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Comandos Descripcion
mom[abcdfloprtuxsi] Print description of MO classes, CM/FM attributes, actions, enums and structs.
lt Load MO tree and build proxy table.
lcc Load MO tree and build proxy table.
ld[c] Load one MO instance and (optionally) the MO tree below it.
lu/llu Unload MOs from MO tree.
pr[s][m]/lpr[s][m] Print MO LDNs and proxy ids for all or part of the MO tree currently loaded in moshell.
ma[i]/lma[i] Add MO(s) to an MO group.
mr[i]/lmr[i] Remove an MO group or remove MOs from an MO group (MOs will NOT be deleted, only the group).
mp Print all defined MO groups.
get[m][i]/lget[m][i] Read CM/FM attribute(s) from MO(s).
hget[c][m][i]/lhget[c][m] [i] Read CM/FM attribute(s) from MO(s), print horizontally one line per MO (instead of one line per attribute).
kget[m]/lkget[m] Display CM/FM attributes in exportable printout format.
st/lst Print state of MOs (operationalState and administrativeState when applicable).
lk/llk View all MO's linked to an MO, and their states (admState and opState).
lko/llko Obsolete command, use lk/llk instead.
set[m][c][1][i]/lset[m][c ][1][i] Set an attribute value on one or several MO's.
eset[c][1]/leset[c][1] Set one or several attributes on one or several MO's, using regexp matching on the attribute name.
rset/lrset Set attribute value on a restricted attribute or change the MOid of an MO.
bl[s]/lbl[s] Lock or soft-lock MO(s).
deb/ldeb Unlock MO(s).
acl/lacl Lists available MO actions.
acc[e][n]/lacc[e][n] Execute an MO action.
cr[e][n] Create an MO.
del[b]/ldel[b] Delete MO(s).
rdel/lrdel Delete MO(s) together with children and reserving MOs.
gm[c][d]/lgm[c][d] Generate MO Creation/Deletion script.
sc[g][w][d] Read/Write/Reset SystemConstants.
safe+/safe-/safe? Apply strict MO matching rules on MO WRITE commands
s+/s++/s-/s? Sort MO list in alphabetical order instead of proxy order.
u+[s]/u-/u?/u! Handling of undo mode (for cr/del/rdel/set/bl/deb/acc commands). Can be used for generation of MO scripts as well.
run[x][1][1p][1r] Run a command file in moshell format.
ctrl-z Abort an MO command or a "for" loop. Type "touch /tmp/<stopfile>;fg" to resume the moshell session.
pol[b][c][d][h][i][k][m][ p][s][r][u][w][y] Poll the node until the MO service is up or until an operation has completed.
getmom Check the MOM version currently stored on the node or download a MOM from newtran01 server.
parsemom Parse an xml MOM file.
fget[i]/lfget[i] Read attributes that are not listed in the MOM (f="Force").
fset[i]/lfset[i] Set an attribute that is not described in the MOM ("Force" set).
facc/lfacc Perform actions that are not defined in the MOM ("Force" action).
fdel/lfdel Delete MO(s), including systemCreated MOs.
cvls/cvmk/cvms/cvset/cvrm [u]/cvrbrm/cvcu/cvget[f][u][d]/cvput/cvls1/cvre/cvfa/cvfd CV backup handling: list, make local, make remote, remove, setstartable.
inv[hlxpbctrgfau] Complete HW/SW inventory. Includes information about RPUs, licensing, JVM, devices, XPs, ISL, etc.
sdi[cr] System Diagnostics CPRI.
sts Display state and configuration of Network Synchronization.
hc[iuzd][v] Run a healthcheck report or compare healtcheck logs.
dcg[meiasrfkx] Fetch data for TRs/CSRs, according to the Data Collection Guidelines.
trg[idfubg] Generate RBS TR observation template
diff[a][d][m][o][x][i]/ld iff[a][d][m][o][x][i] Parameter auditing or MO dump comparisons.
al[atkcg][u] Print the list of active alarms. Acknowledge/Unacknowledge an alarm.
lg[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv wxyz0123456] Fetching and processing of node logs
uv Print or change moshell configuration settings (also called "user variables").
pv Print scripting variables.
!/l Execute a unix command on the PC/workstation.
l+[m][m][s][o]/l-/l? Open/close moshell logfiles.
coli Open an interactive COLI or RCS-COLI session to the node.
comcli Open an interactive COMCLI/ECLI session to the node. Only applicable for COM nodes.
esci Start Ericsson Support Command Interface mode. Only applicable for EMCLI (RCS nodes).
