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Bài KT 2 Kỹ năng tổng hợp 6 B2

Câu 1:

1. You won’t get ill if you eat a balanced _________ .

2. The Chancellor is warning of a slowdown in economic _________ this coming


3. We have to find alternatives to using fossil _________ for our energy needs.

4. Heavy-goods _________ cause a lot of damage to the roads and the


5. Each of us has to think carefully about our carbon _________ .

6. Today, wind power is a popular source of renewable _________ .

7. Many wild animals are losing their natural _________ because of all the
building work.

8. A main concern about the environment is that the ice _________ are melting.

9. The carbon _________ emissions from cars is far too high.

10. According to experts, the main reason for all the flooding last year is climate

Trả lời:
1. diet
2. growth
3. fuels
4. vehicles
5. footprint
6. energy
7. habitats
8. mountains
9. dioxide
10. change

Câu 1
Complete the sentences with the correct words.
1.If you _________ down the webpage, you’ll find the information at the
2. I forgot to _________ my work this morning and I lost everything!

3. Click on the _________ if you want to see the full-size image.

4. Type the website into the _________ _________ and click on search.

5. What does that _________ represent? It looks a bit like a fish!

6. Our _________ is Microsoft Internet Explorer, isn’t it?

7. If you want to open another window, just _________ the one you’ve got
open and you can enlarge it again later.
Phần trả lời
4.address bar

Câu 2:

What’s on the timetable?

What should or should not be included in the National Curriculum for schools in
the UK has always been a controversial issue. How much time should be
dedicated to core subjects such as Maths, English and Science? Should a foreign
language be started at primary school or should a foreign language be
compulsory at all? Many people still question the validity of having a curriculum
imposed by government in the first place and would prefer to see more control
over what is taught given to the schools themselves. So, plans for significant
changes to the curriculum over the next few years will undoubtedly provoke
heated debate.
What are these plans? Well, firstly concern over the general health of the
population has caused experts to call for five hours compulsory sports lessons
per week. Increased rates of obesity in the population have been put down to our
more sedentary lifestyle today and it is hoped that more exercise at school will
put young people on the right path and encourage good habits for when they
leave school. It is also hoped to offset the amount of their free time children
spend in front of computers and TVs today.
Another health issue that is affecting the curriculum is food and nutrition.
Changes in eating habits have meant that more and more fast food is being
eaten and cooking proper meals seems to be going out of fashion. So, a
minimum of an hour a week of compulsory cooking lessons for all eleven- to
fourteen-year-olds is going to be introduced at secondary schools to ensure that
students leave school able to cook at least eight nutritious meals!
As well as improving the health of the nation, the government also wants to
improve its intellect. Up to five hours a week of compulsory ‘culture lessons’ are
set to become part of the curriculum. This will include, amongst other things visits
to cultural centres such as museums and galleries as well as more traditional
Most schools believe that the thinking behind these ideas is sound but are
inevitably wondering how they are going to manage to timetable all the
compulsory changes the government wants. A week is only a week and an
increase in time allocated to one subject will mean less time for another. So
which will go? The debate begins.


1. Many people think that

A. controversial subjects shouldn’t be taught.
B. these matters need further discussion.
C. schools should decide what they teach themselves.

2. Sports lessons should

A. distract children from their computers.
B. encourage children to do more exercise.
C. become a habit.

3. In cookery lessons students will learn

A. the dangers of fast food.
B. some fashionable recipes.
C. to cook a few good meals.

4. Lessons about culture will

A. take children out of schools.
B. make us more intelligent.
C. take place in the classroom.

5. These changes may be a problem because

A. not everyone agrees about them.
B. school time is limited.
C. students will have to make a choice.
Trả lời:
1. B
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. B
Câu 3:

Imagine you have seen an advert for a two-week course for adventure sports.
Write a letter to apply for a place on the course. Use the writing guide to help you.
Paragraph 1: Say why you are writing.

Paragraph 2: Give details about yourself.

Paragraph 3: Say why you want to go on the course.

Paragraph 4: Ask some questions about the course.

