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Nomor 1.

Soal When you think of “currency,” you are probably thinking of the cash you hand
over at a store, or the credit cards or money transfers that can be used in place of
physical money. In general, currency is a system of money backed by a
government. Typically made up of coins and paper notes, currency is a medium of
exchange, meaning that it is the basis for various kinds of trade and transactions.
As technology has grown more sophisticated, digital currencies (which have no
physical form) have grown as more financial transactions have gone online.
Digital currency is simply a payment method that does not exist outside of its
electronic form.

Within the past decade, a new particularly popular kind of digital currency has
emerged: cryptocurrency. Although this new system is unlikely to replace the
more traditional forms of currency any time soon, it has made a significant impact
in less than 10 years.

The prefix “crypto” originally comes from the Greek word meaning “hidden.”
This does not mean that cryptocurrency is secret, but rather that this “hidden”
money is digital, and is kept secure with digital-code encryption. These digital
currencies are the heart of systems that allow secure, direct payment for online
transactions. “Crypto-” actually refers to the cryptographic data encryption that
keeps the transactions protected from hackers or other digital eyes. It also makes
cryptocurrency difficult to counterfeit.

Cryptocurrency has gained popularity because it offers a straightforward way to

transfer funds entirely online, without involving third parties like banks or credit
card companies (and paying the fees they often charge for processing
transactions). Instead of physical coins or paper notes, cryptocurrencies have
digital “tokens,” or different digital denominations (think of one- or five-dollar bill,
etc.). For example, one bitcoin is equivalent to 100,000,000 satoshis, the smallest
denomination of a bitcoin and named for bitcoin’s supposed inventor, Satoshi
Nakamoto. This enables transactions smaller than a full coin. The transfer of
funds involves “public” and “private” keys, which are lines of code that need to
match on both sides, so the transaction can be completed. Cryptocurrency is
saved in the user’s “wallet,” or a URL or internet account address that can only be
accessed by the owner. The wallet has a public key, and the private key is used
to sign a transaction, much like you would sign a check or a credit card slip.


Which of the following is NOT TRUE about currency?

A. It has official backing from the government

B. It typically made up both coins and paper

C. It refers the means used to pay for stuff

D. It does not exist in tangible form

E. It functions as a means of trade

Pembahasan Jawaban: D. It does not exist in tangible form


Arti soal: “Manakah dari berikut ini yang TIDAK BENAR tentang mata uang?”

Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu membaca cepat untuk menemukan bagian
bacaan yang menjelaskan tentang mata uang (currency). Adapun hal tersebut
dibahas dalam paragraf 1 sebagai berikut:

“When you think of “currency,” you are probably thinking of the cash you hand
over at a store, or the credit cards or money transfers that can be used in place of
physical money. In general, currency is a system of money backed by a
government. Typically made up of coins and paper notes, currency is a medium of
exchange, meaning that it is the basis for various kinds of trade and transactions.”


“Ketika memikirkan “mata uang”, yang mungkin anda pikirkan uang tunai yang
diberikan ke toko, atau kartu kredit atau transfer uang yang dapat digunakan
sebagai pengganti uang fisik. Secara umum, mata uang adalah sistem uang yang
didukung oleh pemerintah. Biasanya terdiri dari koin dan uang kertas, mata uang
adalah alat tukar, yang berarti bahwa hal ini adalah dasar untuk berbagai jenis
perdagangan dan transaksi.”

Dari teks tersebut dapat disimpulkan beberapa hal tentang mata uang, yaitu:

1) Mata uang adalah sistem uang yang didukung pemerintah

2) Biasanya ada bentuk koin dan kertas

3) Mata uang adalah alat tukar

4) Digunakan untuk transaksi dan perdagangan

Selanjutnya, kita perlu mencari dari opsi A sampai E mana yang merupakan
pernyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya: “Hal ini memiliki dukungan resmi dari pemerintah.” Opsi A salah karena
merupakan pernyataan tentang mata uang yang sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya: “Hal ini biasanya terdiri atas koin dan kertas.” Opsi B salah karena
merupakan pernyataan tentang mata uang yang sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: “Hal ini adalah cara yang digunakan untuk membayar barang.” Opsi C
Materi Reading

Nomor 2.

Soal As we know, cars create pollution, and cause a lot of road deaths and other
accidents. Firstly, cars, as we know contribute the most to pullotion in the world.
Cars emit a deadly gas that causes illness such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and
trigger of asthma. Some of these illnesses are so bad that people can die from

Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars
commonly hit pedestrians in the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our
roads’ biggest killers.

Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep
at night, or concentrate in your homework, and especially talk to someone.

In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for the reasons listed.

We usually call the last paragraph as …

A. resolution

B. reiteration

C. conclusion

D. recommendation

E. twist
Pembahasan Jawaban: C


Pertanyaannya adalah paragraph terakhir biasanaya disebut apa. Yaitu kesimpulan

atau conclusion

Opsi A (Salah)

Artinya pemecahan masalah

Opsi B (Salah)

Artinya pengulangan

Opsi C (Benar)

Artinya kesimpulan

Opsi D (Salah)

Artinya rekomendasi

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya memutar

Materi Reading

Nomor 3.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) Generally, by people's own accounts, the public idea of women at home is
that they are dull and boring. And the stereotype of a working woman is of hard,
ambitious, selfish creatures. It is not just that you are either gentle and dull or
selfish and interesting. It is that you are either a good mother or you are an
interesting woman.

(2) "Young women now seem to get a very clear picture that they have got a
choice. If they are going to do mothering well, they have got to play for it by not
being interesting women. If you are an interesting working woman, you are a bad
mother. Lyn Richards put the blame for such notions and for resulting family
tensions on the failure of people to talk enough about them. The media, too, are
guilty. There is a lot of media coverage of successful career women and still a lot,
especially in women's magazines, on the joys of motherhood. There's not that
much about the trouble of either role and precious little about combining the roles.
Yet half the women who are married in our society are working!

(3) Nor is much thought given to the task of loosening the ties entrapping men.
Lyn Richards, a working mother, grateful for the privilege of genuinely choosing
and being able to afford the role, criticizes the systematic exclusion of men from
'child rearing and the really pretty fabulous aspects of having children. She
condemns as ludicrous the idea of 9 to 5 treadmill of work as an absolute duty for
men. 'The sheer irony to me is that the women's movement has told women the
way to be liberated is to get into the 9 to 5 tied work force that men have been
fighting against for a century. Really, we should be using changes in women's
values to shake up all the oppression and rigidity that men have been under.

(4) Indeed, there has been a change. The new thing since I married is that it's
normal for both husband and wife to go on working when they marry. Now
marriage isn't a particularly big deal. Very often it just legalizes something which
has been going on anyway and it certainly doesn't change a woman's whole basic
of life, her notion of who she is. The real life change is having the first child and
when that happens I think that probably most couples are still reverting to
something like the traditional concept of marriage. But the longer people put off
having a child the more likely it is that they won't because they have set up a
viable life style. They don't need to have kids now to have a good marriage.

(5) Not that motherhood and raising families are wholly going out of fashion but
rather that people are having smaller families. Consequently, the period a woman's
life when she is not required to devote herself to mothering is lengthening.
'Mothering-the mother role-just isn't a very good identity base today, Lyn Richards
say. 'Motherhood is a short-term appointment now. It doesn't last long!

If Lyn is correct, in the future women in families of younger generations will …

A. have less children to care for

Pembahasan Jawaban: A. have less children to care for


Dari kutipan 'They don't need to have kids now to have a good marriage..' dan 'Not
that motherhood and raising families are wholly going out of fashion but rather
that people are having smaller families' (paragraf 4-5) mendukung gagasan Lyn
bahwa dimasa mendatang wanita akan memiliki jumlah anak lebih sedikit.

- Opsi B salah, karena ini berkaitan dengan memiliki sebuah anak dimasa yang
akan datang.

- Opsi C salah, karena disini Lyn pun tidak bisa menjamin keluarga akan lebih
sejahtera atau tidak.

- Opsi D salah, karena lebih individualistik itu untuk kepribadian wanitanya untuk
menjadi mandiri, bukan bagaimana wanita dalam keluarganya.

- Opsi E salah, karena berbagi tanggung jawab yang sama sudah dijelaskan pada
kalimat sebelumnya.

Materi Reading

Nomor 4.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) The Hawaiian Islands are a tropical paradise most of the time. But even
there, nature can sometimes show its more violent side. The islands have been bit
by numerous natural disasters in the recent past. These disasters have caused
deaths and great damage.

(2) Through all of Hawaii’s history, volcanoes have played an important part.
The islands were formed by the eruption of volcanoes under the ocean. In the big
island of Hawaii, the volcanoes continue to erupt. During an eruption, hot lava
pours out of the top of a volcano and down the side. The red, hot lava covers
everything in its path. The air is filled with smoke and horrible smelling gas that is
sometimes poisonous.

