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Nomor 1.

Soal Green plants use light to transform carbon dioxide, absorbed from the
atmosphere, and water into organic componds, with oxygn as a by-product. The
process is called photosynthesis, and it enables forests like Ulu Masen, Aceh Jaya,
to play a critical role in regulating our climate.

Forests store an estimated 300 billion tons of carbon, or the equivalent of 40

times the world’s total annual greenhouse-gas emission that cause global warming.
Destroy the trees and you release that carbon into the atmosphere, putting the great
challenge of our age, averting catastrophic climate change beyond reach. Forest
destruction accounts for 15% of global emmisions by human activity, far out
ranking the total from vehicles and aircraft combined.

Forests are disappearing so fast in Indonesia that, incredibly this developing

country ranks third in emmisions behind industrial giants China and the U.S. Since
1950, estimated Greenpeace, more than 182 million acres (740,000 sq km) of
Indonesian forests, the equivalent of more than 95 Ulu Masens, have been
destroyed or degraded.

The good news is that protecting forests “is on of the easiest and cheapest ways
to take a big bite out of the apple when it comes to emmisions,” says Greenpeace
spokesman Daniel Kessler. Ulu Masen will be one of the first forests to be
protected under a pioneering U.N Program called REDD (Reducing Emmisions
from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries) that offers a
powerful financial incentive to keep forests intact.

The author’s view regrading reducing greenhouse-gas emmision is that

A. awarnes raising necessary

B. massive funding is unavoidable

C. Keeping forests green is a key

D. fauna conservation is critical

E. deforestation is vital
Pembahasan Jawaban: C. keeping forests green is a key

Soal : Pandangan penulis tentang pengurangan emisi gas rumah kaca adalah

Pembahasan: pandangan penulis terhadap pengurangn terjadinya emisi gas rumah

kaca adalah bahwa setia orang apalagi pemerintah harus tetap hijau dan
merupakan kunci pencegahan terjadinya peningkatan emisi gas rumah kaca di
masa depan.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya yaitu peningkatan kewaspadaan diperlukan

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya yaitu dana besar-besaran tidak dapat dihindari

Opsi C (benar)

Artinya yaitu menjaga hutan tetap hijau adalah kuncinya

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya yaitu konservasi fauna sangat penting

Opsi E (Salah)

Artinya yaitu penggundulan hutan sangat penting

Materi Reading

Nomor 2.
Soal Horse owners who plan to bread one or more mares should have a working
knowledge of heredity and know how to care for breeding animals and foals. Then
number of mares bred that actually concieve varies from about 40 to 85 percent,
with the average running less than 50 percent. Some mares that do concieve fail to
produce living foals. This means that, on average, two mares are kept a whole year
to produce one foal, and even, some foals are disappointments from the standpoint
of quality.

By careful selection, breeders thoughout history have developed various kinds of

horses with a wide variety of characteristics to suit many different needs. The
Great Horse of the Middle Ages, for example, was bred for size amd strength to
carry a heavily armored knight. The massive horses of such breeds are often called
“cold blooded”. The Arabs bred lithe desert horses that small and swift. These
animals are often referred to as “hot blooded”. “Cross-breeding of hot-blooded and
cold-blooded horses” for certain characteristics produced breeds ranging from
hiding horses to draft horses.

The thoroghbred is considered by many to be the highpoint of elegance and fine

selective breeding. Many persons mistakenly apply the name thoroughbred any
purebred horse. Thoroughbred is a distinct breed of running horses that traces its
ancestry through the male line directly back to four Eastern stallion; the Byerly
Turk, the Darley Arabian,the Great horse and the Godolphin Barb. For
convenience the breeds of horses are often divided into three major groups: (1)
ponies, (2) heavy, or draft horses, and (3) light horses.

In line 11 “little” most nearly means...

