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Amicus Meus

91 hours to an Extraordinary Life

Amicus Meus
91 Hours to an Extraordinary Life

Roxanne DeLillo
Welcome friends!
This is the story of your life.
Please fill in your name and the date.
You are about to change your world, as you
know it!

I want to dedicate this book to all of you
about to embark on this journey.
You are truly amazing! Don't let anyone
tell you different, even yourself!

Copyright © 2016 by Roxanne DeLillo

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,
scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without
written permission from the author.
First Edition: February 2016
Printed in the United States of America
ISBN: 153022019X
To my Subconscious, my friend, for
talking with me and giving me the idea for
this book. Thank You for your love and
encouragement. Without you I never would
have accomplished writing this book.
Amicus Meus

Roxanne DeLillo

Table of Contents

Acknowledgment ..........................................................ix


The Journey Begins!

Hidden Abundance Beliefs ............................................1

Finding Your Way ........................................................24

Hidden Undercurrent of Fear .......................................30

The Power of Intention ................................................36

Cultivating an Abundant Life......................................51

The Harvest..................................................................68

Till We Meet Again.....................................................85

My Ideas......................................................................88

My Thoughts................................................................91

My Successes...............................................................94

My Pictures..................................................................96
Amicus Meus
Roxanne DeLillo

I would like to say that writing this book has
been one of the most extraordinary journeys of
my life. I have traveled around the world and to
all but two of these beautiful and wondrous
United States, and nothing man-made compares
to the beauty of the natural world. However, the
feeling of talking with the friend within us, is
beyond beautiful!
I have been extremely blessed in my life with
friendship. I have thousands of friends around
the world. I even have many I haven't met yet! I
have been extremely blessed with a few that are
extraordinary! They have shown that they
believe in me, not for who they think I should be,
but just for who I am. To these friends, Jude,
Diana, Jasmine, JoLynn and Scott, I am eternally
grateful! You are all truly amazing!

Amicus Meus

Each of you, have been there for me at different

times in my life, that, if it weren't for you, I
wouldn't have made it through as well as I did.
You have comforted me during some pretty dark
times in my life, and laughed with me during
some very happy times. Memories we have
made together in this amazing journey we call
life, is one of my greatest treasures.

My sisters and brothers are the rock foundation

of my being. They have been there through the
really tough times growing up and for the most
part, have always believed in me. Of course,
family almost never see you like friends do. It
isn't their fault, they know what you looked like
with no front teeth, and it is hard to change that
picture in their mind. That is OK though. I know
they believe in me for who I am! I love you all!
Roxanne DeLillo

I would say that I have written this book to
help teach you how to change things in
your life. Things that you do not know are
holding you back from becoming the
extraordinary being you were meant to
be. However, I am reminded of Socrates
words. “I cannot teach anybody
anything. I can only make them think.”
The intent of this book is to give you a guide
to open your eyes to the wonder of YOU,
and a map to find your way to the hidden
wonders that await you within yourself.
You will see your true potential when
you remove the many hidden beliefs in
your life that you are unaware of. This is
more than just a book. This is YOUR
book. You will be filling in the blanks
and writing down your story as you travel
through the pages.
Amicus Meus

Use it like a map to get you to where you

want to go. Before you start reading, make
sure you have a marker handy so you
can underline, cross-out and add, to many of
the areas I have created for you to use. I would
call it a workbook, but, I would rather think of
it as a map to find the hidden treasures
of your abundant life!
Roxanne DeLillo
Amicus Meus

The Journey Begins!

Chapter 1

Hidden Abundance Beliefs

Have you ever wondered how come it feels like
you just can't seem to break through and flourish
in all areas of your life? Do you work hard and
study a million different techniques to bring
about change, only to feel defeated? Well, you
are not alone. I started on this journey to find my
true inner self and after tons of reading, self-help
books, CD's DVD, more than I really had time
for, going to seminars, watching webinars, you
name it, I came to this conclusion. I am tired of
reading and studying! I don't want to have to
read through hundreds of testimonials of what
happened for someone else, just show me how to
change myself and let me do it! I wanted a way
Roxanne DeLillo

to get right to the basics of what it takes to

change my current situation in life! I tried all of
the techniques and none of them seemed to work
completely. So, I sat down and put together a list
of all the things that I had learned and then did
some meditation on how to make these
wonderful teachings work for me and others like
me. During that meditation I realized one thing
that I felt was missing. Becoming friends with
my subconscious.
Now I own and work my own business, and, as
an owner there never seems to be enough time to
just be with myself and think about me. You
might be in the same situation or working for
someone that takes all your time or you might be
searching for a job, which is a job in itself.
Looking for work can be more stressful and
take more of your time than running your own
business or working for a demanding boss. So
Amicus Meus

for those of you out there that understand that

time is precious and you just want to learn the
steps to take to start changing your life, let’s

First, you will need to “give” yourself at least 15

minutes a day to just be “you”. Find a quiet place
where you won't be disturbed. This is your time
to think about what made you happy when you
were the happiest in your life. It doesn't matter
what age that was, I just want you to visualize it.
It could be when you were a child and your
parents were playing with you. Or, it could be
when you were adopted and finally had a home.
Maybe it was when you got your first kiss,
bicycle, horse or anything that made you feel
happy, safe and loved at the same time. Maybe,
like for me, it is just being out in nature on a
beautiful sunny day and smelling the beauty of

Roxanne DeLillo

life in the forest all around me or my favorite,

walking on the beach and looking for treasures
like a beautiful shell or even the perfect washed
up seaweed. It doesn't matter what it is that you
envision. It could be in the middle of a city if that
is where you feel good. I was once at the top of
the Empire State building in NY while a
hurricane was blowing through but for some
reason I felt totally happy and safe at the same
time. So you see, whatever the place is in your
mind that makes you happy, go there. Now for
those of you that never have had a happy and
safe place or experience to look back on, I fully
understand. In this day and age, most of us have
gone through life with a less than perfect home
life. I did not have a father growing up so I only
had my mom’s point of view on life. This was a
very distorted view to say the least! She was very
religious in a lot of ways and in others,
Amicus Meus

contradicted her own teachings. She believed

that children were to be seen and not heard, that
they were meant to work hard and if they didn't
do exactly what she wanted done, as fast as she
wanted it done, you got spanked. Sometimes she
would spank you till you cried, then keep
spanking till you quit crying. I can honestly say
that I never truly ever felt safe in my mom’s
presence. I also never felt loved by her until I
was in my forties. She married an abusive man
who was my stepfather for a period of time. He
was abusive to us and her. My father was abusive
to my mom and his stepchildren. This is where
the pattern of feelings and beliefs started. Clear
back to when I was in the womb! Now how am
I supposed to correct what happened before I
was even born? Easy I tell you! I will get to that
in a second after I tell you (just a little side
tracking here), that I do releasing of hidden
Roxanne DeLillo

beliefs and emotions. I work with humans and

animals both and these tools, when combined
like I am going to teach you, work! And they
work quickly!

Now I know I got a little off course here so let’s

get back to your happy place. During your 15
minutes I want you to daydream a little about
this happy time in your life and how it made you
feel. Feel that smile sweep across your face? You
got it! That is what I want you to hold on to. Now
breathe slow and deep. Make sure you are using
your diaphragm. This means your stomach
should be moving when you breathe, not just
your upper chest. Breathe in through your nose
and out through your mouth. Some of you are
already meditating daily, so do what is
comfortable for you. I want you to start out just
peacefully daydreaming about the best times in

Amicus Meus

your life. Times when you were the happiest. It

might sound trivial, but this is a very important
step. Do this meditation daily until you feel
comfortable at moving on. I suggest while you
are getting used to this way of meditating by
daydreaming, that you go ahead and read the
whole book. It isn't long, it wasn't meant to be.
That is part of what made me happy!

