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Cathodic protection
Report from t{il¡on Walton lnternalional

The cost of a vessel represents a substantial investment

to the owner. During its working lífe it will be submersed
In tne sea a corrosive environment from which it will
need prolection to avoid substantial additional costs for
Whilst the standard methods of protection, barrier
coatings such as coal tar epoxy or chlorinated rubber,
are satisfactory they cannot protect steel exposed by Pictured above are samples of Atoline and Zincolíne
physical damage caused by accident or abrasion. lf thá anodes manufactured by Wilson Walton.
vessel is not protected by a secondary system the steel
wilf corrode at rates of 2 to 3mm pei yéar resulting in tors: cost, operating conditions and the size of the vessel
repair costs in such areas as weld seams. under consideration. Cost factors will be the initial out-
The ship repair cost of steel plate is currently of the lay set against the design life of the vessel. The climate
order of US$ 5000/tonne and if internal stiffeners need and general conditions under which the vessel will oper-
replacement this can increase by 33%. Weld seam costs ate (eg an icebreaker with excessive abrasion on the
can reach US$ S/metre to which can be added the cost of hull) must be considered whilst the size of the vessel rnay
extended dry docking time and the consequential loss of be an important deciding factor. Certainly the number of
Income. anodes required for a vessel of over 100,000 tons dwt
Cathodic protection is the only economic, effective would preclude the use of a sacrif¡cial system because of
tool available to the corrosion engineer and the designer the effect on performance. lt must be stressed here that
to protect the steel exposed by coating failüre. The frin- an effective cathodic protection system will be the result
ciple can be applied to the exlernal huil including ru'dOer of precise design against specification, not inspired
and propeller, to tanks, condensers, bow thrusiers and guesswork.
other equipment subject to sea water corrosion.
_ Cathodic protection can be used to protect bare steel, Sacrificial anodes
for example in permanent ballast tanks, provided it is The action of a sacrificial anode is to corrode in prefer-
totaily immersed. Deck heads of tanks are protected ence to the structure to wh¡ch it is attached. The anode
against atmospheric corrosion by coating; coáting and material selected will depend on the performance
cathodic protection may be used to complement each requirements of the CP system and can be zinc, alumi-
other. nium or rarely magnesium.
A well designed, well maintained corrosion protection Wilson Walton International's Zincoline Anodes are
system can have a positive cost benefit. Good perfor- cast to.a strict specification from zinc of gg.995o/o purity
mance from a vessel relies on a smooth hull. lf this alloyed to ensure even corrosion, reliable electricál
surface is well maintained throughout the operating life characteristícs and a long working life. Zinc anodes are
of the ship, substantial cost savings can be achiéved suitable for hulls and particutarly for ballast tank protec-
resulting from increased speed and reduced fuel con- tion where the installation of aluminium anodes is res-
sumption engine wear. tricted in the upper areas.
There are two types of cathodic protection (Cp) sys- Aloline aluminium anodes, also manufactured by WWl,
- that
using sacrifical anodes and the impressed
system. These will be discussed in detail later.
are characterised by light weight, even corrosio'n, nign
electrical capacity and stability. As a result of theée
The choice of which to inslall will depend on three fac- propert¡es fewer anodes may be used for a given applica-

Part of the Ceres Hydroways fteet of hydrofoits. Beandri I's ice-breaker'Terry Fox'.

ANTI-CORROSION February 1987
tion compared with zinc, this factor leading to reduced
frictional resistance from the hull for the same level of
protection, Aluminium anodes are widely used for hulls
and for permanent ballast tanks.
Magnesium anodes are found rarely in shipboard CP
systems because of the inherent ignition hazard. The
material r¡sed has a high potential compared with steel.
Magnesium is highly reactive and its use tend to be
confined to applications where high resistivity condi-
tions prevail such as potable water tanks.
A material not yet mentioned is iron. In condensers,
components manufactured from a mixture of copper
alloys are f itted which, being dissimilar metals, present a
corrosion potential. lron is anodic to copper and besides
providing a means of cathodic prolection also provides a
protective film over the copper based components to
inhibit corrosion.
The installation of sacrif icial CP systems presents few
problems. Most anodes are welded or bolted to the shell A grounding slipring fiiled to a propeller shaft.
plating on the upper and lower sides of the bilge keel
with a concentration of anodes in the stern section
where high turbulence leads to excessivecorrosion, par- the hull. The current flows through the surrounding sea
ticularly on the propeller. water before returning to the hull, thus making the entire
hull cathodic or more negative in relation to the anodes.
The anodes are of two types
of lead silver alloy encapsulated - insurface mounted strip
reinforced resin or a
plate of either platinised t¡tanium or platinised niobium,
aga¡n encapsulated in resin and mounted in steelwork
for recessing into the hull.
To ensure adequate cathodic protection the protect-
ing current is monitored constantly by reference elec-
trodes as it varies with the condition of the hull, the type
of barrier coating used, the vessel's trading pattern and
the climatic conditions. The electrodes monitor hull
potentials and control the current output f rom the power
unit. Each reference electrode is a block of pure zinc
fitted flush to the hull.
The propeller shaft grounding slipring is fitted to
ensure adequatc protection for thc propcllcr, nornrillly
isolated f rom the hull by non-metallic shaf t bearings and
lubricanls. The slipring is an assembly comprising a
The stern section ol a vessel {itted with sacrif icial anodes. copper track contained in a steel band clamped directly
to the propeller shaft. Electrical continuity is maintained
through spring loaded brushes. Grounding the propeller
The eff ective life of sacrif icial anodes on hulls can be2 or has the additional benefit of protecting the main engine
4 years, during which time the anode current flow from bearings.
electrolytic corrosion will result in metal loss necessitat- The rudder too must have adequate protection and to
ing replacement which takes place during routine dry ensure this, the Aquamatic system includes a heavy f lex-
docking. ible copper cable which bonds the rudder stock to the
hull to give electrical continuity.
lmpressed Current (lC) systems There are no restrictions to the location of lC anodes
lmpressed current cathodic protection systems act by except for areas where mechanical damage could occur
suppressing the naturally occuring currenl flowing as a or in the way of fuel oil tanks" Usual practise on general
result of the corrosion process. An independent power and bulk vessels is to install anodes near the stern of the
source introduces a direct current through inert anodes ship to give protection to the rudder and the propeller.
capable of dissipating large amounts of current without Such anodes would normally be surface mounted. On
themselves suffering significant wastage. This current larger vessels and in oil tankers where hull penetration is
effectively'neutralizes' the corrosion current. not possible, additional anodes are mounted in the bow
Wilson Walton International's Aquamatic system is an area, recessed to obviate damage and anchor chain
example of this type of cathodic protection, the basic abrasion.
components of which are: (see diagram on page 12) lC systems are also used to protect the housing tun-
the controller power unit (A) nnel and components of bow thrusters, a separate sys-
anodes (C) tem bging employed for this purpose.
reference electrodes (E & G) When the first impressed current systems were
the propeller shaft grounding slipring (D) installed the controllers tended to be unreliable but the
the rubber bonding cable (B) advent of solid state components has led to the devel-
opment of units which are now expected to last the
(ILLUSTRATION design life of the ship. Under normal operating condi-
- lC system components)
The controller is housed in a robust steel cabinet close tions the anodes will be replaced every 10 years or effec-
to the anode location. lt is powered by an AC supply tively once in a 20 year ship life.
from the ship's electrical system rectified to a DC low An impressed current system has two principal advan-
voltage, typically 12 volts, and distributed to anodes on tages. Firstly it ensures consistent, precise control over