A. Graceful

B. Clumsy

C. Massive

D. Bulky

E. Cute
Pembahasan Jawaban: A


Soal ini menanyakan kata “little” mempunyai arti yang hampir sama dengan apa.
Jawabannya adalah A yaitu graceful karena kata little disitu adalah sama dengan
small dan swift yang berarti juga anggun

Opsi A (Benar)

Artinya anggun

Opsi B (Salah)

Artinya ceroboh

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya besar sekali

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya tebal

Opsi E (Salah)

Artinya lucu

Materi Reading

Nomor 3.
Soal Losari beach is a beautiful beach and located on the edge city of Makassar. It is
located only about 3 km from the center of Makassar (Karebosi Park). The beach
used to be the longest café in Asia, because many cafes stand in along the beach,
but now the cafes are collected in a special place so it does not spread along the
coast. Charm of the beach is mainly seen in the evening when the sunset stands
out. This is a major attraction of people’s coming to the Losari beach.

Every evening hundreds of people come to witness the panorama of red as the
sun will disappear into the ocean, so do not miss the sunset at the Losari beach. If
the sky is sunny, the scenery is absolutely perfect. Because of its location in a bay,
the water of Losari is even often quiet as usual pool water.

Losari is its waterfront of Makassar. The lengthy of the beach is approximately

one kilometer and it is a public space that can be accessed by anyone. On this
beach there is a park called the Pelataran Bahari (Marine Park), with semicircular
area of nearly one hectare. This place is a plaza with a clean floor for children to
play and running around, while parents and teens sit on concrete benches to enjoy
the sea breeze. From this place, you are also free to view out to the sea and watch
the sunset slowly turns reddish in the line of the horizon. The reflected light also
creates sheen on the surface of sea water.

The Pelataran Bahari also serves as the stadium of open water to watch the
coastal waters in front of Losari beach. This coastal water is often used as a
racecourse jet ski, boat races and traditional boat jolloro katinting, or become a
transit point of rely of Sandeq traditional sailboats and yachts.

In Losari there are also a few hotels. Some of them qualified as a tree stars hotel.
The hotel is offering panoramic beauty of the sea with luxury service treats. There
are Losari Beach Hotel, Losari Beach Inn, Makassar Golden Hotel, and Pantai
Gapura Hotel. All of the hotels located in Jalan Penghibur.

Where can we watch the coastal water?

A. In front of Losari Beach

B. In Asia

C. At the hotel

D. In Makasar

E. at Jalan Penghibur
Pembahasan Jawaban: A. In front of Losari Beach


Pertanyaan pada soal ini adalah dimana kita dapat melihat air pantai. Jawabanya
dapat kita temukan di paragraf 4 yaitu ‘’... to watch the coastal waters in front of
Losari beach’’ (..untuk melihat air Pantai di depan pantai Losari

Opsi A (Benar)

Depan pantai Losari

Opsi B (Salah)

Di Asia

Opsi C (Salah)

Di hotel

Opsi D (Salah)

Di Makasar

Opsi E (Salah)

Di jalan Penghibur

Materi Reading

Nomor 4.
Soal Put simply, globalization is the connection of different parts of the world. In
economics, globalization can be defined as the process in which businesses,
organizations, and countries begin operating on an international scale.
Globalization is most often used in an economic context, but it also affects and is
affected by politics and culture. In general, globalization has been shown to
increase the standard of living in developing countries, but some analysts warn
that globalization can have a negative effect on local or emerging economies and
individual workers.

Globalization is not new. Since the start of civilization, people have traded
goods with their neighbors. As cultures advanced, they were able to travel farther
afield to trade their own goods for desirable products found elsewhere. The Silk
Road, an ancient network of trade routes used between Europe, North Africa, East
Africa, Central Asia, South Asia, and the Far East, is an example of early
globalization. For more than 1,500 years, Europeans traded glass and
manufactured goods for Chinese silk and spices, contributing to a global economy
in which both Europe and Asia became accustomed to goods from far away.

Following the European exploration of the New World, globalization occurred

on a grand scale; the widespread transfer of plants, animals, foods, and ideas
became known as the Columbian Exchange. The Triangular Trade network in
which ships carried manufactured goods from Europe to Africa, enslaved Africans
to the Americas, and raw materials back to Europe is another example of
globalization. The resulting spread of slavery demonstrates that globalization can
hurt people just as easily as it can connect people.