This book was designed to give you a quick

source of life changing information with areas
and steps to take on this journey to an abundant
life. There are areas in this book to record your
story. You will be changing this book to be yours.
I have included areas that are set up as a daily
journal to track your progress and other areas to
take notes. At the back of the book you will write
down your ideas. I want you to use this book as
a guidebook towards fulfilling your life story.

Roxanne DeLillo

You should feel or see some immediate changes

within yourself or your environment. If you don't,
don't give up! Keep going no matter what! You
will affect a change in your life for the better!

During most of the seminars and classes I went

to, it bothered me that they always asked about
your beliefs growing up that were directly
related to your mom and dad. Nobody asked
about how my beliefs were made by growing up
without a father. Can you believe it? Or how
your beliefs are shaped by your classmates or not
getting the toy you wanted for Christmas. Well,
I was home schooled and sometimes the only
courses I got for a year was the Bible. Mom
believed that was all I truly needed cause the
world was going to end before I grew up anyway.
At Christmas time there were no toys or fun
presents. Now that part of life is a whole other

Amicus Meus

story! In the seminars they would then use the

assumption that when you were growing up, the
way your friends and teachers treated you and
the way they believed, defined the way you
believed and perceived yourself. Well, again, in
case you had a life like mine, (or any life less
than normal), I didn't have any lasting friends
that helped shape any of my growing up years.
We moved so much that my belief was it wasn't
worth making friends because we would just
move and I wouldn't see them again. So why

OK, now, the reason I am telling you a little

about myself and how it might relate to you is
this. If you had any negative feelings from your
childhood that even remotely came to mind
while you were reading this, you most likely
have a hidden belief that you are unworthy. Your

Roxanne DeLillo

subconscious has this little belief tucked away in

a remote area of your mind and is trying to keep
it safely hidden so you won't erase it. Now let’s
get rid of this right now so you can go on and
enjoy the discovery of the next step.

Make sure your surroundings are quiet and that

your phone if off. This is a very important step.
Shut the phone OFF! If you have animals, make
sure they are happy in their own space and are
not going to disturb you. If you have family, let
them know to leave you alone for the next 15
minutes. Remember, this is ME time. You are
going to fall in love with the beautiful person
that is living inside of this amazing vessel, we
call a body. Now I want you to take the magnet
that came with this book (if you bought it at
one of my seminars) or get a magnet off your
fridge, it doesn't matter what size, just as long
as it has a
Amicus Meus

magnet on it, and go stand in front of a mirror.

Look yourself in the eye and smile. Smile and
say hello______ (your name). Now, keep
looking at yourself, in the eye, eye contact is
very important in this step, now say I love you
_____ (your name)! Do not look away, keep
looking into your eyes. This can be a very hard
thing to do. You may get emotional, you may
start to cry, laugh, smile or try to look away. If
you feel unworthy of love, you will probably try
looking away. Don't do it! YOU ARE
WORTHY!! Now doesn't that feel good? Think
of someone or something you love deeply. This
could be a person, animal or place. YOU, are
much more precious than anyone or anything
else! YOU are the precious gift God gave for this
beautiful soul of yours to inhabit for this life.
This amazing machine we call a body is
performing millions of tasks a second without
Roxanne DeLillo
any input from us! Did you know that
the subconscious mind operates at 40
million plus bits of data per second? Do
you know how fast your conscious mind
operates? About 40 bits per second. Our
subconscious mind is one million times more
powerful than our conscious mind! Isn't that
incredible? The beauty of knowing this is that
now we know how to change our beliefs.
Just like going in and finding a corrupted file
on a computer and deleting it, we are going to
go in and find the corrupted belief in
your subconscious and delete it! Most
of our foundational beliefs come from the
time we are in the womb up to about age
seven. For example: If your parents wouldn't
let you go play with the rest of the kids or
let you have candy or ice cream when your
friends were having it, to our immature
minds, this goes in as an unworthy belief.
I must not be as good as my friends

Amicus Meus

who get ice cream. It can also come from a time

when you just wanted to curl up on your
mom or dads lap and get a hug, but, they were
too busy to do that right when you needed it. Or,
maybe your parent or parents were abusive to
you and you never felt any love. All it takes is
one time to store that unworthiness response in
the brain as a belief. Remember, beliefs start
when we are first learning how to function in this
big new world that we are born into. Our brains
are like sponges soaking up every experience
that comes our way and storing it for future
reference. So reprogramming is what we are
going to do now to remove all those pesky,
corrupted files in our subconscious.

Now that you have told yourself “I love you”,

lets practice doing some file finding. I want you
to now stand with your feet about shoulder width

Roxanne DeLillo

apart and close your eyes. Feel yourself

stabilizing so that you are standing still. Now,
this is what I call the sway test for yes and no
answers. Your body will naturally sway forward
towards truth and yes answers. It will sway
backwards or away from false or no answers. So
start with something simple like, my name is
______ (use your name. Give yourself some
time, after all, you are learning to communicate
with your subconscious. A sway can be only an
inch or it can almost knock you off your feet. It
doesn't matter the size of the sway, just the
direction. Now if you have trouble standing still
enough to know if you swayed forward or
backward, spend some time just learning to stand
still. Once you have accomplished that, you are
ready to move on. Now, you asked your
subconscious a question. Did your body sway
forward? If it did, you are good to go. If not, try
Amicus Meus

stating a false statement like, my name is ____

and make it someone else's name. Did you sway
backwards? If so, you are good to go. Don't get
discouraged if nothing felt like it happened. Take
a few deep relaxing breaths and try again. It can
take up to a minute for your body to respond so
don't rush things. Remember when you search
for files on a computer, it can take a bit for it to
respond. Once you feel confident with getting a
sway forward for a yes answer and a sway
backwards for a no answer, you are ready to start
searching for that hidden belief.

This is the fun part! Talking with your

subconscious is so exhilarating! I can't even
begin to explain the relationship you are going
to have with yourself. It is an amazing ride once
you make that soul connection! The
conversations are endless! It is kind of like

Roxanne DeLillo

having a computer that talks back to you. You

will get ideas or thoughts popping into your head
and at first you will think, “Where did that come
from”? Pretty soon you will realize that it is the
being living inside of you that has finally been
released to play and work with you. Awesome I
tell you, Awesome!

When I first truly released my inner being, I

started sobbing this gut wrenching sob and I
couldn't quit. It lasted for several minutes, not
truly sure how long, and I felt it to the core of my
body. I had trouble catching my breath for a bit I
was sobbing so hard. When I finally calmed
down I started to giggle. I was so full of joy I
couldn't quit smiling. I felt this incredible
oneness with my soul. Like nothing I have ever
experienced before. I knew then that something
truly phenomenal had just taken place in my life

Amicus Meus

and things would never be the same.

