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Good afternoon Sir Agung,and friends.

Let me introduce my group, i’m Gracia and they are

Maria and Keisya,and we’re here today today to talk about myths and contradictions of
siblings. Before we talk the topic. i believe we all know about siblings, right? Yes, siblings
are relatives that share at least one parent with the subject, the female sibling usually called
sister and the male is brother. And in our society, there is a lot of stereotypes about being a
sibling or even just being the only child.

So let’s talk about the first topic that is myth about the only child
when i looked for the information about only child i found a plenty of website saying about
only child syndrome, it is a theory of people saying only child have some negative traits. But
there is also a nice traits from them
1. An only child is often seen as a selfish
- An only child usually gets 'more' treatment from both parents, and it made
them considered not used to sharing with others and only cares about
- Because they don’t have siblings, they are not trained to deal with social
problems in a relationship or social interaction.
- But again, this cannot be used as an excuse for us not being friends with them.
Because even if this proves to be true, an only child has a positive side too.

Now let’s move on to the next topic which is myth about being the first child
1. The first child is consider has a great responsibility
- As we already know that parents will always hope that their child will become
someone who can be responsible. The nature of this responsibility can actually
be taught from childhood, especially for the first child.
- Parents will always hope that they (the first child) can protect their younger
siblings. An older child will try his best to always be close to his younger
sibling because he doesn't want his younger sibling to get hurt.

Okay, we already heard about the first child now we can take a look to third topic which is
myth about being the second child or middle child
1. Always trying to get attention
- The order of the second child is between the first and youngest child. For this
reason, the second child always tries in various ways just to get the parents'
- However, parents often do not know that the second child needs attention.
And because of it, they will always trying to get attention by doing something
rebellious or just achieving something

Now let’s move on to the last topic, which is myth about being the last child

i myself is a last child in my family but i didnt agree with this kind of myths,but anyways
we’ll talk about it
1. The youngest child is naive
- Because they are considered the youngest, the youngest child is considered too
optimistic and has high hopes without realization.
- Yet this optimistic attitude comes from observing his parents and older
siblings. Maybe we are naive or maybe we just have better planning abilities
than our brothers and sisters.

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