Not everything about globalization is beneficial. Any change has winners and
losers, and the people living in communities that had been dependent on jobs
outsourced elsewhere often suffer. Effectively, this means that workers in the
developed world must compete with lower-cost markets for jobs; unions and
workers may be unable to defend against the threat of corporations that offer the
alternative between lower pay or losing jobs to a supplier in a less expensive labor


According to the passage, how does globalization affect individual workers?

A. It creates a lower-cost labor market, making it difficult for worker unions to

defend their own rights

B. It provides an option for individual workers to work for outsourced jobs

elsewhere or for local businesses

C. It reduces the scope of the job market, causing global workers who rely on local
jobs to suffer

D. It produces winners and losers, so it brings workers together to defend against

the threat of corporation

E. It allows corporations to hire outsourced labor, forcing local workers to

compete harder for jobs
Pembahasan Jawaban: E. It allows corporations to hire outsourced labor, forcing local
workers to compete harder for jobs


Arti soal: “Berdasarkan teks, bagaimana globalisasi berdampak pada pekerja


Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu membaca cepat teks untuk menemukan bagian
dalam teks yang membahas tentang dampak globalisasi terhadap pekerja individu.
Adapun hal tersebut dibahas dalam paragraf 4, Kalimat 2-3

“Any change has winners and losers, and the people living in communities that
had been dependent on jobs outsourced elsewhere often suffer. Effectively, this
means that workers in the developed world must compete with lower-cost markets
for jobs; unions and workers may be unable to defend against the threat of
corporations that offer the alternative between lower pay or losing jobs to a
supplier in a less expensive labor market. “


“Setiap perubahan memiliki pihak yang menang dan pihak yang kalah, dan orang-
orang yang tinggal di komunitas yang bergantung pada pekerjaan yang
dialihdayakan di tempat lain sering menderita. Secara efektif, ini berarti bahwa
pekerja di negara maju harus bersaing dengan pasar pekerjaan yang lebih murah;
serikat pekerja dan pekerja mungkin tidak dapat bertahan melawan ancaman
perusahaan yang menawarkan alternatif antara upah yang lebih rendah atau
kehilangan pekerjaan kepada pemasok di pasar tenaga kerja yang lebih murah. “

Dari paragaraf terserbut dapat disimpulkan bahwa pekerja individu secara umum
dirugikan oleh globalisasi, karena mereka harus berusaha lebih keras untuk
mendapatkan pekeraan karena mereka harus berkompetisi dengan pasar tenaga
kerja yang lebih murah. Hal ini karena dengan adanya globalisasi, perusahaan bisa
menggunakan jasa pekerja outsourcing yang lebih murah.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya: “Hal ini menciptakan pasar tenaga kerja berbiaya lebih rendah, sehingga
sulit bagi serikat pekerja untuk mempertahankan hak-hak mereka sendiri”. Opsi A
salah karena tidak sesuai informasi dalam teks.

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya: “Hal ini memberikan pilihan bagi pekerja individu untuk bekerja untuk
pekerjaan outsourcing di tempat lain atau untuk bisnis local”. Opsi B salah karena
tidak sesuai informasi dalam teks.

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: “Hal ini mengurangi cakupan pasar kerja, menyebabkan pekerja global
yang bergantung pada pekerjaan lokal menderita”. Opsi C salah karena tidak
sesuai informasi dalam teks.
Materi Reading

Nomor 5.

Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D

(1) Scientists are as obsessed with the question of why the super old survive and
thrive as Ponce de Leon was to find the Fountain of Youth. They want to
understand why the Japanese islands of Okinawa are home to the world's largest
population of centenarians, with almost 60 or its 1,3 million inhabitants living into
their second century-many of them active and looking decades younger than their
actual years. Like weekend visitors on the summer ferry to Martha's vineyard,
scientists and sociologists block the boats to Sardinia and Nova Scotia, Canada, to
see why those craggy locales hide vast clusters of the super old.

(2) As well as studying these populations intensively to unlock their secrets.

