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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: Multi
Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero
Relationship: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Character: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Midoriya
Inko, Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Todoroki Shouto,
Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Shigaraki Tomura |
Shimura Tenko, Toga Himiko, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Dabi (My Hero
Academia), Nedzu (My Hero Academia)
Additional Tags: The Author Regrets Nothing, Mentor Nedzu (My Hero Academia),
Parental Nedzu (My Hero Academia), Dead Midoriya Inko, Vigilante
Midoriya Izuku, The author needs more coffee, Hacker Midoriya Izuku,
Time Loop, The Author Regrets Everything, The Author's Mental Health
Is Not The Best But Also Not The Worst, Alternate Universe - Coffee
Shops & Cafés, Coffee Shops, Barista Midoriya Izuku, Protective
Takami Keigo | Hawks, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead,
Protective Nedzu (My Hero Academia), they all protective of da boi,
Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, he gets one tho dw
Language: English
Collections: nonsense station's discord recs!, Hero Academy
Stats: Published: 2020-10-23 Updated: 2022-06-13 Words: 32,309 Chapters:

by Cassimonkey007


“Mom said I could do anything. I decided to fuck with time.”

This is what Izuku said when he leaned over his bathroom sink, counting the times that he
actually messed with timelines and changed fate.

"Now look at me," He chuckled softly, and there was no humor in his tone. "I did it, Mom.
I fucked with time."

The picture pinned to the mirror smiled warmly back at him, and he could almost hear his
mother laugh with him.

I'm new to writing on Ao3. Please spare me your anger if you see that I did something

The first few chapters are the most choppy, but they will get longer and smoother with

Please, don't judge this book by its cover. It's mostly crack, but it's good in my opinion.
How do I title.

"Deku, fall back, retreat!"

"Aizawa-Sensei, I can't do that."

"The hell you cant! Fall back, Deku! I know you're the new symbol of peace, but you need to

"If I can save at least one more person with my life..."


"That is a sacrifice I am willing to make."

"Guys, something terrible is going to happen!"

"Come on, Midorya, I'm sure you're paranoid."

"Deku knew! He knew something bad was going to happen when none of us did! Don't you think
that's suspicious?!"

"Uraraka, calm down, we will get to the bottom of this-!"

"Izuku Midorya, you are under arrest."


"It's best you remain silent."

"Guys, what's going on?!"

"I'm sorry, Midorya..."

"Villainy?! You think I'm a villain??"

"What else would you call these notebooks, that explains every weakness on every quirk and
person you've come across?"

"Quirk research! There's a way to counter all of these weaknesses anyways!"

"How am I still alive? I thought I poisoned myself in prison..."

"Perhaps its a time-loop?"

"How far can I push this?"

"What should I call this?"

"...In the last run, they accused me of being a villain and using my notebooks to do so, right?"
"Why don't I show them what a real villain can do when pushed to the edge?"

"All Might is down! All Might is down!"

"What are we going to do?! Thirteen is incapacitated, and Aizawa sensei is unconscious!"

"Todoroki's got bad frostbite, Asui's gone into hibernation, Mineta drowned in the shipwreck area,
and Bakugos palms are cut open, he can't use his quirk!"

"It took fifteen more loops for me to get this far. I'd call that a success."

An alarm blared through a green-haired males subconscious, and he groaned, lifting his head off of
his studying desk, a sheet of paper sticking to it.

Izuku swiped the paper off of the left side of his face and ran a hand down his features, exhaling
deeply before looking around. "...this is farther back than I remember." He murmured lowly,
looking at the calendar on the wall. "Beginning of summer...that doesn't help."

He moved back in his chair, standing up and stretching. "Which loop is this...." He pulled open a
drawer in his desk and lifted a thick folder from it, placing it on the desk. Several photos spilled out
of the folder, of differentiating circumstances, and he grimaced, before pulling out some stapled
paper. "Seventy-three, seventy's the seventh fifth loop."

Izuku rubbed his eyes, raising a hand and counting down from three on his fingers. "Three, two,

"Izuku, honey, I'm going to head to work!" Izuku poked his head out of his bright room, smiling at
the sound of his mother's voice. It was a plus from the villainous run he did last time.

'It won't hurt too much to tamper with the time loop this time, right?'
He went downstairs and pulled his mother into a hug. "I'll see you later, mom. Before you go, did
you eat breakfast?"

Later that day, Izuku looked at the news, expecting to see the crash that happened every day.

"Three cars intersected, one of which got the most damage...we aren't sure of what injuries may

Well, this was new.

But it wasn't welcome.


"A woman in the incident passed away...bystanders are confirming that this was the cause of a
villain gone rampant."

Izuku witnessed the figure of a hero getting caught up with paparazzi while the villain slunk under
a sewer cap.

His blood boiled under his skin, and he practically launched himself towards the kitchen, fumbling
with the drawers.

"Mom, I'm not- I can't- you can't die on me!" He said while pulling out a large kitchen knife,
positioning it between his ribs.

And thus, Time Loop 76 made its cue.

{1.9 pages, 647 words}

I'm just going to start looking up cool words for titles.
Chapter Summary

Izuku knew that after his mother's death he couldn't stay in his apartment.

So he does the only thing he can.

He runs.

Chapter Notes

*sips coffee* this'll be fun.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Izuku woke with a start, shooting upright on his sofa. He was drowsy, but the panic ran through his
veins as he turned to the Television.

"Three cars intersected..."


Another knife to the ribs.

"Three cars intersected..."

A bottle's worth of painkillers went down his throat.

The young teenager sighed heavily, not bothering to sit up from his position on the couch. He tried
to reset the Time Loop five times, and each time it was after his mother died.
Oddly enough, he wasn't as affected as he thought he would be. He felt empty. It was strange, but it
wasn't an unfamiliar feeling.

Izuku felt the tidal wave of emotions try to hit his heart, but he swallowed down the growing lump
in his throat, sitting up on the couch and sighing.

He set his feet on the ground and stood up, taking deep and even breaths while shoving his
emotions down into his stomach as he walked to his room.

'I won't be able to stay here for long. The apartment neighbors will know who died and come to
take me away.'

Izuku felt like he was on a timer. Speedwalking to his room, he took a shaky breath, pulling out his
bright yellow backpack and surfing through his belongings.

In the end, he packed two changes of clothes, his series of notebooks with pens and pencils, and
some non-expiring food with water bottles.

The small boy took the folder filled to the brim with papers and photos, shoving it in the bag as
well when he walked to the kitchen, picking up a small-ish knife. He hated how natural the blade
felt in his hand after all of his loops of being a villain.

Dropping the knife into his pocket, he ventured into his mother's room, gulping. Izuku felt the
lump rise in his throat again, and he was too late to stop the emotions hitting him like a brick when
he saw a photo of his mother on the dresser.

The stinging as his eyes filled with tears and ran down his face brought him back to reality, and he
let out a shuddering sob, picking the framed photo of him and his mother up.

"Hey, mom, I have something for you!"

"Izuku, when did you take this photo?"

"A great magician never reveals their secrets!"

"You're so cute in this one baby...I'll treasure it forever."

A small sob left his throat as the memory burned fresh in his mind. Izuku stayed there for a few
more minutes, before he wiped the tears on his cheeks, whimpering while putting the framed
picture in his backpack.

Reaching out with a semi-shaky hand, the teenager opened the first drawer down in his mother's
dresser, digging through a few articles of clothing before coming across what he wanted.

Three years after his father left the two of them for good, Inko had taken off her wedding ring,
putting it back in the ring box that his father used to propose.

Gingerly, Izuku picked up the box, opening it with a touch so soft that he was sure anything
harsher would break the box and ring, shattering the two.

He reached into the small box, pulling out the simple-looking ring. It was a golden and silver band,
the two metals twisting around each other, looking like vines. On the outer shell of the silver parts,
small pieces of obsidian decorated it, and on the golden sections, small gemstones of garnet littered
across it.

Feeling tears well up in his eyes, he squeezed them shut, taking a deep breath and rifling through
the drawer again, pulling out a small-ish silver looking chain, stringing the wedding ring on it, and
letting it dangle down to his mid-chest once he clasped it around the back of his neck.

Izuku sighed, tucking the beautiful ring under his hoodie and shirt, feeling the cold metal press
against his chest as he swiftly moved out of the room, feeling as though he had no time to waste.

He took a lingering look in the mirror placed on the hallway wall. Bloodshot and glassy eyes
looked back at him, the spark that used to be there had dwindled to nothingness, and it matched his
messy, untamed green and black locks of hair. He reached up, flipping the black hood over his hair
as he made his way to the front door.

When he opened the door and poked his head out of the apartment, he felt memories flood him and
took a deep breath. Izuku looked back at his childhood household, and he sighed. "Well, let's get
this over with."

He took off down the stairs, his backpack strapped to his back and filled with his belongings, and
walked at a leisurely pace down the sidewalk. No one thought he looked suspicious, which was
good enough for him. He could hear his old neighbors knocking on his old apartment door, and the
police cars drove into the apartment parking lot.

'No turning around, I suppose.'

Izuku kept walking and walking, walking for hours until his feet got tired. It was becoming dark,
and he sat on a nearby bench, pulling out his phone. Well, he was glad that he hacked it to make it
untraceable now.

"Hm...there are some cheap hotels nearby that probably won't question me if I say that I don't have
a quirk. Quirkist people are helping right now..." He muttered, searching up a few things and
letting his feet rest as it grew night. When he felt like moving again, he stood up, stretched, and
was back on the move, the street lights making a path for him.

"If I get robbed here, I'm going to punch something." He muttered while walking through a dark

"I am about seventy-three percent sure that this is where I'm supposed to be heading."

"Okay, so that's not where I'm supposed to be heading."

"Am I lost? Nah, this map gives me directions."

"Where in the actual hell is that building where I'm supposed to take a right."

"It doesn't exist according to Google."

Eventually, Izuku made it to the doorstep of a shady looking apartment building, realizing that the
hotels didn't like people without quirks. Fuckin bitches.

But that was okay because Izuku could deal with it. He took a deep breath and walked into the
building, poking his head through before the rest of his body followed. He noticed nobody at the
counter and blinked slowly. Very sketchy.

"Uhm...hello?" He asked a bit louder, taking a few more steps into the apartment building and
swiveling his head from left to right to see if anyone was there. "I-I was looking for a place to
stay...and Google said this place was good if you don't have a lot of money to start with...?"

"Hey there-"


"My name is Rin, and I'm the owner of this building."

Whirling around, Izuku sprung back about three feet, putting a hand over his heart to attempt to
calm it down from the jumpscare.

There was a man in front of him that had dusty orange hair and grey eyes. He was smirking a bit
and was taller than Izuku. His build was not too thin, but not too thick, with some slight muscle.
Some noticeable scars lined his face, presumably from fights? When Izuku looked closer, some of
the marks weren't scars at all. Instead, they were closed eyes. There was a slightly bushy mustache
on his face, and when his lips pulled back to grin toothily at him, they revealed some fangs.

"You going to say something, kid? You've been staring for a minute."
Izuku's face immediately turned beet red as he stammered out apologies left and right, until the
man chuckled, waving a hand. "It's fine, it's fine. You never did tell me what you're here for."

"Ah- sorry, I Uhm, I looked up cheap places to stay, a-and if it's alright with you, I'd like to stay
here. I don't have a lot of money to offer though, s-so..." He subconsciously sunk lower into his
hoodie the more he spoke, and the man smiled wider if that was possible.

The ginger made his way behind the counter, leaning over to grab a paper and a pen, sliding it to
Izuku. "Go ahead and fill that out. I'll need a name for the record, however." Upon seeing the
hesitation on Izukus face, he shrugged, "Really, it could be anything, a nickname or something, I
need something to write down to make it look official. Most of the people that stay here have
heteromorphic quirks or 'villainous' quirks, so the government doesn't care too much about what's
written down."

Izuku let out a heavy sigh of relief, smiling a bit. "O-Okay..." He then pondered for a moment, his
hands twitching when he held the pen as he thought. What would he go by in this apartment
complex? The last one was Izuku Midorya...he said a nickname could work, correct? Well, the only
nickname he took with semi-pride was -

"Deku...uhm, that will be my name. Deku."

An orange eyebrow raised, and the man - Rin - shrugged, before typing it down, and let Izuku fill
out the forms that were needed. Luckily, it was all basic things he already knew and smiled a
fraction when he realized that the paper didn't ask for a quirk. He paused a moment, before sliding
the information back over to the older male, and he nodded, picking the papers up and reaching
behind him for a keyring with a single key on it.

"We do have backup keys, but they cost a bit to make, so please don't lose this one if you can avoid
it." He winked at Izuku, letting the metal plop in his hand. "T-Thank you so much, sir. When I'm
able to get a job, I'll pay you normal prices-" The man held up a hand, shaking his head. "Kid,
Deku, relax. Even half price is more than what people usually pay. The government doesn't stop
giving us power and water and stuff because they don't want to deal with us, so you're good."

Izuku was almost brought to tears when he bowed to the man, thanking him again before looking
at the room number and fixing his backpack, heading up some stairs, and walking down a semi-
long hallway. When he reached his new apartment, he took a deep breath, looking at the door and
feeling the cold metal in his hand.

'Well, there's only one way left to go.'

'....Wait, I could easily respawn and do this with a different path.'

'Whatever, there's only one way to go in this loop, and that's forward.'

With that key in his hand and his backpack filled with his belongings on his back, Izuku Midorya
was one step closer to achieving his dreams.

And for once, his dreams weren't being shot down by everyone around him.

Did I do good? I haven't made a story that's not an OC main character story, so I'm sorry if this
is sucky. Welp, you never know until you try.

{5.3 pages, 1,873 words}

Chapter End Notes

Sjsifisjsjejwjfjdjjsndsjsjdjsj I PROMISE IT WILL BE BETTERRRRRR

Im actually going to use titles of songs now.
Chapter Summary

Things happen.

Many things.

Things are a thing.

It's been a few months since Izuku's disappearance from his old area, and since then, the students
have all been relieved to hear that he's been gone.

While this may have disheartened others, Izuku was honestly having a good time. He'd been
studying several topics from the haven that was his reasonably little apartment and prepared
himself for whatever onslaught of intelligence poking his future high school would do.

Speaking of, the green-haired boy was in his apartment, surfing through his clothes. He had gotten
a few more pairs of clothing since he started living there, and put his hands on his face, dragging
them down as he sighed.

With hours of hard work, Izuku had something that could resemble an outfit. The clothing looked
good after he spent some leftover yen on the clothes, and then with some work, he had something
that would look semi-good. The costume had a dark green, almost black jumpsuit that wasn't too
baggy but wasn't too tight, and he would wear his black jacket over the top half for his hood to pop

He decided to leave his bright red sneakers in the outfit, opting to wear something else outside of
his vigilantism. There were a lot of people that wore bright red sneakers, so it shouldn't have been
too noticeable if he left them in the outfit. Along with those, there was his yellow backpack and a
few weapons concealed in his pockets.

'I think it won't hurt to walk around. I haven't had any loops where I've been a vigilante, so how am
I supposed to know what to do? I'm going into this unprepared and blind. I don't like it.'

He took a deep breath before taking out his small camera, getting ready to record for when he
found a suitable rooftop to be a gargoyle.
Izuku previously cleaned his backpack, leaving a change of clothes with a first aid kit, along with a
few weapons. The TimeLoop folder, along with the photo of him and his mom, were left on top of
his dresser. He leaned down, picking the clothing up and stripping down before slipping into it.

'It looks like I'm getting ready to assassinate someone.' A sudden flashback to a previous loop made
him cringe, and he shook his head. 'On second thought, no assassination topics. I still can't get that
out of my head.' Izuku looked over himself in the mirror, humming before turning to a small
shopping bag, reaching in, and shuffling around before pulling out a medical mask. The mask was
a classic black medical mask, and Izuku grabbed a bright mint green paint pen before he scrawled
across the face cover, grinning a bit when he finished, capping off the pen.

Little mint green random doodles were drawn onto the mask, decorating it instead of letting it be
blank. Izuku, satisfied with the job he did, capped off the paint pen and took the black and mint
cover, settling it over his nose and mouth. "Alright, record the evidence, and notify the police.
Don't get involved in anything. I can do that."

Izuku opened his window and smiled upon noticing that he was on the top floor, making it easy
access to the building if he climbed. Making a mental note to tie some rope to the roof and dangle
it down like a ladder, he quickly made it up to the rooftop and thanked himself for finding a
workout routine that helped him gain a little more muscle. He observed the area and decided he
would make a small camp up here in case he wanted to hang out.

His past loops included everything you could imagine but vigilantism. So he knew more about
murder and about the anatomy of a human than he probably should. He knew more about how
humans worked and what made most of them tick than he should as well. He did many, many

That still didn't stop him from almost eating cement when he hopped his first roof in this loop.

He'd done this before in different loops, but that was when he already had adrenaline coursing
through his veins. The adrenaline was there now, but it hadn't been before and, it almost messed
him up. He would have to worry about getting better at roof hopping later and instead relied on his
burst of energy to finish hopping the rest of his rooftops when Izuku's attention grabbed when a
yell reached his ears from a different alleyway.

Hopping from roof to roof, he knelt at the rooftop while pressing the record on his camera and
positioning it over the edge, whipping out his untraceable phone with one hand and dialing the
police. He made sure that one earbud was in while one earbud was out, and he moved the mic to
his mouth when an officer picked up.
"Musutafu Police." The tired voice came over the line, and Midorya spoke lowly into the mic. "I'm
reporting what appears to be a mugging down near the '24/7' gas station. There are two people, one
smaller man, and one larger man. The larger male looks to have a weapon, please, hurry." He hung
up a little bit after speaking, recording the interaction still.

When police cars pulled up, Izuku stopped recording and quickly began to roof hop back to his
apartment building, almost stumbling when he landed on his roof, taking a deep breath and
sighing. "I need to work out more often with cardio..." He looked at his surroundings before
dropping over the edge of the roof, swinging through his open window with ease, landing on his

Izuku stripped himself of his new vigilante outfit while almost falling over when he lost his
footing. He stuck it in his bottom drawer of his desk, pulling up a false wooden board and sticking
it in there, the outfit snugly fitting as he put the board over it, followed quickly by his notebooks
and some loose papers. He sat down in his chair in front of his desk, plugging in the camera to his
laptop and transferring it over.

"Let's see if my training paid off..."

Officer Sansa, after the aggressor was put into the police car with cuffs on, looked at his phone
when it dinged, and he blinked curiously. He always put his phone on vibrate when he went out on
jobs. He pulled his phone from his jacket pocket, seeing that it had been in to vibrate mode, and
opened the device, looking at his notifications.

Greenbean: Hello Officer Sansa, here is video evidence of the mugging, in case the aggressor
doesn't want to talk to you guys. Keep up the excellent work. [FIGHT_CLUB.mp4]

Sansa: Who is this?? And why is that labeled as FIGHT CLUB?

Greenbean: I thought it would be a small hint of humor to the evidence....?

Sansa: You didn't answer the other question.

Greenbean: Oh, hey, would you look at the time it's time for me to have an existential crisis.

{Hehe, it's the author here, its almost 2:30 AM :)}

When the sun rose that morning, Izuku was laying diagonally across his mattress, his head handing
off of it. He was sleeping rather well until he rolled over, smacking onto his floor with an
ungraceful thump.

The air got knocked out of him, and he harshly wheezed, peeling his eyes open to look at the
ceiling. Izuku raised a hand to rub at his eyes sleepily and reached around, patting the floor and the
air a few times until he found his bed, and pulled himself up to his face, groaning and looking
around, picking up his phone to check the time.