Trả lời:
Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m writing in response to your advertisement on your website for a badminton

course in Gia Nghia city, DakNong.

I have always wanted to play well badminton so I’m very interested in joining the
course; however, I do have my own racket, no racket ball and don’t wish to buy
balls at this time. Is it possible for me to hire balls for the duration of the course?
Also I have poor eyesight and have to wear glasses all the time. I would like to
know if your course is suitable for someone like me.

My job is very busy. If I am unable to attend the class, can I be made up for
another session before the end of the course?

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,
Huong Quynh

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter in response to an advertisement, which was published online a

few days ago, where it shows that your tennis academy in Nottinghamshire is offering
a short tennis course for beginners.

Given how much interested I really am in becoming a good tennis player, I had
naturally become very interested after seeing the word “short”. But, then my
excitement died down a little after noticing that the short was not really that short
after all. In fact, I would need to spend at least 4 weeks in England to finish the
whole course, which could be a bit problematic since I would need to return to my
country after three weeks. I have got three weeks vacation from my job which I am
planning to use in learning tennis.
Therefore, I was just wondering if I would be allowed to join the course with some
sort of guarantee that I would get a partial refund for my course should I go back to
my country before finishing the entire course or maybe you can make a special
arrangement so that I can finish it in three weeks.

I will wait for your response.

Yours faithfully,

Martin Freeman

Câu 3:

Write a short story. Imagine you were working on a space station on another
planet. You suddenly heard a terrible noise outside. What happened? Use the
writing guide to help you.

Paragraph 1: Set the scene and give background information.

Paragraphs 2 and 3: Describe the events.

Paragraph 4: Bring the story to an end.

Trả lời:
My name is Duc Anh. I am an astronaut. At this time last month, I was working in
the International Space Station (ISS). There were five people in the spaceship.
On a quiet night, we were sleeping in the spaceship. Suddenly we heard a
terrible boom under the spaceship. We all were very nervous and went out the
spaceship. There was a big problem with an engine of the spaceship. Luckily, it
did not damage our ship. We adjusted the engine to return our home planet "the
earth". It was an amazing experience in my life on the space station.
Câu 2:

What’s on the timetable?

What should or should not be included in the National Curriculum for schools in
the UK has always been a controversial issue. How much time should be
dedicated to core subjects such as Maths, English and Science? Should a foreign
language be started at primary school or should a foreign language be
compulsory at all? Many people still question the validity of having a curriculum
imposed by government in the first place and would prefer to see more control
over what is taught given to the schools themselves. So, plans for significant
changes to the curriculum over the next few years will undoubtedly provoke
heated debate.
What are these plans? Well, firstly concern over the general health of the
population has caused experts to call for five hours compulsory sports lessons
per week. Increased rates of obesity in the population have been put down to our
more sedentary lifestyle today and it is hoped that more exercise at school will
put young people on the right path and encourage good habits for when they
leave school. It is also hoped to offset the amount of their free time children
spend in front of computers and TVs today.
Another health issue that is affecting the curriculum is food and nutrition.
Changes in eating habits have meant that more and more fast food is being
eaten and cooking proper meals seems to be going out of fashion. So, a
minimum of an hour a week of compulsory cooking lessons for all eleven- to
fourteen-year-olds is going to be introduced at secondary schools to ensure that
students leave school able to cook at least eight nutritious meals!
As well as improving the health of the nation, the government also wants to
improve its intellect. Up to five hours a week of compulsory ‘culture lessons’ are
set to become part of the curriculum. This will include, amongst other things visits
to cultural centres such as museums and galleries as well as more traditional
Most schools believe that the thinking behind these ideas is sound but are
inevitably wondering how they are going to manage to timetable all the
compulsory changes the government wants. A week is only a week and an
increase in time allocated to one subject will mean less time for another. So
which will go? The debate begins.


1. Many people think that

A. controversial subjects shouldn’t be taught.
B. these matters need further discussion.
C. schools should decide what they teach themselves.