ANTI-CORROSION February 1987 11

cathod¡c protection. Secondly it has low maintenance Cathodic protectlon and paint syslems
costs. Against these can be weighed the disadvantage or Cathodic protection is an essential part of corrosion
relatively high ¡n¡tial costs. prevention which includes coating with a good paint
Wilsoñ wátton lnternational's experience has shown system and an antifouling composition. All coatings can
that their Aquamatic lC system, in conjunction with ' b-e damaged by abrasion f rom accidental grounding or
complementary paint schemes, can play a vital part in anchor chains, etc and by impact and it is to protect the
stopping the underwater corrosion of ships' hulls and surfaces exposed by such damage that cathod¡c protec-
fittings iesulting in a corresponding reduction in fuel tion is designed.
consumption. In the pait, cathodic protection has been blamed for
damage io paintwork. lt is certainly true that in the elec-
Applications trolytió reaótion between the cathodic ship's hull and the
Tólllustrate the diverse nature of cathodic requirements anodes there is an alkali formed at the cathode' This
in vessels two examples are taken. The first concerns could lift poor quality paints especially if badly applied l
icebreakers in the Arctic. Traditionally, zinc sacr¡ficial but will have no effect on properly applied coatings or
antifouling. I
anodes have been used for these vessels but, due to the f
considerable abrasion experienced during icebreaking,
pa¡nt loss is high and surface mounted anodes are Servlcing CP sYstems
vulnerable. Dom-e Petroleum, aware of these problems, Summarising what has already been said, replacement
ran a trial on their ship 'Canmar Kigoriak' using 12 of sacrificialánodes will normally take place during dry
recessed plátinised titanium anodes in a 600 amp sys- docking every two years. This is a straightforward job
tem. Two Aquamatic controllers, each of 300 amp capac- entailirig ren{oving'exhausted or spend anodes and
ity, ensured optimum protection whatever the changes replacing with new anodes.
in sea temperature. The trial proved successful and two Wilsoñ Walton International have a network of offices
more of Dome's icebreakers have now been similarly and agents throughout the world to back up their CP
eqipped. Further, encouraged by this success Beaudril systerñs. At these óentres marine engineers skilled in the
Ltb', another company operating in the Beaufort Sea, design, installation and servicing of the systems are
have f itted their fleet of four icebreakers with Aquamat¡c avaiiable to offer advice and assistance whenever and
controlled impressed current systems' One of these is wherever necessary. The very nature of the shipping
illustrated on Page ?? industry makes this an essential serv¡ce.
In a totally difference climate Ceres Hydroways' a
member oi tne Ceres Hellenic Shipping Enterprises Lald up shiPPing
Group, encounlered corrosion problems in their fleet of That tñe coriosion process proceeds during the period
'15 hydrofoils which provide ferry services.around the when vessels are laid up is often overlooked. In fact' in
Greek lslands. The problem occured at the junction estuaries where laid up vessels are often found, condi-
between the aluminium hull and the sta¡nless steel foils tions are often more corrosive than those encountered at
where these two dissimilar metals produced a severe sea. Cathodic protection should be maintained during
corrosion couple. BA 780, an aluminium alloy developed this period and the condition of anodes monitored to
for offshore environments, was found to have the ensure adequate Protection.
enhanced electro-chemical properties ideal for this
application. Meticulous design and careful quality con- Summary
tiol have paid off as inspection during dry docking over It is evidént that for given requirements such as climate'
the last three years has shown no evidence of the pre- operating conditions, size of vessel, design, speed and
vious corrosion Problem. continued on Page 16


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