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Writing Task #2

When it comes to the people that i look up to, i have a few in mind. Each has
their own category. The first one as an illustrator his name is Max Ulichney. The
thing that i learned from him is about something called range, meaning having a
wide range of set-skills, toolkit and interests as an artist. In most cases
focusing on just one genre or one creative field or an art style is more encouraged
and sometimes a must, they said, if you want to be succesful in your career. Max
said that he disagree with that, having a wide range of styles and variety of
interests is a good thing and it will only make you a better artist since all of
those things will influance your decision and give a unique voice on your art,
professionally and personally. He also tought me that storingtelling the most
important part of and good design.

The second person is Alex Webb, he is a member Magnum Photographer, which is one of
the best Photography Agency in the world. His has a strong way of telling a story
through his photographs that are just incredible and also unique. Attending his
worshop is one of my dream as a photographer.

The last person is my big sister, since i was a kid i have always admire her as a
person and as a sibling. She is not the most talented person in the world, not even
in our family but she is the most hard-working person and will always do her best
in everything that she does. It is a shame that we couldn't spend as much time as
it used to.

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