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Money pending to receive:

Starting Finishing
Day of shooting Type Role Name Agency
time (24H) time (24H)

촬영일자 활자 역할 이름 몇시부터 몇시까지 에이전시

24/07/2022 Commercial Extra Samsung galaxy tablet 8 11:00 23:00 Bnbn entreteniment
4/Aug/2022 Musical vídeoExtra Crow j 20:00 0:30 Amber entreteniment
### Shooting ModelCashmere knit 14:00 6:00 Open Tv
### Netflix movie Extra 독전2 17:00 20:00 Kate
Approximate Percentage of
Manager Contact Payment Sender's account name
pay day commission
대략적인 입금 커미션의
매니저 연락처 금액 보내는의 계좌 이름
날짜 퍼센트
Bnb 1,200,000₩ Bnb entreteniment 40%
Amber 01066627300 120,000₩ amber entreteniment 12/08/2022 15%
왕지홍 01043191070 300,000₩ 오픈tv 12/10/2022 15%
Kate 100₩ Kate 30/11/2022 15%
Payment minus After taxes (Gross Is it
commission fee payment) payed?
3.3% 세금을 뺀 입금
커미션을 뺀 금액 언제
(총금액) 받았다?
720,000₩ 696,240₩
102,000₩ 98,634₩


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