Now let’s help you start getting to that point in

your life where you let the genie out of the bottle.
You have the yes/no sway down, so let’s ask a
question of your subconscious. Relax and take a
deep breath through your nose and out through
your mouth. Ask out loud: Do I have a hidden
belief of unworthiness? Wait for the answer. If
the answer is yes, we need to narrow it down to
how old you were and where you first got this
belief. It could be from the time you were in the
womb, during your childhood, teenage years or
even as an adult. It is very rare for it to be from
adulthood. So, in order to find out exactly when
you acquired this belief, you need to do a little
further digging. Ask: Is this belief from before
the age of seven? If yes, ask if it was while you
were in the womb? The point is to narrow down

Roxanne DeLillo

your age by asking if it was either before or after

a certain age. When it is a hidden belief, always
start with age seven or younger. Go with the first
thoughts that come into your mind when it
comes to asking these questions. Age two might
have popped into your mind for some reason, so,
ask: Was it at age two? If not ask if it was before
age two? After age two? You get my meaning.
Once you find out “When” this belief was
implanted you now need to find out where this
belief came from. It can be from a parent,
grandparent, the church, atheism, friends, TV,
anywhere. Remember, you don't really know
what implanted this belief in your subconscious
or you would have gotten rid of it a long time
ago. You are looking for something unknown so
please don't try and put what you consciously
believe in to the answer. Let your subconscious
do all the thinking. Remember, ask one question
Amicus Meus

at a time. Wait for the answer. Ask the next


Example of asking questions:

After you get a yes answer on “Do I have a

hidden belief of unworthiness?” ask: Is this
belief from my childhood? If the answer is yes,
ask: Do I need to know more about this belief to
remove it? If the answer is yes, ask: Is this belief
from a parent? If the answer is yes, ask: Did this
belief come from my mom? If no, ask: My dad?
Now if the answer is no to the parental part of
this, maybe it came from a grandparent, aunt,
uncle, friend or some stranger. Listen to the first
thing that pops into your head when it comes to
questions. If you get a thought that seems totally
ridiculous, i.e.; the plumber, painter, teacher bus
driver, ad on TV, don't over think it, ask. You are
learning to listen to your subconscious, so, don't

Roxanne DeLillo

question with your conscious mind, just listen

for the correct question. Periodically ask, “Do I
need to know more about this belief to remove it?
As soon as the answer is “NO”, move to the
removal stage.


This is the place that is so exciting! This is where

you change your life forever! Take a deep breath.
Look yourself in the eyes and say: I love you and
now we are going to remove this belief. Close
your eyes and picture pulling this file of belief
out of your mind and placing it in the delete
basket. Now, take the magnet that came with this
book and place it on your forehead. Swipe it
slowly from your eyebrows over the top of your
head down your neck as far as you can reach. Do
this seven times. Take a deep breath and look
yourself in the eyes, smile. Give yourself a

Amicus Meus

minute or two of silent happiness as you look

yourself in the eyes and realize this amazing
inner being is working with conscious you now.
Powerful!! Now close your eyes and ask: do I
have a hidden belief of unworthiness? If the
answer is yes, remove it the same way by starting
with the age you acquired it. You might have
more than one instance (file) that is dealing with
this issue. Go through the steps to remove any
and all beliefs of unworthiness before you move
on. You will ask the question in the same way
since the other file has already been deleted. If
you say do I have another hidden belief of
unworthiness, it will be confusing since the
belief it pulled out the first time has been
permanently deleted. I have you start with this
belief because I have found that this is the most
powerful belief standing in the way of
everything. You need to rid this corrupted file
and all sub-files from your system in order to
proceed with any of the remaining steps. If you
have a belief of being unworthy, then you will
never feel loved or any other good emotion.
Don't worry if you come to a point where your
body says no to removing a belief it says you
have. You might need to take the time to let your
subconscious rearrange your inner files before it
will let you delete more. That is perfectly normal!
Go at your own pace but do spend 15 minutes a
day with just you and your subconscious. You
are now on your way to being the vibrant YOU
that you were meant to be!

After you have removed all files of this belief, I

want you to again look yourself in the eyes and
say: “Thank you and I love you”. Now go to the
journal part of this book and write down any
thoughts you have on today’s session with

Amicus Meus

yourself. Don't worry if you can't think of

anything to say, it will come to you. Mark off
that it is completed and read the affirmation for
the day. Good Job!

Roxanne DeLillo

Chapter 2

Finding Your Way

A few troubleshooting questions to ask when
you aren't getting any yes answers. When it
comes to age, if you ask if this is from my
childhood, in the womb, adulthood or teenage
years, if the answer keeps coming back “No”,
ask: is this from an ancestor? Past life? I know
this will sound crazy to some of you, however, I
will tell you that one of my clients blurted “past
life” out during a session when I was coming up
stumped on the “time” during her life or an
ancestors. I then asked if this was from a past life
and the answer was such a strong sway forward
as a yes she almost fell over! After that incident,
I now add that question to all my client sessions
when I get stumped on a time period in their life.

Amicus Meus

Now that you have learned how to delete

corrupted files of belief in your body, I will give
you a list to start working your way through on
a daily basis. Take one Hidden Belief a day in
order that they are listed on the following chart,
find and delete them. Cross out the Hidden
Belief once you get an affirmation that you no
longer have that belief. (The affirmation is when
you ask yourself if you have a certain hidden
belief and the answer is no). You don't even need
to visualize that wrong belief so mark it off with
a permanent marker. Even if you don't think
some of these apply to you, ask your
subconscious before you dismiss it. You might
be surprised what you truly believe. Write any
positive thoughts you might have in the
corresponding day (in the back of this book), or
leave blank, your choice.

Roxanne DeLillo

Do not put anything negative into your book!

Mark down how you are feeling. One word,
good, great, lite, relieved, that sort of thing. Each
day, before you start to remove the next belief,
look yourself in the eyes and repeat the new
beliefs that you have from previous days. This
will start a pattern of instilling these new beliefs
into your core belief system. The journey has
just begun my friend! Enjoy every moment in
this new and fascinating area you are about to
embark on. Remember, this is your book and
your journey and your story. Use it like a road
map and mark it up! Don't make copies of this to
keep it neat and clean, put everything down in
this book. There is a place in the back with a few
blank pages so you can add more notes if you
need to. You also have an Ideas area in your book.
This is the new beginning of the Story of Your
Life! Go through these beliefs, one a day, until
Amicus Meus

you have deleted all of them. If any of these are

not a trapped belief, mark it off and move to the
next one. Do only one a day unless your
subconscious says, give me more! That does
happen when you get your subconscious excited
about working with you, you never know what
can happen! I will see you at the next crossroad
of this journey!

Roxanne DeLillo

Your Daily Journal


1 Unworthiness I am Worthy!

2 Unforgivable I am Forgiven

3 Undeserving I am Deserving

4 Unlovable I am Lovable

5 Unhappiness I am Happy

6 Unimportant I am Important

7 Inability I am Capable

8 Loneliness I am Loved

9 Ugliness I am Beautiful

10 Weakness I am Strong

11 Stupidity I am Smart

12 Loneliness I'm not alone

13 Failure I am Successful

Amicus Meus

14 Unfairness I'm treated Fairly

15 Worthless I am Valuable

16 Unlucky I am Lucky

17 Useless I am Useful

18 Unhealthy I am Healthy

19 Unheard I am Heard

20 Insecurity I am Secure

21 Shamefulness I am Shameless

22 Hopelessness I am Hopeful

23 Discouragement I am Encourage

24 Humiliated I am Honored

25 Rejection I am Accepted

26 Betrayed I am Defended

27 Terrorized I am Comforted

28 Abandoned I am Cherished

29 Uncontrollable I am in Control

30 Worry I am Peaceful

Roxanne DeLillo

Chapter 3

Hidden Undercurrent of Fear

Great! You have made it to the next fork in the
road of your journey. Here we will learn how to
use this newly rebuilt mind of yours to take on
your future with a completely new sense of
direction. Life is really looking awesome! Now
let’s look at another area that might be holding
you back and how to quickly change your reality.

