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To Love Yourself

A Body Positive Mitsuri Kanroji Zine

This is an unofficial project not affiliated with

Demon Slayer or other Shonen Jump properties.

(CW: Artistic Nudity)

Mediations on Marriage
Written by Nyx
Illustrated by Ekxiim

What is marriage?
No, really. What is it? The moment where people pledge
themselves to each other for life? A ceremony steeped in tradition?
An exchange of goods and resources, consolidated in warm bodies
and rough paper?
Even after all this time, Mitsuri didn’t know the answer.
Unlike some of the other Slayers she loved, she wasn’t a cynic.
She had no desire to judge the entire institution. In fact, her heart
still soared at the thought of a wedding of her own. She dreamed
of wearing a wataboshi one day, sharing sake with a loved one,
being content and complete. Still, she wasn’t an idiot either. As
much as the Hashira wanted to believe in love unconditionally, she
knew better. People existed who solely wanted her to feel small.
Mitsuri wanted to be a wife, but how could she marry someone
who expected her to minimize herself for their comfort? Surely
there was more to love than that.
One of her hands traveled across her brow, collecting the sweat
there. There she went again, distracted by thoughts of her former
fiancé and not focusing enough on her workout. Shinobu liked to
tease her at times for how ‘flighty’ (direct quote!) she could be.
Even in the midst of battle, Mitsuri found her mind drifting from
place to place. What was it like to be always in the moment? She
also didn’t know the answer to that question.

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What she did know was the power of her own body. It wasn’t
long ago that Mitsuri avoided any type of physical exercise that
would build visible arm muscle. Now, she reveled in it. Her
strength was an intrinsic part of her, and it deserved to be
cultivated, no matter what anyone else had to say about it. Her
calloused palms touched the rope she was using today. Her fingers
curled around the rough material. Someone not in the know would
have balked at the sight of a girl like her lifting boulders up into the
air with only the help of the tree supporting a portion of its
weight. Thankfully, she had no audience, but Mitsuri smiled
knowing that her fellow lovely Slayers would cheer her on if they
were watching.
Recently, even civilians gave her their admiration. A week ago,
Mitsuri worked to slay a particularly nasty demon holding a small
village hostage with his cruel demands. A young local girl quickly
became quite taken with her, clinging onto her as a little sister
might. “I didn’t know ladies could be so strong.” She told Mitsuri
shyly. It was a bittersweet milestone as the Love Hashira. Countless
demons had fallen to her, but there was little she could do to slay
the harmful standards of the world. Even so, she couldn’t help
smiling at the little girl. Her existence providing a new template of
strength for young women brightened her day.
What is marriage? Mitsuri wasn’t sure. It, like other aspects of
society, remained complex and confusing. Aspiring to it didn’t
change that. But, yes, she had grown since discarding her old life.
She held love for herself, for her fellow Slayers, for every person
she saved, and for the whole world. Nothing was better than that.

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“You don’t think it’s gross that I ate so much?” She asked, afraid
he would look at her with disgust as some of her previous suitors
“No. I ate more than you.” Rengoku gestured to his side of the
table, where there were in fact several more plates than Mitsuri’s
To Be Loved side. “Being a Demon Slayer is hard work,” he explained. “No
need to feel self-conscious around me!”
Written by Rats “You told me you joined the Corps because you felt you didn’t
Illustrated by Orquídea fit in elsewhere,” Rengoku stated. “I want to make sure you feel
like you fit in here! That means eat what you want, say what you
“Umai!” The shout echoed through the courtyard. want, do what you want!” He laughed a big, boisterous laugh.
“I want to find someone who loves me.” Her answer seemed to
Mitsuri had long-since finished her single plate of onigiri, but
catch Rengoku off guard.
Rengoku was on his sixth or seventh, loudly expressing to
“Is that so? Hm, in that case, I have some advice for you: be
everyone and no one at once how tasty he found his meal to be.
Her stomach rumbled. Just watching him eat was making her feel
“Eh?” That seems a bit cliché.
hungry, but she had promised herself she wouldn’t be an
“I mean it!” He gave her a shining smile. “Inside us all is a flame,
embarrassment like she had been in front of her suitors. One fueled by our emotions and wants. If you stifle yours, it can’t shine
serving of each dish was all she would allow herself. the way towards love. So, feed it! Let the fire in your heart shine!”
Rengoku finished the final rice-ball, leaning back in his seat with
a satisfied expression. He looked at Mitsuri for the first time since
the meal began. “I don’t want to force you, but training today will P
be difficult if you don’t get enough calories.” “Misturi-san?” A voice startled Misturi, and she nearly dropped
“It’s alright. I’m not—” Her stomach took this time to grumble. the boxes of homemade cookies she was delivering to Shinobu.
Loudly. “Sorry, I didn’t see you there!” She peeked around the stack of
Rengoku gave her a look. This was all she needed to begin boxes to see a boy with yellow hair standing awkwardly in front of
eating. Rengoku had not gone easy on her throughout her time her. He fidgeted with the sleeves of his hospital pajamas. Mitsuri
training at the flame pillar’s estate, but that didn’t mean he didn’t recognised him from her visit to the Butterfly Estate the other day.
care about her wellbeing. He was sharing a room with the Kamado siblings and the boar boy.
Mitsuri ate her second helping, then her third, her fourth, and He must have been on that mission with Tengen, too.
somewhere along the way she got to the point where she was “Sorry.” The boy continued to fidget.
actually full. Her teacher gave her an approving smile when she “It’s okay! Do you need anything?”
finished. “I don’t wanna bother you! If you’re doing something—”