(3) Native Hawaiians believe that volcanoes are a natural part of life. In their
traditional religion, volcanoes are ruled by the goddess, Pele. When Pele is angry,
the volcanoes erupt. Before an eruption she takes a human from. If you meet her
and are kind to her, you will not be hurt by the lava. Today, Hawaiians have
forgotten most of the ancient gods, but not Pele. They continue to honor her and
her volcanoes.

(4) Another kind of natural disaster that has hit Hawaii is the tidal wave, or
tsunami. Unlike volcanoes, tsunamis come from far away under the ocean. When
an earthquake occurs underwater, it creates huge waves. If these waves hit land,
they destroy everything along the coast.

(5) These days, all of the Hawaiian Islands have special signals to warn of
tsunamis. When the signal sounds, everyone knows it is time to run. They must try
to get as far as from the seashore as possible.

It can be concluded that tsunamis are caused by ....

A. Volcanic eruptions

B. Strong winds far out at sea

C. Rain storms in the Pacific Ocean

D. everything along the coast

E. underwater earthquakes
Pembahasan Jawaban: E. underwater earthquakes


Kata kunci nya adalah tsunami, come from. Dari kalimat ... tsunamis come from
far away under the ocean. When an earthquake occurs underwater, it creates huge
waves. (tsunami berasal dari jauh di bawah laut. Ketika sebuah gempa terjadi di
bawah laut, ia menimbulkan gelombang yang besar) bisa diketahui bahwa tsunami
disebabkan oleh gempa bawah laut atau underwater earthquakes. Maka jawaban
yang tepat adalah opsi E.

- Opsi A salah, karena letusan gunung berapi bukan penyebab terjadinya tsunami.

- Opsi B salah, karena angin kencang jauh di laut adalah kejadian air pasar, dan ini
tidak menyebabkan tsunami.

- Opsi C salah, karena pada teks tersebut tidak disebutkan adanya hujan badai
Samudera Pasifik, karena memang hujan badai tidak menyebabkan terjadinya

- Opsi D salah, karena tidak sesuai dengan isi teks, dan tidak spesifik.

Materi Reading

Nomor 5.
Soal What determines how generous a person is? Could it be how much money they
have? How kind are they? Or maybe it comes down to their values. These all seem
reasonable assumptions, but a new study from Berkeley University suggests
something that feels as trivial as how well someone has slept lately can also affect
how willing they are to help other people on any given day. It found sleep
deprivation leads to a reduction in generosity.

The researchers tested how kind people were when they were tired in three
different ways. In the first study, they deprived 21 volunteers of sleep for 24 hours,
then asked them how willing they would be to help in a range of scenarios such as
helping a stranger carry their shopping bags. They asked the participants to repeat
the altruism questionnaire after a normal night’s sleep. The researchers also
studied the 21 participants’ brain activity levels using fMRI imaging.

Next, 171 volunteers recruited online kept a diary of their sleep before doing the
same questionnaire. For both experiments the researchers found that tired
participants scored lower on the altruism questionnaire. This was the case
regardless of participants’ empathy traits and whether the person they were
supposed to help was a stranger or someone familiar to them.

Finally, the researchers analyzed over 3.8 million charity donations made in the
US before and after the clocks were changed for summer, which causes everyone
to lose an hour’s sleep. Donations decreased by 10% in the days after the clocks
changed compared to the weeks before and after the transition.

The fMRI imaging analysis found sleep deprivation seems to be connected to

reduced activity in the area of the brain linked to social cognition, which regulates
our social interactions with others. The change in brain activity was not related to
sleep quality, only to quantity. The good news is this effect is short lived, and
disappears once we return to our normal sleep pattern.


What does the fMRI analysis say about sleep deprivation in human?

A. Sleep deprivation appears to be associated with decreased activity in the social

cognition-regulation region of the brain

B. Sleep deprivation appears to impede the reduction of activity in the region of

the brain associated with social cognition

C. Sleep deprivation appears to regulate human interactions by decreasing activity

in part of brain which control emotion

D. There is no correlation between sleep deprivation and the reduction of human

social activity shown in brain

E. There is no correlation between being sleep deprived and have a less kind
disposition toward others
Pembahasan Jawaban: A. Sleep deprivation appears to be associated with decreased
activity in the social cognition-regulation region of the brain


Arti soal: “Apa yang dinyatakan analisis fMRI mengenai kekurangan tidur pada

Untuk menjawab soal ini kita perlu membaca cepat teks untuk menemukan bagian
yang menjelaskan penemuan yang dihasilkan analisis fMRI tentang kekurangan
tidur pada manusia. Adapun, hal tersebut dibahas dalam paragraf 5, kalimat 1

“The fMRI imaging analysis found sleep deprivation seems to be connected to

reduced activity in the area of the brain linked to social cognition, which regulates
our social interactions with others.”


