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The life of Ibrahim ‫ﷺ‬

Where is he from
Ibrahim (as) was born in a house ofisolators in the
ancient city ‘Ur’ of charades, in modern day

What can we learn about his childhood
his father, Aza, was a well-know idol sculptorer that people
worshiped, most people at the time practiced the old
Mesopotamian religion. He wouldn’t understand why
people were worshipping man made statues out of stone

2 temples

What signific event happened in his life

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what journeys did he untertake

Ibrahim (AS) was born in Babylon, where idol worship was prevalent.
However, he questioned the worship of idols and recognized the
existence of a higher power, submitting to the belief in "the Lord of the
Despite facing trials, including being thrown into a fire, Ibrahim remained

4 steadfast in his faith. He later received a dream instructing him to

sacrifice his son, Ismail (AS). Both Ibrahim and Ismail demonstrated
unwavering faith and submission.
As Ibrahim prepared to sacrifice Ismail, Allah intervened and provided a
ram as a substitute. This story showcases Ibrahim's journey from idol
worship to monotheism and his unwavering commitment to Allah.

Whe is he a important prophet

Islam considers Ibrahim to be the ancestor of the
Arab race. People in Ibrahim's time engaged in

5 idolatry. Ibrahim insisted on serving only one God,

Allah, and rejected the worship of other gods. He is
referred to as a hanif, which is a pre-Muslim individual
who was fully dedicated to worshiping only one God.

What does the Quran teach about him

The prophets were the best of humanity, according to
Allah, and they were sent into the world to lead
people back to the worship of Allah (swt). Ibrahim is
described as "a community unto himself" in the Quran
6 (16:120), which is a potent indication of the legacy he
left behind.
What did the prophet ‫ ﷺ‬say about him
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him) tells us in this Hadith that he
encountered Prophet Abraham (peace be upon
him) on the night when he ascension to the
Heavens (Isr' and Mi'r'j). He was instructed by

7 Prophet Ibrahim to send his greetings to the

Muslim people and to inform them that Paradise
had good, pristine land.

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