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Fact 1

Never raise your underwear above your head. This is considered very rude.

For the reason that Myanmar (Burmese) people have different view on upper and lower parts of the
body. Upper part is considered sacred while lower part is considered inferior to the upper part, even
considered dirty.

Fact 2
Because of this reason a another fact is we never mix the things we use for our upper part with that
of the lower part. For example, towel used for the lower part should never be mixed with the upper
part, especially the one used for the head and the one for the feet. That why my mother always tell
me not to wash upper and lower clothes together.

Fact 3
Never clean your feet in the basin you used to clean your hands and face. 3) Never use the water
from the drinking pot to wash your feet. Myanmar people will consider this an insult. Are we really

Fact 4

The art of downplaying a compliment

Most of Myanmar people don’t want to appear conceited or egotistical. So there is
particular way of accepting a compliment, which is to downplay it.

That’s means you need to be humble with your response.

For giving response for compliment, I don’t mean that when someone says you look so beautiful, you
should say like I am litteray so ugly ,Don’t you see, not like that ok.

 For example, acceptable responses to a compliment include ” no, not at all you are too

Fact 5
 If you are going to talk about unauspicious things that (means not conductive to success) you
should begin the sentence with "Powa! gold house, and silver house, ", to wipeout evils; This fact is
new for me. How about you guys? Have you ever heard this before?

Fact 6
Last but not lease, You should not criticize nor disgrace someone in front of the stranger. But, In
reality in Myanmar. It is quite opposite. When you are going somewhere but meet your relative or
neighbors on the way, they give compliments that drain your confidence in yourself. you become so
fat You should lose some weight. Oh, you look so thin. You should eat more rice.s Especially
aunties, right?

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