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Translation team: Anna Cortijos, Miquel Alabernia, Victor Rouco,

David Gallardo-Pujol

Web Content (BFI-2, Soto & John; 2016)

Please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the
following statements:

I am someone who...
Is outgoing, sociable
Is compassionate, has a soft heart
Tends to be disorganized
Is relaxed, handles stress well
Has few artistic interests
Has an assertive personality
Is respectful, treats others with respect
Tends to be lazy
Stays optimistic after experiencing a setback
Is curious about many different things
Rarely feels excited or eager
Tends to find fault with others
Is dependable, steady
Is moody, has up and down mood swings
Is inventive, finds clever ways to do things
Tends to be quiet
Feels little sympathy for others
Is systematic, likes to keep things in order
Can be tense
Is fascinated by art, music, or literature
Is dominant, acts as a leader
Starts arguments with others
Has difficulty getting started on tasks
Feels secure, comfortable with self
Avoids intellectual, philosophical discussions
Is less active than other people
Has a forgiving nature
Can be somewhat careless
Is emotionally stable, not easily upset
Has little creativity
Is sometimes shy, introverted
Is helpful and unselfish with others
Keeps things neat and tidy
Worries a lot
Values art and beauty
Finds it hard to influence people
Is sometimes rude to others
Is efficient, gets things done
Often feels sad
Is complex, a deep thinker
Is full of energy
Is suspicious of others’ intentions
Is reliable, can always be counted on
Keeps their emotions under control
Has difficulty imagining things
Is talkative
Can be cold and uncaring
Leaves a mess, doesn’t clean up
Rarely feels anxious or afraid
Thinks poetry and plays are boring
Prefers to have others take charge
Is polite, courteous to others
Is persistent, works until the task is finished
Tends to feel depressed
Has little interest in abstract ideas
Shows a lot of enthusiasm
Assumes the best about people
Sometimes behaves irresponsibly
Is temperamental, gets emotional easily
Is original, comes up with new ideas
Receive personality feedback
Your Personality

Based on decades of research, personality researchers agree that

the most important individual differences in personality traits are
described by five basic traits known as the “Big Five”: Extraversion,
Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, and
Openness to Experience. The measures you just completed provide
scores on each of these traits and your results are described below.

On each trait, scores above 60 can be considered high, and scores

below 40 can be considered low. Descriptions of high and low
scorers appear below. If your score is between 40 and 60, then your
personality would probably be described as about average on the
attributes listed.
Your score out of 100 possible:
High scorers tend to be talkative and energetic. They like being
around people, and are comfortable asserting themselves in a group.
High scorers tend to have more friends and dating partners, and are
seen as more popular. They are more likely to serve in community
leadership roles, and to do volunteer work. They tend to prefer
energetic music, exercise more frequently, and are more likely to
play a sport. They experience more frequent positive emotions, and
react more strongly to positive events.

Low scorers tend to be socially and emotionally reserved. They

generally prefer to be alone or with a few close friends, and keep
their opinions and feelings to themselves. They are less likely to
engage in thrill-seeking activities or risky behaviors such as smoking
and alcohol consumption.

High scorers tend to be considerate and polite in social interactions,

and enjoy cooperating with others. They find it easy to trust people,
and feel compassion for those in need. High scorers tend to be well
liked by their peers, and they establish satisfying and stable close
relationships. They are more likely to be religious, to serve in
community leadership roles, and to do volunteer work. Older adults
tend to score higher than younger adults.

Low scorers express themselves directly and bluntly, even at the risk
of starting an argument. They enjoy competition, and tend to be
skeptical of other people's intentions. Low scorers tend to earn
higher salaries, and are more likely to engage in some risky
behaviors, such as smoking and aggressive driving.

High scorers tend to be organized and responsible. They work hard

to achieve their goals, and complete tasks they have begun. High
scorers tend to earn higher grades in school, and perform better in
many occupations. They are more likely to be religious and hold
conservative political attitudes. They tend to exercise more, have
better physical health, and live longer. Older adults tend to score
higher than younger adults.

Low scorers tend to act spontaneously rather than making plans, and
find it easier to look at the big picture than pay attention to details.
They prefer to jump between tasks, instead of finishing one at a time.
They tend to engage in more risky behaviors, such as smoking,
alcohol consumption, and drug use.
Emotional Stability

High scorers tend to be emotionally stable and resilient. They usually

stay calm, even in stressful situations, and can quickly bounce back
from negative events. People who score high on emotional stability
tend to feel a greater sense of well-being.

