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Pharmaceutical Biology

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Muntingia calabura: A review of its traditional

uses, chemical properties, and pharmacological

N. D. Mahmood, N. L. M. Nasir, M. S. Rofiee, S. F. M. Tohid, S. M. Ching, L. K.

Teh, M. Z. Salleh & Z. A. Zakaria

To cite this article: N. D. Mahmood, N. L. M. Nasir, M. S. Rofiee, S. F. M. Tohid, S. M. Ching,

L. K. Teh, M. Z. Salleh & Z. A. Zakaria (2014) Muntingia calabura: A review of its traditional
uses, chemical properties, and pharmacological observations, Pharmaceutical Biology, 52:12,
1598-1623, DOI: 10.3109/13880209.2014.908397

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ISSN 1388-0209 print/ISSN 1744-5116 online
Editor-in-Chief: John M. Pezzuto
Pharm Biol, 2014; 52(12): 1598–1623
! 2014 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. DOI: 10.3109/13880209.2014.908397


Muntingia calabura: A review of its traditional uses, chemical

properties, and pharmacological observations
N. D. Mahmood1, N. L. M. Nasir1, M. S. Rofiee2, S. F. M. Tohid1, S. M. Ching3, L. K. Teh2, M. Z. Salleh2, and
Z. A. Zakaria1,2,4
Department of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia, 2Integrative
Pharmacogenomics Institute, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor, Malaysia, 3Department of Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health
Sciences, Selangor, Malaysia, 4Halal Product Research Institute, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia

Abstract Keywords
Context: Different parts of Muntingia calabura L. (Elaeocarpaceae), or ‘‘kerukup siam’’ in Malay, Elaeocarpaceae, ethnomedicinal uses,
have been reported to possess medicinal value, supported by a number of scientific studies. pharmacological activities,
Objective: To gather all information related to the ethnomedicinal uses, phytochemical phytoconstituents
compositions, and pharmacological activities of M. calabura and present them as a
comprehensive and systematic review article. History
Materials and methods: Literature has been retrieved from a number of databases (e.g.,
Pubmed, Science Direct, Springer Link, etc.). General web searches were also carried out using Received 19 July 2013
Google and Yahoo search engines by applying some related search terms (e.g., Muntingia Revised 10 February 2014
calabura, phytochemical, pharmacological, extract, and traditional uses). The articles related to Accepted 22 March 2014
agriculture, ecology, and synthetic work and those using languages other than English or Malay Published online 25 July 2014
have been excluded. The bibliographies of papers relating to the review subject were also
searched for further relevant references.
Results and discussion: The literature search conducted using the above-mentioned Internet
search engines only lead to the identification of 36 journals published as early as 1987. From
the articles reviewed, M. calabura possessed various pharmacological activities (e.g., cytotoxic,
antinociceptive, antiulcer, anti-inflammatory), which supported the folklore claims and could be
attributed to its phytoconstituents.
Conclusion: Muntingia calabura possesses remarkable medicinal value, which warrants further
and in-depth studies. Therefore, this review paper is presented to help guide researchers to
plan their future studies related to this plant in the hope of isolating potential leads for future
drug development.

Introduction Muntingia calabura is known throughout the world as

‘‘Jamaican cherry’’ and in Malaysia, particularly among the
Medicinal plants are sources of important therapeutic aid for
Malay, it is known as ‘‘kerukup siam’’. Being the sole species
alleviating human ailments. Approximately 80% of the people
within the genus Muntingia, it is native to southern Mexico,
in the developing countries all over the world depend on the
tropical South America, Central America, the Greater
traditional medicine for their primary health-care.
Antilles, Trinidad, and St. Vincent. It is also widely cultivated
Interestingly, approximately 85% of traditional medicine
in warm areas in India and Southeast Asia such as Malaysia,
involves the use of plant extracts. Interest in phytomedicine
Indonesia, and the Philippines. Indeed, in Malaysia,
started in the last 20 years and with increasing awareness of
M. calabura is commonly cultivated as roadside trees
the health hazards and toxicities associated with unsystematic
(Morton, 1987; Sani et al., 2012; Yusof et al., 2011;
use of synthetic drugs and antibiotics, interest in the use of
Zakaria et al., 2006a,b, 2007a–f, 2008, 2010, 2011).
plants and plant-based drugs has revived throughout the
world. However, a large number of medicinal plants remain
to be investigated for their possible pharmacological value. Botanical information
One of the plants that has recently gained a medicinal plant This plant is a fast-growing tree of slender proportions,
status is Muntingia calabura L. (Elaeocarpaceae). reaching a height of approximately 7.5–12 m with nearly
horizontal spreading branches (Figure 1a). The leaves of
Correspondence: Associate Professor. Dr. Zainul Amiruddin Zakaria, M. calabura are evergreen approximately 5–12.5 cm long,
Department of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Medicine and Health alternate lanceolate or oblong, long pointed at the apex,
Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor,
Malaysia. Tel: +603 89472654. Fax: +603 89436178. E-mail: oblique at the base with dark green color and minutely hairy on the upper surface, gray- or brown-hairy on the underside
DOI: 10.3109/13880209.2014.908397 Review on M. calabura medicinal value 1599

Figure 1. The various parts of M. calabura. (a) The tree of M. calabura. (b) The leaves of M. calabura. (c) The flower of M. calabura. (d) The fruits of
M. calabura.

and irregularly toothed (Figure 1b). The flowers are approxi- global burden. Various pharmaceutical drugs have been
mately 1.25–2 cm wide; borne singly or in 2’s or 3’s in the developed and prescribed to patients to help cure those
leaf axils with five green sepals and five white petals and diseases. Unfortunately, conventional drugs have also been
many prominent yellow stamens (Figure 1c). The fruits are associated with various unwanted side effects. For example,
abundant, in round shape; approximately 1–1.25 cm wide, morphine has been known to cause phenomena such as
with red or yellow, thin, smooth, tender skin and light-brown, tolerance and dependence while the appearance of anti-
soft, juicy pulp, with very sweet, musky, fig-like flavor, and biotic-resistance bacteria such as methicillin- and vanco-
filled with exceedingly tiny, yellowish seeds (Figure 1d) mycin-resistance bacteria have been well documented
(Morton, 1987). (Katzung, 2012). Due to these problems, patients have
been looking for alternatives to treat their diseases, where
Traditional uses
complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), particu-
The emergence of various types of diseases, both infec- larly the plant-based medicines, has been one of the
tious and non-infectious, nowadays have become a major sources of the CAM used. One of the plants that has
1600 N. D. Mahmood et al. Pharm Biol, 2014; 52(12): 1598–1623

Table 1. The vernacular names of M. calabura.

Vernacular names Country References

Kerukup siam Malaysia Zakaria et al. (2006a, 2007c, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011)
Singapore cherry, Jamaican cherry, Panama berry, Britain Neto Bandeira et al. (2013)
cotton candy berry, glade mallow, glademallow
Pau de seda, calabura Brazil Neto Bandeira et al. (2013)
Kersen, talok Indonesia Wikipedia (2013)
Bolaina, yamanaza, cacaniqua, capulı́n blanco, Spain Wikipedia (2013) and Janick and Paull (2008)
nigua, niguito, memizo or memiso
Alatris, aratilis, manzanitas, sarisa, cereza Philippines Wikipedia (2013) and Janick and Paull (2008)
Púan, Capulin rojo Mexico Yasunaka et al. (2005)
Gasagase hanninamara India Siddiqua et al. (2010)
Trú’ng cá, mat sam; cay trung ca Vietnam Wikipedia (2013) and Janick and Paull (2008)
Takhop farang Thailand ICRAF (2004) and Janick and Paull (2008)
krakhob barang Cambodia ICRAF (2004)
Bois ramier, bois de soil, bois France Duke (2009) and Janick and Paull (2008)
Páu de seda, calabura Portugal Janick and Paull (2008)
Bolaina, yamanaza, bolina, lumanasa Peru Duke (2009) and Janick and Paull (2008)
Capulina, guasimo bobo, memiso Cuba Duke (2009)
Majuaguito, majanjo, chitato, chitoto Colombia Duke (2009) and Janick and Paull (2008)

recently gained attention among researchers throughout the (2), (2S)-20 -hydroxy-7,8,30 ,40 ,50 -pentamethoxyflavan (3),
world is M. calabura. (2S)-50 -hydroxy-7,8,30 ,40 -tetramethoxyflavan (4), (2S)-8-
Based on the literature search carried out, this plant hydroxy-7,30 ,40 ,50 -tetramethoxyflavan (5), (2S)-8,20 -dihy-
has limited traditional uses throughout the world with medi- droxy-7,30 ,40 ,50 -tetramethoxyflavan (6), (2S)-8,50 -dihydroxy-
cinal uses recorded in, particularly, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, 7,30 ,40 -trimethoxyflavan (7), 7,8,30 ,40 ,50 -pentamethoxyflavone
Vietnam, and the Philippines. The vernacular names of (8), (M),(2S),(200 S)-,(P),(2S),(200 S)-8,800 -50 -trihydroxy-7,70 -
M. calabura in various countries are given in Table 1. 3 ,3 -4 ,4 -5 -heptamethoxy-5,500 -biflavan (9), 50 -hydroxy-
0 000 0 000 000

This might explain why M. calabura medicinal value is not 7,8,30 40 -tetramethoxyflavone (10), (M),(2S),(200 S)-,(P),(2S),
well documented in Malaysia and why it is considered as a (200 S)-8,800 -50 -5000 -tetrahydroxy-70 ,700 -30 ,3000 -40 ,4000 -hexamethoxy-
neglected plant (Zakaria et al., 2006a, 2007a). Despite the lack 50 ,5000 -biflavan (11), and 8,50 -dihydroxy-7,30 ,40 -trimethoxyfla-
of traditional claims, various parts of the plant have been used vone (12).
to treat different types of illnesses. In Peruvian folklore Twelve years later, there was another attempt to isolate
medicine, the flowers and bark are used as an antiseptic and to the bioactive compounds from the leaves of M. calabura,
reduce swelling in lower extremities, while the leaves, either collected in Purus, Peru, in October 1997 (Su et al., 2003).
boiled or steeped in water, are used to reduce gastric ulcer and The MEMCL was first partitioned into water, petroleum
swelling of the prostate gland, and to alleviate headache ether (PEE), and ethyl acetate (EAE). Only the EAE
and cold (Morton, 1987; Zakaria et al., 2007d). Moreover, the partition was further subjected to the isolation procedures,
boiled bark can be used as a wash to reduce swelling in which led to the identification of 25 compounds consisting
the lower extremities (Zakaria et al., 2006a). In Colombia, the of one new (2R,3R)-7-methoxy-3,5,8-trihydroxyflavanone
infusion of the flowers is used as a tranquillizer and tonic (13) and 24 known compounds [(2S)-7-hydroxyflavanone
(see Kaneda et al., 1991; Perez-Arbealaez, 1975). In Mexico, (14), (2S)-5,7-dihydroxyflavanone (pinocembrin, 15),
the plant is used to treat measles, mouth pimples, and (2R,3R)-3,5,7-trihydroxyflavanone (pinobanksin, 16), (2S)-
stomachache (Yasunaka et al., 2005). In the Philippines, the 5-hydroxy-7-methoxyflavanone (pinostrobin, 17), 7-hydro-
flowers are also used to treat headache and incipient cold or as xyflavone (18), 5,7-dihydroxyflavone (chrysin, 19),
tranquillizers, antispasmodics, and antidyspeptics. Other than 3-methoxy-5,7,40 -trihydroxyflavone (isokaemferide, 20),
that, the roots of M. calabura have been used as an 3,30 -dimethoxy-5,7,40 -trihydroxyflavone (21), 3,8-
emmenogogue in Vietnam and as an abortifacient in Malaysia. dimethoxy-5,7,40 -trihydroxyflavone (22), 3,5-dihydroxy-
Apart from the medicinal uses, the fruits, which are 7,40 -dimethoxyflavone (ermanin, 23), 3,5-dihydroxy-7,
sometimes eaten fresh, are frequently cooked in tarts or made 8-dimethoxyflavone (gnaphaliin, 24), 5-hydroxy-3,7,8-tri-
into jam, while the leaf infusion is drunk as a tea-like methoxyflavone (25), 5,40 -dihydroxy-3,7,8-dimethoxyflavone
beverage (Zakaria et al., 2007e). (26), 5-hydroxy-3,7,8,40 -tetramethoxyflavone (27), 20 ,40 -
dihydroxychalcone (28), 4,20 ,40 -trihydroxychalcone (isoli-
quiritigenin, 29), 7-hydroxyisoflavone (30), 7,30 ,40 -tri-
Phytochemical constituents of M. calabura
methoxyisoflavone (cabreuvin, 31), (2S)-50 -hydroxy-
From 1991 to the present, various phytochemical constituents 7,8,30 ,40 -tetramethoxyflavan (4), 20 ,40 -dihydroxydihydrochal-
have been isolated from different parts of M. calabura. Kaneda cone (32), 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid (33), lupenone (34),
et al. (1991) were the first to isolate bioactive compounds and 2a,3b-dihydroxy-olean-12-en-28-oic acid (35)].
from the roots of M. calabura. They reported on the In other studies published by Chen et al. (2004), isolation
isolation of 12 flavonoids from the methanol extract of of flavonoids was performed on the methanol extract of
M. calabura roots (MEMCR), namely, (2S)-50 -hydroxy-7,30 ,40 - M. calabura stem bark (MEMCSB), collected from Kaohsiung
trimethoxyflavan (1), (2S)-7,8,30 ,40 ,50 -pentamethoxyflavan City, Taiwan in June 2001. MEMCSB was partitioned between
DOI: 10.3109/13880209.2014.908397 Review on M. calabura medicinal value 1601