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“It’s no bother at all!” Mitsuri shifted the box to balance in one Zenitsu squirmed under her scrutinizing gaze. Finally, he
arm against her body. The top box fell off the pile, but the boy decided to explain himself. “On the mission, Tengen-san made us
caught it just before it hit the floor. “Hmmm. Yeah, I don’t know dress as girls so we could infiltrate the houses. None of the houses
why I thought that would work… You know what, maybe I could would take me the first night and he had to force them the second
use a break! Here, let’s talk in this room!” Mitsuri slid the door night. The women kept talking about me behind my back, when
open with her foot. The room was empty but for a chabudai and they thought I couldn’t hear. They kept calling me ugly.” His face
several cushions. She placed the boxes next to the chabudai and sat crumpled and he startled to make horrible gasping noises, holding
on a cushion, motioning for the boy to do the same. back sobs.
“Oh, sorry, my name is Agatsuma Zenitsu.” The boy bowed Mitsuri felt a pang of pity in her heart. She reached forward and
slightly, following a moment of awkward silence. placed a hand on his shoulder. This only caused him to cry harder.
“I’m Kanroji Mitsuri! Or, erh, I guess you knew that already, He tried to speak, but it came out in a wet rush of scrambled
didn’t you?” Mitsuri giggled nervously, messing with one of her words and crying which she could hardly understand.
braids. “Hey, let’s calm down. Deep breaths.” She sat beside him and
Zenitsu visibly relaxed at the sound of Mitsuri’s giggling. He was handed him a handkerchief, waiting for him to calm enough to talk
probably expecting her to be aggressive or aloof like the other again. She even put a hand on his upper back and rubbed soothing
Hashira could come across. circles, just like her mother used to when Mitsuri cried over being
“So, what do you need, Zenitsu-kun?” She asked. rejected by yet another suitor.
Zenitsu turned really red, and for a moment, she was afraid he “They didn’t just say ugly—they called me hideous.” He was still
was going to explode. Finally, he burst out, louder than was sobbing, but it was easier to understand him now. He was curled
probably necessary: “How do you dye your hair?” over himself, legs pulled to his chest, hiding his face in his knees.
All that for one question? “They said my hair looks like straw, and my eyebrows are too thick,
“This is my natural hair colour,” she answered. “Well, actually, it and one of them said I look like a squirrel!”
used to be brown, but I ate a lot of sakura mochi when I was little She let him cry it out a little longer, pondering what to say. In
and it turned pink.” truth he did look a little like a squirrel: bushy hair, uneven front
“Oh, sorry. I will ask someone else!” Zenitsu blushed deep red teeth; he was even twitchy like a squirrel.
and started to stand. “Am I ugly?” Zenitsu stopped crying to ask her the question, big
“Why do you want to dye your hair?” Mitsuri asked before he eyes shining and watery.
could rise. She remembered how she used to dye her hair black so “I don’t think so,” Mitsuri answered, looking over his features.
she would look normal: all the days spent obsessing over whether “Well, apparently everyone else does.”
it looked natural, worrying what would happen if a suitor saw what “Hey now, who besides the girls in Yoshiwara have called you
she really looked like, terrified what would happen if the mask that?”
slipped. She was afraid Zenitsu was about to go down that same “Lots of people. Every girl I’ve liked before has told me I’m
path. ugly or annoying or too loud or too emotional or just—just too
The boy’s expression twisted, suddenly looking as though he much!” Zenitsu answered. He looked less sad now and more
was holding back tears. “No reason.” frustrated.
That was clearly a lie. “So you asked me for advice on hair dye because…?”