“Analisis fMRI menemukan bahwa kekurangan tidur tampaknya berkaitan dengan

berkurangnya aktivitas di area otak yang berhubungan dengan kognisi social, yang
mengatur interaksi social manusia dengan orang lain”.”

Dari kalimat tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil analisis fMRI menemukan
bahwa kekurangan tidur menyebabkan adanya penurunan aktivitas di area otak
yang mengatur kognisi social.

Opsi A (BENAR)

Artinya: “Kekurangam tidur tampaknya terkait dengan penurunan aktivitas di area

regulasi kognisi sosial di otak.” Opsi A benar karena merupakan pernyataan yang
tepat mengenai hasil analisis fMRI tentang kekurangan tidur pada manusia.

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya: “Kekurangam tidur tampaknya menghambat pengurangan aktivitas di

area otak yang terkait dengan kognisi social”. Opsi B salah karena bukan
merupakan pernyataan yang sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: “Kekurangan tidur tampaknya mengatur interaksi manusia dengan

mengurangi aktivitas di bagian otak yang mengontrol emosi”. Opsi C salah karena
bukan merupakan pernyataan yang sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya: “Tidak ada hubungan antara kekurangan tidur dan berkurangnya aktivitas
social manusia yang ditunjukan dalam otak”. Opsi D salah karena bukan
merupakan pernyataan yang sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi E (salah)
Materi Reading

Nomor 6.

Soal We regret that is has become necessary to take serious measures to ensure that
we all enjoy a safe and healthy work environment. Effective January 1, we will
begin a mandatory drug-testing program for all employees. We have engaged and
independent laboratory to visit our site to supervise random testing throughout the
year. Each randomly selected employee will be required to provide samples (e.g
urine, blood) to be tested for the presence of illegal drugs. Your cooperation will
be appreciated and all result will be kept confidential.

Persons whose test is positive will be placed on indefinite leave, pending a

thorough physical and psychological examination. With proper medical attention
and rehabilitation, termination can be avoided in some cases. We cannot
emphasize too strongly that substance abuse has no place in Doe Corporation.

What will happen if an employee has positive result? He or she…

A. will be jailed immediately

B. will get medical care and rehabilitation

C. needs to provide blood and urine sample

D. should leave a company

E. will be fired
Pembahasan Jawaban: B


Pertanyaan di soal ini adalah apa yang akan terjadi jika seorang karyawan
dinyatakan positif. Teks tersebut memberi kita informasi bahwa karyawan yang
hasil tesnya positif akan ditempatkan pada cuti tanpa batas waktu, sambil
menunggu pemeriksaan fisik dan psikologis menyeluruh. Perusahaan percaya
bahwa perhatian medis dan rehabilitasi yang tepat dapat menghindari pemutusan
hubungan kerja dalam beberapa kasus.

Opsi A (Salah)

Artinya akan langsung dipenjara

Opsi B (Benar)

Artinya akan mendapatkan pengobatan dan rehabilitasi

Opsi C (Salah)

Artinya perlu memberikan sampel darah dan urin

Opsi D (Salah)

Artinya harus meninggalkan perusahaan

Opsi E (Salah)

Artinya akan dipecat

Materi Reading

Nomor 7.
Soal The MV AcademicShokalskiy, a “highly ice-strengthened”Russian tour ship
built in Finland in 1984 “for polar and oceanographic research” is stranded in
Antartica’s summer ice with 74 passengers and crew members aboard. The group,
which includes two Guardian journalist is retracing the harrowing 1911 Antarctic
expedition led by Sir Douglas Mawson, who lost many of his team members and
nearly died himself on the frigid continent a century ago.

The ship’s passengers include an Australian research team led by University of

New South Wales Professor Chris Turney, who said in November that the
voluminous data collected by Mawson 100 years ago is critical to understanding
global warming. But Turney reported that blizzard-like conditions and thick ocean
ice are preventing the latest expedition from leaving “Unfortunatly proceeding
north we found out path blocked by ice pushed in by an increasingly strong
southeasterly wind. On Christmas eve realized we could not get through, in spite
of being just 2 nautical miles from open water.” Turney report in his blog.