H2O–CHCl3 prior to the isolation processes, where the (79), b-amyrenone (80), a-tocopherylquione (81), d-tocoph-
CHCl3-soluble fraction was collected for the isolation erol (82), a-tocospiro A (83), and a-tocospiro B (84)].
purposes. Isolation procedures carried out on the CHCl3- A recent attempt has been made to isolate the bioactive
soluble fraction led to the identification of 15 compounds compounds with potential antimicrobial and cytotoxic proper-
of which two are new compounds 8-hydroxy-7,30 ,40 ,50 - ties from the leaves of M. calabura collected in Shah Alam,
tetramethoxyflavone (36) and 8,40 -dihydroxy-7,30 ,50 -tri- Selangor, Malaysia, in January 2008 (Sufian et al., 2013). The
methoxyflavone (37) and 13 are known compounds MEMCL was suspended in H2O and then partitioned using
6,7-dimethoxy-5-hydroxyflavone (38), 5,7-dimethoxyflavone PEE and EAE to afford the PEE, EAE, and H2O (WEE)
(39), 3,5-dihydroxy-6,7-dimethoxyflavone (40), (2S)-50 - extracts. Based on the antimicrobial and cytotoxic effective-
hydroxy-7,8,30 ,40 -tetramethoxyflavan (4), b-sitostenone (41), ness, the EAE was chosen for further fractionation proced-
6b-hydroxystigmast-4-en-3-one (42), b-sitosterol (43), syrin- ures, which, in turn, yielded seven major fractions. Of these
gic acid (44), vanillic acid (45), 3-hydroxy-1-(3,5-dimethoxy- fractions, fraction 5 was the most effective and, therefore, was
4-hydroxyphenyl)propan-1-one (46), tetracosyl ferulate (47) subjected to further isolation of bioactive compounds. This
and, a mixture of 1-tetracosanol (48), and 1-hexacosanol (49). led to the isolation of four known compounds, namely, 20 ,40 -
This was followed a year later by another report from the dihydroxychalcone (28), 5,7-dihydroxy-3,8-dimethoxyflavone
same group on the isolation of chalcones and flavonoids from (59), 5-hydroxy-3,8-dimethoxyflavone (85), and 3,5,7-trihy-
the leaves of M. calabura (Chen et al., 2007), collected from droxy-8-methoxyflavone (86).
Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, in June 2001. Prior to the isolation In another recently published article, Yusof et al. (2011)
processes, the MEMCL was partitioned using H2O–CHCl3 to studied the antinociceptive activity of MEMCL, which was
obtain the water-soluble and CHCl3-soluble partitions with later suspended in H2O before being partitioned into PEE,
the former also further partitioned using H2O and n-BuOH EAE, and WEE, as earlier described by Sufian et al. (2013).
to afford an n-BuOH-soluble and H2O-soluble fractions. Following the antinociceptive investigation of those parti-
The CHCl3-soluble partition and, n-BuOH-soluble and H2O- tions, the PEE showed the most effective results, which
soluble fractions were then subjected to the isolation proced- was further fractionated to yield seven separate fractions,
ures. From this study, 20 compounds were isolated of labeled as Fractions A–G. Subsequent antinociceptive
which four were new compounds (20 ,40 -dihydroxy-30 -methox- studies demonstrated that Fraction D was the most effective
ydihydrochalcone (50), ()-30 -methoxy-20 ,40 ,b-trihydroxydi- fraction and, upon separation processes led to the identifica-
hydrochalcone (51), (2S)-()-50 -hydroxy-7,30 , tion of one new compound [8-hydroxy-6-methoxyflavone
4 -trimethoxyflavanone (52), and 8-hydroxy-10-methoxy- (calaburone), (87)] and three known compounds, namely
5H-isochromeno[4,3-b]chromen-7-one (muntingone, 53) 5-hydroxy-3,7,8-trimethoxyflavone (25), 3,7-dimethoxy-5-
while the remaining 16 were known compounds [7-hydroxy- hydroflavone (55), and 20 ,40 -dihydroxy-30 -methoxychalcone
flavanone (14), 20 ,40 -dihydroxychalcone (28), 20 ,40 -dihydrox- (64). Table 2 shows the chemical structures of several new
ydihydrochalcone (32), 6,7-dimethoxy-5-hydroxyflavone bioactive compounds isolated for the first time from
(38), 3,5-dihydroxy-6,7-dimethoxyflavone (40), 5-hydroxy- M. calabura.
7-methoxyflavone (54), 3,7-dimethoxy-5-hydroxyflavone
(55), 5-hydroxy-3,6,7-trimethoxyflavone (56), 3,5-dihy- Pharmacological studies
droxy-7-methoxyflavone (57), 8-methoxy-3,5,7-trihydroxy-
For the past 22 years, attempts to establish the pharmaco-
flavone (58), 5,7-dihydroxy-3,8-dimethoxyflavone (59),
logical value of M. calabura through rigorous scientific
galangin (60), chrysin (61), 7-hydroxy-8-methoxyflavanone
investigations has been taken by researchers all over the
(62), 40 -hydroxy-7-methoxyflavanone (63), and 20 ,40 -dihy-
world. Despite the differences in term of cultural, geograph-
droxy-30 -methoxychalcone (64)].
ical, location, and climate, different parts of M. calabura have
Then 2 years later, upon vigorous phytochemistry studies
been medicinally used to treat various ailments and many
on the same sample of M. calabura leaves that were collected
have been scientifically proven. Interestingly, various new
in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, in June 2001, Chen et al. (2007)
medicinal potential of M. calabura have been reported based
again reported on the isolation of 22 compounds from the
on the scientific investigations. All the findings and observa-
CHCl3-soluble partitions and n-BuOH-soluble fraction pre-
tions are described in detailed below and also summarized in
pared from the MEMCL as described earlier (Chen et al.,
Table 3.
2005). Of the isolated compounds, three were new com-
pounds [2,3-dihydroxy-4,30 ,40 ,50 -tetramethoxydihydrochal-
Acute toxicity
cone (65), 4,20 ,40 -trihydroxy-30 -methoxydihydrochalcone
(66), and (2R,3R)-()-3,5-dihydroxy-6,7-dimethoxyflavanone Despite the first report on the pharmacological activity of
(67)], and the others were known compounds [b-sitostenone M. calabura published in 1991, the first attempt to determine
(41), mixture of b-sitosterol (43) and stigmasterol (68), 7- the plant acute toxicity was published only in 2011. The acute
methoxyflavone (69), 5,7-dihydroxy-3-methoxyflavone (70), oral toxicity was determined on M. calabura leaves collected
5,7-dihydroxy-6-methoxyflavone (71), 5,40 -dihydroxy-3,7- from the Station Ghanpur, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, India
dimethoxyflavone (72), (2S)-7,8,30 ,40 ,50 -pentamethoxyflavan (Sridhar et al., 2011). The methanol extract of the leaves,
(73), (2S)-50 -hydroxy-7,8,30 ,40 -tetramethoxyflavan (74), MEMCL, in doses ranging from 300, 500, and 2000 mg/kg,
methyl 4-hydrobenzoate (75), isovanillic acid (76), p-nitro- was administered orally to rats. Signs of toxicity were
phenol (77), methyl gallate (78), trans-methyl p-coumarate observed for the first 2–3 h after extract administration,
1602 N. D. Mahmood et al. Pharm Biol, 2014; 52(12): 1598–1623

Table 2. List of new bioactive compounds isolated from M. calabura according to the extracts used.

Name of compound Structure Types of extract Reference

0 0 0
(2S)-5 -Hydroxy-7,3 ,4 -trimethox- MEMCR Kaneda et al. (1991)
yflavan (1)



(2S)-7,8,30 ,40 ,50 -pentamethoxyfla-

van (2)



0 0 0 0
(2S)-2 -hydroxy-7,8,3 ,4 ,5 -penta-
methoxyflavan (3)



(2S)-50 -Hydroxy-7,8,30 ,40 -tetra-

methoxyflavan (4)




(2S)-8-Hydroxy-7,30 ,40 ,50 -tetra-

methoxyflavan (5)



(2S)-8,20 -Dihydroxy-7,30 ,40 ,50 -tet-

ramethoxyflavan (6)



(continued )
DOI: 10.3109/13880209.2014.908397 Review on M. calabura medicinal value 1603
Table 2. Continued

Name of compound Structure Types of extract Reference

0 0 0
(2S)-8,5 -Dihydroxy-7,3 ,4 -tri-
methoxyflavan (7)


7,8,30 ,40 ,50 -Pentamethoxyflavone






(M),(2S),(200 S)-,(P),(2S),(200 S)-

8,800 -50 -Trihydroxy-7,700 -30 ,3000 -
40 ,4000 -5000 -heptamethoxy-5,500 - OH CH3
biflavan (9)






50 -Hydroxy-7,8,30 40 -tetramethoxy-
flavone (10)




(continued )
1604 N. D. Mahmood et al. Pharm Biol, 2014; 52(12): 1598–1623

Table 2. Continued

Name of compound Structure Types of extract Reference

00 00
(M),(2S),(2 S)-,(P),(2S),(2 S)-
8,800 -50 -5000 -Tetrahydroxy-70 ,700 -
30 ,3000 -40 ,4000 -hexamethoxy- OH CH3
50 ,5000 -biflavan (11)






8,50 -Dihydroxy-7,30 ,40 -trimethoxy-

flavone (12)



(2R,3R)-7-Methoxy-3,5,8- Ethyl acetate-soluble Su et al. (2003)

trihydroxyflavanone(13) OH partition of MEMCL



0 0 0
8-Hydroxy-7,3 ,4 ,5 -tetramethoxy- CHCl3-soluble partition Chen et al. (2004)
flavone (36) of MEMCSB




8,40 -Dihydroxy-7,30 ,50 -trimethoxy-

flavone (37)




(continued )
DOI: 10.3109/13880209.2014.908397 Review on M. calabura medicinal value 1605
Table 2. Continued

Name of compound Structure Types of extract Reference

0 0 0
2 ,4 -Dihydroxy-3 -methoxydihy- CHCl3-soluble partition Chen et al. (2005)
drochalcone (50) and, n-BuOH-soluble
and H2O-soluble frac-
HO tions of MEMCL


0 0 0
()-3 -Methoxy-2 ,4 ,b-trihydrox-
ydihydrochalcone (51)


0 0 0
(2S)-()-5 -Hydroxy-7,3 ,4 -tri-
methoxyflavanone (52)


(muntingone, 53)

0 0 0
2,3-Dihydroxy-4,3 ,4 ,5 -tetra- CHCl3-soluble parti- Chen et al. (2007)
methoxydihydrochalcone (65) tions and n-BuOH-sol-
uble fraction of




4,20 ,40 -Trihydroxy-30 -methoxydi-

hydrochalcone (66)



(continued )
1606 N. D. Mahmood et al. Pharm Biol, 2014; 52(12): 1598–1623

Table 2. Continued

Name of compound Structure Types of extract Reference

dimethoxyflavanone (67) CH3



8-Hydroxy-6-methoxyflavone PEP of MEMCL Yusof et al. (2011)

(calaburone, 87)


Table 3. Information on pharmacological activities, parts of M. calabura and types of extracts used, location, and period of collection of plant samples.

Activity Part Type of extract Location of collection Period of collection References

Acute toxicity Leaves MEMCL, Station Ghanpur, Warangal, NG Sridhar et al. (2011)
Andhra Pradesh, India
Leaves EEMCL, Selangor, Malaysia NG Ibrahim et al. (2012)
Fruits Not clear; NG NG Karthyaini and Suresh (2012)
possibly EEMCFr
Leaves MEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, May and August 2010 Balan et al. (2013)
Cytotoxic Roots MEMCR Sarabuti Province, Thailand NG Kaneda et al. (1991)
Stem barks MEMCSB Kaohsiung City, Taiwan June 2001 Chen et al. (2004)
Leaves MEMCL Kaohsiung City, Taiwan June 2001 Chen et al. (2005)
Leaves MEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, January 2008 Sufian et al. (2013)
Antiproliferative Leaves MEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, August and September 2006 Zakaria et al. (2011)
Leaves CEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, August and September 2006 Zakaria et al. (2011)
Leaves AEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, August and September 2006 Zakaria et al. (2011)
Insecticidal Flowers EEMCFl Universidade Rural Federal July 2008 Bandeira et al. (2013)
de Pernambuco (UFRPE),
Recife, Brazil
Fruits EEMCFr Universidade Rural Federal July 2008 Bandeira et al. (2013)
de Pernambuco (UFRPE),
Recife, Brazil
Flowers HEMCFL Universidade Rural Federal July 2008 Bandeira et al. (2013)
de Pernambuco (UFRPE),
Recife, Brazil
Fruits HEMCFr Universidade Rural Federal July 2008 Bandeira et al. (2013)
de Pernambuco (UFRPE),
Recife, Brazil
Hypotensive Leaves MEMCL fractionated Kaohsiung City, Taiwan June 2001 Shih et al. (2006)
sequentially using a mixture
of dH2O and n-butanol
Leaves Butanol-soluble fraction Kaohsiung City, Taiwan NG Shih (2009)
Leaves MEMCL partitioned using Kaohsiung City, Taiwan NG Shih (2009)
Leaves MEMCL partitioned using Kaohsiung City, Taiwan NG Shih (2009)

(continued )
DOI: 10.3109/13880209.2014.908397 Review on M. calabura medicinal value 1607
Table 3. Continued

Activity Part Type of extract Location of collection Period of collection References

Antinociceptive Leaves AEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, January and February 2004 Zakaria et al. (2006a)
Leaves AEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, January and February 2004 Zakaria et al. (2007e)
Leaves AEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, July and August 2005 Zakaria et al. (2007d,f)
Leaves CEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, July and August 2005 Zakaria et al. (2007a)
Leaves MEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, January 2008 Yusof et al. (2011)
Leaves PEP partition Shah Alam, Selangor, January 2008 Yusof et al. (2011)
Leaves EAP partition Shah Alam, Selangor, January 2008 Yusof et al. (2011)
Leaves AQP partition Shah Alam, Selangor, January 2008 Yusof et al. (2011)
Leaves MEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, NG Sani et al. (2012)
Cardioprotective Leaves AEMCL NG NG Nivethetha et al. (2009)
Antipyretic Leaves CEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, July and August 2005 Zakaria et al. (2007a)
Leaves AEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, July and August 2005 Zakaria et al. (2007b)
Antiplatelet aggregation Leaves Methanol Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 2001 Chen et al. (2007)
Leaves CHCl3 Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 2001 Chen et al. (2007)
Leaves BuOH Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 2001 Chen et al. (2007)
Antioxidant Leaves AEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, June and September 2005 Zakaria et al. (2007b)
Fruits HEMCFr Erode District, Tamil Nadu, May and June 2008 Preethi et al. (2010)
Fruits CEMCFR Erode District, Tamil Nadu, May and June 2008 Preethi et al. (2010)
Fruits EAEMCFR Erode District, Tamil Nadu, May and June 2008 Preethi et al. (2010)
Fruits BEMCFR Erode District, Tamil Nadu, May and June 2008 Preethi et al. (2010)
Fruits MEMCFR Erode District, Tamil Nadu, May and June 2008 Preethi et al. (2010)
Leaves MEMCL Bangalore, Karnakata March 2009 Siddiqua et al. (2010)
Leaves AEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, August and September 2006 Zakaria et al. (2011)
Leaves MEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, August and September 2006 Zakaria et al. (2011)
Leaves CEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, August and September 2006 Zakaria et al. (2011)
Fruits NG NG NG Karthyaini and Suresh (2012)
Anti-inflammation Leaves AEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, July and August 2005 Zakaria et al. (2007b)
Fruits MEMCFr Erode district Tamilnadu, NG Preethi et al. (2012)
Fruits MEMCFr NG NG Karthyaini and Suresh (2012)
Fruits AEMCFr NG NG Karthyaini and Suresh (2012)
Anti-diabetic Leaves MEMCL Roman Catholic Church, September Sridhar et al. (2011)
Station Ghanpur, Warangal,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Antiulcer Leaves EEMCL Ethno Resources Sdn. Bhd, NG Ibrahim et al. (2012)
Selangor, Malaysia
Leaves MEMC Shah Alam, Selangor, May–August 2010 Balan et al. (2013)
Antibacterial Leaves AEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, January and February 2005 Zakaria et al. (2006b)
Leaves MEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, January and February 2005 Zakaria et al. (2006b)
Leaves CEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, January and February 2005 Zakaria et al. (2006b)
Leaves MEMCL Cuetzal’an del Progreso in Between 2000 and 2003 Yasunaka et al. (2005)
the State of Puebla
Fruits MEMCFr Cuetzal’an del Progreso in Between 2000 and 2003 Yasunaka et al. (2005)
the State of Puebla
Leaves AEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, June 2006 Zakaria et al. (2007c)
Leaves CEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, June 2006 Zakaria et al. (2007c)

(continued )
1608 N. D. Mahmood et al. Pharm Biol, 2014; 52(12): 1598–1623

Table 3. Continued

Activity Part Type of extract Location of collection Period of collection References