"9 AM? I thought I'd be sleeping in until at least 11 with how many roofs I was hopping..." He
mumbled, still half asleep as he shuffled out of his bedroom and into the kitchen in his apartment.
He grabbed a coffee pod and stuck it in the filter, filling the container with water before turning it
to the 'extra strong' setting, leaning against the counter. Izuku ran a hand down his face, and he
peeked through his fingers to look at the phone that was still in his hands.

When he opened his phone, he was not expecting to see new messages on his main social media
app, Discord.

{Yeah, instead of using messaging apps since it's different for everything, all of the texting is
based on Discord.}

1 Friend Request from 'Tsalty.'

"I feel like ill regret this..." He muttered and decided to click on 'accept' to message the person.
Greenbean: Hello, sorry I didn't get to you earlier, who is this?

When his coffee pot beeped and told him finished, Izuku poured a tall cup of coffee, deciding to
add nothing and instead take a sip, swallowing it despite the burn that followed very quickly. He
set the device down for a moment to briefly look through his cupboards, grimacing when Izuku
realized that he needed to go shopping, and the sinking feeling grew when Izuku realized he was
running tight on money. He'd have to fix that problem later, though.

Humming a small, tired tune, Izuku took a sip of coffee and checked his Discord messages,
clicking on his newly added DM.

Tsalty: Hello, my name is Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa, and I have beliefs that you are the
person that sent video footage of last night's mugging.

Choking on his coffee, he set the phone down and focused on getting the bean juice out of his
airway. Izuku gasped for air when he managed to clear his lungs and coughed a bit more, looking
at the text to make sure that it was real.

"Oh, I am so boned." He said, chuckling and shaking his head before picking the phone up. "Might
as well play to it."

Greenbean: This be them, whaddup?

Tsalty: How did you get Officer Sansa's Discord account?

Greenbean: Magic~!
Tsalty: Hilarious. You are aware that I can arrest you?

Greenbean: May I inquire why you are allowed to put me in custody, Detective Tsalty?

Tsalty: Hacking into an officer's profile, not to mention the video showed you were on top of a
rooftop. So I can get you for illegal quirk usage as well.

Greenbean: 1. I didn't hack into the profile Detective, merely looked up his Discord. 2. I got onto
the rooftop by roof hopping. Not a single quirk, I helped you guys because you wouldn't have
been able to nail the guy without evidence of the conversation and fight. I'm also the one that
called in the brawl from the rooftop. So you're welcome. However, when you have something of
interest to say, hmu.

With that, Izuku decided that their conversation was over and looked over a newspaper he picked
up on his way home earlier. "This is either going to go fantastic or terrible, and I feel like it'll go
the way I don't want it. Now, let's see how mad Tsalty gets when I leave him unread."

Hello! I hope this chapter was as fun for you to read as it was for me to write! Enjoy as I try to
fall asleep at 4 AM.

{5.5 pages, 1,887 words}

Dance With The Devil
Chapter Summary

"Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight,"

"Don't you dare look at him in the eye, as we dance with the devil tonight~"

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Credit for the name that I will include later on: Chimary and Goldlink! Thanks, friends for
helping me. :)

Izuku looked up at the stars that shone brightly in the middle of the night, smiling as his green
irises reflected them. A few hazy, fluffy clouds veiled them just slightly before they showed up
again, bedazzling the sky and entertaining the young boy as he paid no regard for the knife that
was, embedded in his thigh along with the smaller slash on his torso.

A female that was tripping on drugs, and had a teleportation quirk, attacked him when he was
patrolling, the male being left on the rooftop to bleed out. The way that the woman had cut his side
made it incredibly painful to stand without injuring his organs, and he winced in pain regularly due
to the hot throbbing in his side. He was smart enough to leave the small-ish knife inside of the
wound, as that was the only thing keeping the blood in at the moment. It gave him time to stargaze.

On the outside, Izuku was calm and level-headed. His voice was soft and flat as well. On the
inside, he was panicking, thinking of ways to get to his apartment while also not losing more blood.
Dammit, even after all of those time loops, Izuku wasn't used to the feeling of getting stabbed. It
wasn't the first time, though, that it had happened to him, and he was positive it wasn't going to be
his last either.

With a sigh, the green-haired boy stopped stargazing and sat up, ignoring the stretching of the
wound in his torso. I'm not going to let myself die today. 'I don't know where this time-loop starts
now that I've made it this far.' He thought while pushing himself into a standing position,
steadying himself on his feet before he began to move.

"'Become a vigilante,' my mind said. 'It'll be fun,' my mind said." Izuku mocked his thoughts with
venom and sarcasm dripping from every syllable as he hopped roofs, trying to be as gentle as he
could with the knife in his side. "Yeah, clearly this is so fun." He hissed lowly as he lowered
himself through his apartment window, landing on the floor ungracefully. Immediately he began to
struggle with his clothing, tearing off the mask and the hoodie to reveal the upper half of his torn
green jumpsuit.

The wound wasn't terrible, but it wasn't pleasant either. Blood oozed out of Izuku's side, and the
boy groaned upon seeing the crimson stain on his jumpsuit. "If I have to order another one of these,
I'm going to be livid." He grumbled while stripping out of the clothing, left in his boxers as he took
out his first aid kit. He treated the slash in his side, realizing that it would need stitches. "Fuck!" He
exclaimed, sighing, and taking out the needle and thread that came along in the kit. He bundled up
his black jacket and bit down on it as he disinfected both the wound and the needle and thread.

It's always the first stitch that hurts the most, in Izuku's opinion. With only a few moments of
hesitation, the boy eased the needle into his skin, letting out a muffled whimper as he bit harder
down on the fabric in his mouth. He tightened the string and repeated the process, puncturing his
flesh for the second time and pulling the thread through the skin. He had kept himself relaxed,
even though it hurt so goddamn much. A few stitches later, Izuku was panting slightly at the new
pains next to his wound and in it. He could already tell that this was going to be a bitch to heal.

He snipped the threat and knotted it with shaking hands, letting them fall to his sides while
breathing out exasperatedly. "I really should not be used to this." He huffed, almost childishly, as
he suddenly felt hungry. "I can probably order some takeout later." Izuku shrugged it off and got
up, wincing audibly before shuffling over to the chair in front of his computer. He sat down in the
chair, cracking his knuckles before he turned on the computer system, typing in both of his two
passwords and opening his browser.

As he did some research, he looked through the city cameras briefly to make sure that there wasn't
any crime on the screens, breathing a sigh of relief and hacking into a few databases. He felt at
ease doing this, as though it were second nature to hack into and observe heavily protected
databases. He left the city cameras up on split-screen and set it to notify him when any specific
actions take place, while he sat back and opened Discord, seeing that there was a new group
chat. 'Fuck.' Izuku thought while adding his main account to the group chat, switching from one
account to the other while deleting his secondary account from the group chat. 'I don't want them
knowing my trump cards.'

CyberTraveller has joined.

CyberTraveller: oh shit, what's poppin'?

Tsalty: Please refrain from cursing so often in this chat. This chat is between you and a few
others right now.

CyberTraveller: soooooo, whom else?

Tsalty: They're sleeping, as you should be.

CyberTraveller: awwwwww, what's the fun in that?

Tsalty: You never explained how you managed to find Officer Sansa's Discord account.

CyberTraveller: a great magician never reveals their secrets!

Tsalty: Good thing you're not a magician.

CyberTraveller: ...ouch.

CyberTraveller: I thought you would be relieved that I updated your security system, but I guess

Tsalty: You did what.

CyberTraveller: I still have access to it, but other people won't be able to. Maybe about 87%
more people won't be able to?

CyberTraveller: I didn't read the statistics

MysteryAnimal: Oh, splendid, you're here!

CyberTraveller: indeedy doo dah day I am, what's poppin' my mystery animal?

MysteryAnimal: Ah, so you are not aware of who I am?

CyberTraveller: nope! Should I? Have we met before?

MysteryAnimal: Excellent, so no, we have not met before. So, CyberTraveller, you're the hacker
that Tsukauchi mentioned to me and a few others?

CyberTraveller: yeet

CyberTraveller: tis I

CyberTraveller: do you need me to hack something for you?

MysteryAnimal: No, no, I'm quite good with that, thank you.

MysteryAnimal: My name is Nedzu, and I am the principal of U.A. High.

CyberTraveller: wh

CyberTraveller: fuck.

CyberTraveller: what the fuck did I do to gain your attention?

MysteryAnimal: I heard you've been pretty notorious lately for your analysis skills.

CyberTraveller: oh my god, I'm going to die.

CyberTraveller: you're going to kill me and make sure they can't find my body.

MysteryAnimal: Not at all. We wanted to ask you if you would be kind enough to help analyze
some villains? I am well aware that you are the new Vigilante, JumpStart.

CyberTraveller: w h a t.

MysteryAnimal: Is something the matter?




MysteryAnimal: Perhaps it is.

CyberTraveller: >:(

Tsalty: Of all things to be concerned about right now, you're worried about that?

CyberTraveller: of course

CyberTraveller: idgaf about the media, I couldn't care less about what they would do, but it
sounds like I fix cars for a living, not society.

3amdemon: why was I added to this chat

3amdemon: oh, it's you

CyberTraveller: ;-; why is everyone greeting me like that

CyberTraveller: I do good in the world

CyberTraveller: relative good

CyberTraveller: here's a fact: the media will leave you in an apocalypse if you're injured.

Tsalty: I'm concerned about how you know that's true?

CyberTraveller: look, I lost quite a bit of blood, alright

CyberTraveller: wait, shit

Tsalty: Blood?!

Nedzu: Are you in need of medical assistance?

3amdemon: not surprised, honestly.

CyberTraveller: nonononono, I'm fine, I don't need to go to a hospital

CyberTraveller: its stitched

Tsalty: You just said you don't need a hospital, yet it's stitched.
Tsalty: Did you stitch it yourself?!

CyberTraveller: Dad's mad at me. ;-;

Tsalty: You didn't deny it!

CyberTraveller: I disinfected everything beforehand.

Tsalty: That's no excuse! For all, we know you could be younger than us!

CyberTraveller: if we're talking technicalities, I'm older than all of you

3amdemon: what do you mean by technicalities.

CyberTraveller: who are you?

3amdemon: don't change the subject.

Tsalty: He went offline.

3amdemon: dammit

Izuku chuckled, setting his phone down when he heard a knock at his door. He vaguely
remembered ordering takeout on the computer and stood up while wincing and shuffling over to
the door, opening it and smiling a bit upon seeing the worker. "Thank you for bringing it to me.
How much will that be?" After the lady said the price, Izuku paid her the exact amount of yen - not
without giving as decent of a tip as he could - and she bid him farewell, hiding the concern when
she saw a teenager at the door paying. He took the takeout and brought it to his room, shutting the
door and sitting back down at his desk.
The injured male slurped up his food as he picked up his notebook, flipping through it until he got
to a blank page. Izuku set the food to the side and picked up a pen, making a new entry. He wrote
in runes to code the words, and when he finished, he took a deep breath while sitting back in his
chair. Izuku counted the yen he had, setting his head on the table while letting out a deep,
exasperated sigh.

"If I'm lucky, I'll be able to get something small to eat later. I'll have to find some other source of
income...I'm not old enough to work, but if I lie about my age and find somebody to print a fake
school card..." He opened his eyes, lifting his head. "There was a café down the road from this
place, I think. Loop twenty-three let me live long enough to get a job. So that means I already
know how to work there. I need something to fix the issue with my age." Izuku went back onto his
computer and managed to find somebody.

'Welp, this can either go very badly or fantastic. I need to give them details to work out, though. I'll
ask them for contacts, a fake name, and a fake age to work with, while the other details about
myself will be fine. I can hack into my previous school files and add the images, names, and dates
of birth as well to make an entirely new person. I don't know what name ill get.' Izuku took a deep
breath and began to contact the person online. 'I'll mention that with this new job, I will pay them
back the money that I owe them.'

{5.5 pages, 1,829 words}

Chapter End Notes

Do you guys like the whole song theme?

Play With Fire
Chapter Summary

"I'm a pyromaniac, I ain't safe,"

"Cause you've got trouble written all over your face."

Nico Santos ~ Play With Fire

Chapter Notes



*coughs* anyways enjoy the chappie!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

About six days later, Izuku was ready to walk around semi normally. The wound hadn't healed all
the way, but it was bearable with some weak-ish painkillers. He got the card and documents
shipped to his apartment and thanked the person that set them down briefly with a nod. Right now,
Izuku was holding the smooth piece of plastic in his hand that verified his new identity, a school

While Izuku's wound hadn't healed enough for him to start working, he vaguely remembered that
he had written down a few things about the cafe in his folder. When he finished touching up the
stitches on his side, he stood up and hobbled over with slight pain to his desk, sitting down in the
chair and reaching over, pulling the folder out of his bottom drawer where his vigilante costume lay
folded, dusty and untouched.

'Let's are instructions on how to behave to some workers, there are the regulars written
down here and what they order, I'm glad I remember how to make most of those. Aha! How to hack
into the cameras. The codes and such are relatively easy to crack, to be honest.' Izuku began to
mutter lowly to himself as he hacked into the cafe's surveillance system, slowly going into a
mutter-fest while he wrote down some things to change. By the time that he finished writing down
little notes about the security, he hadn't realized that his apps kept beeping. He forgot to mute the
group chat.

With a hefty sigh, Izuku clicked on the discord icon and checked his messages, scrolling up to the
most recent one.
'3amdemon' has added 'Megaphone' to the chat.

Megaphone: Hey, hey, hey! Howzit hanging!

Tsalty: Mic, please tell me why you felt the need to force Eraser to add you.

Megaphone: 1. I didn't force Eraser. I bribed him, and yes, there is a difference.

Megaphone: 2. You're all either too logical or are pessimists! You need some fun around here!

Tsalty: We honestly get enough 'fun' from Cyber here.

Megaphone: Speaking of that, though, is the dude online right now?

Tsalty: @CyberTraveller

Tsalty: You both share the same energy, have fun.

CyberTraveller: what's poppin'?

Megaphone: Ayyyyyyy, what's up??

CyberTraveller: my stress, :<

Megaphone: School?
CyberTraveller: Nah, Nah, I don't go to school.

Izuku gave himself a short pat on the back with his quick thinking. 'This should make them target
adults.' He thought before getting back to the messages.

Megaphone: What's got you stressed?

CyberTraveller: well, I did get stabbed about a week ago, and it still isn't healed

CyberTraveller: it didn't get infected though, I honestly was expecting it to

Megaphone: Sooooo, how old are you then?

CyberTraveller: hmmmmmmmm

CyberTraveller: no <3

Megaphone: It was worth a shot.

CyberTraveller: @Tsalty hope you don't mind, but I may or may not have hacked into a villains
phone and sent their location to the police

Tsalty: There goes my time off.

Megaphone: Please, like you ever take time off.

Tsalty: I didn't need the commentary, Mic.

Megaphone: I'm a radio show host, my dude, that's literally my job.

CyberTraveller: Oh yeah, isn't that going right now? are you just playing music?

Megaphone: Yeah, I always do that when I want to do something on my own.

Megaphone: Wait, how did you know I did that?

CyberTraveller: ...well then, would you look at the time...

Tsalty: This is comedy gold.

Megaphone: Do you listen to my show??

Izuku closed his app, letting his forehead make harsh contact with his desk, with it a
resounding thud. "I can't believe I did that." He groaned, putting his hands over his face while it
rose in color. "Fuuuuuuuuck." He took a deep breath before letting his head smack against the desk
again. Izuku sighed as his cheeks heated up, the blood rushing to his face because he was

"I'm never going to be able to talk to anyone ever again if im going to be this awkward in this
loop." He mumbled under his breath while attempting to massage the red out of his face, "I've been
in literal wars, and yet this is what I stumble onnn." He dragged out the last word in a whine,
letting his forehead rest on the desk. He sat up and began to stretch, wincing at the pain in his side.
"Still needs to heal more...At least the wound wasn't that bad." He muttered to himself in the
empty, quiet room.

Izuku inhaled, realizing why he was so unsettled. The room was so quiet. So very quiet. Why was
it this silent? 'Oh, that's right...' He thought while going onto an app and letting a playlist begin.
'Im not used to not having my friends around, whether I was a villain or hero. This is...scary, to be
honest. I've never actually been alone in a loop.' The music played through the room, and he
skipped a few songs that he didn't vibe with at the moment before landing on one, and he shrugged.
Charging his phone next to his head, Izuku laid down on his bed while favoring his injured side,
closing his eyes and turning off the lamp that provided most of his light. "Maybe I can fit in a nap
or two..." He said just above a whisper as he closed his eyes. However, life had other plans.
Through his cracked open window, blue light infiltrated his vision.

'It's probably nothing. Don't get too caught up in it. It's about 2 in the morning.' He tried to
convince himself, and his mind wouldn't shut up about the light. He sighed and stood up, wearing
pink sweatpants and a black tank top. His mother's wedding ring dangled loosely over his shirt, and
he tucked it back underneath it. He maneuvered out to his window and climbed out of it, paying
close attention to his side.

He scaled down the side of his building, his feet - which had slippers covering them - padded down
the alleyway where he followed the blue light. When it dimmed down, he walked down the
alleyway and caught sight of a taller figure that was half passed out. Smoke and steam were rolling
off of them in waves.

The first thought that sprinted through Izuku's mind was, ' They look hurt.'

The second thought was, 'I'm gonna die tonight.'

And yet he continued to walk towards the man, realizing that he had definitely been injured. Fire,
perhaps? That would explain the smoke and steam. "Excuse me...?"

The person, who Izuku realized was a male, whirled around, his long coat following him. The man
looked dead on his feet, and a pang of empathy stabbed Izuku's heart. He couldn't see the other
very well in the dark yet let a small, reassuring smile slip onto his feet. "Are you hurt? You look
like you're about to pass out."

When the unknown, taller person didn't respond, he walked closer, the acidic smell of burning
flesh reached his nose. "Oh, you're injured. Here, follow me." He said and smiled again, gesturing
for the taller to follow him as he took a right in the alleyway, opening the back door to the
apartment place with the key he kept in his sweatpants.

Izuku slipped into the door, waiting for the man to follow. It was dark, almost everywhere, and
when the person gave in to their curiosity, he hummed a soft little tune, hoping it would help calm
their nerves. He walked up some stairs, turning back to make sure the male could make it up fine
with his injuries.
He grimaced at the realization that his door was locked, and he was outside. He briefly told the
male to wait there at his apartment door before he ran around to the back, getting in through his
window and groaning as he stretched the wound. He went to his door, unlocking it before opening
it. His cheeks heated up at the look the male gave him, and he rubbed the back of his neck while
chuckling. "I left my key in here." He led the male inside while closing the door, letting him sit on
his sofa.

Izuku rushed off to the kitchen area, reaching under the counter for his medkit, and he cursed when
he found out it wasn't there. He nearly tripped over his own feet when getting up, and he went to
his bedroom/work area, grabbing it from when he had to stitch his own wound. He got back to the
living room, placing the medkit down and turning on a light. The older male tensed up, ready to
fight, but...

"Wow, those burns are bad. Did you ever get them treated?" ' Skin grafts, black hair, cyan eyes. I
should have known it was him. I have died at the hands of his flames several times, and I've also
worked alongside him. I know the ins and outs of his weaknesses, but let's play along.' Izuku
reached into the medkit for burn creams and grabbed his arm while slathering the creamy
substance on his new-ish burns, noticing how he hid his wince.

Unfortunately, Izuku was still an absolute sweetheart, so no matter how many times he died at
Dabi's hand, he let the man sit on his couch as he passively-aggressively forced the man to let him
treat his wounds.

"Kid, why are you..." Izuku paused, meeting his gaze only to realize that he had basically
kidnapped this man. The only difference was that the other willingly followed. His face turned
bright pink, and he averted his eyes to the ground. "W-well...I seemed hurt..." He
mumbled while stuttering at the beginning. Dabi sighed and raised a hand to run through his hair.
"Christ sure you've seen me on the news or something. Do you have a death wish?"

