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Nomor 1.

Soal Everyone likes to group things. Language students group words as verbs, nouns
and so on ; collections of words are clasiffied as phrases, or clauses, or sentence
and these again are reclassified according to their function. In the same way,
botansist classify plants as algae, or fungi, or gymnosperms, etc. Zoologist classify
animals as vertebrates and invertebrates. The vertebrates can be further classified
as mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, etc. Classification enables us to keep hold of
more information and, if it is based on the right data, enables us to understand
better the ideas we are studying.

Chemists are no exception. The chemical classification of materials, if it is based

on a good system, should enable us to understand better the many substances
which exist in our world. What is to be the basis of our classification? Perhaps the
most obvious one is appearance. Material could be classified as solid liquid or gas
with some mixed type as, for example, mud being solid/liquid material and steam
a liquid/gas material. Appearance could enable us to subdivide our main
classification groups a little further; the solid may be green, or black, powdery or
crystalline; the liquid may be colored oily, thick, or free following; the gas may be
colored. However, we soon realize that many probably quite different material
have the same appearance. Both air and the deadly carbon-monoxide gas, are
colorless, odorless gases, but we would not like to group them as same thin. Many
different liquids are colorless, water-like materials.

Paragraph 2 exemplifies the idea about classification that ...

A. chemicals may be solid, liquid, gaseous

B. appearance is not a useful basis in chemistry

C. the use of colors is better than that of appearance

D. both colors and appearance should be considered

E. colors should be included for identifying appearance

Pembahasan Jawaban: D. both colors and appearance should be considered

Soal : Paragraf 2 mencontohkan gagasan tentang klasifikasi yang ...


Paragraf 2 mencontohkan gagasan tentang klasifikasi bahwa keduanya baik warna

dan tampilan gas harus di pertimbangkan

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya bahan kimia mungkin padat, cair, gas

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya penampilan bukanlah dasar yang berguna dalam kimia

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya penggunaan warna lebih baik daripada penampilan

Opsi D (benar)

Artinya baik warna dan penampilan harus dipertimbangkan

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya warna harus disertakan untuk mengidentifikasi penampilan

Materi Reading

Nomor 2.
Soal A clean and fresh city will surely make the inhabitants healty. Every morning
especially in dry season, all roads must be watered with clean water and swept by
the workers of regional government under the mayor’s instruction.

To protect people from heavy pollution caused by cars, trucks and motorcycyles,
enough tress must be planted along the roads. Every building or house in city must
be surrounded by short and small tress which bear colorful flowers.

Bad and improper habits which cause disadvantages, such as smoking and
throwing rubbish anywhere should be stopped at once.

The city mayor will have to think over the way to educatepeople, so they realize
how important cleanliness and health care. More public lavatories are badly

It will be wise if the city mayor decides a certain amount of fine to be paid by
those who break the government regulation on cleanliness matter. For example, a
man who urinates not at a lavatory, smokes not room or throws rubbish at the
roads should be fined. Besides dirtying the environment with cigarttes’ butts,
smoking will also cause pollution and bad lung disease to other people.

So, bad habits and impolite attitude should be immediately stopped, otherwise
the city will be ddirty, unhealthy, badly polluted and will never attract foreign and
domestic tourist as well.

what the writer suggests that the city inhabitants to protect people from

pollution caused by cars

A. plant trees

B. stop smoking

C. urinate at the lavatory

D. throw rubbish at the road

E. smoke at the smoking room

Pembahasan Jawaban: A. plant trees

Soal : apa yang penulis sarankan agar penduduk kota melindungi orang dari polusi
yang disebabkan oleh mobil ?

Pembahasan: Kata kunci soal adalah “pollution caused by cars” dan terletak pada
paragraph kedua. Maka jawaban terdapat di paragraph tersebut, yaitu plant tress

Opsi A (benar)

Artinya yaitu menanam pohon

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya yaitu berhenti merokok

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya yaitu buang air kecil sembarangan

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya yaitu membuang sampah di jalan

Opsi E (Salah)

Artinya merokok di ruangan merokok

Materi Reading

Nomor 3.
Soal Wetlands are areas of land that are covered by water, or have flooded or
waterlogged soils. They can have water on them either permanently or for just part
of the year. Whether it’s year-round or seasonal, this period of water saturation
produces hydric soils, which contain little or no oxygen. But this doesn’t mean that
they are lifeless: Wetlands are full of unique water-loving plants and wildlife that
have adapted to wet environments.

