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Things Poor People Do That

The Rich Don’t

Iván Andrés Gómez Estrada

There are a few things that make us poor
people or rich people, it just depend on a a
bunch of bad habits that make us poor people,
or excellent habits that make us rich people
(monetarily and mentally).
First of all, I consider myself as
a rich person mentally and with
my heart, because I have my
parents, my whole family and
everything that is important to
me, in a different point of view I
consider myself as a poor
person monetarily, not so poor
but still poor, my habits do not
help to get better on that point
because I almost make every
single point of that video.
1. Poor people watch a lot of TV
I usually do not do this oftenly but I usually watch movies or series on
my phone mostly to practice my listening in the respective language,
for example watching movies in English to be able to understand
people talking to me in that language, it helps so much, because you
will get better through time understanding, in some point I am helping
myself to reach my goal that is being able to understand, speak and
write in that language, but probably, I will have to reduce that amount
of time .
Poor people eat fast food
Fast Food

I would not say I am one of

those guys that mainly eat
fast food, because I am not,
I am not that fan of fast
food, mostly because my
mum did not get me used to
it and my healthiness, and I
actually like it but not so
much to eat it everyday, so I
would say that this is one of
the bad habits I do not do.
Poor people buy clothes or products
that are on sale
I have nothing to debate of this one,
I am a 100% guilty, I just buy
clothes or anything when it is on
sale, I should change it.
Poor people wake up later than rich
people do in their early years
Well, Yeah, Usually I wake up really
late when I’m in vacations, so I will not
lie about it, lately I’ve been waking up
earlier because of classes, so I should
change that from me to get better about
my wealthiness, waking up early it’s
not just about waking up, it’s about
getting advantage of the day and use it
to make helpful activities about your
life and that’s why you will be a person
that use rightly your time and take the
most advantage of it
People are really
into sports
I´m not really into sports because I don
´t really like it, I can add this one as the
other one that I don’t do.
I usually take two showers, at least to me is more than
enough because I do not want to waste a lot of water, I
don’t really know how many times Elon Musk or rich
people take showers but I would say 2 times is more
Poor people than enough, 3 times is better when I’m pretty dirty and
I feel uncomfortable.
don’t shower as
often as rich
people do
Poor people blame others for their
I would not say I usually Of something that didn’t
blame each others for my have anything to do with
misfortunes because I think you, so you should just think
it’s useless being blaming about how to improve it.
each other when it does not
really make sense at all, if
you did something wrong
then YOU are the one that
should be thinking about
what you did wrong and try
to get it better, you shouldn’t
be blaming yourself for it,
because it could´ve been
Poor people have no money saved

I am that type of guy that usually save money

but I just do it when I’m saving for something
in specific, not just being saving just because, I
should change that to being able to have
money and when I need it, I am be able to take
it from there, that’s the bad thing I have, I
usually save but just to buy things I want, I
don’t save to just being saving.
Poor people use credit cards or take out
loans for useless things

I do not have credit cards so I don’t do this one because of the lack of having
credits cards, probably if I would have a debit card, (I would not even ask for a
credit card, because I am more likely to be indebted) , I would use it pretty bad,
so I’ll probably have to study how to manage money to not waste it for useless
things, right now I don’t do it because I don’t have it, but if I would have it, I
would probably have to study about money to not being wasting it.
I just want 1 child or 2
Poor people A maximum. It’s pretty difficult
being raising children.

tend to have
Life right now is pretty
more kids B difficult and expensive so I’ll
first study and reach my goals
and earlier to being able to have kids and
give them what is needed.

their life I’m not really looking for

that many children, with 1
or 2 is more than enough.
Poor people do not do
regular checks with
their medic.
100% Guilty, I don’t usually go to medics, I go
when I feel bad, when something is wrong, So
indeed I should change that because it’s not
good to anyone in any way, I have a lot of
things to change.
Poor people money before they get it

1 2 3

I would not say I spend my money before I get it basically because of I don’t usually
get money that fast, for example loans, I don’t get them because I’m not allowed to get
it and right now I just depend on my parents, for example if I get money that is given
to me I usually spend it fastly because I don’t usually save a lot of money, so I
definitely should change a lot of habits from myself that are not healthy to my life.
Poor people surround
themselves with other
poor people.
Well, yeah, I have not met anyone that
is rich in my whole life, so that’s why I
don’t surround myself with rich people,
I must find someone and be surrounded
with positive people to be positive and
to reach things that I should be
thinking about and to not think
Poor people never
follow through on
their ideas or
I don’t usually follow through on my
ideas because of the fact of being lazy
the whole time, I must find motivation
somewhere to be able to do things, but
when it’s something I really love I just
do it, sometimes I don’t want to do it
anymore, but I usually keep it up to
reach my goal.
Poor people believe that other should
help them reach the top
That usually happens when people get used to be
helped, for example if you give to poor people money or
food mensually they will get used to it and they won’t
try to get money and get food for themselves, it’s the
same example at zoos, that’s why it’s forbidden give
food to animals, they will get used to it and when they
get back to their original habit they will not hunt their
food they will want it easily, anyway I don’t think I’m
waiting for anyone´s help, I usually try to get better and
do everything from myself, but a little help is helpful

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