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“It’s ugly and I want it to be nice again.” “So what does that mean for me?” Zenitsu asked, voice small
“Again?” and high and uncertain.
“It only looks like this because I got struck by lightning three “It means you should burn bright. So what if there are people
years ago. It used to be black, but now it’s ugly and frizzy.” who think you are ugly? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and
“Wow! You survived a lightning strike?!” some beholder’s opinions matter a little less than others.”
“Yeah,” Zenitsu grumbled, like he was disappointed he did. Zenitsu snickered at that, rubbing tears off his cheeks.
Looking at Zenitsu, Mitsuri saw a reflection of her past self in “None of those men even cared what I was like on the inside,
him. He hated how he looked, he hated how people thought of so why should I care what they thought of my outside? The people
him, and he was afraid he wouldn’t get a chance to be loved. She who care about your inside are the only ones whose opinions on
remembered how helpless she used to feel back then, especially your outside matter! That’s how I view it, anyway.”
compared to how she felt now. “That makes sense,” Zenitsu finally uncurled from his knees
“I used to dye my hair black.” and sat cross-legged. A long moment passed before Zenitsu asked
“Why?” Zenitsu sounded surprised. “Your hair is pretty!” a question: “Are you still trying to find a husband?”
“I didn’t think so when I was little. The one thing I wanted in “What, are you interested?” Mitsuri joked.
the whole world was to get married. My family has money, so my “Wha—? No! I mean, not no—you’re pretty and all and I
parents looked for suitors for me. All of them thought that I ate mean—but—!”
too much, that I was too noisy, too opinionated, too fat. I just “I was teasing,” Mitsuri laughed, watching with amusement as
wasn’t wife material in their eyes. One particularly cruel man said I Zenitsu spluttered and waved his arms around. “But to answer you
was more of a man than a woman.” honestly, yes, I am. There is someone I have in mind, and I think
Zenitsu’s eyes grew glassy. He was going to cry again. he likes me too, he is just too nervous to admit it.”
“I changed everything about myself to please these men,” she “You never gave up on your dream of marriage, even after
continued, feeling an old, phantom surge of shame rise in her everything?”
chest. “I stopped talking, I started agreeing with whatever they “I never gave up. I knew there was someone out there for me,
said, I stopped eating, I dyed my hair black. I stopped being who would love me for the person I really am, and who I wouldn’t
everything that made me me. I stopped living. I just became a shell feel like I need to change myself for… You know, someday, you
of a person, customised to become whatever each new man I met are going to marry a woman who loves you just as you are.”
wanted. “Really?” Zenitsu sounded absolutely giddy at the thought, and
“Someone close to me told me once that there is a fire inside he cheered up immediately.
each of us, and we have to feed it and nurture it so it burns strong. “Mhhm, I’m certain of it!”
I was killing my fire. I was stifling it until it was only a match-flame. “You are?”
I joined the Demon Slayer Corp when I realised I couldn’t live like “Of course! I’ve never been more certain! And you know,” –
that anymore. I let the dye wash out, I ate again, I was as loud and Misturi lowered her voice, like it was a secret– “I’m always right
opinionated and strong as I wanted. Maybe there were people who about these things. I am, after all, the Love Hashira,” Misturi
didn’t like that, but I don’t care! I was burning again, and I was winked at him and stood up. “Now, I’ve got to go give Shinobu-
happier than I had been in a long long time.” chan these sweets. Take care, Zenitsu-kun.” She hefted up the
boxes and waved away Zenitsu’s efforts to help her.

