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Hortatory Exposition Text

Rudi Anton Simanjuntak, M.Pd

Class X.B
1. Afifah Nurfaizah
2. Athaya Augistriani
3. Cahaya Risqi Abelia
4. Chelsea Cecillia Pramono
5. Jasmine Eviolina


Viral! Hundreds of Ponorogo Students Apply for Marriage Dispensation

Recently, domestic news has been stirred up by the presence of news or cases about hundreds of
students in Ponorogo applying for early marriage dispensation. This certainly makes people in the
community shocked and not even a few of them feel sad or worried about this. How can people not feel
anxious about this. This case could have happened to their own family members, especially for parents
who still have children under age. Because not always parents can monitor how the behavior or activities
carried out by their children continuously.
You could also say that these days children are more 'smart' than their own parents. 'Smart' in the sense
that this is not about more knowledge, but 'smart' is meant but a child can lie freely or make excuses by
bringing the appendage to attend school academic or non-academic activities but instead they go to play
or meet with friends, best friends, even their girlfriend or boyfriend.
This often happens because maybe they are in an age phase that is arguably still looking for the
satisfaction of their desires. Whether it's feeling in a relationship with the opposite sex, going out with
friends late at night, and many more.
In addition to the factors above, in my opinion, developments nowadays can also be said to be
experiencing 'wild' developments. Why is that, because nowadays things that have a negative connotation
are commonplace. Whether it's dating, drinking, or going on a staycation with the opposite sex, it's
become commonplace nowadays. You could even say that if an individual has never done the negative
thing in question, you can't say it's slang.
Then this of course has an impact on influencing the thinking of children who are underage earlier. The
truth is they are looking for a point of satisfaction of desire that is within them and then coupled with the
development of the 'wild' era as described earlier, the curiosity that is in them is getting out of control to
try this thing.
Now this, of course, is a problem that is feared by parents. Because parents also can't forbid their
children not to go out at all. But on the other hand, parents are also afraid of allowing their children to 'get
out' of the house because they imagine cases like the one above.
So how should parents deal with this? In my opinion, the action that must be taken by parents is to
always monitor and even have to really know who their child is going with and what kind of activities
they are doing. What if the child actually lies? In avoiding this, in my opinion, parents must establish a
relationship with fellow parents of the child. So it is hoped that parents will get certainty before allowing
their children to leave. There is also another step that in my opinion can shape a child's disciplined
personality is to provide outside boundaries for children. Why is that, because indirectly applying this
method can give a feeling of blockage to the child's mind when they stay out late at night and much more.
The text above can be said to be a method that is indeed somewhat restrictive to children, but in my
opinion things like the above are actually appropriate to be applied in order to shape children's
disciplinary thinking and in order to minimize deviant promiscuity. Because if you only rely on the
awareness of the child itself, it's no different from playing bets, where the results are not necessarily good.
If it's not the parents who look after the children then who will?
Generic Structure of Hortatory Exposition Text

1.) Thesis
Recently, domestic news has been stirred up by the presence of news or cases about hundreds of students
in Ponorogo applying for early marriage dispensation. This certainly makes people in the community
shocked and not even a few of them feel sad or worried about this. How can people not feel anxious about
this. This case could have happened to their own family members, especially for parents who still have
children under age. Because not always parents can monitor how the behavior or activities carried out by
their children continuously. You could also say that these days children are more 'smart' than their own
parents. 'Smart' in the sense that this is not about more knowledge, but 'smart' is meant but a child can lie
freely or make excuses by bringing the appendage to attend school academic or non-academic activities
but instead they go to play or meet with friends, best friends, even their girlfriend or boyfriend.

2.) Arguments
In addition to the factors above, in my opinion, developments nowadays can also be said to be
experiencing 'wild' developments. Why is that, because nowadays things that have a negative connotation
are commonplace. Whether it's dating, drinking, or going on a staycation with the opposite sex, it's
become commonplace nowadays. You could even say that if an individual has never done the negative
thing in question, you can't say it's slang.
Then this of course has an impact on influencing the thinking of children who are underage earlier. The
truth is they are looking for a point of satisfaction of desire that is within them and then coupled with the
development of the 'wild' era as described earlier, the curiosity that is in them is getting out of control to
try this thing.
Now this, of course, is a problem that is feared by parents. Because parents also can't forbid their
children not to go out at all. But on the other hand, parents are also afraid of allowing their children to 'get
out' of the house because they imagine cases like the one above.