Leaves MEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, June 2006 Zakaria et al. (2007c)
Leaves AEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, January 2008 Zakaria et al. (2010)
Leaves CEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, January 2008 Zakaria et al. (2010)
Leaves MEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, January 2008 Zakaria et al. (2010)
Leaves PEEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, January 2008 Zakaria et al. (2010)
Leaves EAEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, January 2008 Zakaria et al. (2010)
Leaves WEEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, January 2008 Zakaria et al. (2010)
Leaves MEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, NG Sufian et al. (2013)
Leaves PEEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, NG Sufian et al. (2013)
Leaves EAEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, NG Sufian et al. (2013)
Leaves WEEMCL Shah Alam, Selangor, NG Sufian et al. (2013)
Leaves AEMCL Bengaluru, Karnataka, India NG Sibi et al. (2012)
Barks AEMCB Bengaluru, Karnataka, India NG Sibi et al. (2012)
Fruits AEMCFr Bengaluru, Karnataka, India NG Sibi et al. (2012)
Leaves MEMCL Bengaluru, Karnataka, India NG Sibi et al. (2012)
Barks MEMCB Bengaluru, Karnataka, India NG Sibi et al. (2012)
Fruits MEMCFr Bengaluru, Karnataka, India NG Sibi et al. (2012)

followed by observation on the percentage of mortality also did not cause any signs of toxicity and mortality in the
beginning from 24 h up to a period of 14 d. The results treated animals up to 14 d.
obtained showed no sign of toxicity and no mortality was
recorded up to the dose of 2000 mg/kg of extract.
Cytotoxic activity
Another attempt to study the acute toxicity of M. calabura
leaves, collected in Selangor, Malaysia, was carried out by The first attempt to study the cytotoxic activity of M.
Ibrahim et al. (2012). The ethanol extract of the leaves, calabura was performed using the roots of the plant collected
EEMCL, in the doses of 2000 and 5000 mg/kg, was admin- in Sarabuti Province, Thailand (Kaneda et al., 1991). The
istered orally. Again, no mortality was recorded up to 14 d methanol extract of the roots, MEMCR, was first subjected to
following the extract administration and no visible clinical the isolation of bioactive compounds and then tested against
signs of general weakness in the animals were observed. BC1 (human breast cancer), HT-1080 (human fibrosarcoma),
Moreover, this observation was supported by further histo- Lu1 (human lung cancer), Me12 (human melanoma), Co12
pathological, hematological, and serum biochemical studies (human colon cancer), KB (human nasopharyngeal carcin-
which revealed the inviolability of the extracts to retain the oma), KB-V (vincristine-resistant KB), and P-388 (murine
rat’s normal conditions. These findings also indicate that the lymphocytic leukemia) cell lines. Twelve compounds were
EEMCL will not induce acute toxicity and is safe for isolated from MEMCR, namely, seven flavans (compounds 1–
consumption even at the highest dose (5000 mg/kg). 7), three flavones (compounds 8, 10, and 12), and two
In the same year, Karthyaini and Suresh (2012) studied the biflavans (compounds 9 and 11). Of all the isolated
acute toxicity effect of M. calabura fruits using the limit test compounds, only compound 8 was not tested against all cell
dose of 2000 mg/kg (OECD guidelines 420). However, the lines. Compounds 1–7 and 9–12 exerted cytotoxicity activity
type of solvents used for extraction for the toxicity study was against P-388 cells with the ED50 values ranging between 2.0
not described in any part of the report (neither in the and 16.7 mg/mL. As for KB and KB-V cells, the cytotoxic
Methodology nor Results sections), despite their claim that effect was shown by all compounds except for compounds 10
there were no signs of toxicity or mortality recorded at and 12, while compounds 6, 10, and 12 with the recorded
2000 mg/kg. In addition, it was also reported that the ethanol ED50 ranging between 2.2–15.5 and 2.1–13.3 mg/mL, respect-
extract of M. calabura fruits (EEMCFr) did not show signs of ively. As for BC-1, HT-1080, and Lu-1, only compounds 3, 9,
toxicity at 1000 mg/kg. and 11 , respectively, caused cyotoxic effect with the recorded
In a recent attempt to determine the acute toxicity of M. ED50 ranging among 10.9–16.0, 3.3–5.5, and 13.5–15.6 mg/
calabura leaves, collected from Shah Alam, Selangor, mL, respectively. In addition, all compounds, except for 10
Malaysia, between May and August 2010, the MEMCL was and 12, exerted a cytotoxic effect against ME-12 cells with
prepared for a single dose (2000 mg/kg) acute oral toxicity the recorded ED50 ranging between 8.7 and 14.6 mg/mL.
test (Balan et al., 2013). Interestingly, 2000 mg/kg MEMCL Lastly, all compounds, except for 1 and 4–7, exerted cytotoxic
DOI: 10.3109/13880209.2014.908397 Review on M. calabura medicinal value 1609

effect against the CO-12 with recorded ED50 ranging between and 40.8; F3 was effective against only HL-60 and WRL-68
5.9 and 15.8 mg/mL. with the recorded IC50 of 84.5 and 34.2 mg/mL, respectively;
A few years later, Chen et al. (2004) continued the F4 was effective against all cells with the recorded IC50
cytotoxicity studies of M. calabura, where 15 bioactive ranging between 30.8 and 35.6 mg/mL; F5 was effective
compounds isolated from the MEMCSB were tested against against all cells with the recorded IC50 ranging between 4.0
P-388, A549, and HT-29 cells using the MTT colorimetric and 34.9 mg/mL; F6 was effective against all cells with
method. Of all the isolated compounds, compound 36, 37, 40, recorded IC50 ranging between 6.0 and 40.8 mg/mL, and; F7
41, 45, 46, and 47 exerted remarkable cytotoxic activities was effective against all cells with the recorded IC50 ranging
against P-388 cells with recorded ED50 values of 3.56,3.71, between 28.1.0 and 40.1 mg/mL. Based on the IC50 of the
9.39, 6.28, 10.72, 15.62, and 3.27 mg/mL, respectively, in fractions, F5 was found to be the most effective fraction, and
comparison with mithramycin (ED50 ¼ 0.06 mg/mL). Further therefore was subjected to the isolation of bioactive com-
cytotoxicity studies against A549 and HT-29 revealed that only pounds, which, in turn, led to the isolation of compounds 28,
compound 4 exerted remarkable activity with the recorded 59, 85 and 86. Of these compounds, only compounds 28 and
ED50 of 16.81 and 26.60 mg/mL in comparison with mithra- 85 produced IC50 values below 20 mg/mL against HL-60 (3.43
mycin (ED50 ¼ 0.07 and 0.08 mg/mL), respectively. and 3.34 mg/mL) and MCF-7 (11.78 and 18.88 mg/mL) in
This was followed a year later by another cytotoxic comparison with the reference drug, doxorubicin (0.02 and
investigation on 20 bioactive compounds isolated from 0.05 mg/mL), respectively.
MEMCL against P-388 and HT-29 cells (Chen et al., 2005).
Of these isolated compounds, compounds 32, 38, 53, and 60 Antiproliferative activity
were not cytotoxic against both types of cancer cells while The only attempt to study the antiproliferative activity of M.
compounds 40, 50, and 51 were not cytotoxic against the HT- calabura was made by Zakaria et al. (2011) while the authors
29 cells indicated by their ED50 values that were 450 mg/mL. studied the antioxidant activity of the leaves. The leaves,
On one hand, the ED50 values recorded against P-388 and the prepared as AEMCL, CEMCL, and MEMCL, at the concen-
respective cytotoxic compounds were the following: (i) trations between 12.5 and 100.0 mg/mL, were tested using
415 mg/mL for compound 50; (ii) 15 mg/mL4X410 mg/mL 3,(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide
consist of compounds 14, 51, 54, and 58; (iii) (MTT) assay. The in vitro antiproliferative activity of M.
10 mg/mL4X45 mg/mL consist of compounds 40, 55, 56, calabura extracts was evaluated against several cancer cell
57, 59, 61, and 62; and (iv) 5 mg/mL4X40.01 mg/mL consist lines, namely, MCF-7 (estrogen-dependent human breast
of compounds 28, 52, 63, and 64. On the other hand, the ED50 adenocarcinoma), HeLa (human cervical adenocarcinoma),
values recorded against HT-29 and the respective cytotoxic HT-29 (human colon cancer), HL-60 (acute promyelocytic
compounds were the following: (i) 415 mg/mL consist of leukemia), K-562 (chronic myelogenous leukemia), and
compounds 52, 56, 57, and 58; (ii) 15 mg/mL4X410 mg/mL MDA-MB-231 (human breast carcinoma) with 3T3 (normal
consist of compounds 14, 54, 55, 59, and 61; (iii) mouse fibroblast) being the normal non-cancerous cell. The
10 mg/mL4X45 mg/mL consist of compounds 62 and 63; results showed that the three extracts, as well as DMSO which
and (iv) 5 mg/mL4X40.01 mg/mL consist of compounds 28 was used to dissolve the extracts, did not produce any
and 64. Comparison was made against mithramycin, which antiproliferative or cytotoxic effect against 3T3 or MDA-MB-
recorded an ED50 of 0.06 and 0.08 against theP-388 and 231 cell lines. In contrast, AEMCL, MEMCL, and CEMCL
HT-29 cells, respectively. showed antiproliferative activity against the following:
In the most recent cytotoxicity studies, Sufian et al. (2013) (i) MCF-7 with the recorded IC50 of 18, 98, and 22 mg/mL;
used the bioassay-guided approaches to isolate at least four (ii) HeLa with the recorded IC50 of 52, 23, and 22 mg/mL,
compounds from the MEMCL. The MEMCL together with its and; (iii) K-562 with the recorded IC50 of 18, 42, and
partitions (e.g., PEE, EAE, and water (WEE)) were tested 39 mg/mL, respectively. Moreover, only the AEMCL and
against a panel of cancer cell lines, namely, MCF-7 (human MEMCL exerted antiproliferative activity against the HT-29
breast adenocarcinoma), HL-60 (human acute lymphoblastic cell with IC50 values of 16 and 46 mg/mL while for the HL-60
leukemia), and HCT-116 (colonic carcinoma tumor types), as cell, only the CEMCL and MEMCL demonstrated antiproli-
well as a normal cell line WRL-68 (human embryonic liver ferative activity with IC50 values of 29 and 7 mg/mL,
non-tumor type). On one hand, the IC50 values against MCF- respectively.
7, HL-60, HCT-116, and WRL-68 recorded for MEMCL were
30.9, 34.7, 61.3, and 4100 mg/mL, respectively. On the other
Quinone reductase activity
hand, the IC50 values recorded for PEE and EAE against
the four cells were as follows: (i) 29.5, 42.1, 47.2, and Su et al. (2003) also studied the quinine reductase (QR)
73.6 mg/mL; and (ii) 17.3, 38.6, 58.4, and 78.3 mg/mL, induction potential of compounds isolated from the leaves of
respectively. Unfortunately, the WEE was non-cytotoxic M. calabura using the mouse culture Hepa IcIc7 cell. In this
against the four cells with the IC50 recorded 4100 mg/mL. study, the enzyme activity which is the concentration required
Based on the IC50 values obtained, the EAE was further to double the specific activity of QR (expressed as CD), half-
fractionated to yield seven fractions (labeled as F1–F7) that maximal inhibitory concentration of cell viability (IC50), and
were again tested for cytotoxicity against MCF-7, HL-60, and chemoprevention index (CI) were measured. Except for
WRL-68 cells. Based on the results obtained, F1 was effective lupenone, all isolated compounds were tested against the
only against HL-60 (IC50 ¼ 32.1 mg/mL); F2 was effective assays and only compounds 13, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, and 25
against all cells with the recorded IC50 ranging between 35.6 exerted significant QR induction activity with the recorded
1610 N. D. Mahmood et al. Pharm Biol, 2014; 52(12): 1598–1623

CD of 50.15, 4.77, 5.22, 0.70, 1.40, 1.70, and 1.42 mg/mL, dilutions and then tested against Escherichia coli (C600)
which was equivalent to 50.56, 15.8, 17.4, 2.9, 5.5, 5.7, and and Staphylococcus aureus (209 P) using the micro-dilution
4.6 mM, respectively, when compared with the reference drug, assay. Both MEMCL and MEMCFr exhibited antibacterial
sulforaphane (0.08 mg/mL; 0.43 mM). In terms of the IC50, the activity against E. coli and S. aureus with the recorded MIC
values recorded for compounds 13, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, and 25 of 512 and 1024 mg/mL, and 128 and 256 mg/mL, respectively.
were 420, 420, 15.8, 45, 45, 420, and 18.6 mg/mL that were This was followed by another antibacterial activity report
equivalent to 474, 466.2, 52.7, 420.8, 419.5, 67.1, and by Zakaria et al. (2006b), who studied the antibacterial
59.6 mM, respectively, in comparison with the reference drug, properties of MEMCL, aqueous (AEMCL), and chloroform
sulforaphane (1.95 mg/mL; 11.0 mM). From the CD and IC50 (CEMCL) extract of M. calabura leaves, collected from Shah
values obtained, the CI for each compounds was determined Alam Selangor, Malaysia, between January and February
to be 4132, 44.2, 3.0, 47.2, 43.5, 411.8, and 13.0. The 2005. These extracts, prepared at various concentrations
results also revealed that compound 17 had the highest CI (10 000, 40 000, 70 000 and 100 000 ppm), were tested against
value (4132) in comparison with the reference drug, Corneybacterium diphtheria, S. aureus, Bacillus cereus,
sulforaphane (25.0). Proteus vulgaris, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Kosuria rhizo-
phila, Shigella flexneri, E. coli, Aeromonashydrophila, and
Antiplatelet aggregation activity Salmonella typhi using the in vitro disc diffusion method. The
Studies were performed to determine the antiplatelet aggre- results showed that CEMCL was less effective as compared
gation of 22 compounds isolated from the leaves of M. with the AEMCL and MEMCL. At all concentrations tested,
calabura (Chen et al., 2007). The platelets were obtained AEMCL inhibited the growth of S. aureus and K. rhizophila
from rabbit’s blood and platelet aggregation was measured by while MEMCL exerted antibacterial activity against S.
an in vitro turbidimetric method using a Chrono–Log Lumi flexneri, B, cereus, S. aureus, P. vulgaris, A. hydrophila,
aggregometer. Washed rabbit platelets were induced by 0.1 U/ and K. rhizophila. At the concentration of 40 000 ppm and
mL thrombin, 100 mM arachidonic acid, 10 mg/mL collagen, above, the AEMCL exerted antibacterial activity against C.
or 2 ng/mL platelet-activating factor (PAF). All compounds diptheriae, P. vulgaris, S. epidermidis, and A. hydrophila
were tested at 100 mg/mL, except for compounds 65, 70, 71, while the MEMCL inhibited the growth of C. diptheriae and
72, 73, and 74, which were tested at 50 and 100 mg/mL, and L. monocytogenes, and the CEMCL showed antibacterial
compound 78, which was serially diluted and tested at 100, activity only against S. aureus. Chloramphenicol, used as a
50, 20, 10, 5, 2, and 1 mg/mL. Aspirin was used as a reference reference antibiotic at the concentration of 30 mg/mL, was
drug and tested at the concentrations of 100, 50, and 20 mg/ effective against all bacteria.
mL. In the thrombin-induced assay, all compounds produced Another study was performed to study the antistaphylo-
the percentage platelet aggregation inhibition ranging coccal effect of the AEMCL, CEMCL, and MEMCL (Zakaria
between 1.4 and 43.2% in comparison with 100 mg/mL et al., 2007c). The leaves, collected in June 2006 and prepared
aspirin, which caused only 1.5% inhibition. In the arachidonic into the respective extracts, were tested against various strains
acid-induced assay, several compounds (e.g., compounds 65, of S. aureus, namely, S. aureus 29213a, S. aureus 33591,
70, 71, 72, 73, 74, and 78) exhibited remarkable anti-platelet S. aureus 700699, vancomycin-intermediate S. aureus
aggregation activity indicated by the high percentage of (VISA), and vancomycin-resistant S. aureus (VRSA) using
platelet aggregation inhibition (80–100%) at the concentration an in vitro single concentration liquid microdilution method.
of 100 mg/mL. Of these, compound 78 exerted more than 80% The results showed that all extracts of M. calabura exerted
inhibitory effect even at the concentration of 10 mg/mL antibacterial activity against S. aureus 29213a, S. aureus
indicating its remarkable effectiveness in comparison with 33591, and S. aureus 700699. Further attempts were made to
aspirin, which lost its activity to only 5.6% at the concentra- determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and
tion of 20 mg/mL. The same compounds (e.g., compound 65, minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) values of each
70, 71, 72, 73, 74, and 78) were also effective against the extract. The recorded MIC for AEMCL, CEMCL and MEMCL
collagen-induced platelet aggregation with the percentage of was 5.00, 1.25, and 1.25–2.50 mg/mL, respectively, while the
inhibition recorded above 80% at the concentration of 100 mg/ recorded MBC was 2.50 mg/mL for MEMCL and CEMCL.
mL. Interestingly, aspirin was not effective in this model with Based on the earlier findings reported above, further
the recorded percentage of inhibition of 5.1 mg/mL. Finally, in studies were carried out to determine the antimicrobial
the PAF-induced assay, only compounds 65 and 73 exerted activity of various extracts, partitions, and fractions of
the percentage of anti-platelet aggregation of 485% at the M. calabura leaves (Zakaria et al., 2010). The leaves were
concentration of 100 mg/mL in comparison with aspirin that collected in Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia, in January 2008
caused only 2.5% inhibition. and prepared as AEMCL, CEMCL, and MEMCL. These
extracts were tested against S. aureus ATCC 25923
[methicilin sensitive S. aureus (MSSA)], S. aureus ATCC
Antibacterial activity
33591 [methicilin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA)], E. coli ATCC
The first attempt to study the antibacterial activity of 10536, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, Candida
M. calabura was carried out by Yasunaka et al. (2005) albicans ATCC 10231, and Microsporum canis ATCC 36299
using the leaves and fruits collected in the State of Puebla and using the liquid–liquid microdilution assay. From the results
State of Veracruz, Mexico. The MEMCL and methanol extract obtained, only MEMCL successfully inhibited the growth of
of M. calabura fruits (MEMCFr) diluted in 100 mg/mL of MSSA and MRSA with the MIC value of 1250 mg/mL and the
DMSO concentration were subjected to two-fold serial MBC value of 2500 mg/mL. In contrast, AEMCL and CEMCL
DOI: 10.3109/13880209.2014.908397 Review on M. calabura medicinal value 1611