'Aha, jokes on you, I can't die anyway.' "Well...n-no, were hurt....and I couldn't just ignore
it. A-and I'm sure that a lot of other villains don't get the proper care that they don't, and a lot of
them only resort to bad things because of their bad upbringings, and I think that they deserve a
second chance. Some villains only resort to violence because they're scared and traumatized, and
heroes are supposed to make a safe place for everyone, and even villains can be nice people if you
get to know them, a-and I couldn't just watch you hurt yourself with your quirk because a hero
wanted to hurt you, i-it wasn't right-"

"Kid." Izukus jaw clamped shut, and he realized that he had gone into another muttering tangent.
He didn't even realize that he hadn't looked back up and tilted his head so that electric cyan and
toxic green clashed against each other. "There's no need to ramble. I get your point." Mute for a
moment, Izuku nodded and went back to helping Dabi treat his wounds. When they were finished
with the burns and a few bruises, Izuku stood up while rubbing the back of his neck.

The green-haired boy cleared his throat, "I-I don't have a whole lot besides cups of noodles, but
would you like something to eat?" He offered shyly, and Dabi let a hand slide down his face as he
shrugged. "I guess."

That was enough of a cue for Izuku, and he tripped over his own feet again while going to the
kitchen, stumbling and getting back up before opening a cabinet. The apartment was not large by
any means, and Dabi couldn't help but ponder why the hell a kid was staying here, especially since
it seemed to only be a one-bedroom apartment.

The black-haired male sighed and brought out a smaller phone, sending a quick text to the group
chat that he and the league had, explaining that he got caught up with something. Out of spite and
wanting to at least spook the kid, he commented from the couch, "You are aware I could kill you,

What he was not expecting was for the higher-pitched boy to say back, "That'd be a shame."

Thoroughly convinced that he wasn't going to attack the young boy at least out of a minuscule
amount of respect, he leaned back into the couch. Eventually, the boy came back with a cup of
noodles and some chopsticks, handing them to Dabi.

"I-I'll be right back. I need to go do something. Feel free to uh, explore around if you want. I'd
appreciate it if you stayed out of my room...that's where ill be anyways, so just yell if you need
me." With that said and done, the socially awkward boy speed-walked to his room, closing the

'I didn't die. I'm alive. Dabi didn't kill me, so I must have done something right. I don't want to be
on the opposite end of those flames again.' He thought and sat down at his desk. "What the hell
was I thinking?" He asked himself, gawking at his reflection on his black computer screen. "What
if the rest of the league comes back for him and finds his location? I'll be so screwed. I don't know
when this timeline saved itself. Is it after I let him into my apartment or before???" He asked
himself frantically.

"I fucked upppp." He whined and took a deep breath before opening his drawer and pulling out his
folder of timelines, taking his most recent analysis notebook and opening it to Dabi's page while
flipping through the various pictures and papers in the folder. "Time to do some research..."
Eventually, when Dabi came to tell Izuku that he was leaving, he opened the door a crack to see
Izuku leaning against his desk, passed out with a pencil still in hand, his arms and head were
covering most of the papers that he was studying. As much as he hated it, he almost felt something
tug at his heart and pushed it down, shaking his head while closing the door and walking to the
front door, not without leaving a small note behind.

He slipped out of the apartment unnoticed, locking it behind him and walking off into the night,
muttering something about that crazy kid that let a villain into his home.

Chapter End Notes

6.9 pages long, 2,394 words long.

Chapter Summary

"Welcome to the wild, no heroes and villains, welcome to the war, we've only begun."

"So pick up your weapon and face it, there's blood on the crown, go and take it."

"You get one shot, to make it out alive."

League Of Legends ~ RISE

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Izuku sighed as he let his forehead thud against the nearest wall. "How many more Noumus are
there, Uravity?" He pressed a finger against his earpiece, and he heard his old classmate talk into
his skull. "Three? Alright, I'll be on my way." He forced himself to stand, ignoring the gashes and
bruises and broken bones. It had only been a month since he and the rest of his class graduated.

This was no longer a battle between heroes and villains. This was no longer a game with bosses
and NPCs; This was a war of attrition.

The green-eyed man sighed and ran a hand through his curly green locks as he fired up One For
All, leaping up and onto a roof, making a beeline to where Uravity had told him where she was. He
arrived just in time, intercepting an attack from a powerful Noumu. "Need a hand, Uravity?" He
chuckled, making eye contact with the brown-eyed girl as she nodded, giving him a thumbs-up
despite looking exhausted. She turned to another Noumu, sending it into outer space now that she
had more room to breathe.

'Keep going, I just need to keep going,' Izuku thought while blocking and counterattacking another
Noumus blow. 'I just need to find Shigaraki and get this over with. Get him in cuffs.' The man
grunted as he was practically flung before he bounced back off of a building. He smashed the
remaining Noumus heads together, obliterating the exposed brains. When Uravity gave him the
signal to go help others, he nodded and sprinted off to where he could hear the telltale explosions
of his childhood best friend.

When he threw himself into battle, he saw Shouto there as well. He panted, standing at the
sidelines. "Hey, Ground Zero, Shouto! Do you guys need any help?"
"As if I need help from you, Deku! Go the fuck somewhere else and kick their asses!" Ah, Izuku
would never forget his infamous nickname.

"We have it handled, Deku." Heterochromatic eyes glanced back at the bloodied and beaten man,
and Izuku nodded, flashing them a thumbs up while smiling. Izuku took off, trying to see who else
needed his help in this recent battle.

Everything was fine. Izuku's friends were fending the Noumus off easily. Izuku checked in with all
of his coworkers before he went off on his own to hopefully track down where the Noumus were
coming from. He ducked around a corner when he saw another wave of Noumus, peeking just
slightly to see them emerging from a warehouse. His breathing hitched when he caught sight of the
villains guarding the entrance.

Izuku ducked back around the corner, clenching his eyes shut as memories flooding his mind.
Memories of his friends and past heroes bleeding out in front of him, being burnt alive, their limbs
being turned into marbles, and leaving them as amputees. He released a shaky breath that he
didn't know he had been holding in and shook his head. 'I can always just let someone kill me if
something goes wrong. I cant reset the entire timeline, but I can set it back just a little farther to
save anyone that I can.'

This time loops death was by far the most painful. Surrounded by villains, already bleeding and
broken, staggering as he continued to fight. "Uravity, Ground Zero, Shouto, can I get some
backup?" He pressed against his earpiece to talk to his friends. Nothing. He grimaced as he feared
the worst may have happened to them, no longer being able to hear anything coming from his
earpiece, only static. He sighed and forced his right eye to look at the villains with Noumus
standing to their sides, his left vision caked in red and black.

Dabi had blue flames calmly licking at his arms that were crossed, a small cocky grin spreading
across his lips at the sight of defeat in Izukus eyes. Toga was bouncing happily up and down, a
crazed smile showing her fangs as she held a knife in one hand. Izuku tried to wipe the blood away
from his eyes as it trickled, making his vision red. He narrowly dodged a slash of fire and rubbed
at his left eye, realizing he couldn't see anything out of it. The villains approached Izuku, and grim
defeat settled in his stomach when Noumus made a barrier around them. This was going to hurt.

Izuku's eyes snapped open, and he shoved himself backward off of the wall. He landed on his floor
with an 'oof-' before pushing himself up. While his stab wound wasn't healed fully, it was well
enough that he could work. He had already gotten the job, and while it may or may not have taken
a little bit of manipulating on his end - and a decent amount of hacking, but Izuku would never
admit to it - he got the job. A high pitched beeping noise infiltrated his ears, and he slammed his
hand on the top of his alarm clock, which was an older style.
Despite the cold sweat that trickled down his back, Izuku got up and stretched, dragging his feet to
the kitchen and pouring a large cup of coffee for himself. He barely let it cool down, the burn
down his throat telling him that he didn't wait long enough. Izuku, once he was finished with his
coffee, left the coffee pot on heat as he rushed to his bathroom, snatching some clothes along the

'No matter how many times I end up working at that cat cafe, I will never get used to the first day
of work.' When he closed his eyes while putting his head under the shower, images of his
nightmare played behind his eyelids, and he grimaced, opening them again almost immediately as
he washed his hair. As he worked the conditioner into his hair, Izuku reviewed everything that he
knew when he had previously worked at the cafe. He knew that, thankfully, the shop wasn't
quirkist, heteromorphic type quirks and quirkless people were not only allowed to visit but also

Izuku knew how to get on the positive side of the managers, bosses, and other coworkers. And he
also knew tips and tricks on how to avoid rude coworkers. He knew how to get promoted to as
high of a level as he could at his age, and Izuku knew that he would use his tricks to do so. When
he was done showering, he turned off the water and stepped out of his shower, drying his wet hair
and his body with a towel. He pulled on the clothes he chose to put his apron over and realized with
dismay that he would have to pull up any longer hairs back. "Alright, let's get this over with..." He
grumbled while taking a hair tie and a brush.

After many minutes of yelling and frustratingly thin hair ties, Izuku managed to pull his thick,
curly locks into a bun on the back of his head. It looked a lot bigger than it was, considering the
small amount of hair that fit, but it looked decent enough. After he put his eye contacts in, that
turned his eyes into a pleasant shade of grey, Izuku sighed and went back to his bedroom, picking
up his working boots along the way. He sat down in the chair in front of his desk, slipping his feet
into the non-slick boots, after putting socks on, of course.

Izuku turned in his seat, cracking his knuckles and logging into his computer. It had been a few
days since he checked up on the chat, and it had been a few days since he helped Dabi in his
apartment. The same Dabi who burned him in the past time loops. The same Dabi who helped
torture him alongside Toga and Shigaraki. The same Dabi who had -

A small 'bloop' brought his attention to his computer screen, and he clicked on the group chat,
seeing that it had become active again. Izuku took a deep breath before his cheeks turned reddish-
pink at the painful reminder of what happened last time. He typed in some more words, deciding to
accept his fate at this point.
Cybertraveller: y'all are chatty right now

Tsaltauchi: Ah, Jumpstart, youre back.

Cybertraveller: pls do not call me that

Cybertraveller: just cyber

Cybertraveller: just please not jumpstart

Cybertraveller: I don't fix cars

Tsaltauchi: Alright, Cyber. Have you healed well?

Cybertraveller: yeet

Cybertraveller: stab wound only hurts if I stretch it too far now

Cybertraveller: got the stitches out and everything!

Tsaltauchi: I see

Cybertraveller: I gotta go now if I wanna stay on time, tho, see ya

Izuku took his phone and shut off his computer, making sure that everything in his apartment was
secure, the windows were locked, and his private things were hidden. He threw on a zip-up hoodie
on his way out of the door and poured a travel mug of coffee, putting the lid on and locking his
apartment front door. He stuck the key in his pocket and made his way down the stairs of his
apartment complex, wondering in his mind, 'Should I have gotten the blue contacts instead? Maybe
grey will help me blend in better...'
Not a glance was spared at him as he walked by. The location of the cafe was fresh in his mind,
and it was almost instinct to walk the fastest route there. He was so used to walking this route, and
a small bittersweet feeling tugged at his heartstrings at the memories of a previous time loop. At
least he had the folder in his drawer that held those fond moments, the only evidence he had of the
past time loops he experienced. Izuku took in a deep breath, releasing it a few seconds after he held
it to calm his nerves. 'Pretend like you don't know the coworkers. That should be simple enough.
Last time they enjoyed my 'nerdiness' as they called it. Don't hide what I behave like, but make
sure to add a touch of the old Izuku.'

"Should be simple..." He murmured as he took a left, now face to face with the establishment.
Izuku opened the door, a small happy jingle jogging some precious memories in his head. Grey
eyes scanned the environment, and the boy made his way to an employee who seemed to be on
their time off, lounging against a wall in case they had to be called to work. Izuku waved at them
and caught their attention.

'Play it cool, Izuku, don't make a fool of yourself.'

"H-hello, I'm new to working here, m-my name is Aoki Daku, it's nice to meet you."

'Nailed it.'

The person - Izuku realized that they were a female - looked him up and down, raising an eyebrow.
She watched as he bowed slightly and sighed. "So, you're going to be the newbie around here?"
Upon seeing his nod, she stood up straight, no longer leaning against the wall. She strode to the
counter and called out for somebody. A shorter person came almost running, and Izuku watched as
a flurry of a person came to the counter. "Kurayami, help Aoki out." The girl said as the person
pushed up their rectangle glasses. Izuku vaguely remembered this person from a previous time loop
and smiled. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

Shouta Aizawa was not having a nice day. It was not a day that he would enjoy under any
circumstances. It was not a day that even his lovely boyfriend, Hizashi, could make better. Some
would say he woke up on the wrong side of the bed that morning, but he just seemed to hate
anything and everything that approached him today. So when he walked into his favorite cat cafe
to unwind and relax before he had to tackle the rest of the day, he did not like to see a person with a
gun enter the building.
Before he could take down the armed person, however, who had their gun pointed at a little boy, a
young worker spoke up from behind the counter, their voice high pitched and chirpy.

"You seem a little stressed this morning. Do you want to have a cup of coffee? We could sit down
and talk about it if you'd like." The green-haired boy said calmly, his smile never wavering. "O-or
tea, if you'd prefer. I'll pay for it." The armed person's jaw dropped, and they released the crying
child, muttering something about how tea would be good to have. Shouta was about to apprehend
the person but realized that there were way too many civilians around. He'd have to sit on the
sidelines and wait until he could arrest the person.

When the grey-eyed boy came back, he walked up to the person that still had the gun loosely held
in one hand, holding out the cup. "It's just a simple b-breakfast blend...I can go get something else
if you'd like. Now, let's just sit down and talk about what's got you s-so wound up." To the
untrained eye, it would appear as though this boy was completely calm, but Shouta could see the
way that the boy eyed the metal of the gun warily but without fear for himself. That was a red flag.

When he and the robber sat down, the younger male smiled calmly, while the older person began
to rant about their day. He hummed and nodded when it was necessary. He also added the
commentary of 'wow' and 'I'm sorry that happened' every once in a while. Shouta could almost sing
when he realized that the boy de-escalated the situation. When the robber was done rambling, the
curly-haired boy nodded and smiled. "By the way, you don't need this gun anymore."

Izuku took the gun from the robber, who sheepishly rubbed the back of their neck, talking about
how they didn't know why they even tried to do this and that they've never done anything illegal
before. "I get it. One wrong thing just ruined your day. Maybe you should take a deep breath
before thinking about what you want to do whenever you want to do anything like this, alright?"
The now unarmed person thanked the young boy, who responded with an 'It's no problem,' and
they walked out of the shop with a cup of tea in hand.

The boy made sure the person was gone before he called out to the rest of the shop that the robber
was gone. He took a tissue and picked up the gun, clearly wondering what to do with it before he
decided to hand it off to the manager so that they could talk to the police when they arrived. The
teenager brushed his apron off and got behind the counter again, and Shouta made his way to the

Grey eyes met, and the boy smiled warmly. "Welcome! What can I get for you today?" Shouta
could tell that the boy was still slightly shaken up by the event, but he wasn't nearly as affected as
Shouta thought the boy would be. He brushed aside the coincidence, although it caused a small
feeling to stir in the pits of his stomach, and spoke gruffly.

"One cup of espresso, please. Large." One of the cats that regularly came up to him brushed up
against his legs, and he thanked the male when he nodded, going into the back area to get the easy
drink made. Shouta sat down at the table he always sat at, seeing the other costumers either leave
or continue their day as another cat jumped on his shoulders.

He brought out his phone and made a mental note to dig up more research on the boy as he surfed
the internet, already seeing a video of the scene go on the web. He downloaded it and saved it for
later before he switched to messaging his boyfriend about the situation while sending him the
video. When the worker came back with his cup of espresso, Shouta thanked him briefly as he got
called to work something else in the working area.

A few days after the robbery incident, Izuku was back at work, humming a small tune to himself as
he got some orders completed and beverages made. Everything was fine until a high-pitched voice
spoke up from behind the counter. At first, Izuku thought it was just a kid until he leaned over the
counter. A small mammal looked up at him with a cheerful smile, and he almost had a heart attack.
When Izuku heard the order, he forced a bright smile on his face and nodded, telling the principal
that he would be there with his drink as soon as he could.

'I'm so boned. I'm so boned. Has Nedzu figured me out already? No, I've got a new name I go
under, so he couldn't possibly know who I am. Right? His IQ is higher than that of damn near
every human on the planet. I'll have to play my cards correctly.' Izuku returned with the tea, the
smile still playing on his lips. "Here you go." He handed the cup over to the small creature, and the
other nodded while thanking him, walking over to a seat and sitting down.

Throughout the rest of his shift, Izuku felt as though he was being watched. He knew who to blame
for his wary feelings during his working hours, but was he going to confront the furry creature?
Hell no, because Izuku would never be able to gather that courage. When his shift was over, he
called out to his coworkers that he was off work for the day, and upon getting confirmation, he
took his apron off and laid it over his arm while walking to the door.

'Please don't stop me, please don't stop me, please don't stop me- '

To Izuku's relief, Nedzu did not stop him on his way out the door. The teenager walked his way
home, a slightly shorter route than he did on the way to the building, taking a few more strolls
down dark alleyways. In hindsight, that was probably not the way to go, but he hasn't been mugged
in those alleyways yet, so he'd say they're pretty safe. Izuku walked up the stairs to his apartment
building, and he fished the metal key from his pocket, inserting it into the lock and turning it. He
pushed the door open and shut it behind him, kicking off his boots before letting his messy, curly
hair down from his bun.
Izuku shook his head a few times to let his hair fall naturally as he put the apron in a drawer in his
room. He walked to the kitchen, turning the light on and humming a small tune to himself as he
looked in the fridge. He bit his lip and shrugged before closing the fridge and opening a package of
instant ramen to cook and eat. When it was done, Izuku broke a pair of chopsticks and began to eat
while walking to the living room, the journey to the sofa short. He plopped down onto the
furniture and slurped up his noodles while wondering if he could pick up some eggs to add to his
instant ramen to make it just the slightest bit more healthy.

When he finished the food, he set the bowl to the side and looked at the time. Izuku set the bowl in
the sink in the kitchen and made his way to his room, picking up his notebooks and walking back
to the living room. He turned on the television and set it to a hero channel, seeing the hero
Midnight on display, a clip of a previous attack that day. Before any memories decided to break
down his barriers, he began to write down in code in the notebook, his pencil writing down as fast
as it could as he began to go off into a muttering tangent.

An hour later, Izuku shut off the television, satisfied with what he had. He picked up his notebooks
and pencils, moving back to his room and setting them in their drawer. The boy plopped down into
his desk chair and logged in to his computer, grinning at the sight of twenty-five notifications, but
the grin dropped when he realized he got a new friend request. "Whom the fuck is

He blinked once, then twice, before he sighed, resigning his fate by accepting the friend request.
"It's Dabi."

Cybertraveller: I'm not even gonna ask how you got my Discord account tbh

Burntchickennugget: good

Cybertraveller: but I am going to ask WHY you have my Discord account

Burntchickennugget: why not

Cybertraveller: if you wanna kill me, don't expect it to work

Cybertraveller: I tried
Burntchickennugget: I-

Burntchickennugget: kid, what the hell

Burntchickennugget: I just wanted to scare you, and you-

Cybertraveller: it didn't work obviously, step up your game bro

Burntchickennugget: so why are you living alone?

Cybertraveller: sorry you haven't unlocked my backstory yet

Cybertraveller: need 5000 friendship cred

Burntchickennugget: JFC, you and crusty will get along just fine

Cybertraveller: Nah, he seems like a manchild

Burntchickennugget: you haven't even met him tho???