“According to reports nobody is in present danger and there nearby icebreakers

are being sent to assis”, sain Expeditions, which books polar
expeditions. The ship is stuck par-way through her Australian Antarctic
Expedition towards Mawson’s Hut at Cape Denison. Located about 100 nautical
miles east of Dumoni D’unville a French base on Antartica, and 1500 nautical
miles south of Hobart in Tasmania.

Three icebreakers-China’s Xue Long. Australia’s Aurora Australis, and France’s

L’Astrolabe-have been dispatched to the Australian maritime Safety Authority
(AMSA), which is coordinating the international rescue after the Falmouth
Maritime Rescue Coordinator Centre in the United Kingdom received a satellite
distress call Christmas morning. However, it will take the icebreakers at least two
days to get to the stranded ship, which is experiencing very strong winds and
limited visibility. The closest rescue ship is not expected to get to the scane until
sometimes Friday nght.

“Which it is early winter in the Arctic, it is early summer in the Antarctic.

Continuing patterns seen in recnt years. Antarctic sea ice extent remain unusually
high, near of above previous daily maximum values,” according to the National
Snow and ice Data Center (NSIDC)

Which of the following statements is NOT stated in that text ?

A. The MV Academic Schokalsky is a Russian tour ship which is intended for

polar and ocean ographic research

B. Three breakers- Xue Long, Aurora Australis ansd L’Astrofabe- were

experiencing very strong winds and limited visibility for two days in the sea

C. Professor Chris Turney is n Australian research team leader, who reported that
Mawson had collected lots of of detailed data related to global warming

D. Sir Douglas Mawson, who led an Antarctic expedition in 1911, lots many of his
teams members and nearly died himself on the Antarctic.

E. It was the National Snow and Ice Data Center which reported that the Antarctic
Pembahasan Jawaban: B. Three breakers- Xue Long, Aurora Australis ansd L’Astrofabe-
were experiencing very strong winds and limited visibility for two days in the

Soal : Which of the following statements is NOT stated in that text ?

Pembahasan: Pernyataan yang tidak tercantum pada wacana adalah opsi (B),
karena bertentangan denga nisi wacana soal paragraf ke-4

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya yaitu MV Academic Schokalsky adalah kapal wisata Rusia yang ditujukan
untuk penelitian grafik kutub dan samudra

Opsi B (benar)

Artinya yaitu Tiga pemecah - Xue Long, Aurora Australis dan L'Astrofabe -
mengalami angin yang sangat kencang dan jarak pandang terbatas selama dua hari
di laut

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya yaitu Profesor Chris Turney adalah ketua tim peneliti Australia, yang
melaporkan bahwa Mawson telah mengumpulkan banyak data detail terkait
pemanasan global

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya yaitu Sir Douglas Mawson, yang memimpin ekspedisi Antartika pada
tahun 1911, banyak anggota timnya dan hampir mati sendiri di Antartika.

Opsi E (Salah)

Artinya yaituItu adalah Pusat Data Salju dan Es Nasional yang melaporkan bahwa
laut Antartika tetap luar biasa tinggi

Materi Reading

Nomor 8.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


Ability that we have to focus so intensely that the rest of the world temporarily
disappears. Instead of having difficulty concentrating or getting started, the hyper
focused Adder has trouble shifting focus away from the interesting subject at hand.

Hyper focus can be a really good thing. If you’re highly interested in what
you’re concentrating on, then the ability to hyper focus is an asset. It can help you
get through a difficult task, like a report for work or a household problem that
needs to be fixed. This positive hyper focus is what I call being in the flow. You
enjoy what you’re doing--whether it is work, problem-solving, or being creative.
You’re productive and you enjoy not only what you’re doing, but also the fact that
you’re making progress. Your thoughts and actions are flowing.

However, hyper focus can also be a bad thing. Adults with ADD often go into
hyper focus mode when a stressful problem or situation presents itself, and the
inability to tear yourself away results in more stress. This can happen when writing
a paper for school, trying to solve a problem at work, attempting to fix a broken
gadget, or even surfing the internet. Negative hyper focus is what I call being in
the stick. It is really about an inability to shift focus, and the frustration that
results. You want to finish a task or make progress but your frustration in the
situation has made you unable to move on. You become determined to do what
you set out to do at any cost.

