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-Biogenesis : which states that all living things come from other living things.

- Spontaneous generation : living things could also arise from nonliving things

- Evolution : The development of new types of organisms from preexisting types of

organisms over time.

- Uniformitarianism : the geologic processes that have changed the shape of Earth’s surface
in the past continue to work in the same ways.

- Natural selection : a mechanism for descent with modification.

- Overproduction : more offspring can be produced than can survive to maturity.

- Struggle to Survive : means that Individuals must compete with each other .

- Adaptation: trait that makes an individual successful in its environment or describe

changes in traits in populations over time.

- Fitness: is a measure of an individual’s hereditary contribution to the next generation. This

kind of fitness is more than simply living a long time. A fit individual is one that has
offspring that also live long enough to reproduce in a given environment.

- Fossil : is the remains or traces of an organism that died long ago.

-Superposition: This principle states that if the rock strata at a location have not been
disturbed, the lowest stratum was formed before the strata above it.

-Fossil’s relative age : its age compared to that of other fossils.

-Biogeography :is the study of the locations of organisms around the world.

-Homologous structures : similar anatomical structures that occur in different species and
that originated by heredity from a structure in the most recent common ancestor of the

-Analogous structures : closely related functions but do not derive from the same ancestral
structure and have similar traits such as the wing of bat and butterfly .

- Vestigial structures : serve no function but that resemble structures with functional roles in
related organism.

- Convergent evolution : The process by which different species evolve similar traits , they
have (analogous structure).
- Divergent evolution : is a process in which the descendants of a single ancestor diversify
into species that each fit different parts of the environment , they have (homologous

- Adaptive radiation : new population in a new environment, such as an island, will undergo
divergent evolution until the population fills many parts of the environment.

-Artificial selection : This process occurs when a human breeder chooses individuals that will
parent the next generation.

-Coevolution :When two or more species have evolved adaptations to each other’s influence,
the situation .

- Gene flow :is the process of genes moving from one population to another.

- Immigration : is the movement of individuals into a population.

- Emigration : is the movement of individuals out of a population .

- Genetic drift : is the phenomenon by which allele frequencies in a population change as a

result of random events, or chance.

- Assortative mating : The selection of a mate based on similarity of traits .

- Sexual selection : females tend to choose the males they mate with based on certain traits.

- stabilizing selection: individuals with the average form of a trait have the highest fitness.

- Disruptive selection: individuals with either extreme variation of a trait have greater
fitness than individuals with the average form of the trait.

- Directional selection : individuals that display a more extreme form of a trait have greater
fitness than individuals with an average form of the trait

- Speciation: The process of species formation.

- Morphology : external structure and appearance of an organism.

-biological species concept : a species is a population of organisms that can successfully

interbreed but cannot breed with other groups.

-Geographic isolation : is the physical separation of members of a population.

- Allopatric speciation: happens when species arise as a result of geographic isolation.

-Reproductive isolation: results from barriers to successful breeding between population
groups in the same area.

-Sympatric speciation: occurs when two subpopulations become reproductively isolated

within the same geographic area.

- Gradualism : speciation occurs at a regular, gradual rate .

- Punctuated equilibrium : it is a rapid and sudden change which lead to formation of


- biodiversity, the variety of organisms considered at all levels from populations to


- Taxonomy : The science of describing, naming, and classifying organisms .

- Binomial nomenclature : the system of two-part names.

- The three domains are Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.

- Domain Bacteria aligns with Kingdom Eubacteria, which consists of single-celled

prokaryotes that are true bacteria.

- Domain Archaea aligns with Kingdom Archaebacteria, which consists of single-celled

prokaryotes that have distinctive cell membranes and cell walls.

- Domain Eukarya includes the kingdoms Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. All
members of this domain have eukaryotic cells.

-Protista : such as paramecium and Amoeba.

-Fungi : such as mushroom and bread mold

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