12 13
P convince him to wear some clothes beside his work uniform every
once in a while, he sat at the stool in his usual striped haori and
Mitsuri tied her hair back in a bun, trying to smooth down the standard Demon Slayer Corp uniform. Kaburamaru curled around
stray pieces that stuck out, but ultimately giving up when it seemed Obanai’s neck and shoulders. When Mitsuri approached, the snake
they would be going nowhere. She wanted to look nice today, but lifted his head up and scented the air with a flick of his tongue.
her hair didn’t seem to want to comply. “I hope I didn’t make the two of you wait too long!” She sat in
“Do you need help?” the stool beside them and pet Kabarumaru’s head gently.
“Yes please.” Mitsuri brought her arms to rest by her sides as “No worries,” Obanai answered, to the point as always.
her mother took the kanzashi from her hair, letting it spiral down “Hmmm…” Mitsuri looked over the menu. “What should I
around her shoulders and over her back. Her mother brushed order?” She had never been to this particular yatai before. Most
through her hair with a painted boxwood comb. She held Mitsuri’s items on the menu looked delicious.
hair, gently twisted it, and put it up into a neat bun with the “I want soba,” Obanai told the stall owner. He pointed to the
kanzashi. specific dish he wanted on the menu.
“You always do it so much better than I do, Mamma.” She “I will have that as well!” Mitsuri said. “Oh and can I also get
looked at herself in the mirror, turning so she could see how it the shoyu ramen? And the miso ramen with corn? The nabeyaki
looked from the side. udon looks good, but so does the hiyakake udon… I think I will
“That’s because I’ve been doing it for longer than you’ve been have both! Omurice, if you have it. Katsudon, karaage, tempura on
alive,” her mother laughed, smoothing down a piece of Mitsuri’s the side… and taiyaki, for dessert!”
bangs. “Are you sure you want those socks with that kimono?” The stall owner stared at her with a look of open-mouthed
“Yes, Mama. Iguro-san gave me these, remember? He would be horror.
really sad if I didn’t wear them.” Of course, Mitsuri didn’t mention “Well, get to it,” Obanai snapped. “If you keep your face like
that she would also be really sad if she stopped wearing the socks. that too long, flies will land in your mouth and lay eggs.”
The socks did not go with the kimono, but it wasn’t like the “Iguro-san, people are eating!” Mitsuri reprimanded. He
colours clashed either; the striped socks were green and navy, and sometimes said vulgar things without realising how inappropriate
the kimono was a pale blue with pink and white blossoms. It was the comment was.
perhaps too fancy of an outfit to wear to dinner with a friend, but He grumbled his displeasure, but the stall owner got to work
it had always been Mitsuri’s hope that Obanai would one day making his meal and Mitsuri’s first course.
become more than a friend. Perhaps this outfit would convince him “Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?” Mitsuri
to find the courage to ask her on a date. asked Obanai.
“I woke up on the same side of bed as usual,” Obanai
P murmured.
“It’s a Western expression meaning—oh, nevermind—you’re
making that face.”
Obanai arrived at the yatai before Mitsuri did, and he sat waiting
“What face?” Obanai asked, carefully shifting his features into a
patiently when she arrived. Even though Mitsuri had attempted to
mask of neutrality.

