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法,并且对症下药。我们有许多种宣传传统艺术的方法,比如 adapt the form, use social

media, give fund or educate to the young.etc 但是,并不是每一种改进方式都适用于所有的传

Boring less attractive, to promote make it more popular alive

Not completely

I agree with what you said just now. It is true that traditional art should be promoted, but we
must promote it in a certain way, and with appropriate method. There are many ways to promote
traditional art, such as adapt the form, use social media, give fund or Educate the young.
However, not every improvement is suitable for all traditional art forms. For example, nowadays,
not only can we watch dancing performance in a theater, but also we can often see short video
clips of traditional dances. The production staff will edit each clip and combine it with music and
drums to make a short video, which can play a good role in publicity. Such short videos can well
preserve the graceful movements of the dancers. On the contrary, such a format is not suitable
for crosstalk. If crosstalk words and phrases are cut out without context, the video will seem
incomplete and destroy the essence of the original traditional art. Therefore, I think when we are
making promotion of traditional arts, we should choose the most appropriate improvement
method according to the characteristics of different traditional arts, so as to better promote the
spread of art and at the meantime we can ensure that we also successfully keep the original taste
of art.

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