frequency of 20 GHz, but just 10 cm for a frequency of 900 GHz.
(2) Correspondingly, the effective area is decreased from 0.18 m

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The data rate increases with the allocated bandwidth but, the
noise increases as well. From (4) the mean receiver power, and
hence the capacity of each window, can be estimated. The trans-
mittable data rate for channels with an allocated bandwidth cor-
responding to the whole available bandwidth of the windows is
Fig. 7. Maximum data rate in Gbps per 1 GHz bandwidth of a fixed wireless shown in Table II.
link with a length of 1 km in clear atmosphere (blue), fog with a vision range of
50 m (red) and rain with a strength of 50 mm/h (black) as a function of frequency Please note that contrary to the calculation for Fig. 8, here
for a transmitter power of 10 dBm and a gain of 40 dBi for both antennas. just one source is used per channel and the 10 dBm transmitter
power are split over the whole bandwidth. For 70 dBi antennas
the maximum transmittable data rate is around 1 and 0.5 Tbps
in the first and second window, respectively. However, in the
first and second window even 60 dBi antennas are sufficient to
transmit high data rates.
With the same transmitter power and noise figure the 3 GHz
bandwidth of a fixed wireless link at 70 GHz would have a ca-
pacity of just 70.5 Gbps if antennas with gains of 70 dBi would
be used. However, such parabolic antennas would have diame-
ters of more than 4 m. For an antenna gain of 50 dBi the capacity
is just 30 Gbps.
Please note that these maximum data rates are theoretical
limits which represent upper borders. Nevertheless, even for
an ASK modulation, high data rates should be possible in this


Fig. 8. Maximum transmittable data rate in Gbps per GHz channel bandwidth
as a function of frequency for a fixed wireless link with a length of 1 km, rain Higher antenna gains require bigger antennas. However, since
with a strength of 50 mm/h and transmitter and receiver antennas with different
gains from 40 to 70 dBi. the wavelength is in the range from 1/3 to 1 mm, even antennas
with very high gains can be build rather small in the THz region.
Depending on the frequency, for a gain of 70 dBi, the diameter of
for 20 GHz to only 8.84 10 m for a carrier frequency the parabolic antenna is just between 0.3 and 1 m, if we assume
of 900 GHz. As a consequence, the power in the receiver is an ideal antenna.
quadratically reduced with frequency and the SNR and therefore On the other hand, the collimation of the beam leads to higher
the capacity of the link becomes too low. intensities but, at the same time, the link becomes very sen-
Thus, the THz-range can only be exploited for fixed wireless sitive to any fluctuations. For a 40 dBi parabolic antenna the
links if receiver and transmitter antenna have high gains. On the beam width after 1 km is around 35 m, but for a 70 dBi antenna
other hand, the receiver antenna has a given gain only if its aper- gain it is reduced to about 1 m. Therefore, high gain antennas
ture is smaller than the radiated area of the beam. Therefore, for may cause link breakdown due to small fluctuations of the an-
the considered frequency range and the distance of 1 km the tenna poles, e.g. by wind. If we assume that the receiver pole is
maximum usable gain is 70 dBi for transmitter and receiver an- completely fixed, we can derive the maximum angle (half beam
tenna. Fig. 8 shows the maximum transmittable data rates for the width angle) which is tolerable for the transmitter pole. Hence,
worst case scenario (rainfall rate of 50 mm/h), and transmitter for a 40 dBi antenna the pole can fluctuate around 1 back and
and receiver antennas with gains from 40 to 70 dBi. forth, whereas for a 70 dBi antenna this tolerable angle reduces
In the first and second window even for the worst case a ca- to 0.03 . These very small fluctuations can only be avoided by
pacity of more than 10 Gbps/GHz channel bandwidth is avail- an adaptive antenna control. Hence, the only possibility to ex-
able for an antenna gain of 70 dBi. In the windows III and IV ploit the high bandwidths in the THz-region for fixed wireless
capacities above 1 Gbps/GHz are possible for some carrier fre- links of 1 km would be an adaptive steering of the transmission
quencies. direction of the antenna.

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Propog. Mag., vol. 49, no. 6, pp. 24–39, Dec. 2007. 34, no. 5, pp. 254–256, May 1946.
[9] C. Jansen, R. Piesiewicz, D. Mittleman, T. Kürner, and M. Koch, “The [32] C. E. Shannon, “A mathematical theory of communication,” Bell Syst.
impact of reflections from stratified building materials on the wave Tech.. J., vol. 27, pp. 379–423, Jul. 1948.
propagation in future indoor terahertz communication systems,” IEEE [33] C. E. Shannon, “A mathematical theory of communication,” Bell Syst.
Trans. Anennas. Propag., vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 1413–1419, May 2008. Tech.. J., vol. 27, pp. 623–656, Oct. 1948.
[10] R. Piesiewicz, C. Jansen, D. Mittleman, T. Kleine-Ostmann, and T. [34] J. Ward, E. Schlecht, G. Chattopadhyay, A. Maestrini, J. Gill, F. Mai-
Kürner, “Scattering analysis for the modeling of THz communica- wald, H. Javadi, and I. Mehdi, “Capability of THz sources based on
tion systems,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 55, no. 11, pp. Schottky diode frequency multiplier chains,” in 2004 IEEE MTT-S Int.
3002–3009, Nov. 2007. Microw. Symp. Dig., Jun. 6–11, 2004, vol. 3, pp. 1587–1590.

