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Prova de síntesi 2022/23-1

Assignatura Codi Data
Idioma modern II: Anglès 03.501 21/1/2023 12:00

!!! Aquesta prova només la poden fer els

estudiants que hagin aprovat l'avaluació
Aquest enunciat també correspon a les assignatures

 02.175 - Anglès B2.2

 02.508 - Idioma modern II: Anglès
 03.616 - Anglès B2.2
 10.515 - Idioma modern II: Anglès
 20.502 - Idioma modern II: Anglès
 21.210 - Idioma modern II

Fitxa tècnica de la prova de síntesi

 No és necessari que escriguis el teu nom. Un cop resolta la prova final, només
s’accepten documents en format .doc, .docx (Word) i .pdf.
 Comprova que el codi i el nom de l'assignatura corresponen a l'assignatura de què
t'has matriculat.
 Temps total: 1 hora Valor de cada pregunta:          
 Es pot consultar cap material durant la prova de síntesi? NO Quins materials
estan permesos? No es pot utilitzar cap tipus de material per realitzar aquesta prova. Si es
detecta qualsevol indici que durant la prova s’han consultat fonts d’internet o escrites per
respondre la pregunta que hi ha a continuació, la prova i l’assignatura quedaran automàticament
suspeses. Això inclou la consulta dels materials i recursos de l’assignatura o les pròpies PAC i
activitats realitzades durant l'avaluació continuada.
 Es pot fer servir calculadora? NO De quin tipus? CAP
 Si hi ha preguntes tipus test, descompten les respostes errònies? NO Quant?
 Indicacions específiques per a la realització d’aquesta prova de síntesi:      

Pàgina 1 de 3
Prova de síntesi 2022/23-1
Assignatura Codi Data
Idioma modern II: Anglès 03.501 21/1/2023 12:00

Pàgina 2 de 3
Prova de síntesi 2022/23-1
Assignatura Codi Data
Idioma modern II: Anglès 03.501 21/1/2023 12:00

Do you think that university graduates are more likely to succeed in life? In your answer, you should include
at least two examples from your personal experience.

Write an essay of 200-250 words. Remember to include an introduction, main body, and conclusion.
Please note that essays that do not sufficiently address the question will automatically result in a
mark of "0".

Do you think that university graduates are more likely to succeed in life?

This is a statement that I have heard many times in my life and sometimes it has been true and has come
true and sometimes it has not. We all know examples for and against this opinion.

On the one hand, I think we should all be able to have a good academic education and study according to
our interests and motivations so that in the future we can get a good job, more stability and a better salary.
Having studies can always give you peace of mind in the future to access better jobs. I preferred to study
and win a competitive examination in order to have job stability and a fixed salary.

On the other hand, it is not always true that people with a high level of education are successful in life. We
can see people who have other skills such as people skills, who know how to be enterprising and who have
good business ideas and who, without studies, set up a company or a work project that works and does very
well. I have friends with these qualities but without studies who have set up businesses and are doing very
well in life.

In short, a university degree is important and can open doors to employment and offer opportunities in life,
although it is not always synonymous with having more chances of success. This depends on other factors
such as work, character or luck apart from university studies.

(Words 243)

Student: Juan Seana Rodríguez

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