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Unlocking the Secrets of

Your Matrix of Destiny:
An In-Depth Guide to

Personal Compatibility Child

Your name *

Date of Birth * F M


When we are born to this world we

arrive without the knowledge about
the talents and data gifted to us, life
is like a lost ship in the open sea. The
Matrix of Destiny is a numerology
method using date of birth, like a
lighthouse that guides the needy
wanderer, helps to find purpose in
life and discover one’s Destiny.
According to the Matrix of Destiny it
will help to find the perfect partner
and compatibility that will avoid
difficulties in relationships and will
guide you through life decisions.

Information about matrix:

Ngo Thi Cam Tu


Personal Qualities

Talents 

Destiny 

Money 

Programs 


Previous life

(6-5-17) Karmic debt from a previous life

In the past life, you possessed some trait for

which unlimited praise and recognition were
obtained, more than it would be worth.
Perhaps it is the beauty of appearance or
some unique skill gained from nature, and
not as a result of self-development. You were
too proud and just went with the Gow, getting
the best out of people and life without
making any effort.

In present life

In this life, everything can be quite usual, but

the feeling of uniqueness does not go away.
You believe that everyone owes you
everything from people to situations that
have to constantly work out in your favour in
the best way possible. However, this does
not happen, and life breaks all your
expectations quite harshly. This is the lesson
for past undeserved success and
permissiveness in behaviour. Now, every step
up will be achieved only at the cost of your
own hard work. Even in situations where
others reach everything relatively easily, you
will have to try hard to do the same. Instead
of the best house, car, friends, it will not be
easy to get even a relatively small wealth
piece by piece. If at some stage, you get
something undeservedly again (on occasion
or with the help of patronage), then
humiliation will follow it. The benefactors
themselves will put you in place. Soon you
will have to lose all your goods that were not
earned independently.

Lesson and recommendations

You should not try to put yourself above

others and compare yourself with the
surrounding people at all to achieve
everything independently and persistently.
You will have to work a lot in different areas
of life. However, everything earned in the
honest and hard way will deOnitely not go
anywhere. There will be a success, but you
will reach it very slowly. You should not wait
for dizzying victories and recognition in this
life. Everything will come at the right time if
you make an effort and patience.

Parents 

Kids 

Relationship 

Health 

Life Guidance 

Year's Forecast

Personal brand (NEW) 

9 80

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Personal calculation
9 7

12 20 8
10 15
11 22
5 7

16 12 12 10 17
4 11 7 7
5 17 15 22
19 15
8 20
15 7

7 21 14 21 7 5 12 12 17 5
9 3 19
20 14
6 18 5
13 9
5 11 9 13
19 17 4 4

6 22

17 11

11 19
5 12
9 5
22 11
12 10

Health card

Chakra name Physics Energy Emotions

Sahasrara 
1 7 5 12

Ajna 
2 21 17 11
Destiny, egregores

Vissudha 
3 14 12 8
Destiny, egregores

Anahata 
4 Relationships, picture of the 21 19 4

Manipura 
5 7 7 14
Status, posessions

Svadhisthana 
6 12 6 18
Love of children, Joy

Muladhara 
7 5 17 22
Body, materia

Result 
15 11 17
Common energy-zone

Male generation lines: 12 22 7

Female generation lines: 10 6 16

Soal searching

Mix of male and female. Building relationships.


Sky 22
Earth 12


Social and family systems. Result and public


M 7
F 16

Spiritual knowledge

Spiritual exam. Who am I for the God? Do I have

anything spiritual inside?


Download diagram

Learn about another person

About the method of

numerological calculation

Matrix Of Destiny
People have always wondered: is there
predetermination in their lives or are they
able to control their own faith? Is it possible
to escape from negative inGuences and
change one's life? Numerology using the
Matrix Of Destiny method provides answers
to these questions.

A Brief History
The method of determining key moments in
the life and character of each person has
been around for thousands of years, And its
origin lies in ancient China. The knowledge
in the meanings and the combinations of
energies and numbers has been adapted to
modern demands and human needs. Now,
anyone who investigates their birth date has
the opportunity to better understand
themselves, such as achieving success in
their personal life, work, and navigate the
complexities of relationships with others.

learn more

Matrix Of Destiny: Who is

it useful for?
If you you are looking for a
"universal" method of self-
discovery and understanding of

learn more

Your chance to use this

No magic, no esotericism - only accurate
information and knowledge of all humanity,
which has been around for thousands of
years. This method is a whole science, and
it is quite accurate. To obtain the necessary
information, you just need to know your date
of birth.

learn more

The Matrix of Destiny is the numerology of the future.

We tried to convey to you the method as simple as
possible, and our smart numerological calculation will
also help you to learn it. All you have to do is allow us
to share our knowledge with you and use it for your
best future.

We do know that everyone is a unique

person. Discover your way with the
numerology method of the “Matrix of



22 Arcanum, The Fool

22 Arcanum in the "plus": The main thing in this person is

the spontaneity of feelings, complete freedom and the
absence of all sorts of limits and...

21 Arcanum, The World

21 Arcanum in the "plus": This person loves peace and

harmony around, tends to reconcile the warring parties
and shows the wonders of diplomacy. This person...

20 Arcanum, Judgment

20 Arcanum in the “plus”. This person has a strong

relationship with the family. This person is able to unite
people and restore connections in the family.

Get access

You need the Matrix of Destiny

numerology method if:

You don’t feel


You think you should

have a better life

You feel like you have lost your way

and are trying to Ond a mark of the right path

You are looking

for your destiny

You don’t remember

how to enjoy life anymore

You want to unlock the potential

and discover new talents

You know what you want

but don’t know how to get it

You want to start a new

and successful career

Opportunities of
numerological calculation

After looking through the instructions in the

guide and decoding your Matrix with
numerological calculation, you will be able to
use these methods in your life.

Financial well-being

You will achieve an improvement in the
Dnancial area.

Health improvement

You will understand the causes of health
problems and how to solve them.

Harmony in relationships

You will harmonize your relationship with
your soul mate or Dnd out the image of a
suitable partner, if you don’t have one yet.
You will improve relationships with your

New talents

You will reveal your talents, help your
children unleash their potential and guide
them in the right direction.

Understanding of others

You will understand why others behave this


You will Dnd your purpose, add colors to life
and Dll every day with some meaning.

Help loved ones

You will get something that really works to
help people Dnd answers to their questions.


You will get an opportunity for self-
fulDllment and working remotely.

Discover your destiny

and help others

Invest time in studying the Matrix of Destiny and

make money. Invest time in studying the Matrix of
Destiny and make money. The average price for one
consultation varies from $50 to $300. Being a
Destination Consultant is a sought-after and lucrative
profession. A lot of people are puzzled by Dnding
themselves and you have a chance to help them. It is
an opportunity to make your life more successful and
live better doing what you love and helping other

You can earn money from anywhere in the

world, all you need is access to the Internet.
The cost of training pays off literally after
one or two consultations.

Get method

Practice and
on decoding numerology

We made a list of recommendations on

getting clients and giving consultations for
you to have an easy start in a new

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