Do you ever think about traveling to distant

lands, exploring along the coast, walking
through Central Park, taking a drive through the
country or visiting a big city? When you think
about doing this, does a little annoying voice pop
into your head with a warning? All the “What
Ifs”? What if I get in a wreck? What if I get
mugged? What if I'm walking on the beach and

Amicus Meus

there is a Tsunami or storm? What if the plane

crashes? All of these “What ifs” are part of our
subconscious learning in response to our
feelings at the time we either saw an event on the
news or TV show, heard about something bad or
something we were involved with. Maybe we
didn't even know that it bothered us. It might not
have affected us on a conscious level but it sure
did on a subconscious level. Very annoying
indeed! Let’s get rid of this “What if Fear”, once
and for all!

Like you did before, go into that special quiet

area and prepare yourself for this question. Do I
have a hidden undercurrent of fear running
through my body? If the answer is yes, get rid of
it! You now have the tools and know how to use
them so this should be a simple exercise for you.

Roxanne DeLillo

Remember, it is important to always thank your

subconscious for removing this from your body.
The more you are thankful for the help you get
from your subconscious, the more it is
programmed to choose to store what truly
pleases you and help when you need it, even
before you know you need it.

Talk to yourself! Does that sound weird to you?

It shouldn't. You have this powerful being living
inside you that your conscious mind doesn't
control, and, it is with you your entire life. Why
not set up a communication system with it? After
all, it is a part of you, so it is You. Talk to
yourself. Say thanks for keeping your heart
beating, taking a breath, blinking an eye,
digesting that food, everything. Ask it what it is
doing? This one can be kind of fun. My answer
one day from my subconscious was: I'm trying

Amicus Meus

to use the food you just gave me to make muscle,

but there isn't anything I can use or need. OK,
this one was my fault and I should have thought
about it better. It was a really busy day and I only
had a few minutes between clients. The only
thing I had was a few pieces of caramel candy
that a friend had given me, so, to take the hunger
pangs away, I ate them. Since I was working
hard, several massages a day, you can see why
my subconscious told me that. For one, I
probably needed more muscle to do the extra
work I was doing, and the food, (I say that lightly)
had no beneficial ingredients for my poor body
to work with. Yes, my hunger pangs were gone,
but, not the need.

So be prepared for this new relationship. Your

subconscious won't lie to you to make you feel
better. She/he will hold you accountable though

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for your choices.

Now that you know you can talk to yourself and

get answers, make sure you tell yourself
goodnight and good-morning. I tell myself
goodnight and thank my subconscious for taking
care of me while I sleep. I thank her for repairing
anything in my body that needs her help in order
to make sure I am completely healthy. In the
morning I say good-morning and ask my
subconscious to remind me to make healthy and
good decisions.

This has helped me immensely! Being thankful

makes me smile from deep within. It shows on
my face and to the world. Asking for reminders
is kind of like turning on an auto reminder on
your computer for a recurring event. It tells your
subconscious to program in reminders for

Amicus Meus

upcoming decisions that you want help with.

One of the first things I noticed was that I wasn't
wanting that piece of candy or potato chip when
I reached for a snack, I actually wanted nuts or a
piece of fruit. The other day it was celery. Not
just a few pieces, I ate almost the whole stalk! It
was awesome! I felt good all afternoon. On a
nutritional side note, celery is very good for your
nervous system. It had been a very stressful few
days and my subconscious knew it. You see?
Because I had asked for guidance, my
subconscious knew what to suggest to help me
with the stress. It totally worked!

Roxanne DeLillo

Chapter 4

The Power of Intention

Now that you have cleared yourself of blocks
that were stopping you from living life the way
you were meant to live, let’s get started on
learning how to start truly believing in the power
of your mind. In all the seminars and webinars I
attended, I was always told to set my intention to
what I wanted. Now this is a great word,
however, it just didn't resonate with me. For
some reason I couldn't get the right visualization
or feeling in my mind to send out this “Intention”.
I don't know why, it was just always a little off
for my way of thinking. So I looked it up to make
sure I found a word that did resonate with me.
Remember, everything is energy, and all energy,
including thoughts and words have their own
vibration. So if you feel like something does not
Amicus Meus

resonate with you, it is the wrong vibration. Here

are a few of the words that are the same as
Intention. Aim, Hope, Motive, Objective,
Purpose. Use whatever fits with your personality.
I use all of them at different times. I am even
starting to use intention.

Since this is to set yourself up for the correct way

of thinking during meditation, please choose one
of the words that feels right to you. You will use
this word as a tool to help you mentally set your
mind up to visualize what your intention for a
good life is.

From my years of teaching safety to hundreds of

students, I found that nearly 90 percent of every
class were visual learners. Now I have a way of
finding out before I start each class. This helps
to know exactly how I will teach these students,
and help the ones that aren't visual learners.

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I am going to assume that most of you are visual

learners that are reading this book. Don't worry,
if you are not, you are a book learner so reading
this will be the way you teach yourself. I want
you to start visually training your subconscious
to have a new belief system.

Get out five one dollar bills. Now, with a

permanent marker, write in bold letters: Money,
I love you! Put a little heart on it if you want just
to get the point across a little more. Do this to all
of the bills. No, you don't get to spend these.
These are for planting the crop of Abundance in
your life. Put these bills up somewhere where
you will see them as you go about your day. If
you are in the car a lot, put one in there. Put one
in your office or work space, paper clipped to
your order pad if you are a waiter or waitress,
bathroom, there too. I'm sure you get the picture.

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I want you to see this from the time you first

wake up to the time you go to bed.

Speaking of waking up. If you have one of those

annoying alarms, get rid of it! Get one that gently
wakes you up. My phone actually has an alarm
that starts waking me up with a gentle melody
from very quiet to a little louder over a period of
about three minutes. Then the alarm comes on
but it also is a nice melody. The way you set your
day up depends on how you wake up. If your
poor body is wrenched out of a good dream or
harshly startled awake, it makes everything seem
less appealing. It is also a shock to your system
that sends a jolt of fear throughout your body.

Remember, we just got rid of fear in the last

chapter so let’s not bring it all back again. Let the
sounds that wake you up, caress your mind
awake. Your subconscious will thank you and so

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will your conscious.

So you have your money all over the place with

your love note on it. Do you feel funny about
doing this? Why? Have you ever had enough
money to walk into a grocery store and buy
whatever you want? How about buying
something you wanted but didn't need? Have
you ever had a time when money wasn't a
constant worry? If so, remember how happy you
were cause it was in your life? That feeling of
being truly alive? For those of you that have had
enough to go shopping when you want and not
worry, you understand. For those that haven't, it
is almost a sense of euphoria. You feel at peace
because you know you have enough. This is how
you should be able to feel all the time.

There is absolutely NOTHING WRONG with

loving money! I say that again cause that isn't the

Amicus Meus

way I was raised and it took me awhile to change

my way of thinking. There is ABSOLUTELY

Religions bribe you with being good so you can

reap the bounty of Heaven. They tell you never
to be satisfied with earthly things, strive to make
it to heaven, where all will be riches and glory.
How ungrateful sounding is that? Kind of like
giving a child a brand new bike, but they think
there is a better one, so they won't ride the one
you gave them because it isn't good enough. Or,
how Adam and Eve behaved when they had
everything they should have wanted, only to be
greedy and want what they thought they didn’t
have. Well, I believe heaven is also on earth. I
think we need to show our appreciation for all
the bounty that is within our grasp here on earth,

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before we deserve to go anywhere. We need to

find the beauty that abounds not only in the
world around us but also, for those who are
willing to believe, the inner power and beauty
that we possess as children of God.

