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This paper is a biblical counseling interview, I choose one person that I’m going to
interview this is have a 4 session, I’m so gland to counsel her, It will focus on being
early mommy or it call early pregnancy.

Presentation of the problem.

The problem here is a early pregnancy, she pregnant at age of 15her name is Betty
first according to her it is difficult because her boyfriend is very young and they are
same in schooling that time, they not continue study because she will focus on her
child, theirs a lot of problem because they are both young.

Case study
Early Pregnancy

The problem here is a being early pregnant mother.

My goal here is to help the mother how she overcome that situation, I will give her
some advice from the bible.

My solution here is to gave her some advice and I will encourage her, she choose me
because she trusted me in this situation.

The result is she accept her situation and she have a dream for her son in the future so,
she plan to go into school soon and also her boyfriend what I mean her husband.

She have a confidence to face the negative story from the other people.

She encourage the other women who became pregnant in early age to continue they
lives and don’t lose hope, just trust to Jesus.

Don’t lose hope because God is always in our side.

Dialog/Counselee and Counselor.

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