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Caustic soda (sodium hydroxide, or NaOH) is a commonly used water treatment chemical that raises the

pH of water by absorbing water and carbon dioxide.

Hard Water

When water is “hard,” it causes corrosion. Hard water has an abundance of dissolved
magnesium and calcium. Minerals adhere to the tanks and lines in a water treatment
facility, which inhibits water flow and, if not treated, can eventually corrode through the
line. Hard water is also renowned for lowering the saponification of soaps and
detergents; clothes feel scratchy and look dingy, dishes and glasses are spotty, and a
buildup forms on skin and appliances. Caustic soda increases the pH of water and can
easily change hard water to a much closer approximation to neutral when injected into
the water treatment system.

Decreases Dangerous Metals

Caustic soda decreases the solubility of dangerous metals, such as lead and copper. In
their insoluble state, these metals are both heavy and bulky, giving them a greater
likelihood of being caught in a filtration system or falling to the bottom of a tank to be

Corrosion Inhibitor

Unlike other additives that release calcium carbonate as a by-product of sequestration,

caustic soda acts as a corrosion inhibitor without the uneven distribution of calcium
carbonate. Although calcium carbonate adheres to the walls of pipes, giving them a
level of protection against caustic chemicals, an abundance and uneven distribution
prevents water from freely moving.

Caustic soda sequesters and saponifies grease and oils, helping clear lines and
increase water flow, and it has been proven that treating water with caustic soda does
not require as much maintenance as when other pH adjustors are added.

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