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Muhammad Sulton Rizal

PPG Prajabatan Gel 1 Bahasa Inggris

Aksi Nyata T5
Pada akhir pembelajaran tentang Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran dan Asesmen yang efektif:

1. Tuliskan rancangan/rencana aksi nyata setelah Anda melakukan refleksi terhadap

pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan asesmen.

Soal assessment yang terdiri dari soal pengetahuan dikembangkan berdasarkan HOTs dari
taksonomi bloom, aksi nyata pelaksanaan dan asesmen yaitu membuat soal HOTs:

Tehnik penilaian : Tertulis
Bentuk penilaian : pilihan ganda
Kisi- kisi penilaian :
No. Pencapaian Indikator soal
MATERI TEKS soal/level
1 Unsur Contrastive Siswa mampu Disajikan text siswa 1/1
kebahasaan text menentukan dapat menentukan
kalimat yang melanjutkan kalimat
sesuai yang sesuai
2 Unsur Contrastive Siswa mampu Disajikan text siswa 2/1
kebahasaan text menentukan dapat menentukan
penggunaan penggunaan
Contrastive Contrastive text yang
3 Fungsi sosial Contrastive Siswa mampu Disajikan text siswa 3/3
text menentukan tujuan dapat menentukan
dari text tujuan dari text
4 Fungsi sosial Contrastive Siswa mampu Disajikan text siswa 4/3
text menentukan tujuan dapat menentukan
dari text tujuan dari text
5 Fungsi sosial Contrastive Siswa mampu Disajikan text siswa 5/3
text menentukan tujuan dapat menentukan
dari text tujuan dari text

Choose the best answer by crossing a, b,c, d, or e in front of the correct answer
1. The food in the restaurant is good; however
a. it can bea easily reached
b. its parking lotsis considerably big
c. the services needs to be improved
d. it is cheaper than any other restaurant
e. the atmosphere of the restaurant is very easy
2. three people have died of cholera, the old people of the village refused
to get an injection againts it.
a. Since
b. Despite
c. Although
d. In spite of
e. However
3. The river is heavily polluted by industrial wastes; nevertheless, many people

a. are greatly concern about it

b. are still washingtheir clothes there
c. have the victims of it
d. do not allow children to play there
e. complainabout the danger threatening them

The text is for no 4-5

Lucy : Hi...Wayan . I heard you joined a camp. Is that true?
Wayan : Yes, that’s right. I joined kids’ camp in Batu.
Lucy : What is kids’camp?
Wayan : It is a camp for kids. We learn many things such as how to keep our faith to
God, how to be discipline and how to be responsible.
Lucy : How long was the camp held?
Wayan : For three days, but it didn’t feel too long because all the activities done were
interesting. Don’t you want to join it next year?
Lucy : Although the faculty was good but it needed more services.
Wayan : What happened there?
Lucy : The breakfast and dinner were excellent but the lunch was too late. They failed to
replenish soap and towelsin bath room too.
Wayan : Although it’s not large, the room was clean. Besides, there was airconditioner
which made the air fresher.

4. Why was the kid’s camp held?

A. Because it is held to train kid into scot
B. Because it is held to help kid more aware about the discipline and self-love
C. Because it helps kid to be more independent, responsible and discipline
D. Because it helps kid to be aware about nature
E. Because it helps kid to be happier and fun
5. How was the condition of Wayan’s room?
A. The room was narrow but it felt so comfortable
B. The room was comfortable and clean
C. The Wayan’s room was so dirty and large
D. The Wayan’s room was comfortable but air conditioner wasn’t fresh
E. It was fresh and uncomfortable
2.Sebutkan dan jelaskan tiga hal bermakna yang Anda dapatkan setelah
mengikuti/melaksanakan pembelajaran dan asesmen, baik yang dilaksanakan di
kampus maupun di sekolah.

• Asesmen dibuat berdasarkan fungsinya, baik fungsi summative atau formative.

• Bentuk asesmen bisa berupa performance, portopolio, project, product dan self-asesmen
• Linkungan pembelajaran yang baik melibatkan: ekosistem, guru, kurikulum dan penilaian
yang baik pula.

3.Susunlah laporan praktik pembelajaran dan asesmen yang efektif berdasarkan apa
yang telah Anda lakukan, baik yang dilaksanakan di kampus maupun di sekolah, yang
akan dilaporkan pada pertemuan ke-12.

Choose the best answer by crossing a, b,c, d, or e in front of the correct answer
1. The food in the restaurant is good; however
A. It Can Bea Easily Reached
B. Its Parking Lotsis Considerably Big
C. The Services Needs To Be Improved
D. It Is Cheaper Than Any Other Restaurant
E. the atmosphere of the restaurant is very easy
2. three people have died of cholera, the old people of the village refused to get
an injection againts it.
A. Since
B. Despite
C. Although
D. In Spite Of
E. However
3. The river is heavily polluted by industrial wastes; nevertheless, many people
A. Are Greatly Concern About It
B. Are Still Washingtheir Clothes There
C. Have The Victims Of It
D. Do Not Allow Children To Play There
E. Complainabout the danger threatening them

The text is for no 4-5

Lucy : Hi...Wayan . I heard you joined a camp. Is that true?
Wayan : Yes, that’s right. I joined kids’ camp in Batu.
Lucy : What is kids’camp?
Wayan : It is a camp for kids. We learn many things such as how to keep our faith to God, how
to be discipline and how to be responsible.
Lucy : How long was the camp held?
Wayan : For three days, but it didn’t feel too long because all the activities done were interesting.
Don’t you want to join it next year?
Lucy : Although the faculty was good but it needed more services.
Wayan : What happened there?
Lucy : The breakfast and dinner were excellent but the lunch was too late. They failed to
replenish soap and towelsin bath room too.
Wayan : Although it’s not large, the room was clean. Besides, there was airconditioner which
made the air fresher.

4. Why was the kid’s camp held?

F. Because it is held to train kid into scot
G. Because it is held to help kid more aware about the discipline and self-love
H. Because it helps kid to be more independent, responsible and discipline
I. Because it helps kid to be aware about nature
J. Because it helps kid to be happier and fun
5. How was the condition of Wayan’s room?
a. The room was narrow but it felt so comfortable
b. The room was comfortable and clean
c. The Wayan’s room was so dirty and large
d. The Wayan’s room was comfortable but air conditioner wasn’t fresh
e. It was fresh and uncomfortable

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