3.) Recommendation
So how should parents deal with this? In my opinion, the action that must be taken by parents is to
always monitor and even have to really know who their child is going with and what kind of activities
they are doing. What if the child actually lies? In avoiding this, in my opinion, parents must establish a
relationship with fellow parents of the child. So it is hoped that parents will get certainty before allowing
their children to leave. There is also another step that in my opinion can shape a child's disciplined
personality is to provide outside boundaries for children.
Viral! Ratusan Siswa Ponorogo Mengajukan Dispensasi Nikah
Baru baru ini, berita dalam negeri sedang dihebohkan dengan hadirnya berita atau kasus tentang
Ratusan Siswa di Ponorogo yang mengajukan Dispensasi Pernikahan Dini. Hal ini tentu membuat para
kalangan masyarakat menjadi kaget bahkan juga tidak sedikit dari mereka yang merasakan miris maupun
khawatir dengan hal ini. Bagaimana bisa masyarakat tidak merasakan cemas akan hal ini. Kasus ini bisa
saja menimpa anggota keluarga mereka sendiri, terkhusus bagi para orang tua yang masih mempunyai
anak dibawah umur. Karena tidak selamanya orang tua bisa mengawasi bagaimana perilaku atau kegiatan
yang dilakukan oleh anak mereka secara terus menerus.
Bisa dibilang juga anak anak pada zaman sekarang lebih 'pandai' daripada orang tua mereka sendiri.
'Pandai' dalam artian hal ini bukan tentang pengetahuan yang lebih, namun 'pandai' yang dimaksud
melainkan seorang anak bisa dengan leluasanya berbohong atau mencari alasan dengan membawa embel
embel mengikuti kegiatan akademis maupun non akademis sekolah namun mereka justru pergi bermain
atau bertemu dengan teman, sahabat, bahkan pacar mereka.
Hal ini sering terjadi karena mungkin mereka sedang berada di fase umur yang bisa dibilang masih
mencari kepuasaan hasrat mereka. Entah itu merasakan menjalin suatu hubungan dengan lawan jenis,
pergi bersama teman hingga larut malam, dan masih banyak lagi.
Selain faktor diatas, menurut saya perkembangan di zaman sekarang ini bisa juga dibilang mengalami
perkembangan zaman yang 'liar'. Mengapa demikian, karena pada sekarang ini hal hal yang konotasinya
negatif menjadi suatu hal yang lumrah. Entah itu berpacaran, meminum minuman keras, atau pergi
staycation dengan lawan jenis itu menjadi hal yang biasa di zaman sekarang ini. Bahkan bisa dibilang jika
seorang individu belum pernah melakukan hal hal negatif yang dimaksud tadi belum bisa dikatakan gaul.
Lantas hal ini tentu saja berdampak dalam mempengaruhi pemikiran anak yang dibawah umur tadi.
Yang sejatinya mereka sedang mencari titik kepuasaan hasrat yang ada di dalam diri mereka lalu
ditambah dengan adanya perkembangan zaman 'liar' seperti yang dijelaskan tadi maka rasa penasaran
yang ada di dalam diri mereka semakin tidak terkontrol untuk mencoba hal tersebut.
Nah hal ini, tentu saja menjadi persoalan yang ditakutkan oleh para orang tua. Karena para orang tua
juga tidak mungkin melarang para anaknya untuk tidak keluar sama sekali. Namun disisi lain para orang
tua juga takut dalam membolehkan anaknya 'keluar' dari rumah karena terbayang kasus seperti yang
Lantas bagaimana seharusnya para orang tua dalam menyikapi hal tersebut? Menurut saya tindakan
yang harus dilakukan oleh orang tua adalah selalu memantau bahkan harus betul betul mengetahui
anaknya pergi dengan siapa dan melakukan kegiatan seperti apa. Bagaimana jika si anak justru
berbohong? Dalam menghindari hal ini menurut saya orang tua harus menjalin hubungan dengan sesama
orang tua dari si anak. Jadi di harapkan para orang tua mendapat kepastian sebelum membolehkan
anaknya keluar. Ada juga langkah lain yang menurut saya bisa membentuk kepribadian disiplin anak
adalah memberikan batasan keluar kepada anak. Mengapa demikian, karena secara tidak langsung dengan
menerapkan cara seperti ini bisa memberikan rasa mengganjal di pikiran anak apabila mereka keluar
sampai dengan larut malam dan masih banyak lagi.
Hal diatas bisa dibilang merupakan cara yang memang terbilang mengekang kepada anak, namun hal
hal seperti diatas justru menurut saya patut untuk diterapkan demi membentuk pemikiran disiplin anak
dan demi meminimalisir pergaulan bebas yang menyimpang. Karena jika hanya mengandalkan kesadaran
dari anak itu sendiri tidak beda hal nya dengan bermain taruhan yang belum tentu baik hasilnya. Jika
bukan para orang tua yang menjaga anak lalu siapa lagi.

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