Cybertraveller: ah shit

Burntchickennugget: why tf do you know that

Burntchickennugget: answer me

Burntchickennugget: dammit, you're offline

Izuku then promptly slammed his forehead against his desk while saying rather loudly,


Nedzu prided himself on being a smart mouse/dog/bear/whatever he was. The moment he made
eye contact with Aoki Daku, he knew that the younger person was hiding something. From the
video that practically went viral and that Aizawa sent him, he could tell many things just by
examining the boy.

Aoki was very skilled in hiding his emotions, or at least portraying them as something different so
that the enemy is caught off guard, pretending like his emotion is something else rather than what
it is.

Aoki was strangely calm while a small boy had previously been held at gunpoint, and he talked an
emotional armed person down from shooting anybody while keeping a level head.

Aoki appeared to have zero interest in his wellbeing during that situation, given he jumped right in
and attracted the robber's attention to himself.

To say that Nedzu was intrigued was an understatement. These sorts of scenarios have to happen
several times before somebody gets used to it enough to have quick reflexes and an at-ease
attitude. It was highly unlikely that the small kid - who's file said that he was 16, but he seemed to
have the physical appearance of a young 15-year-old boy - had been in that many robberies.

So the tea-addicted principal may or may not have used his tail to swipe a small tracker to the cuff
of Aoki's pants so that it would latch on. He knew that it worked when his device showed a
singular green dot moving to a different coordinate and a slightly fearsome grin took over his face.
Nedzu watched the green dot until it stopped for a solid ten minutes, and stayed near the one
location with a perimeter, so Nedzu marked that area as the young boy's household.

Nedzu took a long sip of his tea, his smile growing when his thirst for knowledge increased. 'What
have you got to hide, Aoki Daku? What makes you react so neutral to a weapon being pointed at
somebody in the same area as you? Why was there a flash of recognition and fear in your eyes
when you looked at me, no matter how hard you tried to hide it? I will find out. Perhaps I should
notify a few heroes on the findings of my new interest.'
'I do enjoy this tea, however. I will have to ask how Aoki had made it when I see him again.'

Chapter End Notes

11.5 pages, 4,000 words.

Hope yall liked this, it's 01:44 as of writing this chapter note :)
Chapter Summary

"I'm done with the noise that life seems to bring,"

"But I'll use my voice, it's my turn to sing."

The Score ~ Higher

Chapter Notes

Hey guys! Sorry for being late on updating only around 3k.

Life's been pretty hectic, and I also finished this chappie instead of working on like....6
missing assignments from school.

I hope you enjoy it!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

This was just Izuku's luck.

Of course, he just had to have almost daily encounters with the principal of U.A. after he found out
about the cat cafe that Izuku worked at.

Of course, he just had to run into Eraserhead almost every patrol night and end up running away
almost every patrol night.

Of course, he just had to end up covering for his coworker's shifts. Apparently, the lazy bastards
couldn't do it themselves.

And of-fucking-course, Izuku just had to pay off his debt to his information broker and his illegal
helper on the same day that he had interactions with Nedzu, Eraserhead, and his lazy coworkers.

The young boy sighed as he stretched his legs. "I'm gonna end up getting grey hairs by the time I'm
20." He grumbled as he walked down the street. He had a brown messenger bag at his side that
swung slightly with every step, and he looked down at his phone that was playing music through
his earbuds. Izuku got lost in thought as he walked, looking ahead and following the coordinates
set in his device.

'If I remember correctly, summer will be over soon, and I need to register for a school. I'm farther
than college level in terms of intelligence and knowledge because of the previous time loops that I
somehow remember most of, so grades will not be a problem. My main issue is trying to get into
U.A. without a useful quirk. I cant just off myself in the middle of the entrance exam if a robot
doesn't explode on time. According to my government files, I have an analysis quirk labeled
'Analysis' obviously. I suppose I don't have to make it into any of the hero courses. I could go into
support or general education.'

Izuku sighed and stopped in his tracks before he turned down an alleyway. He wore a purple and
grey hoodie over a pink tie-dye t-shirt that was tucked into his dark grey sweatpants, accompanied
by his usual non-slick boots. He didn't care how he looked, and his hair was let down, so he didn't
have to hassle with it again. He noticed somebody with silvery hair leaning against a wall, an
ignited cancer-causing stick settled between his teeth.

The other male had a much smaller bag by his side than Izuku did, and the green-haired boy
acknowledged the other with a brief greeting. "I brought my payment, a-and I've come to make
another request." Pink eyes seemed to scan over the boy, and the male that had a missing tooth took
a deep breath, inhaling the cancerous smoke. "Continue."

Izuku opened his messenger bag and took out a thick stack of yen, held together by a sturdy rubber
band. He held it out to the man, who took it and looked over the bills to make sure they were real
before he stuck it in his bag. The younger boy then pulled out a small packet of paper that was
stapled together. "In the packet, there will be details and such. I-I'm not sure how much access that
you have, but if possible, I'd like the outfit to be as close as it can be."

Chuckling, the man nodded, and he took the papers. "No need to be so nervous, kid. As long as you
pay, I have no reason to hurt you." Izuku nodded and rubbed the back of his neck, letting out a
weak chuckle in response to the man's amusement, "Yeah, g-guess old habits die hard." He said in
response before he hummed under his breath. "Oh, uh, one more thing, Giran?" He said with a
slightly questioning tone to his voice. The broker raised an eyebrow, a gesture for Izuku to

"So, theoretically h-how much trouble would it be to order some equipment, and maybe some
weapons?" Giran chuckled again, moving the death-stick out of his mouth for a moment to reply.

"Depends on how much you're willing to pay, kid." 'This boy's got guts.'
It was far too late for Izuku to obtain All For One now. His body wouldn't be nearly prepared even
if he knew how to use it without breaking his bones. Hell, he was finally getting used to eating
semi-normal foods at his apartment. There was no way he would be able to harness even 5% of the

So logically, Mirio would be the one to harness One For All, according to all of Izuku's time loops
and experiences. Several time loops at the beginning centered around the boy experimenting with
whatever he could. Saying no to All Might, continuing to be a hero, things like that. So clearly, the
boy with the permeation ability would be the ninth user of the quirk.

A small voice in the back of Izuku's head whispered that Mirio was a better candidate for the quirk
in the first place, that the blonde would be able to hold the unique power properly and be able to
learn faster than Izuku had in the first time loop. Izuku ignored the small voice, so he didn't spiral
into his self-deprecating thoughts. He took a deep breath and moved his katsudon to the side on his
desk, logging into his computer and accessing a few things. The awkward bean had to do
a lot more talking if he wanted to pull this off right.

After he got the necessary emails and texts out, it was late at night. His new outfit wouldn't arrive
at his door for a few more days, and Izuku would be in debt to Giran again. The boy groaned while
stretching, thankful that his wound had healed almost completely, as there was no longer any
soreness or pain that came when moving too much. He stood up and stripped down to his boxers
before opening his desk drawer, lifting the false panel, and pulling out his vigilante costume.
Thankfully, Giran would get him something better than a jumpsuit, a hoodie, some sneakers, and a

Izuku pulled the vigilante outfit on, securing the medical mask over his nose and mouth before he
lifted his hood. The boy put his few weapons in his pockets, which included a taser and a pocket
knife. He took a deep breath before grinning and bringing out his camera, getting ready to record
any evidence that he would need for the patrol. "I missed this feeling when I was resting..." He
murmured while sticking the camera in his pocket.

When everything was ready to go, Izuku locked up his apartment all except for his bedroom
window, and he stashed away anything important. 'Let's try to not die tonight.' He paused at his
own thoughts before shaking his head. 'No, that won't do...I'm going to need more enthusiasm...'

"Let's try to not die tonight!" He fist-bumped the air lightly with false courage and over-
exaggeration on the words. "Yeah, that's better."
The green-eyed boy climbed out his window and crawled up to the roof while using the rain pipe
as an advantage. "First things first tomorrow on my time off, get something to help me get onto the
roof better, like a few pipes or something." He grunted as he got on the rooftop, stretching a bit. "I
missed this," Izuku muttered before taking off across the rooftop, leaping and making it on the
other roof. 'It gives me such a nice adrenaline rush. Now I just have to not run into Eraserhead.'

'That should be easy enough, I guess.'


Izuku ducked behind a wall before sprinting off in the opposite direction of which he came. "I'm
not prepared for this. Nope. That's a whole lotta nope." He hissed under his breath before he looked
around, noticing an abandoned building. "Thank whatever god is out there-!" He exclaimed before
dashing into the building and closing the door behind him quietly, locking it.

"Hah, beat that-" He said before wheezing from oxygen loss, leaning against a wall. "Suck on that
Eraserhead-! I think I found my new hideaway. Take all of my nopes." He slid to the floor before
he ended up on his back. "Jus' give me a moment to lay down..." Izuku was still gulping down air.
"Jesus fuck, if I knew I would be pushed way past my limits tonight, I would have just stayed
home. Maybe make some instant ramen." He began to rant to himself. "But nooo, I just had to go
outside my apartment. Worst decision ever." Opening his eyes again - when had he closed them?
He realized it was lit in the room, although the lighting was dim. "The hell-"

Izuku shot up, turning his head to look at the people who stared at him oddly. "Please tell me
you're joking, life." The teenager could have sworn he heard the sound of somebody laughing
maniacally along with the sound of rapidly clicking keys in the distance.

Of course, Izuku ended up finding refuge in the League of Villains Base. Of course. Why wouldn't

"...Aight, imma head out." He said and stood up, brushing off his costume before he reached out a
hand to leave, mumbling a single word under his breath over and over again. His hand was
enveloped in a swirling vortex of purple and black. Before he could question it, he was tugged
through to the other side, stumbling closer to the villains that were lounging on a sofa. Izuku wasn't
sure how they all fit onto one four-seat couch, but he didn't question it.
'I'm so boned. I'm going to die today.'

He scooched back as he was plopped onto the couch, gulping. "W-whatever it is, I didn't do it. It
was John." He held his hands up, not knowing where this burst of confidence came from. Maybe it
was his defense mechanism. That would explain a lot. Before he got too lost in his thoughts about
stress reactions and coping mechanisms, a hand waved in his face, and he jolted before realizing
who it belonged to. Toga. "Smite me down right now." He said with an unamused tone to his voice
before he leaped over the back of the couch.

"Nopenopenopenopenopenopenopenope-" He narrowly avoided falling into another portal,

dodging to the side and almost tripping, bumping into a reptilian on the way. "S-sorry!" He
decided the door would be way too easy of a chance and leaped out the nearest open window
headfirst, rolling and getting up, noticing that a pro hero was patrolling that sidewalk in particular
at that moment. More importantly, Endeavor of all people was patrolling that sidewalk. "Oh,
you've gotta be fucking kidding me!"

"You!" He heard Endeavor shout, and a spiral of flames was shot at him, and he yelped before

Eventually, Izuku made it home, collapsing on the floor of his apartment and cringing as he felt the
singed areas on his arms become irritated. "Owwwwwwwww." He whined, pushing himself off of
the floor and watching as his clothes gained holes from the fire that Endeavor blasted him with. "I
need to put some cream on that... I don't think it will need full wrappings, though." He muttered
and stood up, stumbling to his first aid kit and opening it up.

"I'm glad that I keep leaving it in my room." The boy grumbled as he pulled out some burn cream
and bandage patches. Izuku applied the burn cream to the singed/burned areas on his body, putting
a patch on afterward to ensure the full recovery. "Now, my outfit is ruined. I'll have to wait until I
get my new one." He huffed and pulled on some sweatpants and a tank top while stuffing his
ruined outfit and other sketchy belongings under the false panel in his drawer.

Izuku heard a knock on his front door and rubbed his eyes, confused as to who would be at his
front door at this time of the night. 'Maybe it's Dabi again...' His mind suggested as he called out a
'be there in a second-!' as he threw on a zip-up jacket to cover the patched up burns on his arms. He
shuffled to the front door and opened it a crack to see who was out there, opening it wider when he
saw the box at his feet. "What..." He noticed a note on top and read it aloud to himself, his brows
"I noticed that you wear the uniform belonging to the cat cafe nearby a lot. Find a good place for
these, would you?" Izuku tilted his head as he opened the cardboard box, his eyes widening.
"Cats??" He exclaimed to himself as he pulled the box containing the cats into the apartment.
"Ohhhh, no. A fully grown one and two kittens? Where am I going to find a place for these? I-I'm
not prepared to have animals here!" Izuku sighed and took in a deep breath, running his fingers
through his green locks of hair. "I'll have to give the kittens to the cafe so that they can grow up
around people, but I don't think the adult can be brought to the cafe...I'm going to need to buy
things for the adult cat. I'll notify Giran and tell him that I might have to take another week because
I need to spend my money on something other than takeout and instant ramen..."

As Izuku began to ramble and panic, he didn't notice the adult cats pupils dilate and turn back into
their usual slits when it looked at him.

"Y-yeah, thank you so much!" Izuku stuttered over the phone as he paced in his apartment. "Im
really sorry for w-waking you up at four. Uh...yeah. I just woke up." He grimaced, looking at the
clock and realizing he hadn't gotten a wink of sleep. The adult cat looked at him the entire phone
call, and it made him slightly unnerved. "Well, okay, I-I bathed the kittens, and t-they don't have
fleas or ear mites...they seem to be in stable condition, a-and I fed them some tuna and water. I-I'm
not sure if they're vaccinated or not, but they don't show any signs of sickness." He sat down on the
sofa, "One is a brown short-haired tabby, a male, and the other is a short-haired female calico."

Izuku nearly yelled out with joy when he was told that the cafe would take the kittens. "T-thank
you again, I'm sorry I woke you up..." He said a few more things before he hung up, sighing.
"Great...Now I have to worry about whether or not this loop ends up in an apocalypse along with
work, school, debts to pay off...I'm not even an adult in this timeline! I also have vigilante work to
do." He massaged his temples, groaning. "Now, there's a cat on top of that."

Wincing a small bit, the green-haired boy put his hands down to not aggravate the burn wounds on
his arms, pulling down his shirt to glance at the bandages. He sighed and leaned back into the
couch that he sat on before he glanced around, his eyes landing on an energy drink on the coffee
table. "I forgot that I had that. Such a lifesaver." He muttered and grabbed the aluminum can,
cracking it open and taking a huge swig of it. Izuku hummed under his breath, looking at the clock.
"Sleep, or theorize to prevent inevitable doom..." He weighed the options given before he got up,
stretching. "To my room, my fluffy companion. I've got systems to hack and timeline planning to
do. Of course, you probably don't know what im talking about..."

Izuku scooped the cat into his arms, holding his energy drink as well as he went to his room,
hissing under his breath as he accidentally bumped his burned shoulder into his doorframe. He set
the cat down and sat at the chair in front of his desk, reaching under and pulling open his bottom
drawer, taking the folder with timeline information on it, and setting it on the desk as he powered
up his computer while humming. As he managed to hack his way into various systems, one hand
was writing, and the other was typing.

"Theoretically, if I were to shoot for the heroics course, I would get obliterated since I didn't get
OFA. This means my future fights at the USJ, the Sports Festival, and the training camp with the
Wild Wild Pussycats would all end up with me injured or killed. Not to mention Kamino Ward,
where we pull off that risky operation while saving Kacchan from AFO and the league of villains...
I would definitely die within seconds, even if I could loop back at my latest checkpoint in the
timeline or completely restart the timeline. And the fight in Hosu with Stain. If I were to go into
General Education, I might be able to meet Hitoshi in this timeline. I could open up a spot for him
in 1-A. Or I could replace him entirely and him not get into U.A. I don't want that. If I went into
the support course, I would get to make support items and things with Mei, but I would miss out on
a lot of the opportunities from 1-A. However...I could send a formal request out to Nedzu as a
student interested in analysis and strategics, and I might be able to make my way into U.A. as an

Taking a deep breath, Izuku felt light-headed. "As an analyst, I would be able to limit conversations
with various students besides my friends, watch from the shadows, and be able to give the students
help that they need. It would also keep me in the loop - heh, loop - about what's going on." When
he finished, he set his pencil down, massaging his sore hand, as he mulled over his own train of
thoughts. "It'd be a bit risky, and I would have to make sure that my messaging accounts are secure
enough that they can't be hacked. But it can be doable. So then I would attend school as an analyst.
I already know everything, even past college-level education-wise, because of previous timelines.
So that would open up more time to work at the cafe, pay off my debts to Giran, still be able to do
my vigilante time, and figure out how to stop the apocalypse from happening."

Izuku took another deep breath, nodding to himself. "I can do this. It's a lot more stress and a lot
more work at my age than what I did in other timelines, but I can do this." He looked at the time
and nodded. "Alright, an hour and twenty minutes of sleep before I wake up for work at the cafe."
Izuku shut off his computer, closed his notebook, and shoved the folder and notebook in his drawer
in his desk. The green-haired boy climbed into bed, pulling his cover over him, and he closed his
eyes, taking a while to fall asleep. When he did, it was peaceful.

The cat's pupils turned into circles as they looked at Izuku while he slept, not moving positions
until dawn.

'This child's smile can melt even the icy hearts of villains. His mind is sharp, and his goals are
neutral yet pure at the same time. I'm gonna keep him.'

Chapter End Notes

{9.2 pages, 3,263 words.}

{PS: Who do you think thought the words at the end?}

Chapter Summary

"First things first, I'ma say all the words inside my head."

"I'm fired up and tired of the way that things have been."

- Imagine Dragons ~ Believer

Chapter Notes

I love you guys so much like seriously it's fantastic.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Izuku was tired as fuck. Not in a physical sense, but more of a mental sense. A middle-aged,
privileged lady was currently yelling at him for the type of milk he put in her drink. 'Could I stab
this lady's eye out with a straw and then off myself to loop...? Is that an abuse of power?' He
thought to himself as he gave her one of his beaming smiles. "Th-thank you for bringing this to my
attention. I will be right back with your proper order." He said through slightly gritted teeth. He
turned and walked away, as the lady crossed her arms, huffing while standing to the side for other
people to order.

'Would it be bad if I messed up her order on purpose...? She doesn't even sound like she knows
what she wants.' Izuku's more rational side told him to suck it up and make a new order, and he
returned, smiling as he passed the drink off to the older woman. "Thank you f-for your patience,
ma'am..." She made a snide remark as she walked off, making Izuku sigh a bit before he turned to
the new customers. "H-hello, sorry for keeping you waiting. What can I get for you?"

His soul nearly left his body at the people that he saw at the cashier. His eyes widened ever so
slightly, and he straightened up. Shouta Aizawa and his husband, Hizashi Yamada, were at the cat
cafe. He internally wept as he smiled on the outside. Hizashi, ever the social butterfly, ordered for
the both of them, earning a small look of gratitude from Shouta that Izuku almost missed.

'These are not your friends. They are not your teachers. They are not your enemies. They are not
fellow heroes. Get your shit together, Izuku.'

'Why does the poor cashier boy look so nervous...?'

Hizashi was thoroughly concerned, and the boy disappeared so that he could make and grab their
orders. Shouta practically dragged him to a corner seat, and Hizashi whispered over to the black-
haired male about his worries. "Oh. Zashi, he's always like this. He could face somebody down
with a gun in their hands, but he can't ask somebody to move so others can order."

Meanwhile, Izuku was digging his own grave in his mind as he readied their drinks. He took a look
at the calendar, and his eyes widened at the date. It was the married couples anniversary, of course,
they would spend it at a cat cafe. He smiled as he gave the drinks to the men, and with his beaming
smile, he opened his mouth.

"Happy Anniversary, you two."

And with that, he turned around to get ready to take orders, going behind the counter. He internally
whooped as he saw the shocked looks cross over both of their faces before it was replaced with
absolute confusion as he took orders from other customers and gave them their drinks. Eventually,
the couple left, but not without a small look to Izuku as he gave a man his drink. Izuku hummed as
the shellshocked men left the shop, and he prepared himself for a wave of 'why the fuck did I do
that' that he would definitely experience later.