God said he made us in his image. Do you really

think he made a weak, powerless model of
himself? I don't. He even tells us, if we only had
the faith of a mustard seed, we could move
mountains. Now isn't it interesting that God talks
about a mustard seed having faith? If everything
is energy, and it is, then that would mean that the
energy within a seed has the power to have faith.
The meaning of faith is: Belief. Now how could
a seed have belief if it wasn't able to think? You
see, everything has an energy body. You might
not see it, but it is there. We just don't fully
understand what this amazing energy within us

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is capable of.

Now I don't need to move a mountain, but I do

believe bringing wealth and health into my life
should be very easy. Remember, when I say God,
that is my belief in the higher power that is my
strength and protector. If your beliefs are
different, where ever the source of the power
within your being comes from, believe that it is
good and prosperous and wants you to thrive.

Of course, you have a head start now because

you have cleaned out all of those negative beliefs
in the first part of your book. We do however
want to take the time and make sure that you
don't have any corrupt hidden beliefs when it
comes to money.

I want you to go through the next group of

statements about money. If any of them resonate
with you, leave them, if they don't, mark them
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out with a permanent marker. You don't even

need to see them. I have listed both the
misconception and the affirmation. Only mark
out the Misconception. The affirmation is good
for visualization.

Amicus Meus

Misconception Affirmation

1 Money doesn’t grow on trees. Money does grow on trees

2 Money is filthy and dirty. Money is clean and beautiful.

3 Money is evil. Money is Good.

4 I am poor but at least I am good. I am rich, blessed and good.

5 Money is in short supply. Money is abundant

6 Money goes out faster than it comes in. Money comes in faster than it goes out

7 The need more to live than I can make. I make more than I need to live happy

8 It’s hard to keep money. Money is always with me

9 A penny saved is a penny earned. A penny spent is helping others

10 The economy might collapse The economy doesn't affect me

11 It takes money to make money. I can make money from nothing

12 Only people who cheat have money. Honest people have money

13 Money only comes from hard work. I comes easily to me

14 I have to put in more hours at work. I don't need to work hard for money

15 Rich people are greedy and dishonest. Rich people are generous and honest.

16 Money is not spiritual. Money is spiritual and a tool for good

17 It is a sin to have a lot of money. It is a blessing to have a lot of money.

18 Spiritual people can't be rich. Spiritual have a birthright to be rich

19 It’s easier to spend than save money. It is easier to save and spend money.

20 Poor people never get out from under. Poor people can be rich

21 Rich people are seldom happy. Rich people are happy

22 I can't make money doing what I like I make money doing what I love

23 I can't afford it I can afford anything

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24 I can't have multiple sources of income. I can have multiple sources of income

25 My investments don't pay off. My investments make money!

26 There is a limit to how much I can earn. There's no limit on how much I earn.

27 Opportunities don't come along I'm always finding Good opportunities

28 I’ll probably just fail, why try? I always succeed

29 I don't have a talent offer I have the talent to do anything

30 Others don't like me. People love me.

31 I always come last. I come first before everyone else.

32 I’m just like my parents, broke. I make more money than my parents

33 I can't manage money well. I have a gift for managing money.

34 I am such a loser with money. I am a winner with money

35 My friends will be jealous if I'm rich My friends love me unconditionally.

36 I will never get a good job. I have a great job

37 I am always in debt. I have excess money

38 My bank account is always low. My bank account is always high.

39 I don’t want money to change me Money helps me be loving, & happy

40 No one says making money is easy. Money is easy to make!

41 I dream small so I'm not disappointed I dream big and achieve my dreams.

42 I am unable to manifest abundance. I'm a master in manifesting abundance.

43 Only dreamers think they can get rich I am a realist and I know I will be rich!

44 Why should the Universe support me? I'm of this Universe and It loves me!

45 Life is meant to be a struggle Life is meant to be easy and full of joy

46 I will never have enough. I always have enough

47 I feel safe being poor. I feel safe being rich

48 Abundance is not my birthright. Abundance is my birthright

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49 It is impossible to have it all It is possible to have it all

50 I can’t take it with me anyway. I have so much to share!

Use the following space to write down any that

I might not have thought of. You are the one
writing this part of the book of your life, so, put
it down in words and let’s get it cleared out of
your subconscious!

Roxanne DeLillo

Now that you have identified those that resonate

with you, let’s get rid of them! We want your
beliefs about money to be pure joy and happiness.
Like you did before, ask yourself if you have a
hidden belief that is causing this thought pattern?
Feel free to ask your subconscious anything you
want. But, I warn you, it can be pretty blunt some
times. The way you would ask a question for
example on number 29 would be:

Do I have a hidden belief that I don't have a

talent? If the answer is yes follow the procedure
that you learned in the beginning. If you get
stumped on any of these questions, it could be
that you are searching for an emotion that has
caused this belief system. Ask if you have a
hidden emotion that is causing this belief?
Remember, the first answer that pops into your
head in the first couple seconds after asking a

Amicus Meus

question, is usually the track you want to take in

questioning. What do I mean by that? Well, if
you just asked “do I have a hidden emotion that
is causing this belief?” and the word 'Inferior'
popped into your head, then you would ask if
your hidden emotion was “Inferior”. When or if
a word pops into your head, it is usually the word
you are looking for.

You can also ask your subconscious to bring the

word into your consciousness. This is why it is
important to build that personal relationship with
your subconscious mind. I can't express this
enough. You must become your best friend! You
are the only one that is with YOU all the days of
your life. Your subconscious is your most
faithful and true friend. It will never leave you or
forsake you. It is always there trying to keep you
running at optimum speed and health. Don't let

Roxanne DeLillo

it down by shutting it out!

Once you build that relationship, the sky is the

limit. Well, no, that is not true, there is not limit.
The Universe is your playground.

Once you have gone through all the above

money beliefs and gotten rid of any negative
ideas or beliefs, you will be ready to do a little
soul farming.

Amicus Meus

Chapter 5

Cultivating an Abundant Life

When you think of the word farm, what comes to
mind? Each of us will have a different picture form
in our mind. I would like you to think of it this way
for the next part of this book.

FARM: Fast Abundant Riches Manifestation

Now that we have successfully removed all your

hidden beliefs and reprogrammed your
subconscious beliefs, we need to do a little

If you want something to grow you need to first

prepare the field or the vessel you are going to
plant in. Then you till the ground or add the soil
to make sure you have a rich growing
environment. Next you plant the correct seed so
you know what you will harvest. Then you wait

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and keep the soil moist in preparation for the

time of nurturing that comes after the seed
breaks through the soil and reaches towards the

You water and feed the little plant, pull the weeds
out to make sure it has all the nutrients to grow
strong and show it the love and tenderness that
you have for this miracle that came from a small

Does this sound familiar with what we just did

with your soul? Think back on the journey so far.
We prepared the field or vessel, your
subconscious. We tilled the ground by
eliminating corrupt beliefs. We created a rich
growing environment by replacing the corrupted
beliefs with truths. We have created a rich
growing environment by becoming friends with
our inner being.

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Visiting and talking about life, saying I Love

You in the mirror and genuinely meaning it. This
all enriches the growing soil of our souls and
prepares us for the fruit of the harvest.