Low scorers tend to be emotionally sensitive, and have up-and-down

mood swings. They experience more frequent negative emotions,
and react more strongly to negative events. Younger adults tend to
score lower than older adults.
Openness to Experience
High scorers are generally open to new activities and new ideas.
They tend to be creative, intellectually curious, and sensitive to art
and beauty. High scorers tend to prefer, and do better in, scientific
and artistic occupations. They prefer classical, jazz, blues, and rock
Low scorers tend to be traditional, practical, and like to stick with
traditional ways of doing things. They prefer the familiar over the
new, and the concrete over the abstract. Low scorers tend to prefer,
and do better in, conventional and practical occupations such as
crafts and trades.
Spanish Translation
Por favor, indique en qué medida está de acuerdo o en
desacuerdo con las siguientes afirmaciones. Yo soy alguien…

Abierto/a, sociable
Compasivo/a, con un gran corazón
Que tiende a ser desorganizado/a
Relajado/a, que gestiona bien el estrés
Con pocos intereses artísticos
Con una personalidad asertiva
Respetuoso/a, que trata a los demás con respeto
Que tiende a ser perezoso/a
Que se mantiene optimista después de sufrir un contratiempo
Que siente curiosidad por gran variedad de cosas
Que raramente se siente emocionado/a o entusiasmado/a
Que tiende a buscar los defectos de los demás
Formal, constante
Variable, con notables cambios de humor
Ingenioso/a, que busca formas inteligentes de hacer las cosas
Que tiende a estar callado/a
Que siente poca compasión hacia los demás
Metódico/a, al que le gusta mantenerlo todo en orden
Que puede ponerse tenso/a
Fascinado por el arte, la música o la literatura
Dominante, que actúa como líder
Que empieza discusiones con los demás
Al/A la que le cuesta empezar las tareas
Que se siente seguro/a, cómodo/a consigo mismo/a
Que evita conversaciones intelectuales y filosóficas
Menos activo/a que otras personas
Comprensivo/a con los demás
Que puede ser algo descuidado/a
Emocionalmente estable, que no se altera con facilidad
Con poca creatividad
A veces tímido/a, introvertido/a
Servicial y generoso/a con los demás
Que mantiene todo limpio y ordenado
Que se preocupa mucho
Que valora el arte y la belleza
Al/A la que le es difícil influir en los demás
Que a veces es grosero/a con los demás
Eficiente, que consigue que las cosas se hagan
Que a menudo se siente triste
Complejo/a, de pensamientos profundos
Lleno/a de energía
Que desconfía de las intenciones de los demás
Fiable, con el/la que siempre se puede contar
Que controla sus emociones
Que tiene dificultad para imaginarse las cosas
Que puede ser frío/a e insensible
Que lo deja todo hecho un lío, que no limplia
Que raramente se siente ansioso/a o miedoso/a
Que considera que la poesía y el teatro son aburridos
Que prefiere que otros asuman la responsabilidad
Educado/a, cortés con los demás
Tenaz, que trabaja hasta terminar la tarea
Que tiende a sentirse deprimido/a, melancólico/a
Con poco interés por ideas abstractas
Que muestra mucho entusiasmo
Que piensa bien de la gente
Que a veces se comporta de manera irresponsable
Temperamental, que se exalta fácilmente
Original, que aporta ideas nuevas
Reciba su informe de personalidad
Su personalidad

Sobre la base de décadas de investigación, los/as investigadores/as de la

personalidad coinciden en que las diferencias individuales más importantes
en los rasgos de personalidad son descritas por cinco rasgos básicos
conocidos como los "Cinco Grandes": Extroversión, Cordialidad,
Responsabilidad, Estabilidad Emocional y Apertura a la Experiencia. Las
medidas que acaba de completar proporcionan puntuaciones en cada uno
de estos rasgos y sus resultados se describen a continuación.

En cada rasgo, las puntuaciones por encima de 60 pueden considerarse

altas, y las puntuaciones por debajo de 40 pueden considerarse bajas. Las
descripciones de aquellos que puntúan alto y bajo aparecen a continuación.
Si su puntuación está entre 40 y 60, entonces su personalidad
probablemente se describiría como un promedio sobre los atributos
Su puntuación sobre un máximo de 100 posible:
Aquellos/as que puntúan alto tienden a ser habladores/as y enérgicos/as.
Les gusta estar cerca de la gente, y se sienten cómodos/as afirmarse en un
grupo. También tienden a tener más amigos/as y más citas, y son vistos/as
como más populares. Es más probable que desempeñen funciones de
liderazgo en la comunidad y que se presten para trabajos voluntarios.
Tienden a preferir la música enérgica, hacer ejercicio con más frecuencia, y
son más propensos/as a hacer deporte. Experimentan emociones positivas
más frecuentemente y reaccionan más fuertemente a eventos positivos.

