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Is it hard to imagine yourself without your

cell phone or computer, without checking
pictures and posts? Can people really live
without knowing what’s going on in the
world all the time? Well, what you’re about
to read may change the way you use your
social media. Here are a few things you
might consider:
• Instead of taking a picture of your fancy
dish at the restaurant and posting it, why
not enjoy it while it’s still fresh and hot? You • Do not write about your whole life in
can tell your friends later how delicious it the social media as if it was a public
was. You’ll be surprised by their expression diary. You can find more creative
of awe, instead of you just getting a bunch ways to do that. Make short films,
of “likes”. write a poem, paint, make music.
• Turn off all notifications as they distract you And you can always call a friend to
from what you have to do. Stop checking help you. It’s going to be a lot of fun.
your cell phone all the time and you’ll end • Discover the things you like and
up with a lot more time to do other things. spend time doing them. Or try
• The time you spend texting could be something new! It can be a new
better used if you called the person hobby, some music classes or
instead. Can you remember that nice loud volunteer work.
laugh from your best friend? Probably And talk to people. You’ll eventually
not, because you’re just writing short find out what’s happening on Earth.
messages to each other. So, less posting and more living!

Based on <>; <

media>; <>; <https://>. Accessed on March 21, 2018.

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