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SCIENCE V 1st Quarter Summative Test #1

Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________________

Grade/Section: __________________________ Teacher: ___________________

I-Directions: Read each question carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is the use of utility knife?

A. for eating B. for reading C. for playing D. for cutting mid-sized
2. Used as a fuel in heating appliances and vehicles
A. LPG B. candle C. broom D. vitamins

3. It is the ability to break easily

A. Ductility B. Elasticity C. Brittleness D. Hardness

4. Lene is about to use scissors to peel the fruit. What could happen to her?
A. he could be harmed C. he can quickly peel it
B. he will share some fruits to me D. he could not peel it

5. This makes it possible for us to see what is happening far away

A. cake B. radio C. television D. bottle

6. The property of the material to bend without breaking

A. Flexibility B. Hardness C. Conductivity D. Porosity

7. Which object found in the kitchen can be harmful if not keep properly?
A. chopping board B. table napkin C. sharp knife D. pan

8. Marko works in the hardware. How could he work safely and efficiently?
A. Just get the materials and give to the customers very fast
B. Always read the label and cautions to avoid mistakes and harm
C. Always give smile to the customers.
D. Put the materials in a plastic bag and give to the customer.

9. The materials found in your home are ______.

A. hazardous B. useful C. harmful D. both B and C

10. Which material is useful for drinking

A. palm B. cotton C. glass D. pliers

11. Why alcohol is useful?

A. Because it is use as disinfectant, and general antiseptic
B. Because it smells good
C. Because it is cheap
D. Because it can be alternative for water

12. You want to build a house for your dog in your yard. How would you do it?
A. I will use twigs of tree.
B. I will call my little brother to help me.
C. I will build it using clay soil.
D. I will ask for help to my father and we will use wood and nails.
13. What property of gasoline makes it harmful when heated?
A. Biodegradability C. combustibility
B. Flammability D. reactivity

II-Directions: Match the items in Column A with the items in Column B. Write your answer on the
space provided in each number.


_______14. detergent powder a. additives

_______15. cellphone b. kills germs that cause bad breath
_______16. mouthwash c. whitens clothes
_______17. Broth cubes, seasonings, d. makes and receive call
monosodium glutamate (MSG) e. coloring pigment

III-Directions: Determine if the underlined material in each sentence is described as USEFUL or

HARMFUL. Write the correct answer on the line.

____________18. Diamonds embedded in drills are used to cut glass in large factories.
____________19. When stored in hot areas, can of hair spray cause explosion.
____________20. Shiny metal objects placed in front part of a jeepney can reflect light and distract
incoming drivers.
____________21. The rubber that is used to cover an electric wire protects not only the wire but also
those handling the wire.
____________22. Bleach helps remove stains and grimes in sinks.
____________23. Ica uses shampoo to nourish her dry hair.
____________24. Jeric always use hand sanitizer to prevent passing of germs through hands.
____________25. Drink medical capsule without doctor’s prescription.
Objectives No. Of WeightEasy placement
Item Average Item
Diffic Item
Days 60% 30% ult L
1. Use the 8 80 14 1-3, 5-
properties of 7, 9- 3 4,8,12 17
materials whether
they are useful or
harmful. (S5MT- 13-17
2. Determine 2 20 8 18-
whether the given 25
materials are 8
useful or harmful.
TOTAL 10 100% 14 8 3 25


SCIENCE V 1st Quarter Summative Test #1
Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________________
Grade/Section: __________________________ Teacher: ___________________

I. Directions: Read each question carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What will happen to the lighted candle when you cover it with a jar?
A. It will change color.
B. It will change in size.
C. It will continue burning.
D. It will stop burning.

2. Jelex loves eating apples, before eating the fruit he washes it water and slice it into 4 pieces.
After eating the 3 slices, he noticed that the last slice changed its color. What brought the
change to the slice of apple?
A. Presence of oxygen C. Presence of heat
B. Presence of light from the sun D. Presence of knife

3. Rusting of iron is an example of _________________.

A. Physical Change C. Chemical Change
B. Shape Change D. Color Change

4. Sliced eggplant turns into _______ in color because of its exposure to oxygen.
A. Orange b. brown c. yellow d. no change in color

5. Which process involves chemical change?

A. Tearing paper into pieces C. melting of ice
B. Rusting nail D. cutting wood

6. The air that surrounds us can cause chemical change to some objects.
A. Yes it can. B. Not sure. C. No, it cannot.

7. Oxygen is a kind of air that can ____ an object chemically.

A. Change B. Melt C. Burn D. Tear

8. Chemical Change in matter is any change that forms a _____ substance.

A. Same B. new C. old D. colorful

9. Putting a green mango inside a rice container makes it ripe after few days. What makes factor
makes the mango become ripe?
A. The rice inside the container. C. The heat inside the container.
B. The cover of the container. D. The color of the mango.

10. Cooking rice changes its appearance and taste. When it undergoes change, it ______ go back
to its original state.
A. Can b. cannot c. may d. will

11. The heat of the sun can dry clothes, it also helps in the process of drying fish like tuyo. The
process that makes dried fish like daing, tuyo or dilis is an example of___________.
a. Physical change B. Chemical Change c. No Change d. Change
12. The heat from a lighted candle can melt a piece of crayon but can still be used as crayon after
it solidifies, it can also burn a piece of paper and turn it into _______ but cannot be a used as a
paper again.
a. Folded paper B. ash C. fire d. small paper

13. Heat from the sun or fire can cause ___________ change in matter and cannot go back to its
original state.
A. Physical Change B. Chemical Change C. No Change D. Change in Color

14. What is a form of energy that can be transferred from one object to another?
A. heat B. thermometer C. barometer D. temperature

II. Choose the correct answer from the list of answers inside the scroll.

Oxygen Chemical Change

O Presence and absence Irreversible

Oxygen, heat and fuel New

15. _________is in the air that surrounds us.