Wetlands can take many different forms, depending on the local climate, water
conditions and land forms and features. For example, swamps are dominated by
woody trees or shrubs. Marshes often have more grass-like plants, such as cattails
and bulrushes. Bogs and fens are areas that accumulate peat – deposits of dead and
partly decomposed plant materials that form organic-rich soil.

Wetlands are important environments for many reasons. They provide ecological
services whose value has been estimated to be worth more than US$47 trillion per
year. For example, wetlands support very high levels of biodiversity. Scientists
estimate that 40% of all species on Earth live or breed in wetlands. Wetlands are
critical homes or stopovers for many species of migratory birds. In the central U.S.
and Canada, for example, wetlands in the so-called prairie pothole region on the
Great Plains support up to three-quarters of North America’s breeding ducks.

Along with providing important habitat for everything from microbes to frogs to
waterfowl, wetlands also work to improve water quality. They can capture surface
runoff from cities and farmlands and work as natural water filters, trapping excess
nutrients that otherwise might create dead zones in lakes and bays. Wetlands can
also help remove other pollutants and trap suspended sediments that cloud water
bodies, which can kill aquatic plants and animals.

Because wetlands are often in low-lying areas of the landscape, they can store and
slowly release surface water. Wetlands can be extremely important for reducing
the impacts of flooding. In some places, water entering wetlands can also recharge
groundwater aquifers that are important for irrigation and drinking water.

Wetlands also act as important carbon sinks. As wetland plants grow, they remove
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They die, sink to the bottom of the wetland
and decompose very slowly. Over time, the carbon they contain accumulates in
wetland soils, where it can be stored for hundreds of years. Conserving and
restoring wetlands is an important strategy for regulating greenhouse gases and
mitigating the impacts of climate change.


According to the text, how can wetlands prevent flood?

A. It slowly detach water surface

B. It may retain surface water

C. It can absorb water sources

Pembahasan Jawaban: B. It may retain surface water


Arti soal: “Berdasarkan teks, bagaimana lahan basah dapat mencegah banjir?”

Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu membaca cepat teks untuk menemukan bagian
yang membahas tentang bagaimana lahan basah dapat mencegah banjir. Adapun
hal tersebut dibahas dalam paragraf 5 berikut:

“Because wetlands are often in low-lying areas of the landscape, they can store
and slowly release surface water. Wetlands can be extremely important for
reducing the impacts of flooding. In some places, water entering wetlands can also
recharge groundwater aquifers that are important for irrigation and drinking


“Karena lahan basah sering berada di daerah dataran rendah, mereka dapat
menyimpan dan melepaskan air permukaan secara perlahan. Lahan basah dapat
sangat penting untuk mengurangi dampak banjir. Di beberapa tempat, air yang
masuk ke lahan basah juga dapat mengisi kembali akuifer air tanah yang penting
untuk irigasi dan air minum.”

Dari paragraf tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa lahan basah dapat mencegah
banjir karena mereka dapat menyimpan dan melepaskan air permukaan secara
perlahan dengan kata lain menyimpan/menahan air permukaan sehingga tidak
terjadi banjir.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya: Hal ini perlahan melepaskan permukaan air. Opsi A salah karena tidak
sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi B (BENAR)

Artinya: Hal ini mungkin menahan air permukaan. Opsi B benar karena sesuai
dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: Hal ini dapat menyerap sumber air. Opsi C salah karena tidak sesuai
dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya: Hal ini membantu mengurangi air tanah. Opsi D salah karena tidak sesuai
dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya: Hal ini mengisi kembali tanah lahan basah. Opsi E salah karena tidak
sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.
Materi Reading

Nomor 4.

Soal Dear Dr.Hambali Sahali,

We would like to invite you and your staff to visit our school SMP Duta Bangsa,
where we are engaged in an exciting service learning project.