Aquellos/as que puntúan bajo tienden a ser social y emocionalmente

reservados/as. Por lo general, prefieren estar solos o con unos pocos
amigos/as cercanos, y mantener para sí mismos/as sus opiniones y
sentimientos. Es menos probable que participen en actividades de búsqueda
de emociones o comportamientos arriesgados como el consumo de tabaco y

Aquellos/as que puntúan alto tienden a ser considerados/as y corteses en

las interacciones sociales, y disfrutar de la cooperación con los demás. Les
resulta fácil confiar en la gente y sentir compasión por los necesitados/as.
También tienden a ser muy queridos/as por sus compañeros/as, y
establecen relaciones satisfactorias y estables. Es más probable que sean
religiosos/as, que desempeñen funciones de liderazgo en la comunidad y
que hagan trabajo voluntario. Los/as adultos/as de más edad tienden a
puntuar más alto que los/as adultos/as más jóvenes.

Aquellos que puntúan bajo se expresan directamente y sin rodeos, incluso a

riesgo de iniciar una discusión. Disfrutan de la competencia, y tienden a ser
escépticos acerca de las intenciones de otras personas. También tienden a
ganar salarios más altos, y son más propensos a participar en algunos
comportamientos arriesgados, como fumar y conducir agresivamente.


Aquellos/as que puntúan alto tienden a ser organizados/as y responsables.

Trabajan duro para lograr sus metas, y completar las tareas que han
comenzado. Tienden a obtener calificaciones más altas en la escuela, y se
desempeñan mejor en muchas ocupaciones. Es más probable que sean
religiosos/as y tengan actitudes políticas conservadoras. Tienden a hacer
más ejercicio, a tener una mejor salud física, y a vivir más tiempo. Los/as
adultos/as de más edad tienden a puntuar más alto que los/as adultos/as
más jóvenes.

Aquellos/as que puntúan bajo tienden a actuar espontáneamente en lugar de

hacer planes, y les resulta más fácil mirar el panorama general que prestar
atención a los detalles. Prefieren saltar entre tareas, en lugar de terminar
una a la vez. Tienden a participar en comportamientos más arriesgados,
como el tabaquismo, el consumo de alcohol y el consumo de drogas.

Estabilidad emocional
Aquellos/as que puntúan alto tienden a ser emocionalmente estables y
resilientes. Por lo general, mantienen la calma, incluso en situaciones de
estrés, y pueden recuperarse rápidamente de los eventos negativos. Las
personas que obtienen una alta puntuación en estabilidad emocional tienden
a sentir una mayor sensación de bienestar.
Aquellos/as que puntúan bajo tienden a ser emocionalmente sensibles, y
tienen cambios bruscos de humor. Experimentan emociones negativas más
frecuentes y reaccionan más fuertemente a los eventos negativos. Los/as
adultos/as más jóvenes tienden a puntuar más bajo que los adultos de más
Apertura a la experiencia
Aquellos/as que puntúan alto están generalmente abiertos/as a nuevas
actividades y nuevas ideas. Tienden a ser creativos/as, intelectualmente
curiosos/as y sensibles al arte y la belleza. También tienden a preferir, y lo
hacen mejor, en ocupaciones científicas y artísticas. Prefieren música
clásica, jazz, blues y rock.

Aquellos/as que puntúan bajo tienden a ser tradicionales, prácticos/as, y les

gusta seguir con las formas tradicionales de hacer las cosas. Prefieren lo
familiar sobre lo nuevo, y lo concreto sobre lo abstracto. También tienden a
preferir, y lo hacen mejor, en ocupaciones convencionales y prácticas tales
como artes y oficios.
Please indicate the extent to which you agree/disagree with the
following statements. I am a person who …