16. Application of heat to materials can cause____________.

17. The ____________________of oxygen can bring change to a material such as combustion
and rusting.

18. Cooking an egg is an example of chemical change because there is a new substance formed
and the process is __________.

19. _______________

20. _______________ Things needed for fire to occur

21. _______________

22. Chemical change in matter produces a _____ product.

III. Answer the question:

1 - 24. What are the things that can cause chemical change in matter?

1. Complete the sentence below:
Chemical change is a change in a material that results in the formation of a
Objectives No. Of WeightEasy placement
Item Average Item
Diffic Item
Days 60% 30% ult
1. Investigate 5 50% 7 1, 2, 3, 4 15,
changes that 4, 5, 6, 16, 2 23, 24 13
happen in 7 17,
materials under
the presence or 18
lack of oxygen
1. Investigate 5 50% 7 8, 9, 4 19, 1 25
changes that 10, 11, 20,
happen in 12, 13, 21, 12
materials under
the application 14, 22
of heat

TOTAL 10 100 14 8 3 25


1 Quarter Summative Test #3
Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________________
Grade/Section: __________________________ Teacher: ___________________

I. Direction: Read the items carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank
before the number.

____1. It is the precise name for the proper way of handling waste materials, to protect
the environment, living things and to lessen pollution.
a. waste management c. waste disposal
b. waste segregation d. waste collection

____2. This simply means turning waste materials into new products.
a. recover b. recycle c. repair d. reuse

____3. It is a way of managing waste materials like mixing vegetables and fruit peelings with soil, and
use as fertilizer - known as composting.
a. recover b. recycle c. reduce d. reuse

____4. This refers to utilizing materials more than once, for instance a plastic bottle of energy
drink can be used again as a water container.
a. recycle b. recover c. reduce d. reuse

____5. It means to limit the use of a certain material like plastic bags and using an eco – bag instead
since it is more durable.
a. recover b. recycle c. reduce d. reuse

____6. It means fixing materials for a purpose rather than buying a new material.
a. recover b. recycle c. reduce d. repair

____7. Which of the following shows recycling of waste material?

a. Fixing damaged umbrella so it can be used again
b. Donating used toys as gifts for unfortunate children
c. Making use of empty sandwich spread jars as sugar containers
d. Using reusable bags every time you go shopping

____8. What type of waste are non-biodegradables or waste that do NOT undergo decomposition?
a. hazardous waste c. organic waste
b. liquid waste d. solid waste

____9. What type of waste materials usually came from living things and may undergo
a. hazardous waste c. organic waste
b. liquid waste d. solid waste

____10. The following are good example of waste management, except.

a. Burning of trashes like leaves, papers and plastics.
b. Fixing damaged materials is more convenient than buying a new one.
c. Limiting the use of disposable materials lessens the waste generated.
d. Making compost pits from vegetable peelings can be used as plant fertilizer.
II-Directions: Read the items carefully. Choose correct answer from the box and write it on the

1. ______________means to use less of something.

recycle recover reduce repair reuse
2. To ______________is to use something more than once.
recycle recover reduce repair reuse
3. The students toss their papers in the______________bin instead of the trash can.
recycling recovering reducing repairing reusing
4. Arlo sells his toy trucks at a yard sale. His toy trucks will be______________by someone
recycled recovered reduced repaired reused
5. Sofia peeled the corn and composts the husks. She______________the amount of food that
ends up in the landfill.
recycles recovers reduces repairs reuses
6. John’s bike broke. He took it to a bike shop to have it fixed. Owen decided to ______________his
bike instead of buying a new one.
recycle recover reduce repair reuse
7. The old cardboard was used to make new boxes. The cardboard was ______________.
recycled recovered reduced repaired reused
8. Mrs. Cortez asked that no more paper catalogs be mailed to her. She______________her amount
of junk mail.
recycled recovered reduced repaired reused
9. Abby brings her lunch to school in the same bag each day. She______________her lunch bag.
recycles recovers reduces repairs reuses
10. Mr. Ramirez collects his used metal cans and plastic bottles. He drops them at the
______________center once a month.
recycling recovering reducing repairing reusing
III. Match the proper waste management in column A to their corresponding practices in
column B. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided.

Column A Column B

_____ 1. Composting fruits and vegetable peelings a. reuse

and other biodegradable wastes.
_____ 2. Limited use of disposable materials to b. repair
lessens the solid waste.
_____ 3. Making recyclables into new useful materials c. reduce
to earn and save money.
_____ 4. Fixing damaged materials rather than d. recycle
buying a new one.
_____ 5. Buying durable materials that can be used for e. recover
longer time so as not to always buy a new one
Objectives No. Of WeightEasy placement
Item Average Item
Diffic Item
Days 60% 30% ult L
2. Design a product
out of local, 6 60 13 1-7 2 8,9 14
recyclable solid 21-25
and/ or
liquid materials in
making useful
( S5MT-Ih-i-4 )
1. Product Out of
Local, Recyclable 4 40 10 11- 1 10 11
and/or Liquid 20
In Making Useful
Products (S5MT-
TOTAL 10 100% 13 10 3 25


1. A
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. D
7. C
8. D
9. C
10. A
11. reduce
12. reuse
13. recycling
14. recovered
15. reduces
16. repair
17. recycled
18. reduced
19. reuses
20. recycling
21. E
22. C
23. D
24. B
25. A

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