(Article source:

The points provided in paragraph 1 of the passage explain that ....

A. ADD sufferers have a short attention span.

B. Hyper focused Adders may immerse themselves so completely in a stimulating

activity that they become oblivious to everything around them.

C. those suffering from ADD are easily distracted, which makes it difficult to give
sustained attention to a specific activity.

D. adults with ADD have difficulty in staying focused

E.many adults with ADD have a hard time managing their feelings, especially
when it comes to emotions like anger or frustration.
Pembahasan Jawaban: B. Hyper focused Adders may immerse themselves so completely in
a stimulating activity that they become oblivious to everything around them.


Paragraf 1 menjelaskan bahwa orang Yang menderita hyperfocus bisa benar-benar

membenamkan diri dalam sebuah kegiatan yang menstimulasi, sehingga mereka
lupa akan segala sesuatu di sekitar mereka (hyper focused Adders may immerse
themselves so completely in a stimulating activity that they become oblivious to
everything around them). Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi B.

- Opsi A salah, karena tidak sesuai dengan isi teks, penulis tidak menyebutkan
bahwa penderita ADD memiliki rentang perhatian yang pendek.

- Opsi C salah, karena ini tidak dipaparkan pada paragraf kesatu.

- Opsi D salah, karena ini dijelaskan pada paragraf ketiga.

- Opsi E salah, karena ini isi dari paragraf ke tiga.

Materi Reading

Nomor 9.

Soal Holding on the belief that children will shed their “baby fat”as they get older
may be perpetuating the childhood obesity epidemic, and laying a foundation for
obesity later in life among overweight tots. According to 2006 data from the
Center for Disease Control, 16% of American children were obese, and 32%
overweight, with a growing propotion of overweight and obese children under age
four. That is why it is critical to identify the “tipping point” between baby fat amd
obesity risk, according to research from Eastern Virginia Medical School and
Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughter that was published this week in the
journal Clinical Pediatrics. In a study of 111 overweight patients between the ages
of two and 20 , researchers analyzed the patterns of children’s weight gain to
determine at what age intervention to prevent obesity is most useful. Their
conclusion: some children were on the road to obesity as early as thress months,
meaning that doctors need to discuss unhealthy weight gain with parents as early
as their child’s infancy, but certainly no later than age two.

What is closest meaning to “tipping point” in line 6?

A. Prediction of highest point

B. Critical identification point

C. The highest point

D. The critical point

E. The best point

Pembahasan Jawaban: D


Kata yang sama dengan ‘’tipping point’’ adalah … Jawabannya adalah opsi D
karena kata tersebut artinya titik kritis

Opsi A (Salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah prediksi poin tertinggi

Opsi B (Salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah titik identifikasi kritis

Opsi C (Salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah titik tertinggi

Opsi D (Benar)

Arti kalimat ini adalah titik kritis

Opsi E (salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah titik pasti

Materi Reading

Nomor 10.
Soal Everybody should change their way of life to reduce global warming. There are
several things that we can do. One of them is by buying and consuming fresh local
groceries as much as possible. It of course includes local vegetables, fruits, bread,

Local groceries don’t need much transportation to get it into the market. It of
course means, the amount of carbon dioxide produced is less than the groceries
from other region. Therefore, by buying local groceries we are helping reduce the
amount of carbon dioxide produced.

Consuming fresh groceries instead of frozen ones are healthier for us.
Furthermore, fresh food or groceries means no requirements for it to be freeze up.
It means that no electricity is needed and saving energy means reducing carbon
dioxide and money.

So, from now on we should consume fresh local groceries to reduce global

The text gives us information about …. …

A. The ways to minimize global warning

B. The ways to increase global warning

C. The effects of global warning

D. The importance of consuming local groceries

E. The importance of knowing global warning

Pembahasan Jawaban: A


Pembahasan: Jawabannya bisa temukan di paragrap ke satu dan dikalimat pertama.

Everybody should change their way of life to reduce global warming. Kata reduce
sama dengan minimize

Opsi A (Benar)

Cara meminimalkan pemanasan global (gobal warming)

Opsi B (Salah)

Cara meningkatkan pemanasan global (gobal warming)

Opsi C (Salah)

Efek dari pemanasan gobal (gobal warming)

Opsi D (Salah)

Pentingnya mengkonsumsi bahan makanan lokal

Opsi E (Salah)

Pentingnya mengetahui pemanasan global (gobal warming)

Materi Reading

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