But now we need to do a little watering and

weeding as we watch our subconscious and
conscious grow together into the beautiful
beings that we were meant to be. Like a plant, if
you don't take the time to nurture and feed
yourself, you won't grow into the beautiful,
prosperous and joyful being that is your

Now is the time you need to truly spend quality

time alone with yourself. Find a quiet place that
you can go to every single day to have time alone.
This is not something that can be done with other
people in the room. If you have to go for a walk,
fine, just make sure you aren't hearing all the

Roxanne DeLillo

noise of a busy world. It is best to be in a quiet

room where you feel safe from distractions.

Sit or lay comfortably. Take some long slow

deep breaths. Concentrate on feeling calm,
happy and peaceful. Now open up your mind to
your subconscious and say hello. Let your
subconscious know that you are going to
visualize your life and you want it to record what
you are feeling and believing to be your life.
Don't put it into the future, believe and dream in
the present. That way it will start to manifest
sooner and not put it into a future context. After
all, the future can never be in the present. Then
sit back and daydream! Yes, I did say daydream.

You see, when we were kids we did more

daydreaming than we tend to do as adults.
Remember how fun it was? That is the point.
You need to have fun! Laughter is the best

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medicine for the soul! I look at it this way. An

Intention is something that you set up in your
mind that you plan to do. A daydream is bringing
that intention into a sharper image and creating
a movie in your mind that has all the detail of
how you are living your dreams. This makes it
more of a reality to your subconscious. That is
why it is important to talk with your
subconscious and get him or her involved in this
daydream. Let it know that this is the life you are
making and let the universe know it is up to it to
make this dream come true.

Dream in as much detail as you can. Have you

ever gotten lost in a character in a movie? It felt
real, didn't it? Dream everything you want as if
you already have it. The feeling that you have
swimming in your own pool or driving your new
car, buying your own private island, taking

Roxanne DeLillo

family or friends on a dream vacation or maybe

going to a spa to be pampered.

It doesn't matter what your dream is, dream big

and make it yours. This is your life, make it the
most phenomenal life you can. Stay in this state
of daydreaming for at least 15 minutes if
possible. Remember, this is the nurturing part of
growing your soul and manifesting your
abundant life. Make sure that you are healthy
and happy throughout this whole dream. If you
are wanting a soul-mate to share this with,
picture them. If you are already with someone,
picture them and yourself as the loving partners
for life that you need for this journey. Picture
yourself with all the money you could possibly
ever want. Picture an endless supply of money
coming into your possession and the grace to
accept this bounty with an open thankful heart.

Amicus Meus

When you are coming out of this daydream state,

set your intention (aim, hope, goal, etc.) to be the
person in that dream. Beam this movie out into
the universe for all to see. Picture it being seen
as far out into space as you can. You are sending
this life of yours out to other worlds and galaxies
for all to view. You are wealthy, healthy, happy
and loving. Say thank you to your subconscious
and the universe for making all these intentions
into reality. Ask your subconscious to help guide
you through your days to make your life the
happiest it can be. Thank the power above for all
the love and help given to you in your life and
the abundance that is flooding your life right now.

Slowly open your eyes and let the beauty of life

around you flow back into your consciousness.
Remember to ask your subconscious to talk with
you throughout the day and help you stay on

Roxanne DeLillo

track to your goals.

Sometimes things happen that put a damper on

our zest for life. I call these the weeds that grow
in our path. No problem, just pull them out!
Don't let a negative thought or belief take root in
your soul again. If you are around negative
people, leave their presence. If you can't, explain
that you will no longer put up with their
negativity. Tell them to keep their thoughts to
themselves because they are damaging to your
health. Very simple, take charge of your life!
This is after all, your life! Not your parents,
brothers or sisters, friends, bosses or any other
person, this is yours! Your subconscious is
looking out for your inner wellbeing, it is time
you took responsibility for taking care not to
harm your subconscious. If someone or
something is negative and you start to feel that

Amicus Meus

old bad feeling creep in, remove it! You have the
power to remove them before they become a
problem, so, do it! Like President Ben Franklin
stated, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound
of cure.”

That statement holds true in many facets of our

life. Think of it this way. You are going through
your day and things just haven't been good. You
spilled your coffee on the only clean shirt you
had and you were already on your way to work.
You’re afraid the boss is going to be in a bad
mood and you just know this day is going to be

You walk in the door to work and your boss

greats you with a smile. What? A smile? Wow,
that just changed your whole day! You suddenly
feel better and you know this will be a good day
after all. Now for you bosses out there,

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remember the power you have to create a loving

atmosphere at work. Quit trying to prove
something to everyone and start nurturing the
people that work with you. Start their day with a
smile and it will come back to you one hundred
fold. I have been in the position to manage well
over a hundred people at once and to this day,
many of them tell me it was the best job of their
lives. In a way that makes me sad. In another way,
it makes me smile. Here is what they told me.
“We could always count on your smile and the
fact you took the time to listen and teach us
whenever we needed you.” You see, you don't
have to be cold to manage and be in control of
your job or business. Just be human and have an
open mind to what others might be going

The next step in this journey with your

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subconscious is to make a visualization tool. I

want you to buy or make a large photo collage.
Maybe you already have one sitting around,
however, this needs to be one you will put up on
the wall and look like it is part of the permanent
decorations in your home, not a kid’s project.
You will need enough room to put photos and in
the middle I want you to put: Love. Here is an
example of what I am talking about.

Roxanne DeLillo

Now it is time to start searching for photos of all

the things you are envisioning your life to be. Is
it a Lamborghini you want in your driveway?
Find a photo and put it in there. Log home in the
mountains? Put it in there. A bank balance with
$3,000,000? Use your account and write the
number you want in the balance and put that in
there. Take another one dollar bill, write I love
you on it and put it in there too. Your perfect
mate? Find a photo that shows a couple that
looks like what you picture your perfect mate to
be and put it in there. Of course, if you are
married or with someone now, and you aren't as
happy as you feel you should be, put a photo in
there from a time when you two were madly in
love. You know, that feeling that brought you
together in the first place. If you never really felt
a spark, well, that would be a whole other book.
I might write that one down the line.
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The point is, this is a collage of the life you are

living in your daydream and the visual setting of
your intention. Look at this collage every chance
you get so keep it in the area where you spend
the most time. This will keep everything fresh in
your mind and as you go along with new dreams,
add them to this collage.

You have an unlimited source of energy working

with you in this universe. Use it to your benefit.
I am not going to get into an in-depth
conversation on quantum physics and the energy
inside of us and spread throughout the universe.
I figure you have probably already read all about
that. However, in case you haven't, I think
Socrates said it best. “The secret of change is to
focus all of your energy, not on fighting the
old, but on building the new”. You see,
everything is energy. You are an incredible being

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of pure energy. You know when you rub a

balloon on your head and your hair stands up?
That is energy. You know how the balloon seems
to be drawn towards your head? That is
attraction. Your thoughts are energies. How do
you think an EEG is done on your brain? The
doctor is testing the electrical current of your
thoughts and brain activity. Your brain is
constantly sending out signals. Beautifully
amazing, isn't it?

I have people say, Quantum Physics is way too

complicated to grasp so I just give up. Don't do
that! Have you ever talked on the phone to
someone a thousand miles away from you?
Maybe even overseas? Do you think there is a
line running from your phone to the phone you
are calling? No, there isn't. Quantum energy is
taking your words and instantly turning the

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energy of your words into energy that is heard at

the other end of the call.