When he got off of work, he headed home quickly to check in on his new cat. His burns got
aggravated the more he stayed on the move, and he wanted to rest. Unfortunately, life had other
plans for him. He walked through your typical sketchy as fuck alleyway to take a shortcut home,
and as soon as he passed an opening, he felt arms wrap around his waist, and before Izuku could let
out a high pitched shriek, he was dragged into a swirling purple mist.

Spicy deja vu kicked in, and as the hand moved from his mouth, he bit it harshly, drawing blood as
he kicked his captor in the shin, turning around once they let go, and he grabbed their arm. Using
the force of what he used in previous timelines, he ducked and flung the person over his shoulder
into the ground. Right now, he wasn't in the current timeline. He was in a past timeline as a hero,
flinging a villain over his shoulder. When Izuku got over his mild flashback, he looked at the
person he just yote and cringed as Twice laid on the floor, yelling as he cradled his bleeding hand.

Turning around, Izuku was face to face with Dabi. Well, as face to face as he could get with Dabi
being taller than him. He took a couple of steps back, putting his hands up in surrender. "...H-hello
again..?" He squeaked out, still being a timid boy. "How are uh...h-how are your burns...? Did they
heal properly?" After receiving an unamused look, he gulped. "D-did I do something wrong...?"
Izuku stuttered.

Tomura Shigaraki looked over at him, grinning under the hand that he wore on his face. "So, this is
the kid that broke into our bar last night." Izuku's eyes widened, and he shook his head, waving his
hands around. "I-I didn't t-tell anyone! Your l-location is safe with me!" 'I've seen the outcomes of
snitches firsthand. Even if I can loop back, I don't want to experience that.' Toga giggled, holding a
knife in her hand. "He's cute~! Can we keep him Shiggy? Can we?" She asked, inching closer and
closer to Izuku, who backed further away from her.

"W-why don't we think about this a bit? I-I mean, I don't think y-your leader would-" "Sure." Izuku
blanched as Toga's grin grew wider at Shigaraki's words. He shrieked as she lunged at him,
jumping back and looking around for any exits. When he found none, he sighed. Toga lunged at
him again, the knife slashing towards him. His reflexes made his body react before he could think.

"Don't pass out on me yet~! Shiggy said I still have another hour with you."

He bitchslapped the knife to the side, elbowing Toga in the gut and using his other hand to grab her
hair, pulling her face into his knee. Even with a new bloody nose, Toga got back up and giggled, as
Izuku took a few steps back, his body shifting into a more natural fighting style. He barely had time
to react before his body was pulled towards the side, and he was propelled into a wall. The impact
shocked him back into this reality, and he groaned.

"I just dug my grave." He mumbled, looking up at Magne as she stood over him. She lifted her
magnet before hitting him in the side. "I just got that wound healed!" He exclaimed, springing up
and looking at the nearest window. Izuku practically propelled himself to the window, shoving
Spinner to the side, all while yelling a very dignified "MOVE BITCH, I'M GAY!" as he leaped out
of it.


Izuku dragged himself through his window, panting and sweating as he laid on the floor of his
bedroom. "They knocked an hour off of my schedule, and I'm going to commit havoc." He hissed
and pushed himself off of the floor, sitting down in his chair. He put his fingers in his hair, tugging
at it slightly before he sighed, putting his hands down and moving them to the cat that walked over
to him. "Hey, bud. Turns out, I might be on the run from AFO for the rest of this timeline if
Tomura tells him about me," He said casually, and the cat trilled, pushing her nose against his

The teenager seemed to relax as a purr rose in his cat's chest, his muscles losing tension. "At least
you won't leave me, cat. I should name you." He scratched behind her ear, and she purred, with her
tail flicking. Izuku hummed, brainstorming for ideas. He took a look into the cat's heterochromatic
eyes, one yellow, the other blue, and snapped his fingers. "Pandora." The cat trilled and pushed her
head against his hand. "I'll take that as a yes, then," Izuku mumbled as he pressed a kiss to the top
of the cat's head. Sighing, he hissed under his breath as his burns got more aggravated when he
moved. Izuku logged into his computer, seeing the messages on Discord and groaning.

Cybertraveller: why the fuck didn't you help me when that crazy girl came at me

Cybertraveller: I'm a vigilante?? she shouldn't want me around??

Cybertraveller: also, I don't belong to anyone

Burntchickennugget: 1. you had it handled 2. I know you're a vigilante 3. no comment

Cybertraveller: >:(

Burntchickennugget: crusty says that he wants to meet up w/ you

Burntchickennugget: watch out cause he will prob get mamagiri to get you

Cybertraveller: thanks for the heads up

Cybertraveller: I've got people to piss off, so cya later

Burntchickennugget: cya

When a knock sounded at his door, Izuku groaned. It was four in the fucking morning. He got out
of bed, walked out of his room, went to the door, and opened it, looking at the person who decided
to fuck with him and his cuddle session with Pandora. A mailing person smiled at him as they
greeted him, and he relaxed a bit. He was handed the box, and he signed the paper that came with
it before he shut the door.

"This should be my new suit and equipment. Let's see if it's worth the price," He mumbled, rubbing
his eyes and taking a swig out of an energy drink with only half the liquid inside. Izuku set the box
down on the bed in his room, grunting a small bit at the weight inside. He took out a knife, swiftly
cutting the top tape and opening the box. He covered the window with his blinds before pulling the
new clothes and equipment out of the box. The outfit was close to the design before, and he
thanked the creator briefly in his head as he realized the measurements were perfect.

A dark green jumpsuit with a belt around his waist, leaving room for energy drinks, weapons, and
other objects inside of the pockets attached. He hummed when he saw there was no jacket before
nodding at the hood attached to the jumpsuit that would hide his curly green locks. Izuku raised an
eyebrow when he looked at the mask, picking it up and examining it. It was black with mint
designs running through it, like his painted medical mask. He could tell that it had a voice changer,
and he set it on his face, the smooth metal sliding and sitting comfortably on his face. After a few
tests with the voice changer, he laid the mask to the side before his eyes caught sight of a pair of
visors, and he grinned.

These bad boys were something he had designed himself, cutting costs on it because he had given
the blueprints to Giran, so his people didn't need to make it themselves. He adjusted the strap in the
back, fastening it on his head and moving it around before letting it set. The darker tinted visors
began to flash with information and brightened his environments to more normal lighting. "And I
should be able to alter the settings..." He mumbled and pressed a few buttons, switching between
night vision, thermal, zoomed, and analyzing mode. "Fantastic. This definitely will cost me a lot,
but it works perfectly. Hides my eyes pretty well too."

Izuku undid the strap at the back of the visors - to make sure that they wouldn't fall off like glasses
in a fight - and set them off to the side as well. "Non-slick combat boots...and ah...there's my mini
arsenal of weapons." Little knives, smoke bombs, flash grenades, bottles, and containers of
different substances and empty bottles and containers for things to come greeted him, and he
smiled. "I'm going to have some fun this timeline. Whaddya say, Pandora?" He asked the cat that
lifted her head to lazily blink at him, yawning. "Agreed," Izuku said and looked back at the outfit.
"I agreed to meet Nedzu at 7, so I need to start getting prepared for that."

The vigilante showered and got dressed after freshening himself up, smiling, and taking a deep
breath. He grabbed his side bag, stuffing his laptop, a blank notebook, a pen, a knife, and two
energy drinks in the bag, snatching his phone on the way out and making sure to lock his
apartment. "Bye, Pandora, I'll be back soon!" With that, Izuku shut the light off and exited the
complex, humming as he walked and put in his earbuds, putting some music on as he chilled. It
was a pleasant day out, even if it was 5:46 in the morning. He knew that the travel to U.A. would
take a bit, considering he wasn't going by a different mode of transportation.
He walked onto the train, taking a seat and pulling out his phone. It was a second habit for him to
stick the blue contacts in his eyes, so he wasn't recognizable. The best thing about his looks? He
was plain looking, so no one spared him a second glance. It was why he didn't need a full wardrobe
change or anything. He was so plain looking, people tend to not think about it, and if they did, it
would most likely be hours after their encounter. Izuku scrolled through the news articles, glad that
nobody was getting leads on the vigilante Jumpstart. He still hated that name, but he supposed it
wasn't going to change anytime soon.

'I don't fix cars, I fix crimes, there's a difference.' He thought bitterly, pouting a bit as he exited
from the news app. The train stopped where he needed to be, and he quickly walked out, looking
around to find where he needed to go, and he began to move to the location. Music played through
his earbuds, and he hummed along to it occasionally as he meandered through crowds and areas.
Izuku eventually made it to the front gates of U.A., knowing fully well how their security system
works. " am I going to get in now?" He pondered, standing there and putting his
fingers to his chin, stuffing the earbuds in his pocket.

Izuku bit his lip, holding a hand out hesitantly, and looked surprised as the security system didn't
set off. "Apparently, I've been given access. That's good. I thought I would have to email him..."
Izuku walked to the main building, opening the doors and peeking inside. "...I'm going to get

And get lost he did.

The mildly frustrated boy walked through the halls, coming across the support room, the cafeteria,
the gen ed classroom, but no principals office. At this point, he was wondering if Nedzu was
testing his patience. Izuku caught sight of a vent cover out of the corner of his eye in a supply
closet. A small grin spread across his face. "This will make a memorable impression." He said and
whipped out his knife, unscrewing the vent and climbing in, pulling the cover back on after him
before he began to crawl.

'I'm either going to get kicked out immediately, or he will be more intrigued. I don't know which is
worse, honestly.' Were his thoughts before he finally managed to get to the vent in Nedzu's office.
He knocked on the vent cover, smiling as the creature looked over. The furry animal had an
equally unsettling grin on his face, and Izuku had to remind himself to not make any smart-ass
remarks. Nedzu went to him and quickly removed the vent cover, Izuku crawling out. "S-sorry Mr.
Nedzu sir, I-I was having a hard time navigating the hallways, and I don't know if I'm l-late, but I
hope I arrived on time..."

The first thought that ran through Nedzu's mind was, 'This child is going to excel.'

The second was, 'How did he navigate the vents easier than the halls?'
"No need to apologize, Daku-Kun. You did what you saw necessary, and while it wasn't a common
way of traveling around U.A., it's not the worst I've seen." He smiled, the grin coming off as a bit
unsettling and making Midorya question everything in his life. "Would you like some tea Daku-
Kun?" Nedzu asked, and Izuku paused before nodding. "I b-brought some energy drinks, but tea
does s-sound nice right now." The poor, anxious boy looked at the floor as he weighed the
situation. He sat down in the seat opposite from Nedzu, his back stiff and rigid, and his flashbacks
to other timelines were not helping his coping mechanisms of staying in happy memories.

Nedzu just smiled and poured some tea, looking at Izuku for confirmation when he reached for the
sugar and plopped two cubes into the liquid while stirring. It was a calm silence on Nedzu's end
and an awkward one on Izuku's end. Izuku took a sip of his tea when it was handed to him, and
Nedzu placed his paws on the table, leaning forward with a small glint in his eye. Izuku didn't like
where this is going. "You're rather interesting, Daku-Kun. You manage a job at a cafe, and yet you
wish to attend U.A., not in any of the courses?" Izuku hummed, rubbing the back of his neck with a
free hand. "Well, when you put it like that, i-it sounds pretty bad. I just really like analyzing things
and doing strategies....a-and who else to go to for strategies t-than you, sir?" He asked at the end,
hoping a little bit of flattery from him would help him out.

The chimera hummed as well, smiling. "Given the examples that you gave me, I see no reason to
test you for being a personal student. Your analytical skills could rival that of pro heroes on scenes
for over twenty years." The praise made Izukus cheeks flush, and he smiled a bit. Nedzu noted this
as he continued. "We could possibly discuss things such as details concerning schedule later, but
for now, I have some other questions of my own that I would like to ask." Izuku nodded, shifting in
his seat and drinking some tea.

About half an hour had passed, questions from Nedzu - and sometimes Izuku - being passes, and
then answers from Izuku - sometimes Nedzu - would be tossed right back. Neither lied to each
other, neither asked questions that were too deep. It was almost a mutual relationship that
blossomed between two nerds. At some point, he had been challenged to a game of chess. Izuku
lost, of course, but it was a close match that Nedzu would say is the closest anyone has gotten to
beating him. Then came the dreaded question.

"Daku-Kun, may I have access to your guardian's contact information so that I can discuss this with
them in real life?"

Shit. Izuku froze, cleared his throat, and looked Nedzu in the eye. "I-I live on my own, sir. A-
absent father, and dead mom..." He muttered, stuttering as he looked off to the side. The man read
his file and figured out that he was quirkless, right? He was waiting for that lovely discrimination
to be pitted against him. "Well, that's a shame. I'm sorry for your losses, Daku-Kun. Wait one
damn minute. Sympathy? Empathy? One of them was in the principal's tone, and he almost
gawked before catching himself. He nodded, not trusting himself to say anything verbal just in case
it come out wrong.

"I won't tolerate any of that."

"I-I'm sorry, sir?"

A terrifying grin spread across Nedzu's snout. "Upon your acceptance, I can turn you into a
student, and then turn you into a ward of U.A., or adopt you myself."

This time, Izuku's jaw did drop. "...r-really?" At the nod that Nedzu gave, Izuku almost teared up.

And if Izuku walked out of the office with slightly red eyes, and Nedzu had to wash out salty water
from his coat, neither of them mentioned it.

Chapter End Notes

{9.6 pages, 3,361 words.}

It's 02:25 though, so I'm going to sleep for my exam.

Legends Are Made
Chapter Summary

"I've come too far to quit, step back I'm goin' in."

"I'm crankin' up on the throttle, this is how legends are made."

~ Sam Tinnesz || Legends Are Made ~

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Nedzu didn't know what came over him when he made the offer out to the young boy. Logically, it
wasn't the best option. He should have gone to the authorities, let them put him in foster care, or
ask a staff member to look over him.

Although, from what his inside sources told him, he doubted that the boy would have much luck
anywhere. Once the boy left his office, shoving down emotions, Nedzu made a pot of tea for
himself, as he began to question his own actions.

Was it the boy's youth that swayed the chimera? Perhaps it was the broken look in those green eyes
of his. Flashing with hidden emotions whenever he looked at Nedzu. The boy was a puzzle, and
Nedzu liked puzzles.

He had a brilliant mind that could almost match his own and a heart full of gold, locked away in a
safe. Nedzu hadn't been able to get a full read on him, and he was very interested as to why he

Nonetheless, Nedzu lived with the consequence of his actions. He would accept the young boy as
an analyst, having seen just a few bits of his work and deciding he would do it. With the boy in his
office for a chunk of the day, the animal would observe him and crack the code of whatever he was

His inside sources didn't pick up on everything, so he had to go with a tactic of gaining trust.

"All's fair in love and war." He murmured to himself as he looked down at the teacup in his paws,
smiling faintly as the challenge repeated itself in his mind. "I wonder what secrets you have in store
for me, Izuku Midorya?"

Izuku looked directly into ruby-red eyes, the other male humming in thought. "You want to be a
double agent, kid?" Shigaraki repeated as though he didn't believe him. Izuku shook his head, "N-
no, not...not a double agent. J-just an ally? Like...I know you guys don't have medical
professionals. And when you get hurt, you can crash at my place." Shigaraki looked at Izuku with a
strange glint in his eyes.

"You're right. We don't have a healer in our party. You're offering a savepoint for us, but at what
cost?" 'Right, video game talk with Tomura.' Izuku thought and sighed a bit. "In e-exchange for
making a savepoint at my place, I'm asking for a savepoint at your guys' place."

"I'm a solo player, but I make alliances with parties, lending a hand when needed." Shigaraki's eyes
lit up, and Izuku knew he was in the clear. "I see. I accept your offer. Any betrayal, though..." He
didn't need to continue the threat. Izuku knew what happened to traitors. He nodded, and Shigaraki

Kurogiri stood a little way behind Izuku, watching the smaller boy's muscles relax. He wasn't
fooled by the exterior of the teenager, knowing by instinct that the boy was stronger than he
appeared. Something about the boy ticked him the wrong way, and he wasn't sure what to do about

Izuku looked at the rooftop he was currently standing on. "I-if it makes you trust me more, I can
make a Discord g-group chat and send my typed schedule...?" Shigaraki nodded and handed Izuku
a small slip of paper, containing the Discord accounts of the league.

The green-haired boy took the piece of paper, sending a hesitant smile to Shigaraki, who gave him
a slightly unsettling one back.

'I'm just digging my grave deeper and deeper.' Izuku thought as a warp gate dropped him in an
alleyway. He stood up, brushed off his clothes, and sighed, quickly making his way home. 'This
timeline is proving to be very interesting.' The greenette thought on his way to his house. With his
mind full of racing thoughts, Izuku wasn't watching where he was walking.

Focusing on whether or not he should stop by the store to pick up some cat food, he took a right
into an alleyway and smacked into somebody.
He took a step back, beginning to sputter apologies. He looked up, purple meeting green. The boy
had eyebags that could rival his own, and he grimaced internally, seeing the exhaustion that
basically radiated off of him.

Izuku's gaze drifted down to the boy's arms, where a shivering kitten laid. He gasped at the bad
condition of the kitten and grimaced. "That doesn't l-look too good... if you want, y-you can bring
her back to my place so that I can treat her? I-I do this a lot..."

'Hitoshi Shinsou, soon to be in Class 1-C. Five feet, nine inches tall. Has insomnia. Quirk:
Brainwashing. If I play my cards right, I might be able to get him to be friends with me. And I
know exactly how to do that.'

Shinsou sent him a wary look but ultimately decided to accept Izuku's offer. The smaller boy
smiled and slipped his zip-up hoodie off, taking the kitten that was offered to him and bundling it
in his jacket. No words were exchanged, bringing a sort of comfort to Izuku. People that Shinsou
didn't trust, he used his quirk on them to see their true intentions.

Izuku eventually led Shinsou to his apartment, opening it with his key and letting the boy enter his
house, slipping his shoes off at the door as well. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his own cat
slipping into the room, eyeing Shinsou with a calculating look.

Pandora sat next to Izuku on the couch when he took a seat, and Shinsou followed. After seeing the
hesitant look that Shinsou sent his cat, Izuku chuckled, "You don't h-have to worry about
Pandora...s-she was a mother, so she's just p-protective of this kitten."

That seemed to set Shinsou's nerves mostly at ease, and as Izuku checked up on the kitten,
warming it up, Shinsou noticed many things about the smaller boy.

First, the boy looked as sleep-deprived as he was.

Second, he invited Shinsou over to his house within five minutes of knowing him because a cat's
life was at risk.

Third, Izuku gave a field of comfort that he couldn't quite explain, and he found himself enjoying
being in the presence. He felt like he could sleep at peace, not knowing why.
And that was only brushing against the tip of the iceberg that delved down into many feet. The
feeling of another cat padding closer jolted Shinsou from his thoughts, and he sent a curious look at
Pandora, who tilted her head before leaning forward, pushing her nose against his.

Shinsou blinked, raising a hand to pet her, and she purred, leaning against him as she settled down
in his lap. Izuku finished up with the kitten and saw Shinsou trapped by the cat, not able to stand
up lest he commit treason against the holy feline.

Izuku wrapped the kitten up in a blanket, setting it off to the side as he plucked the multicolored
cat from Shinsou's lap, who mewed in response. Izuku cradled the cat in his arms, smiling
sheepishly at Shinsou. The purplette looked at him, and it took the freckled boy a few moments to
regain his thoughts, holding a hand out to him.