Scientist have also taken a hard look at the very old in the U.S., most notably in
the New England Centenarian Study, led by Dr. Thomas their longevity. "I never
took a drink", "I drank a shot of whiskey every day."-experts are trying to unravel
and understand the biological factors that allow some people to reach 100 while
others drop off in their 70s or 80s Researchers are particularly interested in
determining which factors allow up to 30% of those who reach 100 to do so in
sufficient mental and physical health: a whopping 90% of centenarians, according
to Perls, remain functionally independent up to age 92.

(3) It is pretty obvious even non-scientists that how you get their depends partly
on the genes you are born with and partly on lifestyle-what and how much you eat,
where you live and what types of stress and trauma you experience. How much
depends on each factor through was unknown until Swedish scientists tackled the
problem in 1998. They did it by looking at the only 20 set of people who share
genes but not lifestyle: identical twins who were separated at birth and reared
apart. If genes were most important, you would expect the twins to die at about the
same age. In fact, they do not, and the average difference convinced the scientists
that only about 20% to 30% of how long we live is genetically deter-mined. The
dominant factor is lifestyle.

According to the information in the passage, people may.......

A. Reach an old age if their parents do so

B. Not reach old age unless they live in areas where it is prevalent

C. Reach old age if they are brought up separately from their siblings

D. Fail to reach an old age unless they are mentally healthy

E. Reach old age if they keep a healthy lifestyle

Pembahasan Jawaban: E. Reach old age if they keep a healthy lifestyle


Dari kesimpulan di akhir teks, yakni '... only about 20% to 30% of how long we
live is genetically determined. The dominant factor is lifestyle, maka kita tahu
bahwa orang bisa berumur panjang bila gaya hidupnya baik/ sehat. Jawaban yang
tepat adalah opsi : E. Reach old age if they keep a healthy lifestyle (Orang
orang bisa mencapai usia tua jika mereka menjaga pola hidup sehat).

- Opsi A (Mencapai usia tua jika orang tuanya melakukannya) salah, karena pada
teks tersebutpun dijelaskan bahwa hanya sekitar 20% - 30% dari berapa lama kita
hidup ditentukan secara genetis.

- Opsi B (Tidak mencapai usia tua kecuali mereka tinggal di daerah yang lazim)
salah, tidak ada pengaruh atau keterkaitan antara usia dengan tempat tinggal,
semua tergantung dengan pola hidup sehat.

- Opsi C (Mencapai usia tua jika dibesarkan terpisah dari saudara kandungnya)
salah, karena tidak menjadi jaminan hidup dibesarkan dalam keadaan terpisah,
bahkan para ilmuwan pun menyatakan seperti berikut “identical twins who were
separated at birth and reared apart. If genes were most important, you would
expect the twins to die at about the same age. In fact, they do not, and the average
difference convinced the scientists that only about 20% to 30% of how long we
live is genetically deter-mined.” (Jika gen yang paling penting, Anda akan
berharap si kembar meninggal pada usia yang sama. Nyatanya, tidak, dan
perbedaan rata-rata meyakinkan para ilmuwan bahwa hanya sekitar 20% sampai
30% dari berapa lama kita hidup ditentukan secara genetis).

- Opsi D (Gagal mencapai usia tua kecuali mereka sehat secara mental) tidak tepat,
karena selain sehat secara mental namun kita juga harus membiasakan pola hidup
sehat. Itulah yang terpenting sesuai dengan isi teks diatas.

Materi Reading

Nomor 6.
Soal Human body is made up of contless million of cells. Food is needed to build up
new cells and replace the worn out. Howover, the food we take must be changed
into subtances that can be carried in the blood to the places where they are needed.
This process is called digestion.

The first digestive process takes places in the mouth. The food we eat is broken
up into small pieces by the action of teeth, mixed with salvia containing digestive
juices which moisten the food, so that it can be swallowed easily.

From the mouth, food passes through the esophagus-the food passage into the
stomach. Here the food is mixed with the juices secreted by the cells in the
stomach for several hours. Then the food enters the small intestine. All the time
the muscular wall of intestine are squeezing, mixing, and moving the food on

In few hours, the food changes into acids. The acids are soon absorbed by the
villi (microscopic branch projection from the intestine walls) and passed into

The food can be swallowed easily because...