netconf[g][gx] Open an interactive NETCONF session to the node or execute a NETCONF command file. Only applicable for COM nodes.
c+/c1/c2/c-/c?/c0 Switch between the COM node's linux shell, rcs-coli shell or comcli shell.
linux/rcs-coli/comcli Send CLI commands to the COM node's linux shell, rcs-coli shell or comcli shell.
mcl[d] List MO-Context COMCLI commands.
mcc/lmcc Execute MO-Context COMCLI commands.
bo[ar]/ba[swdpmu]/br[wdm] /be[0-50]/bp Manage board groups that can be used for running COLI commands on multiple boards.
lh[z] Run COLI commands on all boards of a board group or MO group.
mon[?][d][u][f][s][t][k][ a][x][-] Start/stop/check CPP target monitor or Linux monitor session in TCP mode, UDP mode, or disk mode.
fte Filtered te (trace and error) command.
ftree[f][d][1] Recursive listing of a directory on the file system of the node or the workstation.
ftget[1][c]/ftput[1][c]/f tdel[1][a]/ftrun Transfer files or directories to/from the node, using ftp or sftp.
htget Download files using http or https.
edit Edit a file on the node.
hi Print history of moshell commands entered during the current session.
time[t] Measure time taken by an moshell command or by each command in a moshell command file.
pipe Execute a moshell command and pipe the output to a unix command.
lmid[c][h]/upid[om] Print translation of loadmodule/upgradepackage product number or T&E error codes.
p/w/pw/b Change moshell prompt and/or window title.
prox[+-] Toggle display of proxy identities in printout of get <mo> <attribute> command.
col Toggle display of colors.
ul Toggle display of userlabel in st/lst and pget/lpget printout.
conf[bld][+-] Toggle confirmation on various MO commands.
gs[+-]/gsg[+-] Toggle display of old/new attribute value in set/bl/deb commands.
ip2d Convert an IP address to a decimal number.
d2ip/h2ip Convert a decimal or hexadecimal number to an IP address.
h2d/d2h Convert an integer to hexadecimal or viceversa.
h2b/b2h Convert a binary to hexadecimal or viceversa.
d2b/b2d Convert a binary to decimal or viceversa.
encpw Create an encoded password for use in Moshell
mos2ro Generate an installation package for moshell read-only version.
gpg Decrypt a gpg-encrypted ESI or PMD file, standalone or contained in a zip/tgz archive.
wait Wait of a specific duration in hrs, mins, secs, rops, or until specified time.
wf[o][a][t] Write lines to a file.
return Exit from a command file without exiting from moshell (scripting).
print Print a line or variable (scripting).
alias/unalias Print or define command aliases.
lf[c] Load a moshellrc file or a offline COLI file.
bg[g]/bgs/bgw Run some moshell commands in background or check status of background jobs.
smd[slcr] Server Maintenance - disk usage
q/by/exit/quit Exit moshell.
pmom[acdpo] Print description of PM counters.
pget[m]/lpget[m] Read PM attribute(s) from MO(s).
spget/lspget Read PM attribute(s) one by one ("slow pget").
hpget[c][m]/lhpget[c][m] Read PM attribute(s) from MO(s), print horizontally one line per MO (instead of one line per attribute).
pdiff/lpdiff Print incrementation of PM attributes.
hpdiff[m]/lhpdiff[m] Print incrementation of PM attributes, horizontally one line per MO (instead of one line per attribute)
pmx[hfdnsckwlb3zeity] Display counter or KPI values, extracted from the statistics ROP files, or from the MOs in real-time.
pmr[agfkwop3z] Produce PM KPI reports, based on counter values in statistics ROP files and formulas in CPI documentation.
pme[fd][cgurv] Fetch/decode event ROP files (RNC/RBS/ERBS/MSRBS).
pst List all PM scanners and their state.
pgets[n][m][r] Print scanner contents.
pcr[cfpdaz]/lpcr[cfpda] Create a Statistics Scanner or PmJob.
pbl Suspend a scanner.
pdeb Resume a scanner.
pdel[p] Delete a scanner.
emom Display list of events available for each kind of event-based scanner.
pset[d] Set the contents of an event-based scanner (RNC/RBS/ENB/MSRBS).

Comandos mas Comunes

Alarmas alt all
Vlan get . Vlan
TN_C get tn_c
Vswr & Inventario invrx
Vswr & FSP invrx g
Usuarios ue print -admitted
RSSI para FDD pmxet EUTRANCELLFDD Int_RadioRecInterferencePWR$

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