"M-my name is Aoki Daku, nice to meet you...?" "Shinsou. Hitoshi Shinsou." The other male
responded, deciding to not comment at the painfully obvious fact that the fake name didn't flow
from Izuku's mouth.

It was so easy to slip from the system, being quirkless and all, that Izuku didn't even need a name
change or an appearance change. It was to lay low for a few months until the news about Inko
Midorya passed, and he would no longer be in the limelight of news channels.

When the internet died down, he would make it as though Aoki Daku never existed. He would
blend right back into society as Izuku Midorya, and nobody would have evidence against him,
having the same jobs and such. After all, who was going to bother with a quirkless person?

Izuku smiled, "The kitten is alright. If you want, I-I can take care of him here, and you can visit
whenever you want to check on him?" He offered, and Shinsou sent him another wary look. Izuku
put his best convincing smile on his face, and Shinsou nodded hesitantly. 'What's the worst that
could happen?'

'Alright, focus. I am one with the darkness at the moment.' Izuku thought as he hid in the shadows,
wearing his new outfit. It fit more snug than the other one, probably because it was made from
better materials. And he didn't have an extra layer on for his hood, the new jumpsuit coming with a
With his visors on that looked like meme sunglasses, a mint and black mask thing over his face,
and his outfit change, the only thing recognizable by him would be his messy green hair. Perfect.

Izuku hugged the rooftop as he watched the streets below him. He didn't get enough credit as a
vigilante to stay low yet, he would have to tiptoe the line of being known in areas and staying
unknown to attract wanted attention and stay out of unwanted attention.

He regretted not eating earlier, as he felt a bit weak. It's not that he didn't want to eat. He was just
used to not eating for days because of the past timelines that ended in apocalypses. Tonight was
slow, and he felt more relaxed before, sitting on the edge of the rooftop and swinging his feet back
and forth while enjoying the breeze.

A presence behind him caught his attention, and he closed his eyes, focusing on the aura that
emitted from the person. It wasn't as bloodthirsty or angry as the villains he's encountered and
wasn't as strong as the Hero Killer's aura. It was stealthy, carrying some hesitance.

'Eraserhead, shit. I should have remembered that this is an area he patrols in.'

Izuku took in a deep breath, turning around when Eraserhead got within five feet of distance.
"Before you yell at me," He said, raising his hands in mock surrender, "I didn't do whatever it is
you think I did. Wasn't me."

He could practically feel the older male's annoyance and exhaustion. Eraserhead tossed something
towards him, and Izuku barely caught it, fumbling with it a bit. Curious, he opened the small box
given to him and saw some Onigiri sitting on top of ramen. When he turned his head to thank
Eraserhead, he saw nobody there.

'Shouta is many things, but he's not somebody that would stoop low enough for poison.' He
thought, sticking the semi-small box in a pouch on his belt, pulling the button over it, and securing
it in place. "I'll eat it later..." He mumbled, bringing out a thermos of coffee that hung from a loop
in his belt and taking a large gulp.

Izuku went back to looking over the edge of the rooftop, feeling a sense of serenity from the whirs
of mechanics below him. It's moments like this that the boy takes a moment to relax and enjoy the
world around him before the timeline takes turns for the worst. He didn't know how many
identities he could spread around at the same time.
As intelligent as he was, he seemed to lack self-preservation since the beginning, and it was
starting to bite him in the ass.

'At this point, I'm making an entirely new record for myself. Being a vigilante, signing up to be a
hero, giving a safe haven to the most powerful villains in Japan, and they gave one back so I can
gain trust.'

'There's Aoki Daku, Izuku Midorya, Deku, I was a hero and a villain in different timelines,
accepted One For All a few times, even got on All For One's side and got his quirk...who am I at
this point? How long can I keep all of this up for without slipping up?'

When he heard a scream nearby, Izuku took a deep breath, trying to ignore the raging thoughts that
sprinted laps around his brain. This wasn't the time to have an identity crisis. He stuck the thermos
on his belt again and got up from his sitting position, taking a running start to the sound of the

The vigilante perched on the edge of a building, looking at the scene below him with a sharp eye.
Izuku internally sighed as he watched the situation, figuring the best way to settle this would be
with an ambush. He counted how many antagonists were in the area and nodded at seeing the
manageable amount, dropping down behind a convenient dumpster.

It was a kidnapping. That much was obvious. These criminals took their time, believing that the
heroes and civilians alike were asleep. When one of the perpetrators rounded the dumpster he was
behind, the one carrying a weapon, he grabbed at them, yanking them behind the dumpster. With a
small grunt, he gripped the underside of their jaw, slamming the back of their head against the
brick wall they leaned against. The person was knocked out almost immediately.

Police sirens rang in the background, and the other kidnapper tried to bolt down the sidewalk, but
Izuku was faster. He caught up quickly, jumping up and using the wall to boost his jump, drop-
kicking the person in their back and sending them to the pavement. The person was also knocked
out. He hummed in satisfaction, grabbing the person's shirt and dragging them along back to where
they were in the first place, glad to see the police cars already there and putting the first criminal in
the car.

Izuku dropped the other unconscious individual off at another car, making his way to the child that
had almost been stolen. He knelt down in front of him, watching as he sniffled and wiped his tears.
"Hey bud, you're safe now, alright?" He asked in a soft tone, and the boy nodded while hiccuping.
Izuku opened his arms, half hesitant, and the boy ran into them, full-on sobbing into his chest.
Humming softly, the green-haired boy rubbed the child's back, running his fingers through his hair
and whatnot. "You were very brave there, kid." He complimented, letting the younger boy cry for
as long as he needed. A few of the people living nearby had stepped out of their houses and
apartments to view the situation. Some of the civilians recorded it as well, and the younger boy
eventually ceased his tears.

"D'ya know where you live, kiddo?" Keep calm. If he stuttered, it would be a huge embarrassment,
not to mention it might give away to his civilian persona. The kid nodded, using small fists to wipe
away salty tracks. "Are-are you a new hero...?" The kid asked, and Izuku shook his head. "No, I'm
no hero." "But...but you're my hero."

Izuku stayed still for a moment before chuckling, shaking his head again. "Alright, kid." He looked
at the police officers, "I'm going to escort him home, in case other people are wanting to do the
same." When receiving nods of confirmation, he stood up, the small child grabbing his hand out of
instinct. "Alright, kid, lead the way."

After about half an hour of walking, and the child had gotten tired, Izuku offered a piggyback ride,
and the boy accepted. So now, Izuku had a half-asleep kid on his back, giving him sleepy
directions, and he walked wherever he told him to.

Eventually, they reached an apartment, and Izuku knocked on the front door. It opened, revealing a
hysteric mother, who sobbed in relief when she saw her son's head on Izuku's shoulder, and he
passed him off to her. She peppered his face and head in kisses while holding him close. When he
was satisfied, he nodded and turned around, walking off with his hands in his pockets.

'This is a true hero's work. I'm fucking tired, though. Maybe I can snatch a few hours of sleep at
Tomura's place.' Izuku stretched and yawned as he made his way to the run-down bar that the
league lived in. When he arrived, he knocked on the door, and it opened relatively quickly. He was
jerked inside, and he almost stumbled as Toga grinned in front of him.

"Heya! Whatcha doin' back here so soon?" He sighed, "I just wanted to see if I could get some
sleep here, honestly. My apartment is a while away, and I don't have the energy to get there." She
nodded, smiling, and tugging on his hand. He breathed a sigh of relief when she leads him to a
sofa, and he thanked her sincerely before clambering onto it. The rest of the league seemed out or
asleep, and he was thankful.

Within minutes, the exhaustion kicked in, and he was practically out cold, sprawled out on the
couch. Toga giggled as she gathered a small vial of blood via a cut on his arm, storing it away and
skipping away to her room to retire for the night. 'I wonder how the rest of the members will react
when I say that I got a vial of his sweet blood!'

The other members of the league were amused when they saw the teenager on their sofa, sleeping
peacefully. Magne was currently sitting on the couch with Izuku's head in her lap because the
others were messing with the exhausted kid. Eventually, Shigaraki sighed, telling Magne to wake
him up. Apparently, he wanted to see what was up with the kid. She gently shook his shoulder, his
shoulder small compared to her hand.

Izuku murmured a few things in his sleep, and Shigaraki clapped his hands loudly, causing the boy
to jolt awake.


He looked around, blinking a few times to clear any sleepiness from his eyes. "Oh." He murmured
and sat up, smiling nervously at Shigaraki from under his mask. "S-sorry about crashing here. I-I
was just really tired, and this was closest..." He said softly, and Shigaraki shook his head. "That's
not the point. Take off your facial things." Izuku nodded, not wanting to get them decayed off of
his face.

Izuku unstrapped the visors and pulled his mask off of his face, letting his hood fall back onto his
shoulders. It was a crime, in Magne's opinion, to be so badass and look like the human version of a
puppy at the same time. Green shining eyes looked at Shigaraki, and he smiled nervously. "A-am I
in trouble?"

"Nah, just wanted to know how you told Dabi I was a 'manchild' before you even met me?"

Izuku grimaced and chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well..."

'Eh, fuck it. It's not like any of the league will remember next loop.'

"I may or may not be a time-traveler." He said bluntly, looking Shigaraki in the eyes. After he got
no reaction, he held up his hands and gave him jazz hands. "Surprise...? It only happens after I die,
"'s like a continue button on an end game screen?"

"Yeah, basically."

"Cool. How good are you at Minecraft?"

Chapter End Notes

{9.2 pages, 3,231 words.}

Chapter Summary

"Everything is burning and I love it, sit and watch the world until it's nothing,"

"Scared of going out into the public, yeah, we the kings now."

~ Call Me Karizma || Rebels ~

Chapter Notes


See the end of the chapter for more notes

'Is it too late to sign up for gen ed?' Izuku thought as he tried to navigate the halls of U.A.
Considering how many times that he's gone through these halls as a villain, hero, and student, he
should know the layout by now. But he didn't. Cursing out loud to himself, he chewed on the
inside of his cheek, searching for a landmark to remember. But of course, his brain just had to fail
him at that moment.

He wasn't wearing his blue contacts, and he had deleted his other persona from any files, replacing
them with himself, Izuku Midorya. Now, he would start to wear the contacts on his vigilante runs,
to confuse any heroes chasing after him. Eventually, he found himself in front of the door to the
teacher's lounge, furious at himself for not remembering the maze of a school.

He brought his hand up and knocked on the door. To his joy and horror, Presentation Michael
opened the door, in his full hero costume that made him look like the musician version of a
cockatoo. Mic looked down at him, and Izuku swallowed as a flash of slight recognition crossed
yellow tinted eyes. A grin settled on Mic's face, "Heya, little listener! What do you need help

Izuku cleared his throat, hoping he didn't look like too much of a fanboy with how nervous he
seemed. "I c-couldn't find my way to the principal's office, s-so I went here..." He stuttered through
his sentence, looking up at the hero. Mic nodded, and yet Izuku knew that he was on edge. 'Why
wouldn't he be? The school doesn't start for another four days.'

Mic stepped forward, and Izuku stepped back, as the hero closed the door behind him and gestured
for Izuku to follow him. "Alrighty, let's go, little listener. What's your name?" The green-haired
boy looked up at the same time that Mic looked at him, the two of them walking side by side.
Izuku stuttered for a moment before clearing his throat.

"I-Izuku Midorya, sir." He said, his hands fiddling with the strap of the messenger bag that swung
at his side. How should he go about this? Could he even be able to trick Nedzu? Would he have to
tell the chimera about his quirk? That would be difficult. His mind drifted to when he informed
Shigaraki about his quirk. He had reacted so calmly that he wondered if the other knew already.

He was very good at playing Minecraft, though, and said that Izuku had to go back later today so
that they could continue their survival world.

The teen hadn't realized that they made it to the office until a hand was waved in his face, and he
straightened up. 'I can do this.' He raised a hand to knock on the door, but it swung open before he
could make contact with it. Izuku looked down to meet the animals twinkling eyes, and he offered
a hesitant smile in exchange for the bright, cheerful one. Mic walked off, saying something about
getting caught up on grading.

Looking past the smaller creature, he noticed a skeletal figure sitting in one of the seats, his eyes
widening as he recognized the tall person. 'Oh, no.' It seems that Toshinori recognized him as well,
his eyes flashing with the same recognition that Present Mic's had.

Nedzu smiled up at Izuku, and lead him inside, Izuku shutting the door behind him as he took a
seat. Nedzu hummed as he sat behind his desk, folding his furry little paws on the wooden
structure. "Midorya, this is Toshinori Yagi, All Might's secretary. You might see him around U.A.
quite a bit."

The green-haired boy inhaled deeply, making eye contact with the other male, who was
sweatdropping. "We've met before." His words came out more cold than he wished, and Toshinori
grimaced as Izuku recalled the time spent on the rooftop. Nedzu seemed to acknowledge the
tension between the two, as Toshinori remembered a news report talking about a car crash.

That's why the last name was familiar. His mother had died. Toshinori felt a pang of empathy hit
his heart as Izuku looked back at Nedzu. Nedzu smiled ever so cheerfully as he handed Izuku a
paper. "I notice you had troubles navigating the halls, so here is a map." The broccoli boy thanked
Nedzu quietly with a small stutter as he took the paper, and Nedzu hummed. "Since you will be
working under me, you should know the layout of the school. When school starts, I expect you to
have the school layout memorized one way or another."

'Time to remember the vents because I know damn good and well that I can't memorize the halls. '
Nonetheless, Izuku nodded. Toshinori sat there in awkward silence, and Nedzu smiled brightly
again. Eventually, Toshinori left, saying that he had to go do something, and that left the teenager
and the chimera to look at each other, one feeling awkward, one feeling curious and joyous.

"Midorya..." Izuku gulped, looking the mouse-like creature in his twinkling eyes. "How did you
manage to get past my defenses in my school files?" The boy stayed there for a moment as the
words processed. And then it hit him. "Y-you aren't mad..?" Nedzu grinned, "Why would I be
angry? You managed to surpass my expectations for you. I must know what your trick was."

'Well, I might as well say it now. Nedzu will figure it out sooner or later.' "Sir...may I ask that none
of the things that I'm about to tell you goes to any higher-ups and stays between you and me?"
Well, if he hadn't had the principal's full attention before, he sure as hell did now. The creature's
tail swished behind him in intense curiosity, and Izuku waited for a response. When a nod came
from the chimera, he took a deep breath.

"This timeline that we are both in right now is timeline number seventy-something, as far as I can
remember. I tried to keep track of the numbers, but as far as I know, I lost count the first time at
around timeline three hundred and ninety-four or five, and so I started a new counting, and this is
seventy-something." At the mouse's confused glint, he continued.

"When I die, I go back in time. Sometimes I go back to birth, sometimes I only go back a few
hours, sometimes I go back a few months. It's random." He took a breath, "I knew how to hack
your system and access the files because, in a different timeline, I was apart of the government as
an adult and was assigned to hack your files." He sunk in his seat as the creature looked more and
more fascinated. "If you tell the hero commission...they won't take it lightly. Trust me, I've done it

Shuddering slightly at the memories when he blinked, Izuku sat up straighter. "If the government
or the commission figure out...they will do whatever they can to experiment on me or lock me
away so that I can't die. They're scared of the power that I have. And those experiments...I can tell
why you don't like humans, let's just say."

After his explanation, he hoped that Nedzu took it seriously, but in a positive manner. The animal
hummed, grinning even more than before. "So...theoretically, you should know how this timeline
should playout for the most part?" Izuku nodded, letting out a breath of relief. "I can't tell you
everything that I know since I don't know if it will follow the timelines before perfectly, but I have
a gist of what can happen."

Izuku looked down at his hands. "A-and I already acquainted myself with the League, so I can be a
spy on the inside for you." He neglected the part about him being a vigilante because, technically
speaking, as long as he didn't commit villainous acts, he wasn't a villain. Vigilantism was still
something that would ruin his plan if he were to expose it.

"The league?" Nedzu inquired, resting his chin upon his paws that were propped up with an ever-
living thirst for knowledge. Izuku nodded, "In the future, there will be a dangerous group of
villains called the League of Villains. They change their name to the Paranormal Liberation Front
later on, though. I'm already on their good side, so I just need to keep playing my parts."

With a hum, the principal made eye contact with Izuku again. "How does doing all of this benefit
you, Midorya?" Oh boy, that was a whole other can of worms that he had to explain. Izuku felt
drained from talking this much, even though he muttered faster than this on the regular. The
greenette took another deep breath before he was cut off by a knock on the door. 'Is this how
Toshinori felt when he was interrupted?'

Nedzu smiled joyously before calling out, "Come in!" He heard the footsteps before Izuku was
talking, and that irked him just the slightest bit. When the door swung, and someone walked in, the
youngest of them all - while simultaneously being the oldest of them all - paled. Of fucking course,
it just had to be Aizawa. The two locked eyes, dark grey against green, and Izuku stared at him
dumbfoundedly. Memories came flooding back at the worst time possible.

Images of Aizawa laying in a pool of his blood reflected across his eyelids when he blinked, and
Izuku swallowed thickly. This was going to be an awkward conversation if anything. Luckily,
before he had to start talking to Aizawa, Nedzu's phone rang. Izuku took the opportunity to take his
bag and swiftly make his way out of the principal's office, not wanting to stay there any longer than
he already had.

Izuku tried to find the exit, humming as he pulled out his map to make it easier. The paper was so
intricate, though, that he wasn't sure if he was going the right way. 'The struggles are real.' He
groaned in his mind, chewing on his lip before he gave up. Nedzu did say that he could wander
around to memorize the place. Maybe he could find the exit while doing that.

Thinking about it more, the teenager could probably just jump out the nearest window and roll, but
he wanted to not seem like the new vigilante on the streets. He was already on thin ice with Nedzu
and Tomura - 'Shigaraki.' He thought, reminding himself that he wasn't friends with Shigaraki
anymore. They were now barely on mutual grounds, far from being friends.

Before he could get into a mental debate with himself about the past, Izuku came across the library
in U.A. As expected, it was huge. However, sitting in one of the chairs with a science book in hand
was somebody that Izuku recognized right away with her unusual hairstyle.
'Momo!' He cheered internally, noticing how she hadn't looked up from his entry. 'Should I say hi?
Methinks so.' He went up to Momo Yaoyorozu with a nervous pace, wondering how to greet his
old classmate, and old enemy as well. When he walked closer, her head tilted up to look at Izuku,
and they locked eyes. Izuku cleared his throat, "H-hello, I'm Izuku Midorya." He greeted, with a
hand offered.

When she took his hand and shook it with a smile, he relaxed a bit more. "Hello Midorya, I'm
Momo Yaoyorozu." He sent her a small smile back, " mind if I sit with you and read?"
Her mouth formed into an 'o' shape as she shook her head. "Feel free to sit." Momo smiled and
moved some of her books to the side of the table so that Izuku could have room.

'Mission accomplished. Side mission: Get her to change her hero costume.' He thought while
pulling out a book from his bag. Izuku paused for a moment before shaking his head slightly. 'Oh
no, I'm starting to think kind of like Shigaraki does with video games.' Momo went back to reading,
and so did the other teen in the room.

As Izuku began to think of ways to start up a conversation, Momo started one herself. She cleared
her throat a bit before looking up from her book at him. "So...what course are you aiming to be in?"
'Yes! I don't have to make a conversation starter!' He hummed, "I'm not quite sure. I might aim to
be in the hero course." Momo nodded respectfully, "I'm aiming to get into the hero course as well. I
was given access to the library so that I could study for my quirk."

The greenette chewed his cheek before talking again. "Do you have something in mind for your
hero costume?" Momo's eyes lit up, and she nodded, smiling as she grabbed a clipboard that was to
the side. "I'm not too sure about the design, but my quirk requires access to my skin." She handed
him the clipboard, and he pretended like this was the first time he saw it. Izuku inhaled deeply.