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“I already saw, don’t try to hide it,” Mitsuri teased. “You were “Iguro-san, lots of people give me weird looks when I order
making the ‘I’m angry at everyone’ face.” food. They gave Rengoku-san weird looks too. It’s nothing bad,
“I was not. The light tricked you.” they are just surprised. Besides, they are always happy I order so
“No, it was pretty clear. What is troubling you?” much in the end, since they make a lot of money whenever I visit.”
“I don’t want to talk about it here.” “They should be giving me weird looks instead.”
“Okay, after the meal, then. Let’s just enjoy our food, alright?” “... What are you saying?”
Mitsuri ended up eating part of Obanai’s meal after he decided “Nothing. I want people to be nice to you. You deserve to be
he was full a little more than halfway through. He usually wasn’t treated well.” Obanai finally looked in her direction, eyes shining
one to eat a large meal, and confessed to Mitsuri once that he
with an emotion Mitsuri couldn’t place.
tended to keep snacks in the pockets of his uniform so he could
“You also deserve to be treated well.” He made a noise like
eat small snacks throughout the day rather than make himself sick
trying to eat large portions. Mitsuri didn’t know his full history, but he didn’t believe that. She lifted her hand to place on his shoulder,
she knew the events of his childhood had scarred him in more but he flinched back. “Are you having nightmares again?”
ways than one, and sometimes things even as simple as eating “It doesn’t matter.”
could bring him bad memories. “It does matter, Iguro-san. It matters to me.”
When Mitsuri finished, listening to Obanai talk softly as she ate, “Don’t—” Obanai shifted as far away as the park bench would
they walked towards a park in town which Mitsuri knew had many allow. “Don’t say that. Don’t make me feel like that.”
secluded benches and clearings where they could talk without fear Mitsuri’s face fell. She had no idea what to do, but it was obvious
of being overheard. On the way, they admired the shops lining the Obanai was struggling with something she wasn’t sure she could
road, viewing their wares through windows under the light of the cure. “Don’t make you feel like what?”
sinking sun. “I don’t know! Like—like you care about me!”
The park was full of people during the daytime, but at night the “I do care about you! More than you know. Please, why are you
only sound was the rustle of leaves and the chirp of cicadas. The so afraid to be loved?”
humid air weighed heavy on them, though the cool wind cleared Obanai deflated, hiding his face in his hands. “You deserve
away the stuffiness. They sat on a worn bench beneath a swaying someone better than me.”
cypress, its aroma filling the air with a clean, fresh scent. Fireflies
flickered in the grass, mirroring the light of the stars in the sky.
“You deserve to have someone who isn’t tainted, who isn’t
“What’s bothering you, Iguro-san?” Mitsuri asked, looking at
the man with concern. Usually, he was quick to express his
negative emotions, so his sudden hesitance back at the yatai “Obanai.” The man’s eyes widened. This was the first time
troubled her. Was he hurt? Sick? Mitsuri had used his given name. “The heart doesn’t choose who
“I don’t like it when people treat you badly.” Obanai refused to it loves, but if it did, I would choose you again and again, no matter
make eye-contact, looking instead at Kaburamaru, who was trying what. I love you.” She scooted closer to him, heart beating wildly.
his best to hide in Obanai’s sleeve; escaping the chilly air, no doubt. She always imagined that a man would one day confess his love to
“What do you mean?” her, but this felt so right, even if it wasn’t like her expectations.
“The chef at the yatai gave you a weird look.” “Mitsuri—”

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“May I?” She asked, drawing close enough that she could see the
pink blooming on Obanai’s cheeks. He was too stunned to speak,
nodding instead.
Tenderly, Mitsuri unwrapped the bandages covering his lower
face, exposing his scars for only her and the moon to see. Gently,
she pressed her lips against his left cheek, right at the end of one
of his scars. She pulled away for a moment, studying his face,
making sure she hadn’t hurt him. When she saw only happiness in
his eyes, she repeated the motion on the other cheek. This time,
when she pulled away, Obanai shyly chased after her, leaning into
her space.
“Aren’t you forgetting something really important?” He tried to
fake confidence, though his words came out hushed and wobbly.
“Forgetting something—?”
Obanai brushed his lips against hers for a second, far too briefly,
then sat back, face redder than she had ever seen it before.
Kaburamaru slithered up his sleeve, settling on his shoulder.
Mitsuri felt all the joy inside her bubble up, leaving her in a
stream of giggles.
“Are you laughing at me?”
“No, I’m just really happy right now!”
“Me too.”
They talked late into the night, hushed whispers and muffled
giggles blown away by the breeze. Obanai never tried to replace the
bandages that night.

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The Mirroring Nature
of the Heart
Written by Adrien
Illustrated by Jay

When she was little, Mitsuri’s mother would hold her close in
her arms, snug and safe in this loving cradle, to sing her songs and
stories of the stars.
She was her mother’s first-born, and the beginning of all her
mother cared to hope for. Though she was not a son, she was
strong and healthy and beautiful, with eyes so bright and a mind so
imaginative she could weave each tale into her dreams without
needing even to know the language they were written in.
Mitsuri’s pre-consciousness was filled with that magic of the
sky, and when it came time for the first thought to be planted in
her head, within those clouds did she remain.
The Kanroji’s were not a particularly wealthy or famous family
by any means, but they were happy. They had their little house in
the country, a thriving homemade honey business, and
considerable local traffic to their family temple, especially around
the holidays. It was hard work some days to keep it all afloat, and
with Mitsuri being the eldest child and her mother having no less
than five more in quick succession after her, Mitsuri’s natural
strength was set up to flourish. She would carry the whole family’s
laundry up and down the hill. She would help pull the carts to
market. When her mother was sick or tired, she would gather up
all of her little siblings in her arms and tell them the same stories
of stars and empresses and girls and women the whole country