did not successfully inhibited C. albicans, M. canis, the values of recorded MIC (156 mg/mL for both bacteria) and
P. aeruginosa, and E. coli. Further studies involved partition- MBC (1250 mg/mL for both bacteria). In addition, the PEE
ing of the MEMCL into PEE, EAE and water-(WEE) extracts was not effective against any of the tested bacteria. The most
followed by the antibacterial study using the MSSA and effective partition, which is the EAE, was further fractionated
MRSA. EAE exerted antistaphylococcal activity against leading to the isolation of seven fractions, labeled as F1–F7.
MSSA and MRSA with the recorded MIC and MBC values These fractions were also subjected to the antibacterial study
of 156 and 313 mg/mL, respectively. This is followed by the against MSSA and MRSA, and it was observed that fractions
WEE, which exerted an antistaphylococcal activity with the F3, F4, and F5 exerted notable antibacterial activity against
recorded MIC value of 625 mg/mL and MBC value of both bacteria with the recorded MIC value of 400, 400,
1250 mg/mL. Further attempts were made to fractionate the and 100 mg/mL, and 400, 400, and 200 mg/mL, respectively.
EAE partition yielded 15 fractions, labeled as A1–A15, As for the MBC value, only fraction F5 produced MBC value
which was further tested against MSSA and MRSA. Only against MSSA and MRSA at 200 and 400 mg/mL, respect-
fractions A9–A15 inhibited the growth of (i) MSSA with MIC ively. The most effective fraction, which was fraction F5, was
and MBC values ranging from 78 to 156 mg/mL; and further purified leading to the isolation and identification of
(ii) MRSA with the MIC and MBC values ranging from four known flavonoids, which were compounds 28, 59, 85,
313 to 625 mg/mL. The most effective antibacterial fraction and 86. Of these compounds, only 59, 28, and 85 inhibited the
was A10, which exhibited MIC and MBC values of 78 mg/mL. growth of MSSA and MRSA with the recorded MIC of 200,
Two years later, another attempt was made to investigate the 50, and 200 mg/mL, and 400, 100, and 400 mg/mL, respect-
antimicrobial activity of M. calabura (Sibi et al., 2012). Using ively. Further attempt to determine the MBC value of the
various parts of the plant, namely the leaf, bark, and fruits, three flavonoids revealed that the MBC value recorded
collected from Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, the aqueous and against: (i) MSSA was 400, 100, and 200 mg/mL; and (ii)
methanol extracts of the respective M. calabura parts were MRSA were 4800, 200, and 4800 mg/mL, respectively.
prepared. The extracts (50 mL) were tested against several Unfortunately, compound 86 was not tested due to low
bacterial isolates of clinical importance (e.g., B. cereus, K. yield. Comparison was made against standard antibiotic,
pneumonia, Micrococcus luteus, Proteus vulgaris, P. aerugi- chloramphenicol, which showed MIC and MBC against
nosa, and Serratia marcescens) and fungal phytopathogens MSSA at 6.25 mg/mL and against MRSA with the recorded
(e.g., Aspergillus oryzae, Fusarium sp., and Penicillium sp.) MIC and MBC values of 6.25 mg/mL.
using the agar well diffusion method. Despite lack of
information on the concentration of the extracts used, the
extracts were reported to be effective antimicrobial agents.
Antioxidant activity
The AEMCL was effective only against M. luteus and The first attempt to determine the antioxidant potential of
P. aeruginosa; the aqueous extract of M. calabura bark M. calabura was made by Zakaria et al. (2007b). In their
(AEMCB) was effective against B. cereus, M. luteus, and study, the leaves of M. calabura, collected from Shah Alam,
P. aeruginosa; and, AEMCFr was effective against only M. Selangor, Malaysia between June and September 2005, were
luteus. In contrast, MEMCL exerted the most effective prepared as AEMCL and subjected to the DPPH free radical-
antimicrobial activity indicated by its ability to inhibit the and superoxide anion radical-scavenging assays. From the
growth of B. cereus, M. luteus, P. aeruginosa, A. oryzae, test, AEMCL showed approximately 94.80 ± 1.14 and
Fusarium sp., and Penicillium sp.; the methanol extract of 83.70 ± 2.05%, respectively, of antioxidant capacity when
M. calabura bark (MEMCB) was effective against B. cereus, measured using both assays.
M. luteus, Fusarium sp., and Penicllium sp., and; the MEMCFr Three years later, Preethi et al. (2010) investigated the
was effective only against B. cereus, M. luteus, P. aeruginosa, antioxidant activity of fully ripened fruits M. calabura.
and S. marcescens. All aqueous extracts of M. calabura only The fruits, collected between May and June, 2008 from Erode
exhibited antibacterial activity, in contrast to the methanol District, Tamil Nadu, India, were prepared as hexane
extracts which inhibited the growth of several bacterial and (HEMCFr), chloroform (CEMCFr), ethyl acetate (EAEMCFr),
fungal, indicating its ability to exert antimicrobial activity. butanol (BEMCFr), and methanol (MEMCFr) extracts and
In recent studies, Sufian et al. (2013) attempted to isolate subjected to several antioxidant assays such as total phenolic
antibacterial compounds from M. calabura leaves. content (TPC), DPPH radical scavenging activity, reductive
The sample was collected from Shah Alam, Selangor, ability, superoxide anion-, hydroxyl ion (‘‘OH) radical- and
Malaysia, and prepared as MEMCL. The extract, prepared nitric oxide-scavenging activity, ferric ion chelating activity,
in the concentrations ranging between 78 and 5000 mg/mL via and lipid peroxidation reduction assays. From the report,
serial two-fold dilutions, was tested against P. aeruginosa the TPC, expressed in terms of gallic acid equivalent
ATCC27853, E. coli ATCC 10536, MSSA, MRSA, B. cereus in mg/100 g of fresh material (mg GAE/100 g FW), was
ATCC 11778, and B. subtilis ATCC 6633 using the micro- highest in MEMCFr (1486 ± 0.028 mg GAE/100 g FW)
dilution broth method. The MEMCL exerted notable antibac- followed by EAEMCFr (1140 ± 0.02 mg GAE/100 g) FW,
terial activity only against MSSA and MRSA with recorded BEMCFr (940 ± 0.03 mg GAE/100 g FW) and CEMCFr
MIC values of 1250 and 2500 mg/mL, respectively. The (447 ± 0.025 mg GAE/100 g FW). HEMCFr extract had the
extract was further partitioned into PEE, EAE, and WEE and lowest content of phenolics (358 ± 0.020 mg/100g). In the
subjected to the antibacterial study against MSSA and MRSA. DPPH radical scavenging assay, all extracts, at the concen-
Interestingly, partitioning of the crude extract improved the trations of 500, 400, 300, 200, and 100 mg/mL, exerted
EAE and WEE antibacterial activity indicated by reduction in significant DPPH radical quenching property as indicated
1612 N. D. Mahmood et al. Pharm Biol, 2014; 52(12): 1598–1623

by the recorded IC50 in the following sequence: August and September 2006 from Shah Alam, Selangor,
MEMCFr (90.00 ± 0.04 mg/mL), HEMCFr (98.00 ± 0.62 mg/ Malaysia. The leaves were prepared as AEMCL, CEMCL, and
mL), EAEMCFr (100.24 ± 0.24 mg/mL), CEMCFr MEMCL, in the concentrations of 20, 100, and 500 mg/mL,
(245.42 ± 0.22 mg/mL), and BEMCFr (350.12 ± 0.88 mg/mL); and tested using the DPPH radical- and superoxide anion
in comparison with butyl hydroxyl toluene (BHT), a synthetic radical-scavenging assay. In the former assay, MEMCL
reference drug (IC50 ¼ 26.00 ± 0.65 mg/mL). In the reductive exerted a radical scavenging activity ranging between 92.1
ability study, EAEMCFr displayed the highest reductive and 99.9% followed by the AEMCL (30.7–94.9%) and
capacity (OD ¼ 0.73 ± 0.04 at 1000 mg/mL) followed by CEMCL (27.2–99.9%) while in the latter assay, MEMCL,
BEMCFr, MEMCFr, HEMCFr, and CEMCFr; in comparison AEMCL, and CEMCL demonstrated the radical scavenging
with BHT (1.63 ± 0.02 mg/mL at 1000 mg/mL). Further inves- activity ranging between 85.7 and 89.0%, 79.8 and 77.9, and
tigation using superoxide anion scavenging assay revealed 60.0 and 87.2%, respectively. Additional studies to determine
that MEMCFr exerted the highest effect (IC50 ¼ 79.20 ± the TPC value of those extracts were also carried out and it
0.04 mg/mL) followed by EAEMCFr (240.5 ± 0.2 mg/mL), was found that all extracts recorded their respective TPC
BEMCFr (250.50 ± 0.48 mg/mL), HEMCFr (310.20 ± 0.04 mg/ value of 41000 mg GAE/100 g FW, which is considered high.
mL), and CEMCFr (378.20 ± 0.08 mg/mL); in comparison At 6.25 mg/mL, the MEMCL, AEMCL, and CEMCL demon-
with BHT (IC50 ¼ 83.00 ± 2.35 mg/mL). In hydroxyl radical strated the TPC values of 2978.10 ± 4.34, 2970.40 ± 6.58, and
scavenging assay, MEMCFr showed the most effective activity 1279.90 ± 6.12 mg GAE/100 g FW, respectively.
with the recorded IC50 of 49.98 ± 0.20 mg/mL followed by The latest report on antioxidant activity related to
BEMCFr (52.00 ± 0.40 mg/mL), HEMCFr (79.46 ± 0.08 mg/ M. calabura was made by Karthyaini and Suresh (2012),
mL), EAEMCFr (198.20 ± 0.02 mg/mL), and CEMCFr who used fruit extracts in their study. Unfortunately, although
(280.40 ± 0.80 mg/mL); in comparison with BHT the study was aimed to report the use of two types of extracts,
(IC50 ¼ 41.50 ± 2.23 mg/mL). In nitric oxide radical scaven- MEMMFr and AEMCFr in their pharmacognostic, anti-inflam-
ging assay, the results indicated that all extracts were dose matory and antioxidant studies, only the data of the anti-
dependently inhibiting the formation of nitrite with MEMCFr inflammatory activity of the two extracts were adequately
exhibiting the highest activity (IC50 ¼ 187.00 ±0.60 mg/mL) reported, while the study on acute toxicity was not mentioned
followed by BEMCFr (189.00 ± 0.26 mg/mL), HEMCFr in the report. Meanwhile, antioxidant data presented was only
(207.00 ± 0.02 mg/mL), CEMCFr (250.00 ± 0.08 mg/mL), and for one extract, which was also not specifically described. The
EAEMCFr (497.20 ± 0.08 mg/mL) in comparison with BHT unspecified extract at the concentrations of 100, 200, 300, 400,
(IC50 ¼ 33.50 ± 2.12 mg/mL). The ability to chelate ferric ion and 500 mg/mL, was tested using the DPPH radical scavenging
was also studied and it was found that the MEMCFr exhibited assay. From the doses used (100–500 mg/mL), the percentage
the highest chelating activity with an IC50 value of of radical scavenging recorded ranged between 55 and 94%
80.26 ± 0.08 mg/mL. This was followed by EAEMCF with the IC50 value at 90 mg/mL.
(81.40 ±0.04 mg/mL), CEMCFr (91.20 ± 0.64 mg/mL),
BEMCFr (290.20 ± 0.24 mg/mL), and HEMCFr
Insecticidal activity
(480.60 ± 0.02 mg/mL); comparison was not made against
BHT. In the final antioxidant studies, the inhibition of lipid Only one study related to investigation of insecticidal activity
peroxidation (LPO) assay was carried out and MEMCFr of M. calabura was recorded by Bandeira et al. (2013), who
(IC50 ¼ 110.4 ± 0.64 mg/mL) was found to be the most used the flowers and fruits collected from the Universidade
effective extract in inhibiting the generation of LPO. This Rural Federal de Pernambuco (UFRPE), Recife, Brazil. The
was followed by EAEMCFr (190.20 ± 0.62 mg/mL), HEMCFr authors prepared two types of extracts from M. calabura
(240.20 ± 0.04 mg/mL), CEMCFr (490.23 ± 0.24 mg/mL), and flowers and fruits, namely ethanol extracts [flowers (EEMCFl)
BEMCFr (540.10 ±0.02 mg/mL); comparison was also not and fruits (EEMCFr)], and hexane extracts [flowers (HEMCFl)
made against BHT. and fruits (HEMCFr)], at concentrations ranging from 0.25 to
A second attempt was made in 2010 to determine the 30.0 mg/mL, and tested them against Plutella xylostella larvae
antioxidant potential of the leaves of M. calabura collected and pupae using leaf disc immersion assay. All extracts were
from Bangalore, Karnakata, during March, 2009 (Siddiqua reported to be toxic to the larvae and pupae of P. xylostella.
et al., 2010). The sample was prepared as MEMCL, in the Moreover, the EEMCFl and EEMCFr were the most toxic
concentration of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 mg/mL, and tested only against first instar P. xylostella larvae with the recorded LC50
using the DPPH radical scavenging assay. From this study, the of 0.61 mg/mL and 1.63 mg/mL, respectively. This is followed
authors reported that MEMCL exerted a radical scavenging by the HEMCFr (LC50 ¼ 5.5 mg/mL) and HEMCFl
activity with a recorded IC50 value of 22 mg/mL in compari- (LC50 ¼ 18.9 mg/mL). When comparing their relative toxi-
son with ascorbic acid, the reference drug, which produced an cities, it is worth highlighting that EEMCFl was 31.0-fold
IC50 value of 12 mg/mL. In addition, the TPC value of more toxic than HEMCFl, and 4.2 - and 8.9-fold more toxic
MEMCL was also determined but was not clearly expressed as than EEMCFr and HEMCFr, respectively. Overall, these
no unit for TPC value was given. The TPC value of MEMCL, extracts were more effective than cordycepin, the reference
assessed using the Folin–Ciocalteau method with gallic acid drug, which produced 100% mortality only at 500 mg/mL in
and tannic acid as calibration standards, was found to be 0.903 72 h. In addition, the EEMCFr and HEMCFr exerted greater
and 2.900, respectively. mortality against pupae which were 39% and 77% following
This is followed by another antioxidant study by Zakaria prior exposure of the larvae to 9 and 20 mg/mL of the
et al. (2011) using the same leaf sample collected between respective extracts. The pupal mortalities were 11% and 18%
DOI: 10.3109/13880209.2014.908397 Review on M. calabura medicinal value 1613