How about the Hubble Space Telescope? It is

taking photos of Galaxies billions of miles from
Earth and sending the image back to us here on
Earth. That my friend is Quantum Energy. Just
because you can't physically see it, doesn't mean
it doesn't exist. Can you see the wind? Nope, you
might see the effects of the wind but never the
wind itself. Think of the chaos it can have when
it comes in the full force of a tornado or
hurricane. In you, this would be the energy in
negative thoughts and beliefs. Now you can't see
the wind but you can measure it. Have you ever
thought about that? We know wind speed
because we have machines that can measure it
even though it isn't seen by human eyes.
Quantum energy is kind of like that. Simple

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really, you just need to have faith. Yes, every

time you make a call, you have the faith that
it will go through on the other end. See?

Laughter! You HAVE to HAVE joy in your soul

in order to manifest good things. If you are into
watching scary movies, sad dramas, reality
TV that has conflict, stop! These don't do
anything positive for you or your
subconscious. Remember, your subconscious
doesn't know what is real or made up.
These emotions are saved in a file inside
your core system so that you never forget. You
might forget consciously, but not
subconsciously. Instead, if you are going to
watch TV or movies, make them happy, funny,
loving, spiritual or something that helps grow
positive emotions in your body. Don't let
yourself get caught up in the drama of

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the news either. I am not saying to disconnect

from reality. Stay informed of the world you live
in, but don't let it dictate the way you live your
life. There might be strife and terrorism
happening around the world or even in your
neighborhood. Be aware but don't let it sap the
joy out of your life.

Do the things you can to be happy and have a

positive outlook on life. Eliminate the things you
can that bring stress and despair into your life.
The more comedy you can bring into your life
every day, the better. If friends think you are
going off the deep end, let them! Do they live
your life? Pay your bills? No! YOU live your

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Chapter 6

The Harvest
You are AWESOME! Look how far you have
come! You are feeling good, doing well and
enjoying this new inner friend of yours. Don't
ever get discouraged if things are not moving as
fast as you want. After all, some seeds take
longer to sprout and mature than others.

Look at the tree that grows up in the high

mountains in the crevice of a rock. It tolerates
extreme cold, wind, poor soil and lack of water.
It doesn't matter to it though, it keeps on growing
because that is what its life purpose is.

Thrive no matter what the tests of life are. Some

of these tests were put in our path because they
help us to be stronger. Some because they give
us empathy for people, animals and the Earth.

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Some we bring into our lives by worrying that

they will happen. Don't worry! Does it really
cure anything? No, its only function is that it
causes disease in the body. Why do that? You
now know better. Let the universe figure out how
things are going to get taken care of.

I'm not saying quit your job or sit at home and

hope it happens. Make it happen by manifesting
what you want. If it is a better work environment,
a job, a home, a lover, anything, make it happen.
You do have the power within you, use it!

In this book of your journey, you have invested

in yourself. I want you to continue to use the
Ideas area in the back of this book to write down
any and all ideas that you have throughout this
journey. I don't care how small you think they
are, write them down. If you have a recorder, set
it next to the bed. If you have an idea as you drift

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off to sleep, wake up and record it! Don't worry

about losing sleep, losing the idea is worse. Sit
up, roll over or whatever you have to do to record
it! Some of the best ideas in life come just as we
are going to sleep. You know why? You are at
one with your creative self and your mind is
relaxed enough to flow with ideas.

The idea for this book came to me one night

while I was drifting off to sleep. I thought, man,
I don't want to bother waking up fully to write
this down. Then my subconscious told me it was
more important than sleep. She said to get up and
use my phones memo recorder and record my
idea. After all, my phone was next to the bed so
I didn't have to get completely up. This happened
five times that night before I drifted off to sleep.

The interesting thing is, in the morning when I

tried to remember what I had recorded before I

Amicus Meus

listened to it, I couldn't recall. That event taught

me a very good lesson. Record your thoughts
when they come to you! Before this happened,
when I couldn't remember an idea in the morning,
I always passed it off that it must not have been
very important anyway. Now I wonder what I
passed up!

Now, the other interesting part of my story is this.

The power of positive thinking. I know you have
heard it probably all your life. Well, here is my
experience with this.

Like I told you earlier, I own my own business.

It is a Healing Arts Center. I am an Herbologist,
Massage Practitioner, Nutritional Therapist,
Intuitive Health Coach, Energy Therapist of my
own design and I specialize in Neuropathy
Stimulation Therapy. I'm also an Instructor
in Chemical Safety, Medic First Aid and an
OSHA Outreach Trainer 71
Roxanne DeLillo

I get so busy trying to make a living and

help everyone who calls or comes to see me
that I forget to really take care of myself. I
use my hands so much that I started getting
carpel tunnel in my wrists but especially the
right one. It went from bad to worse quickly. It
felt like I had someone jamming ice picks
into my wrists and both thumbs. I was
unable to type on the computer for more than
about five minutes without feeling
excruciating pain in my wrists. I had trouble
just sitting down at the computer to put in my
client notes after each session. Sometimes I
just couldn't. Whenever I sat for longer than
about 10 minutes, my lower back hurt so bad
that it almost felt like I was going to break a
bone if I stood up. I cut my massage times
down and removed the longer massages from
my business website.
Amicus Meus

I was starting to come to the realization that I

was going to have to give up massage
because my body just couldn't take it.

That is when I had a talk with my subconscious.

She listened and then she told me I was going
about this all wrong! I said OK, since you seem
to know so much, what should I do? She said, I
want you to look at your wrists and say these
words: My wrists feel so good, my hands feel so
strong, I feel so good, I love my wrists, I love
how good and strong my wrists and hands feel.
She said every time I got a twinge of pain, look
at my wrists and repeat those words. Well, I can
tell you it is nothing short of a miracle! I started
doing that immediately and by that afternoon,
my wrists were already feeling better!

When I was giving a massage the next day to one

of my hardest to work on clients, 6'5, 240 lbs of

Roxanne DeLillo

muscle, I kept repeating those words. My hands

and wrists had absolutely no pain! To say the
least, I was truly stunned!

Now my back was still a problem so I started

concentrating on that. Hum, it wasn't working.
So I went back to my subconscious and asked
her what to do about my back pain. She said the
pain is from a lack of time for myself. She said I
needed to completely unplug from the world and
give myself the attention and time to heal. I of
course had to argue and say there is no way I can
take the time. I said, you have to make it possible
for me to spend the time alone because I have a
full schedule and can't think of a way to do it.
Well, she did. I got sick!! I couldn't have worked
if I wanted too!

I reluctantly cleared my schedule and then sat

down to write this book that she had given me

Amicus Meus

the idea for.

The only time in my life where I had seen

anything this amazing happen for me was back
in 1991 in Middleborough, Massachusetts. It
was during the time of the hurricane called the
Perfect Storm. I had been working with a head
injury patient in a rehab center and when I went
to leave that night about 10 pm, I realized I had
parked my pickup at the back of the parking lot
near the tree line. It was a very large parking lot
and the wind was howling like crazy. Small
branches were sailing through the air and I
thought to myself, I'll never make it to the pickup
without getting hurt. Well, I personally believe
in God and I talk with him all the time. So I said,
God, I need to make it to my pickup and I need
you to stop the wind till I get there. Thank you
for doing this for me! Then I stepped outside and

Roxanne DeLillo

headed to my pickup. The air was completely

still! I mean not a bit of movement! Just as I got
to my pickup and started to put my key in the
door lock, it felt like all hell broke loose! I started
laughing and said, OK God, I see how you are,
very funny! Next time I will ask to get INSIDE
my pickup, not to my pickup.

