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Task n2

According to most doctors, adults need 30 minutes of physical activity at least five days a
week to be healthy. However, most adults do not get this recommended amount of exercise.
What can be done to help people get the exercise they need? Give examples to support your

Why do adults need to exercise? Adults need to exercise to have a healthier life and body,
but adults usually don't have much time to do sports because they have to work or simply
don’t want to do something productive.

There are many ways that adults can stay fit , like go for a walk before work or if they have
a dog they can go for a walk, do exercise is not just for be fitness, doctors say exercising
also helps you mental health, helps you have a more happy life and don’t be so stressed, as
we all know grown-ups, get stressed very easily so doing training can help them not be so
grumpy all the time.

Grown people can have a healthier organism by eating more healthy food that gunk food
for example, they can eat Whole grains, such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread, and brown
rice. Skim milk and low-calorie cheese, or rice or soy milk fortified with vitamin D and
calcium. Fish, shellfish, lean meats, poultry and eggs, if they don’t like that kind of food,
they can search for diets or go to the nutritionist for have a balanced feeding
In conclusion doing exercise or motivating yourself to keep fit gives you a happier and
healthiest life.

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