2. Sports lessons should

A. distract children from their computers.
B. encourage children to do more exercise.
C. become a habit.

3. In cookery lessons students will learn

A. the dangers of fast food.
B. some fashionable recipes.
C. to cook a few good meals.

4. Lessons about culture will

A. take children out of schools.
B. make us more intelligent.
C. take place in the classroom.

5. These changes may be a problem because

A. not everyone agrees about them.
B. school time is limited.
C. students will have to make a choice.
Trả lời:

Câu 2
Read the text.

How far would you go?

Several science-fiction films and series have become so popular that they
have achieved cult status. Their influence continues to grow and followers
and fans remain steadfastly loyal to their imagined heroes. There are
conventions, books, magazines and websites all dedicated to these stars, their
exploits and their lives.

One of the most influential TV sci-fi series of all time was Star Trek, an
American series which followed the adventures of the Starship Enterprise
across galaxies for many, many years. The characters of Captain Kirk,
Doctor Spock and Engineer Scottie, to name just a few members of the
valiant crew, captured our imaginations. Feature films brought the
adventures to the big screen but even when the series and films had finished
and the ageing crew long retired loyal fans keep the memories alive. There
are regular Star Trek conventions all over the world where fans meet to buy
memorabilia, listen to talks and of course dress up as their favourite aliens.
And as with other cult shows, Star Trek also has its fair share of eccentrics
who take interest that one step further – into obsession.

One such person, Tony Adams, lives in Leicestershire, England and is so

fond of the series that he spent several years and many thousands of pounds
decorating and changing his flat into the bridge of the Starship Enterprise. It
contains replicas of all the machines and screens and even has a transporter
room fitted with special beams of light. The flat is perfect but it still
functions as a living area. The owner has ingeniously disguised essential
appliances such as microwaves and sinks, and normal entertainment
equipment like TV, radio and DVD systems are carefully hidden behind wall
panels. The whole flat is bathed in an eerie blue light and you can really
imagine looking out of one of the porthole windows and seeing stars and
planets speeding past.

Perhaps the owner’s next step will be to learn Klingon, the language spoken
by one of the alien species that Kirk and friends encounter on their travels. In
a quite remarkable feat, a whole new language has been created and it is
possible to attend the Klingon Language Institute in Pennsylvania, founded
by Lawrence M Schoen. You can actually gain a qualification in Klingon.
And when you have learned the language you will be able to read
Shakespeare’s Hamlet which has already been translated!

For more interesting Star Trek obsessives, look on their website or even
better, go to one of their conventions. It will be quite an experience!

Choose the correct answers.

1. The fans of science fiction series and films

A. live in an imaginary world.
B. are members of a cult.
C. support their idols.

2. At a Star Trek convention you can

A. meet the actors.
B. buy things from the series.
C. see replicas of the starships.

3. Tony’s flat
A. has the latest technology.
B. lacks basic facilities.
C. is not what it seems.

4. Which adjective best describes Tony?

A. curious
B. wealthy
C. passionate

5. People can practise Klingon

A. by reading a play.
B. by visiting the country.
C. by studying online.


Câu 1:

1. You won’t get ill if you eat a balanced _________ .

2. The Chancellor is warning of a slowdown in economic _________ this coming


3. We have to find alternatives to using fossil _________ for our energy needs.

4. Heavy-goods _________ cause a lot of damage to the roads and the


5. Each of us has to think carefully about our carbon _________ .

6. Today, wind power is a popular source of renewable _________ .

7. Many wild animals are losing their natural _________ because of all the
building work.

8. A main concern about the environment is that the ice _________ are melting.

9. The carbon _________ emissions from cars is far too high.

10. According to experts, the main reason for all the flooding last year is climate
Trả lời:
1 diet 2 growth 3 fuels 4 vehicles 5 footprint 6 energy 7 habitats 8 caps 9 dioxide
10 change
ĐỀ 2
Câu 1:

1. In addition to his regular hours he’s working a lot of _________ to earn extra

2. Mary’s on _________ leave at the moment because she’s just had a baby.

3. If you wear a _________ , it means you don’t have to buy smart suits for work.

4. My last job was very _________ paid so I looked for another one with a better

5. I hate writing letters and reports but you can’t escape doing _________ in this

6. John surprised everyone by handing in his _________ last week.

7. To get results in this job, you have to work as part of a _________ .

8. Employees who aren’t happy with their working conditions sometimes go on

_________ .

9. Some people enjoy doing _________ work but I prefer regular hours every

10. Who is in _________ of this department now that Mandy has left?
Trả lời:
1 overtime
2 maternity
3 uniform
4 poorly
5 paperwork
6 notice
7 team
8 strike
9 shift
10 charge
Câu 3:

Imagine you have seen an advert for a two-week course for adventure sports.
Write a letter to apply for a place on the course. Use the writing guide to help you.

Paragraph 1: Say why you are writing.

Paragraph 2: Give details about yourself.

Paragraph 3: Say why you want to go on the course.

Paragraph 4: Ask some questions about the course.

Trả lời:
Dear Sir or Madam, I am Thanh Hiep, writing to inquire some details about a two-
week cuba-diving course you conduct. I would like to take part in this course and
know more details about it. I am a student at a university. I like sports very much
especially adventure sports. I have recently noticed your advertisement in a daily
newspaper and as a passionate learner of this sport, I would like to get enrolled
in this two-week-long program. As the course is intended for adventurous
sporters, it would be a good fit for me. I would like to know some information
about this course. How much is this course? Can you let me know the detail
schedule? Do I have to prepare all things to dive or you provide? Finally, I would
request you to email the document checklists to join the course. I look forward to
hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Thanh Hiep
Câu 2:

What’s on the timetable?

What should or should not be included in the National Curriculum for schools in
the UK has always been a controversial issue. How much time should be
dedicated to core subjects such as Maths, English and Science? Should a foreign
language be started at primary school or should a foreign language be
compulsory at all? Many people still question the validity of having a curriculum
imposed by government in the first place and would prefer to see more control
over what is taught given to the schools themselves. So, plans for significant
changes to the curriculum over the next few years will undoubtedly provoke
heated debate.
What are these plans? Well, firstly concern over the general health of the
population has caused experts to call for five hours compulsory sports lessons
per week. Increased rates of obesity in the population have been put down to our
more sedentary lifestyle today and it is hoped that more exercise at school will
put young people on the right path and encourage good habits for when they
leave school. It is also hoped to offset the amount of their free time children
spend in front of computers and TVs today.
Another health issue that is affecting the curriculum is food and nutrition.
Changes in eating habits have meant that more and more fast food is being
eaten and cooking proper meals seems to be going out of fashion. So, a
minimum of an hour a week of compulsory cooking lessons for all eleven- to
fourteen-year-olds is going to be introduced at secondary schools to ensure that
students leave school able to cook at least eight nutritious meals!
As well as improving the health of the nation, the government also wants to
improve its intellect. Up to five hours a week of compulsory ‘culture lessons’ are
set to become part of the curriculum. This will include, amongst other things visits
to cultural centres such as museums and galleries as well as more traditional
Most schools believe that the thinking behind these ideas is sound but are
inevitably wondering how they are going to manage to timetable all the
compulsory changes the government wants. A week is only a week and an
increase in time allocated to one subject will mean less time for another. So
which will go? The debate begins.


1. Many people think that

A. controversial subjects shouldn’t be taught.
B. these matters need further discussion.
C. schools should decide what they teach themselves.

2. Sports lessons should

A. distract children from their computers.
B. encourage children to do more exercise.
C. become a habit.

3. In cookery lessons students will learn

A. the dangers of fast food.
B. some fashionable recipes.
C. to cook a few good meals.

4. Lessons about culture will

A. take children out of schools.
B. make us more intelligent.
C. take place in the classroom.
5. These changes may be a problem because
A. not everyone agrees about them.
B. school time is limited.
C. students will have to make a choice.
Trả lời:

Câu 3
Write a short story. Imagine you were working on a space station on another
planet. You suddenly heard a terrible noise outside. What happened? Use the
writing guide to help you.
Paragraph 1: Set the scene and give background information.
Paragraphs 2 and 3: Describe the events.
Paragraph 4: Bring the story to an end.

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