Service-learning is a teaching method that engages our students in solving

problems within their school and communities as an integral part of their academic
studies. It is hoped that students master important curriculum content by making
meaningful connection between what they study and its real-life applications.
Besides, students become more effective citizens through acts of kindness,
community stewardship and civic action. This effort is made possible with support
from Learn and Serve America, a program of the corporation for National and
Community Service.

May we suggest that you visit us on January 11, 2010 at 10 o’clock? This will
give you an opportunity to see our program in action. We have also invited our
community partners, members of the local media, and several families of students
whom we serve. They are eager to talk to you about the importance of investing in
service-learning activities in our local community.

We have enc

losed a one page profile of our program for your reference. I will contact your
office within the next two weeks to follow-up on this invitation. Again, we do
hope you can join us on this occasion.

Thank you very much for your consideration.


Andy Sehatapi

What does the second paragraph of the text tell us about?

A. The persons who have been invited.

B. The purpose of service-learning project.

C. The importance of local media in project.

D. The opportunity to see a program in action.

E. A program of the corporation for National and Commnity Service

Pembahasan Jawaban: B


Soaldiatas menanyakan topic suatu paragraph. Dari kata-kata pada paragraph

tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa paragraph tersebut tentang tujuan diadakannya
kegiatan service learning project, bukan yang lainnya.

Opsi A (Salah)

Orang yang sudah diundang

Opsi B (Benar)

Tujuan dari projek layanan pembelajaran

Opsi C (Salah)

Pentingnya media lokal dalam projek

Opsi D (Salah)

Kesempatan untuk melihat program beraksi

Opsi E (Salah)

Program Korporasi untuk Layanan Nasional dan Masyarakat

Materi Reading

Nomor 5.
Soal The most familiar speleothems (from the Greek word spelion for cave and thema
for deposit), the decorative dripstone features found in caves, are stalacties and
stalagmites, Stalacties hang downward from ceiling of the cave and are formed as
drop after drop of water slowly trickles through cracks in the cave roof.
Stalagmites grow upward from the floor of the cave, generally as a result of water
dripping from an overhead stalactite. A colomn forms when stalactite and a
stalagmite grow until they join . A “curtain” of “drapery” begins to form on an
inclined ceiling when drops of water trickle along a slope.

Natural openings on the surface that lead to caves are called sinkholes, or
swallow holes. Streams sometimes disappear down these holes and flow through
the cavern. Rivers may flow from one mountain to another through a series of
caves. Some caverns have sinkholes in thier floors. Water often build up a rim of
dripstone around the edge of the hole. Dripping water often contains dissolved
minerals as well as acid. These minerals too will be deposited; and they may give
rich coloring to the deposits. If minerals in the water change, layers of different
colors may be formed.

The word speleothem comes frome which language?

A. Latin

B. French

C. German

D. English

E. Greek
Pembahasan Jawaban: E


Soal ini menanyakan kata speleothem berasal dari Bahasa apa. Jawabannya sudah
jelas disebutkan diparagrap ke 1 dikalimat ke 1 bahwa kata tersebut berasal dari
Bahasa Yunani.Maka jawaban yang benar adalah E (Greek)

Opsi A (Salah)

Bahasa Latin

Opsi B (Salah)

Bahasa Perancis

Opsi C (Salah)

Bahasa Jerman

Opsi D (Salah)

Bahasa Inggris

Opsi E (Benar)

Bahasa Yunani

Materi Reading

Nomor 6.
Soal Non verbal communication is defined as communication between people by
means other than speech. Non verbal communication (NVC) derived from one
following major sources : eye contact (amount looking at another person’s body
and face), mouth(especially smiling or grimacing in relation to eye contact),
posture (for example, sitting forwards of backward), gesture (as with the use of
arm movements when talking), orientation of the body to the to the address, body
distance (as when we stand to close or too far away from others, smell (including
perfumes), skin( including pigmentation, blushing and texture) hair (including
length, texture and style), clothes ( with particular references to fashion).

Non-verbal communication is no quite the same as body language because any

claim about a language must refer to an agreed and identifiable grammar and
syntax. NVC is not always so precise or advanced: the vocabulary of non verbal
sign is more limited than speech. Even so, it is a mistake to consider NVC as
isolated from speech . instead some complex interaction envisaged between word
and body signal and one is not always complementary. Imagine yourself
interviewing job applicants. You might not offer employment to a candidate who
refuses to look at you, always frowns, hunches both shoulders, sweats a lot and has
a Mohican haircut- despite the fact that he or she gives thoughtful and interesting
replies to your questions.