following prior exposure of the larvae to 3.5 and 30 mg/mL of In a subsequent study published in response to the finding
EEMCFl and HEMCFl, respectively. In addition, EEMCFl, reported in 2006, Zakaria et al. (2007e) continued to build the
EEMCFr, HEMCFl, and HEMCFr also prolonged larval antiociceptive profile of AEMCL, collected in Shah Alam,
duration by approximately 2 d in some cases as compared Selangor, Malaysia, between January and February 2004.
with the control (7.2 d). AEMCL, in the concentrations of 1, 5, 10, 50, and 100%
(which is equivalent to the doses of 2.7, 13.5, 27, 135, and
Antinociceptive activity 270 mg/kg, respectively), was tested for its antinociceptive
activity using the abdominal constriction test and hot plate
The first attempt to investigate the antinociceptive activity of test. In addition, the role of temperature and opioid receptors
M. calabura was made in 2006 by Zakaria et al. (2006a). Using on the antinociceptive activity of the extract was also
the leaves collected from Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia, investigated. From the results obtained, AEMCL exerted
between January and February, 2004, AEMCL was prepared in significant antinociceptive activity in both tests with a
concentrations of 10, 50, and 100% strength that is equivalent concentration-dependent (analgesia range between 8 and
to 27, 135, and 270 mg/kg, was subjected to the acetic acid- 83%) effect seen only in the abdominal constriction test.
induced abdominal constriction test followed by another The 10% AEMCL produced percentage of analgesia that was
studies to determine the role of L-arginine/nitric oxide/ equivalent to that of 0.8 mg/kg morphine (47.9% versus
cyclic-guanosine monophosphate (L-arginine/NO/cGMP) 46.2%) while the 50% AEMCL produced analgesia that was as
pathway in the observed antinociceptive activity of AEMCL. equieffective as 100 mg/kg ASA (63.4% versus 71.2%) when
From the results obtained, AEMCL exerted a significant and measured using the abdominal constriction test. The esti-
concentration-dependent antinociceptive activity when mated IC50 value for AEMCL was 12.5% (equivalent to
assessed using the abdominal constriction test. Pre-treatment 33.75 mg/kg extract). Although a concentration-independent
with L-arginine significantly blocked the antinociceptive effect was observed in the hot plate test, AEMCL exerted a
activity of the extract at the highest concentration while pre- significant antinociceptive activity at all concentrations
treatment with NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl esters (L-NAME) tested. The onset of antinociception range between 60 and
significantly enhances the antinociceptive effects at low, 120 min after the extract administration and lasted until the
concentration but inhibit its effect at higher concentration of end (180 min) of the experiment in comparison to 5 mg/kg
AEMCL. Methylene blue (MB) significantly enhanced morphine, which lost its activity after 180 min of the drug
AEMCL antinociceptive activity at all concentrations used. administration. The 50% AEMCL, when heated at different
Co-treatment of L-arginine with L-NAME or MB together sets of temperature (40, 60, 80, and 100 C), did not show
significantly reversed the antinociceptive activity of AEMCL sign of loss of activity as indicated by the recorded percentage
at low concentration without affecting other concentrations of of analgesia ranging between 55 and 62% in comparison with
the AEMCL. These findings suggested the involvement of L- AEMCL prepared at room temperature (63%). Moreover, pre-
arginine/NO/cGMP pathway in modulating the antinociceptive treatment with 2 or 10 mg/kg naloxone, a non-selective opioid
activity of AEMCL. Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), in the dose of receptor antagonist, significantly blocked the activity of
10 mg/kg, was used as the reference drug. AEMCL indicating the role of opioid receptors in the
A year later, another report on the antinociceptive activity modulation of its action.
of M. calabura leaves was released (Zakaria et al., 2007a). In another study by Zakaria et al. (2007f), the leaves of M.
This time, the leaves were collected between July and August, calabura, collected from Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia,
2005 from Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia, and prepared as between July and August, 2005, were prepared as AEMCL, in
CEMCL, in the concentrations of 10, 50, and 100% strength. the concentrations of 10 (27 mg/kg), 50 (135 mg/kg), and
CEMCL was tested for its antinociceptive activity using the 100% (270 mg/kg), and tested using the formalin test. The
abdominal constriction test, the hot plate test, and the extract exerted a concentration-independent antinociceptive
formalin test. In the abdominal constriction test, the extract activity in both the early and late phases of the formalin test.
exhibited a concentration-dependent activity with CEMCL at In comparison, 100 mg/kg ASA exerted antinociceptive action
the highest concentration producing 495% analgesia while only in the late phase, which is an inflammatory-mediated
CEMCL at 50% concentration produced an activity that was pain stage, while 5 mg/kg morphine inhibited the late as well
equieffective to that of 100 mg/kg ASA (the reference drug). as the early phase, which is related to non-inflammatory-
The extract also exerted an antinociceptive effect, but in a mediated/neurogenic pain).
concentration-independent manner, when assessed using the Following their success in establishing the antinociceptive
hot plate test with the onset of activity depending on the profiles of CEMCL and AEMCL, and the involvement of L-
concentration of CEMCL. However, the activity exerted by arginine/NO/cGMP pathway and opioid receptors in mod-
CEMCL, at all concentrations used, was overshadowed by the ulating the antinociceptive activity of AEMCL, Zakaria et al.
activity exhibited by 5 mg/kg morphine. The extract also (2007d) took another step forward to determine the involve-
demonstrated antinociceptive activity when assessed using the ment of non-opioid receptor systems in the central anti-
formalin test, which was seen in both early and late phases of nociceptive activity of M. calabura extracts, particularly the
the test. However, the concentration-dependent activity by AEMCL and CEMCL. The M. calabura leaves were collected
CEMCL was observed only in the early phase of the formalin between July and August, 2005, from Shah Alam, Selangor,
test. The reference drugs used in the formalin test were 5 mg/ Malaysia, and prepared as AEMCL and CEMCL in the
kg morphine for the early and late phase, and 100 mg/kg ASA, concentrations of 10, 50, and 100%, which were equivalent to
for the late phase. the dosages of 27, 135, and 270 for AEMCL and 50, 250, and
1614 N. D. Mahmood et al. Pharm Biol, 2014; 52(12): 1598–1623

500 mg/kg for CEMCL, respectively. In this study, the AEMCL increased significantly after modification of pH to
AEMCL exerted its antinociceptive activity 120 min after its alkaline condition, which is at pH 9–11. Moreover, the
administration while the CEMCL exerted its antinocicpetive activity was still preserved at the extreme acidic condition
activity 60 min after its administration. The antinociceptive (pH 2) and extreme alkaline condition (pH 13). In the fourth
activity of both extracts lasted the whole duration of the study, its antinociceptive activity was not distorted after
experiment. Interestingly, the CEMCL exhibited antinocicep- pretreatment with amylase, protease, lipase, or their combin-
tive activity that was comparable with 5 mg/kg morphine. ation when compared with the untreated AEMCL.
From this study, the 50% AEMCL and CEMCL were chosen A further attempt was made by Yusof et al. (2011) to study
for further studies to determine the involvement of non- the antinociceptive activity of semipurified fractions derived
opioid receptor systems in mediating the antinociceptive from PEE extract using the formalin test. Seven fractions,
activity of the extract. The 50% concentration extracts were labeled as A–G, were isolated from the PEE extract of M.
pre-challenged with various types of non-opioid receptor calabura. From the results obtained, fraction D exerted the
antagonists, namely the antagonists of muscarinic (5 mg/kg most significant antinociceptive activity when compared with
atropine), nicotinic (5 mg/kg mecamylamine), a1-adrenergic other fractions and at the dose of 300 mg/kg produced 66.2%
(10 mg/kg phenoxybenzamine), a2-adrenergic (10 mg/kg and 81.4% antinociception in the early phase and late phase of
yohimbine) and b-adrenergic (10 mg/kg pindolol), dopamin- the formalin test, respectively. However, Fraction D exhibited
ergic (1 mg/kg haloperidol), and g-aminobutyric acid (GABA; no significant difference when compared with the reference
10 mg/kg bicuculline) receptors. From the results obtained, drug, 100 mg/kg ASA.
atropine, phenoxybenzamine, yohimbine, pindolol, haloperi- In the latest study, Sani et al. (2012) reported on the
dol, and bicuculline significantly reversed the antinociceptive antinociceptive activity and the possible mechanisms of
activity of AEMCL either partially or completely. In contrast, antinociception of M. calabura leaves collected from Shah
phenoxybenzamine, yohimbine, pindolol, and bicuculline also Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. The leaves were prepared as
significantly decreased the antinociceptive activity of MEMCL in the concentrations of 100, 250, and 500 mg/kg
CEMCL. Only mecamylamine, a nicotinic receptor antagon- and tested using the abdominal constriction test, hot plate test,
ist, failed to block the antinociceptive activity of AEMCL and formalin test to build the antinociceptive profile of the
and CEMCL. extract. Results showed that the MEMCL exerted a significant
In another study, Zakaria et al. (2008) investigated the and dose-dependent antinociceptive activity in the abdominal
effects of various receptor antagonists, pH, and enzymes on constriction test with the 250 mg/kg MEMCL exerted an
the antinociceptive effect of AEMCL using the abdominal activity that was as equieffective as 100 mg/kg ASA. In the
constriction test. The leaves of M. calabura were collected hot plate test, only 500 mg/kg MEMCL exerted significant
between January and February, 2004 from Shah Alam, ability to prolong the latency of response to discomfort
Selangor, Malaysia, and prepared as AEMCL, in the concen- throughout the whole experiment. Generally, 5 mg/kg mor-
trations of 5, 50, and 100%. In the first study, the extract was phine was more effective then the extract. In the formalin test,
subjected directly to the abdominal constriction test to MEMCL showed significant antinociceptive activity in both
develop its antinociceptive profile. In the second study, the phases of the formalin test with dose-dependent activity seen
50% concentration AEMCL, which was chosen based on the only in the early phase. Only the 250 and 500 mg/kg of
first study, was pre-challenged with various types of opioid MEMCL showed antinociceptive effect in the early phase
and non-opioid receptors’ antagonists, namely 10 mg/kg whereas all doses of MEMCL exerted antinociceptive activity
naloxonazine, 10 mg/kg naltrindole, 10 mg/kg pindolol, in the late phase. The ability of MEMCL to attenuate
10 mg/kg phenoxybenzamine, 10 mg/kg bicuculine, 5 mg/kg nociception in the early and late phases of the formalin test
atropine, and 5 mg/kg mecamylamine. In the third study, the was comparable with 5 mg/kg morphine.
50% concentration AEMCL, with recorded pH of 5.1, was In the second part of the study, the mechanisms of
subjected to a series of different pH (3, 5, 7, 9, 11, or 13) for antinociception (e.g., the role of vanilloid receptors, gluta-
2 h and then neutralized back to pH 5.1. Those modified matergic systems, opioid receptors, and L-arginine/NO/cGMP
AEMCLs were then subjected to the abdominal constriction pathway) were determined for MEMCL. To determine the
test. In the fourth study, the AEMCL was pretreated either involvement of vanilloid receptors, MEMCL was subjected to
with 10% concentration a-amylase, 10% concentration lipase the capsaicin-induced paw licking test. From the results
or 1% concentration protease for 2 h in a water bath at 40  C. obtained, all doses of MEMCL showed a dose-dependent
The pre-treated extracts were then subjected to the abdominal attenuation of capsaicin-induced nociception with the per-
constriction test. In the first study, the AEMCL exhibited centage of analgesia ranging between 20 and 62%. To
significant antinociceptive activity in a concentration-depend- determine the involvement of glutamatergic system,
ent manner when assessed using the abdominal constriction MEMCL was subjected to the glutamate-induced paw licking
test. The 5 and 50% concentration AEMCL produced an test. The results showed that the extract exerted a dose-
activity that has a similar potency as the reference drugs, dependent antinociceptive activity against the glutamate-
morphine (0.8 mg/kg), or ASA (100 mg/kg), respectively. In induced nociception with the percentage of analgesia ranging
the second study, the peripheral antinociceptive activity of between 35 and 72%. Both studies indicated the involvement
AEMCL was reduced following pre-treatment with only of vanilloid receptors and glutamatergic system in the
naloxonazine (opioid receptor antagonist), pindolol (b-adren- modulation of the antinocicpetive activity of MEMCL.
ergic receptor antagonist), and atropine (muscarinic receptor To determine the role of opioid receptors, the MEMCL was
antagonist). In the third study, the antinociceptive activity of pre-challenged with 5 mg/kg naloxone, a non-selective opioid
DOI: 10.3109/13880209.2014.908397 Review on M. calabura medicinal value 1615