A. it has been digested

B. it is carried by the blood

C. it is moistened by the saliva

D. it will pass the esophagus

E. it is already in the stomach

Pembahasan Jawaban: C. it is moistened by the saliva

Soal : Makanan dapat ditelan dengan mudah karena...

Pembahasan: Kalimat soal menyebutkan : “the food can be swallowed easily

because...”. Kata-kata tersebut sama dengan yang disebutkan di paragraf 2 : “The
food we eat is broken up into small pieces by the action of teeth, mixed with salvia
containing digestive juices which moisten the food, so that it can be swallowed
easily.” Jadi dapat disimpilkan jawabannya adalah bahwa makanan dapat mudah
di telan karena bercampur air liur/saliva.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya itu sudah dicerna

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya itu dibawa oleh darah

Opsi C (benar)

Artinya itu dibasahi oleh air liur

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya itu akan melewati kerongkongan

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya karena sudah berada di dalam perut

Materi Reading

Nomor 7.
Soal Hi, my name’s Aldo. I love football, I am a great fan of AC Milan. I have also
been interested in cars since I was a child. I’m crazy about driving and I also enjoy
fixing cars. When I was ten, I had many toy cars. I would play with them, repair
the ones my friends broke. I also used to help my dad fix his car. So, eventually I
decided to become a mechanic and open up my own shop. My parents are happy
with my choice, too. They think it’s important that I pursue a carrier that I like. I
have a bright career now and I really enjoy it. I’m planning to get married soon.
My girlfriend is also interested in cars. Who knows, maybe we can run the car
shop together with our kids in the future.

What would be the best “title” for this paragraph?

A. Aldo’s carrer choice

B. Cars in our life

C. Aldo and AC Milan

D. Aldo and his friends

E. Cars and driving

Pembahasan Jawaban: A. Aldo’s carrer choice

Soal : Apa "judul" terbaik untuk paragraf ini?

Pembahasan: pada soal kali ini kita harus mencari judul terbaik untuk teks di atas
. dengan cara kita melihat kalimat yang sering muncul dan di satukan dengan ide
pokok jadi jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A.

Opsi A (benar)

Artinya Pilihan karier Aldo, jawaban ini paling tepat karena pada teks tersebut
menjelaskan tentang pilihan karir dari Aldo

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya Mobil dalam hidup kita, sedangkan dalam teks tidak terpaku hanya pada

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya Aldo dan AC Milan, sedangkan kalimat AC Milan hanya terdapat di awal
kalimat saja

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya Aldo dan teman temannya

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya Mobil dan mengendarai

Materi Reading

Nomor 8.
Soal I personally think that reading is a very important activity in our life. Why do I
say so? Firstly, by reading we can get a lot of knowledge about many things in the
world such as science, technology, sport, arts, culture, etc that written in books,
magazines, newspaper, etc.

Secondly, by reading we can get a lot of news and information about something
happening in any parts of the world.

Another reason, reading gives us happiness. Books are literally happiness

boosters. Reading can help us to melt down our stress levels faster than other
methods. Reading is the best way to relax our brains.

The last, reading can also take us to other parts of the world. By reading a book
about Africa, we may feel we’re really sitting in the jungles not at home in our

From the facts above, it’s abvious that everyone needs to read to get knowledge,
information, and also entertainment. In summary, we can say reading is truly
important in our life.

Paragraph … is the thesis of the text.

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

E. 5
Pembahasan Jawaban: A


Pertanyaan di soal ini paragraph ke berapa bagian tesis dari bacaan ini. Maksudya
tesis disini adalah bagian yang memberitahu pembaca tentang topic utama dan
sudut pandang si penulis. Jadi jawabannya ada di paragraph ke 1 yaitu ‘’I
personally think that reading is a very important activity in our life’’.