Take eye contact as an example for discussion. Mutual eye contact (where both
people look into each other’s eyes) can be a sign of linking but prolonged gaze
leads to discomfort. The directed eye contact victims a code of looking, where eye
contact is frequently broken but returned to and leads to depersonalization of the
victim because an aggressor deliberately breaks the rules which the victim address
to. Eye contact is often enhanced by size of pupils, eyebrow inflection and
movement, and smiling.

According to the text, the fact NVC…

A. Does not have established rules

B. Has an identifiable grammar

C. May be derived from hair color

D. Is isolated in language study

E. Is more complicated than body language

Pembahasan Jawaban: A. Does not have established rules

Soal : Menurut teks, fakta dari NVC ...

Pembahasan: Menurut teks fakta dari NVC adalah tidak memiliki aturan yang
tetap (Does not have established rules). Informasi tersebut tersirat pada paragraf
kedua, baris ke empat

Opsi A (benar)

Artinya yaitu Tidak memiliki aturan yang ditetapkan

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya yaitu Memiliki tata bahasa yang dapat diidentifikasi

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya yaitu Mungkin berasal dari warna rambut

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya yaitu Terisolasi dalam studi bahasa

Opsi E (Salah)

Artinya yaitu Lebih rumit dari bahasa tubuh

Materi Reading

Nomor 7.
Soal Agroecologist do not always agree about what agroecology is or should be in the
long-term. Different definitions of the term Agroecology can be distinguished
largely by the specificity with which one difines the term “ecology”, as well as the
term’s potential political connotations. Definitions of agreocology, therefore,
maybe first grouped according to the specific contexts within which they situate
agriculture. Agroecology is defined as “the study of the relation of agricultural
crops and enviroment”. This definition refers to the “-ecology”part of
“agroecology” narrowly as the natural environment. Following this definitions, an
agroecologist would study agriculture’s various relationship with soil health, water
quality, air quality, meso-and mico-fauna, sorrounding flora, envorinment toxins
and other envorinment contexts.

A more common definition of the word can be taken from Dalgaard et al, who
refer to agroecology as the study of the interactions between plants, animals,
humans and envorinment within agricultural systems. Consequently, agroecology
is inherently multidisciplinary, including factors from agronomy, ecology,
sociology, economics and related disciplines. In this case, the “ecology” portion of
“agroecology is defined broadly to include social, cultural and economic contexts
as well.

In the global south American, the term often carries overtly political
connotations. Such political definitions of the term usually desscribe to it the goals
of social and economic justice; special attention, in this case, is often paid to the
traditional farming knowledge of indigenous populations. North American and
European uses of the term sometimes avoid the inclusion of such overtly political
goals. In this cases, agroecology is seen more strictly as a scientific discipline with
less specific social goals.

Regarding the definition of agroecology, the author assumes that it ...

A. tends to denote scientific loads

B. may be understood contextually

C. can be interpreted differently

D. has universal underlying values

E. should be exclusively situated

Pembahasan Jawaban: C


Pada soal ini ditanyakan berdasarkan definisi agroekologi, maka penulis

beranggapan bahwa .... Jawabanya adalah dapat diartikan berbeda-beda. Hal ini
berdasarkan dari disiplin ilmu yang berbeda.

Opsi A (Salah)

cenderung menunjukkan beban ilmiah

Opsi B (Salah)

dapat dipahami secara kontekstual

Opsi C (Benar)

bisa dimaknai berbeda

Opsi D (Salah)

memiliki nilai-nilai yang mendasari universal

Opsi E (Salah)

harus ditempatkan secara eksklusif

Materi Reading

Nomor 8.
Soal Calorie-restricted diets have been shown to increase the lifespan and health span
of everything from yeast to monkeys – as long as there is no malnutrition. And
while no long-term studies have proven the benefits of calorie restriction on
human lifespan, shorter-term studies suggest that it does improve health. Here’s
how it might work.