receptor antagonist followed by the abdominal constriction compound 64 that was prepared only in the dose of 50 mg/kg,
test, hot plate test, and formalin test. Result showed that the the rest of the compounds were prepared in the doses of 50
antinociceptive activity was significantly attenuated by and 100 mg/kg. Upon testing using the formalin test, all
naloxone in all the tests used indicating the involvement compounds were effective against both phases of formalin-
of opioid receptors in the modulation of antinociceptive induced nociception wherein all doses tested were effective
activity of MEMCL. To determine the involvement of against the late phase of formalin-induced nociception.
L-arginine/NO/cGMP pathway, the extract was pre-challenged However, in the early phase of the test, particularly, only
separately with 20 mg/kg L-arginine, 20 mg/kg L-NAME, compounds 64 and 87 exerted an antinociceptive activity even
20 mg/kg MB, or their respective combination followed at the lowest dose used (50 mg/kg). Only a single dose of
by the abdominal constriction test. The results showed that compound 64 was studied as the yields obtained from
L-arginine alone did not affect the acetic acid-induced extraction were rather too small for multiple dose study.
nociception but significantly reversed the antinociceptive From the results obtained, compound 64, at the single dose of
activity of MEMCL. Meanwhile, L-NAME alone exerted 50 mg/kg, was considered the most effective antinociceptive
significant antinociceptive activity and maintained the agent as it caused an approximately 34% and 44%
MEMCL-induced antinociception. L-Arginine was found to antinociception in comparison with the other compounds at
reverse the L-NAME-induced antinociceptive activity but the same dose used.
when given together, L-arginine and L-NAME failed to affect
the antinociceptive activity. In the second part of this study,
Anti-inflammatory activity
MB alone exhibited significant antinociceptive activity,
but when pre-challenged with MEMCL, failed to affect the The earlier report on anti-inflammatory potential of
antinociceptive activity. In addition, L-arginine failed to M. calabura was published by Zakaria et al. (2007a). The
attenuate the antinociceptive activity of MB while the leaves were prepared as CEMCL, in the concentrations of 10,
combination of L-arginine and MB also failed to inhibit the 50, and 100%, and tested using the carrageenan-induced paw
antinociception of MEMCL. edema test. ASA (100 mg/kg) was used as a reference drug.
Another recently published finding related to the anti- All concentrations of CEMCL exerted an inconsistent anti-
nociceptive potential of M. calabura leaves also described the inflammatory activity that was less effective than the ASA
successful isolation and identification of pain-relieving bio- Another report on the anti-inflammatory activity of
active compounds. The leaves were collected from Shah M. calabura leaves was also published in 2007 (Zakaria
Alam, Selangor, Malaysia, in January, 2008, and prepared as et al., 2007f) while attempting to determine the antinocicep-
MEMCL, in the doses of 100, 500, and 1000 mg/kg, and tive activity of AEMCL. In this study AEMCL was prepared
subjected to the formalin test. MEMCL was later partitioned in the concentrations of 10, 50, and 100% (equivalent to
into PEE, EAE, and WEE and prepared in the same doses the doses of 27, 135, and 270 mg/kg, respectively) and
range of 100–1000 mg/kg. From the results obtained, MEMCL subjected to the carrageenan-induced paw edema assay. The
exerted significant (p50.05) antinociceptive activity in both results obtained demonstrated that the extract exhibited
the early and late phases of the formalin test. The extract concentration-independent anti-inflammatory activity. The
(100–1000 mg/kg) reduced the amount of time the rat spent anti-inflammatory activity of the 10 and 50% AEMCL were
licking the pain-induced paw (indicator of nociception) in completely lost after 7 h of its administration while the anti-
both phases by 38.3–20.0 and 67.5–25.7 s in comparison with inflammatory activity of 100% AEMCL was lost after only 6 h
the time recorded by the negative control (10% DMSO- of its administration. It is worth mentioning that the anti-
treated) group, which was 70.7 and 138.2 s, respectively. inflammatory activity of AEMCL, at the concentrations of 10
In addition, PEE and EAE, but not WEE, in the dose range of and 50%, was significantly greater than the reference drug,
100–1000 mg/kg, also caused significant (p50.05) reduction 100 mg/kg ASA, at the interval of 3 and 4 h after their
of the nociceptive latency at the early phase in the range of administration.
63.5–20.8 and 69.0–25.8 s, respectively, while in the In the recent attempt to study the pharmacological
late phase, all partitions reduced the latency in the range of properties of the fruits of M. calabura, the MEMCFr and
85.0–16.0, 100.2–35.2, and 129.5–101.0, respectively. AEMCFr were prepared in doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg and
From the results obtained, PEE was considered as the most tested using the carrageenan-induced paw edema test (Preethi
effective partition and, thus, subjected to the fractionation et al., 2012a). The results obtained demonstrated that both
processes to yield seven fractions, labeled A–G. Following the extracts exerted dose-dependent inhibition of carrageenan-
formalin test, only fractions C, D, and E caused significant induced localized edema at 4 h after the administration of
(p50.05) reduction of nociceptive latency in the early phase extracts. The significant anti-inflammatory activity was
to 57.2, 27.7, and 42.2 s while in the late phase, Fractions B, recorded at 24.5 and 44.2% for both doses of MEMCFr and
C, D, E, and F reduced the latency of nociception to 137.8, at 20.4 and 46.2% for both doses of AEMCFr. Indomethacin,
86.2, 27.2, 77.8, and 86.7 s, respectively. For comparison in the dose of 10 mg/kg, was used as the reference drug and
purposes, the latency of nociception for both phases of the caused 84.3% inhibition of carrageenan-induced edema
formalin test observed in the negative control group was 83.2 formation in comparison with the extracts.
and 149.0 s, respectively. Since fraction D showed the most Preethi et al. (2012b), in another recently published study,
significant antinociception in both phases of the formalin test, also investigated the anti-inflammatory activity of M. calabura
it was subjected to the isolation and identification processes fruits, collected from Erode District, Tamil Nadu, India using
leading to the isolation of 25, 55, 64, and 87. Except for the carrageenan-induced paw edema model. The fruits were
1616 N. D. Mahmood et al. Pharm Biol, 2014; 52(12): 1598–1623

prepared as MEMCFr, at doses of 100, 200, and 300 mg/kg, and kg were used while in the later assay, the doses of 100, 250,
subjected to the carrageenan-induced paw edema test. The ad 500 mg/kg were used. The discrepancy in the range of
results showed that the extract exerted a significant and dose- doses used was attributed to preliminary findings using the
dependent anti-inflammatory activity indicated by the reduc- ethanol-induced gastric ulcer model wherein the extract
tion in edema formation irrespective of the dose used. At the exerted a dose-independent antiulcer activity. Therefore, an
doses tested, a dose-dependent inhibition of carrageenan- additional study using lower doses (25 and 50 mg/kg) was
induced localized edema was observed at 4 h. However, the performed. Moreover, the role of NO and sulfhydryl groups in
activity seen with MEMCFr, at all doses (percentage of anti- mediating the antiulcer activity of MEMCL was also
inflammation ranging between 24 and 46%), was lower than investigated using the ethanol-induced gastric ulcer. From
that of the reference drug, 10 mg/kg indomethacin (percentage the results obtained, MEMCL, at all doses tested, exhibited a
of anti-inflammation was 80.48%). Despite this second report significant and dose-dependent reduction of ethanol-induced
by Preethi et al. (2012b), some of the data have already been gastric ulcer formation with the percentage of antiulcer
presented in Preethi et al. (2012a). The only differences ranging between 63 and 95% in comparison with the reference
observed were the dose of extract used and the percentage of drug, 100 mg/kg ranitidine, that produced 70% protection. In
anti-inflammation recorded. addition, all doses of MEMCL exerted significant and dose-
dependent inhibition of indomethacin-induced gastric ulcer
Antipyretic activity formation with the percentage of protection ranging between
The first attempt to determine the antipyretic potential of M. 47 and 69%. In comparison, 100 mg/kg ranitidine exhibited
calabura was made by Zakaria et al. (2007a) using the leaves 78% antiulcer activity. Histopathological evaluation revealed
that was prepared as CEMCL. The extract, at the concentra- the extract potential to reverse the toxic effect of ethanol and
tions of 10, 50, and 100%, was tested using Brewer’s yeast indomethacin and returned the stomach to almost normal
(BY)-induced pyrexia test. The extract exhibited a concen- mucosal architecture that is comparable with protection
tration-independent antipyretic activity. Comparison made exerted by ranitidine. Moreover, pre-treatment with 70 mg/
against the 100 mg/kg ASA, as the reference drug, showed kg L-NAME significantly worsened the gastric ulcers in
that the CEMCL antipyretic activity was less effective than MEMCL- and 100 mg/kg carbenoxolone-treated groups and
the drug. this unwanted effect of L-NAME was reversed by 200 mg/kg
L -arginine. These findings indicate the participation of NO in
Zakaria et al. (2007f) also reported on the antipyretic
activity of another extract of M. calabura, namely AEMCL, the antiulcer potential exerted by MEMCL. Pre-treatment with
while studying the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory 10 mg/kg NEM, in contrast, significantly reversed the
activities. The AEMCL exerted a concentration-independent antiulcer activity of MEMCL and increased the gastric ulcer
antipyretic effect with the onset of effects of 27 and 135 mg/ formation in comparison with saline pretreated group that is
kg AEMCL was recorded after 240 min of their administra- also receiving MEMCL. These findings indicate the partici-
tion. Overall, the antipyretic activity of AEMCL was less pation of endogenous sulfhydryl compounds in the gastro-
effective than the reference drug, 100 mg/kg ASA. protective activity demonstrated by MEMCL.

Antiulcer activity Antidiabetic activity

The investigation of antiulcer potential of M. calabura was The first report on antidiabetic activity of the leaves of
initiated only in 2012 with one study published. This M. calabura was published in 2011 (Sridhar et al., 2011). The
preliminary study was carried out by Ibrahim et al. (2012) leaves of M. calabura, collected from Station Ghanpur,
involving the use of M. calabura leaves obtained from a Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, India, were prepared as MEMCL,
company, Ethno Resources Sdn. Bhd., Selangor, Malaysia. in doses of 300 and 500 mg/kg, and subjected to the
The leaves were prepared as EEMCL, in the dose of 250 and antidiabetic studies. Firstly, the serum glucose level was
500 mg/kg, and assayed only against the ethanol-induced observed at 2, 4, 6, and 8 h after the administration of the
gastric ulcer model. The extract demonstrated significant and extract. The results showed that both doses of MEMCL
dose-dependent antiulcer activity indicated by the reduction produced significant hypoglycemic effects after 6 and 4–8 h,
in the areas of gastric ulcer injuries (112.5 ± 2.11 and respectively, in the normal fasted rats. The 500 mg/kg of
95.08 ± 2.18 mm2) in comparison with the negative control MEMCL caused significant reduction in the blood glucose
group (735.25 ± 2.12 mm2) and 20 mg/kg omeprazole-treated level from 83.19 mg/dL at 0 h to 62.62 mg/dL (24.81%) at the
group (the reference drug; 90.33 ± 2.02 mm2). Further study end of the 6 h. In comparison, the reference drug, 5 mg/kg
on the ethanol-treated stomach samples revealed that the glipizide, caused significant reduction in the blood glucose
EEMCL reduces the acidity of gastric content while increases level after 2 h of administration that lasted for another 6 h. In
the mucus production of gastric mucosa when compared with the second study, the effect of 500 mg/kg MEMCL on the oral
the negative control. Moreover, the subsequent microscopic glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was also investigated. The
observations supported the macroscopic findings. results showed that pre-treatment with 500 mg/kg MEMCL
Another study on the antiulcer potential of M. calabura caused significant reduction in the rise of blood glucose at 1 h
leaves was recently published in 2013 (Balan et al., 2013). In interval (116.46 ± 6.94 mg/dL) when compared with the
this study, the leaves were prepared as MEMCL and subjected control group pre-treated with 5% gum acacia, which
to ethanol- and indomethacin-induced gastric ulcers wherein showed a rapid increase of blood glucose (144.73 ±
in the former assay the doses of 25, 50, 100, 250, and 500 mg/ 7.86 mg/dL). For the standard group (glipizide 5 mg/kg), the
DOI: 10.3109/13880209.2014.908397 Review on M. calabura medicinal value 1617

glucose levels reached the fasting values at the end of 1 h induced by the WSF. An inhibitor of eNOS, L-NIO, given
interval (72.09 ± 2.98 mg/dL). In the third study, the 500 mg/ intravenously at the dose of 1.0 mg/kg/min, significantly
kg MEMCL was subjected to the alloxan-induced diabetic suppressed only the initial phase of WSF-induced hypoten-
assay. Following the experiments, 500 mg/kg of MEMCL sion while, to the contrary, 0.5 mg/kg/min SMT, a selective
significantly reduced the alloxan-induced hyperglycemia with inhibitor of iNOS, given through the same route strongly
maximum effect observed at 6 h (27%) in comparison with the inhibited only the delayed phase of the same response. Of all
reference drug, 5 mg/kg glipizide, which produced 37% doses of L-NAME, L-NIO, 7-NI or SMT used, only L-NMAE,
reduction in blood glucose level. at the highest dose (0.65 mg/kg/min), given alone evoked a
significant and transient increase in MSAP by 12% and a
decrease in HR by 11%. In addition, 0.2 mg/kg/min ODQ, an
Antihypertensive activity
sGC inhibitor that had no significant effect on baseline MSAP
The first report on the antihypertensive activity of or HR when given alone, markedly suppressed both the initial
M. calabura was published in 2006 (Shih et al., 2006). The and delayed phases of WSF-decreased MSAP. WSF also
leaves of M. calabura were collected in June, 2001, from induced a significant increase in iNOS, but not eNO or nNOS,
Kaohsiung City, Taiwan and prepared as a methanol extract protein expression in the heart or aorta detected at 90 or
(MEMCL). The crude MEMCL was then partitioned using 180 min post-administration.
dH2O and chloroform in the ratio of 1:1, and the aqueous Shih (2009) had again reported on the antihypertensive
fraction obtained was further fractionated sequentially using a effect of butanol-soluble fraction (BSF) of M. calabura
mixture of dH2O and n-butanol (1:1). The water-soluble leaves. The leaves of M. calabura, collected from Kaohsiung
fraction (WSF) was collected, prepared in the dose range of City, Taiwan, were prepared as MEMCL and then partitioned
10, 25, 50, 75, and 100 mg/kg, and systemically injected into using dH2O and chloroform in the ratio of 1:1. The aqueous
the femoral vein of the animals. In the first study, the mean fraction was collected and further fractionated sequentially
systemic arterial pressure (MSAP), heart rate (HR), baseline using a mixture of dH2O and n-butanol (1:1). This time, the
blood pH, gas (partial pressure of CO2 and O2), and BSF was collected and prepared in the dose range of 10, 25,
electrolytes (Na+, K+, hematocrit) were measured for 3 h 50, 75, and 100 mg/kg. Together with the isotonic normal
from blood samples withdrawn from the arterial blood saline or 5 mg/kg acetylcholine (the reference drug), the BSF
following pre-treatment with isotonic normal saline, 5 mg/kg were systemically injected into femoral vein of the animals. In
acetylcholine (the reference drug), or WSF (10, 25, 50, 75, or the first study, the temporal changes in MSAP and HR after
100 mg/kg). In the second study, the plasma nitrate level was the administration of test solutions were determined for 2 h. In
measured using blood samples withdrawn from the femoral the second study, which attempted to delineate the involve-
artery using the chemiluminescense assay. In the third study, ment of the NO/sCG/cGMP/PKG signaling pathway, the
the biochemical analysis involving protein extraction and temporal changes in MSAP and HR induced by intravenous
Western blot analysis were carried out. The apical heart or administrations of BSF, at 25 mg/kg, were evaluated for
segment of thoracic aorta was rapidly removed from 120 min in rats exposed earlier to pre-treatment with
sacrificed rats and later subjected to Western blot analysis L -NAME (0.33, 0.5, and 1.3 mg/kg/min), L -NIO (1 mg/kg/
of iNOS, eNOS, nNOS, or b-actin protein. Another study was min), SMT (0.5 mg/kg/min), 7-NI (6 mg/kg/min), ODQ
performed to delineate the causative relationship between NO (0.2 mg/kg/min), or KT5823 (7 mg/kg/min). From the results
and M. calabura-induced cardiovascular responses wherein obtained, intravenous administrations of BSF, in the dose
the temporal change in MSAP or HR elicited by 50 mg/kg range of 10–100 mg/kg, caused a dose-dependent hypotensive
WSF was measured for 180 min in rats subjected to pre- and bradycardiac responses in normotensive Witar–Kyoto
treatment with L-NAME, L-NIO, SMT, 7-NI, or ODQ (WKR) and spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) rats. The
administered 20 min prior to administration of WSF. biphasic responses evoked by BSF in WKR were character-
The findings revealed that intravenous administrations of ized by immediate but transient decreases in MSAP and HR,
WSF significantly and dose dependently caused an immediate which returned to pre-injection baseline within 2–3 min post-
decrease in MSAP (initial phase) that returned to the injection. In contrast, the SHR with established hypertension
pre-injection baseline within 10 min post-injection without demonstrated initial decreases in MSAP and HR, which was
affecting the HR. The decrease in MSAP was followed by a followed by a delayed phase of vasodepressor and bradycar-
delayed hypotensive effect (delayed phase) that started at diac responses that began at 40 min and prolonged for at least
90 min and lasted for approximately 180 min post-injection. 120 min post-injection. The fraction also exerted significantly
Acetylcholine (5 mg/kg) also caused a significant decrease in greater hypotensive responses in SHR than in WKR.
MSAP that reached its peak within the first 30 s and lasted for Moreover, the BSF-induced depressor response was greater
less than 5 min post-administration. The authors also reported in the initial than the delayed phase while the bradycardia was
that treatment with a 50 mg/kg WSF caused no significant significantly greater in the delayed phase than the initial phase
change to the baseline systemic arterial blood gases, electro- in the SHR.
lytes, Hct, and pH when measured at 10, 30, 60, 120, and In comparison, 5 mg/kg acetylcholinem induced a signifi-
180 min post-injection as seen with saline and WSF, at the cant MSAP reduction in WKR and SHR with a peak detected
doses of 25, 75, and 100 mg/kg. Moreover, intravenous pre- within the first 30 min and prolonged for less than 5 min post-
treatment with 0.65 mg/kg/min, as well as 0.13 and 0.35 mg/ treatment. In addition, pre-treatment with L-NAME signifi-
kg/min L-NAME, a non-selective NOS inhibitor, significantly cantly attenuated the hypotensive and bradycardia effects of
attenuated both the initial and delayed phases of hypotension BSF in the normotensive WKR whereas, in the SHR, L-
1618 N. D. Mahmood et al. Pharm Biol, 2014; 52(12): 1598–1623

