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Patricia Marquardt

Deborah Plummer

English 211

16 July 2023

Fig. 1. Browne, James. (theworldofjamesbrowne). (2023, July 9). “Last chance to be able to get

any of my old work…” Instagram, 9 July 2023,


Little Boo Light Painting by James Browne: A Visual Analysis

This painting by James Browne called Little Boo Light, shows a scared ghost holding a

lantern stick. This painting can be found on James’ Instagram page, along with his other

whimsical artwork. All of James’ artwork, carry a heart-warming message within them; this

painting is no different. The Little Boo Light painting evokes a feeling of hope in anyone who

feels lost and needs a visual reminder with the help of the artist’s use of color, focal point, value,

composition, and symbolic elements.

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Without a doubt, the color in this artwork is an indicator of the overall mood of Little Boo

Light. Most of the objects in this artwork are a blueish type of color with other visually similar

colors like the dark green leaves. These darker colors signify the scariness of the unknown and

they also portray a sense of sadness. The light purple flowers show a slight contrast against the

night sky and the dark leaves. Light purple sometimes embodies a spirit of magic. The light

purple flowers spread around the dark portrait helps to show that perhaps a bunch of little bursts

of magic still exist in the overwhelming darkness. The ghost is also of a light color; he is white.

This color signifies innocence and peacefulness which along with his scared, unintimidating look

lets the viewers know that he is a kind ghost. The most crucial distinguishing color in the Little

Boo Light painting is the bright, yellow light because it is a complementary color to the blueness

that shadows most of the composition. This speck of light is so alluring against the dark

background that it overshadows the sadness. Yellow is a color that signifies joy and hope.

The focal point in this painting points to the importance of the bright light. The eyes of the

viewers of Little Boo Light are immediately directed to the light near the center of the artwork.

The yellow glow is so eye-catching because the color is predominately contrary to everything

around it. The light’s radiance emitting from its center gives it an apparent draw towards it. The

evident elements of light versus dark are significant in this painting. The focal point along with

the opposing colors around it expresses the importance of value. The dark colors are used to

create an observable melancholy expanding across the painting, but the powerful light of hope

reminds the viewers of its endurance despite everything.

Along with the value used in the artwork, the composition is also helpful in illustrating the

meaning behind Little Boo Light. The image assembles in a simple but meaningful way. The

elements that this artwork composes of are the ghost, the lantern stick, the light, the night sky,
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the purple flowers, and the green leaves. The leaves and flowers are placed around the image like

a border. There is a big empty space in the middle where the night sky beams through. Within

that empty space lies the light and the ghost who carries it. The border implies that the ghost

feels trapped inside, and it also causes the viewers to think he is lost. The space in the middle

signifies a way out of the tree, and on a metaphorical level it implies that there is hope outside

the crowded obstacles. The ghost’s head overlaps the leaves meaning he just found his way out.

Although his face doesn’t show hopefulness, the layout hints at the positive outcome. The light

spreading throughout the open space of freedom suggest a positive outcome.

Along with the artistic elements that provide the meaning behind Little Boo Light, there are

spiritual elements that expand on it. The main character in this painting is a ghost. Ghosts are

known to scare people. It is ironic that in this picture, the ghost himself feels afraid. However,

some might interpret that this is intentional. It gives the viewers encouragement that even a ghost

that is supposed to be brave still feels scared. It lets human viewers know that it’s okay to feel

that way. Another spiritual element is the light. “There’s always a light at the end of the tunnel”

is a common saying that means that the darkness won’t last forever, and one needs to have hope.

Another way that light turns into symbolism is during epiphanies. The light of hope is the

epiphany, and the flowers around it are the hints leading up to it.

In essence, an insight into hope can be seen in Little Boo Light through James Browne’s

artistic choices. The value implemented by James, can be explored more thoroughly through his

use of colors and the evident focal point. The spiritual elements furthered his uplifting message

within his precise composition. The visual elements that he implemented add to the feeling of

dominant hope in seemingly all-consuming darkness.

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Works Cited

Browne, James. (theworldofjamesbrowne). (2023, July 9). “Last chance to be able to get any of

my old work…” Instagram, 9 July 2023,


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