Our bodies monitor and sense the amount of nutrients available through specific
molecules in our cells. Depending on the amount of food we eat, these molecules
tweak our metabolism to regulate how we use the available nutrients. One of these
molecules is an enzyme called TOR. When there is a lot of food, the TOR enzyme
instructs cells in the body to grow. If there is less food, TOR instructs the body to
be on alert - a state that scientists refer to as a “mild stress response”.

Many experiments have shown that when animals eat a lot of food, especially for
prolonged periods, TOR senses this and their lifespan becomes shorter. But do all
foods have this effect on TOR? TOR enzyme is especially activated when cells
sense large amounts of amino acids (the building blocks of protein) or protein. A
protein-restricted diet, without malnutrition, can have the same effects on the
metabolism and lifespan of lab animals as a calorie-restricted diet.

Age-related diseases are known to be caused by genetic mutations, but could

there be a connection between TOR, nutrition and diseases of old age? We know
that nutrition is associated with cancer and heart disease, and overactive TOR is
known to be involved in these diseases, but recent studies show that TOR is also
directly related to neurodegenerative diseases. For example, the activity of the
TOR enzyme in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s is much higher compared
with healthy brains. Also, simulating these diseases in mice and other lab animals
has shown that removing excess TOR stops brain cells dying.

So, there may be a link between what we eat, how it is sensed by our body and
the risk of neurodegenerative disease. Scientists are exploring different
possibilities to prevent neurodegeneration. If more protein means more active
TOR, we could either modify our diet, safely, or develop a drug that tricks our
body into thinking it is getting less protein.


According to recent research, how is TOR enzyme related to aging-related


A. Neurodegenerative disease may cause a decrease in TOR enzyme activity

B. TOR enzyme could prevent the death of brain cells brought on by diseases

C. Increased activity of TOR enzyme in brain may result in cardiovascular


D. An excessive amount of TOR enzyme may lead to neurodegenerative diseases

E. Alzheimer and other diseases may stimulate the production of the TOR enzyme
Pembahasan Jawaban: D. An excessive amount of TOR enzyme may lead to
neurodegenerative diseases


Arti soal: “Berdasarkan penelitian terbaru, Bagaimana enzim TOR berhubungan

dengan penyakit terkait dengan penuaan?”

Untuk menjawab soal ini kita perlu membaca cepat teks untuk menemukan bagian
yang membahas tentang bagaimana enzim TOR berhubungan dengan penyakit
terkait penuaan. Adapun hal tersebut dibahas dalam paragraf 4, kalimat 2-3

“We know that nutrition is associated with cancer and heart disease, and
overactive TOR is known to be involved in these diseases, but recent studies show
that TOR is also directly related to neurodegenerative diseases. For example, the
activity of the TOR enzyme in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s is much higher
compared with healthy brains.”


“Kita tahu bahwa nutrisi berkaitan dengan kanker dan penyakit jantung, dan ezim
TOR yang terlalu aktif diketahui terlibat dalam penyakit tersebut, tetapi penelitian
terbaru menunjukkan bahwa TOR juga terkait langsung dengan penyakit
neurodegeneratif. Misalnya, aktivitas enzim TOR di otak penderita Alzheimer jauh
lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan otak yang sehat.”

Dari paragraf tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa enzim TOR berhubungan dengan
penyakit yang berkaitan dengan penuaan (neurodegenerative) karena ditemukan
bahwa tingginya kadar enzim TOR dalam tubuh dan otak dapat menyebabkan
seseorang terkena penyakit tersebut.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya: “Penyakit neurodegeneratif dapat menyebabkan penurunan aktivitas

enzim TOR.” Opsi A salah karena tidak sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya: “Enzim TOR dapat mencegah kematian sel-sel otak yang disebabkan oleh
penyakit.” Opsi B salah karena tidak sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: “Peningkatan aktivitas enzim TOR di otak dapat menyebabkan penyakit

kardiovaskular.” Opsi C salah karena tidak sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi D (BENAR)

Artinya: “Jumlah enzim TOR yang berlebihan dapat menyebabkan penyakit

neurodegeneratif.” Opsi D benar karenas sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.
Materi Reading