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and world over came to know, the same as her mother had for her, The Rengoku’s were old family friends, but since they had
to make sure they never lost out on that opportunity. moved into the city a generation prior, Mitsuri had not had the luck
Dirt would cake under her nails. She would braid her hair – a to see much of them. She heard they were handsome men, but
shocking decorum of pink and green, having become in itself a strange and devoted, too out-of-reach for normal folk to
canvas of the efforts she had to put in to supplying enough energy understand, and because of that, it did not take long at all for
for her job, sugary treat after sugary treat in between still her large Kyojuro and herself to strike up a friendship.
meals – in an effort to keep it protected, beautiful and healthy as She was nervous around him. He was like a perfect audience,
she worked. She would end some days with stings on her arms and whose eyes never left her when she spoke and dared not to blink
tears in her eyes, having to work herself up to do it all over again in case he might have missed her. His hair was bright and a mess
the next. like hers, and his self, too, seemed unable to be contained by his
In some areas, her body grew too quick for itself. Lines own body. It was all by chance, but not a surprise that she found
stretched out across her waist, her chest. She filled out. There was herself spluttering over him one day, rambling of her hopes, her
tone and strength to her arms that she could not see even in the dreams. She wanted to move to the city. She wanted to be a star.
country men, who now glanced at her wickedly and unsure of She wanted to dress beautifully and sing beautifully and have the
what to think when she came to market. She was from a well-off whole country recognize her for it, and have friends who knew
family, and healthy, clearly marriageable, but she was not small or how hard she worked for it, who were like her. Who understood.
slight or dainty the way a beautiful girl should be, the way the stars She wanted people to care. She wanted Mitsuri to be somebody.
were painted in their storybooks. Her lines were not straight. Her She’d frozen herself solid the second she realized just how
colors were not clear. She was an enigma, maybe closer to a much of her heart had spilled out of her chest then, and shattering
monster than a bride. herself in a panic, hands flying through the air and flailing
Then came the source of Mitsuri’s guilt. For as much as she did expression both trying to recapture the quiet, polite decency she
for the business, for her family and for her appearance among the had let run off from her, could not help the guilt of knowing her
traditional life that increasingly scorned her; she had a dream of truth from spreading.
her own, too. Until Kyojuro had laughed.
She wanted to be a star. While her hands shook in a flurry in front of her, he held one
Every day while she completed her list of chores, she would behind her back and gave her a rough clap on the shoulder, his
sing. She would dance up and down the hills. She would return to head thrown back in joy. Less than horrified, he was entertained by
her room with her stings and her tears and hum herself a tune as her, and more than entertained – he said then, he believed in her.
she stitched up something beautiful to wear with her simple “There’s only one woman named Kanroji Mitsuri that I know
fabrics, something that would fit her body and, hopefully, hide the of,” he said. “And the woman I know is far more than capable of
marks and the tones and the colors that stars were never painted anything! If anyone had the chance to shape their own destiny, it
with, with the dream that, at the end of it, she could be her. She would be her. But!”
could be that Mitsuri, and not this one. The smile he gave her then was one she would never forget.
And, as if it could not have come soon enough, she was given “I would not be opposed to helping a dear friend in need,
the chance. either!”