I thanked God immensely for listening to me and

taking me safely home. The roads were a mess,
with limbs down everywhere and blowing
through the air, but not one of them ever touched
my pickup or me. It was such a moving moment
for me that I sat and cried over the immensity of
what had just happened. This moment totally
changed how I perceived God.

Now back to my wrists. At the time of this

writing, it has been about two weeks since I
started doing what my subconscious told me to

Amicus Meus

do in healing my own wrists. I have been on the

computer for the last several days writing this
book, without one bit of pain! Talk about a
miracle!! Yesterday I spent over 15 hours on the
computer! And my back? Well, I have been
sitting the whole time I have been writing, and
by day four, I had no pain when I stood up. I still
have no pain! I am always amazed at how truly
simple some things in life are when you get
down to just using positive thinking and
listening to that still small voice of your friend

I read about a study once that was done on the

power of thinking positive toward your car. In
one group people thought negative thoughts
about their cars, i.e.; you are always breaking
down, I bought a lemon, you are costing me a
fortune in repairs. In the other group they

Roxanne DeLillo

thought only positive thoughts. I love you, you

are the best car, you always take care of me, you
never leave me stranded. The funny thing that
came out of this study was that the group that
thought negative thoughts, their cars were
always breaking down! The other group had no
problems whatsoever with their cars!

Remember, EVERYTHING is Energy! Am I

saying that cars have feelings? I don't know, but
energy does have a negative and positive charge.
So, conceivably cars could. One thing to keep in
mind, everything comes from the earth. It doesn't
matter if it is man-made, everything that went
into the making of a product, came from material
that originated in the earth. If you want to see the
energy of a wrench, look up Kirlian photography
and you will see photos of everything from
inanimate objects to plants. The energy fields

Amicus Meus

around them are beautiful!

I had three experiences in life, two just this last

summer, that have forever changed my mind
when it comes to communicating with nature
and other objects. The first one was with a
Redwood tree that was next to my place. Every
morning I would get up and have my coffee with
him. I would say good-morning and in my mind
I would hear good-morning back. I would ask
how his night was or how he was feeling and I
would always get an answer in my mind. Now
you are probably thinking that this was me
making up what I wanted to hear. I know, I was
thinking the same thing. However, one day when
I asked him how he was feeling, he said, I'm

Now it was an extremely hot summer and I do

live in California and we are in the middle of a
Roxanne DeLillo

drought. I said, you are on a watering system,

how could you be thirsty? He kept saying, I'm so
thirsty, I need water, my friends need water too.
I went back in the house and was thinking, how
strange this conversation seemed. His voice kept
talking and was so strong in my head that I went
outside and put a hose on his roots to water him.
He said thanks but my friends are thirsty too.
Now I knew that they were on the same drip
system and should be fine, however, he was my
closest tree friend so I had to listen to him about
his own need. I went to work and didn't think
much more about it till I came home and found
out that the watering system had reset after a
short power outage a few days before and the
trees weren't getting enough water over the last
three days. I was stunned again! Red had
actually been right and he had talked to me! I
now truly listen!
Amicus Meus

The other incident that changed my perception

of the inanimate happened when I was going to
the airport to pick up a friend of mine from
Montana. On the way there I passed an auto
accident that had recently happened and the
SUV was sitting in the center divider, windows
broken out and I could see balloons for a party
inside. It was obvious that the vehicle had rolled.
I suddenly got this overwhelming wave of
sadness. Tears came to my eyes and I kept
hearing in my mind, I'm hurt! I'm so scared!
Now I have been known to have a little too much
(so I am told) empathy for people, so I thought I
was having a reaction to what the people who
were involved in the accident were going
through. Not so! I heard this plain as day voice
in my head, it's me, the car. I thought OMG!
How did that car communicate with me?

Roxanne DeLillo

I heard this voice say, because you looked at me

and cared. It still brings tears to my eyes as I
think about it. The emotion was so strong. I then
told it that it would be OK. Don't be scared,
someone is coming to take you to where they
will fix everything that is hurt on you. I then got
this sense of peace and a thank you from it. That
incident has confirmed for me that we can
connect with everything if we let ourselves truly

This was not the first time I had an experience

like this. The first was several years ago. I had a
Chevrolet Pickup (the one I had during the
Perfect Storm event) that was my baby. I had
taken her cross country twice and explored many
of our beautiful United States with her and my
dogs. She was beautiful! I had put over $15,000

Amicus Meus

of extras into her and she was a beautiful, faithful

companion. Never left me stranded and she
knew how much I loved her. One night I was
staying at my sisters’ place while she was gone
and I had taken my Volkswagen instead of my
pickup. It was a rainy night and I had a nightmare
that my pickup was screaming and scared. She
kept screaming help me! She was being
kidnapped and they were driving her way too
fast. She was terrified! I woke up shaking and
thought, man, I am crazy! Talk about being too
connected to my vehicles, now I'm dreaming as
if they are kids. Crazy I tell you!!

Well, now comes the truly crazy part. My pickup

was stolen that night! In fact, at the time I was
having the nightmare is when they figured the
theft took place! That let me know right then and
there, EVERYTHING has its own life energy.

Roxanne DeLillo

Too bad it took me many more years to come to

the point where I truly listen.

I know the road isn't always rosy, but so what?

Enjoy the learning lesson from anything that is
out of your control and remember, everything
that is relative to your life, is in your control!
You now possess all the tools needed to create a
wonderful life together with your subconscious
friend within. Don't let anything or anyone, take
you off course. Use this knowledge to embrace
life boldly and never fear your decisions. From
the time you wake up in the morning, think
positive thoughts and know that you have all you
need to accomplish whatever your heart desires!

Amicus Meus

Till We Meet Again

I bet you are wondering still where the 91 hours
comes into play. Well, if you spend just 15
minutes a day, for a year, you will have spent 91
hours making phenomenal changes in your life.
Think of what your life will be like in a few years,
ten years, twenty five years. The more time you
devote to yourself, the more phenomenal the
results! Think of how much we could change the
lives of our children if we taught them how to do
this at a young age. Deleting corrupted beliefs
and reprogramming our subconscious with
positive beliefs at an early age, would have an
astounding effect on our adult life.

I know things will change sooner than 91 hours

for you, but just think where you will be in a year
from now?

Roxanne DeLillo

When I wrote this book I set my intention,

(dream, aim, wish), for all who read this book to
make it their own, and, to accomplish all they
can dream! It was also to get you thinking about
things you never thought of before, Are you
curious about all life has to offer? When you read
the title of this book, did you go to the computer
or your phone to look up the meaning of title of
this book? If you did, now that you have read this
book, do you understand the meaning behind the
name? You should if you made a friend of your
subconscious. For those of you that don't have
the convenience of a computer or phone, Amicus
Meus means “My Friend”. You now have the
friendship of the being inside you. Never take
that friendship for granted.

Now go back and take the next steps in your

journey. Make sure you keep track of all your

Amicus Meus

changes. This is your book and I know you will

succeed. It is your birthright as a child of God!

Remember, if you open yourself up and truly

listen, you will hear.

God Bless Your Life’s Journey!


Roxanne DeLillo

My Ideas

Amicus Meus

Roxanne DeLillo

Amicus Meus

My Thoughts

Roxanne DeLillo

Amicus Meus

Roxanne DeLillo

My Successes

Amicus Meus

Roxanne DeLillo

Paste any photos or visualizations that you want to carry
with you, on the next few pages. Remember to take this
book with you as often as you can, so you can record
your journey.

Amicus Meus


Roxanne DeLillo



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