Nomor 9.
Soal From toe length to handwriting and sleeping position, there have been countless
studies linking various features with specific personality traits. But these are of
course just associations between incidental features – which toe length we happen
to have does not, after all, shape who we are as individuals. For that, we need to
look at the brain and its complex anatomy. Now it has been discovered that there
are striking structural differences in the brains of people with different personality
types. It is believed that the structural changes – seen as variations in the thickness,
area and folding of the brain – may result from differences in development in early

An international team of researchers published this study in Social Cognitive and

Affective Neuroscience. They analyzed the brains of over 500 healthy people aged
22 to 36 years. They evaluated personality traits using a questionnaire called the
NEO five factor inventory. By doing this, they were able to divide the participants
into the so-called “big five” personality traits: neuroticism, extraversion, openness,
agreeableness and conscientiousness.

It was found that neuroticism, a personality trait underlying mental illnesses such
as anxiety disorders, was linked to a thicker cortex (the brain’s outer layer of
neural tissue) and a smaller area and folding in some brain regions. Conversely,
openness, a trait reflecting curiosity and creativity, was associated to thinner
cortex and greater area and folding in the brain. The other personality traits were
linked to other differences in brain structure, such as agreeableness, which was
correlated with a thinner prefrontal cortex (this area is involved in tasks including
processing empathy and other social skills).

This is the first time the big five personality traits have been clearly linked to
differences in brain thickness, area and folding in a large sample of healthy
individuals. However, it was previously found that the brains of teenagers with
serious antisocial behavioral problems differ significantly in structure to those of
their peers who do not display such disruptive behavior.

The relation between differences in brain structure and personality in healthy

people suggests that brain changes may be even more pronounced in people with
mental illnesses. Linking the brain structure to basic personality traits is a crucial
step to improving our understanding of mental disorders. In the future, it may even
give us the opportunity to detect those who are at high risk of developing mental
illnesses early, which has obvious implications for prompt intervention.


One of the important findings of the research on brain structure is that….

A. Structural differences of people brain are believed as the result from early life

B. Different personality types are associated with distinct structural characteristics

in the brain

C. Human body structure are divided into various group according to their
personality traits
Pembahasan Jawaban: B. Different personality types are associated with distinct structural
characteristics in the brain


Arti soal: “Salah satu penemuan penting dari penelitian tentang struktur otak
adalah bahwa….”

Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu untuk membaca cepat teks untuk menemukan
bagian yang membahas tentang penemuan dari penelitian dalam teks. Adapun hal
tersebut dibahas dalam paragraf 1, kalimat 3 berikut:

“Now it has been discovered that there are striking structural differences in the
brains of people with different personality types.”


“Saat ini telah ditemukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan struktur yang mencolok di
dalam otak manusia dengan tipe kepribadian yang berbeda.”

Dari paragraf tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penelitian ini menemukan bahwa
terdapat perbedaan struktur otak dalam manusia dengan kepribadian yang berbeda.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya: “Perbedaan struktural otak orang diyakini sebagai hasil dari Pendidikan
awal kehdidupan”. Opsi A salah karena bukan merupakan penemuan penting dari
penelitian dalam teks.

Opsi B (BENAR)

Artinya: “Tipe kepribadian yang berbeda dikaitkan dengan karakteristik struktural

yang berbeda di otak”. Opsi B benar karena merupakan penemuan penting dari
penelitian dalam teks.

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: “Struktur tubuh manusia dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok sesuai

dengan ciri kepribadiannya”. Opsi C salah karena bukan merupakan penemuan
penting dari penelitian dalam teks.

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya: “Beberapa kelompok populasi manusia menunjukkan pola struktur

anatomi otak yang berbeda”. Opsi D salah karena bukan merupakan penemuan
penting dari penelitian dalam teks.

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya: “Perubahan struktural dalam tubuh manusia dapat mengakibatkan

berbagai jenis perkembangan kepribadian”. Opsi E salah karena bukan merupakan
penemuan penting dari penelitian dalam teks.
Materi Reading

Nomor 10.
Soal The physiological processes associated with an acute psychological stress
response produce changes in human breath and sweat that dogs can detect with an
accuracy of 93.75%, according to a new study published this week in the open-
access journal PLOS ONE by Clara Wilson of Queen's University Belfast, UK,
and colleagues.

