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Committee: Special Political and Decolonization Committee

Country: State of Palestine

Agenda: Political Instability in the Middle East

The whole region of Middle East has been facing conflicts, since July 1958, and the

stability of this whole region has been disrupting in every way. The Israel – Palestinian Conflict,

Civil War in Yemen, the killing of Qasem Soleimani, Libyan Civil War and all the other

conflicts that took place, these conflicts have been affecting the region from a very long time

back. Previously, resolutions have been passed about the conflicts in Middle East including the

resolution 242 (1967), resolution 497 (1981) and many more. Still, it is a matter of grief that,

Middle East is still being victims of conflicts, and this has become a worldwide issue now.

The Palestinian government wants peace. Our government does not want any kind of

conflicts, which makes our region unstable. Our government understands that being with a

conflict with Israel, it is making the region unstable, but Palestine must protect their own country

from the attacks of Israel, and from the intervention of Israel. The people and government of

Palestine demands an independent state, a sovereign state. We don’t want any more interventions

by the Israelis or from any of their allies. The Palestinian government urges the United Nations

to solve this conflict, and we want an independent Palestine.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East by

far the biggest UN operation in the Middle East, which provides education, health, relief and

social services for over 5 million Palestine refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, the Syrian Arab

Republic, Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Moreover, donors pledged US$2.6
billion to ensure that humanitarian operations in Yemen can be sustained and scaled up at a time

when humanitarian aid is the only lifeline for millions of Yemenis.

The delegate of Palestine would like to propose the following solutions:

1. There must be an organization for the conflicts in Middle East, and specifically for

solving these conflicts. This organization would mainly focus on about bringing peace in

Middle East, and to make sure that no more conflicts take place. If needed, treaties are to

be formed between countries, and if a country breaks that necessary actions to be taken.

2. The refugees and the people in distress in the whole region should be given special care,

and their needs must be fulfilled. Specially women and children who are suffering, and

suffering from poverty should be taken special care of. Enough employment

opportunities must be arranged for the men, so that they can take care of their family at


3. Palestine expects to receive no more threats and interventions from Israel. We expect

there will be no more attacks from their people, and we expect a two-state solution. Civil

war in Yemen should come to a stop. People in Yemen must meet their needs. Saudi

Arabia should stop their intervention in this issue.









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