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1. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

a. To discuss the amount of food to consume so as not to feel sleepy
b. To inform the readers about the factors of sleepiness after eating
c. To argue the effect of eating too much foods for the brain
d. To tell the readers the benefit of eating certain foods
e. To investigate what causes drowsiness after overeating
Jawaban : B
Tujuan penulis dalam menulis teks di atas adalah untuk menginformasikan faktor kantuk setelah makan.
1. Sleepiness after eating is a response of the body to chemical changes during the digestion process.
2. Moreover, food also influences melatonin production in the brain. This is the hormone that is responsible
for sleepiness post-meal.
3. Overeating can also cause sleepiness.
4. Bad sleeping patterns can also cause sleepiness after eating. After a meal, the body feels full and relaxed,
making the body feel like it is resting, resulting in a feeling of sleepiness, particularly if you didn’t get a
good night’s sleep the night before.
Maka pilihan jawaban (B) To inform the readers about the factors of sleepiness after eating merupakan opsi
yang tepat.

2. By writing the sentences in paragraph 2, the author intends to tell the readers about….
a. foods that are rich in protein, such as meat, eggs, fish, tofu, cheese and soybeans can generate more
b. overeating protein and carbohydrate-rich foods obstructs your brain’s ability to function well
c. the reason why carbohydrate-rich foods make you feel sleepy
d. food combinations containing tryptophan amino acid and carbohydrates make you feel drowsy
e. the hormone melatonin production in the brain is responsible for sleepiness after eating
Jawaban: D
Paragraf ke-2 penulis intinya bermaksud untuk memberitahu pembaca bahwa kombinasi makanan yang men-
gandung asam amino triptofan (protein) dan karbohidrat membuat Anda merasa mengantuk (Additionally,
foods containing carbohydrates also help produce serotonin and tryptophan amino acids found in the brain.
This is the reason why you feel sleepy after eating carbohydrate-rich foods.). Maka pilihan jawaban (D) food
combinations containing tryptophan amino acid and carbohydrates make you feel drowsy merupakan opsi
yang tepat.

3. It can be predicted from the passage that….

a. the finer you manage your sleep, the more lethargic you feel
b. the more fish you eat, the better it is for the brain
c. the less you eat carbohydrate-rich foods, the less you will feel drowsy
d. the less meat you eat, the more you will feel drowsy
e. the less you consume protein and carbohydrates, the better it is for the body
Jawaban: C
Dari kalimat “This is the reason why you feel sleepy after eating carbohydrate-rich foods.” dapat dipredik-
sikan bahwa semakin sedikit Anda mengonsumsi makanan yang kaya karbohidrat, maka rasa kantuk akan
berkurang. Maka pilihan jawaban (C) the less you eat carbohydrate-rich foods, the less you will feel
drowsy merupakan opsi yang tepat.
The text below is for queries 14 to 15
Indonesia is the world’s third-largest coffee producer and exporter, after Brazil and Vietnam. National coffee
output has grown over the past decades, albeit not in a linear fashion as harvests fluctuate strongly from one
year to another depending on the weather. With per-capita coffee consumption on the rise both in Indonesia
and the wider region, there is obvious room for further growth, but there is also an obvious need for invest-
ment. The capital required to take Indonesia’s coffee industry to the next level presents appealing prospects
for investors, while the country’s burgeoning coffee culture also brings opportunities for foreign exporters.
Indonesia’s tropical climate produces almost ideal conditions for planting coffee. Today, most Indonesian
coffee comes from Sumatra, but Sulawesi and Kalimantan, the Lesser Sunda Islands of Bali, Sumbawa and
Flores as well as the country’s easternmost region of Papua all contribute to national output. Robusta coffee
makes up more than three quarters of Indonesia’s produce; the remainder is of the milder Arabica type. The
numerous coffee-growing regions in the country produce beans of distinct flavors and properties, and a num-
ber of highland Arabica coffees from Indonesia are recognized by aficionados the world over.
Indonesian coffee exports rose from 336,840 tonnes (or 5,614,000 60-KG bags) in crop year 2000/2001 to
656,400 tonnes (10,940,000 bags) in 2012/2013, according to data collated by the International Coffee Orga-
nization. Total production over the same period increased from 419,220 tonnes to 763,800 tonnes. At
present, the principal destinations for Indonesian coffee are the US, Japan and Western Europe (particularly
Germany), but Indonesia is well placed to capitalize on the fast-rising demand in the ASEAN region and in
Indonesian per-capita consumption of around 1.2 kg in 2012 pales against more than 4 kg in the US, around
7 kg in the world’s number one coffee producer Brazil and more than 10 kg in various European countries.
But with Indonesian per-capita consumption having already doubled in just a few years, domestic demand
looks to be on a fast growth trend. This puts the world’s fourth-most populous country on course to become a
leading coffee market. Local demand is driven by the lifestyle changes that accompany urbanization and eco-
nomic development. Caffeine consumption tends to increase when a larger part of the labor force works in an
office environment.

