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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) For Electro-Tinning Process

Date: 11th May, 2023

The objective of this procedure is to provide guidance on the electro-tinning process for copper stem and brass
Objective: bottom nut assembly. The electro-tinning process provides a thin layer of tin on the copper stem and brass
bottom nut assembly to protect it from corrosion and improve its electrical conductivity.

The operator is responsible for performing the electro-tinning process according to this SOP.
The supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the operator has received adequate training and is following the procedure.

Equipment and Materials

Copper stem and brass bottom nut assembly
Tin plating solution
Power supply
Tank for plating solution
Hangers and clips for holding parts
Protective gear (e.g. gloves, goggles)

Safety Precautions
Wear protective gear, such as gloves and goggles, to prevent contact with the plating solution and any splashes.
Handle the plating solution with care, as it is acidic and can cause burns.
Use the power supply according to the manufacturer's instructions and do not exceed the recommended voltage and current.
Dispose of the plating solution properly, following all applicable regulations.
Ensure that the work area is well-ventilated.
Ensure that all electrical equipment is properly grounded.

All personnel involved in the electro-tinning process must be trained on this procedure and any related safety precautions.

Preparing the parts for electro tinning

Clean the parts thoroughly using a degreaser solution to remove any oil, dirt, or other contaminants.
Rinse the parts thoroughly in deionized water to remove any residual cleaning solution.
Dry the parts completely using a hot air blower or by air drying.

Setting up the electroplating equipment

Prepare the electroplating bath according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Fill the electroplating tank with the plating solution.
Adjust the temperature and pH of the plating solution to the optimal range for electro tinning.
Ensure that the anodes are properly positioned in the plating solution and connected to the power supply.

Follow the steps below to perform the electro-tinning process:

Step 1: Attach the parts to be plated to the cathode using copper wire or hooks.

Step 2: Submerge the parts into the plating solution and ensure that they are not touching each other or the anodes.

Step 3: Apply a current to the parts using the power supply. Adjust the current density based on the surface area of the parts being plated, the desired
coating thickness, and the plating solution used.
Step 4: Electroplate the parts for the required time period, based on the desired coating thickness and the plating solution used.

Post-plating treatment:
Remove the plated parts from the electroplating bath and rinse them thoroughly in deionized water.
Dry the plated parts using a hot air blower or by air drying.
Apply a suitable post-treatment to the plated parts to improve the performance of the coating. This may include heat treatment, passivation, or sealing.

Quality control:
Inspect the surface of the tinned parts to ensure that the tinning is evenly applied and there are no areas with missed coating. The inspector should be
able to see a uniform, shiny, and smooth layer of tin on the surface of the parts.
If any defects are found, repeat the tinnig process.
Inspect the plated parts for any defects, such as uneven coating or porosity.
Measure the coating thickness using a suitable instrument, such as a thickness gauge.
Conduct any required tests, such as adhesion or corrosion resistance testing, to ensure that the plated parts meet the required standards.

Maintenance of electroplating equipment:

Clean the electroplating tank and anodes regularly to remove any buildup or contamination.
Monitor the plating solution regularly for contamination or depletion and replenish it with fresh solution as needed.
Calibrate and maintain the power supply and other electroplating equipment regularly.

Responsibility: Mr. Ankit Galani (Quality Englinner)

Implemented: Yes


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