"Instead of having so much skin showing for a teenager, you could change it up a bit? The shorts
are a good choice. Do you mind if I make some changes in a pencil?" She shook her head, "Go
ahead." He snatched a pencil from nearby and began to doodle on the paper, humming. When he
was done, the design wasn't different, but it was something. He had changed the open chest design
to something more...suitable.

The design was simple in the end. A sleeveless crop top shirt that allowed no sight to breasts while
leaving the entire lower midsection exposed for Momo's quirk. Izuku changed the design of the
shorts, making them a bit longer down her thigh while leaving the outer thigh more exposed since
it was easier to run that way. He got rid of any heeled shoes and added boots that Momo could run
in that allowed no slickness.

He sketched out a zippable jacket that she could throw on when she got cold, and instead of the
book on her back, he made a small note to allow an interface on an arm brace. He smiled as he
handed the design back, and Momo's eyes widened before she made eye contact with him. "I hadn't
thought of it that way...what is your quirk?" Sticking with his usual shtick, Izuku nervously rubbed
the back of his neck.

"M-My quirk is just an analysis quirk..." Momo hummed. "That quirk is amazing. It can do so
much good for situations like my design." Izuku's cheeks were painted with light pink as he
received the praise, mumbling a small 'It's nothing compared to yours...' Momo smiled before
handing him a slip of paper. It was her Discord account (Apparently, everyone had one of those
nowadays.) "I'll make a group chat with some of my other friends once you friend me. Does that
sound good?" Momo asked.

Izuku practically beamed, nodding as he tucked the paper in one of his pockets. 'Mission success!
This is awesome! it's like I'm playing as a triple agent as a vigilante, villain, and hero!' The boy
opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by a text message. he opened his civilian phone and
nearly panicked at the sight. "U-Uhm, we can catch up later? I need to get home. My cat is causing

He mentally facepalmed at the lame excuse, as Momo nodded, going back to her book as he made
his way out of the library and out of the building with some exploring. 'I hope I'm not late...' When
he went into an alleyway, a warp gate opened to his side, and he was pulled through. He squeaked,
caught off guard as he stumbled through. He stood up, brushing his clothes off while looking

"Y-you couldn't have given me a warning or something...?" Izuku asked Shigaraki, who shrugged
as he picked up a gaming controller again. "I told you that we were going to play games. I didn't
stutter. Before that, though, I've got some things to do, so you'll be here with the others."
'Oh...lovely...' He nodded, not wanting to be stuck with them.

In total, there was the bloodsucker, the arsonist, the Stain cult member, the magician, and the
knockoff Deadpool. Stain wasn't a thing yet, though, so Spinner wouldn't gain that obsession at the
moment. He would later, though. Izuku took a deep breath, readying himself for whatever chaos
happened when Shigaraki left.

'This is going to be entertaining, at the least.' He thought as he watched Shigaraki paused his game,
save, and walk through a warp gate out of the building. Everything remained silent as the league
members did their own thing. Until Toga jumped up with a chaotic look in her eyes.


'Oh, no.'

Chapter End Notes

Hey, guys! I know it was kinda crazy, what with me posting a small chapter today and
not posting for a while, but that's because not only do I have a life to deal with, but I'm
currently planning another book, so that's taking up a bunch of my writing time. I will
attempt to get back into the swing of things and update every week, but if that is too
difficult, I will update once every other week. I apologize.

{8.2 pages · 2,854 words}

The Haunting
Chapter Summary

"Come on in boy, said the skeletons sitting by her closet door."

"Dirty secrets, empty memories, and broken hearts across the floor."

~ Set It Off || The Haunting ~

Chapter Notes

Me: I look pretty good for a dead bitch.

My fans: They're aliiiiive!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Izuku was having a rough night. He was being chased by heroes, and he didn't like it. At the start
of the day, everything was fine and dandy. He ended up sleeping at the league of villains hideout,
but that was fine. He made it home at around 4 am and started his day of work. Everything went
relatively smoothly, so he thought that life was giving him a small break, ya know? Wrong.

As soon as his shift comes around, and he starts hopping rooftops, a branch is shot at him, forcing
him to dodge quickly, nearly squealing like a child. Well, he was a child, but that wasn't the point.
He ended up hopping more roofs after that, and it was a hard time to get away from Kamui woods.
Luckily all he had to do was duck underneath Endeavors legs, getting a little toasty as he ran, and
Kamui nearly ran into the flaming trashcan.

Izuku then, stupidly enough, decided to go to his nearest coffee shop, ordering a large latte to keep
him occupied for his shift. When he bought it, though, somebody had caught sight of him at that
point. The person? Tsukauchi. He did scream this time, as his latte was nearly shot out of his hand,
and he ended up leaping through a window as per usual.

He hated it when he couldn't get his coffee.

He wasn't murderous about it, though.

And now he found himself sitting on another rooftop, a latte in hand and a box of pocky in the
other - he found out that he liked to eat it in his spare time, because of its chocolatey goodness -
and of course, his favorite underground hero decided to show up. He groaned, getting ready to
stand up, but Shouta just sat a few feet away from him.
No words were exchanged until Shouta sighed. "I'll give it to you straight, kid, you're making a big
name for yourself out there, and I'm not sure how that's going to help your career." He nearly
hissed. He didn't like being in the spotlight. It didn't make him feel any better about being a
vigilante. "It's not like I wanted to be famous. I just wanted to help people." His voice changer
made his voice more masculine, deeper.

Shouta sighed yet again, "Just don't get in too deep." Izuku nearly felt his heart melt. After years of
knowing Aizawa, he knew that was his way of saying 'stay safe, you've got a good heart.' And he
relished that moment for what it was worth. Izuku nodded, lifting his mask just a bit to sip his latte,
and Shouta looked like he was debating something. "How old are you?" The boy finished his gulp
of coffee before lowering his mask. "Who knows, honestly. Technically, I'm both older and
younger than you."

"...What do you mean by that?" Shouta asked, a sense of bewilderment in his voice because he
knew that Izuku didn't lie too often. Guide into different words, perhaps, but outright lying wasn't
something that Izuku did. Joking around, sure, but not lying. So now he wanted to know why.

Izuku hummed, shaking his head. "I think it's a bit difficult for you to comprehend." Then he
rethought his words, "N-not like you don't understand. More like it's on a more metaphysical level
than on a physical level, and I'm not sure how you would comprehend the real reason behind it. I
wasn't q-questioning your level of comprehension, I just wasn't sure-"

Aizawa sighed while nodding. "I get it. I just need to know if your physical body next to me is
underage. Because I'm required by law to contact your guardians." Izuku cringed, sucking in a
breath through his teeth. "Ooo, see, about that..." He muttered, and Aizawa picked it up, whipping
his head around. A few moments passed, and Izuku ducked his head, sipping his latte. Something
didn't seem to be right on that matter. Was he insinuating he didn't have parents?

Almost as if reading his mind, Izuku coughed. "I don't have any legal guardians as of this moment,
but I do have somebody looking after me, ya know?" Wow, lack of sleep made you say some dumb
shit. Nedzu technically was looking after him in a way from U.A., though, so it wasn't like he lied
or anything.

He didn't like liars, even if he knew he was one himself sometimes.

And so, he looked back down at his latte, and Shouta sighed. "Christ, you're going to give me a
heart attack. I'm gonna have to tell the other heroes that you're a minor, though, so they know to be
more careful with you. We all thought you were a young adult with your voice changer."

Izuku chuckled, "That's to avoid recognition, but at least it will be useful if I need to intimidate
somebody." Shouta groaned, "Vigilantism is dangerous, kid. I could arrest you right now."

And now was his time to shine. "But you won't because you're curious, and you know that I'm
doing more good than some of the heroes out there." Shouta nodded, almost dejectedly. "And
another thing...why are you so good at reading me?" Izuku almost spoke but held his tongue,
shrugging. Well, Shouta would take what he can get.

He's learned that the kid was a minor and had no legal guardians, he likes caramel lattes, and he
isn't very intimidating if he needs a voice changer to be more intimidating.

By the time he looked back over to ask another question, Izuku was gone.

With a heavy sigh and a long sip from his latte, Izuku cursed himself out in his head for revealing
that much information. Then, he realized he could use this to his advantage. Now that it would be
known that he was a minor, the heroes might not attack him with the same amount of force as

The unfortunate part was now they would be more active, trying to catch the child that doesn't
have any legal guardians as of this moment. Izuku knew virtually every hero out there at the
moment, though, so it would be relatively easy to avoid them.

Currently, Izuku was sitting high in a tree, latte in one hand and pocky in the other. He sighed as he
leaned against the trunk of the tree, closing his eyes. "This is much more difficult than I need it to
be." He groaned, opening his eyes again. He took out his phone and opened it, looking through his
notes about what he needed to do on his shift tonight.

"Patrol area 7, done, check up on the kid that I saved last Tuesday, done, track down the
commission's movements based on the timelines accuracy...not done. I'll head back home, hack,
download, and leave as soon as I can to avoid detection..." He mumbled, taking another long sip of
his latte. "I should also keep an eye on Chizomi...if he targets me too early, the timeline could be
postponed....maybe I could make allies with him?" He mumbled, swinging his feet back and forth.

Izuku sighed and adjusted his goggles. "Well-" He was interrupted by a scream, and his head
jerked towards it, shoving his pocky in his pocket and running to the sound. He ducked behind a
building, closing his eyes. 'Don't get involved, don't get involved, just record and call the police.'
He reminded himself as he pulled out his phone, hearing the shouts get more frantic.

The vigilante gritted his teeth before he mumbled, "Fuck it," under his breath as he rounded the
corner. Izuku hadn't had a real chance to use his smoke bombs lately, and this would be perfect. He
pulled one from his belt, pulled the pin, and let it roll down into the alleyway quietly. Once it
exploded, the villain with the wolf quirk howled with rage, trying to see him only to fail.

Izuku saw the victim run away and sighed in relief as he popped open a cap on a vial in his belt,
covering cloth with some homemade chloroform he made from rubbing alcohol and bleach. It was
honestly hilarious how easy it is to make... He placed it over the wolf quirk user's nose, rendering
them unconscious due to the strong fumes combining with the powerful nose.
When they fell unconscious, he noticed that the others had run away and fist-bumped the air as he
tied the person up with some nearby rope. "Tonight is going easier than I thought!" He cheered as
he tied the person to a lamppost, dialing the police and reporting the situation over the phone.
When the officer on the line hung up, cars were sent his way, and he climbed up the nearest fire
escape. He got onto the roof, smiling. "Today has been a pretty good day." And then he
remembered something.

"My latte!"

The next day was very...interesting, to say the least.

Izuku woke up around three hours after he fell asleep to his alarm. He groaned and threw an arm
over his face as he slapped the older machine to shut it up, yawning and dragging a hand down his
face. He slid out of his bed, tidying his blanket and pillow before he grabbed his clothes that were
hanging up. He hadn't been given a uniform yet, which was alright.

Instead, the curly-haired boy put on a nice pair of grey sweatpants, a black tank top, and he looked
through a collection of hoodies. "Zip-up or big pocket..." He murmured until a hoodie caught his
eye. "Yes." He snatched the hoodie and put it on over his tank top, tugging at the bottom as he tried
to run his fingers through the unruly locks called his hair.

Even with a brush, the curly hair refused to be tame. So Izuku sighed and kept a small black hair-
tie around his wrist for if he needed to pull up any hair that he could into a low ponytail. Curly hair
meant that it looked shorter than it actually was, so his hair was longer than some people might
think. That was fine. He knew how to deal with it.

The teenager walked into his kitchen, deciding to eat some real breakfast before he would head out.
Aka - He toasted some bread and munched on it with a microwaved egg. When he made his way
out the door, Izuku hummed, grabbing a rather large thermos of coffee on his way out along with
his bag.

'I feel like today might be a long day. Or at the least, eventful.' He felt his phone buzz and ignored
it, knowing that it was the heroes and detective trying to contact him. Izuku walked through the
gates of U.A. when he got there and went inside, looking at the heroes that eyed him. He hummed
and saw an open vent, snapping his fingers and grinning.

Before a staff member could pull him out, he shimmied his way into the metal vent, scooching and
crawling along while making various lefts and rights. He opened the vent to the chimera's office
and fell out in front of him, a slightly shy smile meeting a bright and cheery one.

"I'm delighted you could make it, Midorya!" Nedzu grinned while clapping his paws together, and
Izuku chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck a bit. "T-the vents are a lot easier to navigate, sir,
so I apologize for the sudden intrusion." Izuku stood up, brushing off the front of his clothes as he
made his way over to sit when gestured to.
Nedzu hummed and offered Izuku some tea, to which he politely declined, explaining that he had a
thermos of coffee already. The chimera poured a cup for himself and took a sip before Izuku pulled
out some of the photos that came from his time loop folder. He spread the images across the desk,
showing Nedzu the pictures.

The mouse hybrid raised a furry brow and leaned over, observing the images with calculating eyes.
There were various scenarios. A few of them were from timelines that Izuku became a hero, future
Izuku taking a selfie with a polaroid with his other hero friends, or just pictures of battles. A few of
the photos were taken when he became a villain, pictures of Shigaraki and the league.

Izuku gulped, biting his inner cheek as the creature set down his cup of tea to pick up a photo of
him posing with the U.A. staff members. He looked at Izuku as though wondering how he
managed to save the pictures. Izuku pulled something out of a side bag that he brought the folder
in. A very old, beat up, polaroid camera.

"I-I don't know how it saves the images, b-but at the beginning of every loop, there is exactly one
blank slot in the camera. I can capture one moment from each timeline. They don't stack if I don't
use it in a timeline." He explained, hardly taking a breath. "The thing is, t-there are two different
kinds of loops. There are the loops that take me back to the very beginning, then there are loops
that happen in various ways through the loops. I c-call these 'main loops' and 'sub loops.'"

Izuku cleared his throat. "I restart my count after one hundred main loops, t-this is loop two
hundred and seventy-nine." The science experiment nodded, his tail swishing behind him in the
excitement of the new information, no matter how controlled he was.

He didn't tell Nedzu about his experience as a vigilante, nor did he inform him about the gruesome
wars that he had been in. He didn't want the other to end up worrying about him.

"T-to be frank, I'm tired of looping. That's why I'm trying to find a way to stop it. I-I've tried quirk
suppressants, quirk erasing bullets, everything that I could imagine and get my hands on. Nothing
worked." Nedzu was concerned for the child that just admitted that he shot himself with quirk
erasing bullets. He wanted to protect him, and he was sure that he would do so. It's not like
Midorya would make that job easy, though. The smaller boy knew that look. With an internal sigh,
he looked at the creature with a small smile.

Nedzu laced his paw pads together, resting his small chin on top of it. "Well, I must say, this is
intriguing, Midorya." He said with a small smile, a twinkle in his eye. Izuku gulped just a tad bit as
the mouse-like creature looked up at him with an almost knowledge-hungry gaze. He wasn't
affected by the experiment in any way. He even fought him once upon a time. No, no, he gulped
because he didn't know what he was doing this timeline.

After Nedzu thought for a moment, he spoke up again. "Do you know anything about hacking?"
"Uh... o-only the basics, sir." He said, making eye contact. "Excellent. For today, I will be teaching
you more about that." Izuku felt the tension fade away slightly and gave a small grin. "I-I hope I'm
not too behind."

"You are aware of the task that you have been assigned, are you not?"

"Yes, ma'am, of course-"

"So you have no reason to be dancing around the subject any longer. I don't care for an
explanation. I care about this mission getting done. Am I understood?"

"Understood, ma'am."

"Good. You have an interview at five and a graveyard shift tonight. That is when you will catch the
vigilante, Hawks. Now get out of my office."

"Yes, ma'am."

Chapter End Notes

Spooky >:)
Guys, WHAT.

I don't be active for 9 months and I come back to:

497 Kudos



And 8230 hits?!

Anyways, my mental health hasn't been on as big of a downward hill as it used to be, and I've
started to feel more confident about my writing.

Not to mention, with that mental health slide down, I don't care how shitty my writing may be
anymore! I don't care if I spell something wrong, I don't care if I miss a few details, because *fuck

I'm going to respond to comments that I want to, instead of just trying to stay anonymous!

And most of all? While my updates may be sporadic at best, I'm going to actively try to work on
this story instead of letting it sit and fester like a nasty disease.

So this story is going to be going under massive editing, while I fix some past mistakes, and I will
attempt to get everything sorted up.

But for now, goodbye! Drink water, eat food, take your meds if you need them, and sleep!
Cassimonkey007, out!
It's Alright
Chapter Summary

"And I believe, yes I believe,"

"That you will see a better day."

~ Mother Mother || It's Alright ~

Chapter Notes



Also, I wrote this in two nights, in the middle of the night only, so if you see typos that
aren't on purpose, no you don't.

Sorry for the short chapter, a little under 3k words but hopefully it's a good happy

See the end of the chapter for more notes

You know, maybe some god had it out for Izuku. Maybe, possibly, he pissed off the wrong guy in
the luck department, or perhaps, he just managed to be here at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Maybe, you know, luck should be on his side, hm? Do you ever think of that, luck?

Nonetheless, he was having a rough time. One would even consider this moment to be unfortunate.
Regardless of luck and how unfortunate this is, he was injured. Pretty damn badly, although he
would never admit to that.

He doesn't know what the hell it was, maybe it was a knife, or the person he was fighting had
some secret quirk that made them have claws, but he was bleeding out of the shoulder pretty fast,
the damn wound only slowing slightly.

Many problems were at hand here. One, Izuku was way too far from home to try and walk or even
run there, which was possibly one of the more dangerous problems. Two, he knew that several
heroes would be coming down this street or in the area in approximately three minutes, which,
while it didn't give him much time to work with, he's done better with worse before.
So, with gritted teeth and thankfulness for his pain tolerance, he poked his head out of the alleyway
he was hiding out in, hand pressed against his bloodied shoulder, and scuttled across the street,
walking as fast as he dared down the sidewalk, his visors using night vision.

'I've got to get home, asap. This is going to need stitches.'

The lightheadedness caught up to him in no time, the blood loss plus whatever poison was in what
hit him making him dizzy. He ducked into the nearest alley, stumbling over his own feet as he
settled into sitting down, leaning against a stone wall.

'Let's see if I die here. I'll just come back anyway if I do.'

'Now, where could you be, little vigilante?'

Sharp eyes, partially hidden behind a yellow-tinted visor, scanned the area from the sky, red wings
a stark contrast against the dark sky illuminated by stars and the moon.

When the hero's eyes locked onto a figure walking across the street, he kept an eye on them,
recognizing the outfit and humming under his breath. 'That was easier than I thought it'd be.'

Watching him walk into another alley sluggishly, Keigo swooped down, landing in front of the
alley opening, walking in with his hands shoved into his pockets. Upon seeing Izuku's form
slumped over, hand over his bloody shoulder, he tilted his head before an idea formed in his mind.

Satisfied with his thoughts, he scooped the vigilante up, walking out of the alley and opening his
wings, taking off from the ground. 'First steps to gaining trust from anything is eating with them.
and patching up wounds.'

Getting to his house quickly, he walked through the door, closing and locking it behind him, before
making his way to the guest bedroom, snagging the first aid kit along the way.

Keigo set the vigilante down on the bed, removing the blanket and letting the sheets get stained.
He didn't mind the sheets, a wound needed to get fixed. Taking the scissors, he cut around the suit
sleeve as far up as he dared to go, plus down to remove the sleeve entirely.

As he disinfected the area, he found himself caught between taking off his mask and visors and not
doing that out of earning the boy's respect. With nimble hands, he threaded the needle, tying it and
quickly sewing the vigilante's flesh back together, steady and quick. When he was done, he
wrapped the injury as needed before quickly looking for other wounds.