Is open, sociable
Is sympathetic, with a big heart
Tends to be disorganized
Is relaxed, deals with stress well
Has few artistic interests
Has an assertive personality
Is respectful, treats others with respect
Tends to be lazy
Stays optimistic after an unpleasant experience
Feels curious about a great variety of things
Rarely feels emotional or enthusiastic
Tends to find fault with other people
Is formal, constant
Is variable, with notable mood changes
Is ingenious, finds intelligent ways to do things
Tends not to talk much
Feels little sympathy for others
Is methodical, likes keeping everything in order
May get tense
Fascinated by art, music or literature
Dominant, acts like a leader
Starts arguments with other people
Finds it hard to start doing tasks
Feels secure and comfortable with him/herself
Who avoids intellectual and philosophical conversations
Is less active than other people
Is understanding of others
May be rather careless
Is emotionally stable, doesn't get upset easily
Isn't very creative
Is sometimes shy and introverted
Is helpful and generous with others
Keeps everything clean and tidy
Worries a lot
Values art and beauty
Finds it difficult to influence other people
Is sometimes rude to other people
Is efficient, gets things done
Often feels sad
Is complex, has profound thoughts
Full of energy
Is wary of other people's intentions
Is dependable, someone people can always rely on
Controls his/her emotions
Has difficulty imagining things
Is talkative
Can be cold and insensitive
Leaves everythiing in a mess, doesn't clean up
Rarely feels anxious or fearful
Thinks poetry and theatre are boring
Prefers it if other people take responsibility
Polite and courteous with others
Tenacious, keeps working until the job is done
Tends to feel depressed, melancholic
Has little interest in abstract ideas
Shows a lot of enthusiasm
Thinks well of people
Sometimes behaves irresponsibly
Temperamental, gets worked up easily
Original, puts forward new ideas
Receive information about your personality
Your personality

Based on decades of research, researchers into personality agree that the

most important individual differences in personality are described by five
basic traits known as the "Big Five": Extroversion, Cordiality, Responsibility,
Emotional Stability and Openness. The measures you have just completed
provide scores on each of these traits and your results are described below.

In each trait, scores above 60 can be considered as high, and scores below
40 can be considered as low. Descriptions of people who score high and low
appear below. If your score is between 40 and 60, then your personality
would probably be described as average on the attributes listed

Your score (maximum possible score 100):

Those with high scores are talkative and energetic. They like to be near other
people and they feel confident affirming themselves in a group. They also
tend to have more frineds and more dates, and are seen as more popular.
They are more likely to carry out leadership functions in the community and
offer to do volunteer work. They tend to prefer energetic music, do more
sport, and are more likely to take exercise. They feel positive emotions more
frequently and react more strongly to positive events.

Those with low scores tend to be socially and emotionally reserved. In

general, they prefer to be alone or with a few close friiends, and keep their
opinions and feelings to themselves. They're unlikely to participate in
activities that seek emotions or risky behaviors such as smoking and alcohol.


Those with high scores are considerate and corteous in their social
interactions, and enjoy cooperation with others. They find it easy to trust
people and feel sympathy for people in need. They also tend to be much
loved by their peers, and establish satisfactory and stable relationships. They
are more likely to be religious, to carry out leadership functions in community
and do voluntary work. Older adults tend to present higher scores than
younger adults.

Those with low scores express themselves without beating about the bush,
evn at the risk of starting an argument. They enjoy competition and tend to
be sceptical about the intentions of others. They tend to earn higher salaries
and are more likely to engage in risky behaviours such as smoking and
aggressive driving.


Those with high scores are organized and responsible. They work hard to
achieve their goals, and complete the tasks they've begun. They tend to
obtain higher grades at school, and get on better in many occupations. They
are more likely to be religious and to have conservative political attitudes.
They tend to take more exercise, have better health, and live longer. Older
adults tend to score higher than younger adults.

Those with low scores tend to act spontaneously instead of making plans,
and they find it easier to look at the general panorama thna pay attention to
the details. They prefer to jump from task to task instead of finishem them
one at a time. They tend to engage in more risky behaviors like smoking and
alcohol and drug consumption.

Emotional stability

Those with high scores are emotionally stable and resilient. In general, they
keep calm, even in stressful situations and can recover quickly from negatvie
events. High scorers on emotional stability tend to feel a greater sensation of

Those with low scores tend to be emotionally sensitive and have sudden
changes of mood. They experience more frequent negative emotions and
react more strongly to negative events. Younger adults tend to score lower
than older adults.

Openness to experience
Those who score high are generally open to new activities and new ideas.
They tend to be creative, intellectually curious and sensitive to art and
beauty. They also tend to prefer, and be better at, scientific and artistic
occupations. They prefer classical music, jazz, blues and rock.

Those with low scores tend to be traditional, practical and they like to
continue with traditional ways of doing things. They prefer the familiar to the
new, and the concrete to the abstract. They also tend to prefer, and be better
at, conventional occupations and practices such as arts and crafts.

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