4. What is the best summary of the passage?

a. The primary destinations for Indonesian coffee export are the US, Japan and Western Europe
b. Total production of Indonesian coffee over the same period has increased
c. Indonesia is well placed to capitalize on the fast-rising demand in the ASEAN region
d. The various coffee-growing in the country produce beans of distinct flavors
e. Indonesia’s coffee growing and Indonesia’s coffee industry needs growth capital
Jawaban: E
Ringkasan yang tepat dari teks di atas adalah pilihan jawaban (E) Indonesia’s coffee growing and Indone-
sia’s coffee industry needs growth capital yang bermakna “Perkembangan kopi Indonesia dan industri kopi
Indonesia perlu pertumbuhan modal” karena kalimat ini mewakili isi dari teks di atas sebagaimana yang ter-
cantum di kalimat utama paragraf pertama “Indonesia is the world’s third-largest coffee producer and ex-
porter, after Brazil and Vietnam. National coffee output has grown over the past decades, albeit not in a lin-
ear fashion as harvests fluctuate strongly from one year to another depending on the weather. With per-capita
coffee consumption on the rise both in Indonesia and the wider region, there is obvious room for further
growth, but there is also an obvious need for investment.”

5. What can be inferred from paragraph 3 in the passage?

a. The coffee export has decreased in several years
b. Total production deducted from 419,220 tonnes to 763,800 tonnes
c. Indonesian coffee exports increased from 2000/2001 to 2012/2013
d. Indonesia is in a good site to take advantage of fast-rising demand in ASEAN
e. The US, Japan and Western Europe are the destination for Indonesian coffee
Jawaban: C
Dari paragraf ke-3 bisa disimpulkan bahwa ekspor kopi Indonesia telah meningkat dari tahun 2000/2001
sampai tahun 2012/2013. Ini ada pada awal kalimat paragraf ke-3 tersebut. Maka pilihan jawaban (C) In-
donesian coffee exports increased from 2000/2001 to 2012/2013 merupakan opsi yang tepat.

Questions 16 - 19 are based on the following passage.

How are we able to find things in the dark? It is because our brain is able to store information in such a way
that it can be retrieved by different senses. It turns out that the ability to recognise objects across different
senses is present in the tiny brains of an insect. Researchers at Queen Mary University of London and Mac-
quarie University in Sydney have published new work in the journal Science showing that bumblebees can
also find objects in the dark they've only seen before.
In the light, but barred from touching the objects, bumblebees were trained to find rewarding sugar water in
one type of object (cubes or spheres) and bitter quinine solution in the other shape. When tested in the dark,
bees preferred the object that was previously rewarding, spending more time exploring them.
Dr Cwyn Solvi is the lead author on the paper who was based at Queen Mary University of London and is
now at Macquarie University in Sydney. She said: "The results of our study show that bumblebees don't
process their senses as separate channels -- they come together as some sort of unified representation."
Selene Gutierrez Al-Khudhairy, co-author on the paper, and now PhD student at the University of York,
said: "This is an amazing feat when you consider the miniscule size of a bee's brain. Future investigations of
the neural circuitry underlying this ability in bees may one day help reveal how our own brains imagine the
world as we do."

6. What is the writer’s purpose in writing the passage?

a. To explain how bumblebees react to the light.
b. To motivate the readers to preserve bumblebees in the wild.
c. To reveal how important bumblebees are to human survival.
d. To inform a study on the ability of bumblebees in the absence of light.
e. To report the procedure of a study on bumblebees conducted by Dr Cwyn Solvi. 
Jawaban : D
Pada paragraf pertama, penulis menjelaskan tentang temuan bahwa lebah dapat mengenali benda yang
mereka lihat sebelumnya, dalam gelap. Paragraf kedua membahas percobaan yang melibatkan aktivitas lebah
dalam situasi terang dan gelap. Paragraf ketiga dan keempat membahas tentang pendapat para ahli mengenai
hasil penelitian tentang kemampuan melihat lebah dalam gelap Jadi, tujuan penulis menuliskan teks tersebut
adalah D. Untuk menginformasikan penelitian tentang kemampuan lebah tanpa adanya cahaya.

