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1. The co-CEO model in the business decision-making process can present several risks.

Firstly, it may lead to conflicts between co-CEOs, resulting in disagreements and

impeding timely decision-making. Second, a lack of clear hierarchy could cause
confusion among employees, affecting efficiency and productivity. Third, divided
leadership might hinder accountability and responsibility, leading to a diffusion of
decision-making authority. Additionally, communication gaps may arise, leading to
inconsistent strategies and messaging. Finally, shareholders and stakeholders may find it
challenging to assess individual performance and hold co-CEOs accountable for
outcomes. Successfully implementing a co-CEO model requires strong communication,
alignment, and a well-defined division of responsibilities.
An example of the risks of a co-CEO model is SAP, a German software company that
experimented with the model in 2019. After a few months, the company faced internal conflicts
and struggled with unclear decision-making authority, leading to inefficiencies. As a result, SAP
abandoned the co-CEO structure and returned to a single-CEO model to streamline operations
and regain stability.

2. Traditional single-use plastic bags have fared poorly environmentally compared to other
alternatives. They are known for their significant negative impact on the environment due
to their non-biodegradable nature, which leads to littering and marine pollution. Plastic
bags take hundreds of years to decompose, causing harm to wildlife, and marine
ecosystems, and clogging landfills. In contrast, alternatives such as reusable bags made
from cloth, jute, or other eco-friendly materials, and compostable bags made from plant-
based materials, have been found to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly
choices. These alternatives help reduce plastic waste, conserve resources, and minimize
ecological harm.

3. A tech or social media presence is immensely important for India's legacy businesses to
remain competitive and relevant in the digital era and allows them to engage with a
broader audience, reach potential customers, and adapt to changing consumer behaviors.
With the rapid growth of e-commerce and online platforms, businesses that neglect their
digital footprint risk losing market share and customer loyalty.
India's legacy businesses have been laggards in this space for several reasons. Firstly,
many traditional businesses face challenges in understanding and adopting new
technologies. Additionally, legacy businesses may have long-standing operational models
tied to brick-and-mortar setups, making it difficult for them to pivot to the digital realm
For example, several traditional Indian retailers initially struggled to compete with the rise of e-
commerce giants like Flipkart and Amazon. They were slow to establish an online presence or
implement effective digital marketing strategies, leading to a loss of market share and revenue.

(Time Taken : Half hour for the queries)


Title: "Content Marketing: Educate, Engage, and Earn Loyalty"

Content marketing involves providing valuable and relevant content to a specific audience,
focusing on educating rather than directly promoting products or services. By consistently
delivering valuable information, businesses can attract and retain customers who appreciate the
expertise and ultimately reward the company with their loyalty and patronage.

Title: How HARO Empowers Journalists and its Impact on the Media Landscape
HARO, Help a Reporter Out, has revolutionized the way journalists gather information and
sources for their stories. This unique platform connects journalists with experts, industry
professionals, and individuals willing to share their insights, creating a mutually beneficial
Firstly, HARO saves journalists valuable time and effort. Instead of tirelessly scouring the
internet for suitable sources, they can post their queries on the platform and receive relevant
responses from experts in various fields. This streamlined process ensures journalists have access
to a diverse range of perspectives and information, enhancing the depth and accuracy of their
Without HARO, journalists would face considerable challenges. They would need to rely solely
on their existing networks, which may limit the diversity of sources and viewpoints in their
reporting. The lack of an efficient platform like HARO could result in delays in finding sources,
affecting deadlines and the overall quality of journalism.
Additionally, HARO strengthens the relationship between journalists and their audience. By
seeking input and expertise directly from the public, reporters can create content that resonates
better with their readers. This two-way communication fosters trust and engagement, ultimately
benefiting both the media and its consumers.

In conclusion, HARO plays a pivotal role in empowering journalists by facilitating seamless

access to valuable sources. Its absence would lead to increased challenges in sourcing
information and hinder the overall quality and diversity of journalism. As the media landscape
evolves, HARO continues to be an invaluable tool, bridging the gap between reporters and their

Time Taken ( 10 Minutes for the summary) + 50 minutes for the blog including research

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