Upon seeing none, Keigo nodded to himself, setting the things back in the place they were and
standing up, looking down at the illegal vigilante.

'It's just for his trust, that's all.' As he walked out of the room, he spared a second glance back at
him. 'That's all.'

When Izuku woke up, his first thought was, 'Ow, fuck, that hurts.'

His second thought was, 'Wait, I'm not supposed to hurt after looping.'

Now wide awake, his eyes snapped open, and he was face to face with a white ceiling. Slowly, he
sat up, grimacing at the pain in his shoulder that rendered him immobile for the time being, but if
he was anything, it was stubborn. He noticed his goggles were still on, along with his face mask
and his hood.

The bed he was sitting on looked rather expensive but also modern and modest. He gingerly
reached up to his shoulder, looking over and seeing the blood-stained bandages. Hissing as he
touched the centre of the wound, he felt the familiar pulling and itching of stitches, and he pulled
his hand away, flipping the covers off of his legs.

He could replace the suit, even just ask for a repair from Grian, but he needed to figure out where
the hell he was. He could worry about the outfit later.

Throwing his legs over the side of the bed - which was a rather pleasant shade of cream and white,
really - he stood up, feeling woozy and dizzy. Izuku leaned against the nearest wall until the fuzzy
feeling faded from the front of his skull and his eyes.
When it did, he looked around the room, noticing the thin layer of dust on everything. Disturbed,
but certainly not lived in. He made his way across the room to the door, pointedly ignoring the
bloodstains he undoubtedly left on the bedsheets. Grabbing the door handle, he twisted it, coming
face to face with a normal-looking hallway.

One step out of the room, all he saw was a red flash before something sharp pressed against his
throat, and he flinched back, nearly falling back into the room to avoid whatever the hell that was.
The red thing moved with him and continued poking against his adam's apple, forcing him to
stumble backwards back onto the foot of the bed.

"Hey, dude, it's not the best decision to get out of bed right now. That injury of yours was pretty

'Oh, fuck me. Really? Are you fucking kidding me?' Coming around the corner with a bucket of
fried chicken under his arm and a bone sticking out of his mouth, Keigo Tamaki, AKA Hawks,
munched on the meat left on the bone.

At his silence, the hero raised an eyebrow before holding out the bucket. "Want some?" He offered,
but Izuku was speechless. 'This wasn't supposed to happen.' Keigo, when there was no response,
shrugged and took the bucket back. "Well, regardless, you need to stay in bed. You lost a lot of
blood." Giving an easy grin, "And don't worry about the mask thing. I didn't remove anything,
except for the sleeve, cause, you know."

In shock, Izuku nodded, his jaw dropped behind the mask. He closed his mouth, clearing his throat
once the feather moved away. When it sounded robotic and altered, he breathed a sigh of relief.
"Uh..." He floundered for words, his usual awkwardness showing. "What...what time is it?"

'Nailed it. Call me Izuku Extroverted Midorya. Actually, maybe not.' "About three in the
afternoon, glad you woke up," Keigo answered, leaning against the doorframe, "because you
weren't in ideal condition when I found you."

"Found me?" His mind blanked before he recalled the night before. "Oh, right." He vividly
remembered getting slashed by something and going into an alley, wanting to take a nap. "Thanks
for uh, for that. But..." He didn't really want to ask the question that was on his mind ever since he
recognized the hero.

Thankfully, he already knew what he meant. "Why didn't I arrest you on sight?" At Izuku's
following nod, he shrugged once more. "I wouldn't be a hero if my first priority was to arrest an
injured person, vigilante or not." Lost in thought, Izuku nodded again, falling silent.
Keigo noticed and hummed. "Welp, if you need anything, just holler. You have a bathroom
attached to this room, the door on the left there," He gestured to the door, "and rest up. I'll be in the
living room." With that, the man walked out of the room.

After a moment of silence, Izuku sighed, "Well, that happened." Deciding that he wasn't hungry or
thirsty and didn't need to use the restroom yet, he moved back onto the bed, laying down. During
the interaction, he hadn't noticed his shoulder throbbing, but it came back with a vengeance now, as
he laid down on his back.

'I've dealt with worse before, though. Might as well get as much rest as I can while I can before I
run off.' He thought, not bothering with the messed up blankets and letting his exhaustion take
hold. From behind the goggles, his eyes drifted shut, and sleep hit him like a freight train.

The next time Izuku woke up, it was to the sound of his phone buzzing. He stirred from his sleep,
patting his pockets to find the rectangular device. When he felt it, he lifted it up, unlocking it and
looking at his messages on Discord.

Tsaltauchi: Does anyone even know where Cyber is? We haven't had contact in a while.

3amdemon: If I knew, I wouldn't be outside in daylight right now, Tsukauchi

Tsaltauchi: Sorry, sorry, I know. I'm just concerned.

Megaphone: Maybe they're just on a vacation rn guys

Tsaltauchi: You don't get it, Mic. He ALWAYS takes an opportunity to annoy us.

Tsaltauchi: It's unusual to not hear from him for so long.

Carfixer: awww u really do care ebotut me!!!1!

Carfixer: whomst tf changed my namr

Tsaltauchi: Why are there typos?

Carfixer: jusr woke up, whus poppin

Tsaltauchi: A genetic quirk user was recently arrested, poisonous claws. They mentioned your
vigilante name, and we hadn't heard from you in a while.

Carfixer: oh shit yeah, about thatr dude

Carfixer: that realy fukgin hurt bt w

Carfixer: rlly didnt neeed that toxic in my life

3amdemon: This isn't a time for jokes

Carfixer: you gotta fin the humor somehwere, my dude. otherwise, everything is stupid and dull

Megaphone: While I agree, I also don't think you should be joking about that

Carfixer: yeah, yeah, it's okay. someone saw me and picked me up for some readon

Carfixer: idk why, byt like i wont deny free healthcare, yk? kinda sus of him though

Carfixer: got it sall taking care of, no infection or anythng

Tsaltauchi: That's good. I'm glad you're safe.

Carfixer: awwww u guys do care abou me

Carfixer: thought the love was oine sided.

Megaphone: Who picked you up?

Carfixer: uhhhh odk if I shoud say, but hes not a vilain

Carfixer: super strict about me laying down tho, resting or some shit

Carfixer: but like yeabfbefurb

A feather swept under his hands, snatching the phone out of his hands and into the hands of Keigo.
Izuku pouted - even though the man couldn't see - as the hero typed on the phone before setting it
down on the bedside table. "Time to change the bandages." He announced, holding up a first aid

With a nod, Izuku sat up, holding a hand out for the bandages. Keigo pulled up a stool that the boy
didn't know was there, opting to instead begin unraveling the bandages himself.

As they were unraveling, the younger looked away, deciding that if the hero wanted to hurt him, he
would have done so in the alleyway. "I could have done it myself..." He muttered, but the man
heard anyways. "It's fine. I've bandaged many injuries in my career." He kept that easy grin that
both eased Izuku's mind and set it on high alert.

"So have I." An awkward silence occurred, at least it was on Izuku's side, and the hero replaced the
bandages around his shoulder. "How old did you say you were?" Keigo broke the silence, and
Izuku replaced it. "I didn't."

Look, was he being rude right now? Maybe a little. Did he regret it? Not right now, but he probably
would later. You can't really blame him though, he got slashed by apparently poisonous claws and
saved by a hero when he was a slightly known vigilante. Illegal as hell. He was cautious, and who
knows what Keigo would demand in turn.
Regardless of how many loops he went through, the guy wasn't an open book. A whole ten time
loops were spent analyzing the hero, and each time he was as unpredictable as the last. If there was
anyone he didn't want to know about his time-travelling abilities, it was him. He could snitch on
Izuku just as fast as he could help him solve the solution of getting the loops to end.

"Alright, well, how old are you then? Because until you do tell me, I'm just gonna call you 'kid'."
Keigo asked after he was done replacing the bandages. Izuku wondered what answer to give him,
deciding on the classic. "I am both simultaneously older than you, yet younger than you at the
same time."

"Okay, kid."

As Izuku healed, he learned a side of the man he'd never seen before. He knew all of the man's
secrets, but his personality was an enigma itself. Keigo let him eat in the room, with the door
closed to respect his identity. When the bandages were changed, he would ask about his age. Every
single time, he got the same answer.

One afternoon, three days after his initial night in the house, he took his portion of food to the table
instead of the room, sitting down in a seat. "I need you to not freak out." He told the hero, who
nodded. "No use in freaking out."

With a deep breath, Izuku flipped his hood down, dirty, tangled, green locks springing free from
where they were held. Unsteady hands unbuckled the strap keeping his goggles on his head, and
green eyes stared at the wooden table as he set them down next to his plate. The same hands then
reached up, removing the mask from his face, rubbing the sore spots that it caused from staying on
his face.

Lips pressed into a firm line, he looked at Keigo, who was as visibly surprised as he was shocked.
"Don't freak out." He was nearly surprised himself, hearing his own voice without the mask. "You
really are a kid..?" The hero practically whispered, putting his head in his hands, looking at the
table. Izuku nodded.


'He better not be freaking out right now.'


'This is an awkward silence...maybe I should have eased him into it?'

He watched the hero take a deep breath, releasing it. "This is fine. It's not that different." He turned
to Izuku, "Thank you for trusting me with this."

Izuku gave him a small, shy smile. "Well, you did save my life, so..."

For the rest of the night, the two cracked jokes and ate dinner, and Keigo learned that the feeling
he experienced on day one was not just for Izuku's trust but a familial attachment.

Bitches that do the hero shit

Monday - 17:42

Carfixer: yo, this is hawks. The guy is safe. I fixed him up.

3amdemon: If you hurt him, I will hunt you down, Hawks.

Megaphone: Ditto

Tsaltauchi: Ditto

Nedzu: Ditto as well


Friday - 01:26

FuckYaChickenStrips: I'm taking him

Carfixer: wtf ur not allowed to do that.

FuckYaChickenStrips: no, no, we ate fried chicken together. We're besties now.

Tsaltauchi: He showed you his face???

Megaphone: YOOOO

3amdemon: Child or adult?

Carfixer: don't u dare answer that it's my biggest mystery.

FuckYaChickenStrips: Hmmmmm

Carfixer: I'll buy you a bucket of fried chicken

FuckYaChickenStrips: are u trying to bribe me?

Carfixer: depends. Is it working?

Tsaltauchi: Please do not give in to the bribery, Hawks.

FuckYaChickenStrips: nah, nah, he's actually a 43ub

FuckYaChickenStrips: bqshbdudbejendivun-nvue9n8e743bf

Carfixer: hah

FuckYaChickenStrips: u shouldn't be throwing things u should be resting

FuckYaChickenStrips: I thought we were besties ;-;

Carfixer: besties don't give away each other's secrets

FuckYaChickenStrips: fine. I'm eating the cookies.



New contact added - Chickie Nuggies.

Chapter End Notes

Yoooo, brotherly Hawks for the win

Hope you liked the filler chapter. It relates to the story, but I mostly made it on the

The chapter was actually supposed to be super serious but I made this.

Playlist I listened to making it:
Discord Server
Chapter Summary

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Hey, y'all! It's been a while.

No, this is not another chapter, but I have a Discord link that actually works!

The server is still under construction, like the cover thing for it, but it's inhabitable right now.

Hope to see you there!

Chapter End Notes
Everything Stays
Chapter Summary

"When you finally find it, you'll see how it's faded."

"The underside is lighter when you turn it around."

~ Olivia Olson/Rebecca Sugar || Everything Stays ~

Chapter Notes

I am so sorry it took this long for this sad excuse of a chapter to come out. I haven't
fallen out of the fandom or anything. This summer i should have more chapters
coming, but i am giving zero promises. Im going to sign up for a job over the summer
before my senior year next year.

Overall, my mental health has been hanging on a very thin wire lately, and i
impulsively bought animals and planted plants to try and force myself to get my shit
together. My point is: I will try to get updates out, but absolutely zero promises. BY

I actually despise this chapter with every fibre of my being but I'm just throwing it out
here so i can start working on actually good stuff.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"Come on, you can do this, just hang on a little longer."

"Tell the others I never hated them, please."

"Medic! Please, please, we need a medic!"

"Always been a crybaby, huh, Deku?"

"Kacchan, come on, stay with me."

"We were the best hero duo, Deku. Just like we said."
"Don't say things like that! You're going to live."

"Tell mom that I love her, that she's not a hag."

"Please! We need a medic!"

"Tell the others I loved them too."


"Come on, Deku, don't be a crybaby."


"Do that weird looking smile you always do."


"There you go."

"...say hi to Aizawa sensei for me, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you, Izu. Goodbye."

"...goodbye, Kat."

Izuku shot up from bed, his overactive tear ducts forming fat globs of salty liquid already.
Shuddering and sobbing, he looked at his palms, which collected the tears.

His breaths came out sharp and quick, mixed with incoherent babbling- when had he started trying
to speak? Izuku wrapped his arms around himself in a sad mimicry of an embrace. At that
particular moment, all he could feel was the sting of betrayal, the numbing feeling of grief, and the
horrible sensation of drowning guilt.

Sniffling pathetically, he suppressed his sobs. He could feel the lingering warmth from the blood
still on his hands. He could still feel the way his hands slid off of one another as he tried to bring
life back into the eyes of his best friend. How Izuku, wracked with grief, screamed and screamed
until his throat went raw.

How his brother in everything but blood never got to see Izuku become the top hero of Japan, how
the sun was shining during his funeral, mocking him, his death, his suffering-

Izuku shook his head, throwing off the covers and stumbling to the bathroom of his apartment,
splashing his face with freezing water to shock him back to reality. He did so several times until the
scarlet stains disappeared from the corner of his vision.

Shuddering, Izuku shut the water off, watching the clear liquid drip from his messy hair into the
white basin. He gripped the edge of the sink, knuckles turning white, to get his hands to stop

In moments like these, he felt helpless. He felt scared. He felt like every inch of the child he
should be. And the thought of that terrified him right down to his core.

Logically, he knew it was a nightmare. Or, more accurately, a flashback to a previous timeline. It
didn't apply to current times, though. That much was glaringly obvious. Not that it wasn't real,
because it was something that had happened. Usually memories or nightmares like that dont cause
this much of a reaction but...this one always made him panic upon waking up.

He could remember it like it was yesterday, how numb he felt when the villain had cackled, talking
about how he managed to kill the number two hero. Like he had the right to do so. He remembered
the blazing fury that ignited in his chest, harsher than anything he'd ever felt.
He could remember how easily the villain's skull had splintered under his hand from the sheer
power of One For All.

Izuku shook his head again, flinging water droplets everywhere. Before he got stuck in his thoughts
again, he heard the familiar 'bloop' of the Discord notification sound from his bedroom.

Clinging onto the distraction, he went to his computer, sat down in his chair and clicked on the app
icon. The fronts of his hair were still dripping wet, making marks on his skin and clothes that
would soon fade, unlike everything else.

Hero bitches that are definitely doing legal stuff yup mhm

Sunday - 02:37


Sherlock Holmes: Mic, I feel as though we should discuss this.

Megaphone: There's nothing to discuss!! I didn't do anything!!

Fuckyachickenstrips: I'm sorry to break it to you, but I think using soundwaves to rupture
people's eardrums and slam them into buildings is attempted murder

Megaphone: I'm being bullied. This is harassment.

A direct message captured Izuku's attention, the red bubble with the white '4' appearing beside
Aizawa's profile picture of a cat. 'I wonder what he wants.'

@Eraserhead [AKA - 3amdemon]

Sunday - 02:40

Eraserhead: You're online but not talking.

Eraserhead: It's been a little over a week.

Eraserhead: What happened.

Eraserhead: Give me names.

Coffeebean: nothing happened

Eraserhead: Don't lie to me. What happened.

Coffeebean: I'm telling you, nothing happened

Coffeebean: just existential crisis shit

Coffeebean: also, I don't see you chatting in there either so

Coffeebean: hah

Eraserhead: You on patrol?

Coffeebean: no

Eraserhead: Meet me on top of that one cafe

Coffeebean: why

Eraserhead: Just go

Coffeebean: fear

Izuku didn't bother looking at the other group chat before standing up and popping his back. If
Aizawa wanted to see him so bad, so be it. It's not like he's going to do anything else for a while-
except maybe pirate some movies online. He shuffled over to his closet, grabbing his vigilante garb
and throwing it on after shutting the blinds and pulling the curtains.

Okay, look. Izuku knew he was supposed to be processing his emotions and all that. He's gone to
therapy before in the past loops; He knows how that shit works out.

But it was just so easy to push them to the side to get what tasks he needed to get done, well, done.

A few - fairly impressive - moves later, and he was on top of the buildings, running, and jumping.
The wind flew around his face, and he longed to be in the first run again. Running beside his
fellow heroes, the wind smacking against his face as they flew past one another. No pressure
pushing on his shoulders constantly, feeling as though the world itself was breathing down his
neck, turning back time over and over and over until he finally did what the world wanted him to

But Izuku didn't know what the world wanted from him. He wasn't given an instruction manual on
what to do. He didn't want to see his friends and family die again and again and again, to become
too accustomed to the feeling of blades sliding between his ribs, of bullets finding their ways into
his skull, of poison choking him slowly, painfully.

Lost in thought and running on auto-pilot, he hadn't realized he was close to where the meetup spot
was until he recognized Aizawa's figure in the distance.

Izuku slowed down, stopping when he was about five feet away from the hero. Aizawa turned his
head back, looking at Izuku for a moment, before sitting on the roof's edge, patting the spot next to
him in a silent invitation. With only an ounce of hesitation, the vigilante sat next to the older figure,
legs swinging off the edge haphazardly.
"Catch." Izuku fumbled to catch the item before it fell off the edge of the building, looking down at
the jelly pouch in confusion. "You look tired." Irritation built up in Izuku, and he huffed. So what if
he looked tired? Aizawa didn't need to take care of him like a kid!

Regardless, he moved the metal mask from his mouth to his neck so that he could slurp down the
jelly pouch. The two sat in comfortable silence for a few moments before Aizawa sighed. "What's
on your mind, kid?"

Curse him for being good at reading people. Izuku finished the jelly pouch, moving the mask back
onto his face with a sigh. He waited a few moments before adjusting the hood on his head.

"Eraser," He started, the tone surprising, as he was usually portrayed as carefree and lax. "If you
had a power that could change the future in an endless cycle as we know it, would you get tired of
trying to have a happy ending?"

After a couple minutes of tense silence, Aizawa let out a sigh. similar to the one Izuku previously
let out. "I think I would, kid. But, I also think that happy endings don't exist. In my experience, the
best thing to do is to live in the present instead of trying to stop the inevitable future."

Izuku looked down at his lap before a hand was on his shoulder. "If you spread yourself too thin,
you'll break. If you don't spread far enough, you'll have a boring life. Try and find that green area,
kid." Izuku felt his eyes burn in a telltale sign of tears, and he nodded.

With that said and done, Aizawa stood up, popping his back before looking out at the city. "Well,
we're both out here now, aren't we? Let's catch some bad guys, Jumpstart." "...I guess the name is
growing on me," Izuku admitted, standing up.

"Which shady looking alleyway do we start with?"

Chapter End Notes

I have more books planned after this. After this book ends, I will be making several
prequels to this book where Izuku's not focused on stopping the loops and instead
chooses to enjoy himself at the moment. 'Normal' fics if you will.

Besties, I'm attending two different schools and thinking of getting a job or my driver's
license. I'm still debating how this book will make it from A to Z, much less the filler
in between. I love y'all sm, and I appreciate y'all.

Also!! Let me know in the comments whether you guys want shorter chapters(ranging
between 1k to 2k words) and more frequent updates OR longer chapters(3k and up)
and less frequent updates!

Please drop by the archive and comment to let the author know if you enjoyed their work!

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