7. The word “barred” in paragraph two can be best replaced by….

a. blocked
b. distracted
c. permitted
d. provided
e. unsealed
Jawaban : A
Pembahasan :
“In the light, but barred from touching the objects” menunjukkan bahwa penelitian terhadap lebah tersebut
dilakukan dalam terang, tetapi si lebah terhalang dari menyentuh objek yang ia lihat. Sinonim dari
kata “barred” yang artinya terhalang adalah “blocked” sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

8. In which paragraph is it mentioned about the benefits of the research for humans?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Jawaban: D
Informasi mengenai manfaat penelitian bagi manusia dapat ditemui pada paragraf keempat: “Future investi-
gations of the neural circuitry underlying this ability in bees may one day help reveal how our own brains
imagine the world as we do.” yang artinya penelitian lebih lanjut tentang sirkuit saraf yang mendasari ke-
mampuan ini (kemampuan “melihat” dalam gelap pada lebah) dapat suatu saat mengungkap bagaimana otak
kita membayangkan dunia.

9. The writer’s intention in writing the sentence “It turns out that the ability to recognise objects across dif-
ferent senses is present in the tiny brains of an insect.” in paragraph 1 is to…
a. confirm that humans and insects are quite similar.
b. emphasize the need for a research on certain insects.
c. prove that bumblebees can see in the dark as well as humans.
d. exemplify the kinds of insects which are able to sense objects in the dark.
e. pinpoint that humans are not the only one who possess the ability mentioned.
Jawaban : E
Pada kalimat tersebut, penulis secara tersirat menyatakan bahwa kemampuan untuk “melihat” dalam gelap
ternyata bukanlah sesuatu yang hanya dimiliki oleh manusia. Ada makhluk lain yang juga memiliki kemam-
puan tersebut, yaitu lebah.

Questions 20 - 23 are based on this passage.

Thomas Matulessy, also known as Kapitan Pattimura or Ahmad Lussy or simply Pattimura, was an Am-
bonese soldier and National Hero of Indonesia.
Pattimura was born on 8 June 1783 in Saparua, Maluku; the name Pattimura was his pseudonym. His parents
were Frans Matulessia and Fransina Tilahoi, and he had a little brother named Yohanis.
Pattimura joined the British army after they took the Maluku islands from the Dutch colonials. When the is-
lands were returned to the Dutch in 1816, he was dismissed. Concerned that the Dutch would implement pro-
grams that limited his people, Pattimura led an armed rebellion that captured Fort Duurstede on 16 May
1817. Killing the inhabitants of the fortress and fighting off Dutch reinforcements, on 29 May he was de-
clared the leader of the Maluku people.
Due to betrayal from Booi's king, Pati Akoon, and Tuanakotta, Pattimura was arrested on 11 November
1817. He and his fellows were sentenced to death. On 16 December 1817, Pattimura together with Anthony
Reebok, Philip Latumahina, and Said Perintah were hanged in front of Fort Nieuw Victoria in Ambon.
Pattimura and his war have been used as symbols for both Maluku independence, such as with the short-
lived Republic of South Maluku, and Indonesian patriotism. In Ambon, he is commemorated in the names of
the University of Pattimura, Pattimura Airport, and a street, as well as a statue; there are also streets named
after him throughout the archipelago.
10. What is the topic of the passage?
a. The life and struggle of Thomas Matulessy.
b. Pattimura as the leader of the Maluku people.
c. Indonesian National Revolution led by Pattimura.
d. Controversy over the capture of Thomas Matulessy.
e. The causal effect of Indonesian War of Independence.
Jawaban : A
Awal teks menceritakan awal kehidupan seorang Pattimura. Pertengahan teks menceritakan perjuangannya
melawan penjajah Belanda. Teks diakhiri dengan bagaimana bangsa ini berterima kasih dan mengenang jasa
Pattimura. Dengan demikian dapat diketahui bahwa topik dari teks di atas adalah kehidupan dan perjuangan
Pattimura (A).