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Kyojuro had contacts in the city. Lots of them, actually. Mitsuri’s “Have I been telling you that you aren’t keeping up here?”
vocal coach was a man named Uzui Tengen, who wore a style on “No.”
the first day that made Mitsuri wonder if she had walked into the “Then what’s wrong? You’re just as quick and flexible as anyone
wrong building and ended up in a fashion show or amongst some else I teach. You keep on beat. Who cares if you look different?
other high-end modeling agency. His teaching was strict. He pulled Are you supposed to be them, or you?”
no punches on his critiques, which, if she had been hearing it from For a long time in silence, the two kept each other’s gaze, but in
any other person, might have made Mitsuri want to cry and give the end, it was Obanai who turned away first.
up. But it was from this man, a close friend of Kyojuro’s and a “Don’t start listening to what the idiots in this industry have to
caring partner to three other beautiful performing women, that she say about your body. If it’s healthy and can walk up the stairs to this
knew each tough correction was well-meaning and responsible. studio, then that’s all you need it to be. I won’t have you coming up
At the end of a good practice day, when he smiled and nodded here gasping and starving because someone told you to eat like you
at her, or more rarely offered her a pat on the head, she would feel should fit into a mold. Feel okay first. Your team is going to handle
her heart flutter. the rest.”
Mitsuri’s physical trainer and choreography coach was a man In the apartment she now shared with Kyojuro, Mitsuri took a
named Iguro Obanai, who was so unique, thin and beautiful that longer time in the mirror that night. She traced her hands over her
Mitsuri guessed he could have been an idol himself, but so shy she curves and the lines that accented them.
could assume the reason he might not have been. He was strict and Did she hate them? Of course not. Even if she felt like it
sharp-tongued, too, but he had a clear soft spot for Mitsuri the way sometimes, they were hers. She had made them herself with the
he didn’t for most of his other clients, who came from rich body her mother had been so happy to give her, with the work and
backgrounds with parents who could afford his picky services. the growth she herself had been so happy to do. She’d never felt
“Spoiled and talentless,” she heard him once muttering. “Who anything cruel when her mother’s shape began to change after each
think they deserve their way and whatever they want just because one of her children. If anything, she had always felt it made her
they’re pretty.” mother strong. Stars, and the stories people told of them, were not
“Speaking of!” She piped up quickly, though her nerves unchanging forever, were they?
returned to her once he shifted that odd-eyed gaze considerately She was not supposed to be some other Kanroji Mitsuri. There was
her way. “Well, um, I was wondering… I was considering, maybe, only one! The toned, lined, hard-working girl in the mirror before
looking into… a dietitian.” her, dressed in so many colors and unusualities – there was ever
“Why?” only her.
“Because! I don’t… really look like the other girls you and Uzui- When the time came for her debut performance, Mitsuri was
san teach. It’ll be hard for me to get a start if I look so strange, utterly full of all things that fluttered. Her heart beat fast. Her
and…” cheeks burned red. She tapped her fingers across any surface that
“Are you tired?” could provide a means to soothe them, and butterflies danced in
She blinked once in surprise. her stomach like they, too, were readying themselves for her
“No–” performance.
“Do you feel weak?” Her source of calm and comfort then was a woman named
“No.” Kocho Shinobu. Mitsuri hadn’t known much about her until now,

34 35
but she was gorgeous and delicate, and just by looking in her eyes But, still, she knew when she laid her head on her pillow each
she could tell how intelligent she must have been. She was the one night, that she was happier here – as who she was, unabashed –
in charge of Mitsuri back here – in charge of all things behind the than she ever could have been there. Because her friends were
stage, really, and dare she say it, Mitsuri felt safe with her. happy for her here. Because her mother never entirely could be,
“You look lovely, Kanroji-san.” watching her worry day after day over herself. When they smiled,
She took great care with both her words and her hands as she she smiled, and when the crowds cheered for her, she realized how
fixed up the final details on Mitsuri’s dress. easy it was to cheer for her, too. And so, at the end of each well-
“Do you think they’ll like me?” done performance, on every photograph and album cover that
“They’d be stupid not to.” came before her eyes, she twirled round her pen and happily
Mitsuri gave her a shocked look, at which Shinobu briefly signed:
paused before smiling. Kanroji Mitsuri.
“Sorry, sorry! I shouldn’t say such rude things. You must be
anxious enough as it is, right? I must sound like that Iguro.”
“No, no! I thought it was kind! To me, really… I’m lucky to have
so many people supporting me on my dream, so please don’t
apologize for that! Of course, you all have been working so hard…
so they’ll love me! They have to!”
She spun around and took Shinobu into her arms.
“Thank you so much!”
“No, Kanroji-san. Thank you.”
“We might have helped you, but it was your own perseverance
that got you here in the end, wouldn’t you say? Walking around
with that kind of inspiration about you, you’re an idol, through and
through. You saw it from the beginning.”
She pat Mitsuri’s arm, and for a moment, Mitsuri was brought
back to her life with her mother and younger sister’s. Inspiring…
she had never thought that she could be inspiring to them.
“Now you just have to go out and prove it.”
For Mitsuri, the best thing she ever did for the person she was
was to let go of the person she thought she had to be. It wasn’t
always easy. Somedays, the life of stardom would have her thinking
back to her old life, caring for her family and serving her village
well. She didn’t resent any of that. She always made sure to write
to her mother after her shows, and made special reservations for
her little siblings when she could.

