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Sarah Brennan

Team mates: Rogan Homen, Jacob Wade Berumen, Nadia Rose Camacho

1. Report the metrics (Customer, Employee and shareholder satisfaction percentages).

My customer satisfaction score is 17%, Employee satisfaction score is 325, 19%

shareholder satisfaction.

How did your team do? Compared to last week? What could have been done better?

I think my team did very well compared to last week as all of our scores have gone up,

actually our customer satisfaction went from 0% to 17%. Although the score is still low,

it is going up slowly which is good. Our team could've done better discussing the price

limit on how much we could all spend though this week.

2. How did your individual decisions compare to those of your teammates?

My decisions compared to my teammates because my decisions are more of how I

respond to decisions to the public during these crises. my other team members are

more of how we deal with the decisions, how much of a budget we have, etc.

3. Think of the crisis and your team's decisions. Which theory or theories in the textbook

(Ch.s 1-7, 14) you have studied so far are applicable to this crisis? Explain.

The path goal theory is somewhat similar to how we handle our situations in the crises,

as the directive, supportive, participation, and achievement oriented leadership all come

into play with my team members' roles and responsibilities.

4. What is your demonstrated leadership style in this week’s game? Have you used this

style in your personal life or in your job as a leader? Give an example.

I have demonstrated leadership in the authentic leader. I have for sure used this style in

my personal life as a leader as I have high moral and ethical standards and conduct. I

believe that It is important to suspend judgment on people at work at Starbucks until I

know what all the reasoning and facts behind their decisions are and all relevant data is


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