NAME dose dependently antagonized the depressive effect of approaches possess severe adverse effects have triggered the
BSF on the cardiovascular initial and delayed phases. Of the search for natural products with less or, possibly, no side
three isoforms of NOS, only L-NIO (1 mg/kg; an eNOS effect (Preethi et al., 2012).
inhibitor) given intravenously caused significant suppression Current attention towards the pharmacological potential of
of the BSF-induced depression of the initial phase in WKR or medicinal plants have been escalating globally as indicated by
SHR, and the delayed phase of SHR. Furthermore, the iNOS the increase in publications on the pharmacological potential
inhibitor, SMT (0.5 mg/kg/min) which was given intraven- of various traditionally claimed or newly discovered medi-
ously, greatly inhibited the delayed phase in SHR, but not the cinal plants. In an attempt to find a pure and effective lead
initial phase of the BSF-induced cardiovascular response in from plants, pharmacologists have also collaborated with
WKR or SHR. In addition, L-NAME, but not L-NIO, SMT or phytochemists to isolate, identify, and determine potential
7-NI, when given alone caused transient increase in MSAP bioactive compounds with specific ability to treat any
and a decrease in HR, which returned to baseline prior to the particular disease through a process known as bioassay-
BSF administration. From the third study, intravenous pre- guided fractionation. Several drugs that are currently avail-
treatment with 0.2 mg/kg/min ODQ, a sGC inhibitor, or 7 mg/ able in the international market were the result of exhaustive
kg/min KT5823, a PKG inhibitor, caused significant attenu- scientific and systematic explorations of the traditional claims
ation of the decrease MSAP and HR at the initial phase in of the plants and ethnopharmacology. Regardless of the global
WKR, and both the initial and delayed phases in SHR. When rise in scientific investigation on medicinal plants, only small
given alone, ODQ and KT5823 did not cause significant numbers of plant-derived bioactive compounds have reached
change on the baseline MSAP or HR. the market, locally or internationally, due to their evidence-
It is, therefore, concluded that the BSF demonstrated a based therapeutic potential (Mitchell & Ahmad, 2006). The
transient followed by delayed antihypertensive and bradycar- reasons for a low number of plant-based drugs reaching the
diac effects through the activation of NO-dependent cGC/ market could be associated to the lack of endeavors taken to
cGMP/PKG signaling pathways. Furthermore, the eNOS- determine or validate the evidence related to the safety of
derived NO was shown to induce initial cardiovascular the respective plant, which, in turn, is mistakenly assumed
depressive response whereas the iNOS-derived NO was to be safe due to their plant-based and naturally occurring
responsible for modulating the delayed response elicited by facts (Yob et al., 2011).
BSF. In traditional medicine worldwide, treatment of sympto-
matologies related to the respective ailment (i.e., gastric
Cardioprotective activity ulcers) with medicinal plant is quite common. When using
Only one report was published on the cardioprotective crude drugs to treat a respective ailment, several important
potential of M. calabura leaves by Nivethetha et al. (2009). questions should be raised such as the necessary amount of
Using the AEMCL, of which the location and period of leaves plant to provide adequate healing response, traditional way of
collection were not given, the authors studied the extract preparation (e.g., infusion, decoction, maceration, etc.),
ability to attenuate isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarc- concentration (plant/solvent ration), and frequency and dur-
tion in rats. Several parameters (e.g., aspartate transaminase ation of treatment. Unfortunately, these questions are left
(AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), lactate dehydrogenase unattended during the ethnopharmacological studies and this
(LDH), and creatinine phosphokinase (CK)) were estimated fact is surprising as there should be a realistic approach in
in both the serum and heart tissues, and the serum uric acid acquiring the right doses to confirm the reputed effectiveness
level was also estimated. From the results obtained, AEMCL of the crude drugs. Normally, plants used in traditional
caused significant reduction in the activity of marker enzymes medicine are prepared either as infusions or as decoctions, but
(AST, ALT, CK, and LDH) and the level of uric acid in some regions, the plants are macerates, either in water or in
when compared with the isoproterenol-induced myocardial alcoholic beverages. Based on the traditional claims recorded,
infarction group. In all parameters estimated, only 200 and various parts of M. calabura (e.g., flowers, bark, leaves and
300 mg/kg AEMCL exerted significant effects. roots) possess medicinal values. In lieu of this, various types
of extracts (e.g., AEMCL, AEMCFr, AEMCB, AEMCF,
The assets of a country, particularly Malaysia, dwell to a large HEMCFr, HEMCFl, and HEMCF) were prepared for scientific
extent in its plant heritage. Malaysia is one of the countries studies with the hope of finding the most effective extract for
with large biodiversity and prosperous flora, and convention- future drug development. In line with this, several studies
ally estimated to include approximately 15 000 species of have been carried out to isolate various bioactive compounds
higher order plants, many of which are endemic. Plants play a from different parts of M. calabura. A total of 88 pure
key part in the cure of ailments and still remain the leading compounds have been isolated and identified from different
treatment choice for a large majority of people including extracts of different parts of M. calabura, of which 26 of them
people of Malaysia. In many countries throughout the world, (e.g., compounds 1–13, 36, 37, 50–53, 65–67, and 85–88)
herbal products are either consumed in traditional medical were new compounds isolated directly from M. calabura. The
setting or taken as food supplements. A number of medicinal remaining compounds were first isolated from other plants
plants have been shown to offer an alternative to synthetic but later found to be present in M. calabura.
drugs in preventing and treating some chronic and mild Many factors influence the quality of herbs and these
diseases. The facts that synthetic and chemical therapeutic include species variation, environmental conditions, and the
DOI: 10.3109/13880209.2014.908397 Review on M. calabura medicinal value 1619

time of harvesting, storage, and processing. For these reasons, mechanisms to prevent infection at any of its parts via
the quality control of herbal extracts is an essential part in any accumulation of antimicrobial secondary metabolites
research involving safety, efficacy, and therapeutic reprodu- (González-Lamothe et al., 2009). Furthermore, the insecti-
cibility. Quality control is a difficult task because medicinal cidal activity was investigated using the samples of flowers
plant extracts are complex mixtures of different compounds, and fruits as these two parts are where the insects are mostly
which can vary due to various factors including location and attracted to. However, the insecticidal effect of other parts of
period of collection of samples. Despite the importance of M. calabura should also be studied. The antidiabetic potential
some of the above-mentioned factors for scientific reprodu- of M. calabura was studied using only the leaves probably due
cibility and validity, there are several manuscripts that failed to the earlier claims on its use as a tea-like beverage and
to provide information on the factors such as the place and previous scientific reports (e.g., Kaneda et al., 1991; Su et al.,
period of samples collection (Table 3). 2003) of high flavonoids content (Babu et al., 2013).
It is worth mentioning that according to the World Health The other activities (e.g., hypotensive, cardioprotective,
Organization (1999), a medicinal plant is any plant which, in and antiplatelet aggregation) were determined only from the
one or more of its parts, contains substances that can be used leaves sample even though no traditional claim related to
for therapeutic purposes, or which are precursors for semi- the cardiovascular treatment had been reported. This might be
synthesis of chemo-pharmaceutical (Doughari, 2012). Such a contributed by the researchers attempt to look at additional
plant will have its parts including leaves, flowers, stems, pharmacological potential of M. calabura regardless of
barks, roots, rhizomes, fruits, grains or seeds, employed in the whether those activities were justified by the traditional
control or treatment of a disease condition and, therefore, claims.
contains chemical components that are medically active. In the quest for potent, effective and relatively safe plant
By referring to Table 3 in regard of M. calabura, all parts of medicines, there is a need to study and validate the safety and
the plant, namely the leaves, fruits, flowers, stem bark, bark, efficacy of the plant. Despite their promising potential and
and roots have been used traditionally to treat various increase in use among patients, many medicinal plants or their
ailments as described earlier. However, the scientific products are untested and their use is not properly monitored.
approaches used by the researchers in their attempts to Consequently, knowledge of their potential toxicity and side
prove scientifically the traditional claims of M. calabura’s effects is limited. As for M. calabura, only data for acute, but
medicinal values were focusing mainly on the use of its leaves not chronic or sub-chronic toxicity are available with the first
and fruits, followed in the decreasing order by the flowers, toxicity study performed only in 2011. Between 2011 and
bark, stem bark and roots. This might be due to the nature of 2013, four acute toxicity studies were reported on various
the plant wherein the leaves and fruits are the parts that are extracts of different parts of M. calabura by Sridhar et al.
easy to collect in abundance throughout the year. The roots or (2011), Ibrahim et al. (2012), Karthyaini and Suresh (2012),
bark are not well studied probably because of their collections and Balan et al. (2013), who used 300–2000 mg/kg MEMCL,
which could lead to damage or death of the tree. Moreover, 2000 and 5000 mg/kg EEMCL, 1000 mg/kg EEMCFr or
studies which use animal models require a large amount of 2000 mg/kg MEMCL, respectively. Overall, M. calabura
samples in order to get sufficient amount of bioactive leaves and fruits are safe for oral consumption up to a dose
compounds. of 2000 mg/kg.
With regard to the relationship between the observed Toxicity studies were also performed at the cell level either
pharmacological activities and the different parts of M. against the normal or cancerous cells. Usually, antiprolifera-
calabura tested, several conclusions can be proposed. Only tive and cytotoxic studies using normal non-cancerous cells
the leaves and fruits of M. calabura were confirmed to be safe aimed at evaluating the safety of the extracts/compounds used
for consumption and have antioxidant effects. This is in at the cell level while those involving the use of cancerous
accordance with the claims that the leaves are consumed cells are usually aimed at determining the anticancer potential
directly as a tea-like beverage in Peru while the fruits are of extracts/compounds. Only one antiproliferative study was
freshly eaten or prepared as tart or jam in Mexico. Moreover, reported by Zakaria et al. (2011) wherein 12.5–100.0 mg/mL
the acute toxicity study was performed using the animal of AEMCL, CEMCL, or MEMCL were tested against normal
model and required a huge amount of extract, which can be 3T3 cells (normal non-cancerous mouse fibroblast) and found
easily prepared using the leaves or fruits in comparison with to cause no cytotoxic effect to the 3T3 cells indicating that the
the other parts of the plant. These arguments are supported by extracts were safe towards normal cells. Furthermore, of the
our observations that in all the in vitro assays (e.g., cytotoxic, four cytotoxic papers cited in this review paper (Kaneda et al.,
insecticidal, antioxidant and antibacterial), which required 1991; Chen et al., 2004, 2005; Sufian et al., 2013), which
smaller amount of samples, parts like the stem bark, flowers, involved studies using various cancerous cells, only Sufian
and roots, were also tested for the respective pharmacological et al. (2013) carried out additional cytotoxic experiments
activity. The use of the leaves to study the antinociceptive, using the normal WRL-68 cells (human embryonic liver non-
anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antiulcer, and antiproliferative tumor type cell lines). From the results obtained, Sufian et al.
activities of M. calabura are concomitant with the traditional (2013) reported that the MEMCL was safe and non-toxic
claims of the leaves potential to treat headache and cold, towards the WRL-68 cells even at the highest concentration
gastric ulcer, and swelling of prostate gland. In contrast, the (100 mg/mL) tested. Despite the successes of Kaneda et al.
antibacterial activity of M. calabura was determined against (1991) and Chen et al. (2004, 2005), in particular, in
almost all parts of the plant, which is possibly attributed to the identification of bioactive compounds with cytotoxic activity
general knowledge that plants developed their own defense against several cancer cells, their failure to evaluate those
1620 N. D. Mahmood et al. Pharm Biol, 2014; 52(12): 1598–1623

