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It is sometimes believed that the major objective of advertising activities is to sell products which people

have no real desire for. I totally disagree with this viewpoint as I believe that advertisements are only
interested in what customer needs and appeal to their target audience.

In terms of business, Instead of trying to attract people randomly, some adverts only care about their
target audience and give them all the information on goods and services they are in need of. By this
method, they can save their budget on creating advertisements as they don't really need highly effective
advertising but they can still seek their loyal customers and earn decent revenue. For example, some
products are only suitable for a certain group of people such as toys for kids, make-up, jewelry for
women, and some clothes only for men, so adverts were born to introduce the product to various kinds
of people.

If some people that the main aim of advertising action is to increase profit, It will cost sorts of negative
things to society. Firstly, trash will be rising every time as trying to sell product people don't really need
and this also wastes both production and human resources. In other words, It can damage our earth and
causing to climate change such as global warming, the greenhouse effect, and other several problems.
Secondly, for individuals, People will waste their finances on unnecessary items, leading to a throw-away

In conclusion, although Some claim that advertising's primary goal is to increase sales of things that
consumers don't actually need, I believe that advertising is simply adapted to their target audience
because that can bring about a better society.

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