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[35] T. W. Crowe, W. L. Bishop, D. W. Porterfield, and J. L. Hesler, “Inte- Stefan Preußler received the B.S. and Diploma de-
grated Terahertz sources and receivers,” in Proc. IEEE 29th Int. Conf. grees in electrical engineering from the Hochschule
on Infrared and Millim. Waves and 12th Int. Conf. on THz Electron., für Telekommunikation Leipzig, Germany, in 2007
Sep. 2004, pp. 85–86. and 2008, respectively, and is currently working
[36] J. M. Rollin, G. I. Chance, and S. R. Davies, “A membrane planar diode toward the Ph.D. degree at the Institut für Hochfre-
for 200 GHz mixing applications,” in Proc. IEEE 29th Int. Conf. on quenztechnik, Hochschule für Telekommunikation
Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 12th Int. Conf. on THz Electron., Leipzig, Germany.
Sep. 2004, pp. 205–206. His current research interests include the delay and
[37] V. G. Bozhkov, “Semiconductor detectors, mixers and frequency mul- storage of optical data, high resolution spectroscopy
tipliers for the Terahertz band,” Radiophys. Quantum Electron., vol. 46, and nonlinear optical effects in telecommunications.
no. 8, pp. 631–656, Aug. 2003.
[38] V. S. Möttönen and A. V. Räisänen, “General purpose fifth-harmonic
waveguide mixer for 500–700 GHz,” in Proc. 34th Eur. Microw. Conf.,
Oct. 2004, pp. 1145–1147.
Michael Grigat received the Diploma degree
[39] Media Access Control Parameters, Physical Layers, and Management
in electrical engineering from the Universität
Parameters for 40 Gb/s and 100 Gb/s Operation, IEEE 802.3ba, IEEE Gesamt-hochschule Siegen, Germany,, in 1990.
Ethernet Interface Standard, IEEE. Since 1991 he is with Deutsche Telekom, working
[40] Optical Transport Network, ITU-T Rec. ITU-T G.709, ITU, 2009. as R&D expert in the field of radio communication.
He was involved in national and international R&D
Thomas Schneider received the diploma degree in projects (e.g. RACE ATDMA, SMT METAMORP,
electrical engineering from the Humboldt Universität COST231, COST259, BMBF Scalenet), contributin
zu Berlin, Germany, in 1995, and the Ph.D. degree in with research work on field measurements and hard-
physics from the Brandenburgische Technische Uni- ware simulation of mobile radio propagation chan-
versität Cottbus, Germany, in 2000. nels. His current research interests include Wireless
Since 2000 he has been with the HfT in Leipzig, LAN and Short Range Technologies with focus on home network and wireless
Germany. Since 2006, he has been the head of connectiviy solutions. He is also active in WLAN standardization and a voting
the Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik at the HfT.In member of IEEE802.11.
his diploma thesis he investigated the nonlinear
properties of optical fibers and during his doctoral
studies he was engaged in the investigation of linear
and nonlinear phenomena induced by an ultrafast refractive index grating. Ralf-Peter Braun received the M.S. and Ph.D.
His current research interests include nonlinear optical effects in telecommu- degress in electrical engineering from the Technical
nications, light storage, high resolution spectroscopy and the generation of University Berlin, Germany, in 1985 and 1995,
millimeter and Terahertz waves. respectively.
He is Senior Project Manager at the Deutsche
Telekom AG, Telekom Innovation Laboratories,
leading R&D projects for next generation networks.
Andrzej Wiatrek received the Diploma degree in He has more than 20 years of research and industry
the field of electrical and communications engi- experience on optical transmission systems and
neering from the Hochschule für Telekommunikation network architectures. After 14 years of advanced
(HfT) in Leipzig, Germany in 2008, and is currently research work in the areas of coherent multi-channel
working toward the Ph.D. degree at the Institut für systems, optical nonlinearities, and optical generation of millimeter waves for
Hochfrequenztechnik at the HfT. pico cellular wireless networks at the Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, Berlin, Germany,
His research interests are about nonlinear fiber op- he joined the Deutsche Telekom AG in 1997. He is engaged in the topics of
tics, Brillouin slow-light, optical data storage and op- network architecture, technology, service, control, and standardization. Cur-
tical high resolution spectroscopy. rently he is working on the optic packet integration of higher speed transport
Mr. Wiatrek is a student member of the German networks and on Terahertz wave communications.
Physical Society (DPG) and of the Optical Society of Dr. Braun is a member of IEEE802.3 working group, and the Metro Ethernet
America (OSA). Forum.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universitas Indonesia. Downloaded on March 31,2023 at 21:29:12 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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