Opsi A (Benar)

Opsi B (Salah)

Opsi C (Salah)

Opsi D (Salah)

Opsi E (Salah)

Materi Reading

Nomor 9.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) The food stimulating a suspicion is on course for inspiring even more wonder
from a medical standpoint as scientist have reported the latest evidence that chill
peppers are heart healthy food with potential to protect against the no. 1 cause of
death in the developed world. The report was part of the 245th National Meeting
and Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS).

(2) The study focused on capsaicin and its fiery-hot relatives, a spicy family of
substances termed “capsaicinoids.” As the stuff that gives cayennes, jalapenos,
habaneros, and other chili peppers their heat, capsaicin already has an established
role in medicine in rub-on-the-skin creams to treat arthritis and certain forms of
pain. Past research suggested that spicing food with chilies can lower blood
pressure in people with that condition, reduce blood cholesterol, and ease the
tendency for dangerous blood clots to form.

(3) Our research has reinforced and expanded knowledge about how these
substances in chilies work in improving heart health,“ said Zhen-Yu Chen, who
presented the study. “We now have the clearer and more detailed portrait of their
innermost effects on genes and other mechanisms that influence cholesterol and
health of blood vessels. It is among the first research to provide that information.“
The team found, for instance, that capsaicin and a close chemical relative boost
heart health in two ways. They lower cholesterol levels by reducing accumulation
of cholesterol in the body and increasing its breakdown and excretion in the feces.
They also block action of a gene that makes arteries contract, restricting the flow
of blood to the heart and other organs. The blocking action allows more blood to
flow through blood vessels.

(4) “We concluded that capsaicinoids were beneficial in improving a range of

factors related to heart and blood vessel health,“ said Chen, a professor of food and
nutritional science at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. “But we certainly do
not recommend that people start consuming chilies to an excess. A good diet is a
matter of balance. And remember, chilies are no substitute for the prescription for
medications proven to be beneficial. They may be a nice supplement, however, for
people who find the hot flavor pleasant.”

(5) Chen and his colleagues turned to hamsters for the study, animals that serve
as stand in for humans in research that cannot be performed in people. They gave
the hamsters high-cholestrol diets, divided them into groups, and supplemented
each group’s food with either no capsaicinoids in the control group or various
amounts of capsaicinoids. The scientists then analyzed the effects and
supplemented each group’s food with either no capsaicinoids in the control group
or various amounts of capsaicinoids. The scientists then analyzed the effects.

(6) In addition to reducing total cholesterol levels in the blood, capsaicinoids

reduced levels of the so-called “bad” cholesterol which deposits into blood vessels
, but did not affect levels of so-called “good” cholesterol. The team found
Pembahasan Jawaban: E. 2, 3, 6, and 7


Manfaat capsainoids ditemukan dalam paragaf 2, 3, 6, 7.

- Menurunkan tekanan darah (lower blood pressure) ? paragraf 2.

- Meningkatkan kesehatan jantung (improving heart health) ?paragraf 3.

- Mengurangi kolestrol jahat yang mengakibatkan serangan jantung atau stroke ?

paragraf 6.

- Membuat aliran darah menjadi lancar dengan menghentikan produksi

cyclooxygenase dalam gen?paragraf 7.

- Opsi A salah, karena paragraf 4 membahas kesimpulan penulis dan Prof.Chen

terkait capsaicinoid yang harus diteliti lebih lanjut. Paragraf 5 membahas
penelitian hamster sebagai pengganti manusia dalam penelitian yang tidak dapat
dilakukan pada manusia. Sehingga opsi ini salah karena ada dua paragraf yang
tidak membahas manfaat capsaicinoid.

- Opsi B salah, karena paragraf 4 membahas kesimpulan penulis dan Prof.Chen

terkait capsaicinoid yang harus diteliti lebih lanjut. Paragraf 5 membahas
penelitian hamster sebagai pengganti manusia dalam penelitian yang tidak dapat
dilakukan pada manusia. Sehingga opsi ini salah karena ada dua paragraf yang
tidak membahas manfaat capsaicinoid.

