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Discussion Forum Unit 8

De Moivre's Theorem is a fundamental mathematical tool that provides a formula for calculating the

powers of complex numbers. In simple terms, it allows us to find the result of raising a

complex number to a positive integer power. The theorem is stated as follows: For any

complex number z = r(cosθ + isinθ) and any positive integer n, z^n = r^n(cos(nθ) + isin(nθ))

(De Moivre's Theorem - Formulas, Explanation, and Examples, n.d.).

The theorem can be described as a method to find the powers of complex numbers by expressing

them in polar form. In polar form, a complex number is represented by its magnitude (r) and

argument (θ), which gives its position in the complex plane. When we raise a complex

number to a power, we raise both the magnitude and the argument to the power and then

convert the result back to rectangular (or standard) form (De Moivre's Theorem - Formulas,

Explanation, and Examples, n.d.).

The scope of De Moivre's Theorem is broad and extends to various mathematical applications. Some

key aspects of its scope include (De Moivre's Theorem - Formulas, Explanation, and

Examples, n.d.):

 Finding roots and powers of complex numbers: De Moivre's Theorem is used to

calculate the nth roots of complex numbers, allowing us to find all the possible

solutions for equations of the form z^n = w, where z and w are complex numbers.

 Calculating positive powers of complex numbers: The theorem enables us to

efficiently raise complex numbers to positive integer powers, making it easier to

perform complex number operations and calculations.

 Proving trigonometric identities: De Moivre's Theorem is closely related to Euler's

formula, which connects complex exponentials to trigonometric functions. It is

frequently used to derive trigonometric identities.

 Solving differential equations: De Moivre's Theorem is employed in solving

differential equations involving complex roots.

 Summing infinite series: The theorem can be used to find the sum of infinite series

involving trigonometric functions.

Let's consider two examples for roots and two examples for powers using De Moivre's


Example 1:

Complex number z = 3(cos(π/6) + isin(π/6)) To find the square roots (n = 1/2): z^(1/2) = √3

(cos(π/12) + isin(π/12)) So the two square roots of z are √3 (cos(π/12) + isin(π/12)) and -√3

(cos(π/12) + i*sin(π/12)).

Example 2:

Complex number z = 2(cos(π/4) + isin(π/4)) To find the cubic roots (n = 1/3): z^(1/3) = ∛2

(cos(π/12) + isin(π/12)) The three cubic roots of z are ∛2 (cos(π/12) + isin(π/12)), ∛2

(cos(5π/12) + isin(5π/12)), and ∛2 (cos(9π/12) + isin(9π/12)).

Example 3:

Complex number z = 1(cos(π/6) + isin(π/6)) To calculate z^4: z^4 = cos(2π/3) + i*sin(2π/3).

Example 4:
Complex number z = 2(cos(π/3) + isin(π/3)) To find z^5: z^5 = 32(cos(5π/3) + i*sin(5π/3)).


1. De Moivre's theorem - Formulas, Explanation, and Examples. (n.d.). The Story of

Mathematics. Retrieved August 3, 2023, from

2. Abramson, J. (2021). Algebra and trigonometry (2nd ed.). OpenStax, TX: Rice

University. Retrieved from

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