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1. Choose the correct Eee “for each i) According the Pot the deepest sounds are always given by: c) trust ii) For ee a line from this in pence our Saviour was sold,” is a line from this poem: a) Ozymandias b) The Character of a Happy Life c) Lucy Gray 3) The Abbot of Canterbury ili) The phrase “golden crown” means: a) wealth: b) power c) victory d) throne iv) ‘Broken branches’ in the last stanza of the poem”Good Timber” is an example of this literary device: r a) oxymoron 6) onomatopoeia ¢) simile _d) alliteration v) _ Khahoris recognition is like: a) caravan in a desert d) safety in the jungle vi) The central character in the play ‘A Visit to a Smal! Planet’ is: a) John Randolph b) Roger Spelding —_c) Kreton @Ellen vii) The spaceship landed in Mrs, Spelding’s : a) rose garden _b) petunia bed c) greenhouse d) vegetable garden viii) The first person who arrived to investigate the spaceship was: ¢) President of the USA d) neighbours ©) guide in the mountains b) raft in the ocean a) Powers b) Laurent ix) The word “folk” means: a) children) b)men —_c) women d) people x) Some people still believe that Lucy can be seen: a) in mountains b) inthe wind c) in the town 4) on the bridge ‘xi) E.B. White revisited the lake with his son in: b) winter —c)autumn —_d) spring a) summer _xii) Through out the story in “The Necklace’ Madam Loisel appears to value: a) Love b) Appearances c) Knowledge d) Wisdom xiii) According to the author Stephen Leacock he kept his savings in his: a) pocket b) socks c) kitchen drawers d) under the floorboard in his bedroom xiy) One of the largest markets in Singapore is: a) Change Alley b) Changi c) Raffles Pulse d) barges. xv) A group of people travelling together is called as: b) crew c)earavan —d) shrewd men a) sages xvi) The technician _ configured the modem so it should work properly now. (Identify the correet prefix): a) re b) dis o).un d) mis xvii) In the sentence ‘Kangaroo is an indigenous animal to Australia,’ the word ‘indigenous’ means: a) native b) necessary c)foreign d) alien xviii) In the sentence “He runs fast,’ the underlined verb a) transitive _b) intransitive c)auxiliary d) modal xix) In the sentence ‘I run_a business successfully,” the underlined verb is: a) transitive _) intransitive c) auxiliary d) modal xx) A Sestet of a Sonnet has: a) Five lines ) six lines ¢) seven lines d) eight lines. Time: 2 Hrs. 40 mi ( NS QUESTIONS) SECTION B (SHORT-ANSWER QUE: Tacs Note: Attempt TEN part-questions from this section, including at least TWO part-que: from each sub-section, All questions carry equal marks. 2. SUB-SECTION I (Reading Comprehension) i) How can we make Pakistan prosperous in the light of Quaid’s vision? : 5 1) Why was arriving at the Lake less exciting for the Writer in the Present than in the Past? iil) What mistake did Stephen Leacock make when he wrote the cheque? ix) What was Mmm. Loisel’s reaction on reading the invitation? SUB-SECTION II (POETRY) Vv) Whatis the Central Idea of the poem ‘The Character of a Happy Life’ vi) What is the message of the poem ;Don’t Quit? Vil) IN the poem ‘Ozymandias’ how can you say that the sculptor was a great artist? \iit) Identify the poem and the poetic devives used in the following lines Often the goal is nearer than Itseems to a faint and gman Often the srugg! given up When he might have captured the victor’s eup And he [eared too late when the night slipped down How close he was to the golden crown B-SECTION U1 (Play- “A Visit to a Small Planet” ix} How is Kreton able to cominunicate with the people of“Eanth? 3) Why is General Powers paranoid about Kreton’s visit? Xi) How does Kreton reveat he does not have any favourable views of the earthlings? xi) Which character in the play “A Visit to a Small Planet” do you like most and why? SUB-SECTION IV (Grammar) xiii) Change the narration. a) The policeman shouted at the suspect, “Keep your hands up.” b) He said, “I love Winters,” c) Hamdan said, “I must meet the clients tomorrow afternoon.” d) She said, “Be attentive and do not be distracted,” e) She said to me. “Where will you go tomorrow?” xiv) Change the voice: a) He has to rent a car, b) Let him close the door, c) Why did you not help her? d) Who did this? : ©) Someone helped the criminal to escape. Xv) Spot the errors and do the correction of verb, preposition and adjective in the following sentences: d a) He goes to school at the afternoon. b) The guests arrived on 8.00 pm. ¢) He didn’t knew the correct answer, ) They have make her happy on her birthday. ¢) My car is most big than ty friend’s. xvi) Do as directed: a) Do you leam karate said Asif (Punctuate) b) If 1 were you, .......... (Complete the sentence) ©) He does not delay his work. (Put the adverb ‘usually’ in the right place) d) She missed an important interview. She is lazy. (Make a compound sentence) ©) You visit your dentist at least twice a year, (Insert modal verb showing advice) SECTION “C” Detailed questions: Attempt all questions from this section. (30 Marks) Q3. Read the following passage and answer the question that follows OR Make Precise of the following passage and suggest a suitable title. Singapore is known in the world as one of the prosperous and wealthiest countries in the area People might mistake it for a large country with abundant agricultural products or minerals but Singapore is a small island which is jusi like a dot on the World Map, The area of the whole country is only two hundred and twenty five square miles. Eighty percent of the population lives in just twenty-eight square miles of land around the port. Like Japan she imports every raw material and most of the food products. However, like Japan, she is wise in the matters of money and wealth, Much of her income depends on arrival of tourists, trade and ships from overseas, Tourists and traders from all over the world come here for business, shopping and leisure a) Why would people mistake Singapore for a large country? Discuss reasons b) In what ways the writer compares Singapore with Japan? c) Suggest a suitable title to the passage. Q4. Write a formal email to your college Principal asking / requesting him to allow your Class a recreational visit to the seaside. OR Write a Report about student week held in the college (Including events, days and dates). QS. Write a narrative account of an unforgettable incident that horrified you. OR Write an essay to compare and contrast on any one of the following: i) PSL v/s T20 Matches ii) Flu v/s Corona Virus

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