Odors emitted by the body constitute chemical signals that have evolved for
communication, primarily within species. Given dogs' remarkable sense of smell,
their close domestication history with humans, and their use to support human
psychological conditions such as anxiety, panic attacks and post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD), researchers wondered whether dogs could be sensing chemical
signals to respond to their owners' psychological states.

In the new study, the researchers collected samples of breath and sweat from
non-smokers who had not recently eaten or drank. Samples were collected both
before and after a fast-paced arithmetic task, along with self-reported stress levels
and objective physiological measures: heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP).

Samples from 36 participants who reported an increase in stress because of the

task, and experienced an increase in HR and BP during the task, were shown to
trained dogs within three hours of being collected. Four dogs of different breeds
and breed-mixes had been trained, using a clicker as well as kibble, to match odors
in a discrimination task. At testing, dogs were asked to find the participant's stress
sample (taken at the end of the task) while the same person's relaxed sample (taken
only minutes before, prior to the task starting) was also in the sample line-up.

Overall, dogs could detect and perform their alert behavior on the sample taken
during stress in 675 out of 720 trials, or 93.75% of the time, much greater than
expected by chance (p<0.001). The first time they were exposed to a participant's
stressed and relaxed samples, the dogs correctly alerted to the stress sample
94.44% of the time. Individual dogs ranged in performance from 90% to 96.88%

The researchers conclude that dogs can detect an odor associated with the
change in Volatile Organic Compounds produced by humans in response to stress,
a finding that tells us more about the human-dog relationship and could have
applications to the training of anxiety and PTSD service dogs that are currently
trained to respond predominantly to visual cues.


What task was given to the dogs during the research process?

A. Detecting the increase in participants’ HR and BP during the task

B. Using clicker and kibble to match odors in a discrimination task

C. Testing the other dogs’ ability to identify odors of certain subject

D. Finding the other subjects’ relaxed samples in the same line-up

Pembahasan Jawaban: E. Identifying the stressed and relaxed samples of the same subject


Arti soal: “Tugas apa yang diberikan kepada para anjing selama proses

Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu membaca cepat teks untuk menemukan bagian
yang menjelaskan tentang proses penelitian, tepatnya bagian yang menjelaskan
tugas apa yang diberikan pada anjing dalam penelitian. Setelah itu kita perlu
memahami bagaimana penelitian dilakukan. Adapun hal tersebut dibahas dalam
paragraf 4, kalimat 1-3 berikut:

“Samples from 36 participants who reported an increase in stress because of the

task, and experienced an increase in HR and BP during the task, were shown to
trained dogs within three hours of being collected. Four dogs of different breeds
and breed-mixes had been trained, using a clicker as well as kibble, to match
odors in a discrimination task. At testing, dogs were asked to find the participant's
stress sample (taken at the end of the task) while the same person's relaxed sample
(taken only minutes before, prior to the task starting) was also in the sample line-


“Sampel dari 36 peserta yang melaporkan peningkatan stres karena tugas, dan
mengalami peningkatan HR dan BP selama mengerjakan tugas, ditunjukkan
kepada anjing yang telah terlatih dalam waktu tiga jam setelah tugas dikumpulkan.
Empat anjing dari ras yang berbeda dan campuran ras telah dilatih, menggunakan
clicker serta kibble, untuk mencocokkan bau dalam tugas diskriminasi. Saat
pengujian, anjing diminta untuk menemukan sampel stres peserta (diambil pada
akhir tugas) sementara sampel relaks orang yang sama (diambil hanya beberapa
menit sebelum tugas dimulai) juga ada dalam daftar sampel.”

Dari paragraf tersebut dapat ditemukan informasi bahwa dalam proses penelitian,
anjing diberi tugas untuk menemukan dan mencocokan sampel stress dan sampel
relaks dari orang/partisipan yang sama.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya: “Mendeteksi peningkatan HR dan BP peserta selama tugas”. Opsi A salah

karena bukan merupakan tugas yang diberikan.

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya: “Menggunakan clicker dan kibble untuk mencocokkan bau dalam tugas
diskriminasi”. Opsi B salah karena tidak sesuai informasi dalam teks.

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: “Menguji kemampuan anjing lain untuk mengidentifikasi bau subjek

tertentu”. Opsi C salah karena bukan merupakan tugas yang diberikan.
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