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The first day at school your earlieast memory

I remember it very clearly, I actually started 1st grade in front of my peers while
they were still in the biggest grade of kindergarten. This means that I was in 1st
grade for two years. As far as I remember that the first thing on the first day of
school, I felt both happy,eager and nervous, anxious. . After my big breakfast, My
aunt took me to school. The school name was Ngoc Hiep primary school It sounds
a bit dumb, everything around me was different from usual. The trees are greener.
The road is wider and I see a lot of people with a lot of confidence, having fun
talking to each other. After that, I eventually came into the school gate. So then I
think I saw many parents took their children to the class like me. The classroom
was big and bright. there are many older brothers and sisters in the classroom.
They took their seats neatly. When the teacher saw me, she took me into the class
and introduced me to other students. Since I was the youngest in class, she made
me sit at the first table. Whenever my aunt left me there and started to go back, I
began to fear. And I started crying. I told the teacher who was in my class (her
name was Ngan Ha), I want to go home. She said that we could go at 4 o'clock in
the evening. I did not know what to do, and the next thing I did was to I told her I
want go to the bathroom and then came out of the classroom and run towards to the
school main gate. But the Watchman has caught me there. He brought me back to
the classroom. I was crying till that afternoon. A friend with my side talked to me
and stopped my crying and introduced me to his friends. Eventually, I stopped
crying and settled down to listen to Mrs. Turnwall read a story to the entire
class. Thankfully, the class only lasted for half a day, so I didn't have to be at
school for very long. Starting a new school is definitely one of the biggest
childhood changes -- and I think it's definitely important for parents and kids
to visit the school beforehand and get a sense of the size and layout. there's
still value in emphasizing the positive, fun school things a child will still be
able to enjoy (story hour! coloring! snack time!). Some of the biggest worries
a child may have will be making new friends and liking the new teacher -- so
it's also important to teach kids (especially shy ones) to try and find other
kids with similar interests (who can turn into potential playdate pals), and to
take time to listen and bond with the teacher. But for me first standard was my
first day of school. As the school day starts with the first day in the lives of many
students, my school life began as well.
First big trip to another city last vacation

My first trip to Hanoi was a long time coming- it was a place I’d dreamed about
visiting for many years before I finally went. I’d spent hours admiring photos,
building Hanoi up in my mind so much that I arrived expecting near perfection.
My family and I have just come back from a 10 days stay in Hanoi. It was to
celebrate my birthday. Luckily, it was even better than I’d imagined and all the
great things I’d heard about travelling in Hanoi were true. The landscapes were
gorgeous, the towns were cute, and it was easy to navigate by public
transportation. Even though Hanoi lived up to my expectations, there were a few
pleasant discoveries along the way that helped make my first trip to Hanoi
interesting and unforgettable. A city is stunningly beautiful the whole way through.
From unbelievably blue lakes, dramatic alpine valleys, and charming architecture,
the beauty of Hanoi is sure to impress.We arrived at three- star hotel, then came
out after a shower for a bite to eat and prepared to visit uncle Ho monument. After
that, we wandered around the walk city. Called ancient city. It was just round the
corner, and we had our first taste of what hanoi nightlife can be. If you are after
this kind of fun,hanoi is great, no question about it. I enjoy street music, playing
group games with strangers. It was a great opportunity for me to get to know and
get to know the local people. we went for a street food cart dinner. I was a bit
nervous to be honest, but the food was good, the next day, we paid a visit to quoc
tu giam and enjoyed bun cha at a famous restaurant. Finally, tired by our journey
and the wander around, we hit back the hotel and went to sleep pretty quickly. It
unfortunately did not work out exactly as planned. Once we got in the taxi to
return, with the meter on, we were maybe half a mile down the road, when I found
myself left my passort in my wallet at the hotel. It sucks. I was very worried
because we only had 1 hour to go to the airport. Fortunately, the kind
housekeeping staff picked it up and handed it to her manager. My father asked the
hotel staff to bring help to the airport so that we could fly. Although there was a
little bit of trouble at the end the tour to Hanoi was amazing

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