11. It can be predicted from the passage that ...

a. Indonesia was backed up by the British army during the war.
b. the war of Maluku is considered as the heaviest independence war.
c. had Pattimura not been betrayed, the Dutch would have lost the war.
d. the Dutch would have sold Indonesian women and children to other countries.
e. King of Booi would have been the leader of the Maluku people after he cooperated with the Dutch.
Jawaban : C
Soalnya meminta kita memprediksi kemungkinan yang terjadi. Jawaban A dan B salah karena bukan meru-
pakan prediksi tetapi kesimpulan.
Prediksi yang tepat adalah C, yang artinya jika Pattimura tidak dikhianati, maka Belanda akan kalah perang.
Prediksi ini sesuai dengan ceritanya di mana Belanda kewalahan dalam mengalahkan Pattimura.
Prediksi D salah karena tidak ada informasi pada teks yang dapat dibuat prediksi bahwa wanita dan anak-
anak akan dijual oleh Belanda.
Prediksi E salah karena gelar pemimpin rakyat Maluku ditujukan kepada pejuang yang melawan Belanda se-
hingga tidak tepat jika Raja Booi menginginkan gelar tersebut. Ia justru bekerjasama dengan Belanda untuk
menangkap si pemimpin rakyat Maluku (Pattimura).
12. The best restatement for the sentence “Due to betrayal from Booi's king, Pati Akoon, and Tuanakotta,
Pattimura was arrested on 11 November 1817.” is….
a. Pattimura was captured on 11 November 1817 for King of Booi, Pati Akoon, and Tuanakotta disagreed
with him.
b. On 11 November 1817, King of Booi cooperated with the Dutch to execute Pattimura and the other com-
c. Booi’s king, Pati Akoon, and Tuanakotta arrested Pattimura on 11 November 1817 because he betrayed
the Dutch.
d. The Dutch, with the help of King of Booi and his colleagues, managed to find Pattimura on 11 November
e. King of booi together with Pati Akoon and Tuanakotta sold Pattimura out and made him captured on 11
November 1817.
Jawaban : E
Arti kalimat pada soal adalah “Akibat pengkhianatan Raja Booi, Pati Akoon, and Tuanakotta, Pattimura
ditangkap pada tanggal 11 November 1817.” Kalimat yang memiliki makna yang sama adalah E, yang
artinya Raja Booi bersama dengan Pati Akoon dan Tuanakotta mengkhianati Pattimura dan membuatnya ter-
tangkap pada tanggal 11 November 1817.

13. Which statement is inappropriate with the information provided in the passage?
a. A sculpture was erected to salute Pattimura.
b. A life sentence handed down to Pattimura for his action against the Dutch.
c. As well as King of Booi, Tuanakotta objected to Pattimura’s standpoint.
d. Pattimura no longer served the Kingdom of Great Britain when he ambushed Fort Duurstede.
e. Fort Nieuw Victoria witnessed the execution of Pattimura, Anthony Reebok, Philip Latumahina, and Said
Jawaban : B
Pernyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan teks adalah B. Pernyataan yang benar adalah Pattimura dijatuhi huku-
man mati (death sentence), bukan hukuman seumur hidup (life sentence).
Jawaban A sesuai teks. Sebuah patung didirikan untuk mengenang Pattimura.
Jawaban C juga sesuai. Sama seperti Raja Booi, Tuanakotta tidak sependapat dengan perjuangan Pattimura.
Jawaban D sesuai teks. Ketika Pattimura memimpin penyerangan terhadap benteng Duurstede, ia sudah tidak
lagi mengabdi kepada tentara Inggris.
Jawaban E juga sesuai teks. Benteng Victoria menjadi saksi bisu pelaksanaan eksekusi Pattimura, Anthony
Reebok, Philip Latumahina, dan Said Perintah.

Bacaan berikut untuk mengerjakan nomor 14-15

In almost every developing country, the lack of adequate supplies of cheap, convenient and reliable. Fuel is a
major problem. Rural commodities depend largely on kerosene, wood, and dung for their cooking and light-
ing needs, but kerosene is now priced out of reach of many people, and wood, except in heavily forested ar-
eas, is in short supply. The search for firewood occupies a large part of the working day and has resulted in
widespread deforestation.
Dung is in constant supply wherever there are farm animals and when dried, it is convenient to store and use.
But burning dung destroys its value as fertilizer, thus depriving the soil of a much-needed source of humus
and nitrogen. Rural areas of developing countries are also plagued by a lack of adequate sanitation, improper
waste disposal spreads disease, contaminates water sources, and provides feeding grounds for disease-carry-
ing insects.
The problem of improving environmental hygiene, conserving sources, and finding alternative sources of
fuel may be unrelated. Their solution, however, is not, as many countries experimenting with biogas technol-
ogy are discovering. Biogas, a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide, is produced by anaerobic fermenta-
tion is a natural one. Occurring whenever living matter decomposes. By keeping the matter and the process
in a digester or biogas plan, the combustible gas can be trapped and used as fuel for household lighting and
cooking. The digested slurry that remains can be used on the land as a soil conditioner and fertilizer.

14. What is the text mainly about?

a. Socio-economic problems in developing countries
b. The process of producing biogas
c. The effect of burning dung on the soil
d. Biogas as a solution so many problems
e. The advantages of using dung as fuel
Jawaban: A
Bacaan daru teks di atas sedang memaparkan sebuah permasalahan berbau sosial dan juga ekonomi yang ter-
jadi di sebuah negara yang masih berkembang.

15. What are the two problems mentioned in the text?

a. Pollution and the high price of fuel
b. Widespread deforestation and the use of dung
c. The lack of adequate fuel and hygienic conditions
d. The lack of humus and nitrogen in the soil
e. Contaminated water sources and rural areas
Jawaban: C
Masalah utama pada bacaan yang ada di atas adalah kurangnya adanya bahan bakar yang layak dan baik,
serta kondisi dari kesehatan.

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