- Opsi C salah, karena Paragraf 1 membahas gambaran umum terkait manfaat

cabai. paragraf 4 membahas kesimpulan penulis dan Prof.Chen terkait
capsaicinoid yang harus diteliti lebih lanjut. Paragraf 5 membahas penelitian
hamster sebagai pengganti manusia dalam penelitian yang tidak dapat dilakukan
pada manusia. Sehingga opsi ini salah karena ada dua paragraf yang tidak
membahas manfaat capsaicinoid.

- Opsi D salah, karena Paragraf 1 membahas gambaran umum terkait manfaat

cabai. Paragraf 5 membahas penelitian hamster sebagai pengganti manusia dalam
penelitian yang tidak dapat dilakukan pada manusia. Sehingga opsi ini salah
karena ada satu paragraf yang tidak membahas manfaat capsaicinoid.

Materi Reading

Nomor 10.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) The information and communication technology revolution can be easily

recognized as the latest revolution in history of mankind, impacting every facet of
business, society, and life worldwide with a speed beyond imagination. The last
centuries have seen a continuous evolution process, which started with industrial
revolution at the end of 18th century. This revolution has its roots in the invention
of the first electronic computers in the 1940s, continued with the development of
information technology during following decades and exploded in the early 1990s.
In the 1960s and 1970s, computer technology was mainly utilized in business data
processing and scientific applications of a mostly number crunching nature. As a
result, the use of this technology was limited to those who had a good command of
these systems and computer programming languages. With the invention of micro-
processors a new idea of distributed information established itself and computers
became available on a personal basis. The contemporary development of
networking both on a local and a wide area (LAN and WAN) merged computer
and information technology with telecommunication. In 1980s the matching of the
two technologies led to the information communication technology, with a strong
focus on the management and dissemination of information by both providers and

(2) The most noticeable explosion in the information and communication

technology revolution was the creation of the World Wide Web (WWW) and its
potential in the early 1990s. During the past two decades, WWW technologies
have become the driving force in allowing people worldwide to communicate and
exchange information in ways that have created a totally new dimension for
mankind, at such a point that "global villages" are the words today better
describing our planet. In recent years, through the use of web-enabled
technologies, organizations of all types and sizes around the world have managed
to utilize these technologies to conduct both information processing and
dissemination with their perspective customers, suppliers, students, and
governments. These technologies, now allowing readily available information for
everyone regardless of their geographic location. bring the true meaning of the
information age to its full realization and prepare a new era for mankind; the
knowledge society.

(3) In recent years, the science of understanding the nature of information

processing and management combined with computer and telecommunication
technologies to process, disseminate, and manage information has become known
as "information and communication science and technology. It has many resources
and components and originated many new disciplines but, what is more, it
intervenes in changing mankind's habits and lifestyle.

In which paragraph of the text does the author mention that everyone information

A. Paragraph 1

B. Paragraph 2
Pembahasan Jawaban: B. Paragraph 2


Pada paragraf 2 kalimat terakhir terdapat informasi bahwa setiap orang tanpa
melihat lokasinya bisa mendapatkan informasi lewat WWW. "These technologies,
now allowing readily available information for everyone regardless of their
geographic location, bring the true meaning of the information age to its full
realization and prepare a new era for mankind; the knowledge society.” Maka
penulis menyebutkan bahwa “setiap orang memiliki informasi dimana saja”
dijelaskan pada paragraf ke dua. Jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi B.

- Opsi A salah, karena isi dari paragraf ke satu menjelaskan tentang perkembangan
teknologi di abad 18 ketika revolusi industri, kemudian ditemukannya pertama kali

- Opsi C salah, karena isi dari paragraf ke tiga menjelaskan tentang penyebaran
ilmu TIK atau ilmu teknologi dan komunikasi.

- Opsi D salah, karena paragraf ke satu tidak menjelaskan bahwa setiap orang
memiliki informasi dimana saja, kutipan tersebut hanya disebutkan pada paragraf

- Opsi E salah, karena paragarf ke tiga tidak menjelaskan bahwa setiap orang
memiliki informasi dimana saja, kutipan tersebut hanya disebutkan pada paragraf

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