36 37
Mitsuri hoped he was right.
She took the garment in her hands, looking it over. It was a
simple bikini, a nice fuschia color with darker pink hems. The top
was a sports bra shape, covering the chest completely and opening
up in the back. There was a sheer white cloth attached, something
Golden Glow Mitsuri assumed could be wrapped around her waist for the extra
flair. Mitsuri took a deep breath, and tried on the swimsuit for the
final time.
Written by Bunny
Illustrated by Glitch P
“What’s taking her so long?” Shinobu leaned her head on
Sun filtered into the dressing room, a beautiful reminder of the Obanai, pouting. The smaller man watched as she swung her feet,
hot and sticky weather outside. Mitsuri stood there, staring at staring at the curtain that was blocking the two from seeing their
herself in the full length mirror, trying her best not to cry. It was beloved Mitsuri.
quickly approaching the third hour of time she had spent in this “Be patient.” Obanai replied, scratching at his mask. “There
stupid store. should be only one more she has to try on.”
Summer shopping was Mitsuri’s least favorite thing. Trying on “Yeah, but it shouldn’t take this long to try on a swimsuit!”
clothes that showed off her body was devastating enough, but Shinobu sat up straight again, planting her feet firmly on the
shopping for a swimsuit? It made her mind swirl with negative ground. Obanai opened his mouth to reply, only for the shriek of
thoughts. metal rings to interrupt him.
Mitsuri’s body wasn’t like the models. She was large, rolls folding The two stared at the now open dressing room, Mitsuri standing
on themselves as they tumbled down her stomach. Her face was in the middle of the frame. She was beautiful. The bikini was snug,
round, too big to be considered cute. Her arms and legs were but not tight. The bottom hugged her waist gently, the rolls she
stubby, a clear cone shape evident in her silhouette. She was, to say was so self conscious about peeking over the edge. Her bosom was
the least, obese. At least the medical world classified her as that. held up into her chest, though it did not look uncomfortable to
Her partners, Shinobu and Obanai, begged to differ. wear. The sheer wrap skirt Obanai had added was tied off to the
Mitsuri picked at her lips, a thing she tended to do when side, the man watching as it flowed down to Mitsuri’s ankles.
nervous. A pile of swimsuits lay in the corner of the room, a clear She looked beautiful.
sign each attempt to find perfection had been futile. Her partners “Do you like it?” Mitsuri asked quietly, a few cracks in her voice
would still hype her up regardless. Mitsuri knew that. telling Obanai that she was close to tears.
It was nice that they cared, but when Mitsuri was so down in the “Like it?” Shinobu echoed, standing up from the couch she and
dumps, those words only seemed to cut deep. Obanai had been sitting on. “Mitsuri, you look gorgeous!”
The woman let out a shaky sigh, glancing over at the final Obanai waited for her to flinch, but Mitsuri stayed perfectly still.
swimsuit she had picked out. Rather, Obanai had found it. He had In fact, her eyes seemed to light up at the compliment.
said to try it last, saying Mitsuri would love it.

38 39
He was right, this was the one.
“Mitsuri, how do you like it?” Obanai asked, standing up to
match his other partner. He watched as the larger woman fidgeted,
moving her body to watch the skirt flow. Her eyes darted across
her own body, arms hovering over her stomach. She then looked
up at Obanai, the tears finally falling from her radiant eyes.
“I love it.” She whispered.
“Yay!” Shinobu squealed, bouncing over to hug their partner.
Mitsuri hugged Shinobu back, her quiet tears turning into relieved
sobs. Obanai walked over, wrapping his short arms around the
two. The three stood there, embracing, allowing Mitsuri to release
all the pain and frustration she had felt.
It was freeing for all of them.
Obanai finally pulled back, stretching his body to wipe away
Mitsuri’s tears.
“Sorry.” Mitsuri sniffed, gently pushing Obanai away so she
could wipe away the tears herself.
“There’s no need to be sorry.” Obanai replied. Shinobu nodded
in agreement.
“Go get dressed again so we can get that swimsuit already!”
Shinobu said, clapping her hands together. Mitsuri nodded,
giggling at Shinobu’s impatience.
“Alright alright, I get the message.” Mitsuri shooed the two
away, pulling the curtain back to block their view.
Obanai wouldn’t tell her this, but Mitsuri looked so beautiful
with the sun behind her.

40 41






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