isolated compounds for safety towards any normal cells were inappropriate and difficult to associate the selected doses
not justified. Therefore, it is suggested that any in vitro regime described above to the actual amount of plant extract
antiproliferative or cytotoxic studies using cancerous cells used in traditional medicine since different methods of
should be accompanied by additional studies using normal medicinal plant preparations were used by different tribes or
non-cancerous cells. The major impediment in the utilization ethnic groups. For example, the Peruvian used the leaves
of traditional medicinal plant preparations is poor under- boiled in water for the treatment of headache and gastric
standing on the efficacy and safety of the medicinal plants as ulcer while the flowers and bark were used to reduce swelling
those plants are regarded as safe. This is further worsened by in the lower extremities. As comparison, the people of
the negligence among the researchers towards the importance Philippines used the flowers to treat headache and incipient
of evaluating toxicity of the medicinal plants, as well as their cold while the people of Colombia used the flowers as a
adverse drug reactions. Thus, to encourage the use of tranquillizer and tonic. With regard to the route of adminis-
medicinal plants, it is important to establish the safety of tration used, the in vivo studies described above used various
these preparations through toxicological assessments. ways to administer the extracts such as oral (acute toxicity,
Other than the issues of quality and safety, the usefulness antiulcer, antidiabetic, and antinociceptive) (Ibrahim et al.,
of medicinal plant preparations is also affected by factors such 2012; Sridhar et al., 2011; Yusof et al., 2011), subcutaneous
as dosage and route of administration. According to Schmeda- (antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic) (Zakaria
Hirschmann and Yesilada (2005), the recommended doses et al., 2006a, 2007a,b, 2008), intraperitoneal (antinociceptive
range to be used when studying the in vivo gastroprotective and anti-inflammatory) (Preethi et al., 2012; Sani et al.,
potential of plant extracts prepared from single herbs or 2012), intravenous (hypotensive and cardioprotective)
herbal mixtures is between 100 and 300 mg/kg. As for the (Nivethetha et al., 2009; Shih et al., 2006, 2009). Taking
pure compounds, the proposed doses range was between 50 into account that most medicinal plants are consumed orally,
and 300 mg/kg. Of all the pharmacological activities reported only investigations on the acute toxicity, antiulcer, antidia-
above, only the antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory, antipyr- betic, and antinociceptive activities were found to emulate the
etic, antiulcer, antidiabetic, antihypertensive, and cardiopro- traditional ways of consuming medicinal plants.
tective effects were performed using in vivo assays. Taking The rest of the pharmacological activities were studied
these doses range as basis for all in vivo investigations cited in using in vitro techniques and, thus, the reports made should be
this review, reports on antinociceptive using AEMCL, interpreted with caution to avoid making false conclusion on
CEMCL, and MEMCL at the doses ranging between 27 and the effectiveness of certain medicinal plants. For any in vitro
270, 50 and 500, and 100 and 500 mg/kg, respectively, are technique, any compounds/extracts assayed should demon-
considered acceptable (Sani et al., 2012; Zakaria et al., 2006a, strate significant EC50 or IC50 values of less than or equal to
2007d–f). Therefore, these findings support the traditional 30 mg/mL (30 mg/mL) for them to be regarded as active
uses of M. calabura in the treatment of headache and (Meyer et al., 1982). Based on the literature review, several
stomachache. In addition, the anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, bioactive compounds have been identified to have potential
and antiulcer studies by Zakaria et al. (2007a,f), Preethi et al. cytotoxic activity against various types of cancerous cells
(2012a, b), Ibrahim et al. (2012), and Balan et al. (2013), based on the fact that their recorded ED50 values were
which used AEMCL, AEMCFr, MEMCFr, EEMCL, and 30 mg/mL. For the cytotoxicity studies, (i) only compounds
MEMCL at the doses range of 27–270, 200, and 400, 100– 1–7, 9–12, 14, 28, 36, 37, 40, 41, 45–47, 50-52, 54–59, and
300, 250, and 500, and 25–500 mg/kg, respectively, were also 61–64 were cytotoxic towards P-388; (ii) only compounds 1–9
acceptable and supported the traditional claims of using the and 11 were cytotoxic towards KB and ME-12 while for KBV,
plant to reduce cold, gastric ulcer, and swelling of the prostate only compounds 1–5, 7–9, and 11 were cytotoxic; (iii) only
gland. Other than the above studies, the antidiabetic (Sridhar compounds 3, 9, and 11 exerted cytotoxic effect against BC-1,
et al., 2011), antihypertensive (Shih, 2006, Shih et al., 2009), HT-1080, and Lu1, respectively, and; (iv) only compounds 2,
and cardioprotective (Nivethetha et al., 2009) reports, which 3, and 8–12 were cytotoxic towards CO-12. Moreover,
used MEMCL (300 and 500 mg/kg), WSF (10–100 mg/kg), compounds 4, 14, 28, 52, 54–59, and 61–64 were cytotoxic
and BSF (10–100 mg/kg) of MEMCL, or AEMCL (200– towards HT-29 with compound 4 also cytotoxic against A549
300 mg/kg), were carried out according to the doses range cells (Chen et al., 2004, 2005; Kaneda et al., 1991; Su et al.,
suggested by Schmeda-Hirschmann and Yesilada (2005). 2003). Of all reports on cytotoxic investigations cited above,
Another opinion that can be taken into consideration when only Sufian et al. (2013) examined the cytotoxic activity in a
discussing about the appropriate dose to be given to the proper manner, a process known as bioassay-guided fraction-
laboratory animals was outlined by Food and Drug ation, whereby the investigation was carried out beginning
Administration (FDA) (2010). Using the maximum tolerated with the extract (MEMCL) followed by its partitions (PEE,
dose (MTD) as a guideline, which suggests 1000 mg/kg/d as EAE, and WEE) and the fractions against MCF-7, HL-60,
the limit for acute, sub-chronic and chronic toxicity studies in HCT-116, and WRL-68 cell lines. The MEMCL was effective
rodents and non-rodents, the doses regime selected for the only against the HL-60 cells (IC50 ¼ 30.9 mg/mL) while the
in vivo studies, which range between 27 and 500 mg/kg was PEE and EAE, but not WEE, was also effective only against
considered acceptable. the HL-60 cells with the recorded IC50 of 29.5 and 17.3 mg/
Therefore, the extracts of M. calabura as described above mL, respectively. Fractionation of EAE leads to the isolation
can be proposed to possess in vivo antinociceptive, anti- of seven fractions, labeled as F1–F7, of which only F5, F6,
inflammatory, antipyretic, antiulcer, antidiabetic, antihyper- and F7 were effective against the HL-60 cells with the
tensive, and cardioprotective activities. However, it is still recorded IC50 of 4.0, 6.0, and 28.1 mg/mL, respectively. In
DOI: 10.3109/13880209.2014.908397 Review on M. calabura medicinal value 1621

addition, only the F4 was effective against MCF-7 with the 79.0 and 379.0, 49.0 and 281.0, and 187.0 and 498.0 mg/mL in
recorded IC50 of 30.8. However, only the F5 was selected for comparison with BHT, which recorded the respective IC50 of
isolation and identification of bioactive compounds, which 26.0, 83.0, 41.0, and 33.0 mg/mL. Moreover, in the ferric ion
led to the identification of compounds 28, 59, 85, and 86. chelating assay, all extracts recorded an activity with IC50
Cytotoxicity study demonstrated that only compounds 28 and values ranging between 80.0 and 481.0 mg/mL while in the
85 exerted potential cytotoxic activity against HL-60 (IC50 is LPO inhibitory assay all extracts exerted an activity with
3.4 and 3.3 mg/mL) and, in addition, MCF-7 (IC50 is 11.8 and recorded IC50 values ranging between 110.0 and 541.0 mg/
18.9 mg/mL). mL. No comparison was made against the reference drug
In the in vitro antiproliferative study, (i) AEMCL was effect in the ferric ion chelating and LPO inhibitory assays.
effective only against MCF-7, K-562, and HT-29 with IC50 In all the assays used, the IC50 value recorded for each of
values ranging between 16 and 18 mg/mL; (ii) CEMCL was the extract was430 mg/mL for the extracts to be considered as
effective only against MCF-7, HeLa, and HL-60 with IC50 effective antioxidants. However, it is important to highlight
values ranging between 22 and 29 mg/mL, and; (iii) MEMCL that, except for the DPPH radical scavenging assay, the IC50
was effective only against HeLa, and HL-60 with the recorded value of the reference drug, BHT, for the rest of the assays,
IC50 values of 23.0 and 7.0 mg/mL. As for the antiplatelet was also430 mg/mL. Further studies by Siddiqua et al. (2010)
investigation, only compound 78 can be confirmed to possess on the MEMCL antioxidant activity using the DPPH radical
that activity, as at 20 mg/mL, the antiplatelet activity recorded scavenging assay seem to confirm earlier report on the highest
was above 80%. For the other compounds, it is difficult antioxidant potential of AEMCL (Zakaria et al., 2007b). The
to suggest on their effectiveness as they were tested at IC50 value recorded for MEMCL (22.0 mg/mL) and ascorbic
the concentrations that were above 30 mg/mL (e.g., 50 and acid (the reference drug; 10 mg/mL) was 30 mg/mL and,
100 mg/mL). Moreover, only two concentrations were used, thus, fulfilled the FDA requirement. Taking into account that
which was not sufficient for calculation of IC50. Despite the ascorbic acid produced an IC50 value that is approximately
several antibacterial reports on various extracts and parts of two-fold lower than that of the BHT (12 mg/mL versus 26 mg/
M. calabura, this activity should be ignored or removed from mL) when assessed using the DPPH radical scavenging assay,
the list of scientific findings of the plant. The reason was it is suggested that Preethi et al. (2010) should have used more
based on the findings in all reports that the antibacterial than one reference drug (e.g., ascorbic acid) for the compari-
activity was observed at a very high dose and that the MIC son purposes. Unfortunately, adding the number of reference
and MBC values recorded were above 30 mg/mL. drugs will not help to contradict the fact that the fruits and its
In addition to the antioxidant assays, the TPC value has extracts did not meet the FDA requirements to be considered
been generally accepted to reflect the antioxidant capacity of effective antioxidants due to the high IC50 recorded. The
the extracts/compounds. Any extracts/compounds with the report by Zakaria et al. (2011) demonstrated that the
TPC value of 1000 mg GAE/100 g FW could be considered 20–500 mg/mL MEMCL exerted the highest percentage of
as having a high TPC value. Of the various extracts of M. radical scavenging activity followed by the AEMCL and
calabura fruits, only the MEMCFr and EAEMCFr have been CEMCL when assessed using the DPPH- and superoxide
reported to contain high TPC value. Although the TPC value anion-radical scavenging assays. Despite using three concen-
of MEMCL had been determined by Siddiqua et al. (2010), it trations in their studies, no attempt to extrapolate the IC50
was not clearly expressed in the unit of mg GAE/100 g FW. value was done. However, these findings have also further
The TPC value was assessed using the Folin–Ciocalteau supported the previous reports by Zakaria et al. (2007d) and
method with gallic acid and tannic acid as the calibration Siddiqua et al. (2010). Lastly, Karthyaini and Suresh (2012)
standard and the values recorded was 0.903 and 2.900, also reported on the antioxidant potential of M. calabura
respectively. The authors also failed to describe the range of fruits while studying the fruits’ anti-inflammatory activity.
value for any extracts/compounds to be considered as having a Although two types of extracts, MEMMFr and AEMCFr, were
high TPC value. In another study by Balan et al. (2013), the used in the anti-inflammatory studies, they were not described
TPC values of 6.25 mg/mL MEMCL, AEMCL, and CEMCL anywhere in the antioxidant study. To make things worse, the
were recorded to be above 1000 mg GAE/100 g FW indicating antioxidant data presented was only for one extract, which is
their high antioxidant capacity. In another study by Zakaria not described specifically. The authors used very high doses
et al. (2007b), the AEMCL was found to exert high ranging between 100 and 500 mg/mL and the IC50 recorded
antioxidant activity when measured using the DPPH and was approximately 90 mg/mL. These findings further support
superoxide radical scavenging with the recorded percentage our comment that the fruits of M. calabura, despite having
of inhibition of 94.8% and 83.7%, respectively. However, no antioxidant activity, were not potent antioxidant agent.
concentration of extract was given in this study, which made In the investigation of potential of QR induction, several
the validation of AEMCL antioxidant activity less convincing. bioactive compounds were isolated from the leaves of M.
Furthermore, Preethi et al. (2010) reported on the antioxidant calabura and tested using the cultures mouse Hepa IcIc7
potential of various extracts of M. calabura fruits (e.g., cells. Of all compounds tested for CD, IC50, and CI, only
MEMCFr, HEMCFr, EAEMCFr, CEMCFr, and BEMCFr) compounds 13, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, and 25 exerted significant
should also be interpreted with cautious despite the results QR induction activity. However, based on the IC50 evaluation,
obtained using various models of antioxidant assays. In the only compounds 13, 17, and 24 could be considered as safe
DPPH-, superoxide anion-, hydroxyl-, nitric oxide-radical due to the higher IC50 values (420 mg/mL). The final in vitro
scavenging assay, all extracts exerted antioxidant effect with activity reported on M. calabura up to this moment is the
the recorded IC50 values ranging between 90.0 and 351.0, insecticidal activity by Bandeira et al. (2013). Using EEMCFl,
1622 N. D. Mahmood et al. Pharm Biol, 2014; 52(12): 1598–1623

EEMCFr, HEMCFl, and HEMCFr, the insecticidal activity therapeutics efficacy of this plant has not been fully studied
was determined against P. xylostella larvae and pupae thoroughly. Moreover, the pharmacological potential of those
using leaf disc immersion assay at the concentrations range isolated bioactive compounds and their contribution towards
(0.25–30.0 mg/mL) accepted within the FDA procedures. All the claimed medicinal uses are not fully studied. Therefore,
extracts exerted toxicity effects against the first instar the search for bioactive compounds from M. calabura
P. xylostella larvae with the IC50 recorded within the range with specific pharmacological activity remains unsettled.
of 0.61–18.9 mg/mL. In comparison, cordycepin, the reference It is suggested that research should currently focus on the
drug, caused 100% mortality at 500 mg/mL. Moreover, upon isolation and identification of new bioactive compounds, and
assessment of mortality against pupae, the HEMCFr exerted collection of known bioactive compounds for their pharma-
the highest mortality against P. xylostella pupae followed cological potential could be investigated thoroughly if they
by the EEMCFr, HEMCFl, and EEMCFl and the IC50 are to be developed as candidates for new drug development
range recorded was between 3.5 and 30 mg/mL. Based in the future. In conclusion, it is hoped that this review will
on the recorded IC50, the extracts of fruits and flowers of serve as an encouragement for others to further explore the
M. calabura could be proceded for further investigations as a pharmacological potential of M. calabura with the goal of
potential insecticidal agent. Overall, some of the in vitro developing it as a new therapeutic agent.
pharmacological activities cited above should be ignored due
to several factors such as the use of unrealistic doses range Acknowledgements
and failure to properly compare the respective activity against The authors thank the Faculty of Medicine and Health
a proper reference drug. Moreover, the failure to extrapolate/ Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia, for providing
measure the IC50 for any in vitro studies, which could be due the facilities to carry out this study.
to negligence or insufficient doses range used, should also be
taken into consideration as the IC50 value will directly Declaration of interest
indicates the extracts/compounds potential to be considered as
the lead for future drug development based on the FDA The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone
requirement. are responsible for the content and writing of this article. This
Despite all these negative factors and the consideration that study was supported by the Science Fund Research Grant
should be taken in analyzing and accepting the respective (Reference no. 06-01-04-SF1127) awarded by the Ministry of
pharmacological claim, factor such as route of administration Science Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), Malaysia and
should also be taken into consideration. Considering the fact the Research University Grant Scheme (Reference no. 04-02-
that the medicinal plants are normally taken orally, some of 12-2019RU) from the Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia.
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